def tempo_search(db, Key, tempo): """ :: Static tempo-invariant search Returns search results for query resampled over a range of tempos. """ if not db.configCheck(): print "Failed configCheck in query spec." print db.configQuery return None prop = 1.0 / tempo # the proportion of original samples required for new tempo qconf = db.configQuery.copy() X = db.retrieve_datum(Key) P = db.retrieve_datum(Key, powers=True) X_m = pylab.mat(X.mean(0)) X_resamp = pylab.array(adb.resample_vector(X - pylab.mat(pylab.ones(X.shape[0])).T * X_m, prop)) X_resamp += pylab.mat(pylab.ones(X_resamp.shape[0])).T * X_m P_resamp = pylab.array(adb.resample_vector(P, prop)) seqStart = int(pylab.around(qconf["seqStart"] * prop)) qconf["seqStart"] = seqStart seqLength = int(pylab.around(qconf["seqLength"] * prop)) qconf["seqLength"] = seqLength tmpconf = db.configQuery db.configQuery = qconf res = db.query_data(featData=X_resamp, powerData=P_resamp) res_resorted = adb.sort_search_result(res.rawData) db.configQuery = tmpconf return res_resorted
def fit_disaggregation_model(model): """Disaggregation approach""" ## Spline model to represent age-specific rate model.vars += dismod3.age_pattern.spline(name='dis', ages=model.ages, knots=knots, smoothing=pl.inf, interpolation_method='linear') ## Disaggregate input data a = [] p = [] n = [] for i in model.input_data.index: a_s, a_e = model.input_data.ix[i, 'age_start'], model.input_data.ix[i, 'age_end'] a += range(a_s, a_e) p += [model.input_data.ix[i, 'value']] * (a_e - a_s) n += [float(model.input_data.ix[i, 'effective_sample_size']) / (a_e - a_s)] * (a_e - a_s) a = pl.array(a) p = pl.array(p) n = pl.array(n) model.vars['pi'] = mc.Lambda('pi_dis', lambda mu=model.vars['mu_age'], a=a: mu[a]) delta = mc.Uniform('delta_mid', 0., 1000., value=10.) model.vars += {'delta': delta} ## Negative binomial rate model model.vars += dismod3.rate_model.neg_binom(name='dis', pi=model.vars['pi'], delta=model.vars['delta'], p=p, # TODO: change this parameter name to "r" to match the book chapter n=n) fit_model(model)
def fit_disaggregation_model(model): """Disaggregation approach""" ## Spline model to represent age-specific rate model.vars += dismod3.age_pattern.spline( name="dis", ages=model.ages, knots=knots, smoothing=pl.inf, interpolation_method="linear" ) ## Disaggregate input data a = [] p = [] n = [] for i in model.input_data.index: a_s, a_e = model.input_data.ix[i, "age_start"], model.input_data.ix[i, "age_end"] a += range(a_s, a_e) p += [model.input_data.ix[i, "value"]] * (a_e - a_s) n += [float(model.input_data.ix[i, "effective_sample_size"]) / (a_e - a_s)] * (a_e - a_s) a = pl.array(a) p = pl.array(p) n = pl.array(n) model.vars["pi"] = mc.Lambda("pi_dis", lambda mu=model.vars["mu_age"], a=a: mu[a]) model.vars["delta"] = mc.Uniform("delta_dis", 0.0, 1000.0, value=10.0) ## Negative binomial rate model model.vars += dismod3.rate_model.neg_binom( name="dis", pi=model.vars["pi"], delta=model.vars["delta"], p=p, # TODO: change this parameter name to "r" to match the book chapter n=n, ) fit_model(model)
def fitData2(fileName): ''' Models predictions using Terman's law model (cubic fit) and Hooks Law (linear fit). Hook's Law functions up to the point where the spring reaches it's elastic limit - when it stops behaving as a spring but instead as a rope, etc (doesn't get longer b/c hang more weight on it) ''' xVals, yVals = getData(fileName) extX = pylab.array(xVals + [1.05, 1.1, 1.15, 1.2, 1.25]) xVals = pylab.array(xVals) yVals = pylab.array(yVals) xVals = xVals*9.81 # convert mass to force (F = mg) extX = extX*9.81 # convert mass to force (F = mg) pylab.plot(xVals, yVals, 'bo', label = 'Measured displacements') pylab.title('Measured Displacement of Spring') pylab.xlabel('|Force| (Newtons)') pylab.ylabel('Distance (meters)') a,b = pylab.polyfit(xVals, yVals, 1) estYVals = a*extX + b pylab.plot(extX, estYVals, label = 'Linear fit') a,b,c,d = pylab.polyfit(xVals, yVals, 3) estYVals = a*(extX**3) + b*extX**2 + c*extX + d pylab.plot(extX, estYVals, label = 'Cubic fit') pylab.legend(loc = 'best')
def t(self, k, cosTheta, pk, c): """ Raw trispectrum Not recently tested """ pk = c.pkInterp(k) f2term = ( self.tf21(0, 1, 2, k, cosTheta, pk, c) + self.tf21(1, 2, 0, k, cosTheta, pk, c) + self.tf21(2, 0, 1, k, cosTheta, pk, c) + self.tf21(1, 2, 3, k, cosTheta, pk, c) + self.tf21(2, 3, 1, k, cosTheta, pk, c) + self.tf21(3, 1, 2, k, cosTheta, pk, c) + self.tf21(2, 3, 0, k, cosTheta, pk, c) + self.tf21(3, 0, 2, k, cosTheta, pk, c) + self.tf21(0, 2, 3, k, cosTheta, pk, c) + self.tf21(3, 0, 1, k, cosTheta, pk, c) + self.tf21(0, 1, 3, k, cosTheta, pk, c) + self.tf21(1, 3, 0, k, cosTheta, pk, c) ) * 4.0 f3term = ( self.tf31(M.array([0, 1, 2]), k, cosTheta, pk) + self.tf31(M.array([1, 2, 3]), k, cosTheta, pk) + self.tf31(M.array([2, 3, 1]), k, cosTheta, pk) + self.tf31(M.array([3, 1, 2]), k, cosTheta, pk) ) * 6.0 # print cosTheta,f2term, f3term, ft2term+f3term return f2term + f3term
def plot_elecs_and_neurons(neuron_dict, ext_sim_dict, neural_sim_dict): pl.close('all') fig_all = pl.figure(figsize=[15,15]) ax_all = fig_all.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8], frameon=False) for elec in xrange(len(ext_sim_dict['elec_z'])): ax_all.plot(ext_sim_dict['elec_z'][elec], ext_sim_dict['elec_y'][elec], color='b',\ marker='$E%i$'%elec, markersize=20 ) legends = [] for i, neur in enumerate(neuron_dict): folder = os.path.join(neural_sim_dict['output_folder'], neuron_dict[neur]['name']) coor = np.load(os.path.join(folder,'coor.npy')) x,y,z = coor n_compartments = len(x) fig = pl.figure(figsize=[10, 10]) ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8], frameon=False) # Plot the electrodes for elec in xrange(len(ext_sim_dict['elec_z'])): ax.plot(ext_sim_dict['elec_z'][elec], ext_sim_dict['elec_y'][elec], color='b',\ marker='$%i$'%elec, markersize=20 ) # Plot the neuron xmid, ymid, zmid = np.load(folder + '/coor.npy') xstart, ystart,zstart = np.load(folder + '/coor_start.npy') xend, yend, zend = np.load(folder + '/coor_end.npy') diam = np.load(folder + '/diam.npy') length = np.load(folder + '/length.npy') n_compartments = len(diam) for comp in xrange(n_compartments): if comp == 0: xcoords = pl.array([xmid[comp]]) ycoords = pl.array([ymid[comp]]) zcoords = pl.array([zmid[comp]]) diams = pl.array([diam[comp]]) else: if zmid[comp] < 0.400 and zmid[comp] > -.400: xcoords = pl.r_[xcoords, pl.linspace(xstart[comp], xend[comp], length[comp]*3*1000)] ycoords = pl.r_[ycoords, pl.linspace(ystart[comp], yend[comp], length[comp]*3*1000)] zcoords = pl.r_[zcoords, pl.linspace(zstart[comp], zend[comp], length[comp]*3*1000)] diams = pl.r_[diams, pl.linspace(diam[comp], diam[comp], length[comp]*3*1000)] argsort = pl.argsort(-xcoords) ax.scatter(zcoords[argsort], ycoords[argsort], s=20*(diams[argsort]*1000)**2, c=xcoords[argsort], edgecolors='none', cmap='gray') ax_all.plot(zmid[0], ymid[0], marker='$%i$'%i, markersize=20, label='%i: %s' %(i, neur)) #legends.append('%i: %s' %(i, neur)) ax.axis(ext_sim_dict['plot_range']) ax.axis('equal') ax.axis(ext_sim_dict['plot_range']) ax.set_xlabel('z [mm]') ax.set_ylabel('y [mm]') fig.savefig(os.path.join(neural_sim_dict['output_folder'],\ 'neuron_figs', '%s.png' % neur)) ax_all.axis('equal') ax.axis(ext_sim_dict['plot_range']) ax_all.set_xlabel('z [mm]') ax_all.set_ylabel('y [mm]') ax_all.legend() fig_all.savefig(os.path.join(neural_sim_dict['output_folder'], 'fig.png'))
def getCloneReplicates(self, clone, source, condition, applyFilter=False): '''Retrieve all growth curves for a clone+source+condition''' # Check if any other replicates should be returned # retArray is a 2xN multidimensional numpy array retArray = py.array([]) first = True for i in xrange(1, self.numReplicates[clone] + 1): # Get replicate filterMe = self.dataHash[clone][i][source][condition]['filter'] currCurve = self.dataHash[clone][i][source][condition]['od'] # Check if filter is enabled and curve should be filtered if applyFilter and filterMe: continue # Create multidimensional array if first elif first: retArray = py.array([currCurve]) first = False # Append to multidimensional array if not first else: retArray = py.concatenate((retArray, py.array([currCurve]))) return retArray
def sub_mov_ave(im,L): # function takes trailed spectra and subtracts moving average of length L def movingaverage(x,L): ma = pl.zeros(len(x),dtype='Float64') # must take the lead-up zone into account (prob slow) for i in range(0,L): ma[i] = pl.average(x[0:i+1]) for i in range(L,len(x)): #print i ma[i] = ma[i-1] + 1.0/L*(x[i]-x[i-L]) return ma def medfilt(x,L): ma = sig.medfilt(x,L) return ma im_new = pl.array(im).copy() im_new[:] = 0.0 im=pl.array(im) s = im.shape print s for i in range(s[1]): im_new[:,i] = movingaverage(im[:,i],L) return im-im_new
def fitData3(fileName): # xVals is type 'numpy.ndarray' # xVals[0] will return the 1st item in array xVals, yVals = getData(fileName) xVals = pylab.array(xVals[:-6]) yVals = pylab.array(yVals[:-6]) xVals = xVals*9.81 # convert mass to force (F = mg) observed_data_variance = calcVariance(xVals) # need to grab the Y values from somewhere ??? maybe estYVals # to compare with observed data Y values # to calculate the variance of errors # errors_variance = calcVariance(xVals) coefficient_determination = 0 pylab.plot(xVals, yVals, 'bo', label = 'Measured points') pylab.title('Measured Displacement of Spring') pylab.xlabel('Force (Newtons)') pylab.ylabel('Distance (meters)') a,b = pylab.polyfit(xVals, yVals, 1) # fix y = ax + b # use line equation to graph predicted values estYVals = a*xVals + b k = 1/a pylab.plot(xVals, estYVals, label = 'Linear fit, k = ' + str(round(k, 5))) pylab.legend(loc = 'best')
def ratio_change(mag, t_inlet_close=None): eq_m = -0.0001 rise_rate = 0.0125 ts = linspace(0, 400, 500) f = F(ts, mag=mag) # g = eq_m * f g = G(ts, f, rate=eq_m) b = rise_rate * ts fg = f + g + b if t_inlet_close == None: rf, t_inlet_close, vi_F = calc_optimal_eqtime(ts, fg) bs = [] ts = [] for ri in range(-5, 5): ti = t_inlet_close + ri fi = F(ti, mag=mag) gi = G(ti, fi, rate=eq_m) vi = fi + gi + rise_rate * ti b = vi - 2 * eq_m * ti bs.append(b) ts.append(ti) ts, bs = array(ts), array(bs) return t_inlet_close, ts, bs
def main(): mu = pl.array([[0], [12], [24], [36]]) Sigma = pl.array([[3.01602775, 1.02746769, -3.60224613, -2.08792829], [1.02746769, 5.65146472, -3.98616664, 0.48723704], [-3.60224613, -3.98616664, 13.04508284, -1.59255406], [-2.08792829, 0.48723704, -1.59255406, 8.28742469]]) # The data matrix is created for above mu and Sigma. d, U = pl.eig(Sigma) L = pl.diagflat(d) A =, pl.sqrt(L)) X = pl.randn(4, 1000) # Y is the data matrix of random samples. Y =, X) + pl.tile(mu, 1000) pl.figure(1) pl.clf() pl.plot(X[0], Y[1], '+', color='#0000FF', label='i=0,j=1') pl.plot(X[0], Y[2], '+', color='#FF0000', label='i=0,j=2') pl.plot(X[0], Y[3], '+', color='#00FF00', label='i=0,j=3') pl.plot(X[1], Y[0], 'x', color='#FFFF00', label='i=1,j=0') pl.plot(X[1], Y[2], 'x', color='#00FFFF', label='i=1,j=2') pl.plot(X[1], Y[3], 'x', color='#444444', label='i=1,j=3') pl.plot(X[2], Y[0], '.', color='#774411', label='i=2,j=0') pl.plot(X[2], Y[1], '.', color='#222222', label='i=2,j=1') pl.plot(X[2], Y[3], '.', color='#AAAAAA', label='i=2,j=3') pl.plot(X[3], Y[0], '+', color='#FFAA22', label='i=3,j=0') pl.plot(X[3], Y[1], '+', color='#22AAFF', label='i=3,j=1') pl.plot(X[3], Y[2], '+', color='#FFDD00', label='i=3,j=2') pl.legend() pl.savefig('fig21.png')
def getApices(y): """ returns the time (in frames) and position of initial and final apex height from a given trajectory y, which are obtained by fitting a cubic spline ========== parameter: ========== y : *array* (1D) the trajectory. Should ideally start ~1 frame before an apex and end ~1 frame behind an apex ======== returns: ======== [x0, xF], [y0, yF] : location (in frames) and value of the first and final apices """ # the math behind here is: fitting a 2nd order polynomial and finding # the root of its derivative. Here, only the results are applied, that's # why it appears like "magic" numbers c = dot(array([[.5, -1, .5], [-1.5, 2., -.5], [1., 0., 0.]]), y[:3]) x0 = -1. * c[1] / (2. * c[0]) y0 = polyval(c, x0) c = dot(array([[.5, -1, .5], [-1.5, 2., -.5], [1., 0., 0.]]), y[-3:]) xF = -1. * c[1] / (2. * c[0]) yF = polyval(c, xF) xF += len(y) - 3 return [x0, xF], [y0, yF]
def read_doscar(self, fname="DOSCAR"): """Read a VASP DOSCAR file.""" f = open(fname) natoms = int(f.readline().split()[0]) [f.readline() for n in range(4)] # Skip next 4 lines. dos = [] for na in xrange(natoms + 1): try: line = f.readline() if line == "": raise Exception except Exception, e: errstr = ( "Failed reading " + str(na) + ":th DOS block, probably " + "this DOSCAR is from some old version of VASP that " + "doesn't " + "first produce a block with integrated DOS. Inserting " + "empty 0:th block." ) sys.stderr.write(errstr) dos.insert(0, pl.zeros((ndos, dos[1].shape[1]))) continue try: ndos = int(line.split()[2]) except: print "Error, line is: " + line + "ENDLINE" line = f.readline().split() cdos = pl.zeros((ndos, len(line))) cdos[0] = pl.array(line) for nd in xrange(1, ndos): line = f.readline().split() cdos[nd] = pl.array(line) dos.append(cdos)
def residuals(params,x,y,z): xo = params[0] xs = params[1] yo = params[2] ys = params[3] zo = params[4] zs = params[5] xc = empty(shape(x)) for i in range(len(x)): xc[i] = (x[i] - xo) * xs yc = empty(shape(y)) for i in range(len(y)): yc[i] = (y[i] - yo) * ys zc = empty(shape(z)) for i in range(len(z)): zc[i] = (z[i] - zo) * zs res = [] for i in range(len(xc)): norm = l2norm(array([xc[i],yc[i],zc[i]])) - 1.0 res.append(norm) return array(res)
def compare_models(db, stoch="itn coverage", stat_func=None, plot_type="", **kwargs): if stat_func == None: stat_func = lambda x: x X = {} for k in sorted(db.keys()): c = k.split("_")[2] X[c] = [] for k in sorted(db.keys()): c = k.split("_")[2] X[c].append([stat_func(x_ki) for x_ki in db[k].__getattribute__(stoch).gettrace()]) x = pl.array([pl.mean(xc[0]) for xc in X.values()]) xerr = pl.array([pl.std(xc[0]) for xc in X.values()]) y = pl.array([pl.mean(xc[1]) for xc in X.values()]) yerr = pl.array([pl.std(xc[1]) for xc in X.values()]) if plot_type == "scatter": default_args = {"fmt": "o", "ms": 10} default_args.update(kwargs) for c in X.keys(): pl.text(pl.mean(X[c][0]), pl.mean(X[c][1]), " %s" % c, fontsize=8, alpha=0.4, zorder=-1) pl.errorbar(x, y, xerr=xerr, yerr=yerr, **default_args) pl.xlabel("First Model") pl.ylabel("Second Model") pl.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], alpha=0.5, linestyle="--", color="k", linewidth=2) elif plot_type == "rel_diff": d1 = sorted(100 * (x - y) / x) d2 = sorted(100 * (xerr - yerr) / xerr) pl.subplot(2, 1, 1) pl.title("Percent Model 2 deviates from Model 1") pl.plot(d1, "o") pl.xlabel("Countries sorted by deviation in mean") pl.ylabel("deviation in mean (%)") pl.subplot(2, 1, 2) pl.plot(d2, "o") pl.xlabel("Countries sorted by deviation in std err") pl.ylabel("deviation in std err (%)") elif plot_type == "abs_diff": d1 = sorted(x - y) d2 = sorted(xerr - yerr) pl.subplot(2, 1, 1) pl.title("Percent Model 2 deviates from Model 1") pl.plot(d1, "o") pl.xlabel("Countries sorted by deviation in mean") pl.ylabel("deviation in mean") pl.subplot(2, 1, 2) pl.plot(d2, "o") pl.xlabel("Countries sorted by deviation in std err") pl.ylabel("deviation in std err") else: assert 0, "plot_type must be abs_diff, rel_diff, or scatter" return pl.array([x, y, xerr, yerr])
def calc(filename): p0[0] = 0.0 p0[1] = 0.0 x = [] ymeas = [] yerr = [] fin = open(filename,'r') for line in fin: linedata = line.split() x.append(float(linedata[0])) ymeas.append(float(linedata[1])) yerr.append(float(linedata[1])) xarray = pylab.array(x) yarray = pylab.array(ymeas) yerarray = pylab.array(yerr) param_output = scipy.optimize.leastsq(residue, p0, args=(yarray,xarray,yerarray),full_output=True) a = param_output[0][0] b = param_output[0][1] H = np.linspace(0,150000,1000) ans = b*H**1+a*H**0 print filename print a,b plt.plot(H,ans) plt.scatter(xarray,yarray)
def normal(name, pi, sigma, p, s): """ Generate PyMC objects for a normal model :Parameters: - `name` : str - `pi` : pymc.Node, expected values of rates - `sigma` : pymc.Node, dispersion parameters of rates - `p` : array, observed values of rates - `s` : array, standard error of rates :Results: - Returns dict of PyMC objects, including 'p_obs' and 'p_pred' the observed stochastic likelihood and data predicted stochastic """ p = pl.array(p) s = pl.array(s) assert pl.all(s >= 0), "standard error must be non-negative" i_inf = pl.isinf(s) @mc.observed(name="p_obs_%s" % name) def p_obs(value=p, pi=pi, sigma=sigma, s=s): return mc.normal_like(value, pi, 1.0 / (sigma ** 2.0 + s ** 2.0)) s_noninf = s.copy() s_noninf[i_inf] = 0.0 @mc.deterministic(name="p_pred_%s" % name) def p_pred(pi=pi, sigma=sigma, s=s_noninf): return mc.rnormal(pi, 1.0 / (sigma ** 2.0 + s ** 2.0)) return dict(p_obs=p_obs, p_pred=p_pred)
def _make_log_freq_map(self): """ :: For the given ncoef (bands-per-octave) and nfft, calculate the center frequencies and bandwidths of linear and log-scaled frequency axes for a constant-Q transform. """ fp = self.feature_params bpo = float(self.nbpo) # Bands per octave self._fftN = float(self.nfft) hi_edge = float( self.hi ) lo_edge = float( self.lo ) f_ratio = 2.0**( 1.0 / bpo ) # Constant-Q bandwidth self._cqtN = float( P.floor(P.log(hi_edge/lo_edge)/P.log(f_ratio)) ) self._dctN = self._cqtN self._outN = float(self.nfft/2+1) if self._cqtN<1: print "warning: cqtN not positive definite" mxnorm = P.empty(self._cqtN) # Normalization coefficients fftfrqs = self._fftfrqs #P.array([i * self.sample_rate / float(self._fftN) for i in P.arange(self._outN)]) logfrqs=P.array([lo_edge * P.exp(P.log(2.0)*i/bpo) for i in P.arange(self._cqtN)]) logfbws=P.array([max(logfrqs[i] * (f_ratio - 1.0), self.sample_rate / float(self._fftN)) for i in P.arange(self._cqtN)]) #self._fftfrqs = fftfrqs self._logfrqs = logfrqs self._logfbws = logfbws self._make_cqt()
def plot_convergence_metrics(convergence_metrics, title_append='', x_is_iters=False, save_filename=None): x_variable = None x_label = None if x_is_iters: x_variable = pylab.array(convergence_metrics['iter_idx_list']).T x_label = 'iter idx' else: x_variable = pylab.array(convergence_metrics['elapsed_seconds_list']).T x_variable = x_variable.cumsum(axis=0) x_label = 'cumulative time (seconds)' ari_arr = pylab.array(convergence_metrics['column_ari_list']).T mean_test_ll_arr = pylab.array(convergence_metrics['mean_test_ll_list']).T # fh = pylab.figure() pylab.subplot(211) pylab.title('convergence diagnostics: %s' % title_append) pylab.plot(x_variable, ari_arr) pylab.xlabel(x_label) pylab.ylabel('column ARI') pylab.subplot(212) pylab.plot(x_variable, mean_test_ll_arr) pylab.xlabel(x_label) pylab.ylabel('mean test log likelihood') # if save_filename is not None: pylab.savefig(save_filename) return fh
def findOrder(xVals, yVals, accuracy = 1.0e-1): X = pylab.array(xVals) Y = pylab.array(yVals) find = True n = 0 while find: #n += 1 Z = pylab.polyfit(xVals, yVals, n, None, True) ''' est = 0.0 estVal = [] for x in xVals: for i in range(len(Z[0])): est += Z[0][i] * (x**(len(Z[0])-i-1)) estVal.append(est) error = 0.0 for j in range(len(yVals)): error += (estVal[j] - yVals[j]) ** 2 if error <= accuracy: find = False print 'order ', n, 'is good enough' ''' if Z[1] <= accuracy: find = False print 'order ', n, 'is good enough' n += 1 print (Z[0]) return Z[0]
def loadData(filename): """ Read the contents of the given file. Assumes the file contents contain data in the form of comma-separated x,y pairs. Parameters: filename - the name of the data file as a string Returns: (x, y) - a tuple containing a Pylab array of x values and a Pylab array of y values """ # Open the file and set up the result lists f = open(filename, 'r') x = [] y = [] # Iterate through each line of the file, casting both values in the x,y # tuples as ints and storing them in their respesctive lists for line in f: splitLine = line.strip().split(',') x.append(int(splitLine[0])) y.append(int(splitLine[1])) # Close the file and return the tuple of pylab arrays f.close() return (pylab.array(x), pylab.array(y))
def meanVar(data,outMean=None): """ each data[i] is a vector, return the average vector and the variance vector each vector is assumed to be the same length of course if a mean is available from outside, set outMean which is a vector of len(data[i]); then the mean returned is a residual """ mean = [] var = [] n = len(data) print n,len(data[0]) try: for i in range(n): data[i] -= outMean except TypeError: pass for i in range(len(data[0])): m = 0.0 v = 0.0 for j in range(n): m += data[j][i] v += data[j][i]*data[j][i] if outMean == None: v -= m*m/float(n) m /= float(n) v /= (n-1) mean.append(m) var.append(v) return (M.array(mean),M.array(var))
def anim_update(i): """ i: frame num """ ## equivalent time = (i/tot)*(runtime/fct) t = (float(i)/float(tot_frames))*(anim_run_time/float(fct)) # lnx, lny = line.get_data() # pos_x, pos_y = P.get_position(t) # head.set_data([pos_x], [pos_y]) # lnx = pylab.array([k for k in lnx] + [pos_x]) # lny = pylab.array([k for k in lny] + [pos_y]) # line.set_data(lnx, lny) for i in range(len(Projs)): pos_x, pos_y = Projs[i].get_position(t) p_heads[i].set_data([pos_x], [pos_y]) lnx, lny = p_lines[i].get_data() lnx = pylab.array([k for k in lnx] + [pos_x]) lny = pylab.array([k for k in lny] + [pos_y]) p_lines[i].set_data(lnx, lny) return p_lines + p_heads
def main(): f = open("final_position.txt","r") data = pl.genfromtxt(f,comments = "L") # need to get every other x = pl.array([]) y = pl.array([]) for i,j in enumerate(data[:-7,2]): if i%4 == 0: x = pl.append(x,data[i,4]) y = pl.append(y,j) print(x) print(y) fit = np.polyfit(x,y,2) print(fit) #fited = fit[0]+fit[1]*x + fit[2]*x**2 fited = np.poly1d(fit) print(fited) #pl.plot(pl.append(x,[.262,.264,.266]),fited(pl.append(x,[.262,.264,.266])),color="black") pl.scatter(x,y,color = "black") pl.xlabel("$A$",fontsize="30") pl.ylabel("$x$",fontsize="30") pl.savefig("fin_pts.png",transparent=True,dpi=300) os.system("open fin_pts.png")
def rotate_molecule(coords, rotp = m.array((0.,0.,0.)), phi = 0., \ theta = 0., psi = 0.): """Rotate a molecule via Euler angles. See for definition. Input arguments: coords: Atom coordinates, as Nx3 2d pylab array. rotp: The point to rotate about, as a 1d 3-element pylab array phi: The 1st rotation angle around z axis. theta: Rotation around x axis. psi: 2nd rotation around z axis. """ # First move the molecule to the origin # In contrast to MATLAB, numpy broadcasts the smaller array to the larger # row-wise, so there is no need to play with the Kronecker product. rcoords = coords - rotp # First Euler rotation about z in matrix form D = m.array(((m.cos(phi), m.sin(phi), 0.), (-m.sin(phi), m.cos(phi), 0.), \ (0., 0., 1.))) # Second Euler rotation about x: C = m.array(((1., 0., 0.), (0., m.cos(theta), m.sin(theta)), \ (0., -m.sin(theta), m.cos(theta)))) # Third Euler rotation, 2nd rotation about z: B = m.array(((m.cos(psi), m.sin(psi), 0.), (-m.sin(psi), m.cos(psi), 0.), \ (0., 0., 1.))) # Total Euler rotation A =,, D)) # Do the rotation rcoords =, m.transpose(rcoords)) # Move back to the rotation point return m.transpose(rcoords) + rotp
def tryFits1(fName): ''' Calculate the coefficient of determination (R**2) to determine how well the model fits the data and ergo could make predictions. ''' distances, heights = getTrajectoryData(fName) distances = pylab.array(distances)*36 totHeights = pylab.array([0]*len(distances)) for h in heights: totHeights = totHeights + pylab.array(h) pylab.title('Trajectory of Projectile (Mean of 4 Trials)') pylab.xlabel('Inches from Launch Point') pylab.ylabel('Inches Above Launch Point') meanHeights = totHeights/float(len(heights)) pylab.plot(distances, meanHeights, 'bo') a,b = pylab.polyfit(distances, meanHeights, 1) altitudes = a*distances + b pylab.plot(distances, altitudes, 'r', label = 'Linear Fit' + ', R2 = ' + str(round(rSquare(meanHeights, altitudes), 4))) a,b,c = pylab.polyfit(distances, meanHeights, 2) altitudes = a*(distances**2) + b*distances + c pylab.plot(distances, altitudes, 'g', label = 'Quadratic Fit' + ', R2 = ' + str(round(rSquare(meanHeights, altitudes), 4))) pylab.legend()
def fitData(fileName): ''' Using Pylab's polyfit to find equations of the line to best fit the data from Hooks Law experiment. Hooks Law represented with equation - y = ax + b y - Measured distance x - Force ''' xVals, yVals = getData(fileName) xVals = pylab.array(xVals) yVals = pylab.array(yVals) xVals = xVals*9.81 # convert mass to force (F = mg) pylab.plot(xVals, yVals, 'bo', label = 'Measured points') pylab.title('Measured Displacement of Spring') pylab.xlabel('Force (Newtons)') pylab.ylabel('Distance (meters)') a,b = pylab.polyfit(xVals, yVals, 1) # fit y = ax + b # use line equation to graph predicted values estYVals = a*xVals + b k = 1/a pylab.plot(xVals, estYVals, label = 'Linear fit, k = ' + str(round(k, 5))) pylab.legend(loc = 'best')
def rollingMeanScale(series, period, plotAxis=False): svr_rbf = SVR(kernel='rbf', C=1e4, gamma=.01, epsilon=.01) '''Fit Model to Data Series''' tS= numpy.array([series.index]).T y_rbf =, list(series)) '''Up-sample to get rid of bias''' fFit = arange(series.index[0],series.index[-1]+.1,.25) trend = y_rbf.predict(numpy.array([fFit]).T) '''Take rolling mean over 1-day window''' shift = int(round(period/.5)) rMean = pandas.rolling_mean(trend, shift*2) rMean = numpy.roll(rMean, -shift) rMean[:shift]=rMean[shift] rMean[-(shift+1):]=rMean[-(shift+1)] rMean = pandas.Series(rMean, index=fFit) '''Adjust Data Series by subtracting out trend''' series = series - array(rMean[array(series.index, dtype=float)]) series = scaleMe(series)-.5 if plotAxis: plotAxis.plot(fFit, trend, label='Series Trend') plotAxis.plot(fFit, rMean, label='Rolling Mean') plotAxis.set_title('Detrend the Data') plotAxis.legend(loc='lower left') return series
def tryFits(fName): ''' Linear fit does not fit the data. Not a logical assumption that the arrow flies in a straight line to the target. Quadratic fit mirrors a parabolic pathway. ''' distances, heights = getTrajectoryData(fName) distances = pylab.array(distances)*36 # Convert yards to feet totHeights = pylab.array([0]*len(distances)) for h in heights: totHeights = totHeights + pylab.array(h) # Get one avg measurement of height pylab.title('Trajectory of Projectile (Mean of 4 Trials)') pylab.xlabel('Inches from Launch Point') pylab.ylabel('Inches Above Launch Point') meanHeights = totHeights/float(len(heights)) pylab.plot(distances, meanHeights, 'bo') a,b = pylab.polyfit(distances, meanHeights, 1) altitudes = a*distances + b pylab.plot(distances, altitudes, 'r', label = 'Linear Fit') a,b,c = pylab.polyfit(distances, meanHeights, 2) altitudes = a*(distances**2) + b*distances + c pylab.plot(distances, altitudes, 'g', label = 'Quadratic Fit') pylab.legend()
def createExpData(f,xVals): '''假设f是只有一个参数的指数函数, xVals是一个数组,其中的值可以作为参数传入f 返回一个数组,包含xVals中的元素传入f生成的结果''' yVals=[] for i in range(len(xVals)): yVals.append(f(xVals[i])) return pylab.array(xVals),pylab.array(yVals)
str(run_key), 'timeseries.png' ] timeseries_save_filename = filter_join(filename_parts, '_') filename_parts = [ save_filename_prefix, str(run_key), 'test_ll_hist.png' ] test_ll_hist_save_filename = filter_join(filename_parts, '_') filename_parts = [ save_filename_prefix, str(run_key), 'runtime_hist.png' ] runtime_hist_save_filename = filter_join(filename_parts, '_') # pylab.figure() test_lls = pylab.array(convergence_metrics['mean_test_ll_list']) final_test_lls = test_lls[:, -1] pylab.hist(final_test_lls, n_bins, cumulative=cumulative) pylab.savefig(test_ll_hist_save_filename) # pylab.figure() final_times = pylab.array( convergence_metrics['elapsed_seconds_list']).T final_times = final_times.cumsum(axis=0) final_times = final_times[-1, :] pylab.hist(final_times, n_bins, cumulative=cumulative) pylab.savefig(runtime_hist_save_filename) fh = plot_convergence_metrics(convergence_metrics, title_append=str(run_key), x_is_iters=x_is_iters, save_filename=timeseries_save_filename)
def validate_ai_re(N=500, delta_true=.15, sigma_true=[.1, .1, .1, .1, .1], pi_true=quadratic, smoothness='Moderately', heterogeneity='Slightly'): ## generate simulated data a = pl.arange(0, 101, 1) pi_age_true = pi_true(a) import dismod3 import simplejson as json model = data.ModelData.from_gbd_jsons( json.loads(dismod3.disease_json.DiseaseJson().to_json())) gbd_hierarchy = model.hierarchy model = data_simulation.simple_model(N) model.hierarchy = gbd_hierarchy model.parameters['p']['parameter_age_mesh'] = range(0, 101, 10) model.parameters['p']['smoothness'] = dict(amount=smoothness) model.parameters['p']['heterogeneity'] = heterogeneity age_start = pl.array(mc.runiform(0, 100, size=N), dtype=int) age_end = pl.array(mc.runiform(age_start, 100, size=N), dtype=int) age_weights = pl.ones_like(a) sum_pi_wt = pl.cumsum(pi_age_true * age_weights) sum_wt = pl.cumsum(age_weights * 1.) p = (sum_pi_wt[age_end] - sum_pi_wt[age_start]) / (sum_wt[age_end] - sum_wt[age_start]) # correct cases where age_start == age_end i = age_start == age_end if pl.any(i): p[i] = pi_age_true[age_start[i]] model.input_data['age_start'] = age_start model.input_data['age_end'] = age_end model.input_data['effective_sample_size'] = mc.runiform(100, 10000, size=N) from validate_covariates import alpha_true_sim area_list = pl.array([ 'all', 'super-region_3', 'north_africa_middle_east', 'EGY', 'KWT', 'IRN', 'IRQ', 'JOR', 'SYR' ]) alpha = alpha_true_sim(model, area_list, sigma_true) print alpha model.input_data['true'] = pl.nan model.input_data['area'] = area_list[mc.rcategorical( pl.ones(len(area_list)) / float(len(area_list)), N)] for i, a in model.input_data['area'].iteritems(): model.input_data['true'][i] = p[i] * pl.exp( pl.sum([ alpha[n] for n in nx.shortest_path(model.hierarchy, 'all', a) if n in alpha ])) p = model.input_data['true'] n = model.input_data['effective_sample_size'] model.input_data['value'] = mc.rnegative_binomial(n * p, delta_true * n * p) / n ## Then fit the model and compare the estimates to the truth model.vars = {} model.vars['p'] = data_model.data_model('p', model, 'p', 'north_africa_middle_east', 'total', 'all', None, None, None), model.mcmc = fit_model.fit_data_model(model.vars['p'], iter=1005, burn=500, thin=5, tune_interval=100), model.mcmc = fit_model.fit_data_model(model.vars['p'], iter=10000, burn=5000, thin=25, tune_interval=100) graphics.plot_one_ppc(model.vars['p'], 'p') graphics.plot_convergence_diag(model.vars) graphics.plot_one_type(model, model.vars['p'], {}, 'p') pl.plot(range(101), pi_age_true, 'r:', label='Truth') pl.legend(fancybox=True, shadow=True, loc='upper left') model.input_data['mu_pred'] = model.vars['p']['p_pred'].stats()['mean'] model.input_data['sigma_pred'] = model.vars['p']['p_pred'].stats( )['standard deviation'] data_simulation.add_quality_metrics(model.input_data) = pandas.DataFrame(dict(true=[delta_true]))['mu_pred'] = pl.exp(model.vars['p']['eta'].trace()).mean()['sigma_pred'] = pl.exp(model.vars['p']['eta'].trace()).std() data_simulation.add_quality_metrics( model.alpha = pandas.DataFrame( index=[n for n in nx.traversal.dfs_preorder_nodes(model.hierarchy)]) model.alpha['true'] = pandas.Series(dict(alpha)) model.alpha['mu_pred'] = pandas.Series( [n.stats()['mean'] for n in model.vars['p']['alpha']], index=model.vars['p']['U'].columns) model.alpha['sigma_pred'] = pandas.Series( [n.stats()['standard deviation'] for n in model.vars['p']['alpha']], index=model.vars['p']['U'].columns) model.alpha = model.alpha.dropna() data_simulation.add_quality_metrics(model.alpha) model.sigma = pandas.DataFrame(dict(true=sigma_true)) model.sigma['mu_pred'] = [ n.stats()['mean'] for n in model.vars['p']['sigma_alpha'] ] model.sigma['sigma_pred'] = [ n.stats()['standard deviation'] for n in model.vars['p']['sigma_alpha'] ] data_simulation.add_quality_metrics(model.sigma) print 'delta' print print '\ndata prediction bias: %.5f, MARE: %.3f, coverage: %.2f' % ( model.input_data['abs_err'].mean(), pl.median(pl.absolute(model.input_data['rel_err'].dropna())), model.input_data['covered?'].mean()) = pandas.DataFrame( dict(true=pi_age_true, mu_pred=model.vars['p']['mu_age'].stats()['mean'], sigma_pred=model.vars['p']['mu_age'].stats() ['standard deviation'])) data_simulation.add_quality_metrics( data_simulation.initialize_results(model) data_simulation.add_to_results(model, 'delta') data_simulation.add_to_results(model, 'mu') data_simulation.add_to_results(model, 'input_data') data_simulation.add_to_results(model, 'alpha') data_simulation.add_to_results(model, 'sigma') data_simulation.finalize_results(model) print model.results return model
time_span_ours = [] filename = sys.argv[1] #multiple files useful, we ask for user-input with open(filename) as infile: infile.readline() #discard 1st line lines = infile.readlines() #read whole file for line in lines: words = line.split(", ") #split line per each ", " n.append(float(words[0])) #convert and append 1st element iterations.append(float(words[1])) #convert and append 2nd element time_span_eig_sym.append(float(words[2])) time_span_ours.append(float(words[3])) #convert lists to arrays for ease-of-use n = plt.array(n) iterations = plt.array(iterations) time_span_eig_sym = plt.array(time_span_eig_sym) time_span_ours = plt.array(time_span_ours) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9)) #change figuresize for better quality image plt.plot(n, iterations) #plot of iterations as function of dimension plt.grid() #add grid to plot plt.title("Plot of iterations from " + filename) #add title plt.xlabel("n") #add x-label plt.ylabel("Iterations") #add y-label plt.legend() #enable labels on plot plt.savefig("../iterations-" + filename[:-4] + ".png") #saves plot as image #show plot plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9)) #change figuresize for better quality image
#udata = ca.DM([-0.00750703, 0.00913669, 0.0220866, 0.0296195, 0.0460261, 0.0304416, 0.0499982, 0.033759, 0.0211894, 0.0128117, -0.00203445, -0.0169411, -0.00241727, 0.00882324, 0.0138102, 0.0258826, 0.0395631, 0.0247059, 0.0131711, 0.00709643, -0.00437765, -0.0186208, -0.00372299, 0.00777423, 0.0138853, 0.025267, 0.0395367, 0.0246305, 0.0131314, 0.00700164, -0.00436575, -0.0186428, -0.035017, -0.0205003, -0.00941461, -0.00464579, 0.00740074, 0.0209836, 0.00612024, -0.00542827, -0.00921961, -0.0237426, -0.00779888, -0.0276405, -0.0112354, 0.00134591, 0.0102192, -0.00547353, 0.0140357, -0.00255183, -0.0152869, -0.024784, -0.0386468, -0.02351, -0.0118429, -0.00501222, 0.00593656, 0.0205816, 0.00564462, -0.00583115, -0.00961946, -0.0240569, -0.00810298, 0.00394063, 0.0130636, 0.0223687, 0.0382465, 0.0231859, 0.0117751, 0.0054356, -0.00559484, -0.0200046, -0.0362104, -0.0217006, -0.0106011, -0.00582847, 0.00623502, 0.0198186, 0.00495697, -0.0065901, -0.0126904, -0.0241578, -0.0384144, -0.0235163, -0.0120208, -0.00590995, 0.00337668, 0.0204126, 0.00518239, -0.00620927, -0.0129587, -0.0217397, -0.0387916, -0.0235371, -0.0438555, -0.0276591, -0.0467201, -0.029174, -0.0472253, -0.0290896]) # udata weighted, tf = 5.0, sigma_u = 0.005, p_L = [4.14054, 3.96515, 1.64997] as initial params #udata = ca.DM([-0.00478741, 0.0113049, 0.0239446, 0.0309362, 0.0475909, 0.0322277, 0.0499981, 0.033987, 0.0212807, 0.0127835, -0.00260174, -0.0174883, -0.00320861, 0.00796152, 0.0132514, 0.025497, 0.0392554, 0.0246066, 0.0131363, 0.00668194, -0.00492859, -0.0192749, -0.00458539, 0.00684527, 0.0133319, 0.0248526, 0.0392217, 0.024524, 0.0130912, 0.00658653, -0.00492167, -0.0192967, -0.0356644, -0.0213522, -0.0103167, -0.00513811, 0.00700795, 0.0207247, 0.00606411, -0.00541673, -0.00946968, -0.0242207, -0.00850737, -0.0281794, -0.0118957, 0.000675527, 0.00985312, -0.0056186, 0.0137282, -0.00273397, -0.0154534, -0.0228741, -0.0398174, -0.0245545, -0.0130772, -0.00526507, 0.00508129, 0.0201622, 0.00537374, -0.00603188, -0.0101182, -0.0247716, -0.00904385, 0.00290652, 0.012318, 0.0208662, 0.0380663, 0.0230788, 0.0117833, 0.00482458, -0.0060484, -0.0206898, -0.0367453, -0.0224467, -0.0113863, -0.00620238, 0.00597602, 0.019693, 0.0050357, -0.00644302, -0.0129266, -0.0245217, -0.038884, -0.0241934, -0.0127642, -0.0062763, 0.00316272, 0.0202251, 0.00521663, -0.00610962, -0.0131903, -0.022163, -0.0392395, -0.0242091, -0.0143356, -0.00531497, -0.0218453, -0.0030035, -0.0196556, -0.000967417]) simulation_true_parameters = cp.sim.Simulation( \ system = system, pdata = p_true) # simulation_true_parameters.run_system_simulation( \ # x0 = x0, time_points = time_points, udata = udata) # ydata = simulation_true_parameters.simulation_results.T sigma_u = 0.005 sigma_y = pl.array([0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01]) repetitions = 100 p_test = [] for k in range(repetitions): udata_noise = udata + sigma_u * pl.randn(*udata.shape) simulation_true_parameters.run_system_simulation( \ x0 = x0, time_points = time_points, udata = udata_noise) ydata = simulation_true_parameters.simulation_results.T ydata_noise = ydata + sigma_y * pl.randn(*ydata.shape)
import pylab as pl # Disclosure for the sake of the current git repo: # This code is borrowed from a kind-hearted soul on the internet, whose identity I have lost in the annals of time. # Known values # Taken from URL: ( factor0 = 1. factor1 = 1.5 factor2 = 2. factor3 = 2.5 factor4 = 3.75 factor5 = 5. factor6 = 6.75 factor8 = 12.75 fs_known = pl.array([factor0, factor1, factor2, factor3, factor4, factor5, factor6, factor8]) # We know the +8 chip is also the damage limit, as it is called 'Very powerful shockwave'; # and if you try to stack some of chips on top of each other, # then you will be notified when you overreach this limit. # Note, how there are linear relationships between the values for ranks (0,1,2,3)[*], # and then a slightly increased linear relationship for ranks (3,4,5)[**], # And then it is clear that the slope for ranks (5,6) is further increased. # Hazarding a guess for the values on the missing chip: # It wouldn't be far-fetched to assume that all three of the ranks (5,6,7) # could have the same linear relatioship (form a straight line), factor7lin = factor6 + (factor6 - factor5) #=> 8.5 # which is a simple model to make from a gamedev point of view. # Then again, to reward players to upgrade to rank 7, they may also have made the upgrade from 6 to 7
DGEtableI = pd.concat([IndexDGE, DGEtable],axis=1) procisof=0 for element in hg19tableI.Index: procisof+=1 TexonStartsList="" TexonEndsList="" TexonLengthList="" TintronLengthList="" readStartList="" readEndList="" readItemList="" strand=array(hg19tableI.strand[hg19tableI.Index==element], dtype=str)[0] exonCount=hg19tableI.exonCount[hg19tableI.Index==element] symbol=array(hg19tableI.name2[hg19tableI.Index==element], dtype=str)[0] if strand == "+": txStart=int(hg19tableI.txStart[hg19tableI.Index==element])-1 hg19tableI.cdsStart[hg19tableI.Index==element]=int(hg19tableI.cdsStart[hg19tableI.Index==element])-txStart hg19tableI.cdsEnd[hg19tableI.Index==element]=int(hg19tableI.cdsEnd[hg19tableI.Index==element])-txStart exonStarts=hg19tableI.exonStarts[hg19tableI.Index==element] exonStartsList=exonStarts.str.split(',', expand=True) exonEnds=hg19tableI.exonEnds[hg19tableI.Index==element] exonEndsList=exonEnds.str.split(',', expand=True) hg19tableI.txEnd[hg19tableI.Index==element]=int(hg19tableI.txEnd[hg19tableI.Index==element])-txStart for i in range(exonCount): TexonStart=int(exonStartsList[i])-txStart
def swi_graphpng(self, dir, name, bcount=100, conf=0.95, x=None, y=None, m=None, dpi=80, width=8, height=6, compare='', sortby='', xvals='', yvals='', contour_n=20, contour_min='', contour_max='', contour_lines=10, contour_fmt='', xlabel='', ylabel='', xtickrotation='', b_left='', b_bot='', b_top='', b_right=''): pylab.figure(figsize=(int(width), int(height))) try: b_left = float(b_left) except: b_left = 0.1 try: b_right = float(b_right) except: b_right = 0.1 try: b_top = float(b_top) except: b_top = 0.1 try: b_bot = float(b_bot) except: b_bot = 0.1 pylab.axes( (b_left, b_bot, 1.0 - b_left - b_right, 1.0 - b_top - b_bot)) try: xtickrotation = float(xtickrotation) except: xtickrotation = 0 if len(compare) > 0: if '/' not in compare: c_dir, c_name = compare, 'default' else: c_dir, c_name = compare.split('/', 1) c_names, c_sample, c_ci = extract_individual_data( c_dir, c_name, int(bcount), float(conf), m) else: c_names = [] xvals = xvals.split(';') yvals = yvals.split(';') if type(m) is str: m = [m] if x is None and y is None: names, sample, ci = extract_individual_data( dir, name, int(bcount), float(conf), m) if len(c_names) > 0 and sortby != '': reversed = False if sortby.endswith('_r'): reversed = True sortby = sortby[:-2] data = compare_stats(sortby, names, sample, ci, c_names, c_sample, c_ci) data.sort() if reversed: data.reverse() index = [names.index(x[1]) for x in data] names = [names[i] for i in index] sample = pylab.array([sample[i] for i in index]) ci = pylab.array([ci[i] for i in index]) c_sample = pylab.array([c_sample[i] for i in index]) c_ci = pylab.array([c_ci[i] for i in index]) xvalpts = pylab.array(range(len(names))) if len(c_names) > 0: capsize = 4 c_yerr = pylab.array( [c_sample - c_ci[:, 1], c_ci[:, 0] - c_sample]) compare = True barwidth = 0.4 + 0.2, c_sample, align='center', color='#CCCCCC', width=barwidth) pylab.errorbar(xvalpts + 0.2, c_sample, yerr=c_yerr, ecolor='k', capsize=capsize, linewidth=0, elinewidth=1) xvalpts = xvalpts - 0.2 else: capsize = 5 compare = False barwidth = 0.8, sample, align='center', color='#EEEEEE', width=barwidth) yerr = pylab.array([sample - ci[:, 1], ci[:, 0] - sample]) pylab.errorbar(xvalpts, sample, yerr=yerr, ecolor='k', capsize=capsize, linewidth=0, elinewidth=1) pylab.xticks(range(len(names)), names, rotation=xtickrotation) pylab.xlim(-1, len(names)) elif x is not None and y is None: setting = parse_setting_name(name) xvalpts = pylab.array(range(len(xvals))) if False and len(compare) > 0: pass else: for measure in m: v = [] vlow = [] vhigh = [] for xval in xvals: setting2 = dict(setting) setting2[x] = xval name2 = make_setting_name(dir, setting2) names, sample, ci = extract_individual_data( dir, name2, int(bcount), float(conf), measure) v.append(sample[0]) vlow.append(sample[0] - ci[0][1]) vhigh.append(ci[0][0] - sample[0]) pylab.plot(xvalpts, v, label=measure) pylab.errorbar(xvalpts, v, yerr=[vlow, vhigh], ecolor='k', capsize=3, linewidth=0, elinewidth=1) pylab.legend() pylab.xticks(xvalpts, xvals) if xlabel == '': pylab.xlabel(x) else: pylab.xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel != '': pylab.ylabel(ylabel) elif x is not None and y is not None: setting = parse_setting_name(name) xvalpts = pylab.array(range(len(xvals))) yvalpts = pylab.array(range(len(yvals))) contour_n = int(contour_n) contour_lines = int(contour_lines) if len(contour_max) == 0: contour_max = None else: contour_max = float(contour_max) if len(contour_min) == 0: contour_min = None else: contour_min = float(contour_min) if contour_fmt == '': contour_fmt = '%1.3f' data = [] for yval in yvals: setting2 = dict(setting) setting2[y] = yval row = [] for xval in xvals: setting2[x] = xval name2 = make_setting_name(dir, setting2) names, sample, ci = extract_individual_data( dir, name2, int(bcount), float(conf), m) if len(compare) > 0: d = compare_combine(sortby, names, sample, ci, c_names, c_sample, c_ci) else: d = sample[0] row.append(d) data.append(row) if contour_min is None or contour_max is None: pylab.contourf(xvalpts, yvalpts, data, contour_n, antialiased=True, extend='both') cs = pylab.contour(xvalpts, yvalpts, data, contour_lines, colors='k', linewidths=1) else: clevels = pylab.array(range(contour_n)) * ( contour_max - contour_min) / (contour_n - 1) + contour_min pylab.contourf(xvalpts, yvalpts, data, list(clevels), antialiased=True, extend='both') clevels = pylab.array( range(contour_lines)) * (contour_max - contour_min) / ( contour_lines - 1) + contour_min cs = pylab.contour(xvalpts, yvalpts, data, list(clevels), colors='k', linewidths=1) pylab.clabel(cs, fmt=contour_fmt) pylab.xticks(xvalpts, xvals, rotation=xtickrotation) if xlabel == '': pylab.xlabel(x) else: pylab.xlabel(xlabel) pylab.yticks(yvalpts, yvals) if ylabel == '': pylab.ylabel(y) else: pylab.ylabel(ylabel) img = StringIO.StringIO() if type(dpi) is list: dpi = dpi[-1] pylab.savefig(img, dpi=int(dpi), format='png') return 'image/png', img.getvalue()
def run(self, seed_infections=1, verbose=None, calc_likelihood=False, do_plot=False, **kwargs): ''' Run the simulation ''' T = sc.tic() # Reset settings and results if verbose is None: verbose = self['verbose'] self.init_results() self.init_people( seed_infections=seed_infections) # Actually create the people daily_tests =[ 'new_tests'] # Number of tests each day, from the data evacuated =['evacuated'] # Number of people evacuated # Main simulation loop for t in range(self.npts): # Print progress if verbose >= 1: string = f' Running day {t:0.0f} of {["n_days"]}...' if verbose >= 2: sc.heading(string) else: print(string) self.results['t'][t] = t test_probs = { } # Store the probability of each person getting tested # Update each person for person in self.people.values(): # Count susceptibles if person.susceptible: self.results['n_susceptible'][t] += 1 # Handle testing probability if person.infectious: test_probs[person.uid] = self[ 'symptomatic'] # They're infectious: high probability of testing else: test_probs[person.uid] = 1.0 # If exposed, check if the person becomes infectious if self.results['n_exposed'][t] += 1 if not person.infectious and t >= person.date_infectious: # It's the day they become infectious person.infectious = True if verbose >= 2: print( f' Person {person.uid} became infectious!' ) # If infectious, check if anyone gets infected if person.infectious: # First, check for recovery if person.date_recovered and t >= person.date_recovered: # It's the day they become infectious = False person.infectious = False person.recovered = True self.results['recoveries'][t] += 1 else: self.results['n_infectious'][ t] += 1 # Count this person as infectious n_contacts = person.contacts ) # Draw the number of Poisson contacts for this person contact_inds = cov_ut.choose_people( max_ind=len(self.people), n=n_contacts) # Choose people at random for contact_ind in contact_inds: exposure = self['r_contact'] ) # Check for exposure per person if exposure: target_person = self.people[contact_ind] if target_person.susceptible: # Skip people who are not susceptible self.results['infections'][t] += 1 target_person.susceptible = False = True target_person.date_exposed = t incub_dist = round( pl.normal(['incub'],['incub_std'])) dur_dist = round( pl.normal(['dur'],['dur_std'])) target_person.date_infectious = t + incub_dist target_person.date_recovered = target_person.date_infectious + dur_dist if verbose >= 2: print( f' Person {person.uid} infected person {target_person.uid}!' ) # Count people who recovered if person.recovered: self.results['n_recovered'][t] += 1 # Implement testing -- this is outside of the loop over people, but inside the loop over time if t < len( daily_tests ): # Don't know how long the data is, ensure we don't go past the end n_tests = daily_tests.iloc[t] # Number of tests for this day if n_tests and not pl.isnan( n_tests): # There are tests this day self.results['tests'][ t] = n_tests # Store the number of tests test_probs = pl.array(list(test_probs.values())) test_probs /= test_probs.sum() test_inds = cov_ut.choose_people_weighted(probs=test_probs, n=n_tests) uids_to_pop = [] for test_ind in test_inds: tested_person = self.people[test_ind] if tested_person.infectious and self['sensitivity'] ): # Person was tested and is true-positive self.results['diagnoses'][t] += 1 tested_person.diagnosed = True if self['evac_positives']: uids_to_pop.append(tested_person.uid) if verbose >= 2: print( f' Person {person.uid} was diagnosed!' ) for uid in uids_to_pop: # Remove people from the ship once they're diagnosed self.off_ship[uid] = self.people.pop(uid) # Implement quarantine if t == self['quarantine']: if verbose >= 1: print(f'Implementing quarantine on day {t}...') for person in self.people.values(): if 'quarantine_eff' in quarantine_eff = self['quarantine_eff'] # Both else: if person.crew: quarantine_eff = self['quarantine_eff_c'] # Crew else: quarantine_eff = self['quarantine_eff_g'] # Guests person.contacts *= quarantine_eff # Implement testing change if t == self['testing_change']: if verbose >= 1: print(f'Implementing testing change on day {t}...') self['symptomatic'] *= self[ 'testing_symptoms'] # Reduce the proportion of symptomatic testing # Implement evacuations if t < len(evacuated): n_evacuated = evacuated.iloc[ t] # Number of evacuees for this day if n_evacuated and not pl.isnan( n_evacuated ): # There are evacuees this day # TODO -- refactor with n_tests if verbose >= 1: print(f'Implementing evacuation on day {t}') evac_inds = cov_ut.choose_people(max_ind=len(self.people), n=n_evacuated) uids_to_pop = [] for evac_ind in evac_inds: evac_person = self.people[evac_ind] if evac_person.infectious and self['sensitivity']): self.results['evac_diagnoses'][t] += 1 uids_to_pop.append(evac_person.uid) for uid in uids_to_pop: # Remove people from the ship once they're diagnosed self.off_ship[uid] = self.people.pop(uid) # Compute cumulative results self.results['cum_exposed'] = pl.cumsum(self.results['infections']) self.results['cum_tested'] = pl.cumsum(self.results['tests']) self.results['cum_diagnosed'] = pl.cumsum(self.results['diagnoses']) # Compute likelihood if calc_likelihood: self.likelihood() # Tidy up self.results['ready'] = True elapsed = sc.toc(T, output=True) if verbose >= 1: print(f'\nRun finished after {elapsed:0.1f} s.\n') summary = self.summary_stats() print(f"""Summary: {summary['n_susceptible']:5.0f} susceptible {summary['n_exposed']:5.0f} exposed {summary['n_infectious']:5.0f} infectious """) if do_plot: self.plot(**kwargs) return self.results
plt.plot(cost_of_capital_rate, proj_B_npv, '#f4ab84', label='Project B', linewidth=2.0) plt.ylim(0, 2000) plt.yticks(plt.arange(0, 2000 + 1, 400)) plt.xticks(plt.arange(0, 0.24 + 0.01, 0.02)) #plt.legend() plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.title('Project A/B NPV Analysis') a = plt.array(proj_A) #array([-1500, 450, 450, 450, 450, 450, 450]) b = plt.array(proj_B) #array([-1200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3000]) intersection = a - b #array([ -300, 450, 450, 450, 450, 450, -2550]) intersection_irr = plt.irr(intersection) #0.11005666742719433 intersection_npv = plt.npv(intersection_irr, a) plt.annotate("intersection = %.4f" % intersection_irr, xy=(intersection_irr, intersection_npv), xytext=(intersection_irr + 0.02, intersection_npv + 100), arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05))
from xml.etree import ElementTree as etree from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, ElementTree from xml.dom import minidom MaxYaxisValue = 450 windows = tk.Tk() windows.minsize(500, 300) IOTFrame = Frame(windows) IOTFrame.pack() IPEntry = tk.Entry(IOTFrame) IPEntry.insert(0, '') xAchse = pylab.arange(0, 100, 1) yAchse = pylab.array([0] * 100) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.grid(True) ax.set_title("ADRC") ax.set_xlabel("Time") ax.set_ylabel("Temperature/PWM") ax.axis([0, 1000, 0, MaxYaxisValue]) line1 = ax.plot(xAchse, yAchse, "-r", label="Temperature") #line2=ax.plot(xAchse,yAchse, "-b", label="Watt") line3 = ax.plot(xAchse, yAchse, "-y", label="PWM") legend(loc='upper left') canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, master=windows) canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1)
ay = -GM * y / r**3 return pylab.array([vx, ax, vy, ay]) x0 = input('initial x position (au) -> ') y0 = input('initial y position (au) -> ') vx0 = input('initial x velocity (au/yr) -> ') vy0 = input('initial y velocity (au/yr) -> ') dt = input('time step (yr) -> ') tmax = input('time to end of simulation (yr) -> ') nsteps = int(tmax / dt) x = [0.0] * nsteps y = [0.0] * nsteps # integrate Newton's equations of motion using rk4; # X is a vector that contains the positions and velocities being integrated X = pylab.array([x0, vx0, y0, vy0]) for i in range(nsteps): x[i] = X[0] y[i] = X[2] # update the vector X to the next time step X = rk4(i * dt, X, dXdt, dt) pylab.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) pylab.plot(x, y, 'o-') pylab.xlabel('x (au)') pylab.ylabel('y (au)') minmax = 1.1 * max(abs(min(x + y)), abs(max(x + y))) pylab.axis([-minmax, minmax, -minmax, minmax], aspect='equal') pylab.grid()
def calcAverage(fld): wt = pylab.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) return (fld[:, :, 0:4] * wt).sum(axis=-1)
#!/usr/bin/python from __future__ import division import matplotlib, sys if len(sys.argv) < 2 or sys.argv[1]!="show" : matplotlib.use('Agg') import pylab, numpy, random from pylab import * #import Scientific.Functions.LeastSquares as ls from scipy.optimize import leastsq ff = pylab.array([.05, .1, .15, .2, .25, .3, .35, .4, .45, .5]) slope = pylab.zeros(len(ff)) hsigma = pylab.zeros(len(ff)) def read_ghs(base, ff): mcdatafilename = "%s-0.%02d.dat" % (base, 100*ff) mcdata = numpy.loadtxt(mcdatafilename) print('Using', mcdatafilename, 'for filling fraction', ff) r_mc = mcdata[:, 0] n_mc = mcdata[:, 1] ghs = n_mc/ff return r_mc, ghs for i in range(len(ff)): print('working with', i) r, ghs = read_ghs('figs/gr', ff[i]) hsigma[i] = (1-ff[i]/2)/(1-ff[i])**3 - 1 skipnum = 3
def transition_to_buffered(self, device_name, h5file, initial_values, fresh): # Store the initial values in case we have to abort and restore them: # TODO: Coerce/quantise these correctly before returning them self.initial_values = initial_values with h5py.File(h5file, 'r') as hdf5_file: group = hdf5_file['devices/'][device_name] device_properties = hdf5_file, device_name, 'device_properties') connection_table_properties = hdf5_file, device_name, 'connection_table_properties') clock_terminal = connection_table_properties['clock_terminal'] h5_data = group.get('ANALOG_OUTS') if h5_data: self.buffered_using_analog = True ao_channels = device_properties['analog_out_channels'] # We use all but the last sample (which is identical to the # second last sample) in order to ensure there is one more # clock tick than there are samples. The 6713 requires this # to determine that the task has completed. ao_data = pylab.array(h5_data, dtype=float64)[:-1, :] else: self.buffered_using_analog = False h5_data = group.get('DIGITAL_OUTS') if h5_data: self.buffered_using_digital = True do_channels = device_properties['digital_lines'] do_bitfield = numpy.array(h5_data, dtype=numpy.uint32) else: self.buffered_using_digital = False final_values = {} # We must do digital first, so as to make sure the manual mode task is stopped, or reprogrammed, by the time we setup the AO task # this is because the clock_terminal PFI must be freed! if self.buffered_using_digital: # Expand each bitfield int into self.num_DO # (8) individual ones and zeros: do_write_data = numpy.zeros( (do_bitfield.shape[0], self.num_DO), dtype=numpy.uint8) for i in range(self.num_DO): do_write_data[:, i] = (do_bitfield & (1 << i)) >> i self.do_task.StopTask() self.do_task.ClearTask() self.do_task = Task() self.do_read = int32() self.do_task.CreateDOChan(do_channels, "", DAQmx_Val_ChanPerLine) self.do_task.CfgSampClkTiming(clock_terminal, 1000000, DAQmx_Val_Rising, DAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps, do_bitfield.shape[0]) self.do_task.WriteDigitalLines(do_bitfield.shape[0], False, 10.0, DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber, do_write_data, self.do_read, None) self.do_task.StartTask() for i in range(self.num_DO): final_values['port0/line%d' % i] = do_write_data[-1, i] else: # We still have to stop the task to make the # clock flag available for buffered analog output, or the wait monitor: self.do_task.StopTask() self.do_task.ClearTask() if self.buffered_using_analog: self.ao_task.StopTask() self.ao_task.ClearTask() self.ao_task = Task() ao_read = int32() self.ao_task.CreateAOVoltageChan(ao_channels, "", -10.0, 10.0, DAQmx_Val_Volts, None) self.ao_task.CfgSampClkTiming(clock_terminal, 1000000, DAQmx_Val_Rising, DAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps, ao_data.shape[0]) self.ao_task.WriteAnalogF64(ao_data.shape[0], False, 10.0, DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber, ao_data, ao_read, None) self.ao_task.StartTask() # Final values here are a dictionary of values, keyed by channel: channel_list = [ channel.split('/')[1] for channel in ao_channels.split(', ') ] final_values = { channel: value for channel, value in zip(channel_list, ao_data[-1, :]) } else: # we should probabaly still stop the task (this makes it easier to setup the task later) self.ao_task.StopTask() self.ao_task.ClearTask() return final_values
def Rx(a): s, c = pl.sin(a), pl.cos(a) return pl.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, c, -s, 0], [0, s, c, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
for t in range(20): sample = flipCoin(sampleSize) sampleMeans.append(getMeanAndStd(sample)[0]) new_mean = 0 for i in sampleMeans: new_mean+= i new_mean = new_mean/20 new_std = 0 for i in sampleMeans: new_std += (i-new_mean)**2/20 new_std = new_std**0.5 meanOfMeans.append(new_mean) stdOfMeans.append(new_std) ## WHAT TO DO WITH THE SAMPLE MEANS? clt() pylab.figure(1) pylab.errorbar(sampleSizes, meanOfMeans, yerr = 1.96*pylab.array(stdOfMeans), label = 'Est. mean and 95% confidence interval') pylab.xlim(0, max(sampleSizes) + 50) pylab.axhline(0.65, linestyle = '--', label = 'True probability of Heads') pylab.title('Estimates of Probability of Heads') pylab.xlabel('Sample Size') pylab.ylabel('Fraction of Heads (minutes)') pylab.legend(loc = 'best')
def Ry(a): s, c = pl.sin(a), pl.cos(a) return pl.array([[c, 0, s, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [-s, 0, c, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
myStim.setOri(1, '+') myStim.draw() if event.getKeys(): print('stopped early') break win.logOnFlip(msg='frame=%i' % frameN, level=logging.EXP) fliptimes[frameN] = win.flip() if disable_gc: gc.enable() core.rush(False) win.close() # calculate some values intervalsMS = pylab.array(win.frameIntervals) * 1000 m = pylab.mean(intervalsMS) sd = pylab.std(intervalsMS) # se=sd/pylab.sqrt(len(intervalsMS)) # for CI of the mean nTotal = len(intervalsMS) nDropped = sum(intervalsMS > (1.5 * m)) ifis =(fliptimes[1: ]-fliptimes[: -1]) * 1000 # plot the frameintervals pylab.figure(figsize=[12, 8], ) pylab.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, 0), colspan=2) pylab.plot(intervalsMS, '-') pylab.ylabel('t (ms)') pylab.xlabel('frame N')
def main(): #set up file names DIR = sys.argv[1] velo_file = None for fn in os.listdir(DIR): if fn.startswith("VELODYNE_log"): velo_file = fn break data_file = os.path.join(DIR, velo_file) #cali_file="./calibration.xml" cali_file = sys.argv[2] state_file = os.path.join(DIR, "highrate_state.mat") agg_raw_file = os.path.join(DIR, "VELODYNE_agg_raw_road_use_midstate.dat") for fn in (data_file, cali_file, state_file): if not os.path.exists(fn): print fn, " doesn't exist" sys.exit(-1) ###################################################################################### lidar = Lidar_Reader(data_file, cali_file) state_reader = StateReader(state_file) fw = open(agg_raw_file, 'w') #find start point, state usually starts later than lidar startTime = state_reader.getStartTime() for p, tm in lidar.getPacket(): if tm > startTime: break last_tm = tm print 'lidar starts from ', tm, 'state starts from ', startTime ############################################################################################## t = time.time() scanInFrame = [] cnt = 0 #count number of frame lastRotDeg = -1 for p, tm in lidar.getPacket(): if tm < LIDAR_START: continue scans = p.getScans(last_tm, tm) last_tm = tm for scan in scans: #rotate 360 degree, aggregate to one frame and dump in file if lastRotDeg >= scan.rotPosDeg: cnt += 1 print 'frame %d, contains %d scans from %.2f to %.2f' % ( cnt, len(scanInFrame), scanInFrame[0].timestamp, scanInFrame[-1].timestamp) print 'angular resolution is %.2f' % (360.0 / len(scanInFrame)) print lastRotDeg, scan.rotPosDeg #plotScanXYZ(scanInFrame) #make a lidar_frame frame = LidarFrame( scanInFrame, pl.array([ state_reader.findState(scanElem) for scanElem in scanInFrame ])) #frame.plotXYZ(); fw.write(frame.toLogStr()) fw.flush() #virtualTable.fillTable(frame.dataPoints) scanInFrame = [] lastRotDeg = scan.rotPosDeg #calibrate scan and put into frame lidar.corrMeasurement(scan) scanInFrame.append(scan) if tm > LIDAR_END: break diff = time.time() - t print 'lidar frame rate' % (cnt / (tm - startTime)) print 'process %d frames' % (cnt) print 'costs %.2f seconds' % (diff) print 'FPS: %.1f' % (cnt / diff) fw.close()
def Rz(a): s, c = pl.sin(a), pl.cos(a) return pl.array([[c, -s, 0, 0], [s, c, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
def evaluate(self, x, derivative=0, smooth=0, simple='auto'): """ smooth=0 is how much to smooth the spline data simple='auto' is whether we should just use straight interpolation you may want smooth > 0 for this, when derivative=1 """ if simple == 'auto': simple = self.simple # make it into an array if it isn't one, and remember that we did is_array = True if not type(x) == type(_pylab.array([])): x = _pylab.array([x]) is_array = False if simple: # loop over all supplied x data, and come up with a y for each y = [] for n in range(0, len(x)): # get a window of data around x if smooth: [xtemp, ytemp, etemp] = _fun.trim_data(self.xdata, self.ydata, None, [x[n] - smooth, x[n] + smooth]) else: i1 = _fun.index_nearest(x[n], self.xdata) # if the nearest data point is lower than x, use the next point to interpolate if self.xdata[i1] <= x[n] or i1 <= 0: i2 = i1 + 1 else: i2 = i1 - 1 # if we're at the max, extrapolate if i2 >= len(self.xdata): print(x[n], "is out of range. extrapolating") i2 = i1 - 1 x1 = self.xdata[i1] y1 = self.ydata[i1] x2 = self.xdata[i2] y2 = self.ydata[i2] slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) xtemp = _numpy.array([x[n]]) ytemp = _numpy.array([y1 + (x[n] - x1) * slope]) # calculate the slope based on xtemp and ytemp (if smoothing) # or just use the raw slope if smoothing=0 if derivative == 1: if smooth: y.append( (_numpy.average(xtemp * ytemp) - _numpy.average(xtemp) * _numpy.average(ytemp)) / (_numpy.average(xtemp * xtemp) - _numpy.average(xtemp)**2)) else: y.append(slope) # otherwise just average (even with one element) elif derivative == 0: y.append(_numpy.average(ytemp)) if is_array: return _numpy.array(y) else: return y[0] if smooth: y = [] for n in range(0, len(x)): # take 20 data points from x+/-smooth xlow = max(self.xmin, x[n] - smooth) xhi = min(self.xmax, x[n] + smooth) xdata = _pylab.linspace(xlow, xhi, 20) ydata = _interpolate.splev(xdata, self.pfit, derivative) y.append(_numpy.average(ydata)) if is_array: return _numpy.array(y) else: return y[0] else: return _interpolate.splev(x, self.pfit, derivative)
# evaluate_models_on_training(nationalYearsArray, avgNYCTemps, models, # 'NYC', 'Average Yearly Temps', False) # tempsYears = list(TESTING_INTERVAL) # nationalYearsArray = np.array(tempsYears) # avgNYCtempsTesting = gen_cities_avg(climatedb, ['NEW YORK'], # TESTING_INTERVAL) # evaluate_models_on_testing(nationalYearsArray, avgNYCtempsTesting, # models, 'NYC', 'Average Yearly Temps', # False) # TODO: replace this line with your code # Part E # TODO: replace this line with your code climate = Climate('data.csv') years = pylab.array(TESTING_INTERVAL) tempsSD = gen_std_devs(climate, CITIES, years) window_length = 5 movingAverageTempTesting = moving_average(tempsSD, window_length) modelsDegrees = [1, 2, 3] models = generate_models(years, movingAverageTempTesting, modelsDegrees) evaluate_models_on_training(years, movingAverageTempTesting, models, 'National', 'Temp Std Dev', True) pass
def plot_topo_file(topoplotdata): """ Read in a topo or bathy file and produce a pcolor map. """ import os import pylab from import ClawData fname = topoplotdata.fname topotype = topoplotdata.topotype if topoplotdata.climits: # deprecated option cmin = topoplotdata.climits[0] cmax = topoplotdata.climits[1] else: cmin = topoplotdata.cmin cmax = topoplotdata.cmax figno = topoplotdata.figno addcolorbar = topoplotdata.addcolorbar addcontour = topoplotdata.addcontour contour_levels = topoplotdata.contour_levels xlimits = topoplotdata.xlimits ylimits = topoplotdata.ylimits coarsen = topoplotdata.coarsen imshow = topoplotdata.imshow gridedges_show = topoplotdata.gridedges_show neg_cmap = topoplotdata.neg_cmap pos_cmap = topoplotdata.pos_cmap cmap = topoplotdata.cmap print_fname = topoplotdata.print_fname if neg_cmap is None: neg_cmap = colormaps.make_colormap({ cmin: [0.3, 0.2, 0.1], 0: [0.95, 0.9, 0.7] }) if pos_cmap is None: pos_cmap = colormaps.make_colormap({ 0: [.5, .7, 0], cmax: [.2, .5, .2] }) if cmap is None: cmap = colormaps.make_colormap({ -1: [0.3, 0.2, 0.1], -0.00001: [0.95, 0.9, 0.7], 0.00001: [.5, .7, 0], 1: [.2, .5, .2] }) #cmap = colormaps.make_colormap({-1:[0,0,1],0:[1,1,1],1:[1,0,0]}) if abs(topotype) == 1: X, Y, topo = topotools.topofile2griddata(fname, topotype) topo = pylab.flipud(topo) Y = pylab.flipud(Y) x = X[0, :] y = Y[:, 0] xllcorner = x[0] yllcorner = y[0] cellsize = x[1] - x[0] elif abs(topotype) == 3: file = open(fname, 'r') lines = file.readlines() ncols = int(lines[0].split()[0]) nrows = int(lines[1].split()[0]) xllcorner = float(lines[2].split()[0]) yllcorner = float(lines[3].split()[0]) cellsize = float(lines[4].split()[0]) NODATA_value = int(lines[5].split()[0]) print "Loading file ", fname print " nrows = %i, ncols = %i" % (nrows, ncols) topo = pylab.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=6, dtype=float) print " Done loading" if 0: topo = [] for i in range(nrows): topo.append(pylab.array(lines[6 + i], )) print '+++ topo = ', topo topo = pylab.array(topo) topo = pylab.flipud(topo) x = pylab.linspace(xllcorner, xllcorner + ncols * cellsize, ncols) y = pylab.linspace(yllcorner, yllcorner + nrows * cellsize, nrows) print "Shape of x, y, topo: ", x.shape, y.shape, topo.shape else: raise Exception("*** Only topotypes 1 and 3 supported so far") if coarsen > 1: topo = topo[slice(0, nrows, coarsen), slice(0, ncols, coarsen)] x = x[slice(0, ncols, coarsen)] y = y[slice(0, nrows, coarsen)] print "Shapes after coarsening: ", x.shape, y.shape, topo.shape if topotype < 0: topo = -topo if figno: pylab.figure(figno) if topoplotdata.imshow: color_norm = Normalize(cmin, cmax, clip=True) xylimits = (x[0], x[-1], y[0], y[-1]) #pylab.imshow(pylab.flipud(topo.T), extent=xylimits, \ pylab.imshow(pylab.flipud(topo), extent=xylimits, \ cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest', \ norm=color_norm) #pylab.clim([cmin,cmax]) if addcolorbar: pylab.colorbar() else: neg_topo = ma.masked_where(topo > 0., topo) all_masked = (ma.count(neg_topo) == 0) if not all_masked: pylab.pcolormesh(x, y, neg_topo, cmap=neg_cmap) pylab.clim([cmin, 0]) if addcolorbar: pylab.colorbar() pos_topo = ma.masked_where(topo < 0., topo) all_masked = (ma.count(pos_topo) == 0) if not all_masked: pylab.pcolormesh(x, y, pos_topo, cmap=pos_cmap) pylab.clim([0, cmax]) if addcolorbar: pylab.colorbar() pylab.axis('scaled') if addcontour: pylab.contour(x, y, topo, levels=contour_levels, colors='k') patchedges_show = True if patchedges_show: pylab.plot([x[0], x[-1]], [y[0], y[0]], 'k') pylab.plot([x[0], x[-1]], [y[-1], y[-1]], 'k') pylab.plot([x[0], x[0]], [y[0], y[-1]], 'k') pylab.plot([x[-1], x[-1]], [y[0], y[-1]], 'k') if print_fname: fname2 = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] pylab.text(xllcorner + cellsize, yllcorner + cellsize, fname2, color='m') topodata = ClawData() topodata.x = x topodata.y = y topodata.topo = topo return topodata
k = form.getvalue(stiff) m = form.getvalue(mass) c = form.getvalue(dc) #k = 19000#float(input("Enter Stiffness:")) #m = 500#float(input("Enter Mass:")) #if ch == 2: # c =900# float(input("Enter Damp'g Coeff.:")) x0 =0.0# float(input("Enter Initial Displacement:")) v0 =20.0# float(input("Enter Initial Velocity:")) state0 = [x0, v0] # initial conditions [x0 , v0] [m, m/sec] ti = 0.0 # initial time tf = 4.0 # final time step = 0.0001 # step t = arange(ti, tf, step) state = scipy.integrate.odeint(func, state0, t) x = array(state[:, [0]]) xd = array(state[:, [1]]) # Plotting displacement and velocity pylab.ion() pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (20, 12) pylab.rcParams['font.size'] = 18 #b=0.0 fig, ax1 = pylab.subplots() ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.plot(t, xd, 'g--', label=r'$\dot{x} (m/sec)$', linewidth=2.0) ax1.plot(t, x * 1e3, 'b', label=r'$x (mm)$', linewidth=2.0) ax2.plot(t, xd, 'g--', label=r'$\dot{x} (m/sec)$', linewidth=2.0) ax2.legend(loc='lower right') ax1.legend() ax1.set_xlabel('time , sec')
def test_runtimes(num_iters=10, min_points=MIN_POINTS, max_points=MAX_POINTS): for i in xrange(num_iters): print "iteration", i for num_points in xrange(min_points, max_points + 1): print "num_points", num_points G = random_point_graph(num_points=num_points) sat_tree = satellite_tree(G) sort_neighbors(G) mcosts = defaultdict(list) scosts = defaultdict(list) costs = defaultdict(list) times = defaultdict(float) delta = 0.01 alphas = pylab.arange(delta, 1, delta) algorithms = [ pareto_steiner_space, pareto_steiner_space2, pareto_steiner_fast, pareto_steiner_old ] names = [ 'space efficient', 'medium space efficient', 'fast', 'unoptimized' ] algorithms += [pareto_prim, pareto_khuller] names += ['prim', 'khuller'] for alpha in alphas: print "alpha", alpha for algorithm, name in zip(algorithms, names): mcost, scost, runtime = time_function(G, alpha, algorithm) cost = pareto_cost(mcost=mcost, scost=scost, alpha=alpha) mcosts[name].append(mcost) scosts[name].append(scost) costs[name].append(cost) times[name] += runtime if num_points <= 50 and GENETIC: algorithms.append(pareto_genetic) names.append('genetic') genetic_start = time() genetic_trees = pareto_genetic(G) genetic_end = time() genetic_runtime = (genetic_end - genetic_start) / 60.0 times['genetic'] = genetic_runtime for mcost, scost, T in genetic_trees: mcosts['genetic'].append(mcost) scosts['genetic'].append(scost) pylab.figure() for name in names: mcost = mcosts[name] scost = scosts[name] pylab.scatter(mcost, scost, label=name) pylab.plot(mcost, scost) pylab.legend() pylab.xlabel('spanning tree cost') pylab.ylabel('satellite cost') pylab.savefig('test_runtimes/pareto_front%d.pdf' % num_points) pylab.close() header_line = None if not os.path.exists('test_runtimes.csv'): header_line = [ 'algorithm', 'points', 'runtime', 'comparisons', 'dominated' ] header_line = ', '.join(header_line) mcosts1, scosts1, costs1 = mcosts[baseline], scosts[ baseline], pylab.array(costs[baseline]) with open('test_runtimes.csv', 'a') as outfile: if header_line != None: outfile.write('%s\n' % header_line) for name in names: write_items = [name, num_points, times[name]] if name in mcosts: assert name in scosts mcosts2, scosts2 = mcosts[name], scosts[name] comparisons, dominated = prop_dominated(mcosts1, scosts1,\ mcosts2, scosts2) write_items += [comparisons, dominated] else: write_items += ['', ''] if name in costs: costs2 = pylab.array(costs[name]) cost_ratio = pylab.mean(costs2 / costs1) write_items.append(cost_ratio) else: write_items.append('') write_items = map(str, write_items) write_items = ', '.join(write_items) outfile.write('%s\n' % write_items)
#print line charges.append(float(line[13:22])) ionicradii.append(float(line[31:40])) for line in bfiter: if not line.strip(): break if not line.strip()[0].isdigit(): break charges.append(float(line[13:22])) ionicradii.append(float(line[31:40])) #print charges print charges, numato try: charge = [charges[i] for i in numato] except: charge = [charges[i-1] for i in numato] data = pl.array([numato, Z, x, y, z, dist, charge]) #for dat in data.T: # print dat pl.hist(data[5], bins = 200) pl.xlabel("distance / $\\AA$") #pl.ylabel("atom count") pl.plot(data[5], data[6], "xk", label="charge") pl.plot(data[5], data[6].cumsum(), ".-r", label="accumulated charge") pl.plot(data[5], pl.ones(len(data[0])).cumsum(), "g", label="no. atoms") pl.legend(loc=0)
return class_quant, h #it can easily be done like this #sturges_law = np.histogram(ss_ab, bins='sturges', density=True) cl_ss_ab = create_class(ss_ab, ab_amount) cl_ss_no = create_class(ss_no, no_amount) cl_gs_ab = create_class(gs_ab, ab_amount) cl_gs_no = create_class(gs_no, no_amount) cl_age_ab = create_class(age_ab, ab_amount) cl_age_no = create_class(age_no, no_amount) #classes amplitude cl_ss_ab_h = pl.array(cl_ss_ab[1]) cl_ss_no_h = pl.array(cl_ss_no[1]) cl_gs_ab_h = pl.array(cl_gs_ab[1]) cl_gs_no_h = pl.array(cl_gs_no[1]) cl_age_ab_h = pl.array(cl_age_ab[1]) cl_age_no_h = pl.array(cl_age_no[1]) #classes quantity #creating an histogram model st_ss_ab = np.histogram(ss_ab, bins=pl.arange(min(ss_ab), max(ss_ab) + cl_ss_ab_h, cl_ss_ab_h), density=True) st_ss_no = np.histogram(ss_no, bins=pl.arange(min(ss_no),
import pylab as pl import matplotlib as m frs = pl.array([2**(x / 12) for x in range(0, 88, 1)]) def _12TET(fs): return 12 * pl.log2(fs / 27.5) pl.figure(figsize=(8, 3)) pl.plot(frs * 27.5, _12TET(frs * 27.5), 'k.') pl.vlines(3520, 0, 90) pl.vlines(1760, 0, 90) pl.vlines(880, 0, 90) pl.vlines(440, 0, 90) pl.vlines(220, 0, 90) pl.vlines(110, 0, 90) pl.vlines(55, 0, 90) #pl.xlim(20,3500) pl.yticks([x * 12 for x in range(1, 8)]) pl.xticks([220 * 2**(x) for x in range(0, 5)]) pl.xlabel('frequency (Hz,A4=440)') pl.ylabel('12TET pitch') pl.tight_layout()
def get_processed_subtraces_for_cell( cell_name, windows=[1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0], gaps=[0.0, 200.0, 200.0], padding=0.0, crit_freq=100.0, filt_kind='low', replace_spikes=True, remove_sine_waves=True, master_folder_path='E:\\correlated_variability'): ''' For a given cell (indicated by cell_name), get an array containing subtraces of interest from all trials. A subtrace starts (windows[0] + gaps[0] + padding) ms before stim onset, and lasts for (sum(windows) + sum(gaps) + 2*padding) ms. Before pulling out the subtrace, filter and possibly remove spikes from the full trace. Remove sine waves from the subtraces if desired. Parameters ---------- cell_name : string name of cell of interest (e.g., '070314_c2') windows : list of floats widths of ongoing, transient, and steady-state windows (ms) gaps : list of floats sizes of gaps between stim onset and end of ongoing, stim onset and beginning of transient, end of transient and beginning of steady-state (ms) padding: float size of window (ms) to be added to the beginning and end of each subtrace (only nonzero when doing wavelet filtering) crit_freq: float, or tuple of floats critical frequency for broad-band filtering of traces (e.g., 100.0) filt_kind: string type of filter to be used for traces (e.g., 'low' for lowpass) replace_spikes: bool if True, detect spikes in membrane potential recordings, and replace via interpolation before filtering remove_sine_waves: bool if True, use sine-wave-detection algorithm to remove 60 Hz line noise from membrane potential recordings after removing spikes and filtering master_folder_path: string full path of directory containing data, code, figures, etc. Returns ------- subtraces: numpy array array in which entries are subtraces extracted from each stimulus presentation (w/subtrace defined by stim onset, epochs, windows, gaps) ''' raw_traces_path = master_folder_path + '\\downsampled_traces\\' if not os.path.isdir(raw_traces_path): os.mkdir(raw_traces_path) raw_traces_path += '%s\\' % cell_name subtraces = [] print 'processing traces for %s' % cell_name for trial in numpy.sort(os.listdir(raw_traces_path)): trial_path = raw_traces_path + trial results_dict = pickle.load(open(trial_path, 'rb')) trace = results_dict['voltage_traces_mV'] samp_freq = results_dict['samp_freq'] stim_onsets = results_dict['stim_onsets_ms'] if replace_spikes == True: trace = replace_all_spikes(trace, samp_freq=samp_freq) if filt_kind != 'unfiltered': trace = butter(trace, sampling_freq=samp_freq, critical_freq=crit_freq, kind=filt_kind, order=3) for stim_onset in stim_onsets: start = int(int(stim_onset) - gaps[0] - windows[0] - padding) stop = int( int(stim_onset) + sum(gaps[1:]) + sum(windows[1:]) + padding) if start >= 0: sub_trace = trace[start:stop] if remove_sine_waves: #sub_trace = remove_sines(sub_trace, sine_freqs = [60]) sub_trace = remove_sines(sub_trace, sine_freqs=[60, 120, 180]) subtraces.append(sub_trace) subtraces = pylab.array(subtraces) return subtraces
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import pylab as pl import scipy.optimize from scipy.stats import chi2 for fa_rate in 1.0/pl.array([1e1, 1e2, 1e4, 1e6, 1e9]): print(fa_rate) for df in range(1,7): f_eq = lambda x: ((1- fa_rate) - chi2.cdf(x, df))**2 res = scipy.optimize.minimize(f_eq, df) assert res['success'] print('\t', res.x[0])