コード例 #1
def CARtoSPH(x, y, z, dx=None, dy=None, dz=None):
   convert cartesian coordinates (x,y,z) to spherical (phi,theta,rho)
     - if 3 inputs, convert position vectors
     - if 6 inputs, convert directional vectors

    if dx == None or dy == None or dz == None:

        if dx == None and dy == None and dz == None:

            ## transform position vectors

            iSPHtoCAR = -1

            ## vectorize geopack_08 call using NumPy's vectorize() method:
            ## Note:  vectorize()'s doc string states that this is not very speed
            ##        optimized...Geopack should be ported to Python, or re-written
            ##        to accept array inputs, if speed is an issue. -EJR 10/2013
            #output = ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.sphcar_08(0.,0.,0.,x,y,z, iSPHtoCAR)
            v_gp08 = p.vectorize(ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.sphcar_08)
            output = v_gp08(0., 0., 0., x, y, z, iSPHtoCAR)

            ## if scalar inputs, generate scalar outputs -EJR 10/2013
            return (tuple(p.asscalar(otmp) for otmp in output[2::-1]) if
                    (p.isscalar(x) and p.isscalar(y) and p.isscalar(z)) else
                    (output[2], output[1], output[0]))
            raise Exception, 'SPHtoCAR requires exactly 3 or 6 inputs'


        iSPHtoCAR = -1

        ## transform local directional vectors

        ## vectorize geopack_08 call using NumPy's vectorize() method:
        ## Note:  vectorize()'s doc string states that this is not very speed
        ##        optimized...Geopack should be ported to Python, or re-written
        ##        to accept array inputs, if speed is an issue. -EJR 10/2013

        #output = ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.sphcar_08(0.,0.,0.,x,y,z, iSPHtoCAR)
        v_gp08a = p.vectorize(ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.sphcar_08)
        rho, theta, phi, _, _, _, _ = v_gp08a(0., 0., 0., x, y, z, iSPHtoCAR)

        #dx,dy,dz = ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.bspcar_08(theta,phi,drho,dtheta,dphi)
        v_gp08b = p.vectorize(ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.bcarsp_08)
        drho, dtheta, dphi = v_gp08b(x, y, z, dx, dy, dz)

        ## if scalar inputs, generate scalar outputs -EJR 10/2013
        return (tuple(
            for otmp in (phi, theta, rho, dphi, dtheta, drho)) if
                (p.isscalar(x) and p.isscalar(y) and p.isscalar(z)
                 and p.isscalar(dx) and p.isscalar(dy) and p.isscalar(dz)) else
                (phi, theta, rho, dphi, dtheta, drho))
コード例 #2
def SPHtoCAR(phi, theta, rho, dphi=None, dtheta=None, drho=None):
   convert spherical coordinates (phi,theta,rho) to cartesian (x,y,z)
     - if 3 inputs, convert position vectors
     - if 6 inputs, convert directional vectors

    if dphi == None or dtheta == None or drho == None:

        if dphi == None and dtheta == None and drho == None:

            ## transform position vectors

            iSPHtoCAR = 1

            ## vectorize geopack_08 call using NumPy's vectorize() method:
            ## Note:  vectorize()'s doc string states that this is not very speed
            ##        optimized...Geopack should be ported to Python, or re-written
            ##        to accept array inputs, if speed is an issue. -EJR 10/2013
            #output = ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.sphcar_08(rho,theta,phi,0.,0.,0., iSPHtoCAR)
            v_gp08 = p.vectorize(ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.sphcar_08)
            output = v_gp08(rho, theta, phi, 0., 0., 0., iSPHtoCAR)

            ## if scalar inputs, generate scalar outputs -EJR 10/2013
            return (tuple(p.asscalar(otmp) for otmp in output[3:6]) if
                    (p.isscalar(phi) and p.isscalar(theta) and p.isscalar(rho))
                    else (output[3], output[4], output[5]))
            raise Exception, 'SPHtoCAR requires exactly 3 or 6 inputs'


        iSPHtoCAR = 1

        ## transform local directional vectors

        ## vectorize geopack_08 call using NumPy's vectorize() method:
        ## Note:  vectorize()'s doc string states that this is not very speed
        ##        optimized...Geopack should be ported to Python, or re-written
        ##        to accept array inputs, if speed is an issue. -EJR 10/2013

        #output = ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.sphcar_08(rho,theta,phi,0.,0.,0., iSPHtoCAR)
        v_gp08a = p.vectorize(ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.sphcar_08)
        _, _, _, x, y, z, _ = v_gp08a(rho, theta, phi, 0., 0., 0., iSPHtoCAR)

        #dx,dy,dz = ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.bspcar_08(theta,phi,drho,dtheta,dphi)
        v_gp08b = p.vectorize(ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.bspcar_08)
        dx, dy, dz = v_gp08b(theta, phi, drho, dtheta, dphi)

        ## if all scalar inputs, return scalar outputs, otherwise ndarrays -EJR 10/2013
        return (tuple(p.asscalar(otmp) for otmp in (x, y, z, dx, dy, dz)) if
                (p.isscalar(phi) and p.isscalar(theta) and p.isscalar(rho)
                 and p.isscalar(dphi) and p.isscalar(dtheta)
                 and p.isscalar(drho)) else (x, y, z, dx, dy, dz))
コード例 #3
def SMtoGEO(x, y, z, dateTime):
   Converts Solar Magnetic to geographic coordinates
                                         dateTime.hour, dateTime.minute,
                                         dateTime.second, -400.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    iSMtoGSM = 1
    iGSMtoGEO = -1

    ## vectorize geopack_08 call using NumPy's vectorize() method:
    ## Note:  vectorize()'s doc string states that this is not very speed
    ##        optimized...Geopack should be ported to Python, or re-written
    ##        to accept array inputs, if speed is an issue. -EJR 12/2013
    ## Note:  some f2py results result in 6 outputs, while result in 7;
    ##        this is one of the latter, thus `otypes=[float]*6`
    v_gp08a = p.vectorize(pyLTR.transform.geopack_08.smgsw_08,
                          otypes=[float] * 6)
    _, _, _, xgsm, ygsm, zgsm = v_gp08a(x, y, z, 0., 0., 0., iSMtoGSM)

    v_gp08b = p.vectorize(pyLTR.transform.geopack_08.geogsw_08,
                          otypes=[float] * 6)
    xgeo, ygeo, zgeo, _, _, _ = v_gp08b(0., 0., 0., xgsm, ygsm, zgsm,

    ## if scalar inputs, generate scalar outputs -EJR 12/2013
    return ((xgeo, ygeo, zgeo) if isinstance(x, p.ndarray) else tuple(
        p.asscalar(otmp) for otmp in (xgeo, ygeo, zgeo)))
コード例 #4
def GEOtoGSM(x, y, z, dateTime):
   Converts geographic to Geocentric Solar Magnetic coordinates
                                         dateTime.hour, dateTime.minute,
                                         dateTime.second, -400.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    iGEOtoGSM = 1

    ## vectorize geopack_08 call using NumPy's vectorize() method:
    ## Note:  vectorize()'s doc string states that this is not very speed
    ##        optimized...Geopack should be ported to Python, or re-written
    ##        to accept array inputs, if speed is an issue. -EJR 12/2013
    ## Note:  some f2py results result in 6 outputs, while result in 7;
    ##        this is one of the latter, thus `otypes=[float]*6`
    v_gp08 = p.vectorize(pyLTR.transform.geopack_08.geogsw_08,
                         otypes=[float] * 6)
    output = v_gp08(x, y, z, 0., 0., 0., iGEOtoGSM)

    ## if scalar inputs, generate scalar outputs -EJR 12/2013
    return ((output[3], output[4],
             output[5]) if isinstance(x, p.ndarray) else tuple(
                 p.asscalar(otmp) for otmp in output[3:6]))
コード例 #5
def SMtoMAG(x, y, z, dateTime):
   Converts solar magnetic coordinates to dipole magnetic coordinates
                                         dateTime.hour, dateTime.minute,
                                         dateTime.second, -400.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    iSMtoMAG = -1

    ## vectorize geopack_08 call using NumPy's vectorize() method:
    ## Note:  vectorize()'s doc string states that this is not very speed
    ##        optimized...Geopack should be ported to Python, or re-written
    ##        to accept array inputs, if speed is an issue. -EJR 12/2013
    ## Note:  some f2py results result in 6 outputs, while result in 7;
    ##        this is one of the latter, thus `otypes=[float]*7`
    v_gp08 = p.vectorize(pyLTR.transform.geopack_08.magsm_08,
                         otypes=[float] * 7)
    output = v_gp08(0., 0., 0., x, y, z, iSMtoMAG)

    ## if scalar inputs, generate scalar outputs -EJR 12/2013
    return ((output[0], output[1],
             output[2]) if isinstance(x, p.ndarray) else tuple(
                 p.asscalar(otmp) for otmp in output[0:3]))
コード例 #6
def MAGtoGEO(x, y, z, dateTime):
    Converts dipole (mag) to geographic coordinates.
    >>> MAGtoGEO(0.3133, -0.9313, 0.1857, datetime.datetime(2009,1,27,0,0,0)) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
                                         dateTime.hour, dateTime.minute,
                                         dateTime.second, -400.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    iGEOtoMAG = -1

    ## vectorize geopack_08 call using NumPy's vectorize() method:
    ## Note:  vectorize()'s doc string states that this is not very speed
    ##        optimized...Geopack should be ported to Python, or re-written
    ##        to accept array inputs, if speed is an issue. -EJR 10/2013
    ## Note:  some f2py results result in 6 outputs, while result in 7;
    ##        this is one of the latter, thus `otypes=[float]*7`
    #output = pyLTR.transform.geopack_08.gswgse_08(0.,0.,0., x, y, z, iGEOtoMAG)
    v_gp08 = p.vectorize(pyLTR.transform.geopack_08.geomag_08,
                         otypes=[float] * 7)
    output = v_gp08(0., 0., 0., x, y, z, iGEOtoMAG)

    ## if scalar inputs, generate scalar outputs -EJR 10/2013
    return ((output[0], output[1],
             output[2]) if isinstance(x, p.ndarray) else tuple(
                 p.asscalar(otmp) for otmp in output[0:3]))
コード例 #7
def GEOtoSM(x, y, z, dateTime):
   Converts geographic to Solar Magnetic coordinates
                                           dateTime.hour, dateTime.minute,
                                           dateTime.second, -400.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    iGEOtoGSM = 1
    iGSMtoSM = -1

    ## vectorize geopack_08 call using NumPy's vectorize() method:
    ## Note:  vectorize()'s doc string states that this is not very speed
    ##        optimized...Geopack should be ported to Python, or re-written
    ##        to accept array inputs, if speed is an issue. -EJR 12/2013
    v_gp08a = p.vectorize(ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.geogsw_08)
    _, _, _, xgsm, ygsm, zgsm = v_gp08a(x, y, z, 0., 0., 0., iGEOtoGSM)

    v_gp08b = p.vectorize(ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.smgsw_08)
    xsm, ysm, zsm, _, _, _ = v_gp08b(0., 0., 0., xgsm, ygsm, zgsm, iGSMtoSM)

    ## if scalar inputs, generate scalar outputs -EJR 12/2013
    return ((xsm, ysm, zsm) if isinstance(x, p.ndarray) else tuple(
        p.asscalar(otmp) for otmp in (xsm, ysm, zsm)))
コード例 #8
def GEOtoMAG(x, y, z, dateTime):
    Converts geographic to dipole (mag) coordinates.
    >>> GEOtoMAG(-0.780, -0.613, 0.128, datetime.datetime(2009,1,27,0,0,0)) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
                                           dateTime.hour, dateTime.minute,
                                           dateTime.second, -400.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    iGEOtoMAG = 1

    ## vectorize geopack_08 call using NumPy's vectorize() method:
    ## Note:  vectorize()'s doc string states that this is not very speed
    ##        optimized...Geopack should be ported to Python, or re-written
    ##        to accept array inputs, if speed is an issue. -EJR 10/2013
    #output = ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.gswgse_08(x, y, z, 0.,0.,0., iGEOtoMAG)
    v_gp08 = p.vectorize(ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.geomag_08)
    output = v_gp08(x, y, z, 0., 0., 0., iGEOtoMAG)

    ## if scalar inputs, generate scalar outputs -EJR 10/2013
    return ((output[3], output[4],
             output[5]) if isinstance(x, p.ndarray) else tuple(
                 p.asscalar(otmp) for otmp in output[3:6]))
コード例 #9
def GSMtoSM(x, y, z, dateTime):
    >>> GSMtoSM(1,2,3, datetime.datetime(2009,1,27,0,0,0)) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
    (1.997..., 2.0, 2.451...)
    if pyLTR.transform.transformer == 'CXFORM':
        (xSM, ySM, zSM) = pyLTR.transform.cxform.transform(
            'GSM', 'SM', x, y, z, dateTime.year, dateTime.month, dateTime.day,
            dateTime.hour, dateTime.minute, dateTime.second)

        return (xSM, ySM, zSM)
    elif pyLTR.transform.transformer == 'GEOPACK':
                                       dateTime.hour, dateTime.minute,
        iSMtoGSM = -1
        output = pyLTR.transform.geopack.smgsm(0., 0., 0., x, y, z, iSMtoGSM)
        return (output[0], output[1], output[2])
    elif pyLTR.transform.transformer == 'GEOPACK_08':
                                             dateTime.hour, dateTime.minute,
                                             dateTime.second, -400.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        iSMtoGSM = -1

        ## vectorize geopack_08 call using NumPy's vectorize() method:
        ## Note:  vectorize()'s doc string states that this is not very speed
        ##        optimized...Geopack should be ported to Python, or re-written
        ##        to accept array inputs, if speed is an issue. -EJR 10/2013
        ## Note:  some f2py results result in 6 outputs, while result in 7;
        ##        this is one of the latter, thus `otypes=[float]*6`
        #output = pyLTR.transform.geopack_08.smgsw_08(0.,0.,0., x, y, z, iSMtoGSM)
        v_gp08 = p.vectorize(pyLTR.transform.geopack_08.smgsw_08,
                             otypes=[float] * 6)
        output = v_gp08(0., 0., 0., x, y, z, iSMtoGSM)

        ## if scalar inputs, generate scalar outputs -EJR 10/2013
        return ((output[0], output[1],
                 output[2]) if isinstance(x, p.ndarray) else tuple(
                     p.asscalar(otmp) for otmp in output[0:3]))

        raise Exception('Coordinate system transformer undefined')
コード例 #10
def GSEtoGSM(x, y, z, dateTime):
    >>> GSEtoGSM(1,2,3, datetime.datetime(2009,1,27,0,0,0)) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
    (0.99..., 0.540..., 3.564...)
    if ghostpy.transform.transformer == 'CXFORM':
        (xGSM, yGSM, zGSM) = ghostpy.transform.cxform.transform(
            'GSE', 'GSM', x, y, z, dateTime.year, dateTime.month, dateTime.day,
            dateTime.hour, dateTime.minute, dateTime.second)
        return (xGSM, yGSM, zGSM)
    elif ghostpy.transform.transformer == 'GEOPACK':
                                         dateTime.hour, dateTime.minute,
        iGSEtoGSM = -1
        output = ghostpy.transform.geopack.gsmgse(0., 0., 0., x, y, z,
        return (output[0], output[1], output[2])
    elif ghostpy.transform.transformer == 'GEOPACK_08':
                                               dateTime.hour, dateTime.minute,
                                               dateTime.second, -400.0, 0.0,
        iGSEtoGSM = -1

        ## vectorize geopack_08 call using NumPy's vectorize() method:
        ## Note:  vectorize()'s doc string states that this is not very speed
        ##        optimized...Geopack should be ported to Python, or re-written
        ##        to accept array inputs, if speed is an issue. -EJR 10/2013
        #output = ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.gswgse_08(0.,0.,0., x,y,z, iGSEtoGSM)
        v_gp08 = p.vectorize(ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.gswgse_08)
        output = v_gp08(0., 0., 0., x, y, z, iGSEtoGSM)

        ## if scalar inputs, generate scalar outputs -EJR 10/2013
        return ((output[0], output[1],
                 output[2]) if isinstance(x, p.ndarray) else tuple(
                     p.asscalar(otmp) for otmp in output[0:3]))

        raise Exception, 'Coordinate system transformer undefined'
コード例 #11
def GSMtoGEO(x, y, z, dateTime):
   Converts Geocentric Solar Magnetic to geographic coordinates
                                           dateTime.hour, dateTime.minute,
                                           dateTime.second, -400.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    iGSMtoGEO = -1

    ## vectorize geopack_08 call using NumPy's vectorize() method:
    ## Note:  vectorize()'s doc string states that this is not very speed
    ##        optimized...Geopack should be ported to Python, or re-written
    ##        to accept array inputs, if speed is an issue. -EJR 12/2013
    v_gp08 = p.vectorize(ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.geogsw_08)
    output = v_gp08(0., 0., 0., x, y, z, iGEOtoGSM)

    ## if scalar inputs, generate scalar outputs -EJR 12/2013
    return ((output[0], output[1],
             output[2]) if isinstance(x, p.ndarray) else tuple(
                 p.asscalar(otmp) for otmp in output[0:3]))
コード例 #12
def MAGtoSM(x, y, z, dateTime):
   Converts dipole magnetic to solar magnetic coordinates
                                           dateTime.hour, dateTime.minute,
                                           dateTime.second, -400.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    iMAGtoSM = 1

    ## vectorize geopack_08 call using NumPy's vectorize() method:
    ## Note:  vectorize()'s doc string states that this is not very speed
    ##        optimized...Geopack should be ported to Python, or re-written
    ##        to accept array inputs, if speed is an issue. -EJR 12/2013
    v_gp08 = p.vectorize(ghostpy.transform.geopack_08.magsm_08)
    output = v_gp08(x, y, z, 0., 0., 0., iMAGtoSM)

    ## if scalar inputs, generate scalar outputs -EJR 12/2013
    return ((output[3], output[4],
             output[5]) if isinstance(x, p.ndarray) else tuple(
                 p.asscalar(otmp) for otmp in output[3:6]))