def run_bootstrap_correlations(Xs, Ys, num_perms, plot=False, verbose=False, permute=False): # Returns the difference of correlation between X[1]*Y[1] - X[0]*Y[0] using bootstrap corrs = [] pvals = [] boot_corrs = [] # need to define ahead of time the bootstrap indexes so we run the same ones for X[1] and X[0] (e.g. baseline and last) num_subjects = Xs[0].shape[0] boot_idx = np.random.random_integers(0, num_subjects-1, [num_perms, num_subjects]) for X, Y in zip(Xs, Ys): corr = np.empty([X.shape[1], Y.shape[1]]) pval = np.empty([X.shape[1], Y.shape[1]]) for x in range(X.shape[1]): for y in range(Y.shape[1]): corr[x, y], pval[x, y] = stats.pearsonr(X[:, x], Y[:, y]) corrs.append(corr) pvals.append(pval) if plot: plot_correlations(corr) pl.title('n=%d'%X.shape[0]) pl.clim(-.2, .8) pl.draw() # checking p-values of the differences boot_res = do_bootstrapping(X, Y, num_perms, verbose, reuse_ids=boot_idx) boot_corrs.append(boot_res) dcorr = boot_corrs[1] - boot_corrs[0] return (corrs, pvals, dcorr)
def plot_onereg(self, regid): """Plot mintime of connectivity for one individual region""" tomat = self.llat * np.nan for i,v in enumerate(self.mintmat[1:,regid]): tomat[self.regmat==(i+1)] = v frmat = self.llat * np.nan for i,v in enumerate(self.mintmat[regid,1:]): frmat[self.regmat==(i+1)] = v djtk,lim = djdticks(max(np.nanmax(tomat), np.nanmax(frmat))) figpref.current() pl.close(1) fig = pl.figure(1,(8,8)) pl.clf() pl.suptitle("Connectivity for region %i" % regid) mask = self.regmat == regid x,y =[mask], self.llat[mask]) pl.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, top=0.95,bottom = 0.15) pl.subplot(2,1,1, axisbg="0.8") self.gcm.pcolor(frmat, cmap=WRY(), rasterized=True) pl.clim(0,lim),60,'Time from region'),y,5,'b') pl.subplot(2,1,2, axisbg="0.8") self.gcm.pcolor(tomat, cmap=WRY(), rasterized=True) pl.clim(0,lim),60,'Time to region'),y,5,'b') if 'mycolor' in sys.modules: mycolor.freecbar([0.2,0.12,0.6,0.025], djtk, cmap=WRY()) pl.savefig('figs/onereg_%02i_%02i_%06i.png' % (self.regdi, self.regdj, regid))
def drawplot(self, dates, hrs, observability): """Generate the observability figure. """ if self.dt == 0: ylabel = 'UTC Time' else: ylabel = 'UTC +{}'.format(self.dt) observer = ephem.Observer() ddates = [] for d in dates: = str(d) ddates.append( fig = py.figure() axpos = [.1, .12, .77, .76] ax = py.subplot(111, position=axpos) py.contourf(ddates, hrs, observability, py.clim(0, 1.5) months = mdates.MonthLocator() # every month ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(months) hfmt = ddates.DateFormatter('%b ') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(hfmt) yt = np.array([0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24]) title = '%s: RA = %s, DEC = %s\nalt > %1.1f, sun < -%1.1f' % \ (self.obs, str(self.ra), str(self.dec), self.minElev, self.twilight) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=self.fs * 1.2) ax.set_yticks(yt) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(range(25), minor=True) ax.set_yticklabels(yt % 24) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=self.fs) ax.grid(axis='x') ax2 = py.twinx() ax2.set_position(axpos) yt2 = np.arange(-24, 24, 3) yt2 = yt2[(yt2 >= dt) * (yt2 <= (24 + dt))] ax2.set_ylim(dt, 24 + dt) ax2.set_yticks(yt2) ax2.set_ylabel('Local Time: UTC %+1.1f' % dt, fontsize=fs) ax2.grid(axis='y') tlabs = yt2 % 12 tlabs = [] for yt in yt2: if (yt % 24) == 12: lab = 'noon' elif (yt % 24) == 0: lab = 'mdnt' elif (yt % 24) >= 12: lab = '%i pm' % (yt % 12) else: lab = '%i am' % (yt % 12) tlabs.append(lab) ax2.set_yticklabels(tlabs) ax2.yaxis.set_ticks(range(dt, dt + 25), minor=True) self.fig = fig
def movie(self): import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams['axes.labelcolor'] = 'white' pl.close(1) pl.figure(1, (8, 4.5), facecolor='k') miv = figpref.current() jd0 = pl.date2num(dtm(2005, 1, 1)) jd1 = pl.date2num(dtm(2005, 12, 31)) mp = projmaps.Projmap('glob') x, y = mp(self.llon, self.llat) for t in np.arange(jd0, jd1): print pl.num2date(t) self.load(t) pl.clf() pl.subplot(111, axisbg='k') mp.pcolormesh(x, y, miv(np.sqrt(self.u**2 + self.v**2)), cmap=cm.gist_heat) pl.clim(0, 1.5) mp.nice() pl.title( '%04i-%02i-%02i' % (pl.num2date(t).year, pl.num2date(t).month, pl.num2date(t).day), color='w') pl.savefig('/Users/bror/oscar/norm/%03i.png' % t, bbox_inches='tight', facecolor='k', dpi=150)
def plot_figs(): pylab.subplot(221, aspect="equal") X, Y = pylab.meshgrid(list(range(ins.num_atoms)), list(range(ins.num_atoms))) pylab.pcolor(X, Y, ins.norm_cross_correlation) pylab.colorbar() pylab.clim(-0.15, 0.15) pylab.title("Cross Correlations") pylab.subplot(222) pylab.plot(pdb_Bfactors, "bo-", label="ex.") pylab.plot(ins.Bfactors, "ro-", label="calc.") pylab.legend() pylab.xlabel("Residue") # pylab.ylabel("a.u.") pylab.title("B factors") pylab.grid() pylab.subplot(223, aspect="equal") X, Y = pylab.meshgrid(list(range(ins.num_atoms)), list(range(ins.num_atoms))) pylab.pcolor(X, Y, ins.adj_mat) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title("Adjacency Mat.") pylab.subplot(224) pylab.plot(ins.graph_eigvec[:, 1], "go-") pylab.xlabel("Residue") pylab.grid()
def draw_astar_graph(obs_map, graph): """Debugging function which will show the current state of the m* graph """ # Draw the obstacles pylab.hold(False) sizex = len(obs_map) sizey = len(obs_map[0]) pylab.plot([-.5, sizex - .5, sizex - .5, -.5, -.5], [-.5, -.5, sizey - .5, sizey - .5, -.5], 'k') pylab.hold(True) pylab.matshow((1 - numpy.array(obs_map)).T, fignum=0) pylab.gray() pylab.clim(-2, 1) # Assemble the quiver X, Y, U, V = [[] for i in xrange(4)] for node in graph.graph.itervalues(): x, y = node.coord u, v = map(lambda w, v: w - v, node.policy, node.coord) X.append(x) Y.append(y) U.append(u) V.append(v) pylab.quiver(X, Y, U, V) pylab.xlim([-.5, sizex - .5]) pylab.ylim([-.5, sizey - .5]) pylab.xticks([]) pylab.yticks([]) pylab.hold(False)
def plot_pairwise_corrcoef(data,ranklist=range(16,24),title="Correlation Coefficient"): array_byAttribRankRange=[] for attrib in attribList: array_byAttribRankRange.append(get_byAttribRankRange(data, attrib=attrib, ranklist=ranklist)) Narray = len(array_byAttribRankRange) array_corrcoef=np.zeros((Narray,Narray),dtype='float') for i,elemi in enumerate(array_byAttribRankRange[::-1]): for j,elemj in enumerate(array_byAttribRankRange[::-1]): if i>j: continue elif i==j: array_corrcoef[i,j]=1 else: array_corrcoef[i,j]=np.corrcoef(elemi,elemj)[0,1] P.pcolor(np.transpose(array_corrcoef),, alpha=0.8) P.title(title) P.xlim([0,23]) P.ylim([0,23]) P.clim([-1,1]) P.xticks(range(len(attribList)), attribListAbrv[::-1],rotation='vertical') P.yticks(range(len(attribList)), attribListAbrv[::-1]) P.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.35) P.subplots_adjust(left=0.25) P.colorbar() return array_corrcoef
def movie(self): import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams['axes.labelcolor'] = 'white' pl.close(1) pl.figure(1,(8,4.5),facecolor='k') miv = figpref.current() jd0 = pl.date2num(dtm(2005,1,1)) jd1 = pl.date2num(dtm(2005,12,31)) mp = projmaps.Projmap('glob') x,y = mp(self.llon,self.llat) for t in np.arange(jd0,jd1): print pl.num2date(t) self.load(t) pl.clf() pl.subplot(111,axisbg='k') mp.pcolormesh(x,y, miv(np.sqrt(self.u**2 +self.v**2)), cmap=cm.gist_heat) pl.clim(0,1.5) mp.nice() pl.title('%04i-%02i-%02i' % (pl.num2date(t).year, pl.num2date(t).month, pl.num2date(t).day), color='w') pl.savefig('/Users/bror/oscar/norm/%03i.png' % t, bbox_inches='tight',facecolor='k',dpi=150)
def plot_preds_orient(weights, plt_num=[1, 1, 1]): orients = ['Mean Horiz', 'Mean Vert', 'Mean Diag', 'Mean Diag 2'] ax = plt.subplot(plt_num[0], plt_num[1], plt_num[2]) x = 7 mid = x / 2 vals_hor = np.zeros([x, x]) vals_ver = np.zeros([x, x]) vals_diag = np.zeros([x, x]) delta = (mid / 2) vals_hor[mid, [mid - delta, mid + delta]] = 1 vals_ver[[mid - delta, mid + delta], mid] = 1 x, y = np.diag_indices_from(vals_diag) vals_diag[x[mid - delta], y[mid - delta]] = 1 vals_diag[x[mid + delta], y[mid + delta]] = 1 vals_diag2 = np.array(zip(*vals_diag[::-1])) # delta = mid - mid / 2 # vals_hor[mid, [mid - delta, mid + delta]] = 1 # vals_ver[:, mid] = 1 # np.fill_diagonal(vals_diag, 1) # np.fill_diagonal(vals_diag2, 1) # vals_diag2 = np.array(zip(*vals_diag2[::-1])) dat = (vals_hor * weights[0] + vals_ver * weights[1] + vals_diag * weights[2] + vals_diag2 * weights[3]) dat = reverse_fft(dat) ext = mid _ = plt.imshow(dat, cmap=colors.CoolWarm, interpolation='bilinear', extent=(-ext, ext, -ext, ext)) ylims = np.array([0, np.abs(dat).max()]) plt.clim(ylims) plt.colorbar() adjust_spines(ax, [])
def plot_color_map_2d( data, interpolation = None, limits = None, axis_labels = None, title = None, show = False ): """ interpolation = None will default to using interpolation interpolation = 'none' will ensure no interpolation is performed """ assert data.ndim == 2 p = pylab.imshow( data, interpolation = interpolation ) fig = pylab.gcf() pylab.clim() # clamp the color limits pylab.colorbar() # add color bar to indicate scale if limits is not None: xlim = limits[:2] ylim = limits[2:] num_ticks = 11 M, N = data.shape xticks = numpy.linspace( 0, M-1, num_ticks ) yticks = numpy.linspace( 0, N-1, num_ticks ) pylab.xticks( xticks, numpy.linspace( xlim[0], xlim[1], num_ticks ) ) pylab.yticks( yticks, numpy.linspace( ylim[0], ylim[1], num_ticks ) ) if axis_labels is not None: p.set_xlabel( axis_labels[0] ) p.set_ylabel( axis_labels[1] ) if title is not None: pylab.title( title ) if show:
def showqtresultfit(thk, wc, t2, datvec, resp, t, islog=True, clim=None, nu=3, nv=2): ''' show mrs qt result and data fit showqtresultfit(thk,wc,t2,datvec,resp,t,islog=True,clim=None,nu=3,nv=2) ''' if clim is None: cma = max(datvec) cmi = min(datvec) if islog: cma = N.log10(cma) cmi = cma - 1.5 clim = (cmi, cma) nt = len(t) nq = len(datvec) / nt si = (nq, nt) # P.clf() # P.subplot(nu,nv,1) fig = P.figure(1) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(nu, nv, 1) draw1dmodel(wc, thk, islog=False, xlab=r'$\theta$') # P.subplot(nu,nv,3) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(nu, nv, 3) draw1dmodel(t2, thk, xlab='T2* in ms') ax3.set_xticks( [0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5] ) ax3.set_xticklabels( ('0.02', '0.05', '0.1', '0.2', '0.5') ) # P.subplot(nu,nv,2) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(nu, nv, 2) if islog: P.imshow(N.log10( N.array(datvec).reshape(si) ), interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto') else: P.imshow(N.array(datvec).reshape(si), interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto') P.clim(clim) # P.subplot(nu,nv,4) ax4 = fig.add_subplot(nu, nv, 4) if islog: P.imshow(N.log10(resp.reshape(si)), interpolation='nearest',aspect='auto') else: P.imshow(resp.reshape(si), interpolation='nearest',aspect='auto') misfit = N.array( datvec - resp ) P.clim(clim) # P.subplot(nu,nv,5) ax5 = fig.add_subplot(nu, nv, 5) P.hist(misfit, bins=30) P.axis('tight') P.grid(which='both') P.text(P.xlim()[0], N.mean( P.ylim() ), ' std=%g nV' % rndig( N.std(misfit), 3 ) ) # P.subplot(nu,nv,6) ax6 = fig.add_subplot(nu, nv, 6) P.imshow(misfit.reshape(si), interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto') ax = [ ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4, ax5, ax6 ] return ax
def plotLayerwiseStates(states, idx=None): from utils.mscfuncs import imagesc import pylab if idx == None: idx = range(len(states)) mx = 0. for i in idx: mx = numpy.max([states[i].X.max(), mx]) handle_lst = [] for i in idx: handle_lst.append(pylab.figure()) for lay in range(states[0].X.shape[2]): ax = pylab.subplot(3, 3, lay + 1) imagesc(states[i].X[:, :, lay]) pylab.title( 'layer %s (%d) (t=%1.3fs)' % (states[i].layers[states[i].layeridx[lay]], lay, states[i].t), fontsize=8) pylab.clim([0, mx]) pylab.setp(ax, 'xticklabels', []) pylab.setp(ax, 'yticklabels', []) return handle_lst
def __call__(self, n): if len(self.f.shape) == 3: # f = f[x,v,t], 2 dim in phase space ft = self.f[n,:,:] pylab.pcolormesh(self.X, self.V, ft.T, cmap = 'jet') pylab.colorbar() pylab.clim(0,0.38) # for Landau test case pylab.grid() pylab.axis([self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax]) pylab.xlabel('$x$', fontsize = 18) pylab.ylabel('$v$', fontsize = 18) pylab.title('$N_x$ = %d, $N_v$ = %d, $t$ = %2.1f' % (self.x.N, self.v.N,*self.t.width)) pylab.savefig(self.path + self.filename) pylab.clf() return None if len(self.f.shape) == 2: # f = f[x], 1 dim in phase space ft = self.f[n,:] pylab.plot(self.x.gridvalues,ft,'ob') pylab.grid() pylab.axis([self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax]) pylab.xlabel('$x$', fontsize = 18) pylab.ylabel('$f(x)$', fontsize = 18) pylab.savefig(self.path + self.filename) return None
def plot_shear_stress_grid(self, grid): ''' This method must follow a call to the flow_across_grid() method and requires the instance of the raster grid which was created when the DEM is read in. Shear stress is calculated at each interior node, to correspond with where water depths are calculated (interior nodes). This takes that node vector, converts it into a raster. Presently, all nodes the colorbar is blocked at intervals of ten, using the following function call: >>> cmap = plt.get_cmap('Spectral', 10) To change the interval at which color blocks are set, the value of 10 can be changed. To specify a particular range of shear stress values, the following call can be added to the function. Say we want the low values on the color bar to start at 10 and increase to 100, which is currently the default setting: >>> pylab.clim(vmin=10, vmax=100) The colorbar is plotted using a blocked color map like those found here: The Spectral map has small values starting at shades of pink while increasing values go over the color spectrum from orange, to yellow, to green, to blue and purple as the values increase. ''' # First we create a new figure window to plot within plt.figure('Shear Stress raster') # And then we convert the shear stress node vector to raster format tn = grid.node_vector_to_raster(self.tau) # This call selects the color map and interval which it will be blocked by cmap = plt.get_cmap('Spectral', 10) # This sets the minimum on the color bar, anything beneath the lower clim() value is set to white. cmap.set_under('white') # Creating the grid image to show im2 = pylab.imshow(tn, cmap=cmap, extent=[ 0, grid.number_of_node_columns * grid.dx, 0, grid.number_of_node_rows * grid.dx ]) # Creating the colorbar for the grid image cb = pylab.colorbar(im2) # Sets the minimum and maximum values for the colorbar. pylab.clim(vmin=10, vmax=100) # Set titles for the figure and colorbar. cb.set_label('Shear Stress (Pa)', fontsize=12) pylab.title('Shear Stress')
def plot_tilt_freq(axis, tiltfft, axis_ev, label=None, ori='V', if_log=0): tiltfft = tiltfft / tiltfft.max() tiltfft = tiltfft + 1e-30 if ori == 'V': alabel = 'y' else: alabel = 'x' title = 'spatial spectrum at ' + label if if_log == 1: tiltfft = np.log(tiltfft) title = title + ', log' plt.imshow(tiltfft, cmap='jet', extent=[ axis_ev.max(), axis_ev.min(), axis.min() * 1e6, axis.max() * 1e6 ]) plt.colorbar() if if_log == 1: cmin = np.max(tiltfft) - 10 plt.clim(cmin) plt.axis('tight') plt.title(title, fontsize=18) plt.xlabel('eV', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel(alabel + r'($\mu$m)', fontsize=18)
def plot_modes_6(filename,modes=[0,1,2,3,49,499]): assert(len(modes)==6) X = numpy.load(filename) evecs = X['evecs'] print evecs.shape N = int( numpy.sqrt(evecs.shape[0]) ) pylab.figure(figsize=(7,10)) for i in range(6): evec = evecs[:,modes[i]] pylab.subplot(321+i) pylab.imshow(evec.reshape((N,N)), origin='lower',, extent=(0,60,0,60) ) pylab.title('n=%i' % (modes[i]+1)) pylab.colorbar() cmax = numpy.max(abs(evec)) pylab.clim(-cmax,cmax) pylab.xlabel('arcmin') if i%2 == 1: pylab.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(NullFormatter()) else: pylab.ylabel('arcmin')
def saveslices3d(img, clim, title): '''Saves a single PNG image of 3D image array img, equalizes colormap with list object clim and saves it under filename title.''' nslices = img.shape[2] axis = np.ceil(math.sqrt(nslices)) fig = pl.figure(num=None, figsize=(10, 6), dpi=80) fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=14) for n in range(nslices): if axis != 1: pl.subplot(axis - 1, axis + 1, n + 1, frameon=False, xticks=[], yticks=[]) else: pl.subplot(1, 1, n + 1, frameon=False, xticks=[], yticks=[]) pl.imshow(rotateslice(img[:, :, n]), interpolation='nearest') stitle = "Slice %r" % (n + 1) pl.clim(clim) cb = pl.colorbar(shrink=.75, ticks=range(0, int(round(clim[1])), int(round(clim[1])) / 4)) for t in t.set_fontsize(8) pl.xlabel(stitle, fontsize=8) pl.tight_layout() pl.savefig(title + '.png', bbox_inches=0)
def plotConn(): # Create plot figh = figure(figsize=(8,6)) figh.subplots_adjust(left=0.02) # Less space on left figh.subplots_adjust(right=0.98) # Less space on right figh.subplots_adjust(top=0.96) # Less space on bottom figh.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.02) # Less space on bottom figh.subplots_adjust(wspace=0) # More space between figh.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) # More space between h = axes() totalconns = zeros(shape(f.connprobs)) for c1 in range(size(f.connprobs,0)): for c2 in range(size(f.connprobs,1)): for w in range(f.nreceptors): totalconns[c1,c2] += f.connprobs[c1,c2]*f.connweights[c1,c2,w]*(-1 if w>=2 else 1) imshow(totalconns,interpolation='nearest',cmap=bicolormap(gap=0)) # Plot grid lines hold(True) for pop in range(f.npops): plot(array([0,f.npops])-0.5,array([pop,pop])-0.5,'-',c=(0.7,0.7,0.7)) plot(array([pop,pop])-0.5,array([0,f.npops])-0.5,'-',c=(0.7,0.7,0.7)) # Make pretty h.set_xticks(range(f.npops)) h.set_yticks(range(f.npops)) h.set_xticklabels(f.popnames) h.set_yticklabels(f.popnames) h.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') xlim(-0.5,f.npops-0.5) ylim(f.npops-0.5,-0.5) clim(-abs(totalconns).max(),abs(totalconns).max()) colorbar()
def plotWeightChanges(): if f.usestdp: # create plot figh = figure(figsize=(1.2*8,1.2*6)) figh.subplots_adjust(left=0.02) # Less space on left figh.subplots_adjust(right=0.98) # Less space on right figh.subplots_adjust(top=0.96) # Less space on bottom figh.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.02) # Less space on bottom figh.subplots_adjust(wspace=0) # More space between figh.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) # More space between h = axes() # create data matrix wcs = [x[-1][-1] for x in f.allweightchanges] # absolute final weight wcs = [x[-1][-1]-x[0][-1] for x in f.allweightchanges] # absolute weight change pre,post,recep = zip(*[(x[0],x[1],x[2]) for x in f.allstdpconndata]) ncells = int(max(max(pre),max(post))+1) wcmat = zeros([ncells, ncells]) for iwc,ipre,ipost,irecep in zip(wcs,pre,post,recep): wcmat[int(ipre),int(ipost)] = iwc *(-1 if irecep>=2 else 1) # plot imshow(wcmat,interpolation='nearest',cmap=bicolormap(gap=0,mingreen=0.2,redbluemix=0.1,epsilon=0.01)) xlabel('post-synaptic cell id') ylabel('pre-synaptic cell id') h.set_xticks(f.popGidStart) h.set_yticks(f.popGidStart) h.set_xticklabels(f.popnames) h.set_yticklabels(f.popnames) h.xaxif.set_ticks_position('top') xlim(-0.5,ncells-0.5) ylim(ncells-0.5,-0.5) clim(-abs(wcmat).max(),abs(wcmat).max()) colorbar()
def plot_discharge(self,grid): """This plots discharge across the raster""" grid._setup_active_inlink_and_outlink_matrices() outlink = grid.node_active_outlink_matrix inlink = grid.node_active_inlink_matrix outlink1 = outlink.tolist() inlink1 =inlink.tolist() newin0, newout0 = change_signs(inlink1[0], outlink1[0]) newin1, newout1 = change_signs(inlink1[1], outlink1[1]) in0 = np.array(newin0) in1 = np.array(newin1) out0 = np.array(newout0) out1 = np.array(newout1) self.q_node = self.q[in0]+self.q[in1]+self.q[out0]+self.q[out1] #((q[outlink[1]] -q[inlink[1]]))#+((q[outlink[0]]-(q[inlink[0]]))) fixed_q = grid.zeros(centering='node') for each in self.interior_nodes: fixed_q[each] = self.q_node[each] plt.figure('DISCHARGE') hr = grid.node_vector_to_raster(fixed_q) palette = im2 = pylab.imshow(hr, cmap=palette, extent=[0, grid.number_of_node_columns *grid.dx,0, grid.number_of_node_rows * grid.dx]) pylab.clim(vmin=0.000001)#, mx) palette.set_under('w', 0.000001) cb = pylab.colorbar(im2) cb.set_label('DISCHARGE (m)', fontsize=12) pylab.title('DISCHARGE')
def plot_tilt(axis, tilt, axis_t, label=None, ori='V', if_log=0): tilt = tilt / tilt.max() tilt = tilt + 1e-30 if ori == 'V': alabel = 'y' else: alabel = 'x' title = 'wavefront tilt at ' + label if if_log == 1: tilt = np.log(tilt) title = title + ', log' plt.imshow(tilt, cmap='jet', extent=[ axis_t.max() * 1e15, axis_t.min() * 1e15, axis.max() * 1e6, axis.min() * 1e6 ]) plt.colorbar() if if_log == 1: cmin = np.max(tilt) - 10 plt.clim(cmin) plt.axis('tight') plt.title(title, fontsize=18) plt.xlabel('time (fs)', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel(alabel + r' ($\mu$m)', fontsize=18)
def transect(x, y, z, x0, y0, x1, y1, plots=0): #convert coord to pixel coord d0 = sqrt((x - x0)**2 + (y - y0)**2) i0 = d0.argmin() x0, y0 = unravel_index(i0, x.shape) #overwrite x0,y0 d1 = - x1)**2 + (y - y1)**2) i1 = d1.argmin() x1, y1 = unravel_index(i1, x.shape) #overwrite x1,y1 #-- Extract the line... # Make a line with "num" points... length = int( - x0, y1 - y0)) xi, yi =, x1, length),, y1, length) # Extract the values along the line #y is the first dimension and x is the second, row,col zi = z[xi.astype(, yi.astype(] mz = nonaninf(z.ravel()).mean() sz = nonaninf(z.ravel()).std() if plots == 1: plt.matshow(z) plt.clim([mz - 2 * sz, mz + 2 * sz]) plt.colorbar() plt.title('transect: (' + str(x0) + ',' + str(y0) + ') (' + str(x1) + ',' + str(y1) + ')') plt.scatter(yi, xi, 5, c='r', edgecolors='none') plt.figure() plt.scatter(sqrt((xi - xi[0])**2 + (yi - yi[0])**2), zi) #plt.figure();plt.scatter(xi, zi) #plt.figure();plt.scatter(yi, zi) return (xi, yi, zi)
def three_component_plot(c1, c2, c3, color, labels): pl.figure(figsize=(8,8)) kwargs = dict(s=4, lw=0, c=color, vmin=2, vmax=6) ax1 = pl.subplot(221) pl.scatter(c1, c2, **kwargs) pl.ylabel('component 2') ax2 = pl.subplot(223, sharex=ax1) pl.scatter(c1, c3, **kwargs) pl.xlabel('component 1') pl.ylabel('component 3') ax3 = pl.subplot(224, sharey=ax2) pl.scatter(c2, c3, **kwargs) pl.xlabel('component 2') for ax in (ax1, ax2, ax3): ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) pl.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05) format = ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda i, *args: labels[i]) pl.colorbar(ticks = range(2, 7), format=format, cax = pl.axes((0.52, 0.51, 0.02, 0.39))) pl.clim(1.5, 6.5)
def plot_eigenmodes(evecs, evals, ax_list, mode_list, RArange, DECrange): """ Plot KL eigenmodes associated with the COSMOS catalog """ assert len(ax_list) == len(mode_list) NRA = len(RArange) - 1 NDEC = len(DECrange) - 1 for i in range(len(ax_list)): ax = ax_list[i] mode = mode_list[i] pylab.axes(ax) evec = evecs[:, i] pylab.imshow( evec.reshape((NRA, NDEC)).T, origin="lower", interpolation=None, #'nearest',, extent=(RArange[0], RArange[-1], DECrange[0], DECrange[-1]), ) cmax = np.max(abs(evec)) pylab.clim(-cmax, cmax) pylab.title(r"$\mathrm{mode\ %i}\ (v=%.3f)$" % (i + 1, evals[i])) return ax_list
def main(argv): filename = argv[1] print filename data = np.loadtxt(filename) pl.imshow(data > 0.1) pl.title('natural') pl.figure() pl.imshow(data) pl.clim([-0.3, 0.3]) pl.title('natural') pl.figure() pl.plot(data[50, :], 'b') pl.plot(data[:, 50], 'g') pl.ylim([-0.4, 0.4]) pl.title('natural') pl.savefig(filename + ".linesamples.eps") pl.imsave(filename + ".gt0p1.png", data > 0.1) pl.imsave(filename + ".ltneg0p1.png", data < -0.1) pl.imsave(filename + ".data.png", data, vmin=-0.3, vmax=0.3) exit()
def transect(x,y,z,x0,y0,x1,y1,plots=0): #convert coord to pixel coord d0=sqrt( (x-x0)**2+ (y-y0)**2 ); i0=d0.argmin(); x0,y0=unravel_index(i0,x.shape); #overwrite x0,y0 (x-x1)**2+ (y-y1)**2 ); i1=d1.argmin(); x1,y1=unravel_index(i1,x.shape); #overwrite x1,y1 #-- Extract the line... # Make a line with "num" points... length = int(, y1-y0)) xi, yi =, x1, length),, y1, length) # Extract the values along the line #y is the first dimension and x is the second, row,col zi = z[xi.astype(, yi.astype(] mz=nonaninf(z.ravel()).mean() sz=nonaninf(z.ravel()).std() if plots==1: plt.matshow(z);plt.clim([mz-2*sz,mz+2*sz]);plt.colorbar();plt.title('transect: (' + str(x0) + ',' + str(y0) + ') (' +str(x1) + ',' +str(y1) + ')' ); plt.scatter(yi,xi,5,c='r',edgecolors='none') plt.figure();plt.scatter(sqrt( (xi-xi[0])**2 + (yi-yi[0])**2 ) , zi) #plt.figure();plt.scatter(xi, zi) #plt.figure();plt.scatter(yi, zi) return (xi, yi, zi);
def scatter_2D(x, y, t=None,, clim=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, title=""): fig = pylab.figure() if t == None: cb = pylab.scatter(x, y, s=12.0, linewidths=0) else: cb = pylab.scatter(x, y, c=t, cmap=cmap, s=12.0, linewidths=0) if xlabel == None: xlabel = 'x' if ylabel == None: ylabel = 'y' pylab.xlabel(xlabel) pylab.ylabel(ylabel) pylab.title(title) pylab.colorbar(cb) if clim != None: pylab.clim(clim[0], clim[1]) return fig
def show_kappa(kappa,clabel=r'\kappa',part='r',clim=None,logplot=True): if part.lower()=='r': kappa = kappa.real elif part.lower()=='i': kappa = kappa.imag elif part.lower() in ['a','n']: kappa = abs(kappa) else: raise ValueError, "show_kappa : unrecognized part %s" % part pylab.figure(figsize=(14,9)) if logplot: kappa = numpy.log(1+kappa) pylab.imshow(kappa.T, origin = 'lower', interpolation = 'nearest', extent = params.RAlim+params.DEClim) cb = pylab.colorbar() if logplot: cb.set_label(r'$\rm{log}(1+%s)$' % clabel, fontsize=14) else: cb.set_label(r'$%s$' % clabel, fontsize=14) if clim is not None: pylab.clim(clim) pylab.xlabel('RA (deg)') pylab.ylabel('DEC (deg)')
def plot_discharge(self, grid): """This plots discharge across the raster""" grid._setup_active_inlink_and_outlink_matrices() outlink = grid.node_active_outlink_matrix inlink = grid.node_active_inlink_matrix outlink1 = outlink.tolist() inlink1 = inlink.tolist() newin0, newout0 = change_signs(inlink1[0], outlink1[0]) newin1, newout1 = change_signs(inlink1[1], outlink1[1]) in0 = np.array(newin0) in1 = np.array(newin1) out0 = np.array(newout0) out1 = np.array(newout1) self.q_node = self.q[in0] + self.q[in1] + self.q[out0] + self.q[ out1] #((q[outlink[1]] -q[inlink[1]]))#+((q[outlink[0]]-(q[inlink[0]]))) fixed_q = grid.zeros(centering='node') for each in self.interior_nodes: fixed_q[each] = self.q_node[each] plt.figure('DISCHARGE') hr = grid.node_vector_to_raster(fixed_q) palette = im2 = pylab.imshow(hr, cmap=palette, extent=[ 0, grid.number_of_node_columns * grid.dx, 0, grid.number_of_node_rows * grid.dx ]) pylab.clim(vmin=0.000001) #, mx) palette.set_under('w', 0.000001) cb = pylab.colorbar(im2) cb.set_label('DISCHARGE (m)', fontsize=12) pylab.title('DISCHARGE')
def plot_mtx(mtx, labels, title): pl.figure() pl.imshow(mtx, interpolation='nearest') pl.xticks(range(len(mtx)), labels, rotation=-45) pl.yticks(range(len(mtx)), labels) pl.title(title) pl.clim((0,1)) pl.colorbar()
def rsa_result_plot(mtx, labels, title): pl.figure() pl.imshow(mtx, interpolation='nearest') pl.xticks(range(len(mtx)), labels, rotation=-45) pl.yticks(range(len(mtx)), labels) pl.title(title) pl.clim((0, 2)) pl.colorbar()
def plot_mtx(mtx, labels, title): pl.figure() pl.imshow(mtx, interpolation='nearest') pl.xticks(range(len(mtx)), labels, rotation=-90) pl.yticks(range(len(mtx)), labels) pl.title(title) pl.clim((0, 1)) pl.colorbar()
def visualise_stamp(self, i, bands=['r', 'i'], batch=0, cmap='jet', nstamp=0): psf = [] gal = [] mgal = [] for band in bands: path1 = '%s/%c/galaxies-%d/' % (self.paths['cutouts'], band, batch) path1 = glob.glob(path1 + '%d-cutout-HSC-%c*.fits' % (i, band.upper())) path1 = path1[0] ppath1 = '%s/%c/psf-%d/' % (self.paths['cutouts'], band, batch) ppath1 = glob.glob(ppath1 + '%d-psf-calexp*-HSC-%c*.fits' % (i, band.upper())) ppath1 = ppath1[0] mpath1 = '%s/%c/galaxies-%d/' % (self.paths['cutouts'], band, batch) mpath1 = glob.glob(mpath1 + '%d-*masked*-HSC-%c*.fits' % (i, band.upper())) mpath1 = mpath1[0] psf.append(fi.FITS(ppath1)[-1].read()) gal.append(fi.FITS(path1)['IMAGE'].read()) mgal.append(fi.FITS(mpath1)[-1].read()) j = 1 N = len(psf) gmax = gal[0].max() gmin = gal[0].min() mgmax = mgal[0].max() mgmin = mgal[0].min() for i, (p, g, masked) in enumerate(zip(psf, gal, mgal)): if nstamp > 0: x0 = g.shape[1] / 2 y0 = g.shape[0] / 2 dx = nstamp / 2 dy = nstamp / 2 g = g[y0 - dy:y0 + dy, x0 - dx:x0 + dx] masked = masked[y0 - dy:y0 + dy, x0 - dx:x0 + dx] plt.subplot(int('%d%d%d' % (N, 3, j))) plt.imshow(g, interpolation='none', cmap=cmap) plt.clim(mgmin, mgmax) print mgmin, mgmax j += 1 plt.subplot(int('%d%d%d' % (N, 3, j))) plt.imshow(masked, interpolation='none', cmap=cmap) plt.clim(mgmin, mgmax) j += 1 plt.subplot(int('%d%d%d' % (N, 3, j))) plt.imshow(p, interpolation='none', cmap=cmap) j += 1
def plot_spectrogram(input_data, windowfn=None, channel_number=0, filename=None, coloraxis=None, noverlap=0, NFFT=None, **kwargs): import pylab as pl if windowfn == None: windowfn = pl.window_hanning # look in the config file section Plots for NFFT = 1234 # Dave - how about a method to allow this in one line # e.g. pyfusion.config.numgetdef('Plots','NFFT', 2048) # usage: # if (NFFT==None): NFFT = pyfusion.config.numgetdef('Plots','NFFT', 2048) # # also nice to have if NFFT == None: try: NFFT = (eval(pyfusion.config.get('Plots', 'NFFT'))) except: NFFT = 2048 pl.specgram(input_data.signal.get_channel(channel_number), NFFT=NFFT, noverlap=noverlap, Fs=input_data.timebase.sample_freq, window=windowfn, **kwargs) #accept multi or single channel data (I think?) if coloraxis != None: pl.clim(coloraxis) else: try: pl.clim(eval(pyfusion.config.get('Plots', 'coloraxis'))) except: pass # look in the config file section Plots for a string like FT_Axis = [0,0.08,0,500] # don't quote try: pl.axis(eval(pyfusion.config.get('Plots', 'FT_Axis'))) except: pass try: pl.title("%d, %s" % (input_data.meta['shot'], input_data.channels[channel_number].name)) except: pl.title("%d, %s" % (input_data.meta['shot'], if filename != None: pl.savefig(filename) else:
def animate(i): im.set_array(data[i]) if saturation is not None: saturate(saturation, im=im) else: plt.clim(clims) if label is not None: tx.set_text('{:2.0f} {:}'.format(label[i], label_caption)) return [im]
def output_plots(image_field, axis): arr = image_field.swapaxes(0, axis) for i in range(arr.shape[axis]): print i pylab.clf() pylab.imshow(arr[i,...], interpolation='nearest') pylab.colorbar() pylab.clim(image_field.min(), image_field.max()) pylab.savefig("RT/image_%s_%04i.png" % (axis,i))
def saltmovie(tr): mv = anim.Movie() ints = np.sort(np.unique(tr.ints)) for i in ints[:40]: pl.pcolormesh(miv(tr.traj2grid('z',tr.jd==i)),cmap=cm.Paired) pl.clim(28,33) print i mv.image()"_salt_mov.mp4")
def movie(self,fld,k=0,jd1=733342,jd2=733342+10): miv = for n,jd in enumerate(np.arange(jd1,jd2,0.25)): self.load(fld,jd) pl.clf() pl.pcolormesh(miv(self.__dict__[fld][0,k,:,:])) pl.clim(-0.1,0.1) pl.savefig('%s_%05i.png' % (fld,n),dpi=150)
def animate(i): im.set_array(F[i].ravel()) if saturation is not None: sp.saturate(saturation) else: plt.clim(clims) if label is not None: tx.set_text('{:2.0f} {:}'.format(label[i], label_caption)) return [im]
def animate(i): im.set_array(data[i]) if saturation is not None: saturate(saturation, im=im) else: plt.clim(clims) if label is not None: tx.set_text('{:2.1f} {:}'.format(label[i], label_caption)) return [im]
def pcolor(self, field, jd=None): """Plot a map of a field using projmap""" self.add_mp() pl.clf() pl.subplot(111,axisbg='0.9'),self.mpyll,miv(field), cmap=GBRY()) if jd: pl.title(pl.num2date(jd).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) pl.clim(-10,10) pl.colorbar(aspect=40,shrink=0.95,pad=0,fraction=0.05)
def Bsf(self): if not hasattr(self, 'Br'): self.Bfeild() pl.streamplot(self.r, self.z, self.Br.T, self.Bz.T, color=self.Br.T, pl.clim([-1.5, 1.5])
def plot_mtx(mtx, labels, title, skip=5): # little helper function to plot dissimilarity matrices # if using correlation-distance, we use colorbar range of [0,2] pl.figure() pl.imshow(mtx, interpolation='nearest') pl.xticks(range(len(mtx))[::skip], labels[::skip], rotation=90) pl.yticks(range(len(mtx))[::skip], labels[::skip]) pl.title(title) pl.clim((0, 2)) pl.colorbar()
def interp(ps,intstart=6353): import figpref import projmaps figpref.current() ps.c.execute("SELECT distinct(ints) FROM casco__chlor_a " + " WHERE intstart=%i" % intstart) ints1,ints2 = ps.c.fetchall() sql = """SELECT t1.ntrac,t1.val,t2.val,p.x,p.y,p.ints FROM casco__chlor_a t1 INNER JOIN casco__chlor_a t2 ON t1.ntrac=t2.ntrac INNER JOIN casco p ON t1.ntrac=p.ntrac WHERE t1.intstart=%i AND t2.intstart=%i AND p.intstart=%i AND t1.ints=%i AND t2.ints=%i; """ % (intstart,intstart,intstart,ints1[0],ints2[0]) ps.c.execute(sql) res = zip(*ps.c.fetchall()) class trj: pass if len(res) > 0: for n,a in enumerate(['ntrac','t1val','t2val','x','y','ints']): trj.__dict__[a] = np.array(res[n]) mask = (trj.ints.astype(np.float)/100-trj.ints/100)>0.5 trj.ints[mask]=trj.ints[mask]+1 tvec = np.unique(trj.ints) tvec = tvec[tvec<=ints2[0]] itvec = tvec-tvec.min() itvec = itvec.astype(np.float)/itvec.max() mp = projmaps.Projmap('casco') xl,yl = mp(ps.llon,ps.llat) for n,t in enumerate(tvec): fld = ps.cs.llat * 0 cnt = ps.cs.llat * 0 xvc = (trj.x[trj.ints==t].astype( yvc = (trj.y[trj.ints==t].astype( val = ( np.log(trj.t1val[trj.ints==t])*(1-itvec[n]) + np.log(trj.t2val[trj.ints==t])*(itvec[n]) ) for x,y,v in zip(xvc,yvc,val): fld[y,x] += v cnt[y,x] += 1 pl.clf() mp.pcolormesh(xl,yl,miv(fld/cnt)) mp.nice() jd = (ps.base_iso + (float(t)-(intstart)/8*3600*24)/3600/24 + intstart/8) + 0.583 pl.title(pl.num2date(jd).strftime("log(Chl) %Y-%m-%d %H:%M")) pl.clim(-2,2.5) pl.savefig("interp_%i_%03i.png" % (intstart,n), dpi=100)
def plot_spectrogram(input_data, windowfn=None, units='kHz', channel_number=0, filename=None, coloraxis=None, noverlap=0,NFFT=None, **kwargs): import pylab as pl if windowfn == None: windowfn=pl.window_hanning # look in the config file section Plots for NFFT = 1234 # Dave - how about a method to allow this in one line # e.g. pyfusion.config.numgetdef('Plots','NFFT', 2048) # usage: # if (NFFT==None): NFFT = pyfusion.config.numgetdef('Plots','NFFT', 2048) # # also nice to have if NFFT == None: try: NFFT=(int(pyfusion.config.get('Plots','NFFT'))) except: NFFT = 2048 print(NFFT) if units.lower() == 'khz': ffact = 1000. else: ffact =1. xextent=(min(input_data.timebase),max(input_data.timebase)) pl.specgram(input_data.signal.get_channel(channel_number), NFFT=NFFT, noverlap=noverlap, Fs=input_data.timebase.sample_freq/ffact, window=windowfn, xextent=xextent, **kwargs) #accept multi or single channel data (I think?) if coloraxis != None: pl.clim(coloraxis) else: try: pl.clim(eval(pyfusion.config.get('Plots','coloraxis'))) except: pass # look in the config file section Plots for a string like # FT_Axis = [0,0.08,0,500e3] don't quote try: #pl.axis(eval(pyfusion.config.get('Plots','FT_Axis'))) # this is clumsier now we need to consider freq units. axt = eval(pyfusion.config.get('Plots','FT_Axis')) pl.axis([axt[0], axt[1], axt[2]/ffact, axt[3]/ffact]) except: pass # but override X if we have zoomed in bdb if 'reduce_time' in input_data.history: pl.xlim(np.min(input_data.timebase),max(input_data.timebase)) try: pl.title("%d, %s"%(input_data.meta['shot'], input_data.channels[channel_number].name)) except: pl.title("%d, %s"%(input_data.meta['shot'], if filename != None: pl.savefig(filename) else:
def plot_shear_stress_grid(self, grid): ''' This method must follow a call to the flow_across_grid() method and requires the instance of the raster grid which was created when the DEM is read in. Shear stress is calculated at each interior node, to correspond with where water depths are calculated (interior nodes). This takes that node vector, converts it into a raster. Presently, all nodes the colorbar is blocked at intervals of ten, using the following function call: >>> cmap = plt.get_cmap('Spectral', 10) To change the interval at which color blocks are set, the value of 10 can be changed. To specify a particular range of shear stress values, the following call can be added to the function. Say we want the low values on the color bar to start at 10 and increase to 100, which is currently the default setting: >>> pylab.clim(vmin=10, vmax=100) The colorbar is plotted using a blocked color map like those found here: The Spectral map has small values starting at shades of pink while increasing values go over the color spectrum from orange, to yellow, to green, to blue and purple as the values increase. ''' # First we create a new figure window to plot within plt.figure('Shear Stress raster') # And then we convert the shear stress node vector to raster format tn = grid.node_vector_to_raster(self.tau) # This call selects the color map and interval which it will be blocked by cmap=plt.get_cmap('Spectral', 10) # This sets the minimum on the color bar, anything beneath the lower clim() value is set to white. cmap.set_under('white') # Creating the grid image to show im2 = pylab.imshow(tn, cmap=cmap, extent=[0, grid.number_of_node_columns *grid.dx,0, grid.number_of_node_rows * grid.dx]) # Creating the colorbar for the grid image cb = pylab.colorbar(im2) # Sets the minimum and maximum values for the colorbar. pylab.clim(vmin=10, vmax=100) # Set titles for the figure and colorbar. cb.set_label('Shear Stress (Pa)', fontsize=12) pylab.title('Shear Stress')
def plot_water_depths(self, grid): ''' This method must follow a call to either flow_at_one_node() or the flow_across_grid() methods and requires the instance of the raster grid which was created when the DEM is read in. Water depths are calculated at each interior node in both methods. This takes that node vector, converts it into a raster. Presently, all nodes with water depths less than 1 cm are considered to have no flow/no depth and are plotted as white in the raster, using the following call: >>> palette.set_under('w', 0.01) If this value is changed, the value in the pylab.clim() function MUST also be changed. Additionally, the maximum value for plotted water depths is 1 m, using the following call: >>> pylab.clim(0.01, 1) Changing the value of 1 will extend the colorbar to higher values. Depths are plotted using a continuous color map, like those found here: The winter_r is simply a reverse of the winter colormap, so small values are shaded green while increasing values are shaded with increasingly dark shades of blue. ''' plt.figure('Water Depth Raster') # This function takes the node vector and converts to a raster. hr = grid.node_vector_to_raster(self.h) # Setting color selections - this is a green to blue continuous colorbar palette = # Anything beneath the float value in this argument is colored white. palette.set_under('w', 0.01) ## Hardcoded 1 cm min. depth. # Creates the grid image to show. im2 = pylab.imshow(hr, cmap=palette, extent=[0, grid.number_of_node_columns *grid.dx,0, grid.number_of_node_rows * grid.dx]) # Sets the minimum and maximum values for the colorbar. pylab.clim(0.01, 1) # The left value or "min" must be equal to the value in the set_under() function call above. Currently # hardcoded to 1 m. # Creates the colorbar cb = pylab.colorbar(im2) # Labels for the colorbar and figure. cb.set_label('Water depth (m)', fontsize=12) pylab.title('Water depth')
def plot_water_depths(self, grid): ''' This method must follow a call to either flow_at_one_node() or the flow_across_grid() methods and requires the instance of the raster grid which was created when the DEM is read in. Water depths are calculated at each interior node in both methods. This takes that node vector, converts it into a raster. Presently, all nodes with water depths less than 1 cm are considered to have no flow/no depth and are plotted as white in the raster, using the following call: >>> palette.set_under('w', 0.01) # doctest: +SKIP If this value is changed, the value in the pylab.clim() function MUST also be changed. Additionally, the maximum value for plotted water depths is 1 m, using the following call: >>> pylab.clim(0.01, 1) # doctest: +SKIP Changing the value of 1 will extend the colorbar to higher values. Depths are plotted using a continuous color map, like those found here: The winter_r is simply a reverse of the winter colormap, so small values are shaded green while increasing values are shaded with increasingly dark shades of blue. ''' plt.figure('Water Depth Raster') # This function takes the node vector and converts to a raster. hr = grid.node_vector_to_raster(self.h) # Setting color selections - this is a green to blue continuous colorbar palette = # Anything beneath the float value in this argument is colored white. palette.set_under('w', 0.01) ## Hardcoded 1 cm min. depth. # Creates the grid image to show. im2 = pylab.imshow(hr, cmap=palette, extent=[0, grid.number_of_node_columns *grid.dx,0, grid.number_of_node_rows * grid.dx]) # Sets the minimum and maximum values for the colorbar. pylab.clim(0.01, 1) # The left value or "min" must be equal to the value in the set_under() function call above. Currently # hardcoded to 1 m. # Creates the colorbar cb = pylab.colorbar(im2) # Labels for the colorbar and figure. cb.set_label('Water depth (m)', fontsize=12) pylab.title('Water depth')
def plot_shear_stress_grid(self, grid): plt.figure('Shear Stress raster') tn = grid.node_vector_to_raster(self.tau) cmap=plt.get_cmap('Spectral', 10) cmap.set_under('white') im2 = pylab.imshow(tn, cmap=cmap, extent=[0, grid.number_of_node_columns *grid.dx,0, grid.number_of_node_rows * grid.dx]) cb = pylab.colorbar(im2) pylab.clim(vmin=10, vmax=100) cb.set_label('Shear Stress (Pa)', fontsize=12) pylab.title('Shear Stress')
def OnComputeOutput(self, e): plusl = self.im1array[:, :, 0, 0] negsl = self.im2array[:, :, 0, 0] self.subtr = ComputePercentDiff(plusl, negsl) #self.B0corrsubtr=CorrectB0(self.subtr, self.B0slice) outclim = [0, 5] figure, cb = plotGraph(self.subtr) pl.clim(outclim) cb.outline.set_linewidth(0.2), labelsize=2, pad=0) self.OutputCanvas = FigureCanvas(self.window_6_pane_1, -1, figure)
def make_panel(image, color=cm.gray, zmin = None, zmax = None, pix_sz = 0.396): imshape_arcsec = np.array(image.shape)*pix_sz if zmin == None: zmin = np.min(image) if zmax == None: zmax = np.max(image) pl.imshow(image, cmap=color, interpolation = 'nearest', extent = (-imshape_arcsec[1]/2, imshape_arcsec[1]/2,-imshape_arcsec[1]/2, imshape_arcsec[1]/2), origin = 'lower') pl.clim(zmin,zmax) return zmin, zmax
def test2(self): iqehist = hh.load(os.path.join(datadir, "V-iqe.h5")) newsqe = interp(iqehist, newE=np.arange(-50, 50, 1.)) mask = dynamical_range_mask(newsqe, Ei=120) # plot if interactive: import pylab pylab.imshow(mask.T[::-1]) pylab.clim(0, None) pylab.colorbar() return
def plot_water_depths(self, grid): ''' This plots water depths across the raster. ''' plt.figure('Water Depth Raster') hr = grid.node_vector_to_raster(self.h) palette = palette.set_under('w', 0.01) ## right now these are hardcoded values. im2 = pylab.imshow(hr, cmap=palette, extent=[0, grid.number_of_node_columns *grid.dx,0, grid.number_of_node_rows * grid.dx]) pylab.clim(0.01, 1) ## hardcoded - need to think of something clever. cb = pylab.colorbar(im2) cb.set_label('Water depth (m)', fontsize=12) pylab.title('Water depth')
def read_data_doppler(filename='Off of Newton Exit 17.wav', Tp=0.25, fc=2590E6 ): FS,Y=readwav(filename) #constants c = 3E8 #radar parameters #Tp = 0.250 # (s) pulse time n = int(Tp*FS) # number of samples per pulse print ['Number of samples per pulse:', n] #fc = 2590E6 # (Hz) Center frequency (connected VCO Vtune to +5) #the input appears to be inverted s = -1*Y[0] #Y[:,1] del Y #create doppler vs. time plot data set here #for ii =1:round(size(s,1)/N)-1 nsif=int(round(s.shape[0]/n)-1) print ['nsif:', nsif] sif=N.zeros([nsif,n]) for ii in xrange(0,nsif): sif[ii,:] = s[ii*n:(ii+1)*n] #sif(ii,:) = s(1+(ii-1)*N:ii*N) #subtract the average DC term here sif = sif-s.mean() zpad = 8*n/2 #doppler vs. time plot: v=dbv(N.fft.ifft(sif, zpad,1)) v=v[:,0:v.shape[1]/2] mmax = v.max() #calculate velocity delta_f = N.linspace(0, FS, v.shape[1]) #(Hz) wavelen=c/fc velocity = delta_f*wavelen/2. #calculate time time = N.linspace(0,Tp*v.shape[0],v.shape[0]) #(sec) #plot P.pcolormesh(velocity[0:512], time, v[:,0:512]-mmax, edgecolors = 'None') P.plt.gca().invert_yaxis() P.matshow(v[:,0:1024], extent=(velocity[0], velocity[1023], time[-1], time[0])) P.colorbar() P.clim([-40,0]) P.xlabel('Velocity (m/sec)') P.ylabel('time (sec)'); return v,velocity,time