def makegrid(self, nx, ny, returnxy=False): """ return arrays of shape (ny,nx) containing lon,lat coordinates of an equally spaced native projection grid. if returnxy=True, the x,y values of the grid are returned also. """ dx = (self.urcrnrx - self.llcrnrx) / (nx - 1) dy = (self.urcrnry - self.llcrnry) / (ny - 1) x = self.llcrnrx + dx * N.indices((ny, nx))[1, :, :] y = self.llcrnry + dy * N.indices((ny, nx))[0, :, :] lons, lats = self(x, y, inverse=True) if returnxy: return lons, lats, x, y else: return lons, lats
def main(): import pylab # Create the gaussian data Xin, Yin = pylab.mgrid[0:201, 0:201] data = gaussian(3, 100, 100, 20, 40)(Xin, Yin) + np.random.random(Xin.shape) pylab.matshow(data, cmap='gist_rainbow') params = fitgaussian(data) fit = gaussian(*params) pylab.contour(fit(*pylab.indices(data.shape)), cmap='copper') ax = pylab.gca() (height, x, y, width_x, width_y) = params pylab.text(0.95, 0.05, """ x : %.1f y : %.1f width_x : %.1f width_y : %.1f""" %(x, y, width_x, width_y), fontsize=16, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom', transform=ax.transAxes)
def main(): #from pylab import * import pylab # Create the gaussian data Xin, Yin = pylab.mgrid[0:201, 0:201] data = gaussian(3, 100, 100, 20, 40)(Xin, Yin) + np.random.random( Xin.shape) pylab.matshow(data, cmap='gist_rainbow') params = fitgaussian(data) fit = gaussian(*params) pylab.contour(fit(*pylab.indices(data.shape)), cmap='copper') ax = pylab.gca() (height, x, y, width_x, width_y) = params pylab.text(0.95, 0.05, """ x : %.1f y : %.1f width_x : %.1f width_y : %.1f""" % (x, y, width_x, width_y), fontsize=16, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom', transform=ax.transAxes)
def fitgaussian(data): """Returns (height, x, y, width_x, width_y) the gaussian parameters of a 2D distribution found by a fit""" params = moments(data) errorfunction = lambda p: ravel(gaussian(*p)(*indices(data.shape)) - data) p, success = optimize.leastsq(errorfunction, params) return p
def wrap_collapse_adaptive(filename,outprefix,redo='no',nsig=5,nrsig=2,doplot=True): """ redo - if not equal to 'no', then... if collapse_gaussfit succeeded (to the extent that the .pysav files were written), but some part of the file writing or successive procedures failed, re-do those procedures without redoing the whole collapse """ fitsfile = dv,v0,p3 = fitsfile[0].header['CD3_3'],fitsfile[0].header['CRVAL3'],fitsfile[0].header['CRPIX3'] dr,r0,p1 = fitsfile[0].header['CD1_1'],fitsfile[0].header['CRVAL1'],fitsfile[0].header['CRPIX1'] dd,d0,p2 = fitsfile[0].header['CD2_2'],fitsfile[0].header['CRVAL2'],fitsfile[0].header['CRPIX2'] xtora = lambda x: (x-p1+1)*dr+r0 # convert pixel coordinates to RA/Dec/Velocity ytodec = lambda y: (y-p2+1)*dd+d0 vconv = lambda v: (v-p3+1)*dv+v0 cube = fitsfile[0].data cube = where(numpy.isnan(cube),0,cube) if redo=='no': adaptB = asarray(adaptive_collapse_gaussfit(cube,axis=0,prefix=outprefix+'_triple', nsig=nsig,nrsig=nrsig,vconv=vconv,xtora=xtora,ytodec=ytodec,doplot=doplot)) adaptB[numpy.isnan(adaptB)] = 0 pickle.dump(adaptB,open('%s_adaptB.pysav' % outprefix,'w')) else: adaptB = pickle.load(open('%s_adaptB.pysav' % outprefix,'r')) db = adaptB gcd = double_gaussian(db[3],db[4],db[0],db[1],db[5],db[6])(indices(cube.shape)[0]) fitsfile[0].data = gcd fitsfile.writeto('%s_adaptgausscube.fits' % outprefix,clobber=True) gcd[numpy.isnan(gcd)] = 0 adaptResids = cube-gcd fitsfile[0].data = adaptResids fitsfile.writeto('%s_adaptgaussresids.fits' % outprefix,clobber=True) #adaptB[4] = (adaptB[4]-v0) / dv + p3-1 #adaptB[3] = (adaptB[3]-v0) / dv + p3-1 adaptB[4] = (adaptB[4]-p3+1) * dv + v0 adaptB[3] = (adaptB[3]-p3+1) * dv + v0 fitsfile[0].data = asarray(adaptB) fitsfile.writeto('%s_adaptgausspars.fits' % outprefix,clobber=True) fitsfile[0].header.__delitem__('CD3_3') fitsfile[0].header.__delitem__('CRVAL3') fitsfile[0].header.__delitem__('CRPIX3') fitsfile[0].header.__delitem__('CUNIT3') fitsfile[0].header.__delitem__('CTYPE3') adaptResids[numpy.isnan(adaptResids)] = 0 totalDResids = adaptResids.sum(axis=0) fitsfile[0].data = totalDResids fitsfile.writeto('%s_adaptgauss_totalresids.fits' % outprefix,clobber=True) return adaptB
def moments(data): """Returns (height, x, y, width_x, width_y) the gaussian parameters of a 2D distribution by calculating its moments """ total = data.sum() bias = data.mean() X, Y = indices(data.shape) x = (X * data).sum() / total y = (Y * data).sum() / total col = data[:, int(y)] width_x = sqrt(abs((arange(col.size) - y)**2 * col).sum() / col.sum()) row = data[int(x), :] width_y = sqrt(abs((arange(row.size) - x)**2 * row).sum() / row.sum()) height = data.max() return bias, height, x, y, width_x, width_y
def moments(data): """Returns (height, x, y, width_x, width_y) the gaussian parameters of a 2D distribution by calculating its moments """ #total = data.sum() #bias=data.mean() bias = np.min(data) # revised by Kai to make faint object detection easier data_this = data - bias total = data_this.sum() X, Y = indices(data.shape) x = (X * data_this).sum() / total y = (Y * data_this).sum() / total col = data_this[:, int(y)] width_x = sqrt(abs((arange(col.size) - y)**2 * col).sum() / col.sum()) row = data_this[int(x), :] width_y = sqrt(abs((arange(row.size) - x)**2 * row).sum() / row.sum()) height = data_this.max() return bias, height, x, y, width_x, width_y
def wrap_collapse_gauss(filename,outprefix,redo='no'): """ redo - if not equal to 'no', then... if collapse_gaussfit succeeded (to the extent that the .pysav files were written), but some part of the file writing or successive procedures failed, re-do those procedures without redoing the whole collapse """ fitsfile = dv,v0,p3 = fitsfile[0].header['CD3_3'],fitsfile[0].header['CRVAL3'],fitsfile[0].header['CRPIX3'] cube = fitsfile[0].data cube = where(numpy.isnan(cube),0,cube) if redo=='no': doubleB = asarray(collapse_double_gaussfit(cube,axis=0)) doubleB[numpy.isnan(doubleB)] = 0 pickle.dump(doubleB,open('%s_doubleB.pysav' % outprefix,'w')) else: doubleB = pickle.load(open('%s_doubleB.pysav' % outprefix,'r')) db = doubleB gcd = double_gaussian(db[3],db[4],db[0],db[1],db[5],db[6])(indices(cube.shape)[0]) fitsfile[0].data = gcd fitsfile.writeto('%s_doublegausscube.fits' % outprefix,clobber=True) gcd[numpy.isnan(gcd)] = 0 doubleResids = cube-gcd fitsfile[0].data = doubleResids fitsfile.writeto('%s_doublegaussresids.fits' % outprefix,clobber=True) #doubleB[4] = (doubleB[4]-v0) / dv + p3-1 #doubleB[3] = (doubleB[3]-v0) / dv + p3-1 doubleB[4] = (doubleB[4]-p3+1) * dv + v0 doubleB[3] = (doubleB[3]-p3+1) * dv + v0 fitsfile[0].data = asarray(doubleB) fitsfile.writeto('%s_doublegausspars.fits' % outprefix,clobber=True) if redo=='no': singleB = asarray(collapse_gaussfit(cube,axis=0)) pickle.dump(singleB,open('%s_singleB.pysav' % outprefix,'w')) else: singleB = pickle.load(open('%s_singleB.pysav' % outprefix,'r')) gc = gaussian(singleB[1],singleB[0],singleB[2])(indices(cube.shape)[0]) singleB[1] = (singleB[1]-p3+1) * dv + v0 fitsfile[0].data = gc fitsfile.writeto('%s_singlegausscube.fits' % outprefix,clobber=True) gc[numpy.isnan(gc)]=0 singleResids = cube-gc fitsfile[0].data = singleResids fitsfile.writeto('%s_singlegaussresids.fits' % outprefix,clobber=True) fitsfile[0].data = asarray(singleB) fitsfile.writeto('%s_singlegausspars.fits' % outprefix,clobber=True) fitsfile[0].header.__delitem__('CD3_3') fitsfile[0].header.__delitem__('CRVAL3') fitsfile[0].header.__delitem__('CRPIX3') fitsfile[0].header.__delitem__('CUNIT3') fitsfile[0].header.__delitem__('CTYPE3') doubleResids[numpy.isnan(doubleResids)] = 0 totalDResids = doubleResids.sum(axis=0) fitsfile[0].data = totalDResids fitsfile.writeto('%s_doublegauss_totalresids.fits' % outprefix,clobber=True) singleResids[numpy.isnan(singleResids)] = 0 totalSResids = singleResids.sum(axis=0) fitsfile[0].data = totalSResids fitsfile.writeto('%s_singlegauss_totalresids.fits' % outprefix,clobber=True) return singleB,doubleB
def drawmeridians(self,meridians,color='k',linewidth=1., \ linestyle='--',dashes=[1,1],labels=[0,0,0,0],\ font='rm',fontsize=12): """ draw meridians (longitude lines). meridians - list containing longitude values to draw (in degrees). color - color to draw meridians (default black). linewidth - line width for meridians (default 1.) linestyle - line style for meridians (default '--', i.e. dashed). dashes - dash pattern for meridians (default [1,1], i.e. 1 pixel on, 1 pixel off). labels - list of 4 values (default [0,0,0,0]) that control whether meridians are labelled where they intersect the left, right, top or bottom of the plot. For example labels=[1,0,0,1] will cause meridians to be labelled where they intersect the left and bottom of the plot, but not the right and top. Labels are drawn using mathtext. font - mathtext font used for labels ('rm','tt','it' or 'cal', default 'rm'). fontsize - font size in points for labels (default 12). """ # get current axes instance. ax = pylab.gca() # don't draw meridians past latmax, always draw parallel at latmax. latmax = 80. # not used for cyl, merc projections. # offset for labels. yoffset = (self.urcrnry-self.llcrnry)/100./self.aspect xoffset = (self.urcrnrx-self.llcrnrx)/100. if self.projection not in ['merc','cyl']: lats = pylab.arange(-latmax,latmax+1).astype('f') else: lats = pylab.arange(-90,91).astype('f') xdelta = 0.1*(self.xmax-self.xmin) ydelta = 0.1*(self.ymax-self.ymin) for merid in meridians: lons = merid*pylab.ones(len(lats),'f') x,y = self(lons,lats) # remove points outside domain. testx = pylab.logical_and(x>=self.xmin-xdelta,x<=self.xmax+xdelta) x = pylab.compress(testx, x) y = pylab.compress(testx, y) testy = pylab.logical_and(y>=self.ymin-ydelta,y<=self.ymax+ydelta) x = pylab.compress(testy, x) y = pylab.compress(testy, y) if len(x) > 1 and len(y) > 1: # split into separate line segments if necessary. # (not necessary for mercator or cylindrical). xd = (x[1:]-x[0:-1])**2 yd = (y[1:]-y[0:-1])**2 dist = pylab.sqrt(xd+yd) split = dist > 500000. if pylab.asum(split) and self.projection not in ['merc','cyl']: ind = (pylab.compress(split,pylab.squeeze(split*pylab.indices(xd.shape)))+1).tolist() xl = [] yl = [] iprev = 0 ind.append(len(xd)) for i in ind: xl.append(x[iprev:i]) yl.append(y[iprev:i]) iprev = i else: xl = [x] yl = [y] # draw each line segment. for x,y in zip(xl,yl): # skip if only a point. if len(x) > 1 and len(y) > 1: l = Line2D(x,y,linewidth=linewidth,linestyle=linestyle) l.set_color(color) l.set_dashes(dashes) ax.add_line(l) # draw labels for meridians. # search along edges of map to see if parallels intersect. # if so, find x,y location of intersection and draw a label there. if self.projection == 'cyl': dx = 0.01; dy = 0.01 else: dx = 1000; dy = 1000 for dolab,side in zip(labels,['l','r','t','b']): if not dolab: continue # for cyl or merc, don't draw meridians on left or right. if self.projection in ['cyl','merc'] and side in ['l','r']: continue if side in ['l','r']: nmax = int((self.ymax-self.ymin)/dy+1) if self.urcrnry < self.llcrnry: yy = self.llcrnry-dy*pylab.arange(nmax) else: yy = self.llcrnry+dy*pylab.arange(nmax) if side == 'l': lons,lats = self(self.llcrnrx*pylab.ones(yy.shape,'f'),yy,inverse=True) else: lons,lats = self(self.urcrnrx*pylab.ones(yy.shape,'f'),yy,inverse=True) lons = pylab.where(lons < 0, lons+360, lons) lons = [int(lon*10) for lon in lons.tolist()] lats = [int(lat*10) for lat in lats.tolist()] else: nmax = int((self.xmax-self.xmin)/dx+1) if self.urcrnrx < self.llcrnrx: xx = self.llcrnrx-dx*pylab.arange(nmax) else: xx = self.llcrnrx+dx*pylab.arange(nmax) if side == 'b': lons,lats = self(xx,self.llcrnry*pylab.ones(xx.shape,'f'),inverse=True) else: lons,lats = self(xx,self.urcrnry*pylab.ones(xx.shape,'f'),inverse=True) lons = pylab.where(lons < 0, lons+360, lons) lons = [int(lon*10) for lon in lons.tolist()] lats = [int(lat*10) for lat in lats.tolist()] for lon in meridians: if lon<0: lon=lon+360. # find index of meridian (there may be two, so # search from left and right). try: nl = lons.index(int(lon*10)) except: nl = -1 try: nr = len(lons)-lons[::-1].index(int(lon*10))-1 except: nr = -1 if lon>180: lonlab = r'$\%s{%g\/^{\circ}\/W}$'%(font,pylab.fabs(lon-360)) elif lon<180 and lon != 0: lonlab = r'$\%s{%g\/^{\circ}\/E}$'%(font,lon) else: lonlab = r'$\%s{%g\/^{\circ}}$'%(font,lon) # meridians can intersect each map edge twice. for i,n in enumerate([nl,nr]): lat = lats[n]/10. # no meridians > latmax for projections other than merc,cyl. if self.projection not in ['merc','cyl'] and lat > latmax: continue # don't bother if close to the first label. if i and abs(nr-nl) < 100: continue if n >= 0: if side == 'l': pylab.text(self.llcrnrx-xoffset,yy[n],lonlab,horizontalalignment='right',verticalalignment='center',fontsize=fontsize) elif side == 'r': pylab.text(self.urcrnrx+xoffset,yy[n],lonlab,horizontalalignment='left',verticalalignment='center',fontsize=fontsize) elif side == 'b': pylab.text(xx[n],self.llcrnry-yoffset,lonlab,horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='top',fontsize=fontsize) else: pylab.text(xx[n],self.urcrnry+yoffset,lonlab,horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='bottom',fontsize=fontsize) # make sure axis ticks are turned off ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) # set axes limits to fit map region. self.set_axes_limits()
def double_gerr(xarr): return lambda p:xarr-double_gaussian(*p)(*indices(xarr.shape))
def gerr(xarr): return lambda p: xarr - gaussian(*p)(*indices(xarr.shape))
def wrap_collapse_adaptive(filename, outprefix, redo='no', nsig=5, nrsig=2, doplot=True): """ redo - if not equal to 'no', then... if collapse_gaussfit succeeded (to the extent that the .pysav files were written), but some part of the file writing or successive procedures failed, re-do those procedures without redoing the whole collapse """ fitsfile = dv, v0, p3 = fitsfile[0].header['CD3_3'], fitsfile[0].header[ 'CRVAL3'], fitsfile[0].header['CRPIX3'] dr, r0, p1 = fitsfile[0].header['CD1_1'], fitsfile[0].header[ 'CRVAL1'], fitsfile[0].header['CRPIX1'] dd, d0, p2 = fitsfile[0].header['CD2_2'], fitsfile[0].header[ 'CRVAL2'], fitsfile[0].header['CRPIX2'] xtora = lambda x: ( x - p1 + 1) * dr + r0 # convert pixel coordinates to RA/Dec/Velocity ytodec = lambda y: (y - p2 + 1) * dd + d0 vconv = lambda v: (v - p3 + 1) * dv + v0 cube = fitsfile[0].data cube = where(numpy.isnan(cube), 0, cube) if redo == 'no': adaptB = asarray( adaptive_collapse_gaussfit(cube, axis=0, prefix=outprefix + '_triple', nsig=nsig, nrsig=nrsig, vconv=vconv, xtora=xtora, ytodec=ytodec, doplot=doplot)) adaptB[numpy.isnan(adaptB)] = 0 pickle.dump(adaptB, open('%s_adaptB.pysav' % outprefix, 'w')) else: adaptB = pickle.load(open('%s_adaptB.pysav' % outprefix, 'r')) db = adaptB gcd = double_gaussian(db[3], db[4], db[0], db[1], db[5], db[6])(indices(cube.shape)[0]) fitsfile[0].data = gcd fitsfile.writeto('%s_adaptgausscube.fits' % outprefix, clobber=True) gcd[numpy.isnan(gcd)] = 0 adaptResids = cube - gcd fitsfile[0].data = adaptResids fitsfile.writeto('%s_adaptgaussresids.fits' % outprefix, clobber=True) #adaptB[4] = (adaptB[4]-v0) / dv + p3-1 #adaptB[3] = (adaptB[3]-v0) / dv + p3-1 adaptB[4] = (adaptB[4] - p3 + 1) * dv + v0 adaptB[3] = (adaptB[3] - p3 + 1) * dv + v0 fitsfile[0].data = asarray(adaptB) fitsfile.writeto('%s_adaptgausspars.fits' % outprefix, clobber=True) fitsfile[0].header.__delitem__('CD3_3') fitsfile[0].header.__delitem__('CRVAL3') fitsfile[0].header.__delitem__('CRPIX3') fitsfile[0].header.__delitem__('CUNIT3') fitsfile[0].header.__delitem__('CTYPE3') adaptResids[numpy.isnan(adaptResids)] = 0 totalDResids = adaptResids.sum(axis=0) fitsfile[0].data = totalDResids fitsfile.writeto('%s_adaptgauss_totalresids.fits' % outprefix, clobber=True) return adaptB
def wrap_collapse_gauss(filename, outprefix, redo='no'): """ redo - if not equal to 'no', then... if collapse_gaussfit succeeded (to the extent that the .pysav files were written), but some part of the file writing or successive procedures failed, re-do those procedures without redoing the whole collapse """ fitsfile = dv, v0, p3 = fitsfile[0].header['CD3_3'], fitsfile[0].header[ 'CRVAL3'], fitsfile[0].header['CRPIX3'] cube = fitsfile[0].data cube = where(numpy.isnan(cube), 0, cube) if redo == 'no': doubleB = asarray(collapse_double_gaussfit(cube, axis=0)) doubleB[numpy.isnan(doubleB)] = 0 pickle.dump(doubleB, open('%s_doubleB.pysav' % outprefix, 'w')) else: doubleB = pickle.load(open('%s_doubleB.pysav' % outprefix, 'r')) db = doubleB gcd = double_gaussian(db[3], db[4], db[0], db[1], db[5], db[6])(indices(cube.shape)[0]) fitsfile[0].data = gcd fitsfile.writeto('%s_doublegausscube.fits' % outprefix, clobber=True) gcd[numpy.isnan(gcd)] = 0 doubleResids = cube - gcd fitsfile[0].data = doubleResids fitsfile.writeto('%s_doublegaussresids.fits' % outprefix, clobber=True) #doubleB[4] = (doubleB[4]-v0) / dv + p3-1 #doubleB[3] = (doubleB[3]-v0) / dv + p3-1 doubleB[4] = (doubleB[4] - p3 + 1) * dv + v0 doubleB[3] = (doubleB[3] - p3 + 1) * dv + v0 fitsfile[0].data = asarray(doubleB) fitsfile.writeto('%s_doublegausspars.fits' % outprefix, clobber=True) if redo == 'no': singleB = asarray(collapse_gaussfit(cube, axis=0)) pickle.dump(singleB, open('%s_singleB.pysav' % outprefix, 'w')) else: singleB = pickle.load(open('%s_singleB.pysav' % outprefix, 'r')) gc = gaussian(singleB[1], singleB[0], singleB[2])(indices(cube.shape)[0]) singleB[1] = (singleB[1] - p3 + 1) * dv + v0 fitsfile[0].data = gc fitsfile.writeto('%s_singlegausscube.fits' % outprefix, clobber=True) gc[numpy.isnan(gc)] = 0 singleResids = cube - gc fitsfile[0].data = singleResids fitsfile.writeto('%s_singlegaussresids.fits' % outprefix, clobber=True) fitsfile[0].data = asarray(singleB) fitsfile.writeto('%s_singlegausspars.fits' % outprefix, clobber=True) fitsfile[0].header.__delitem__('CD3_3') fitsfile[0].header.__delitem__('CRVAL3') fitsfile[0].header.__delitem__('CRPIX3') fitsfile[0].header.__delitem__('CUNIT3') fitsfile[0].header.__delitem__('CTYPE3') doubleResids[numpy.isnan(doubleResids)] = 0 totalDResids = doubleResids.sum(axis=0) fitsfile[0].data = totalDResids fitsfile.writeto('%s_doublegauss_totalresids.fits' % outprefix, clobber=True) singleResids[numpy.isnan(singleResids)] = 0 totalSResids = singleResids.sum(axis=0) fitsfile[0].data = totalSResids fitsfile.writeto('%s_singlegauss_totalresids.fits' % outprefix, clobber=True) return singleB, doubleB
def gerr(xarr): return lambda p:xarr-gaussian(*p)(*indices(xarr.shape))
def double_gerr(xarr): return lambda p: xarr - double_gaussian(*p)(*indices(xarr.shape))
def triple_gerr(xarr): return lambda p:xarr-triple_gaussian(*p)(*indices(xarr.shape))
def triple_gerr(xarr): return lambda p: xarr - triple_gaussian(*p)(*indices(xarr.shape)) return img img = cropImage() # read the cropped image directly into a numpy array imarray = numpy.array(img) print("Numpy array shape:", imarray.shape) print("Cropped image size", img.size) # Create the gaussian data data = imarray pylab.matshow(data, cmap='gist_rainbow') params = fg.fitgaussian(data) fit = fg.gaussian(*params) pylab.contour(fit(*pylab.indices(data.shape)), cmap='copper') ax = pylab.gca() (height, x, y, width_x, width_y) = params legend = """ x : {:.1f} y : {:.1f} width_x : {:.1f} width_y : {:.1f}""".format(x, y, width_x, width_y) pylab.text(x = 0.95, y = 0.05, s = legend, fontsize = 16, horizontalalignment = 'right', verticalalignment = 'bottom', transform = ax.transAxes)
# removed 'uranus_070927_ob7-8_mask_v2.0_0pca_coalign_map10.fits', # removed 'uranus_070927_ob9-0_mask_v2.0_0pca_coalign_map10.fits', # removed 'uranus_091210_ob1-2_mask_v2.0_0pca_coalign_map10.fits', # removed 'uranus_091210_ob3-4_mask_v2.0_0pca_coalign_map10.fits', # removed 'uranus_091210_ob5-6_mask_v2.0_0pca_coalign_map10.fits', # removed 'uranus_091210_ob7-8_mask_v2.0_0pca_coalign_map10.fits', 'uranus_091216_ob8-9_mask_v2.0_0pca_coalign_map10.fits', 'uranus_091219_o15-6_mask_v2.0_0pca_coalign_map10.fits', 'uranus_091220_ob1-2_mask_v2.0_0pca_coalign_map10.fits', 'uranus_091224_o10-9_mask_v2.0_0pca_coalign_map10.fits', ] if sample == 'notmars': #filelist = [ a for a in filelist if a.find('mars')==-1 ] #filelist = filelist[:4] imstack = pylab.zeros([300, 300, len(filelist)]) xx, yy = pylab.indices([300, 300]) elif sample == 'dec2011': filelist = [ a for b in readcol( '/Users/adam/work/bgps_pipeline/plotting/lists/pointsource_ds2_13pca_default.list' ) for a in b ] elif sample == 'dec2011notmars': filelist = [ a for b in readcol( '/Users/adam/work/bgps_pipeline/plotting/lists/pointsource_ds2_13pca_default.list' ) for a in b if 'mars' not in a ] marslist = [ a for b in readcol( '/Users/adam/work/bgps_pipeline/plotting/lists/pointsource_ds2_13pca_default.list'
# draw the edge of the map projection region (the projection limb) map.drawmapboundary() # draw lat/lon grid lines every 30 degrees. map.drawmeridians(p.arange(0,360,30)) map.drawparallels(p.arange(-90,90,30)) # lat/lon coordinates of five cities. lats=[40.02,32.73,38.55,48.25,17.29] lons=[-105.16,-117.16,-77.00,-114.21,-88.10] cities=['Boulder, CO','San Diego, CA', 'Washington, DC','Whitefish, MT','Belize City, Belize'] # compute the native map projection coordinates for cities. x,y = map(lons,lats) # plot filled circles at the locations of the cities. map.plot(x,y,'bo') # plot the names of those five cities. for name,xpt,ypt in zip(cities,x,y): p.text(xpt+50000,ypt+50000,name,fontsize=9) # make up some data on a regular lat/lon grid. nlats = 73; nlons = 145; delta = 2.*p.pi/(nlons-1) lats = (0.5*p.pi-delta*p.indices((nlats,nlons))[0,:,:]) lons = (delta*p.indices((nlats,nlons))[1,:,:]) wave = 0.75*(p.sin(2.*lats)**8*p.cos(4.*lons)) mean = 0.5*p.cos(2.*lats)*((p.sin(2.*lats))**2 + 2.) # compute native map projection coordinates of lat/lon grid. x, y = map(lons*180./p.pi, lats*180./p.pi) # contour data over the map. cs = map.contour(x,y,wave+mean,15,linewidths=1.5) #p.savefig('')
map.drawmeridians(p.arange(0, 360, 30)) map.drawparallels(p.arange(-90, 90, 30)) # lat/lon coordinates of five cities. lats = [40.02, 32.73, 38.55, 48.25, 17.29] lons = [-105.16, -117.16, -77.00, -114.21, -88.10] cities = [ 'Boulder, CO', 'San Diego, CA', 'Washington, DC', 'Whitefish, MT', 'Belize City, Belize' ] # compute the native map projection coordinates for cities. x, y = map(lons, lats) # plot filled circles at the locations of the cities. map.plot(x, y, 'bo') # plot the names of those five cities. for name, xpt, ypt in zip(cities, x, y): p.text(xpt + 50000, ypt + 50000, name, fontsize=9) # make up some data on a regular lat/lon grid. nlats = 73 nlons = 145 delta = 2. * p.pi / (nlons - 1) lats = (0.5 * p.pi - delta * p.indices((nlats, nlons))[0, :, :]) lons = (delta * p.indices((nlats, nlons))[1, :, :]) wave = 0.75 * (p.sin(2. * lats)**8 * p.cos(4. * lons)) mean = 0.5 * p.cos(2. * lats) * ((p.sin(2. * lats))**2 + 2.) # compute native map projection coordinates of lat/lon grid. x, y = map(lons * 180. / p.pi, lats * 180. / p.pi) # contour data over the map. cs = map.contour(x, y, wave + mean, 15, linewidths=1.5) #p.savefig('')
return img img = cropImage() # read the cropped image directly into a numpy array imarray = numpy.array(img) print "Numpy array shape:", imarray.shape print "Cropped image size", img.size # Create the gaussian data data = imarray pylab.matshow(data, cmap='gist_rainbow') params = fa.fitgaussian(data) fit = fa.gaussian(*params) pylab.contour(fit(*pylab.indices(data.shape)), cmap='copper') ax = pylab.gca() (height, x, y, width_x, width_y) = params legend = """ x : {:.1f} y : {:.1f} width_x : {:.1f} width_y : {:.1f}""".format(x, y, width_x, width_y) pylab.text(x=0.95, y=0.05, s=legend, fontsize=16, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom', transform=ax.transAxes)
from pylab import zeros, ones, indices, uint8 from PIL import Image rows = 1024 patterns = 7 data = zeros((patterns, rows, rows)) for i in range(patterns): divisions = 2 ** (i + 1) step = rows / divisions period = 2 * step data[i] = ones((rows, rows)) * ((indices((rows, rows))[1] % period) > step) img = Image.fromarray(255 * data[i].astype(uint8), mode='L')"output/pattern_{}.png".format(i + 1))