コード例 #1
ファイル: pylabplot.py プロジェクト: dhbachh/topographica
def plot_coord_mapping(mapper, sheet, style='b-'):
    Plot a coordinate mapping for a sheet.

    Given a CoordinateMapperFn (as for a CFProjection) and a sheet
    of the projection, plot a grid showing where the sheet's units
    are mapped.

    from pylab import plot, hold, ishold

    xs = sheet.sheet_rows()
    ys = sheet.sheet_cols()

    hold_on = ishold()
    if not hold_on:

    for y in ys:
        pts = [mapper(x, y) for x in xs]
        plot([u for u, v in pts], [v for u, v in pts], style)

    for x in xs:
        pts = [mapper(x, y) for y in ys]
        plot([u for u, v in pts], [v for u, v in pts], style)

コード例 #2
ファイル: pylabplot.py プロジェクト: sarahcattan/topographica
def plot_coord_mapping(mapper,sheet,style='b-'):
    Plot a coordinate mapping for a sheet.

    Given a CoordinateMapperFn (as for a CFProjection) and a sheet
    of the projection, plot a grid showing where the sheet's units
    are mapped.

    from pylab import plot,hold,ishold

    xs = sheet.sheet_rows()
    ys = sheet.sheet_cols()

    hold_on = ishold()
    if not hold_on:

    for y in ys:
        pts = [mapper(x,y) for x in xs]
        plot([u for u,v in pts],
             [v for u,v in pts],

    for x in xs:
        pts = [mapper(x,y) for y in ys]
        plot([u for u,v in pts],
             [v for u,v in pts],

コード例 #3
ファイル: IonPlotting.py プロジェクト: biocyberman/TS
def plot_regression(x,y,smoothing=.3):
    isheld = pl.ishold()
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_merge.py プロジェクト: jp3477/whisk
 def plot(self, *args, **kwargs):
   from pylab import plot, ioff, ion, show, ishold, cla
   if kwargs.get('hold')==0 or not ishold():
   for i,w in enumerate(self.iterwhiskers()):
     plot( w.x + 0.1*i, w.y + 0.1*i , *args, **kwargs)
コード例 #5
ファイル: IonPlotting.py プロジェクト: tw7649116/TS
def plot_regression(x, y, smoothing=.3):
    fit = sm.nonparametric.lowess(y, x, frac=smoothing)
    df = (fit[:, 1] - y)**2
    fit_var = sm.nonparametric.lowess(df, x, frac=smoothing)
    isheld = pl.ishold()
    pl.plot(fit[:, 0], fit[:, 1])
    pl.fill_between(fit_var[:, 0],
                    fit[:, 1] - 1 * pl.sqrt(fit_var[:, 1]),
                    fit[:, 1] + 1 * pl.sqrt(fit_var[:, 1]),
                    color=((0, 0, .99, .2), ))
    pl.plot(x, y, '.')
コード例 #6
ファイル: _plotPZ.py プロジェクト: xlchan/python-deltasigma
def plotPZ(H, color='b', markersize=5, showlist=False):
    """Plot the poles and zeros of a transfer function.


    H : transfer function
        Any supported transfer function representation, 
        eg num/den, zpk, lti...

    color : Any matplotlib-compatible color descr, optional
        For example, 'r' for 'red' or '#000080' for 'navy'.
        You can also specify separately poles and zeros, in a tuple.

    markersize : scalar, optional
        The markers size in points.

    showlist : boolean, optional
        Superimpose a list of the poles and zeros on the plot.

    .. plot::

       import pylab as plt
       from deltasigma import synthesizeNTF, plotPZ
       order = 5
       osr = 32
       f0 = 0.
       Hinf = 1.5
       ntf = synthesizeNTF(order, osr, 2, Hinf, f0)
       plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
       plotPZ(ntf, color=('r', 'b'), showlist=True)
       plt.title("NTF singularities")


    # Parts of the code come from 'pydsm'
    # Original copyright notices:
    # For pydsm
    # Copyright (c) 2012, Sergio Callegari
    # All rights reserved.
    # For Richard Schreier's Delta Sigma toolbox
    # Copyright (c) 2009, Richard Schreier

    z, p, _ = _get_zpk(H)
    p = np.real_if_close(np.round(p, 5))
    z = np.real_if_close(np.round(z, 5))

    pole_fmt = {'marker': 'x', 'markersize': markersize}
    zero_fmt = {'marker': 'o', 'markersize': markersize}

    if isinstance(color, list) or isinstance(color, tuple):
        pole_fmt['color'] = color[0]
        zero_fmt['color'] = color[1]
        pole_fmt['color'] = color
        zero_fmt['color'] = color

    hold_status = plt.ishold()

    # Plot x and o for poles and zeros, respectively
    plt.plot(p.real, p.imag, linestyle='None', **pole_fmt)
    if len(z) > 0:
        plt.plot(z.real, z.imag, linestyle='None', **zero_fmt)

    # Draw unit circle, real axis and imag axis
    circle = np.exp(2j * np.pi * np.linspace(0, 1, 100))
    plt.plot(circle.real, circle.imag)

    ax = plt.gca()
    if showlist:
        ax = plt.gca()
        x1, x2, y1, y2 = ax.axis()
        x2 = np.round((x2 - x1) * 1.48 + x1, 1)
        ax.axis((x1, x2, y1, y2))
        markers = []
        descr = []
        ps = p[p.imag >= 0]
        for pi in ps:
            markers += [plt.Line2D((), (), linestyle='None', **pole_fmt)]
            if np.allclose(pi.imag, 0, atol=1e-5):
                descr += ['%+.4f' % pi.real]
                descr += ['%+.4f+/-j%.4f' % (pi.real, pi.imag)]
        if len(z) > 0:
            for zi in z[z.imag >= 0]:
                markers += [plt.Line2D((), (), linestyle='None', **zero_fmt)]
                if zi.imag == 0:
                    descr += ['%+.4f' % zi.real]
                    descr += ['%+.4f +/-j%.4f' % (zi.real, zi.imag)]
                   title="Poles (x) and zeros (o)",
                   prop={'size': 10})
        plt.xlim((-1.1, 1.1))
        plt.ylim((-1.1, 1.1))

    # plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')

    if not hold_status:
コード例 #7
def peakSNR(snr, amp):
    """Find the snr peak by fitting a smooth curve to the top end of the SNR 
     vs input amplitude data.
     The curve fitted is y = ax + b/(x-c).
     snr: ndarray
     amp: ndarray
         peak_snr, peak_amp
     * Both amp and snr are expressed in dB.
     * The two arrays snr and amp should have the same size.

    # Delete garbage data
    for check in (np.isinf, np.isnan):
        i = check(snr)
        snr = np.delete(snr, np.where(i))
        amp = np.delete(amp, np.where(i))
    # sanitize inputs
    for x in (snr, amp):
        if not hasattr(x, 'ndim'):
            x = np.array(x)
        if len(x.shape) > 1 and np.prod(x.shape) != max(x.shape):
            raise ValueError("snr and amp should be vectors (ndim=1)" +
                             "snr.shape: %s, amp.shape: %s" % (snr.shape, amp.shape))
        x = x.squeeze
    # All good
    max_snr = np.max(snr)
    i = np.flatnonzero(snr > max_snr - 10)
    min_i = np.min(i)
    max_i = np.max(i)
    j = np.flatnonzero(snr[min_i:max_i + 1] < max_snr - 15)
    if j:
        max_i = min_i + np.min(j) - 2
        i = np.arange(min_i, max_i + 1)
    snr = 10.0**(snr[i]/20)
    amp = 10.0**(amp[i]/20)
    #n = max(i.shape) # unused variable, REP?
    c = np.max(amp)*1.05
    # fit y = ax + b/(x-c) to the data
    A = np.hstack((amp.reshape(-1, 1), 1.0/(amp.reshape(-1, 1) - c)))
    ab = np.linalg.lstsq(A, snr.reshape((-1, 1)))[0]
    peak_amp = c - np.sqrt(ab[1, 0]/ab[0, 0])
    peak_snr = np.dot(np.array([[peak_amp, 1./(peak_amp-c)]]), ab) #None check mcode
    peak_snr = dbv(peak_snr)
    peak_amp = dbv(peak_amp)
    if _debug:
        import pylab as plt
        pred = np.dot(A, ab)
        hold = plt.ishold()
        plt.plot(dbv(amp), dbv(pred), '-', color='b')
    return peak_snr, peak_amp
コード例 #8
def peakSNR(snr, amp):
    """Find the SNR peak by fitting the SNR curve.

    A smooth curve is fitted to the top end of the SNR vs input amplitude
    data with Legendre's least-squares method.

    The curve fitted to the data is:

    .. math::

        y = ax + \\frac{b}{x - c}


    snr : 1D ndarray or array-like
          Signal to Noise Ratio array, expressed in decibels (dB).

    amp : 1D ndarray or array-like
          Amplitude array, expressed in decibels (dB).

    The two arrays ``snr`` and ``amp`` should have the same size.


    (peak_snr, peak_amp) : tuple
                           The peak SNR value and its corresponding amplitude,
                           expressed in dB.

    # sanitize inputs
    snr = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(snr))
    amp = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(amp))
    # Delete garbage data
    for check in (np.isinf, np.isnan):
        i = check(snr)
        snr = np.delete(snr, np.where(i))
        amp = np.delete(amp, np.where(i))
    for x in (snr, amp):
        if len(x.shape) > 1 and np.prod(x.shape) != max(x.shape):
            raise ValueError("snr and amp should be vectors (ndim=1)" +
                             "snr.shape: %s, amp.shape: %s" % (snr.shape, amp.shape))
    # All good
    max_snr = np.max(snr)
    i = np.flatnonzero(snr > max_snr - 10)
    min_i = np.min(i)
    max_i = np.max(i)
    j = np.flatnonzero(snr[min_i:max_i + 1] < max_snr - 15)
    if j:
        max_i = min_i + np.min(j) - 2
        i = np.arange(min_i, max_i + 1)
    snr = 10.0**(snr[i]/20)
    amp = 10.0**(amp[i]/20)
    #n = max(i.shape) # unused variable, REP?
    c = np.max(amp)*1.05
    # fit y = ax + b/(x-c) to the data
    A = np.hstack((amp.reshape(-1, 1), 1.0/(amp.reshape(-1, 1) - c)))
    ab = np.linalg.lstsq(A, snr.reshape((-1, 1)))[0]
    peak_amp = c - np.sqrt(ab[1, 0]/ab[0, 0])
    peak_snr = np.dot(np.array([[peak_amp, 1./(peak_amp-c)]]), ab) #None check mcode
    peak_snr = dbv(peak_snr)
    peak_amp = dbv(peak_amp)
    if _debug:
        import pylab as plt
        pred = np.dot(A, ab)
        hold = plt.ishold()
        plt.plot(dbv(amp), dbv(pred), '-', color='b')
    return peak_snr, peak_amp
コード例 #9
def plotPZ(H, color='b', markersize=5, showlist=False):
    """Plot the poles and zeros of a transfer function.


    H : transfer function
        Any supported transfer function representation, 
        eg num/den, zpk, lti...

    color : Any matplotlib-compatible color descr, optional
        For example, 'r' for 'red' or '#000080' for 'navy'.
        You can also specify separately poles and zeros, in a tuple.

    markersize : scalar, optional
        The markers size in points.

    showlist : boolean, optional
        Superimpose a list of the poles and zeros on the plot.

    .. plot::

       import pylab as plt
       from deltasigma import synthesizeNTF, plotPZ
       order = 5
       osr = 32
       f0 = 0.
       Hinf = 1.5
       ntf = synthesizeNTF(order, osr, 2, Hinf, f0)
       plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
       plotPZ(ntf, color=('r', 'b'), showlist=True)
       plt.title("NTF singularities")


    # Parts of the code come from 'pydsm'
    # Original copyright notices:
    # For pydsm
    # Copyright (c) 2012, Sergio Callegari
    # All rights reserved.
    # For Richard Schreier's Delta Sigma toolbox
    # Copyright (c) 2009, Richard Schreier
    z, p, _ = _get_zpk(H)
    p = np.real_if_close(np.round(p, 5))
    z = np.real_if_close(np.round(z, 5))

    pole_fmt = {'marker': 'x', 'markersize': markersize}
    zero_fmt = {'marker': 'o', 'markersize': markersize}

    if isinstance(color, list) or isinstance(color, tuple):
        pole_fmt['color'] = color[0]
        zero_fmt['color'] = color[1]
        pole_fmt['color'] = color
        zero_fmt['color'] = color

    hold_status = plt.ishold()

    # Plot x and o for poles and zeros, respectively
    plt.plot(p.real, p.imag, linestyle='None', **pole_fmt)
    if len(z) > 0:
        plt.plot(z.real, z.imag, linestyle='None', **zero_fmt)

    # Draw unit circle, real axis and imag axis
    circle = np.exp(2j*np.pi*np.linspace(0, 1, 100))
    plt.plot(circle.real, circle.imag)
    ax = plt.gca()
    if showlist:
        ax = plt.gca()
        x1, x2, y1, y2 = ax.axis()
        x2 = np.round((x2 - x1)*1.48 + x1, 1)
        ax.axis((x1, x2, y1, y2))
        markers = [] 
        descr = []
        ps = p[p.imag >= 0]
        for pi in ps:
            markers += [plt.Line2D((), (), linestyle='None', **pole_fmt)]
            if np.allclose(pi.imag, 0, atol=1e-5):
                descr += ['%+.4f' % pi.real]
                descr += ['%+.4f+/-j%.4f' %  (pi.real, pi.imag)]
        if len(z) > 0:
            for zi in z[z.imag >= 0]:
                markers += [plt.Line2D((), (), linestyle='None', **zero_fmt)]
                if zi.imag == 0:
                    descr += ['%+.4f' % zi.real]
                    descr += ['%+.4f +/-j%.4f' % (zi.real, zi.imag)]
        plt.legend(markers, descr, title="Poles (x) and zeros (o)", ncol=1, loc='best', 
                   handlelength=.55, prop={'size':10})
        plt.xlim((-1.1, 1.1))
        plt.ylim((-1.1, 1.1))
    # plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')

    if not hold_status:
コード例 #10
ファイル: _peakSNR.py プロジェクト: xlchan/python-deltasigma
def peakSNR(snr, amp):
    """Find the SNR peak by fitting the SNR curve.

    A smooth curve is fitted to the top end of the SNR vs input amplitude
    data with Legendre's least-squares method.

    The curve fitted to the data is:

    .. math::

        y = ax + \\frac{b}{x - c}


    snr : 1D ndarray or array-like
          Signal to Noise Ratio array, expressed in decibels (dB).

    amp : 1D ndarray or array-like
          Amplitude array, expressed in decibels (dB).

    The two arrays ``snr`` and ``amp`` should have the same size.


    (peak_snr, peak_amp) : tuple
                           The peak SNR value and its corresponding amplitude,
                           expressed in dB.

    # sanitize inputs
    snr = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(snr))
    amp = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(amp))
    # Delete garbage data
    for check in (np.isinf, np.isnan):
        i = check(snr)
        snr = np.delete(snr, np.where(i))
        amp = np.delete(amp, np.where(i))
    for x in (snr, amp):
        if len(x.shape) > 1 and np.prod(x.shape) != max(x.shape):
            raise ValueError("snr and amp should be vectors (ndim=1)" +
                             "snr.shape: %s, amp.shape: %s" %
                             (snr.shape, amp.shape))
    # All good
    max_snr = np.max(snr)
    i = np.flatnonzero(snr > max_snr - 10)
    min_i = np.min(i)
    max_i = np.max(i)
    j = np.flatnonzero(snr[min_i:max_i + 1] < max_snr - 15)
    if j:
        max_i = min_i + np.min(j) - 2
        i = np.arange(min_i, max_i + 1)
    snr = 10.0**(snr[i] / 20)
    amp = 10.0**(amp[i] / 20)
    #n = max(i.shape) # unused variable, REP?
    c = np.max(amp) * 1.05
    # fit y = ax + b/(x-c) to the data
    A = np.hstack((amp.reshape(-1, 1), 1.0 / (amp.reshape(-1, 1) - c)))
    ab = np.linalg.lstsq(A, snr.reshape((-1, 1)))[0]
    peak_amp = c - np.sqrt(ab[1, 0] / ab[0, 0])
    peak_snr = np.dot(np.array([[peak_amp, 1. / (peak_amp - c)]]),
                      ab)  #None check mcode
    peak_snr = dbv(peak_snr)
    peak_amp = dbv(peak_amp)
    if _debug:
        import pylab as plt
        pred = np.dot(A, ab)
        hold = plt.ishold()
        plt.plot(dbv(amp), dbv(pred), '-', color='b')
    return peak_snr, peak_amp