def movie(self, fldname, jd1=None, jd2=None, jdvec=None, fps=10, **kwargs): curr_backend = plt.get_backend() plt.switch_backend('Agg') FFMpegWriter = animation.writers['ffmpeg'] metadata = dict(title='%s' % (self.projname), artist=self.projname, comment='') writer = FFMpegWriter(fps=fps, metadata=metadata, extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264',"-pix_fmt", "yuv420p"]) jdvec = self.get_tvec(jd1, jd2) if jdvec is None else jdvec fig = plt.figure() with writer.saving(fig, "%s.mp4" % self.projname, 200): for jd in jdvec: pl.clf() print(pl.num2date(jd).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M load "), end="") sys.stdout.flush() try: fld= self.get_field(fldname, jd=jd) except: print("not downloaded" % jd) continue print("plot ", end="") sys.stdout.flush() self.pcolor(fld, **kwargs) pl.title(pl.num2date(jd).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")) print("write") writer.grab_frame()#bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0) plt.switch_backend(curr_backend)
def __init__(self, ob): # populate attributes with sounding data, initially this will # only work with a netcdf variable object (from Sceintific.IO) # but more objects can be added by simply adding elif.. # PLEASE always populate height in the values['alt'] position and # append values['date_list'] and datetime # datetime and date_list[index] are datetime objects # check if it is a netcdf variable list if "getValue" in dir(ob[ob.keys()[0]]): # this is a netcdf variables object self.datetime = num2date(datestr2num("19700101") + ob["base_time"].getValue() / (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)) values = {} units = {} longname = {} for var in ob.keys(): values.update({var: ob[var][:]}) try: units.update({var: ob[var].units}) except AttributeError: units.update({var: "no units"}) try: longname.update({var: ob[var].long_name}) except AttributeError: longname.update({var: "no longname"}) values.update( {"date_list": num2date(date2num(self.datetime) + values["time_offset"] / (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0))} ) units.update({"date_list": "unitless (object)"}) self.values = values self.units = units self.long_name = longname
def __str__(self): """Print statistics about current instance""" alist = ['projname','casename', 'trmdir', 'datadir', 'njord_module', 'njord_class', 'imt', 'jmt'] print "" print "="*79 for a in alist: print a.rjust(15) + " : " + str(self.__dict__[a]) if hasattr(self.nlrun, 'seedparts'): print "%s : %i" % ("seedparts".rjust(15), self.nlrun.seedparts) print "%s : %i" % ("seedpart_id".rjust(15),self.nlrun.seedpart_id) for a in ['part','rank','arg1','arg2']: if self.__dict__[a] is not None: print "%s : %i" % (a.rjust(15), self.__dict__[a]) if hasattr(self,'x'): print "" print "%s : %s" % ("file".rjust(15), self.filename) print "%s : %s - %s" % ( "time range".rjust(15), pl.num2date(self.jdvec.min()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), pl.num2date(self.jdvec.max()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) print "%s : %i" % ("timesteps".rjust(15), len(self.jdvec)) print "%s : %i" % ("particles".rjust(15), len(np.unique(self.ntrac))) print "%s : %i" % ("positions".rjust(15), len(self.ntrac)) return ''
def info(self, *var, **adict): """ Printing descriptive statistics on selected variables """ # calling convenience functions to clean-up input parameters var, sel = self.__var_and_sel_clean(var, adict) dates, nobs = self.__dates_and_nobs_clean(var, sel) # setting the minimum and maximum dates to be used mindate = pylab.num2date(min(dates)).strftime("%d %b %Y") maxdate = pylab.num2date(max(dates)).strftime("%d %b %Y") # number of variables (excluding date if present) nvar = len(var) print "\n==============================================================" print "==================== Database information ====================" print "==============================================================\n" print "file: %s" % self.DBname print "# obs: %s" % nobs print "# variables: %s" % nvar print "Start date: %s" % mindate print "End date: %s" % maxdate print "\nvar min max mean" print "==============================================================" for i in var: _min =[i][sel].min() _max =[i][sel].max() _mean =[i][sel].mean() _std =[i][sel].std() print """%-5s %-5.2f %-5.2f %-5.2f %-5.2f""" % tuple([i, _min, _max, _mean, _std])
def movie(self): import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams['axes.labelcolor'] = 'white' pl.close(1) pl.figure(1,(8,4.5),facecolor='k') miv = figpref.current() jd0 = pl.date2num(dtm(2005,1,1)) jd1 = pl.date2num(dtm(2005,12,31)) mp = projmaps.Projmap('glob') x,y = mp(self.llon,self.llat) for t in np.arange(jd0,jd1): print pl.num2date(t) self.load(t) pl.clf() pl.subplot(111,axisbg='k') mp.pcolormesh(x,y, miv(np.sqrt(self.u**2 +self.v**2)), cmap=cm.gist_heat) pl.clim(0,1.5) mp.nice() pl.title('%04i-%02i-%02i' % (pl.num2date(t).year, pl.num2date(t).month, pl.num2date(t).day), color='w') pl.savefig('/Users/bror/oscar/norm/%03i.png' % t, bbox_inches='tight',facecolor='k',dpi=150)
def interp_time_base(self, other_sounding, time_desired): # interpolates the current sounding and the other sounding according # to the time at launch # fist check that time_desired fits in both time_between_sondes = date2num(other_sounding.datetime) - date2num(self.datetime) second_wt = (date2num(time_desired) - date2num(self.datetime)) / time_between_sondes first_wt = (date2num(other_sounding.datetime) - date2num(time_desired)) / time_between_sondes if date2num(self.datetime) > date2num(time_desired) > date2num(other_sounding.datetime): order = "before" # the desired time is before self elif date2num(self.datetime) < date2num(time_desired) < date2num(other_sounding.datetime): order = "after" # the desired time is after self else: print "time desired is outside of range" return min_ht = array([self.alt.min(), other_sounding.alt.min()]).max() max_ht = array([self.alt.max(), other_sounding.alt.max()]).min() idx_min = where(abs(other_sounding.alt - min_ht) == abs(other_sounding.alt - min_ht).min())[0][0] idx_max = where(abs(other_sounding.alt - max_ht) == abs(other_sounding.alt - max_ht).min())[0][0] myhts = other_sounding.alt[idx_min:idx_max] self.interpolate_values(myhts) altshape = self.alt.shape for key in self.values.keys(): if array(self.values[key]).shape == altshape and key != "date_list": self.values[key] = self.values[key] * first_wt + other_sounding.values[key][idx_min:idx_max] * second_wt self.values["date_list"] = num2date( date2num(self.values["date_list"]) * first_wt + date2num(other_sounding.values["date_list"][idx_min:idx_max]) * second_wt ) self.datetime = num2date(date2num(self.datetime) * first_wt + date2num(other_sounding.datetime) * second_wt)
def copy(jd): tr = traj('jplNOW','ftp','/Volumes/keronHD3/ormOut/') print pl.num2date(jd), jd tr.load(jd) tr.remove_satnans() if len(tr.x>0): tr.db_copy()
def multiplot(self,jd1=730120.0, djd=60, dt=20): if not hasattr(self,'disci'): self.generate_regdiscs() self.x = self.disci self.y = self.discj if not hasattr(self,'lon'): self.ijll() figpref.presentation() pl.close(1) pl.figure(1,(10,10)) conmat = self[jd1-730120.0:jd1-730120.0+60, dt:dt+10] x,y =, = [] = [] pl.subplots_adjust(wspace=0,hspace=0,top=0.95) pl.subplot(2,2,1) pl.pcolormesh(miv(conmat), pl.clim(0,250) pl.plot([0,800],[0,800],'g',lw=2) pl.gca().set_aspect(1) pl.setp(pl.gca(),yticklabels=[]) pl.setp(pl.gca(),xticklabels=[]) pl.colorbar(aspect=40,orientation='horizontal', pad=0,shrink=.8,fraction=0.05,ticks=[0,50,100,150,200]) pl.subplot(2,2,2) colorvec = (np.nansum(conmat,axis=1)-np.nansum(conmat,axis=0))[1:], y, 10, 'w', edgecolor='k'), y, 10, colorvec) pl.clim(0,10000) pl.subplot(2,2,3) colorvec = np.nansum(conmat,axis=1)[1:], y, 10, 'w', edgecolor='k'), y, 10, colorvec) pl.clim(0,10000) pl.subplot(2,2,4) colorvec = np.nansum(conmat,axis=0)[1:], y, 10, 'w', edgecolor='k'), y, 10, colorvec) pl.clim(0,10000) mycolor.freecbar([0.2,.06,0.6,0.020],[2000,4000,6000,8000]) pl.suptitle("Trajectories seeded from %s to %s, Duration: %i-%i days" % (pl.num2date(jd1).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), pl.num2date(jd1+djd).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), dt,dt+10)) pl.savefig('multplot_%i_%03i.png' % (jd1,dt),transparent=True)
def load_cube(fname): # weird edits added for changed behaviour ncf = NetCDFFile(fname, "r") print "Ok1" xar = ncf.variables["xar"][0] # print mxar.shape # xar=mxar[0] print "plew" yar = array(ncf.variables["yar"][0]) print "Ok2" levs = array(ncf.variables["levs"][0]) print "Ok3" parms = [ "VE", "VR", "CZ", "RH", "PH", "ZD", "SW", "KD", "i_comp", "j_comp", "k_comp", "v_array", "u_array", "w_array", ] radar1_poss_parms = [par + "_radar1" for par in parms] radar2_poss_parms = [par + "_radar2" for par in parms] radar1_parms = set(radar1_poss_parms) & set(ncf.variables.keys()) radar2_parms = set(radar2_poss_parms) & set(ncf.variables.keys()) print "Doing radar1" radar1_dict = dict([(par[0:-7], array(ncf.variables[par].getValue())) for par in radar1_parms]) radar1_dict.update( { "xar": xar, "yar": yar, "levs": levs, "radar_loc": ncf.variables["radar1_loc"][0], "displacement": ncf.variables["radar1_dis"][0], "date": num2date(ncf.variables["radar1_date"][0, 0]), "radar_name": getattr(ncf, "radar1_name"), } ) print "doing radar2" radar2_dict = dict([(par[0:-7], array(ncf.variables[par].getValue())) for par in radar2_parms]) radar2_dict.update( { "xar": xar, "yar": yar, "levs": levs, "radar_loc": ncf.variables["radar2_loc"][0], "displacement": ncf.variables["radar2_dis"][0], "date": num2date(ncf.variables["radar2_date"][0, 0]), "radar_name": getattr(ncf, "radar2_name"), } ) ncf.close() return radar1_dict, radar2_dict
def multiplot(self,jd1=730120.0, djd=60, dt=20): if not hasattr(self,'disci'): self.generate_regdiscs() self.x = self.disci self.y = self.discj self.ijll() figpref.manuscript() pl.close(1) pl.figure(1,(10,10)) conmat = self[jd1-730120.0:jd1-730120.0+60, dt:dt+10] x,y =, = [] = [] pl.subplots_adjust(wspace=0,hspace=0,top=0.95) pl.subplot(2,2,1) pl.pcolormesh(miv(conmat)) pl.clim(0,50) pl.plot([0,800],[0,800],'g',lw=2) pl.gca().set_aspect(1) pl.setp(pl.gca(),yticklabels=[]) pl.setp(pl.gca(),xticklabels=[]) pl.subplot(2,2,2) colorvec = (np.nansum(conmat,axis=1)-np.nansum(conmat,axis=0))[1:], y, 10, 'w', edgecolor='k'), y, 10, colorvec) pl.clim(0,10000) pl.subplot(2,2,3) colorvec = np.nansum(conmat,axis=1)[1:], y, 10, 'w', edgecolor='k'), y, 10, colorvec) pl.clim(0,10000) pl.subplot(2,2,4) colorvec = np.nansum(conmat,axis=0)[1:], y, 10, 'w', edgecolor='k'), y, 10, colorvec) pl.clim(0,10000) pl.suptitle("Trajectories seeded from %s to %s, Duration: %i-%i days" % (pl.num2date(jd1).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), pl.num2date(jd1+djd).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), dt,dt+10)) pl.savefig('multplot_%i_%03i.png' % (jd1,dt))
def uvmat(self): hsmat = np.zeros ([20]+list(self.llat.shape)).astype(np.int16) jd1 = pl.date2num(dtm(2003,1,1)) jd2 = pl.date2num(dtm(2009,12,31)) vlist = np.linspace(0,1.5,21) for jd in np.arange(jd1,jd2+1): print pl.num2date(jd) self.load(jd=jd) uv = np.sqrt(self.u**2 + self.v**2) for n,(v1,v2) in enumerate(zip(vlist[:-1],vlist[1:])): msk = (uv>=v1) & (uv<v2) hsmat[n,msk] += 1 return hsmat
def filesave(self, fname): f = open(fname, 'w') cmds =['y'] vv = [v for v in cmds.values()] xx = list(chain(*vv[0]['xx'])) if self.mode == 'ft': xx0 = pylab.num2date(xx[0]) xx1 = [(pylab.num2date(x) - xx0).total_seconds() for x in xx] xx = xx1 yy = [list(chain(*v['yy'])) for v in vv] for i in range(0, len(xx)): yyi = [k[i] for k in yy] f.write(','.join(['%.5f' % j for j in [xx[i]] + yyi]) + '\n') f.close()
def updateWindow(self, val): """ redraw the canvas based from the slider position """ self.updatestarttime = self.time_scroller.val self.updatecurrenttime = date2num(num2date(self.updatestarttime) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=3)) self.axes.set_xlim((self.updatestarttime, self.updatecurrenttime)) self.axes.xaxis.set_ticklabels( self.createXTickLabels(num2date(self.updatecurrenttime)), rotation=30, ha="right", size="smaller", name="Calibri", ) ### FIX ME: Is there a conflict here? self.canvas.draw() self.canvas.gui_repaint()
def updateWindow(self, val): """ redraw the canvas based from the slider position """ # get the current value of the slider based from its position # then set the time range of the plotter window based from this value self.updatestarttime = self.time_scroller.val self.updatecurrenttime = date2num(num2date(self.updatestarttime) + datetime.timedelta(seconds = 3)) self.updatecurrenttime_tick = time.mktime(num2date(self.updatecurrenttime).timetuple()) self.axes.set_xlim((self.updatestarttime, self.updatecurrenttime)) # update the x-axis ticklabels depending on the current time of plotting self.axes.xaxis.set_ticklabels(self.createXTickLabels(self.updatecurrenttime_tick), rotation = 30, ha = "right", size = 'smaller', name = 'Calibri') # update the plotting window based from the slider position self.canvas.draw() self.canvas.gui_repaint()
def monthlyTimeSeries(headers): months = [] for h in headers: if len(h) > 1: timestamp = mktime(parsedate(h[1][5:].replace('.',':'))) mailstamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) # Time the email is arrived y = datetime(mailstamp.year,mailstamp.month,, mailstamp.hour, mailstamp.minute, mailstamp.second) months.append(y) """ draw the histogram of the daily distribution """ # converting dates to numbers numtime = [date2num(t) for t in months] # plotting the histogram ax = figure(figsize=(18, 6), dpi=80).gca() _, _, patches = hist(numtime, bins=30,alpha=0.5) # adding the labels for the x axis tks = [num2date(p.get_x()) for p in patches] xticks(tks,rotation=30) # formatting the dates on the x axis ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter('%Y-%m')) ax.spines['right'].set_color('none') ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') ax.autoscale(tight=False)
def timeseries(self, fieldname, jd1, jd2, mask=None): """Create a timeseries of fields using mask to select data""" mask = mask if mask is not None else self.llat == self.llat jd1 = pl.datestr2num(jd1) if type(jd1) is str else jd1 jd2 = pl.datestr2num(jd2) if type(jd2) is str else jd2 self.tvec = np.arange(jd1, jd2+1) field = np.zeros((len(self.tvec),) + self.llat.shape, dtype=np.float32) for n,jd in enumerate(self.tvec): print pl.num2date(jd), pl.num2date(jd2) try: field[n,:,:] = self.get_field(fieldname, jd=jd).astype(np.float32) except KeyError: field[n,:,:] = np.nan field[n, ~mask] = np.nan setattr(self, fieldname + 't', field)
def get_two_best_sondes(date_str, **kwargs): sonde_file=kwargs.get('sonde_file', '/data/twpice/darwin.txt') #outdir=kwargs.get('outdir', '/flurry/home/scollis/bom_mds/dealias/') sonde_file=kwargs.get('sonde_file', '/data/twpice/darwin.txt') outdir=kwargs.get('outdir', '/home/scollis/bom_mds/dealias/') tim_date=num2date(datestr2num(date_str)) sonde_list=read_sounding_within_a_day(sonde_file, tim_date) launch_dates=[sonde['date_list'][0] for sonde in sonde_list] #print launch_dates launch_date_offset=[date2num(sonde['date_list'][0])- date2num(tim_date) for sonde in sonde_list] sonde_made_it=False candidate=0 while not(sonde_made_it): best_sonde=sonde_list[argsort(abs(array(launch_date_offset)))[candidate]] candidate=candidate+1 sonde_made_it=best_sonde['alt(m)'][-1] > 18000. if not sonde_made_it: print "Sonde Burst at ", best_sonde['alt(m)'][-1], "m rejecting" print "Sonde Burst at ", best_sonde['alt(m)'][-1], "m Accepting" sonde_made_it=False while not(sonde_made_it): sec_best_sonde=sonde_list[argsort(abs(array(launch_date_offset)))[candidate]] candidate=candidate+1 sonde_made_it=sec_best_sonde['alt(m)'][-1] > 18000. if not sonde_made_it: print "Sonde Burst at ", sec_best_sonde['alt(m)'][-1], "m rejecting" print "Sonde Burst at ", sec_best_sonde['alt(m)'][-1], "m Accepting" print 'Time of radar: ', tim_date, ' Time of best sonde_launch: ', best_sonde['date_list'][0], ' Time of sonde_termination: ', best_sonde['date_list'][-1] print 'Time of radar: ', tim_date, ' Time of second sonde_launch: ', sec_best_sonde['date_list'][0], ' Time of sonde_termination: ', best_sonde['date_list'][-1] for i in range(len(sonde_list)): best_sonde=sonde_list[argsort(abs(array(launch_date_offset)))[i]] print 'Time of radar: ', tim_date, ' Time of best sonde_launch: ', best_sonde['date_list'][0], ' Offset', abs(date2num(best_sonde['date_list'][0])-date2num(tim_date))*24.0 return best_sonde, sec_best_sonde
def _l3read_nc4(self): self.vprint( "Reading netCDF4 file") print(self.filename) nc = Dataset(self.filename) nc.set_auto_mask(False) nc.set_auto_scale(True) var = nc.variables[nc.variables.keys()[0]] field = var[self.j1:self.j2, self.i1:self.i2].copy() try: self.minval = var.valid_min except AttributeError: self.minval = var.display_min try: valid_max = var.valid_max except AttributeError: valid_max = 0 try: display_max = var.display_max except AttributeError: display_max = 0 self.maxval = max(valid_max, display_max) start_jd = pl.datestr2num(nc.time_coverage_start) end_jd = pl.datestr2num(nc.time_coverage_end) self.jd = ((start_jd + end_jd)/2) = pl.num2date(self.jd) return field
def heatmap(self, maskvec=None, jd=None, cmap=None, alpha=1, colorbar=True, clf=True, map_region=None, log=False, kwargs={}): """Plot particle positions on a map mask: Boolean vector determining which particles to plot ntrac: Particle ID jd: Julian date to plot, has to be included in jdvec. cmap: color map to use alpha: transparancy of pcolormap clf: Clear figure if True colorbar: Show colorbar if True (default) map_region: Use other map_regions than set by config file kwargs: Other arguments to pcolor (must be a dict). """ if maskvec is None: maskvec = self.ntrac==self.ntrac if jd is not None: maskvec = maskvec & (self.jd==jd) if USE_FIGPREF: figpref.current() if clf: pl.clf() if cmap is not None: kwargs['cmap'] = cmap if log is True: kwargs['norm'] = LogNorm() if colorbar is True: kwargs['colorbar'] = True mat = self.heatmat(nan=True, maskvec=maskvec, jd=None) mat[mat==0] = np.nan self.gcm.pcolor(mat, **kwargs) if jd: pl.title(pl.num2date(jd).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))
def refresh(self, jd1=None, jd2=None): """ Read a L3 mapped file and add field to current instance""" jd1 = self.jdmin if jd1 is None else jd1 jd2 = int(pl.date2num( - 1 if jd2 is None else jd2 for jd in np.arange(jd1, jd2+1): filename = os.path.join(self.datadir, self.generate_filename(jd)) print " --- %s --- " % pl.num2date(jd).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') print "Checking %s" % filename + '.bz2' if not os.path.isfile(filename + '.bz2'): try: self.load(jd=jd, verbose=True) except IOError: print "Downloading failed. Trying to remove old files." try: os.remove(filename) except: pass try: os.remove(filename + ".bz2") except: pass try: self.load(jd=jd,verbose=True) except: print (" ### Warning! Failed to add %s ###" % os.path.basename(filename)) print "\n" else: print "found"
def refresh(self, fld, fldtype="DAY", jd1=None, jd2=None, delall=False): """ Read a L3 mapped file and add field to current instance""" jd1 = pl.datestr2num('2003-01-01') if jd1 is None else jd1 jd2 = int(pl.date2num( - 1 if jd2 is None else jd2 for jd in np.arange(jd1, jd2): print " --- %s --- " % pl.num2date(jd).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') filename = os.path.join( self.datadir, self.generate_filename(jd,fld,fldtype) + ".nc") if delall: for fn in glob.glob(filename + "*"): print "Deleted %s" % fn os.remove(fn) print "Checking files" if not os.path.isfile(filename[:-3] + '.npz'): try: self.load(fld, fldtype, jd=jd, verbose=True) except IOError: print "Downloading failed. Trying to remove old files." try: os.remove(filename) except: pass try: self.load(fld,fldtype,jd=jd,verbose=True) except: print (" ### Warning! Failed to add %s ###" % os.path.basename(filename)) print "\n" else: print "found"
def initPlot(self): """ redraw the canvas to set the initial x and y axes when plotting starts """ self.starttime = self.currenttime = self.starttime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=3) self.endtime = self.starttime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=15) self.timeaxis = num2date(drange(self.starttime, self.endtime, datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=10))) self.xvalues.append(self.timeaxis[0]) self.yvalues.append(self.parentPanel.myECG.ecg_leadII[0]) # for counter purposes only self.ybuffer = self.yvalues self.lines[0].set_data(self.xvalues, self.yvalues) self.axes.set_xlim((date2num(self.starttime), date2num(self.currenttime))) self.axes.xaxis.set_ticklabels( self.createXTickLabels(self.currenttime), rotation=30, ha="right", size="smaller", name="Calibri" ) self.samples_counter += 1 self.ysamples_counter += 1 self.buff_counter = 1
def get_daily_backlog_chart(self, backlog_history): numdates = backlog_history[0] backlog_stats = backlog_history[1] # create counted list. opened_tickets_dataset = [len(list) for list in backlog_stats['opened']] created_tickets_dataset = [len(list) for list in backlog_stats['created']] # need to add create and closed ticket for charting purpose. We want to show # closed tickets on top of opened ticket in bar chart. closed_tickets_dataset = [] for i in range(len(created_tickets_dataset)): closed_tickets_dataset.append(created_tickets_dataset[i] + len(backlog_stats['closed'][i])) bmi_dataset = [] for i in range(len(opened_tickets_dataset)): if opened_tickets_dataset[i] == 0: bmi_dataset.append(0.0) else: bmi_dataset.append(float(closed_tickets_dataset[i]) * 100 / float(opened_tickets_dataset[i])) # for idx, numdate in enumerate(numdates): #"%s: %s, %s, %s" % (num2date(numdate), # closed_tickets_dataset[idx], # opened_tickets_dataset[idx], # created_tickets_dataset[idx])) ds_daily_backlog = '' for idx, numdate in enumerate(numdates): ds_daily_backlog = ds_daily_backlog + '{ date: "%s", opened: %d, closed: %d, created: %d}, ' \ % (format_date(num2date(numdate), tzinfo=utc), opened_tickets_dataset[idx], \ closed_tickets_dataset[idx], created_tickets_dataset[idx]) return '[ ' + ds_daily_backlog + ' ];'
def _jd_to_dtm(self): dtobj = pl.num2date(self.jd) njattrlist = ['yr', 'mn', 'dy', 'hr', 'min', 'sec'] dtattrlist = ['year','month','day','hour','minute', 'second'] for njattr,dtattr in zip(njattrlist, dtattrlist): setattr(self, njattr, getattr(dtobj, dtattr)) self.yd = self.jd - pl.date2num(dtm(self.yr,1,1)) + 1
def scatter(self,ntrac=None,ints=None,k1=None,k2=None,c="g",clf=True): self.add_mp() mask = self.ntrac==self.ntrac if ints: mask = mask & (self.ints==ints) if ntrac: mask = mask & (self.ntrac==ntrac) if clf: pl.clf() self.ijll() x,y =[mask],[mask]),self.mpyll,,1),cmap=GrGr()) xl,yl = [self.llon[0,0], self.llon[0,-1], self.llon[-1,-1], self.llon[-1,0],self.llon[0,0]], [self.llat[0,0], self.llat[0,-1], self.llat[-1,-1], self.llat[-1,0], self.llat[0,0]] ),yl,'0.5') if ntrac:,y,'-w',lw=0.5),y,5,c) if ints: jd = self.jd[self.ints==ints][0] pl.title(pl.num2date(jd).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")) print len(x)
def plot_date_time_graph(db_name,table_name): format='%d %b %Y %I:%M %p' conn = sqlite3.connect(os.getcwd()+'/data/'+db_name+'.db') c=conn.cursor() date_time_arr=[] tweet_count=[] for row in c.execute('SELECT date_posted,time_posted From '+table_name): date_string= ' '.join(row) date_time_arr.append(datetime.strptime(date_string, format)) for row in c.execute('SELECT retweets From '+table_name): tweet_count.append(row[0]+1) y= np.array(tweet_count) x=np.array(date_time_arr) N=len(tweet_count) colors = np.random.rand(N) numtime = [date2num(t) for t in x] # plotting the histogram ax = figure().gca() x, y, patches = hist(numtime, bins=50,alpha=.5) print x,y # adding the labels for the x axis tks = [num2date(p.get_x()) for p in patches] xticks(tks,rotation=40) # formatting the dates on the x axis ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter('%d %b %H:%M')) ax.set_xlabel('Time(dd-mm HH:MM)', fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel('Tweet Count', fontsize=16) show()
def parse_sounding_block(sounding_block): headers=sounding_block[0].split()[0:17] start_date_str=sounding_block[1].split()[0]+" "+sounding_block[1].split()[1] data_dict=dict([(headers[i],array([float_conv(sounding_block[j+1].split()[i]) for j in range(len(sounding_block)-1)])) for i in range(len(headers))]) date_list=[num2date(datestr2num(sounding_block[i+1].split()[0]+" "+sounding_block[i+1].split()[1])) for i in range(len(sounding_block)-1)] data_dict.update({'date_list':array(date_list)}) return data_dict
def run(self): """ start ECG plotting """ while not self.stopPlotThread.isSet(): self.parentFrame.ecgplotter.plot() # check if the thread has been stopped. if yes, no need to update endtime. if not self.stopPlotThread.isSet(): self.parentFrame.ecgplotter.endtime += datetime.timedelta(seconds=15) # initialize the time size (nagiiba kase after every 15 seconds. needs to be extended self.parentFrame.ecgplotter.timeaxis = num2date( drange( self.parentFrame.ecgplotter.starttime, self.parentFrame.ecgplotter.endtime, datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=10), ) ) else: break # add slider at the end of plotting only self.parentFrame.ecgplotter.addSlider(self.parentFrame.ecgplotter.endtime) self.parentFrame.ecgplotter.canvas.draw() self.parentFrame.ecgplotter.gui_repaint()
def info(self,*var, **adict): """ Printing descriptive statistics on selected variables """ # calling convenience functions to clean-up input parameters var, sel = self.__var_and_sel_clean(var, adict) dates, nobs = self.__dates_and_nobs_clean(var, sel) # setting the minimum and maximum dates to be used mindate = pylab.num2date(min(dates)).strftime('%d %b %Y') maxdate = pylab.num2date(max(dates)).strftime('%d %b %Y') # number of variables (excluding date if present) nvar = len(var) print '\n==============================================================================' print '============================ Database information ============================' print '==============================================================================\n' print 'file: %s' % self.DBname print '# obs: %s' % nobs print '# variables: %s' % nvar print 'Start date: %s' % mindate print 'End date: %s' % maxdate print '\nvar min max mean miss levels' print '==============================================================================' sets = {} for i in var: col =[i][sel]; if type(col[0]) == string_: _miss = sum(col == '') col_set = set(col) sets[i] = col_set print '''%-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s % -5.0f %-5i''' % tuple([i,'-','-','-','-',_miss,len(col_set)]) else: _miss = isnan(col); col = col[_miss == False]; _min = col.min(); _max = col.max(); _mean = col.mean(); _std = col.std() print '''% -5s % -5.2f % -5.2f % -5.2f % -5.2f % -5.0f''' % tuple([i,_min,_max,_mean,_std,sum(_miss)]) if sets: print '\n\nLevels for non-numeric data:' for i in sets.keys(): print '==============================================================================' print '''% -5s % -5s''' % tuple([i,sets[i]])
def parse_info_line(info_line): # date_obj=num2date(datestr2num(info_line[(info_line.find('date/time=')+len('date/time=')):-1])) # n_rays=int(info_line[(info_line.find('number_of_rays=')+len('number_of_rays=')):(info_line.find('date/time=')-1)]) ilsplit = info_line.split() date_obj = num2date(datestr2num(ilsplit[-2] + " " + ilsplit[-1])) sweep_number = int(ilsplit[ilsplit.index("sweep_no=") + 1]) nrays = int(ilsplit[ilsplit.index("number_of_rays=") + 1]) return {"date": date_obj, "sweep number": sweep_number, "rays": nrays}
def get_dates(self): return num2date(self.jd)
def create_months(self): self.create_tvec() self.months = np.array([ dt.month for dt in pl.num2date(self.tvec)])
def format_date(x, pos=None): if x <= 0: return "0" return num2date(x).strftime("%H:%M:%S")
def scatter(self, mask=None, ntrac=None, jd=None, k1=None, k2=None, c="g", clf=True, coord="latlon", land="nice", map_region=None): """Plot particle positions on a map mask: Boolean vector inidcating which particles to plot ntrac: Particle ID jd: Julian date to plot, has to be included in jdvec. k1: only plot particle deeper than k1 k2: only plot particle shallower than k1 c: color of particles clf: Clear figure if True coord: Use lat-lon coordinates if set to "latlon" (default), i-j coordinates if set to "ij" land: Use landmask from basemap if set to "nice" (default), landmask from model if set to "model". map_region: Use other map_regions than set by config file """ if (not hasattr(self, 'mp')) & (coord == "latlon"): self.add_mp(map_region) if (not hasattr(self, 'lon')) & (coord == "latlon"): self.ijll() if mask is None: mask = self.ntrac == self.ntrac if jd is not None: mask = mask & (self.jd == jd) if ntrac is not None: mask = mask & (self.ntrac == ntrac) figpref.current() if clf: pl.clf() if coord is "latlon": x, y =[mask],[mask]) scH =, y, 5, c) else: scH = pl.scatter(self.x[mask], self.y[mask], 5, c) if land is "nice": land = elif coord is "latlon":, self.mpyll,, False), cmap=GrGr()) else: pl.pcolormesh(np.arange(self.gcm.i1, self.gcm.i2 + 1), np.arange(self.gcm.j1, self.gcm.j2 + 1),, False), cmap=GrGr()) if (ntrac is not None) & (coord is "latlon"):, y, '-w', lw=0.5) """ xl,yl = [self.llon[0,0], self.llon[0,-1], self.llon[-1,-1], self.llon[-1,0],self.llon[0,0]], [self.llat[0,0], self.llat[0,-1], self.llat[-1,-1], self.llat[-1,0], self.llat[0,0]] ),yl,'0.5') """ if jd: pl.title(pl.num2date(jd).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")) return scH
def format_date(x, pos=None): dt = pl.num2date(x) if dt.second == 0: return dt.strftime('%I:%M %p') else: return pl.num2date(x).strftime('%I:%M:%S')
def datestr(self): jd = getattr(self, "jd", self.defaultjd) if type(jd) is int: return pl.num2date(jd).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") else: return pl.num2date(jd).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
def kmz_anim(lon, lat, time, prop, **kwargs): lon = asarray(lon) lat = asarray(lat) jd = pylab.date2num(time) jd_edges = hstack((1.5 * jd[0] - 0.5 * jd[1], 0.5 * (jd[1:] + jd[:-1]), 1.5 * jd[-1] - 0.5 * jd[-2])) time_edges = pylab.num2date(jd_edges) time_starts = time_edges[:-1] time_stops = time_edges[1:] name = kwargs.pop('name', 'overlay') color = kwargs.pop('color', '9effffff') visibility = str(kwargs.pop('visibility', 1)) kmzfile = kwargs.pop('kmzfile', 'overlay.kmz') pixels = kwargs.pop('pixels', 300) # pixels of the max. dimension units = kwargs.pop('units', '') vmax = kwargs.pop('vmax', prop.max()) kwargs['vmax'] = vmax vmin = kwargs.pop('vmin', prop.min()) kwargs['vmin'] = vmin geo_aspect = cos(lat.mean() * pi / 180.0) xsize = lon.ptp() * geo_aspect ysize = lat.ptp() aspect = ysize / xsize if aspect > 1.0: figsize = (10.0 / aspect, 10.0) else: figsize = (10.0, 10.0 * aspect) kml_text = kml_preamble ioff() fig = figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=pixels // 10, facecolor=None, frameon=False) ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) f = zipfile.ZipFile(kmzfile, 'w') for frame in range(prop.shape[0]): tstart = time_starts[frame] tstop = time_stops[frame] print('Writing frame ', frame, tstart.isoformat(), tstop.isoformat()) ax.cla() pc = ax.pcolor(lon, lat, prop[frame], **kwargs) ax.set_xlim(lon.min(), lon.max()) ax.set_ylim(lat.min(), lat.max()) ax.set_axis_off() icon = 'overlay_%d.png' % frame savefig(icon) kml_text += kml_frame.replace('__NAME__', name)\ .replace('__COLOR__', color)\ .replace('__VISIBILITY__', visibility)\ .replace('__SOUTH__', str(lat.min()))\ .replace('__NORTH__', str(lat.max()))\ .replace('__EAST__', str(lon.max()))\ .replace('__WEST__', str(lon.min()))\ .replace('__FRAME__', icon)\ .replace('__TIMEBEGIN__', tstart.isoformat())\ .replace('__TIMEEND__', tstop.isoformat()) f.write(icon) os.remove(icon) # legend fig = figure(figsize=(1.0, 4.0), facecolor=None, frameon=False) cax = fig.add_axes([0.0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.90]) cb = colorbar(pc, cax=cax) cb.set_label(units, color='0.9') for lab in setp(lab, 'color', '0.9') savefig('legend.png') f.write('legend.png') os.remove('legend.png') kml_text += kml_legend kml_text += kml_closing f.writestr('overlay.kml', kml_text) f.close()
################################### ### usage examples of dbase class ################################### import sys from scipy import c_ # making a directory to store simulate data if not os.path.exists('./dbase_test_files'): os.mkdir('./dbase_test_files') # creating simulated data and variable labels varnm = ['date', 'a', 'b', 'c'] # variable labels nobs = 100 data = randn(nobs, 3) # the data array dates = pylab.num2date(arange(730493, 730493 + (nobs * 7), 7)) dates = [i.strftime('%d %b %y') for i in dates] data = c_[dates, data] # adding a few missing values data[5, 1] = '' data[9, 3] = '' # adding a non-numeric variable varnm = varnm + ['id'] # variable labels id = [('id' + str(i)) for i in range(nobs)] id[8] = '' # setting one id to missing data = c_[data, id] # saving simulated data to a csv file f = open('./dbase_test_files/data.csv', 'w')
""" print(matlab_time) print(np.shape(matlab_time)) print(np.shape(matlab_time[0])) print(type(matlab_time)) print(type(matlab_time[0][0])) """ days = [] for i in range(3): days.append(matlab_time[i].flatten() - matlab_time[i][0]) utc = [] for i in range(3): utc.append( np.asarray(pl.num2date(matlab_time[i] - 366)).flatten()) patched_u = data["patched_u"] patched_v = data["patched_v"] depths_of_cuts = data["depths_of_cuts"].flatten() patched_mask = data["nan_mask"] if np.shape(patched_u)[0] == 1: patched_u = patched_u[0] patched_v = patched_v[0] patched_mask = patched_mask[0] #print(np.shape(utc)) #print(np.shape(patched_u[0])) #top=0.954,bottom=0.081,left=0.05,right=0.985,hspace=0.231,wspace=0.02 print("test", np.shape(days[0]), np.shape(patched_u[0]))
def num2date(self, mjd): import pylab return pylab.num2date(mjd)
def format_date(x, pos=None): return pylab.num2date(x).strftime('%m-%d-%Y')
def main(): plt.close('all') if len(sys.argv) > 1: if len(sys.argv) == 2: # a single argument was provides as option if sys.argv[1] == 'init': # copy INI files and a template configuration file # to current directory create_dummy_configuration() sys.exit() else: file = sys.argv[1] # name of config file if not os.path.exists(file): raise ValueError('Configuration file can not be \ found: %s' % file) else: raise ValueError('Currently not more than one command \ line parameter supported!') else: # default print('*******************************************') print('* WELCOME to *') print('* Happy benchmarking ... *') print('*******************************************') print '' print 'please specify a configuration filename as argument' sys.exit() #################################################################### # CONFIGURATION and OPTIONS #################################################################### # read configuration file CF = config.ConfigFile(file) # read plotting options PCFG = config.PlotOptions() plot_options = PCFG #################################################################### # REMOVE previous Data warnings #################################################################### outdir = CF.options['outputdir'] if outdir[-1] != os.sep: outdir += os.sep os.environ['PYCMBS_OUTPUTDIR'] = outdir os.environ['PYCMBS_OUTPUTFORMAT'] = CF.options['report_format'] os.environ['DATA_WARNING_FILE'] = outdir + 'data_warnings_' \ + CF.options['report'] + '.log' if os.path.exists(os.environ['DATA_WARNING_FILE']): os.remove(os.environ['DATA_WARNING_FILE']) for thevar in plot_options.options.keys(): if thevar in plot_options.options.keys(): print('Variable: %s' % thevar) for k in plot_options.options[thevar].keys(): print(' Observation: %s' % k) if CF.options['basemap']: f_fast = False else: f_fast = True shift_lon = use_basemap = not f_fast ######################################################################## # TIMES ######################################################################## s_start_time = CF.start_date s_stop_time = CF.stop_date start_time = pylab.num2date(pylab.datestr2num(s_start_time)) stop_time = pylab.num2date(pylab.datestr2num(s_stop_time)) ######################################################################## # INIT METHODS ######################################################################## # names of analysis scripts for all variables --- scripts = CF.get_analysis_scripts() # get dictionary with methods how to read data for model variables to be # analyzed variables = CF.variables varmethods = CF.get_methods4variables(CF.variables) # READ DATA # create a Model instance for each model specified # in the configuration file # # read the data for all variables and return a list # of Data objects for further processing model_cnt = 1 proc_models = [] for i in range(len(CF.models)): # assign model information from configuration data_dir = CF.dirs[i] model = CF.models[i] experiment = CF.experiments[i] # create model object and read data # results are stored in individual variables namex modelXXXXX if CF.dtypes[i].upper() == 'CMIP5': themodel = CMIP5Data(data_dir, model, experiment, varmethods, intervals=CF.intervals, lat_name='lat', lon_name='lon', label=model, start_time=start_time, stop_time=stop_time, shift_lon=shift_lon) elif CF.dtypes[i].upper() == 'CMIP5RAW': themodel = CMIP5RAWData(data_dir, model, experiment, varmethods, intervals=CF.intervals, lat_name='lat', lon_name='lon', label=model, start_time=start_time, stop_time=stop_time, shift_lon=shift_lon) elif 'CMIP5RAWSINGLE' in CF.dtypes[i].upper(): themodel = CMIP5RAW_SINGLE(data_dir, model, experiment, varmethods, intervals=CF.intervals, lat_name='lat', lon_name='lon', label=model, start_time=start_time, stop_time=stop_time, shift_lon=shift_lon) elif CF.dtypes[i].upper() == 'JSBACH_BOT': themodel = JSBACH_BOT(data_dir, varmethods, experiment, intervals=CF.intervals, start_time=start_time, stop_time=stop_time, name=model, shift_lon=shift_lon) elif CF.dtypes[i].upper() == 'JSBACH_RAW': themodel = JSBACH_RAW(data_dir, varmethods, experiment, intervals=CF.intervals, name=model, shift_lon=shift_lon, start_time=start_time, stop_time=stop_time) elif CF.dtypes[i].upper() == 'JSBACH_RAW2': themodel = JSBACH_RAW2(data_dir, varmethods, experiment, intervals=CF.intervals, start_time=start_time, stop_time=stop_time, name=model, shift_lon=shift_lon) # , # model_dict=model_dict) elif CF.dtypes[i].upper() == 'JSBACH_SPECIAL': themodel = JSBACH_SPECIAL(data_dir, varmethods, experiment, intervals=CF.intervals, start_time=start_time, stop_time=stop_time, name=model, shift_lon=shift_lon) # , # model_dict=model_dict) elif CF.dtypes[i].upper() == 'CMIP3': themodel = CMIP3Data(data_dir, model, experiment, varmethods, intervals=CF.intervals, lat_name='lat', lon_name='lon', label=model, start_time=start_time, stop_time=stop_time, shift_lon=shift_lon) else: raise ValueError('Invalid model type: %s' % CF.dtypes[i]) # read data for current model # options that specify regrid options etc. themodel._global_configuration = CF themodel.plot_options = plot_options themodel.get_data() # copy current model to a variable named modelXXXX cmd = 'model' + str(model_cnt).zfill(4) + ' = ' \ + 'themodel.copy(); del themodel' exec(cmd) # store copy of cmip5 model in separate variable # append model to list of models --- proc_models.append('model' + str(model_cnt).zfill(4)) model_cnt += 1 ######################################################################## # MULTIMODEL MEAN # here we have now all the model and variables read. # The list of all models is contained in the variable proc_models. f_mean_model = True if f_mean_model: # calculate climatological mean values: The models contain already # climatological information in the variables[] list. Thus there is # not need to take care for the different timesteps here. This # should have been handled already in the preprocessing. # generate instance of MeanModel to store result MEANMODEL = MeanModel(varmethods, intervals=CF.intervals) # sum up all models for i in range(len(proc_models)): exec('actmodel = ' + proc_models[i] + '.copy()') MEANMODEL.add_member(actmodel) del actmodel # calculate ensemble mean MEANMODEL.ensmean() # save mean model to file # include filename of configuration file, prefix='MEANMODEL_' + file[:-4]) # add mean model to general list of models to process in analysis proc_models.append('MEANMODEL') ######################################################################## # END MULTIMODEL MEAN ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # INIT reporting and plotting and diagnostics ######################################################################## # Gleckler Plot global_gleckler = GlecklerPlot() # Report rep = Report(CF.options['report'], 'pyCMBS report - ' + CF.options['report'], CF.options['author'], outdir=outdir, dpi=300, format=CF.options['report_format']) cmd = 'cp ' + os.environ['PYCMBSPATH'] + os.sep + \ 'logo' + os.sep + 'Phytonlogo5.pdf ' + rep.outdir os.system(cmd) ######################################################################## ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # MAIN ANALYSIS LOOP: perform analysis for each model and variable ######################################################################## ######################################################################## ######################################################################## skeys = scripts.keys() for variable in variables: # register current variable in Gleckler Plot global_gleckler.add_variable(variable) # call analysis scripts for each variable for k in range(len(skeys)): if variable == skeys[k]: print 'Doing analysis for variable ... ', variable print ' ... ', scripts[variable] # model list is reformatted so it can be evaluated properly model_list = str(proc_models).replace("'", "") cmd = 'analysis.' + scripts[variable] + '(' + model_list \ + ',GP=global_gleckler,shift_lon=shift_lon, \ use_basemap=use_basemap,report=rep,\ interval=CF.intervals[variable],\ plot_options=PCFG)' eval(cmd) ######################################################################## # GLECKLER PLOT finalization ... ######################################################################## # generate Gleckler analysis plot for all variables and models analyzed /// global_gleckler.plot(vmin=-0.1, vmax=0.1, nclasses=16, show_value=False, ticks=[-0.1, -0.05, 0., 0.05, 0.1]) oname = outdir + 'gleckler.pkl' if os.path.exists(oname): os.remove(oname) pickle.dump(global_gleckler.models, open(outdir + 'gleckler_models.pkl', 'w')) pickle.dump(global_gleckler.variables, open(outdir + 'gleckler_variables.pkl', 'w')) pickle.dump(, open(outdir + 'gleckler_data.pkl', 'w')) pickle.dump(global_gleckler._raw_data, open(outdir + 'gleckler_rawdata.pkl', 'w')) rep.section('Summary error statistics') rep.subsection('Gleckler metric') rep.figure(global_gleckler.fig, caption='Gleckler et al. (2008) model performance index', width='10cm') global_gleckler.fig.savefig(outdir + 'portraet_diagram.png', dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight') global_gleckler.fig.savefig(outdir + 'portraet_diagram.pdf', dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(global_gleckler.fig.number) # generate dictionary with observation labels for each variable labels_dict = {} for variable in variables: if variable not in PCFG.options.keys(): continue varoptions = PCFG.options[variable] thelabels = {} for k in varoptions.keys(): # keys of observational datasets if k == 'OPTIONS': continue else: # only add observation to legend, # if option in INI file is set if varoptions[k]['add_to_report']: # generate dictionary for GlecklerPLot legend thelabels.update( {int(varoptions[k]['gleckler_position']): k}) labels_dict.update({variable: thelabels}) del thelabels # legend for gleckler plot /// lcnt = 1 for variable in variables: if variable not in PCFG.options.keys(): continue varoptions = PCFG.options[variable] thelabels = labels_dict[variable] fl = global_gleckler._draw_legend(thelabels, title=variable.upper()) if fl is not None: rep.figure(fl, width='8cm', bbox_inches=None) fl.savefig(outdir + 'legend_portraet_' + str(lcnt).zfill(5) + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=200) plt.close(fl.number) del fl lcnt += 1 # plot model ranking between different observational datasets /// rep.subsection('Model ranking consistency') for v in global_gleckler.variables: rep.subsubsection(v.upper()) tmpfig = global_gleckler.plot_model_ranking(v, show_text=True, obslabels=labels_dict[v]) if tmpfig is not None: rep.figure(tmpfig, width='8cm', bbox_inches=None, caption='Model RANKING for different observational \ datasets: ' + v.upper()) plt.close(tmpfig.number) del tmpfig # write a table with model ranking tmp_filename = outdir + 'ranking_table_' + v + '.tex' rep.open_table() global_gleckler.write_ranking_table(v, tmp_filename, fmt='latex', obslabels=labels_dict[v]) rep.input(tmp_filename) rep.close_table(caption='Model rankings for variable ' + v.upper()) # plot absolute model error tmpfig = global_gleckler.plot_model_error(v, obslabels=labels_dict[v]) if tmpfig is not None: rep.figure(tmpfig, width='8cm', bbox_inches=None, caption='Model ERROR for different observational \ datasets: ' + v.upper()) plt.close(tmpfig.number) del tmpfig ######################################################################## # CLEAN up and finish ######################################################################## plt.close('all') rep.close() print('##########################################') print('# BENCHMARKING FINIHSED! #') print('##########################################')
def multiplot(self, jd1=730120.0, djd=60, dt=20): if not hasattr(self, 'disci'): self.generate_regdiscs() self.x = self.disci self.y = self.discj if not hasattr(self, 'lon'): self.ijll() if USE_FIGPREF: figpref.presentation() pl.close(1) pl.figure(1, (10, 10)) conmat = self[jd1 - 730120.0:jd1 - 730120.0 + 60, dt:dt + 10] x, y =, = [] = [] pl.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0, top=0.95) pl.subplot(2, 2, 1) pl.pcolormesh(miv(conmat), pl.clim(0, 250) pl.plot([0, 800], [0, 800], 'g', lw=2) pl.gca().set_aspect(1) pl.setp(pl.gca(), yticklabels=[]) pl.setp(pl.gca(), xticklabels=[]) pl.colorbar(aspect=40, orientation='horizontal', pad=0, shrink=.8, fraction=0.05, ticks=[0, 50, 100, 150, 200]) pl.subplot(2, 2, 2) colorvec = (np.nansum(conmat, axis=1) - np.nansum(conmat, axis=0))[1:], y, 10, 'w', edgecolor='k'), y, 10, colorvec) pl.clim(0, 10000) pl.subplot(2, 2, 3) colorvec = np.nansum(conmat, axis=1)[1:], y, 10, 'w', edgecolor='k'), y, 10, colorvec) pl.clim(0, 10000) pl.subplot(2, 2, 4) colorvec = np.nansum(conmat, axis=0)[1:], y, 10, 'w', edgecolor='k'), y, 10, colorvec) pl.clim(0, 10000) if 'mycolor' in sys.modules: mycolor.freecbar([0.2, .06, 0.6, 0.020], [2000, 4000, 6000, 8000]) pl.suptitle("Trajectories seeded from %s to %s, Duration: %i-%i days" % (pl.num2date(jd1).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), pl.num2date(jd1 + djd).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), dt, dt + 10)) pl.savefig('multplot_%i_%03i.png' % (jd1, dt), transparent=True)
data = sio.loadmat( "/home/ole/thesis/all_data/emb217/deployments/moorings/TC_Flach/ADCP600/data/EMB217_TC-flach_adcp600_val.mat" ) #print(data.keys()) data = data["adcpavg"] substructure = data.dtype #print(substructure) rtc = data["rtc"][0][0].flatten() curr = data["curr"][0][0] vertical_v = data["vu"][0][0].T #convert matlab time to utc utc = np.asarray(pl.num2date(rtc - 366)) path = "dissipation_rate_adcp_emb217_TC_Flach.npz" #("dissipation_rate_estimation.npz") npzfile = np.load(path) print(npzfile.files) depth = npzfile["depth"] utc_chunks = npzfile["utc"] dissipation_rate_up = npzfile["dissipation_rate_up"] dissipation_rate_down = npzfile["dissipation_rate_down"] total_dissipation_rate = npzfile["dissipation_total"] #figure 1 for the measurements f1, axarr1 = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True, sharey=True) #figure 2 for the test
def _render_view(self, req, db, milestone): milestone_groups = [] available_groups = [] component_group_available = False ticket_fields = TicketSystem(self.env).get_ticket_fields() # collect fields that can be used for grouping for field in ticket_fields: if field['type'] == 'select' and field['name'] != 'milestone' \ or field['name'] in ('owner', 'reporter'): available_groups.append({ 'name': field['name'], 'label': field['label'] }) if field['name'] == 'component': component_group_available = True # determine the field currently used for grouping by = None if component_group_available: by = 'component' elif available_groups: by = available_groups[0]['name'] by = req.args.get('by', by) tickets = get_tickets_for_milestone(self.env, db,, by) stat = get_ticket_stats(self.stats_provider, tickets) tstat = get_ticket_stats(self.tickettype_stats_provider, tickets) # Parse the from date and adjust the timestamp to the last second of # the day today = to_datetime(None, # Get milestone start date from session or use default day back. # TODO: add logic to remember the start date either in db or session. # if req.session.get('mdashboard.fromdate') != None: # # fromdate = parse_date(req.session.get('mdashboard.fromdate'), # else: fromdate = today - timedelta(days=self.default_daysback + 1) fromdate = fromdate.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59) # Data for milestone and timeline data = { 'fromdate': fromdate, 'milestone': milestone, 'tickethistory': [], 'dates': [], 'ticketstat': {}, 'yui_base_url': self.yui_base_url } data.update(milestone_stats_data(self.env, req, stat, ticketstat = {'name': 'ticket type'} ticketstat.update( milestone_stats_data(self.env, req, tstat, data['ticketstat'] = ticketstat"ticketstat = %s" % (ticketstat,)) # get list of ticket ids that in the milestone #ctickets = get_tickets_for_milestone(self.env, db,, 'type') everytickets = get_every_tickets_in_milestone(db, if everytickets != []: #tkt_history = {} # collect_tickets_status_history(self.env, db, tkt_history, \ # everytickets, milestone) tkt_history = collect_tickets_status_history( self.env, db, everytickets, milestone) if tkt_history != {}: # Sort the key in the history list # returns sorted list of tuple of (key, value) sorted_events = sorted(tkt_history.items(), key=lambda (k, v): (k)) #debug"sorted_event content") for event in sorted_events: "date: %s: event: %s" % (format_date(to_datetime(event[0])), event[1])) # Get first date that ticket enter the milestone min_time = min(sorted_events)[0] #in Epoch Seconds begin_date = to_datetime(min_time).date() end_date = milestone.completed or to_datetime(None).date() # this is array of date in numpy numdates = drange(begin_date, end_date + timedelta(days=1), timedelta(days=1)) tkt_history_table = make_ticket_history_table( self.env, numdates, sorted_events) #debug"tkt_history_table: %s", (tkt_history_table,)) #Create a data for the cumulative flow chart. tkt_cumulative_table = make_cumulative_data( self.env, tkt_history_table) #debug # creat list of dateobject from dates dates = [] for numdate in numdates: utc_date = num2date(numdate) dates.append(utc_date)"%s: %s" % (utc_date, format_date(utc_date, tzinfo=utc))) #prepare Yahoo datasource for comulative flow chart dscumulative = '' for idx, date in enumerate(dates): dscumulative = dscumulative + '{ date: "%s", enter: %d, leave: %d, finish: %d}, ' \ % (format_date(date, tzinfo=utc), tkt_cumulative_table['Enter'][idx], \ tkt_cumulative_table['Leave'][idx], tkt_cumulative_table['Finish'][idx]) data['tickethistory'] = tkt_cumulative_table data['dates'] = dates data['dscumulative'] = '[ ' + dscumulative + ' ];' return 'mdashboard.html', data, None
def get_dates(self): return asarray(num2date(self.jd))
def adaptive_date_ticks(axx, dtrange=None, format=None, formatm=None, nticks=0, fit=None, label=True, lformat=None, ltime=None, debug=False): '''Takes an axis and a time range in seconds and chooses the optimal time display ax is the xaxis or yaxis, trange is the time range of the data in seconds, defaults to the existing plot data range format is the preferred time format e.g. '%Y' vs '%y' or '%b %d, %Y' vs '%m/%d' formatm is the preferred time format for the minor ticks e.g. '%Y' vs '%y' or '%b %d, %Y' vs '%m/%d' nticks forces the number of ticks, defaults to number already in figure axname allows time on y axis (default is x axis) fit determines whether the image should: fit the data range exactly (fit='exact') fit the nearest tick mark outside the data range (fit='tick') use the default fit (default or fit=None) label determines whether to add a label to the axis lformat allows the user to specify the format of the label ltime is the date number to use to generate the label, defaults to middle of data range''' if dtrange is None: bounds = pylab.getp(pylab.getp(axx, 'data_interval'), 'bounds') dtrange = pylab.diff(bounds) trange = dtrange * 86400 if label and ltime is None: ltime = pylab.mean(bounds) if nticks == 0: nticks = len(axx.get_ticklocs()) if trange < 60: #image covers less than 1 minute bt = int(60 / nticks) tloc = MinuteLocator() tlocm = SecondLocator(bysecond=range(bt, 60, bt)) tfor = ':%S' tform = '%M:%S' tlabel = '%b %d, %Y %H:%M' if debug: print 'seconds' elif trange / nticks < 60: tloc = MinuteLocator() tlocm = SecondLocator(bysecond=range(15, 60, 15)) tform = ':%S' tfor = '%M:00' tlabel = '%b %d, %Y %H:' if debug: print 'half minutes' elif trange / nticks < 90: tloc = MinuteLocator(interval=1) tlocm = SecondLocator(bysecond=30) tform = '' tfor = '%M' tlabel = '%b %d, %Y %H:' if debug: print 'minutes' elif trange / nticks < 120: tloc = MinuteLocator(byminute=range(0, 60, 2)) tlocm = SecondLocator(bysecond=(0, 30)) tfor = '%M' tform = '' tlabel = '%b %d, %Y %H:' if debug: print '2 minutes' elif trange / nticks < 240: tloc = MinuteLocator(interval=5) tlocm = MinuteLocator(interval=1) tfor = '%H:%M' tform = '' tlabel = '%b %d, %Y' if debug: print '5 minutes' elif trange / nticks < 600: tloc = MinuteLocator(interval=10) tlocm = MinuteLocator(interval=1) tform = '' tfor = '%H:%M' tlabel = '%b %d, %Y' if debug: print '10 minutes' elif trange / nticks < 1200: tloc = HourLocator(interval=1) tlocm = MinuteLocator(byminute=range(15, 60, 15)) tfor = '%H:%M' tform = ':%M' tlabel = '%b %d, %Y' if debug: print '30 minutes' elif trange / nticks < 2400: tloc = MinuteLocator(byminute=0) tlocm = MinuteLocator(byminute=30) tfor = '%H:00' tform = '' tlabel = '%b %d, %Y' if debug: print 'hour' elif trange / nticks < 4500: tloc = HourLocator(interval=2) tlocm = HourLocator(interval=1) tform = '' tfor = '%H:00' tlabel = '%b %d, %Y' if debug: print '2 hours' elif trange < 86400: tloc = HourLocator(byhour=range(0, 24, 3)) tlocm = HourLocator() tform = '' tfor = '%H:00' tlabel = '%b %d, %Y' if debug: print '3 hours' elif trange < 86400 * 2: tloc = HourLocator(byhour=range(0, 24, 6)) tlocm = HourLocator(byhour=range(0, 24, 2)) tform = '' tfor = '%H:00\n%m/%d' tlabel = '%b %d, %Y' if debug: print '6 hours' elif dtrange < 2.5: tloc = DayLocator() tlocm = HourLocator(byhour=range(6, 24, 6)) tfor = '%m/%d' tform = '%H:%M' tlabel = '%Y' if debug: print '1 day/ 6 hours' elif dtrange < 3: tloc = DayLocator() tlocm = HourLocator(byhour=12) tfor = '%m/%d' tform = '%H:%M' tlabel = '%Y' if debug: print '1 day/ 12 hours' elif dtrange / nticks < 0.5: tloc = DayLocator(interval=1) tlocm = HourLocator(byhour=range(0, 24, 12)) tform = '' tfor = '%m/%d' tlabel = '%Y' if debug: print '1 day' elif dtrange < 31 * 6: tloc = MonthLocator() if dtrange / nticks < 1: interv = 1 endv = 32 elif dtrange / nticks < 2: interv = 2 endv = 31 elif dtrange / nticks < 3: interv = 3 endv = 30 elif dtrange / nticks < 4: interv = 5 endv = 30 elif dtrange / nticks < 6: interv = 7 endv = 28 elif dtrange / nticks < 8: interv = 10 endv = 30 else: interv = 15 endv = 30 tlocm = MonthLocator(bymonthday=range(interv, endv, interv)) tfor = "%d\n%b '%y" tform = '%d' tlabel = 'date' if debug: print 'month' elif dtrange / nticks < 30: tloc = MonthLocator(bymonth=range(1, 13, 2)) tlocm = MonthLocator(bymonth=range(2, 13, 2)) tfor = "%b\n%y" tform = "%b" tlabel = 'date' if debug: print '2 month' elif dtrange < 366: tloc = MonthLocator(bymonth=range(1, 13, 6)) tlocm = MonthLocator(interval=1) tfor = "%b\n'%y" tform = "%b" tlabel = 'date' if debug: print '3 month/month' elif dtrange < 730: tloc = MonthLocator(bymonth=range(1, 13, 6)) tlocm = MonthLocator(bymonth=range(1, 13, 2)) tfor = "%b\n'%y" tform = "%b" tlabel = 'date' elif dtrange < 365 * 3: tloc = MonthLocator(bymonth=range(1, 13, 6)) tlocm = MonthLocator(bymonth=range(1, 13, 2)) tfor = "%b\n'%y" tform = "" tlabel = 'date' if debug: print '6 month/2 month' elif dtrange < 365 * 4: tloc = MonthLocator(bymonth=1) tlocm = MonthLocator(bymonth=7) tfor = "%b\n'%y" tform = "%b" tlabel = 'date' if debug: print '6 month/2 month' elif dtrange / nticks < 240: tloc = YearLocator() tlocm = MonthLocator(bymonth=(1, 7)) tform = "" tfor = "%Y" tlabel = 'Year' if debug: print 'year/6 month' elif dtrange / nticks < 365: tloc = YearLocator(base=2) tlocm = MonthLocator(bymonth=(1, 7)) tfor = '%Y' tform = '' tlabel = 'year' if debug: print '12 month' elif dtrange / nticks < 580: tloc = YearLocator(base=2) tlocm = YearLocator() tfor = '%Y' tform = '' tlabel = 'year' if debug: print '2 year/year' elif dtrange < 20 * 365: tloc = YearLocator(base=5) tlocm = YearLocator() tfor = '%Y' tform = '' tlabel = 'year' if debug: print '5 year/year' elif dtrange < 100 * 365: tloc = YearLocator(base=10) tlocm = YearLocator(base=2) tfor = '%Y' tform = '' tlabel = 'year' if debug: print '10 year' else: interv = 2.7 * dtrange / (nticks * 365.25) print interv interv = int( numpy.round( pylab.matplotlib.numerix.power( 10, int(pylab.matplotlib.numerix.log10(interv) * 3) / 3.) / (pylab.matplotlib.numerix.power( 10, int(pylab.matplotlib.numerix.log10(interv) * 3) / 3))) * (pylab.matplotlib.numerix.power( 10, int(pylab.matplotlib.numerix.log10(interv) * 3) / 3) * 1.)) print interv tloc = YearLocator(base=interv) tlocm = YearLocator(base=int(interv / 5)) tfor = '%Y' tform = '' tlabel = 'year' if debug: print 'variable long scale' if format is None: format = tfor if formatm is None: formatm = tform if lformat is None: lformat = tlabel axx.set_major_locator(tloc) axx.set_minor_locator(tlocm) axx.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter(format)) axx.set_minor_formatter(DateFormatter(formatm)) if label: if ltime is not None: #and lformat.find('%')<0: print 'reached here' dateform = pylab.DateFormatter(lformat) print lformat print pylab.num2date(ltime) tlabel = dateform.strftime(pylab.num2date(ltime), lformat) print tlabel elif lformat.find('%') > 0: tlabel = 'time' #if debug: # str = "range %8.4f range per tick %4.4f ticks %d\ntick format %s label %s" % (dtrange, dtrange/nticks, nticks, tform, tlabel) # print str # ax.set_title(str) pylab.setp(axx.get_label(), text=tlabel) enlarge_allticklines(axx, factor=1.5) pylab.draw_if_interactive()