def plot_roc(self, roc=None): """Plot ROC curves .. plot:: :include-source: :width: 80% from dreamtools import rocs r = rocs.ROC() r.scores = [.9,.5,.6,.7,.1,.2,.6,.4,.7,.9, .2] r.classes = [1,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1] r.plot_roc() """ if roc == None: roc = self.get_roc() from pylab import plot, xlim, ylim ,grid, title, xlabel, ylabel x = roc['fpr'] plot(x, roc['tpr'], '-o') plot([0,1], [0,1],'r') ylim([0, 1]) xlim([0, 1]) grid(True) title("ROC curve (AUC=%s)" % self.compute_auc(roc)) xlabel("FPR") ylabel("TPR")
def simulationWithoutDrugNick(numViruses, maxPop, maxBirthProb, clearProb, numTrials): """ Run the simulation and plot the graph for problem 3 (no drugs are used, viruses do not have any drug resistance). For each of numTrials trial, instantiates a patient, runs a simulation for 300 timesteps, and plots the average virus population size as a function of time. numViruses: number of SimpleVirus to create for patient (an integer) maxPop: maximum virus population for patient (an integer) maxBirthProb: Maximum reproduction probability (a float between 0-1) clearProb: Maximum clearance probability (a float between 0-1) numTrials: number of simulation runs to execute (an integer) """ #Instantiate the viruses first, the patient second viruses= [ SimpleVirus(maxBirthProb, clearProb) for i in range(numViruses) ] patient = Patient(viruses, maxPop) #Execute the patient.update method 300 times for 100 trials steps = 300 countList = [0 for i in range(300)] for trial in range(numTrials): for timeStep in range(steps): countList[timeStep] += patient.update() avgList = [ countList[i]/float(numTrials) for i in range(steps) ] #Plot a diagram with xAxis=timeSteps, yAxis=average virus population xAxis = [ x for x in range(steps) ] pylab.figure(2) pylab.plot(xAxis, avgList, 'ro', label='Simple Virus') pylab.xlabel('Number of elapsed time steps') pylab.ylabel('Average size of the virus population') pylab.title('Virus growth in a patient without the aid of any drag') pylab.legend()
def check_vpd_ks2_astrometry(): """ Check the VPD and quiver plots for our KS2-extracted, re-transformed astrometry. """ catFile = workDir + '20.KS2_PMA/wd1_catalog.fits' tab = atpy.Table(catFile) good = (tab.xe_160 < 0.05) & (tab.ye_160 < 0.05) & \ (tab.xe_814 < 0.05) & (tab.ye_814 < 0.05) & \ (tab.me_814 < 0.05) & (tab.me_160 < 0.05) tab2 = tab.where(good) dx = (tab2.x_160 - tab2.x_814) * ast.scale['WFC'] * 1e3 dy = (tab2.y_160 - tab2.y_814) * ast.scale['WFC'] * 1e3 py.clf() q = py.quiver(tab2.x_814, tab2.y_814, dx, dy, scale=5e2) py.quiverkey(q, 0.95, 0.85, 5, '5 mas', color='red', labelcolor='red') py.savefig(workDir + '20.KS2_PMA/vec_diffs_ks2_all.png') py.clf() py.plot(dy, dx, 'k.', ms=2) lim = 30 py.axis([-lim, lim, -lim, lim]) py.xlabel('Y Proper Motion (mas)') py.ylabel('X Proper Motion (mas)') py.savefig(workDir + '20.KS2_PMA/vpd_ks2_all.png') idx = np.where((np.abs(dx) < 10) & (np.abs(dy) < 10))[0] print('Cluster Members (within dx < 10 mas and dy < 10 mas)') print((' dx = {dx:6.2f} +/- {dxe:6.2f} mas'.format(dx=dx[idx].mean(), dxe=dx[idx].std()))) print((' dy = {dy:6.2f} +/- {dye:6.2f} mas'.format(dy=dy[idx].mean(), dye=dy[idx].std())))
def testTelescope(self): import matplotlib matplotlib.use('AGG') import matplotlib.mlab as ml import pylab as pl import time w0 = 8.0 k = 2*np.pi/3.0 gb = GaussianBeam(w0, k) lens = ThinLens(150, 150) gb2 = lens*gb self.assertAlmostEqual(gb2._z0, gb._z0 + 2*150.0) lens2 = ThinLens(300, 600) gb3 = lens2*gb2 self.assertAlmostEqual(gb3._z0, gb2._z0 + 2*300.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(gb._w0, gb3._w0/2.0) z = np.arange(0, 150) z2 = np.arange(150, 600) z3 = np.arange(600, 900) pl.plot(z, gb.w(z, k), z2, gb2.w(z2, k), z3, gb3.w(z3, k)) pl.grid() pl.xlabel('z') pl.ylabel('w') pl.savefig('testTelescope1.png') time.sleep(0.1) pl.close('all')
def plotear(xi,yi,zi): # mask inner circle interior1 = sqrt(((xi+1.5)**2) + (yi**2)) < 1.0 interior2 = sqrt(((xi-1.5)**2) + (yi**2)) < 1.0 zi[interior1] = ma.masked zi[interior2] = ma.masked p.figure(figsize=(16,10)) pyplot.jet() max=2.8 min=0.4 steps = 50 levels=list() labels=list() for i in range(0,steps): levels.append(int((max-min)/steps*100*i)*0.01+min) for i in range(0,steps/2): labels.append(levels[2*i]) CSF = p.contourf(xi,yi,zi,levels,norm=colors.LogNorm()) CS = p.contour(xi,yi,zi,levels, format='%.3f', labelsize='18') p.clabel(CS,labels,inline=1,fontsize=9) p.title('electrostatic potential of two spherical colloids, R=lambda/3',fontsize=24) p.xlabel('z-coordinate (3*lambda)',fontsize=18) p.ylabel('radial coordinate r (3*lambda)',fontsize=18) # add a vertical bar with the color values cbar = p.colorbar(CSF,ticks=labels,format='%.3f')'potential (reduced units)',fontsize=18) cbar.add_lines(CS)
def showHistory(self, figNum): pylab.figure(figNum) plot = pylab.plot(self.history, label = 'Test Stock') plot pylab.title('Closing Price, Test ' + str(figNum)) pylab.xlabel('Day') pylab.ylabel('Price')
def plotLists(xList, xLabel=None, eListTitle=None, eList=None, eLabel=None, fListTitle=None, fList=None, fLabel=None): if h2o.python_username!='kevin': return import pylab as plt print "xList", xList print "eList", eList print "fList", fList font = {'family' : 'normal', 'weight' : 'normal', 'size' : 26} ### plt.rc('font', **font) plt.rcdefaults() if eList: if eListTitle: plt.title(eListTitle) plt.figure() plt.plot (xList, eList) plt.xlabel(xLabel) plt.ylabel(eLabel) plt.draw() if fList: if fListTitle: plt.title(fListTitle) plt.figure() plt.plot (xList, fList) plt.xlabel(xLabel) plt.ylabel(fLabel) plt.draw() if eList or fList:
def srcdiff_plot(env, model, **kwargs): obj_index = kwargs.pop('obj_index', 0) src_index = kwargs.pop('src_index', 0) with_colorbar = kwargs.pop('with_colorbar', False) xlabel = kwargs.pop('xlabel', r'arcsec') ylabel = kwargs.pop('ylabel', r'arcsec') obj, data = model['obj,data'][obj_index] S = obj.basis.subdivision R = obj.basis.mapextent g = obj.basis.srcdiff_grid(data)[src_index] vmin = np.log10(np.amin(g[g>0])) g = g.copy() + 1e-10 kw = default_kw(R, kwargs) #, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmin+2) #loglev = logspace(1, log(amax(g)-amin(g)), 20, base=math.e) + amin(g) pl.matshow(np.log10(g), **kw) matplotlib.rcParams['contour.negative_linestyle'] = 'solid' if with_colorbar: glspl.colorbar() # pl.over(contour, g, 50, colors='w', linewidths=1, # extent=[-R,R,-R,R], origin='upper', extend='both') #pl.grid() pl.xlabel(xlabel) pl.ylabel(ylabel)
def H0inv_plot(env, **kwargs): _hist(env, '1/H0', xlabel=r'$H_0^{-1}$ (Gyr)') return models = kwargs.pop('models', env.models) obj_index = kwargs.pop('obj_index', 0) key = kwargs.pop('key', 'accepted') xlabel = kwargs.pop('xlabel', r'$H_0^{-1}$ (Gyr)') ylabel = kwargs.pop('ylabel', r'Count') # select a list to append to based on the 'accepted' property. l = [[], [], []] for m in models: obj, data = m['obj,data'][0] # For H0inv we only have to look at one model because the others are the same l[m.get(key,2)].append(data['1/H0']) #l[2].append(data['kappa'][1]) #print amin(l[2]), amax(l[2]) not_accepted, accepted, notag = l #print 'H0inv_plot',H0s for d,s in zip(l, _styles): if d: #print len(d), d #pl.hist(d, bins=20, histtype='step', edgecolor=s['c'], zorder=s['z'], label=s['label']) pl.hist(d, bins=np.ptp(d)//1+1, histtype='step', edgecolor=s['c'], zorder=s['z'], label=s['label'], **kwargs) #if not_accepted or accepted: #pl.legend() pl.axvline(13.7, c='k', ls=':', zorder = 2) pl.xlabel(xlabel) pl.ylabel(ylabel) if accepted or not not_accepted: if accepted: h = np.array(accepted) else: h = np.array(accepted + notag) hs = np.sort(h) l = len(hs) m = hs[l * 0.50] u = hs[l * (0.50 + 0.341)] l = hs[l * (0.50 - 0.341)] #u = hs[l * 0.68] #l = hs[l * 0.32] pl.axvline(m, c='r', ls='-', zorder = 2) pl.axvline(u, c='g', ls='-', zorder = 2) pl.axvline(l, c='g', ls='-', zorder = 2) Log( 'H0inv_plot: ', m, u, l ) Log( 'H0inv_plot: ', m, (u-m), (m-l) ) else: Log( "H0inv_plot: No H0inv values accepted" )
def chisq_plot(env, **kwargs): _hist(env, 'sigp:chisq', xlabel=r'$\chi^2$') return models = kwargs.pop('models', env.models) objects = kwargs.pop('objects', None) key = kwargs.pop('key', 'accepted') # select a list to append to based on the 'accepted' property. l = [[], [], []] for m in models: # For H0 we only have to look at one model because the others are the same obj, data = m['obj,data'][0] l[m.get(key,2)].append(data['sigp:chisq']) not_accepted, accepted, notag = l for d,s in zip(l, _styles): if d: pl.hist(d, histtype='step', edgecolor=s['c'], zorder=s['z'], label=s['label'], log=False, **kwargs) if not_accepted or accepted: pl.legend() pl.xlabel(_chisq_xlabel) pl.ylabel(r'Count')
def grad_kappa_plot(env, model, obj_index, which='x', with_contours=False, only_contours=False, clevels=30, with_colorbar=True): obj, data = model['obj,data'][obj_index] R = obj.basis.mapextent grid = obj.basis.kappa_grid(data) grid = grid.copy() kw = default_kw(R) kw['vmin'] = -1 kw['vmax'] = 2 if not only_contours: print '!!!!!!', grid.shape if which == 'x': grid = np.diff(grid, axis=1) if which == 'y': grid = np.diff(grid, axis=0) print '!!!!!!', grid.shape pl.matshow(grid, **kw) if with_colorbar: glspl.colorbar() if with_contours: kw.pop('cmap') pl.over(contour, grid, clevels, extend='both', colors='k', alpha=0.7, **kw) pl.xlabel('arcsec') pl.ylabel('arcsec')
def plot_stress(self, block_ids=None, fignum=0): block_ids = self.check_block_ids_list(block_ids) # plt.figure(fignum) ax1=plt.gca() plt.clf() plt.figure(fignum) plt.clf() ax0=plt.gca() # for block_id in block_ids: rws = numpy.core.records.fromarrays(zip(*filter(lambda x: x['block_id']==block_id, self.shear_stress_sequences)), dtype=self.shear_stress_sequences.dtype) stress_seq = [] for rw in rws: stress_seq += [[rw['sweep_number'], rw['shear_init']]] stress_seq += [[rw['sweep_number'], rw['shear_final']]] X,Y = zip(*stress_seq) # ax0.plot(X,Y, '.-', label='block_id: %d' % block_id) # plt.figure(fignum+1) plt.plot(rws['sweep_number'], rws['shear_init'], '.-', label='block_id: %d' % block_id) plt.plot(rws['sweep_number'], rws['shear_final'], '.-', label='block_id: %d' % block_id) plt.figure(fignum) ax0.plot([min(self.shear_stress_sequences['sweep_number']), max(self.shear_stress_sequences['sweep_number'])], [0., 0.], 'k-') ax0.legend(loc=0, numpoints=1) plt.figure(fignum) plt.title('Block shear_stress sequences') plt.xlabel('sweep number') plt.ylabel('shear stress')
def time_delays_plot(env, **kwargs): models = kwargs.pop('models', env.models) obj_index = kwargs.pop('obj_index', 0) src_index = kwargs.pop('src_index', 0) key = kwargs.pop('key', 'accepted') d = defaultdict(list) for m in models: obj,data = m['obj,data'][obj_index] t0 = data['arrival times'][src_index][0] for i,t in enumerate(data['arrival times'][src_index][1:]): d[i].append( float('%0.6f'%convert('arcsec^2 to days', t-t0, obj.dL, obj.z, data['nu'])) ) t0 = t s = product(range(1,1+len(d)), ['solid', 'dashed', 'dashdot', 'dotted']) for k,v in d.iteritems(): #print 'td plot', k, len(v) #print v lw,ls = pl.hist(v, bins=25, histtype='step', color='k', ls=ls, lw=lw, label='%s - %s' % (str(k+1),str(k+2)), **kwargs) #pl.xlim(xmin=0) pl.ylim(ymin=0) pl.xlim(xmin=pl.xlim()[0] - 0.01*(pl.xlim()[1] - pl.xlim()[0])) pl.legend() pl.xlabel(_time_delays_xlabel) pl.ylabel(r'Count')
def geweke_plot(data, name, format='png', suffix='-diagnostic', path='./', fontmap = None, verbose=1): # Generate Geweke (1992) diagnostic plots if fontmap is None: fontmap = {1:10, 2:8, 3:6, 4:5, 5:4} # Generate new scatter plot figure() x, y = transpose(data) scatter(x.tolist(), y.tolist()) # Plot options xlabel('First iteration', fontsize='x-small') ylabel('Z-score for %s' % name, fontsize='x-small') # Plot lines at +/- 2 sd from zero pyplot((nmin(x), nmax(x)), (2, 2), '--') pyplot((nmin(x), nmax(x)), (-2, -2), '--') # Set plot bound ylim(min(-2.5, nmin(y)), max(2.5, nmax(y))) xlim(0, nmax(x)) # Save to file if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) if not path.endswith('/'): path += '/' savefig("%s%s%s.%s" % (path, name, suffix, format))
def param_set_averages_plot(results): averages_ocr = [ a[1] for a in sorted( param_set_averages(results, metric='ocr').items(), key=lambda x: int(x[0].split('-')[1])) ] averages_q = [ a[1] for a in sorted( param_set_averages(results, metric='q').items(), key=lambda x: int(x[0].split('-')[1])) ] averages_mse = [ a[1] for a in sorted( param_set_averages(results, metric='mse').items(), key=lambda x: int(x[0].split('-')[1])) ] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) # plt.tight_layout() plt.plot(averages_ocr, label='OCR', linewidth=2.0) plt.plot(averages_q, label='Q', linewidth=2.0) plt.plot(averages_mse, label='MSE', linewidth=2.0) plt.ylim([0, 1]) plt.xlabel(u'Paslėptų neuronų skaičius') plt.ylabel(u'Vidurinė Q įverčio pokyčio reikšmė') plt.grid(True) plt.tight_layout() plt.legend(loc='lower right')
def generateKineticsModel(reaction, tunneling='', plot=False):'Calculating rate coefficient for {0}...'.format(reaction)) if len(reaction.reactants) == 1: kunits = 's^-1' elif len(reaction.reactants) == 2: kunits = 'm^3/(mol*s)' elif len(reaction.reactants) == 3: kunits = 'm^6/(mol^2*s)' else: kunits = '' Tlist = 1000.0/numpy.arange(0.4, 3.35, 0.05) klist = reaction.calculateTSTRateCoefficients(Tlist, tunneling) arrhenius = Arrhenius().fitToData(Tlist, klist, kunits) klist2 = arrhenius.getRateCoefficients(Tlist) reaction.kinetics = arrhenius if plot:'Plotting kinetics model for {0}...'.format(reaction)) import pylab pylab.semilogy(1000.0 / Tlist, klist * reaction.degeneracy, 'ok') pylab.semilogy(1000.0 / Tlist, klist2 * reaction.degeneracy, '-k') pylab.xlabel('1000 / Temperature (1000/K)') pylab.ylabel('Rate coefficient (SI units)')
def plotHistogram(data, preTime): pylab.figure(1) pylab.hist(data, bins=10) pylab.xlabel("Virus Population At End of Simulation") pylab.ylabel("Number of Trials") pylab.title("{0} Time Steps Before Treatment Simulation".format(preTime))
def drawPr(tp,fp,tot,show=True): """ draw the precision recall curve """ det=numpy.array(sorted(tp+fp)) atp=numpy.array(tp) afp=numpy.array(fp) #pylab.figure() #pylab.clf() rc=numpy.zeros(len(det)) pr=numpy.zeros(len(det)) #prc=0 #ppr=1 for i,p in enumerate(det): pr[i]=float(numpy.sum(atp>=p))/numpy.sum(det>=p) rc[i]=float(numpy.sum(atp>=p))/tot #print pr,rc,p ap=0 for c in numpy.linspace(0,1,num=11): if len(pr[rc>=c])>0: p=numpy.max(pr[rc>=c]) else: p=0 ap=ap+p/11 if show: pylab.plot(rc,pr,'-g') pylab.title("AP=%.3f"%(ap)) pylab.xlabel("Recall") pylab.ylabel("Precision") pylab.grid() pylab.draw() return rc,pr,ap
def createPlot(dataY, dataX, ticksX, annotations, axisY, axisX, dostep, doannotate): if not ticksX: ticksX = dataX if dostep: py.step(dataX, dataY, where='post', linestyle='-', label=axisY) # where=post steps after point else: py.plot(dataX, dataY, marker='o', ms=5.0, linestyle='-', label=axisY) if annotations and doannotate: for note, x, y in zip(annotations, dataX, dataY): py.annotate(note, (x, y), xytext=(2,2), xycoords='data', textcoords='offset points') py.xticks(np.arange(1, len(dataX)+1), ticksX, horizontalalignment='left', rotation=30) leg = py.legend() leg.draggable() py.xlabel(axisX) py.ylabel('time (s)') # Set X axis tick labels as rungs #print zip(dataX, dataY) py.draw() return
def simulation1(numTrials, numSteps, loc): results = {'UsualDrunk': [], 'ColdDrunk': [], 'EDrunk': [], 'PhotoDrunk': [], 'DDrunk': []} drunken_types = {'UsualDrunk': UsualDrunk, 'ColdDrunk': ColdDrunk, 'EDrunk': EDrunk, 'PhotoDrunk': PhotoDrunk, 'DDrunk': DDrunk} for drunken in drunken_types.keys(): #Create field initial_loc = Location(loc[0], loc[1]) field = Field() print "Simu", drunken drunk = Drunk(drunken) drunk_man = drunken_types[drunken](drunk) field.addDrunk(drunk_man, initial_loc) #print drunk_man for trial in range(numTrials): distance = walkVector(field, drunk_man, numSteps) results[drunken].append((round(distance[0], 1), round(distance[1], 1))) print drunken, "=", results[drunken] for result in results.keys(): # x, y = zip(*results[result]) # print "x", x # print "y", y pylab.plot(*zip(*results[result]), marker='o', color='r', ls='') pylab.title(result) pylab.xlabel('X coordinateds') pylab.ylabel('Y coordinateds') pylab.xlim(-100, 100) pylab.ylim(-100, 100) pylab.figure()
def drawPrfastscore(tp,fp,scr,tot,show=True): tp=numpy.cumsum(tp) fp=numpy.cumsum(fp) rec=tp/tot prec=tp/(fp+tp) #dif=numpy.abs(prec[1:]-rec[1:]) dif=numpy.abs(prec[::-1]-rec[::-1]) pos=dif.argmin() pos=len(dif)-pos-1 ap=0 for t in numpy.linspace(0,1,11): pr=prec[rec>=t] if pr.size==0: pr=0 p=numpy.max(pr); ap=ap+p/11; if show: pylab.plot(rec,prec,'-g') pylab.title("AP=%.3f EPRthr=%.3f"%(ap,scr[pos])) pylab.xlabel("Recall") pylab.ylabel("Precision") pylab.grid() pylab.draw() return rec,prec,scr,ap,scr[pos]
def plotEventFlop(library, num, eventNames, sizes, times, events, filename = None): from pylab import legend, plot, savefig, semilogy, show, title, xlabel, ylabel import numpy as np arches = sizes.keys() bs = events[arches[0]].keys()[0] data = [] names = [] for event, color in zip(eventNames, ['b', 'g', 'r', 'y']): for arch, style in zip(arches, ['-', ':']): if event in events[arch][bs]: names.append(arch+'-'+str(bs)+' '+event) data.append(sizes[arch][bs]) data.append(1e-3*np.array(events[arch][bs][event])[:,1]) data.append(color+style) else: print 'Could not find %s in %s-%d events' % (event, arch, bs) semilogy(*data) title('Performance on '+library+' Example '+str(num)) xlabel('Number of Dof') ylabel('Computation Rate (GF/s)') legend(names, 'upper left', shadow = True) if filename is None: show() else: savefig(filename) return
def Doplots_monthly(mypathforResults,PlottingDF,variable_to_fill, Site_ID,units,item): ANN_label=str(item+"_NN") #Do Monthly Plots print "Doing MOnthly plot" #t = arange(1, 54, 1) NN_label='Fc' Plottemp = PlottingDF[[NN_label,item]][PlottingDF['day_night']!=1] #Plottemp = PlottingDF[[NN_label,item]].dropna(how='any') figure(1) pl.title('Nightime ANN v Tower by year-month for '+item+' at '+Site_ID) try: xdata1a=Plottemp[item].groupby([lambda x: x.year,lambda x: x.month]).mean() plotxdata1a=True except: plotxdata1a=False try: xdata1b=Plottemp[NN_label].groupby([lambda x: x.year,lambda x: x.month]).mean() plotxdata1b=True except: plotxdata1b=False if plotxdata1a==True: pl.plot(xdata1a,'r',label=item) if plotxdata1b==True: pl.plot(xdata1b,'b',label=NN_label) pl.ylabel('Flux') pl.xlabel('Year - Month') pl.legend() pl.savefig(mypathforResults+'/ANN and Tower plots by year and month for variable '+item+' at '+Site_ID) pl.close() time.sleep(1)
def plot_heatingrate(data_dict, filename, do_show=True): pl.figure(201) color_list = ['b','r','g','k','y','r','g','b','k','y','r',] fmtlist = ['s','d','o','s','d','o','s','d','o','s','d','o'] result_dict = {} for key in data_dict.keys(): x = data_dict[key][0] y = data_dict[key][1][:,0] y_err = data_dict[key][1][:,1] p0 = np.polyfit(x,y,1) fit = LinFit(np.array([x,y,y_err]).transpose(), show_graph=False) p1 = [0,0] p1[0] = fit.param_dict[0]['Slope'][0] p1[1] = fit.param_dict[0]['Offset'][0] print fit x0 = np.linspace(0,max(x)) cstr = color_list.pop(0) fstr = fmtlist.pop(0) lstr = key + " heating: {0:.2f} ph/ms".format((p1[0]*1e3)) pl.errorbar(x/1e3,y,y_err,fmt=fstr + cstr,label=lstr) pl.plot(x0/1e3,np.polyval(p0,x0),cstr) pl.plot(x0/1e3,np.polyval(p1,x0),cstr) result_dict[key] = 1e3*np.array(fit.param_dict[0]['Slope']) pl.xlabel('Heating time (ms)') pl.ylabel('nbar') if do_show: pl.legend() if filename != None: pl.savefig(filename) return result_dict
def plot_cost(self): if self.show_cost not in self.train_outputs[0][0]: raise ShowNetError("Cost function with name '%s' not defined by given convnet." % self.show_cost) train_errors = [o[0][self.show_cost][self.cost_idx] for o in self.train_outputs] test_errors = [o[0][self.show_cost][self.cost_idx] for o in self.test_outputs] numbatches = len(self.train_batch_range) test_errors = numpy.row_stack(test_errors) test_errors = numpy.tile(test_errors, (1, self.testing_freq)) test_errors = list(test_errors.flatten()) test_errors += [test_errors[-1]] * max(0,len(train_errors) - len(test_errors)) test_errors = test_errors[:len(train_errors)] numepochs = len(train_errors) / float(numbatches) pl.figure(1) x = range(0, len(train_errors)) pl.plot(x, train_errors, 'k-', label='Training set') pl.plot(x, test_errors, 'r-', label='Test set') pl.legend() ticklocs = range(numbatches, len(train_errors) - len(train_errors) % numbatches + 1, numbatches) epoch_label_gran = int(ceil(numepochs / 20.)) # aim for about 20 labels epoch_label_gran = int(ceil(float(epoch_label_gran) / 10) * 10) # but round to nearest 10 ticklabels = map(lambda x: str((x[1] / numbatches)) if x[0] % epoch_label_gran == epoch_label_gran-1 else '', enumerate(ticklocs)) pl.xticks(ticklocs, ticklabels) pl.xlabel('Epoch') # pl.ylabel(self.show_cost) pl.title(self.show_cost)
def plotB2reg(prefix=''): w=loadStanFit(prefix+'') px=np.array(np.linspace(-0.5,0.5,101),ndmin=2) a1=np.array(w['ma'][:,4],ndmin=2).T+1 a0=np.array(w['ma'][:,3],ndmin=2).T printCI(w,'ma') y=np.concatenate([sap(a0+a1*px,97.5,axis=0),sap(a0+a1*px[:,::-1],2.5,axis=0)]) x=np.squeeze(np.concatenate([px,px[:,::-1]],axis=1)) man=np.array([-0.4,-0.2,0,0.2,0.4]) plt.plot(px[0,:],np.median(a0)+np.median(a1)*px[0,:],'red') #plt.plot([-1,1],[0.5,0.5],'grey') ax=plt.gca() ax.set_aspect(1) ax.add_patch(plt.Polygon(np.array([x,y]).T,alpha=0.2,fill=True,fc='red',ec='w')) y=np.concatenate([sap(a0+a1*px,75,axis=0),sap(a0+a1*px[:,::-1],25,axis=0)]) ax.add_patch(plt.Polygon(np.array([x,y]).T,alpha=0.2,fill=True,fc='red',ec='w')) mus=[] for m in range(len(man)): mus.append(loadStanFit(prefix+''%m)['ma4']+man[m]) mus=np.array(mus).T errorbar(mus,x=man) ax.set_xticks(man) plt.xlim([-0.5,0.5]) plt.ylim([-0.6,0.8]) plt.xlabel('Pivot Displacement') plt.ylabel('Perceived Displacemet')
def plotForce(): figure(size=3,aspect=0.5) subplot(1,2,1) from EvalTraj import plotFF plotFF(vp=351,t=28,f=900,cm=0.6,foffset=8) subplot_annotate() subplot(1,2,2) for i in [1,2,3,4]: R=np.squeeze(np.load('Rdpse%d.npy'%i)) R=stats.nanmedian(R,axis=2)[:,1:,:] dps=np.linspace(-1,1,201)[1:] plt.plot(dps,R[:,:,2].mean(0)); plt.legend([0,0.1,0.2,0.3],loc=3) i=2 R=np.squeeze(np.load('Rdpse%d.npy'%i)) R=stats.nanmedian(R,axis=2)[:,1:,:] mn=np.argmin(R,axis=1) y=np.random.randn(mn.shape[0])*0.00002+0.0438 plt.plot(np.sort(dps[mn[:,2]]),y,'+',mew=1,ms=6,mec=[ 0.39 , 0.76, 0.64]) plt.xlabel('Displacement of Force Origin') plt.ylabel('Average Net Force Magnitude') hh=dps[mn[:,2]] err=np.std(hh)/np.sqrt(hh.shape[0])*stats.t.ppf(0.975,hh.shape[0]) err2=np.std(hh)/np.sqrt(hh.shape[0])*stats.t.ppf(0.75,hh.shape[0]) m=np.mean(hh) print m, m-err,m+err'force',[m, m-err,m+err,m-err2,m+err2]) plt.xlim([-0.5,0.5]) plt.ylim([0.0435,0.046]) plt.grid(b=True,axis='x') subplot_annotate()
def plot_sphere_x( s, fname ): """ put plot of ionization fractions from sphere `s` into fname """ plt.figure() s.Edges.units = 'kpc' s.r_c.units = 'kpc' xx = s.r_c L = s.Edges[-1] plt.plot( xx, np.log10( s.xHe1 ), color='green', ls='-', label = r'$x_{\rm HeI}$' ) plt.plot( xx, np.log10( s.xHe2 ), color='green', ls='--', label = r'$x_{\rm HeII}$' ) plt.plot( xx, np.log10( s.xHe3 ), color='green', ls=':', label = r'$x_{\rm HeIII}$' ) plt.plot( xx, np.log10( s.xH1 ), color='red', ls='-', label = r'$x_{\rm HI}$' ) plt.plot( xx, np.log10( s.xH2 ), color='red', ls='--', label = r'$x_{\rm HII}$' ) plt.xlim( -L/20, L+L/20 ) plt.xlabel( 'r_c [kpc]' ) plt.ylim( -4.5, 0.2 ) plt.ylabel( 'log 10 ( x )' ) plt.grid() plt.legend(loc='best', ncol=2) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( 'doc/img/x_' + fname )
def plot_number_alteration_by_tissue(self, fontsize=10, width=0.9): """Plot number of alterations .. plot:: :width: 100% :include-source: from gdsctools import * data = gdsctools_data("test_omnibem_genomic_alterations.csv.gz") bem = OmniBEMBuilder(data) bem.filter_by_gene_list(gdsctools_data("test_omnibem_genes.txt")) bem.plot_number_alteration_by_tissue() """ count = self.unified.groupby(['TISSUE_TYPE'])['GENE'].count() try: count.sort_values(inplace=True, ascending=False) except: count.sort(inplace=True, ascending=False) count.plot(kind="bar", width=width) pylab.grid() pylab.xlabel("Tissue Type", fontsize=fontsize) pylab.ylabel("Total number of alterations in cell lines", fontsize=fontsize) try:pylab.tight_layout() except:pass
def getOptCandGamma(cv_train, cv_label): print "Finding optimal C and gamma for SVM with RBF Kernel" C_range = 10.0 ** np.arange(-2, 9) gamma_range = 10.0 ** np.arange(-5, 4) param_grid = dict(gamma=gamma_range, C=C_range) cv = StratifiedKFold(y=cv_label, n_folds=40) # Use the svm.SVC() as the cost function to evaluate parameter choices # NOTE: Perhaps we should run computations in parallel if needed. Does it # do that already within the class? grid = GridSearchCV(svm.SVC(), param_grid=param_grid, cv=cv), cv_label) score_dict = grid.grid_scores_ scores = [x[1] for x in score_dict] scores = np.array(scores).reshape(len(C_range), len(gamma_range)) pl.figure(figsize=(8,6)) pl.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, bottom=0.15, top=0.95) pl.imshow(scores, interpolation='nearest', pl.xlabel('gamma') pl.ylabel('C') pl.colorbar() pl.xticks(np.arange(len(gamma_range)), gamma_range, rotation=45) pl.yticks(np.arange(len(C_range)), C_range) print "The best classifier is: ", grid.best_estimator_
import numpy import pylab select = 2 if select == 1: x = [0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15] y = [63.2, 58, 55.27, 53, 45.5, 41.7, 38.4, 29.8, 22] xl = 'Maximum Allowed Interrupt Rate (in KHz)' yl = 'Tx packet rate (in Kpps)' t = 'Tx packet rate as a function of the MAIR' elif select == 2: x = [0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 15] y = [150, 182, 205, 185, 156, 110, 77, 59, 31, 14] xl = 'Maximum Allowed Interrupt Rate (in KHz)' yl = 'Rx critical rate (in Kpps)' t = 'Rx critical rate as a function of the MAIR' pylab.plot(x, y) pylab.xlabel(xl) pylab.ylabel(yl) pylab.title(t) pylab.grid(True) #pylab.savefig('simple_plot')
def GasMassFunction(self, G): print('Plotting the cold gas mass function') plt.figure() # New figure ax = plt.subplot(111) # 1 plot on the figure binwidth = 0.1 # mass function histogram bin width # calculate all w = np.where(G.ColdGas > 0.0)[0] mass = np.log10(G.ColdGas[w] * 1.0e10 / self.Hubble_h) sSFR = (G.SfrDisk[w] + G.SfrBulge[w]) / (G.StellarMass[w] * 1.0e10 / self.Hubble_h) mi = np.floor(min(mass)) - 2 ma = np.floor(max(mass)) + 2 NB = (ma - mi) / binwidth (counts, binedges) = np.histogram(mass, range=(mi, ma), bins=NB) # Set the x-axis values to be the centre of the bins xaxeshisto = binedges[:-1] + 0.5 * binwidth # additionally calculate red w = np.where(sSFR < 10.0**sSFRcut)[0] massRED = mass[w] (countsRED, binedges) = np.histogram(massRED, range=(mi, ma), bins=NB) # additionally calculate blue w = np.where(sSFR > 10.0**sSFRcut)[0] massBLU = mass[w] (countsBLU, binedges) = np.histogram(massBLU, range=(mi, ma), bins=NB) # Baldry+ 2008 modified data used for the MCMC fitting Zwaan = np.array([[6.933, -0.333], [7.057, -0.490], [7.209, -0.698], [7.365, -0.667], [7.528, -0.823], [7.647, -0.958], [7.809, -0.917], [7.971, -0.948], [8.112, -0.927], [8.263, -0.917], [8.404, -1.062], [8.566, -1.177], [8.707, -1.177], [8.853, -1.312], [9.010, -1.344], [9.161, -1.448], [9.302, -1.604], [9.448, -1.792], [9.599, -2.021], [9.740, -2.406], [9.897, -2.615], [10.053, -3.031], [10.178, -3.677], [10.335, -4.448], [10.492, -5.083]], dtype=np.float32) ObrRaw = np.array([[7.300, -1.104], [7.576, -1.302], [7.847, -1.250], [8.133, -1.240], [8.409, -1.344], [8.691, -1.479], [8.956, -1.792], [9.231, -2.271], [9.507, -3.198], [9.788, -5.062]], dtype=np.float32) ObrCold = np.array([[8.009, -1.042], [8.215, -1.156], [8.409, -0.990], [8.604, -1.156], [8.799, -1.208], [9.020, -1.333], [9.194, -1.385], [9.404, -1.552], [9.599, -1.677], [9.788, -1.812], [9.999, -2.312], [10.172, -2.656], [10.362, -3.500], [10.551, -3.635], [10.740, -5.010]], dtype=np.float32) ObrCold_xval = np.log10(10**(ObrCold[:, 0]) / self.Hubble_h / self.Hubble_h) ObrCold_yval = (10**(ObrCold[:, 1]) * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h) Zwaan_xval = np.log10(10**(Zwaan[:, 0]) / self.Hubble_h / self.Hubble_h) Zwaan_yval = (10**(Zwaan[:, 1]) * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h) ObrRaw_xval = np.log10(10**(ObrRaw[:, 0]) / self.Hubble_h / self.Hubble_h) ObrRaw_yval = (10**(ObrRaw[:, 1]) * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h) plt.plot(ObrCold_xval, ObrCold_yval, color='black', lw=7, alpha=0.25, label='Obr. \& Raw. 2009 (Cold Gas)') plt.plot(Zwaan_xval, Zwaan_yval, color='cyan', lw=7, alpha=0.25, label='Zwaan et al. 2005 (HI)') plt.plot(ObrRaw_xval, ObrRaw_yval, color='magenta', lw=7, alpha=0.25, label='Obr. \& Raw. 2009 (H2)') # Overplot the model histograms plt.plot(xaxeshisto, counts / self.volume * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h / binwidth, 'k-', label='Model - Cold Gas') plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip') plt.axis([8.0, 11.5, 1.0e-6, 1.0e-1]) # Set the x-axis minor ticks ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.1)) plt.ylabel( r'$\phi\ (\mathrm{Mpc}^{-3}\ \mathrm{dex}^{-1})$') # Set the y... plt.xlabel(r'$\log_{10} M_{\mathrm{X}}\ (M_{\odot})$' ) # and the x-axis labels leg = plt.legend(loc='lower left', numpoints=1, labelspacing=0.1) leg.draw_frame(False) # Don't want a box frame for t in leg.get_texts(): # Reduce the size of the text t.set_fontsize('medium') outputFile = OutputDir + '3.GasMassFunction' + OutputFormat plt.savefig(outputFile) # Save the figure print('Saved file to', outputFile) plt.close() # Add this plot to our output list OutputList.append(outputFile)
def BaryonicMassFunction(self, G): print('Plotting the baryonic mass function') plt.figure() # New figure ax = plt.subplot(111) # 1 plot on the figure binwidth = 0.1 # mass function histogram bin width # calculate BMF w = np.where(G.StellarMass + G.ColdGas > 0.0)[0] mass = np.log10( (G.StellarMass[w] + G.ColdGas[w]) * 1.0e10 / self.Hubble_h) mi = np.floor(min(mass)) - 2 ma = np.floor(max(mass)) + 2 NB = (ma - mi) / binwidth (counts, binedges) = np.histogram(mass, range=(mi, ma), bins=NB) # Set the x-axis values to be the centre of the bins xaxeshisto = binedges[:-1] + 0.5 * binwidth # Bell et al. 2003 BMF (h=1.0 converted to h=0.73) M = np.arange(7.0, 13.0, 0.01) Mstar = np.log10(5.3 * 1.0e10 / self.Hubble_h / self.Hubble_h) alpha = -1.21 phistar = 0.0108 * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h xval = 10.0**(M - Mstar) yval = np.log(10.) * phistar * xval**(alpha + 1) * np.exp(-xval) if (whichimf == 0): # converted diet Salpeter IMF to Salpeter IMF plt.plot(np.log10(10.0**M / 0.7), yval, 'b-', lw=2.0, label='Bell et al. 2003') # Plot the SMF elif (whichimf == 1): # converted diet Salpeter IMF to Salpeter IMF, then to Chabrier IMF plt.plot(np.log10(10.0**M / 0.7 / 1.8), yval, 'g--', lw=1.5, label='Bell et al. 2003') # Plot the SMF # Overplot the model histograms plt.plot(xaxeshisto, counts / self.volume * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h / binwidth, 'k-', label='Model') plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip') plt.axis([8.0, 12.5, 1.0e-6, 1.0e-1]) # Set the x-axis minor ticks ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.1)) plt.ylabel( r'$\phi\ (\mathrm{Mpc}^{-3}\ \mathrm{dex}^{-1})$') # Set the y... plt.xlabel(r'$\log_{10}\ M_{\mathrm{bar}}\ (M_{\odot})$' ) # and the x-axis labels leg = plt.legend(loc='lower left', numpoints=1, labelspacing=0.1) leg.draw_frame(False) # Don't want a box frame for t in leg.get_texts(): # Reduce the size of the text t.set_fontsize('medium') outputFile = OutputDir + '2.BaryonicMassFunction' + OutputFormat plt.savefig(outputFile) # Save the figure print('Saved file to', outputFile) plt.close() # Add this plot to our output list OutputList.append(outputFile)
def StellarMassFunction(self, G): print('Plotting the stellar mass function') plt.figure() # New figure ax = plt.subplot(111) # 1 plot on the figure binwidth = 0.1 # mass function histogram bin width # calculate all w = np.where(G.StellarMass > 0.0)[0] mass = np.log10(G.StellarMass[w] * 1.0e10 / self.Hubble_h) sSFR = (G.SfrDisk[w] + G.SfrBulge[w]) / (G.StellarMass[w] * 1.0e10 / self.Hubble_h) mi = np.floor(min(mass)) - 2 ma = np.floor(max(mass)) + 2 NB = (ma - mi) / binwidth (counts, binedges) = np.histogram(mass, range=(mi, ma), bins=NB) # Set the x-axis values to be the centre of the bins xaxeshisto = binedges[:-1] + 0.5 * binwidth # additionally calculate red w = np.where(sSFR < 10.0**sSFRcut)[0] massRED = mass[w] (countsRED, binedges) = np.histogram(massRED, range=(mi, ma), bins=NB) # additionally calculate blue w = np.where(sSFR > 10.0**sSFRcut)[0] massBLU = mass[w] (countsBLU, binedges) = np.histogram(massBLU, range=(mi, ma), bins=NB) # Baldry+ 2008 modified data used for the MCMC fitting Baldry = np.array([ [7.05, 1.3531e-01, 6.0741e-02], [7.15, 1.3474e-01, 6.0109e-02], [7.25, 2.0971e-01, 7.7965e-02], [7.35, 1.7161e-01, 3.1841e-02], [7.45, 2.1648e-01, 5.7832e-02], [7.55, 2.1645e-01, 3.9988e-02], [7.65, 2.0837e-01, 4.8713e-02], [7.75, 2.0402e-01, 7.0061e-02], [7.85, 1.5536e-01, 3.9182e-02], [7.95, 1.5232e-01, 2.6824e-02], [8.05, 1.5067e-01, 4.8824e-02], [8.15, 1.3032e-01, 2.1892e-02], [8.25, 1.2545e-01, 3.5526e-02], [8.35, 9.8472e-02, 2.7181e-02], [8.45, 8.7194e-02, 2.8345e-02], [8.55, 7.0758e-02, 2.0808e-02], [8.65, 5.8190e-02, 1.3359e-02], [8.75, 5.6057e-02, 1.3512e-02], [8.85, 5.1380e-02, 1.2815e-02], [8.95, 4.4206e-02, 9.6866e-03], [9.05, 4.1149e-02, 1.0169e-02], [9.15, 3.4959e-02, 6.7898e-03], [9.25, 3.3111e-02, 8.3704e-03], [9.35, 3.0138e-02, 4.7741e-03], [9.45, 2.6692e-02, 5.5029e-03], [9.55, 2.4656e-02, 4.4359e-03], [9.65, 2.2885e-02, 3.7915e-03], [9.75, 2.1849e-02, 3.9812e-03], [9.85, 2.0383e-02, 3.2930e-03], [9.95, 1.9929e-02, 2.9370e-03], [10.05, 1.8865e-02, 2.4624e-03], [10.15, 1.8136e-02, 2.5208e-03], [10.25, 1.7657e-02, 2.4217e-03], [10.35, 1.6616e-02, 2.2784e-03], [10.45, 1.6114e-02, 2.1783e-03], [10.55, 1.4366e-02, 1.8819e-03], [10.65, 1.2588e-02, 1.8249e-03], [10.75, 1.1372e-02, 1.4436e-03], [10.85, 9.1213e-03, 1.5816e-03], [10.95, 6.1125e-03, 9.6735e-04], [11.05, 4.3923e-03, 9.6254e-04], [11.15, 2.5463e-03, 5.0038e-04], [11.25, 1.4298e-03, 4.2816e-04], [11.35, 6.4867e-04, 1.6439e-04], [11.45, 2.8294e-04, 9.9799e-05], [11.55, 1.0617e-04, 4.9085e-05], [11.65, 3.2702e-05, 2.4546e-05], [11.75, 1.2571e-05, 1.2571e-05], [11.85, 8.4589e-06, 8.4589e-06], [11.95, 7.4764e-06, 7.4764e-06], ], dtype=np.float32) # Finally plot the data # plt.errorbar( # Baldry[:, 0], # Baldry[:, 1], # yerr=Baldry[:, 2], # color='g', # linestyle=':', # lw = 1.5, # label='Baldry et al. 2008', # ) Baldry_xval = np.log10(10**Baldry[:, 0] / self.Hubble_h / self.Hubble_h) if (whichimf == 1): Baldry_xval = Baldry_xval - 0.26 # convert back to Chabrier IMF Baldry_yvalU = (Baldry[:, 1] + Baldry[:, 2] ) * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h Baldry_yvalL = (Baldry[:, 1] - Baldry[:, 2] ) * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h plt.fill_between(Baldry_xval, Baldry_yvalU, Baldry_yvalL, facecolor='purple', alpha=0.25, label='Baldry et al. 2008 (z=0.1)') # This next line is just to get the shaded region to appear correctly in the legend plt.plot(xaxeshisto, counts / self.volume * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h / binwidth, label='Baldry et al. 2008', color='purple', alpha=0.3) # # Cole et al. 2001 SMF (h=1.0 converted to h=0.73) # M = np.arange(7.0, 13.0, 0.01) # Mstar = np.log10(7.07*1.0e10 /self.Hubble_h/self.Hubble_h) # alpha = -1.18 # phistar = 0.009 *self.Hubble_h*self.Hubble_h*self.Hubble_h # xval = 10.0 ** (M-Mstar) # yval = np.log(10.) * phistar * xval ** (alpha+1) * np.exp(-xval) # plt.plot(M, yval, 'g--', lw=1.5, label='Cole et al. 2001') # Plot the SMF # Overplot the model histograms plt.plot(xaxeshisto, counts / self.volume * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h / binwidth, 'k-', label='Model - All') plt.plot(xaxeshisto, countsRED / self.volume * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h / binwidth, 'r:', lw=2, label='Model - Red') plt.plot(xaxeshisto, countsBLU / self.volume * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h / binwidth, 'b:', lw=2, label='Model - Blue') plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip') plt.axis([8.0, 12.5, 1.0e-6, 1.0e-1]) # Set the x-axis minor ticks ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.1)) plt.ylabel( r'$\phi\ (\mathrm{Mpc}^{-3}\ \mathrm{dex}^{-1})$') # Set the y... plt.xlabel(r'$\log_{10} M_{\mathrm{stars}}\ (M_{\odot})$' ) # and the x-axis labels plt.text(12.2, 0.03, whichsimulation, size='large') leg = plt.legend(loc='lower left', numpoints=1, labelspacing=0.1) leg.draw_frame(False) # Don't want a box frame for t in leg.get_texts(): # Reduce the size of the text t.set_fontsize('medium') outputFile = OutputDir + '1.StellarMassFunction' + OutputFormat plt.savefig(outputFile) # Save the figure print('Saved file to', outputFile) plt.close() # Add this plot to our output list OutputList.append(outputFile)
def VelocityDistribution(self, G): print('Plotting the velocity distribution of all galaxies') seed(2222) mi = -40.0 ma = 40.0 binwidth = 0.5 NB = (ma - mi) / binwidth # set up figure plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(111) pos_x = G.Pos[:, 0] / self.Hubble_h pos_y = G.Pos[:, 1] / self.Hubble_h pos_z = G.Pos[:, 2] / self.Hubble_h vel_x = G.Vel[:, 0] vel_y = G.Vel[:, 1] vel_z = G.Vel[:, 2] dist_los = np.sqrt(pos_x * pos_x + pos_y * pos_y + pos_z * pos_z) vel_los = (pos_x / dist_los) * vel_x + (pos_y / dist_los) * vel_y + ( pos_z / dist_los) * vel_z dist_red = dist_los + vel_los / (self.Hubble_h * 100.0) tot_gals = len(pos_x) (counts, binedges) = np.histogram(vel_los / (self.Hubble_h * 100.0), range=(mi, ma), bins=NB) xaxeshisto = binedges[:-1] + 0.5 * binwidth plt.plot(xaxeshisto, counts / binwidth / tot_gals, 'k-', label='los-velocity') (counts, binedges) = np.histogram(vel_x / (self.Hubble_h * 100.0), range=(mi, ma), bins=NB) xaxeshisto = binedges[:-1] + 0.5 * binwidth plt.plot(xaxeshisto, counts / binwidth / tot_gals, 'r-', label='x-velocity') (counts, binedges) = np.histogram(vel_y / (self.Hubble_h * 100.0), range=(mi, ma), bins=NB) xaxeshisto = binedges[:-1] + 0.5 * binwidth plt.plot(xaxeshisto, counts / binwidth / tot_gals, 'g-', label='y-velocity') (counts, binedges) = np.histogram(vel_z / (self.Hubble_h * 100.0), range=(mi, ma), bins=NB) xaxeshisto = binedges[:-1] + 0.5 * binwidth plt.plot(xaxeshisto, counts / binwidth / tot_gals, 'b-', label='z-velocity') plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip') plt.axis([mi, ma, 1e-5, 0.5]) # plt.axis([mi, ma, 0, 0.13]) plt.ylabel(r'$\mathrm{Box\ Normalised\ Count}$') # Set the y... plt.xlabel(r'$\mathrm{Velocity / H}_{0}$') # and the x-axis labels leg = plt.legend(loc='upper left', numpoints=1, labelspacing=0.1) leg.draw_frame(False) # Don't want a box frame for t in leg.get_texts(): # Reduce the size of the text t.set_fontsize('medium') outputFile = OutputDir + '11.VelocityDistribution' + OutputFormat plt.savefig(outputFile) # Save the figure print('Saved file to', outputFile) plt.close() # Add this plot to our output list OutputList.append(outputFile)
def display_2nd_moments(data=None): # remove the mean for all moments data = subMeanAll(data) pl.figure(figsize=(11, 5.5)) pl.subplot(1, 2, 1) phi22 = 0.5 * np.arctan2(data[:, 3].imag, data[:, 3].real) x = data[:, 0].real y = data[:, 1].real phi22[x < 0] = phi22 + np.deg2rad(180) u = np.abs(data[:, 3]) * np.cos(phi22) v = np.abs(data[:, 3]) * np.sin(phi22) qvr = pl.quiver(x, y, u, v, width=0.004, color='r', pivot='middle', headwidth=0., headlength=0., headaxislength=0., scale_units='width') qk = pl.quiverkey(qvr, -150, -240, np.max(np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2)), str(round(np.max(np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2)), 3)) + ' pix^2', coordinates='data', color='blue') pl.plot(x, y, 'b,') pl.xlim(-250, 250) pl.ylim(-250, 250) pl.grid(color='g') pl.xlabel('X [mm] (WEST)') pl.ylabel('Y [mm] (NORTH)') pl.title('M22') pl.subplot(1, 2, 2) m20sqr = np.sqrt(data[:, 2].real) x = data[:, 0].real y = data[:, 1].real m20sqr_med = np.median(m20sqr) m20sqr_diff = m20sqr - m20sqr_med m20sqr_diff_absmed = np.median(np.abs(m20sqr_diff)) plotScale = 1. / m20sqr_diff_absmed * 100 pos = m20sqr_diff >= 0 neg = m20sqr_diff < 0 pl.scatter(x[pos], y[pos], s=m20sqr_diff[pos] * plotScale, c='r', alpha=0.5) pl.scatter(x[neg], y[neg], s=-m20sqr_diff[neg] * plotScale, c='b', alpha=0.5) pl.scatter(-230, -210, s=m20sqr_diff_absmed * plotScale, c='b', alpha=0.5) pl.text(-200, -215, '-' + str(round(m20sqr_diff_absmed, 6)) + ' pix') pl.scatter(-230, -230, s=m20sqr_diff_absmed * plotScale, c='r', alpha=0.5) pl.text(-200, -235, str(round(m20sqr_diff_absmed, 6)) + ' pix') pl.plot(x, y, 'y,') pl.grid(color='g') pl.xlim(-250, 250) pl.ylim(-250, 250) pl.xlabel('X [mm] (WEST)') pl.ylabel('Y [mm] (NORTH)') pl.title('median ' + r'$\sqrt{M20}$: ' + str(round(scale * m20sqr_med, 3)) + ' [arcsec]') return '---done!--'
pl.grid() pl.title('mag: 15, CCD: S4, Truth') pl.subplot(2, 1, 2) pl.boxplot(momtsWTrue.imag) pl.xticks(np.arange(1, 5), ['M20.imag', 'M22.imag', 'M31.imag', 'M33.imag']) pl.grid() #----distribution ---- pl.figure(figsize=(15, 9)) pl.subplot(2, 3, 1) pl.hist(momtsW[:, 0].real, bins=10, normed=False) pl.title( str(round(np.mean(momtsW[:, 0].real), 6)) + r'$\pm$' + str(round(np.std(momtsW[:, 0].real) / np.sqrt(momtsW.shape[0]), 6))) pl.xlabel('Wmoment M20') pl.subplot(2, 3, 2) pl.hist(momtsW[:, 1].real, bins=10, normed=False) pl.title( str(round(np.mean(momtsW[:, 1].real), 6)) + r'$\pm$' + str(round(np.std(momtsW[:, 1].real) / np.sqrt(momtsW.shape[0]), 6))) pl.xlabel('Wmoment M22.real') pl.subplot(2, 3, 3) pl.hist(momtsW[:, 1].imag, bins=10, normed=False) pl.title( str(round(np.mean(momtsW[:, 1].imag), 6)) + r'$\pm$' + str(round(np.std(momtsW[:, 1].imag) / np.sqrt(momtsW.shape[0]), 6))) pl.xlabel('Wmoment M22.imag') pl.subplot(2, 3, 4) pl.hist(momtsA[:, 0].real, bins=10, normed=False) pl.title(
if __name__ == '__main__': # Simple convergence demo. # A few modules we need import pylab as P import numpy as N # Create a list of points 'nrange' where we'll compute Wallis' formula nrange = N.linspace(10, 2000, 20).astype(int) # Make an array of such values wpi = N.array(map(pi, nrange)) # Compute the difference against the value of pi in numpy (standard # 16-digit value) diff = abs(wpi - N.pi) # Make a new figure and build a semilog plot of the difference so we can # see the quality of the convergence P.figure() # Line plot with red circles at the data points P.semilogy(nrange, diff, '-o', mfc='red') # A bit of labeling and a grid P.title(r"Convergence of Wallis' product formula for $\pi$") P.xlabel('Number of terms') P.ylabel(r'Absolute Error') P.grid() # Display the actual plot
Z = sum(rho[j, j] for j in range(nx + 1)) * dx pi_of_x = [rho[j, j] / Z for j in range(nx + 1)] # graphics ''' y = [j * dtau for j in range(N)] pylab.plot(x, y, 'b-') pylab.xlabel('$x$', fontsize=18) pylab.ylabel('$\\tau$', fontsize=18) pylab.title('Levi harmonic path, N= %i, $\\beta$ = %.0f'%(N, beta)) pylab.xlim(-3.0, 3.0) pylab.savefig('plot_B2_levi_path_beta%s.png' % beta) ''' pylab.hist(data, density=True, bins=200, label='Levi-path') pylab.plot(x, pi_of_x, label='matrix-square') list_x = [0.1 * a for a in range(-30, 31)] list_y = [math.sqrt(math.tanh(beta / 2.0)) / math.sqrt(math.pi) * \ math.exp(-x ** 2 * math.tanh(beta / 2.0)) for x in list_x] #pylab.plot(list_x, list_y, label='analytic') pylab.legend() pylab.xlabel('$x$') pylab.ylabel('$\\pi(x)$ (normalized)') pylab.title( 'metro_levi_free_anharmonic\n(beta=%s, N=%i, n_steps=%i, Ncut=%i)' % (beta, N, n_steps, Ncut)) pylab.xlim(-2, 2) pylab.savefig('plot_C1_metro_levi_free.png')
seffta[i] = np.trapz(seffpa*np.sin(th*pi/180),th*pi/180) sefftc[i] = np.trapz(seffpc*np.sin(th*pi/180),th*pi/180) sefftopt[i] = np.trapz(seffpopt*np.sin(th*pi/180),th*pi/180) ## Compute event rate print '' ee = pow(10,eu) print 'Energy:',ee,'eV' print 'Apperture (agressive):',seffta,'' print 'Apperture (conservative):',sefftc,'' print 'Optimal apperture:',sefftopt[0],'' pl.figure(2) pl.plot(eu,seffta,label='Agressive') pl.plot(eu,sefftc,label='Conservative') pl.plot(eu,sefftopt,label='Optimal') pl.xlabel('Energy (eV)') pl.ylabel('Apperture (km$^2$.sr)') pl.grid(True) pl.legend(loc='best') pl.title("GRAND CR apperture") seffta = seffta*1e6 #m2 sefftc = sefftc*1e6 #m2 sefftopt = sefftopt*1e6 #m2 dt = 3600*24*ndays #1 day evt1da = np.trapz(seffta*J1*pow(ee,-gamma1)*dt,ee) evt1dc = np.trapz(sefftc*J1*pow(ee,-gamma1)*dt,ee) evt1dopt = np.trapz(sefftopt*J1*pow(ee,-gamma1)*dt,ee) print 'Expected daily event rate in 10^17-10^18eV (agressive):',evt1da print 'Expected daily event rate in 10^17-10^18eV (conservative):',evt1dc
set_weights_bias2((100, 10), X.dtype, w4, b4) for i in range(noIters): trX, trY = shuffle_data(trX, trY) for start, end in zip(range(0, len(trX), batch_size), range(batch_size, len(trX), batch_size)): cost = train3(trX[start:end], trY[start:end]) a3.append(np.mean(np.argmax(teY, axis=1) == predict(teX))) trainCost3.append(cost / (len(trX) // batch_size)) print(a[i]) pylab.figure() pylab.plot(range(noIters), a, label='SGD') pylab.plot(range(noIters), a2, label='SGD with momentum') pylab.plot(range(noIters), a3, label='RMSprop') pylab.xlabel('epochs') pylab.ylabel('test accuracy') pylab.legend(loc='lower right') pylab.title('test accuracy ') pylab.savefig('testAccuracy') pylab.figure() pylab.plot(range(noIters), trainCost, label='SGD') pylab.plot(range(noIters), trainCost2, label='SGD with momentum') pylab.plot(range(noIters), trainCost3, label='RMSprop') pylab.xlabel('epochs') pylab.ylabel('training cost') pylab.legend(loc='upper right') pylab.title('training cost') pylab.savefig('trainingCost')
residual3 = delta_tensor_norm(statistic_res, check_tensor) x_values.append(train_percent) y_values1.append(residual1) y_values2.append(residual2) y_values3.append(residual3) train_percent += 0.2 pylab.plot(x_values, y_values1, 'rs', linewidth=1, linestyle="-", label=u"MTT") pylab.plot(x_values, y_values2, 'ks', linewidth=1, linestyle="-", label=u"DTA") pylab.plot(x_values, y_values3, 'gs', linewidth=1, linestyle="-", label=u"Baseline") pylab.xlabel(u"训练集比重") pylab.ylabel(u"平均误差") pylab.title(u"训练集比重与平均误差的关系") pylab.legend(loc='center right')
def lin_fit(crvfile, refcrvfile, outname, dump_frequency, Er, Ed, recoil_relaxation_time=10000, start_timeoffset=500): crv = CRV.CRV(crvfile)[0] eps = crv['lz'] x = crv['step'] pyy = crv['pyy'] n_atoms = crv['atoms'][0] crv1 = CRV.CRV(refcrvfile)[0] eps_ref = crv1['lz'] # eps = np.subtract(eps,eps_ref) print eps nrecoils = [] #pressure tensor component pxx = [] ezz = [] ezz_ref = [] dump_factor = int(recoil_relaxation_time / dump_frequency) pressure_conversion = 1e9 #GPa -> Pa #reduce timeaxis to recoil axis for i in range(len(x) / dump_factor): nrecoils.append((x[i * dump_factor] - start_timeoffset) / float(recoil_relaxation_time)) pxx.append(pyy[i * dump_factor] * pressure_conversion) # ezz.append(((eps[i*dump_factor] - eps[0])/eps[0] - (eps_ref[i*dump_factor] - eps_ref[0])/eps_ref[0])) # ezz.append(abs( (eps[i*dump_factor] -eps_ref[i*dump_factor])/ (eps[0] - eps_ref[0]))) ezz.append(((-eps[dump_factor] + eps[i * dump_factor]))) ezz_ref.append(((-eps_ref[dump_factor] + eps_ref[i * dump_factor]))) del nrecoils[0] del pxx[0] del ezz[0] del ezz_ref[0] #number of displacements per target atom ndpa = np.multiply(nrecoils, (Er / (2.5 * Ed * n_atoms))) fit_start = 0 fit_end = 20 dezz = np.multiply(np.subtract(ezz, ezz_ref), 1. / eps[dump_factor]) #fit1 popt1, pcov1 = opt.curve_fit( lambda ndpa, eta, offset: eta_lin(ndpa, pxx[0], eta, offset), ndpa[fit_start:fit_end], dezz[fit_start:fit_end]) #popt1 = [1,1] #fit2 # popt2, pcov2 = opt.curve_fit( lambda ndpa,eta,offset: eta_lin(ndpa,pxx[0],eta,offset), ndpa[0:fit_start], ezz[0:fit_start]) #popt2 = [1,1] #anotate to add value to plot # print 'RIV (lin)= {:.4e}'.format(popt1[0]) # npa interpolated ndpa_interp = np.linspace(0, ndpa[-1] * 1.5, 1000) fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=fsize) plt.xlim(0, ndpa_interp[-1]) # plt.ylim(ezz[-1]*0.8, ezz[-1]*1.1) plt.grid() plt.plot(ndpa[fit_start:fit_end], dezz[fit_start:fit_end], 'bs', markeredgecolor='blue', markerfacecolor='None', markeredgewidth=mew, markersize=ms, label='MD Simulation') # plt.plot(ndpa, ezz_ref, 'bs', markeredgecolor = 'magenta', markerfacecolor= 'None', markeredgewidth=mew, markersize = ms, label = 'MD Simulation Reference') plt.plot(ndpa_interp, eta_lin(ndpa_interp, pxx[0], *popt1), 'r-', linewidth=lw, label='Fit') # plt.plot(ndpa_interp, eta_lin(ndpa_interp,pxx[0],*popt2), '-', color = 'black', linewidth = lw, label='Fit2') plt.xlabel('Number of displacements per atom') plt.ylabel(r'$ \Delta \varepsilon_{zz} $') # legtitle = r'$ \eta_{ri,1} = $' + '{:.4e}'.format(popt1[0]) + ' $ \mathrm{Pa \cdot dpa} $' + '\n' + r'$ \eta_{ri,2} = $' + '{:.4e}'.format(popt2[0]) + ' $ \mathrm{Pa \cdot dpa} $' + '\n'r'$\sigma_0 = $' + '{:.2e}'.format(abs(pxx[0])) + r'$\,\mathrm{Pa}$' + '\n' + r'$E_D = ' + '{:.1e}'.format(Ed) + 'eV $'+ '\n' + r'$ E_R = $' + '{:.1e}'.format(Er) + ' $ eV $' legtitle = r'$ \eta^\prime = $' + '{:.4e}'.format( popt1[0] ) + ' $ \mathrm{Pa \cdot dpa} $' + '\n' r'$\sigma_0 = $' + '{:.2e}'.format( abs(pxx[0]) ) + r'$\,\mathrm{Pa}$' + '\n' + r'$E_D = ' + '{:.1e}'.format( Ed) + '\mathrm{eV} $' + '\n' + r'$ E_R = $' + '{:.1e}'.format( Er) + ' $ \mathrm{eV} $' plt.legend(loc='best', shadow=False, title=legtitle, prop={'size': legpropsize}, numpoints=1) #every other tick label for label in plt.gca().xaxis.get_ticklabels()[::2]: label.set_visible(False) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(outname) print "Png file written to " + outname plt.close("all")
# extract the time course for different labels from the stc stc_lh = stc.in_label(aud_lh) stc_rh = stc.in_label(aud_rh) stc_bh = stc.in_label(aud_lh + aud_rh) # calculate center of mass and transform to mni coordinates vtx, _, t_lh = stc_lh.center_of_mass('sample') mni_lh = mne.vertex_to_mni(vtx, 0, 'sample')[0] vtx, _, t_rh = stc_rh.center_of_mass('sample') mni_rh = mne.vertex_to_mni(vtx, 1, 'sample')[0] # plot the activation pl.figure() pl.axes([.1, .275, .85, .625]) hl = pl.plot(stc.times,, 'b') hr = pl.plot(stc.times,, 'g') hb = pl.plot(stc.times,, 'r') pl.xlabel('Time (s)') pl.ylabel('Source amplitude (dSPM)') pl.xlim(stc.times[0], stc.times[-1]) # add a legend including center-of-mass mni coordinates to the plot labels = [ 'LH: center of mass = %s' % mni_lh.round(2), 'RH: center of mass = %s' % mni_rh.round(2), 'Combined LH & RH' ] pl.figlegend([hl, hr, hb], labels, 'lower center') pl.suptitle('Average activation in auditory cortex labels', fontsize=20)
U, S, D = HOSVD(numpy.array(tensor), 0.7) A = reconstruct(S, U) print "reconstruct tensor: ", A print frobenius_norm(tensor-A) avg_precision, avg_recall, avg_f1_score, availability = recommend(A, recommends, unknow_poi_set, time_slice, top_k, order) print "avg_precision: ", avg_precision print "avg_recall: ", avg_recall print "avg_f1_score: ", avg_f1_score print "availability: ", availability y_values1.append(avg_precision) y_values2.append(avg_recall) y_values3.append(avg_f1_score) y_values4.append(availability) x_values.append(cluster_radius) cluster_radius += 0.1 pylab.plot(x_values, y_values1, 'rs', linewidth=1, linestyle="-", label=u"准确率") pylab.plot(x_values, y_values2, 'gs', linewidth=1, linestyle="-", label=u"召回率") pylab.plot(x_values, y_values3, 'bs', linewidth=1, linestyle="-", label=u"f1值") # pylab.plot(x_values, y_values4, 'ks', linewidth=1, linestyle="-", label=u"可用率") pylab.xlabel(u"poi近邻集合的半径(km)") pylab.ylabel(u"准确率-召回率") pylab.title(u"poi近邻集合的半径与准确率-召回率之间的关系") pylab.legend(loc='center right') # pylab.xlim(1, 10) # pylab.ylim(0, 1.)
DATASET_INDEX, dataset_prefix='large_kitchen_appliances', batch_size=128) print("--- Run Time = %s seconds ---" % ((time.time() - start_time))) print("--- Run Time = %s minutes ---" % ((time.time() - start_time) / 60.0)) text_file = open("training_time.txt", "w") text_file.write("--- Run Time =" + str(((time.time() - start_time))) + " seconds ---" + "\n" + "--- Run Time = " + str(((time.time() - start_time) / 60.0)) + " minutes ---" + "\n") print(history.history.keys()) plt.plot(history.history['loss']) plt.xlabel('epoch', fontsize=16) plt.ylabel('loss', fontsize=16) plt.savefig("./resulted_plotes/train_loss.jpg") plt.plot(history.history['loss']) plt.plot(history.history['val_loss']) plt.legend(['train', 'validation'], loc='upper right', fontsize='large') plt.ylabel('loss', fontsize=16) plt.xlabel('epoch', fontsize=16) plt.savefig("./resulted_plotes/all_loss.jpg") plt.plot(history.history['acc']) plt.plot(history.history['val_acc'])
#plot initial wave for t=0 plt.figure plt.plot(x, u[0], label='t=0.0') #loop over time, excluding the initial condition for j in range(1, Nt - 1): #current time t = j * dt #loop over x, excluding the boundry for i in range(1, Nx - 1): #formula constant beta = epsilon * dt / dx #apply leapfrog step u[j + 1, i] = u[j - 1, i] - beta / 2 * ((u[j, i + 1])**2 - (u[j, i - 1])**2) #plot the function at the given times if abs(t - t2) < delta: plt.plot(x, u[j], label='t=0.5') elif abs(t - t3) < delta: plt.plot(x, u[j], label='t=1.0') elif abs(t - t4) < delta: plt.plot(x, u[j], label='t=1.5') #plotting values plt.xlabel("Position, x") plt.ylabel("Displacement, u(x,t)") plt.title("Solutions to Burger's equation") plt.grid() plt.legend() plt.savefig("../images/burgers.png", dpi=600)
def exp_fit(crvfile, outname, dump_frequency, Er, Ed, Ebi, recoil_relaxation_time=30000, start_timeoffset=500): ## CRV File - renamed to .crv and manually changed header (crv format) from extracted data file ## PNG output ## timestep used in during recoil insertion --> datapoint after each recoil crv = CRV.CRV(crvfile)[0] #extract mech. stress tensor in x or y pyy = crv['pyy'] x = crv['step'] n_atoms = crv['atoms'][0] #calc timeaxis out of pxx or pyy size #x = np.arange(0,len(pyy)*timestep,timestep) #number of recoils nrecoils = [] #pressure tensor component pxx = [] dump_factor = int(recoil_relaxation_time / dump_frequency) print dump_factor #reduce timeaxis to recoil axis for i in range(len(x) / dump_factor): nrecoils.append((x[i * dump_factor] - start_timeoffset) / float(recoil_relaxation_time)) pxx.append(abs(pyy[i * dump_factor] / pyy[0])) #number of displacements per target atom ndpa = np.multiply(nrecoils, (Er / (2.5 * Ed * n_atoms))) #fit popt, pcov = opt.curve_fit(lambda ndpa, eta: eta_exp(ndpa, Ebi, eta), ndpa, pxx, p0=2e8) #anotate to add value to plot print 'RIV (exp)= {:.4e}'.format(popt[0]) # npa interpolated ndpa_interp = np.linspace(0, ndpa[-1] * 5, 1000) fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=fsize) plt.xlim(0, ndpa_interp[-1]) #plt.ylim(0.95*pxx[-1] , 1) plt.grid() plt.plot(ndpa, pxx, 'bs', markeredgecolor='blue', markerfacecolor='None', markeredgewidth=mew, markersize=ms, label='MD Simulation') plt.plot(ndpa_interp, eta_exp(ndpa_interp, Ebi, *popt), 'r-', linewidth=lw, label='Fit') plt.xlabel('Number of displacements per atom') plt.ylabel(r'$ \frac{\sigma}{\vert \sigma_0 \vert} $') legtitle = r'$ \eta_{ri} = $' + '{:.4e}'.format( popt[0] ) + ' $ Pa \cdot dpa $' + '\n' + r'$ E_{bi} = $' + '{:.3e}'.format( Ebi) + ' $ Pa $' + '\n' + r'$ E_D = $' + '{:.1e}'.format( Ed) + ' $ \mathrm{eV} $' + '\n' + r'$ E_R = $' + '{:.1e}'.format( Er) + ' $ \mathrm{eV} $' plt.legend(loc='best', shadow=False, title=legtitle, prop={'size': legpropsize}, numpoints=1) #every other tick label for label in plt.gca().xaxis.get_ticklabels()[::2]: label.set_visible(False) fig.savefig(outname) print "Png file written to " + outname plt.close("all") return popt[0]
# Plots the drag coefficient against the particle Reynolds number. from math import sqrt, pi from numpy import * import pylab from fluidity_tools import stat_parser C_wen_yu = zeros(200000) C_stokes = zeros(200000) particle_Re = arange(0.001, 1000, 0.005) for i in range(0, len(particle_Re)): # Drag coefficients for the Wen & Yu and Stokes drag correlations respectively. C_wen_yu[i] = (24.0 / particle_Re[i]) * (1.0 + 0.15 * particle_Re[i]**0.687) C_stokes[i] = (24.0 / particle_Re[i]) s = stat_parser("./mphase_wen_yu_drag_correlation.stat") numerical_particle_Re_wen_yu = s["Tephra"]["ParticleReynoldsNumber"]["max"][-1] numerical_C_wen_yu = s["Tephra"]["DragCoefficient"]["max"][-1] pylab.loglog(particle_Re, C_stokes, "-r", label="Stokes drag correlation") pylab.loglog(particle_Re, C_wen_yu, "-g", label="Wen & Yu drag correlation") pylab.loglog(numerical_particle_Re_wen_yu, numerical_C_wen_yu, "*b", label="Numerical result") pylab.legend(loc=1) pylab.xlabel("ParticleReynoldsNumber") pylab.ylabel("DragCoefficient")
s = init.create_state_random_packing(imsize=36, radius=5.0, sigma=0.05, seed=10) bl_pos = s.explode(s.create_block('pos')) bl_rad = s.explode(s.create_block('rad')) f = s.fisher_information(bl_pos + bl_rad) inv = np.linalg.inv(f) crb = np.sqrt(np.diag(inv)) bp = 3 * s.N br = 4 * s.N pl.figure() pl.imshow(inv) pl.colorbar() pl.hlines(bp, 0, br, lw=1) pl.vlines(bp, 0, br, lw=1) pl.xlim(0, br - 1) pl.ylim(0, br - 1) pl.title("Dense suspension CRB") pl.figure() pl.semilogy(crb, 'o') pl.xlabel("Parameter index") pl.ylabel("CRB") pl.title("Dense suspension CRB") pl.xlim(0, br)
pl.figure(figsize=(1.7, 1.7)) pl.subplots_adjust(left=0.4, right=0.9, top=0.85, bottom=0.3, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.6) pl.subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal') pl.plot(batch_phases[batch_idx][:, 0], batch_phases[batch_idx][:, 1], '.k', ms=7) pp.custom_axes() pl.xlabel('Grid phase-x [m]') pl.ylabel('Grid phase-y [m]') pl.xlim(-0.3, 0.3) pl.ylim(-0.3, 0.3) pl.xticks([-0.3, 0., 0.3]) pl.yticks([-0.3, 0., 0.3]) pl.savefig(figures_path + '/fig8' + suffix[batch_idx] + '1.eps', dpi=300, transparent=True) # angles pl.figure(figsize=(4., 1.5)) pl.subplots_adjust(left=0.3, right=1, top=0.85, bottom=0.3, wspace=0.2) pl.subplot(1, 3, 1) bins, edges = np.histogram(np.array(batch_angles[batch_idx]) * 180 / np.pi,
line = xy.readline() #split into two separate lists: x and y x_and_y = line.split() # If we do not have 2 words then it must be blank lines at the end of the file. if len(x_and_y) != 2: break #exits loop except: # If we failed to read a line then we must have got to the end. break #exits loop #append x and y where x value is the first column and y is second column #save these values as floats- if this is not possible it will go to except x.append(float(x_and_y[0])) y.append(float(x_and_y[1])) #convert x and y lists to numpy arrays x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) pylab.plot(x, y) pylab.xlabel("x") pylab.ylabel("y") print "Maximum x: ", max(x) print "Maximum y: ", max(y)
def plotReport( self, summ={} ,fignum=1 ): if not ( summ.has_key('summaryminor') and summ.has_key('summarymajor') and summ.has_key('threshold') and summ['summaryminor'].shape[0]==6 ): print 'Cannot make summary plot. Please check contents of the output dictionary from tclean.' return summ import pylab as pl from numpy import max as amax # 0 : iteration number (within deconvolver, per cycle) # 1 : peak residual # 2 : model flux # 3 : cyclethreshold # 4 : deconvolver id # 5 : subimage id (channel, stokes..) pl.ioff() pl.figure(fignum) pl.clf(); minarr = summ['summaryminor'] if minarr.size==0:"Zero iteration: no summary plot is generated.", "WARN") else: iterlist = minarr[0,:] eps=0.0 peakresstart=[] peakresend=[] modfluxstart=[] modfluxend=[] itercountstart=[] itercountend=[] peakresstart.append( minarr[1,:][0] ) modfluxstart.append( minarr[2,:][0] ) itercountstart.append( minarr[0,:][0] + eps ) peakresend.append( minarr[1,:][0] ) modfluxend.append( minarr[2,:][0] ) itercountend.append( minarr[0,:][0] + eps ) for ii in range(0,len(iterlist)-1): if iterlist[ii]==iterlist[ii+1]: peakresend.append( minarr[1,:][ii] ) peakresstart.append( minarr[1,:][ii+1] ) modfluxend.append( minarr[2,:][ii] ) modfluxstart.append( minarr[2,:][ii+1] ) itercountend.append( iterlist[ii]-eps ) itercountstart.append( iterlist[ii]+eps ) peakresend.append( minarr[1,:][len(iterlist)-1] ) modfluxend.append( minarr[2,:][len(iterlist)-1] ) itercountend.append( minarr[0,:][len(iterlist)-1] + eps ) # pl.plot( iterlist , minarr[1,:] , 'r.-' , label='peak residual' , linewidth=1.5, markersize=8.0) # pl.plot( iterlist , minarr[2,:] , 'b.-' , label='model flux' ) # pl.plot( iterlist , minarr[3,:] , 'g--' , label='cycle threshold' ) pl.plot( itercountstart , peakresstart , 'r.--' , label='peak residual (start)') pl.plot( itercountend , peakresend , 'r.-' , label='peak residual (end)',linewidth=2.5) pl.plot( itercountstart , modfluxstart , 'b.--' , label='model flux (start)' ) pl.plot( itercountend , modfluxend , 'b.-' , label='model flux (end)',linewidth=2.5 ) pl.plot( iterlist , minarr[3,:] , 'g--' , label='cycle threshold', linewidth=2.5 ) maxval = amax( minarr[1,:] ) maxval = max( maxval, amax( minarr[2,:] ) ) bcols = ['b','g','r','y','c'] minv=1 niterdone = len(minarr[4,:]) if len(summ['summarymajor'].shape)==1 and summ['summarymajor'].shape[0]>0 : pl.vlines(summ['summarymajor'],0,maxval, label='major cycles', linewidth=2.0) pl.hlines( summ['threshold'], 0, summ['iterdone'] , linestyle='dashed' ,label='threshold') pl.xlabel( 'Iteration Count' ) pl.ylabel( 'Peak Residual (red), Model Flux (blue)' ) ax = pl.axes() box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width, box.height*0.8]) pl.legend(loc='lower center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.05), ncol=3, fancybox=True, shadow=True) pl.savefig('summaryplot_'+str(fignum)+'.png') pl.ion() return summ;
populations[0].record_v() populations[0].record_gsyn() populations[0].record() v = populations[0].get_v(compatible_output=True) gsyn = populations[0].get_gsyn(compatible_output=True) spikes = populations[0].getSpikes(compatible_output=True) if spikes is not None: print spikes pylab.figure() pylab.plot([i[1] for i in spikes], [i[0] for i in spikes], ".") pylab.xlabel('Time/ms') pylab.ylabel('spikes') pylab.title('spikes') else: print "No spikes received" # Make some graphs if v is not None: ticks = len(v) / nNeurons pylab.figure() pylab.xlabel('Time/ms') pylab.ylabel('v') pylab.title('v') for pos in range(0, nNeurons, 20):
# along x pylab.subplot(3, 3, 7) pylab.xticks([]) pylab.yticks([]) f = open("map_x_amr.dat", 'rb') s = * RM + struct.calcsize("2i")) par, nx, ny, par = struct.unpack(SRM + "i" + "i" + SRM, s) for i in arange(Ntick): xval = 1000 * (yc + (i - Nspace / 2) * BL / Nspace - yc) yval = 1000 * (zc + (i - Nspace / 2) * BL / Nspace - zc) xt.append("%.0f" % xval) yt.append("%.0f" % yval) pylab.xticks(nx / Nspace * arange(Ntick), xt, fontsize=fs) pylab.yticks(ny / Nspace * arange(Ntick), yt, fontsize=fs) pylab.xlabel(r"$r\quad[{\rm kpc}/h]$", fontsize=fs) pylab.ylabel(r"$r\quad[{\rm kpc}/h]$", fontsize=fs) s = binvalues = ar.array(IMGSIZE), nx * ny) data = numpy.array(binvalues, 'float') data = numpy.reshape(data, (ny, nx)) data2 = numpy.zeros((ny, nx), 'float') f.close() for i in xrange(nx): for j in xrange(ny): data2[j, i] = data[ny - j - 1, i] pylab.imshow(data2, aspect=1, cmap=cm.hsv)
def fe55_gain_fitter(signals, ccdtemp=-95, make_plot=False, xrange=None, bins=100, hist_nsig=10, title='', plot_filename=None, interactive=True, ylog=True): """ Function to fit the distribution of charge cluster DN values from a Fe55 dataset. A two Gaussian model of Mn K-alpha and K-beta lines is assumed with the ratio between the K-alpha and K-beta energies fixed at 5.889/6.49 and the the Gaussian width of the lines set equal. The gain (Ne/DN), location and sigma of the K-alpha peak (in units of DN) are returned as a tuple. If make_plot=True, then a matplotlib plot of the distribution and fit is displayed. If xrange is not None, then that 2-element tuple is used as the histogram x-range. If xrange is None, then the histogram x-range is set to +/- hist_nsig*clipped_stdev about the median of the signal distribution. """ flags = afwMath.MEDIAN | afwMath.STDEVCLIP try: stats = afwMath.makeStatistics(signals.tolist(), flags) except: print signals raise median = stats.getValue(afwMath.MEDIAN) stdev = stats.getValue(afwMath.STDEVCLIP) if xrange is None: # Set range of histogram to include both Kalpha and Kbeta peaks. xmin = max(median - hist_nsig * stdev, 200) xmax = min(median * 1785. / 1620. + hist_nsig * stdev, 1000) xrange = xmin, xmax # Save pylab interactive state. pylab_interactive_state = pylab.isinteractive() # Determine distribution mode and take that as the location of the # Kalpha peak hist = np.histogram(signals, bins=bins, range=xrange) xpeak = hist[1][np.where(hist[0] == max(hist[0]))][0] xrange = max(0, xpeak - 200), xpeak * 1785. / 1620. + 200 hist = np.histogram(signals, bins=bins, range=xrange) yrange = 1, max(hist[0]) * 1.5 if make_plot: if interactive: pylab.ion() else: pylab.ioff() # fig = pylab.figure() # axes = fig.add_subplot(111) win = plot.Window() hist = pylab.hist(signals, bins=bins, range=xrange, histtype='bar', color='b', log=ylog) if ylog: plot.setAxis(xrange, yrange) else: pylab.ioff() # hist = np.histogram(signals, bins=bins, range=xrange) x = (hist[1][1:] + hist[1][:-1]) / 2. y = hist[0] ntot = sum(y) # # Starting values for two Gaussian fit. The relative # normalizations are initially set at the expected line ratio # of K-alpha/K-beta = 0.88/0.12. The relative peak locations # and relative widths are fixed in fe55_lines(...) above. # p0 = (ntot * 0.88, median, stdev / 2., ntot * 0.12) pars, _ = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(fe55_lines, x, y, p0=p0) kalpha_peak, kalpha_sigma = pars[1], pars[2] fe55_yield = Fe55Yield(ccdtemp) gain = fe55_yield.alpha()[0] / kalpha_peak if make_plot: pylab.xlabel('Bias Corrected Event Signal (DN)') pylab.ylabel('Entries / bin') xx = np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 1000) pylab.plot(xx, fe55_lines(xx, *pars), 'r--', markersize=3, linewidth=1) pylab.annotate(("K-alpha peak = %i DN\n\n" + "Gain = %.2f e-/DN\n\n") % (kalpha_peak, gain), (0.5, 0.7), xycoords='axes fraction') win.set_title(title) if plot_filename is not None: pylab.savefig(plot_filename) # Restore pylab interactive state. pylab.interactive(pylab_interactive_state) return gain, kalpha_peak, kalpha_sigma
idx1 = 10000 idx2 = idx1 + frameSize index1 = idx1 * 1.0 / framerate index2 = idx2 * 1.0 / framerate acf = pt.ACF(waveData[idx1:idx2]) acf[0:10] = -acf[0] acfmax = np.argmax(acf) print(acfmax) print(framerate * 1.0 / acfmax) pl.subplot(411) pl.title("pitchTrack") pl.plot(time, waveData) pl.plot([index1, index1], [-1, 1], 'r') pl.plot([index2, index2], [-1, 1], 'r') pl.xlabel("time (seconds)") pl.ylabel("Amplitude") pl.subplot(412) pl.plot(np.arange(frameSize), waveData[idx1:idx2], 'r') pl.xlabel("index in 1 frame") pl.ylabel("Amplitude") pl.subplot(413) pl.plot(np.arange(frameSize), acf, 'g') pl.xlabel("index in 1 frame") pl.ylabel("ACF") # pitch tracking acfmethod = pt.ACF pitchtrack = pt.PitchTrack(waveData, framerate, frameSize, overLap, acfmethod)
def compareAbsorption(recipe, curvNo, noIndicators): worker = recipe.getWorker("AddColumn") table = worker.plugCompute.getResult( subscriber=TextSubscriber("Result Functional")) xPos = table[u"x-position"] yPos = table[u"y-position"] index = curvNo2Index(table[u"pixel"], curvNo) title_template = "$%%s_{%s}$(%s %s,%s %s)=%%s %%s" % ( curvNo,[index],,[index], worker = recipe.getWorker("ThicknessModeller") simulation = worker.plugCalcAbsorption.getResult() thickness = table[u"thickness"] residuum = (simulation.dimensions[0].data -[index])**2 absorption =[residuum.argmin(), :] pylab.plot(simulation.dimensions[1].data, absorption, label="$%s$ functional" % simulation.shortname) title = "Functional based: " + title_template % ( thickness[index].shortname,[index], try: worker = recipe.getWorker("Res Direct") table = worker.plugCompute.getResult( subscriber=TextSubscriber("Result without Functional")) thickness = table[u"thickness"] residuum = (simulation.dimensions[0].data -[index])**2 absorption =[residuum.argmin(), :] pylab.plot(simulation.dimensions[1].data, absorption, label="$%s$ immediate" % simulation.shortname) title += "\nImmediate: " + title_template % ( thickness[index].shortname,[index], except: pass worker = recipe.getWorker("Slicing") noisyAbsorption = worker.plugExtract.getResult() worker = recipe.getWorker("MRA Exp") minimaPos = worker.plugMra.getResult()[r'\lambda_{min}'].inUnitsOf( simulation.dimensions[1]) maximaPos = worker.plugMra.getResult()[r'\lambda_{max}'].inUnitsOf( simulation.dimensions[1]) pylab.plot(noisyAbsorption.dimensions[1].inUnitsOf( simulation.dimensions[1]).data,[index, :], label="$%s$" % noisyAbsorption.shortname) if not noIndicators: pylab.vlines([:, index], 0.1, 1.0, label="$%s$" % minimaPos.shortname) pylab.vlines([:, index] + minimaPos.error[:, index], 0.1, 1.0, label="$\\Delta%s$" % minimaPos.shortname, linestyle='dashed') pylab.vlines([:, index] - minimaPos.error[:, index], 0.1, 1.0, label="$\\Delta%s$" % minimaPos.shortname, linestyle='dashed') pylab.vlines([:, index], 0.1, 1.0, label="$%s$" % maximaPos.shortname) pylab.vlines([:, index] + maximaPos.error[:, index], 0.1, 1.0, label="$\\Delta%s$" % maximaPos.shortname, linestyle='dashed') pylab.vlines([:, index] - maximaPos.error[:, index], 0.1, 1.0, label="$\\Delta%s$" % maximaPos.shortname, linestyle='dashed') pylab.title(title) pylab.xlabel(simulation.dimensions[1].label) pylab.legend(loc="lower left")
# plot analytic solution tt = numpy.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 1000) pylab.plot(tt, analytic(tt), label="analytic solution") # plot RK4 solution -- we need a step of 1.e-3 or smaller to get this # right, because that is the fastest timescale. If you go above 2.e-3, # it blows up severely tRK4, yRK4 = rk4(y0, 1.e-3, 1.0) pylab.plot(tRK4, yRK4, label=r"R-K 4, $\tau = 10^{-3}$") pylab.xlim(0.0, 0.1) pylab.xlabel("t") pylab.ylabel("y") leg = pylab.legend() ltext = leg.get_texts() pylab.setp(ltext, fontsize='small') leg.draw_frame(0) pylab.savefig("stiff-rk4-dt-1e-3.png") # now do dt = 2.5e-3 pylab.clf() pylab.plot(tt, analytic(tt), label="analytic solution") tRK4, yRK4 = rk4(y0, 2.5e-3, 1.0)
t_final = 0.1 time = np.arange(dt, t_final + dt, dt) N_q1 = domain.N_q1 N_q2 = domain.N_q2 h5f = h5py.File('dump/0000.h5', 'r') q1 = h5f['q1'][:].reshape(N_q1, N_q2) q2 = h5f['q2'][:].reshape(N_q1, N_q2) n = h5f['n'][:].reshape(N_q1, N_q2) h5f.close() pl.plot(q1[:, 0], n[:, 0]) pl.title('Time = 0') pl.ylim([0, 65]) pl.xlabel(r'$x$') pl.ylabel(r'$n$') pl.savefig('images/0000.png') pl.clf() for time_index, t0 in enumerate(time): h5f = h5py.File('dump/%04d' % (time_index + 1) + '.h5', 'r') n = h5f['n'][:].reshape(N_q1, N_q2) h5f.close() if ((time_index + 1) % 20 == 0): pl.plot(q1[:, 0], n[:, 0]) pl.title('Time =' + str(t0)) pl.xlabel(r'$x$') pl.ylabel(r'$n$')