コード例 #1
ファイル: spikes.py プロジェクト: kghose/neurapy
  def correl_single_window(sbwA, sbwB):
    """sbwA and sbwB are obtained as subwindowsA[:,n,:,:], with n marching through all the windows.
    Indexes - 0 -> epochs
              1 -> subwindows
              2 -> start/stop

    N0 = sbwA.shape[0]
    N1 = sbwA.shape[1]
    spk_countA = pylab.zeros((N0,N1))
    spk_countB = pylab.zeros((N0,N1))
    for n in xrange(N0): #Epochs
      for m in xrange(N1): #subwindows
        spk_countA[n,m] = sbwA[n,m,1] - sbwA[n,m,0]
        spk_countB[n,m] = sbwB[n,m,1] - sbwB[n,m,0]

    spk_countA = spk_countA.flatten() - spk_countA.mean()
    spk_countB = spk_countB.flatten() - spk_countB.mean()
    R = pylab.corrcoef(spk_countA, spk_countB)
    if R.size:
      r = R[0,1]
      r = 0
    return r
コード例 #2
ファイル: FeatureSpace.py プロジェクト: r-medina/TIAM-
    def _get_angles(steps,track_length):
        angles = pl.zeros(track_length-2)
        polar = pl.zeros(pl.shape(steps))
        for i in range(track_length-1):
            polar[i,0] = pl.norm(steps[i,:])
            polar[i,1] = pl.arctan(steps[i,0]/steps[i,1])

            if pl.isnan( polar[i,1]):
                polar[i,1] = 0

            if (steps[i,0] >= 0):
                if (steps[i,1] >= 0):
                elif (steps[i,1] < 0):
                    polar[i,1] += 2.*pl.pi
            elif (steps[i,0] < 0):
                if (steps[i,1] >= 0):
                    polar[i,1] += pl.pi
                elif (steps[i,1] < 0):
                    polar[i,1] += pl.pi

        for i in range(track_length-2):
            angles[i] = polar[i+1,1] - polar[i,1]

        return angles
コード例 #3
ファイル: spikes.py プロジェクト: kghose/neurapy
def spikefano(timestamps, start_time=0, zero_times=0, end_time=None, window_len=.1, subwindow_len=None):
  """Given the time stamps compute the fano factor with a jumping window.
    timestamps - the spike timestamps
    window_len - length of window to look at ff (same units as timestamps). One window gets us one ff estimate
                 The fano factor is the LS fit of fano_windows (variance,mean) points
    subwindow_len - length of one spike count computation window

    t   - time array
    ff  - fano factors
  window_edges, windows, subwindows = window_spike_train(timestamps, start_time, zero_times, end_time, window_len=window_len, subwindow_len=subwindow_len)
  t = pylab.zeros(windows.shape[1])
  ff = pylab.zeros(windows.shape[1])
  for n in xrange(windows.shape[1]):
    spk_count = pylab.zeros(subwindows.shape[1]*subwindows.shape[2])
    for m in xrange(subwindows.shape[0]):#Epochs
      for l in xrange(subwindows.shape[2]):#Subwindows
        #FF computation
        sbw0 = subwindows[m,n,l,0]
        sbw1 = subwindows[m,n,l,1]
        spk_count[m*subwindows.shape[2]+l] = sbw1 - sbw0

    mean = spk_count.mean()
    std = spk_count.std()
    ff[n] = std**2/mean
    t[n] = window_len * (n+.5)

  return t, ff
コード例 #4
ファイル: generic_disease_model.py プロジェクト: aflaxman/gbd
    def SCpm(SC_0=SC_0, i=i, r=r, f=f, m_all_cause=m_all_cause, age_mesh=dm.get_param_age_mesh()):
        SC = pl.zeros([2, len(age_mesh)])
        p = pl.zeros(len(age_mesh))
        m = pl.zeros(len(age_mesh))

        SC[:, 0] = SC_0
        p[0] = SC_0[1] / (SC_0[0] + SC_0[1])
        m[0] = dismod3.utils.trim(
            m_all_cause[age_mesh[0]] - f[age_mesh[0]] * p[0],
            0.1 * m_all_cause[age_mesh[0]],
            1 - dismod3.settings.NEARLY_ZERO,
        )  # trim m[0] to avoid numerical instability

        for ii, a in enumerate(age_mesh[:-1]):
            A = pl.array([[-i[a] - m[ii], r[a]], [i[a], -r[a] - m[ii] - f[a]]]) * (age_mesh[ii + 1] - age_mesh[ii])

            SC[:, ii + 1] = pl.dot(scipy.linalg.expm(A), SC[:, ii])

            p[ii + 1] = dismod3.utils.trim(
                SC[1, ii + 1] / (SC[0, ii + 1] + SC[1, ii + 1]),
                1 - dismod3.settings.NEARLY_ZERO,
            m[ii + 1] = dismod3.utils.trim(
                m_all_cause[age_mesh[ii + 1]] - f[age_mesh[ii + 1]] * p[ii + 1],
                0.1 * m_all_cause[age_mesh[ii + 1]],

        SCpm = pl.zeros([4, len(age_mesh)])
        SCpm[0:2, :] = SC
        SCpm[2, :] = p
        SCpm[3, :] = m
        return SCpm
コード例 #5
 def grad(self,data,weightcost):
     grad = zeros(0)
     if type(data)!=type([]):
         data = [data]
     numcases = len(data)
     numscoretypes = len(self.scorefuncs)
     if not type(weightcost) == type([]):
         weightcost = [weightcost] * numscoretypes
     posgrad = [None]*numscoretypes
     neggrad = [None]*numscoretypes
     for k in range(numscoretypes):
         if isscalar(weightcost[k]):
             weightcost[k] = \
         posgrad[k] = zeros(self.scorefuncs[k].params.shape,dtype=float)
         neggrad[k] = zeros(self.scorefuncs[k].params.shape,dtype=float)
     for i in range(numcases):
         poscliques = self.posdata(data[i])
         negcliques = self.negdata(data[i])
         for k in range(numscoretypes):
             for posclique in poscliques[k]:
                 posgrad[k] += self.scorefuncs[k].grad(*posclique)
             if self.normalizeacrosscliques:
                 posgrad[k] = posgrad[k]/double(len(poscliques[k]))
             for weighting, negclique in negcliques[k]:
                 for w, neginst in zip(weighting,negclique):
                     neggrad[k] += w * self.scorefuncs[k].grad(*neginst)
             if self.normalizeacrosscliques:
                 neggrad[k] = neggrad[k]/double(len(poscliques[k]))
     for k in range(numscoretypes):
         grad = concatenate((grad,(posgrad[k]-neggrad[k])/double(numcases)\
     return -grad
コード例 #6
ファイル: plot_settings.py プロジェクト: garciaga/pynmd
def jetWoGn(reverse=False):
       - returning a colormap similar to cm.jet, but without green.
         if reverse=True, the map starts with red instead of blue.
    m=18 # magic number, which works fine

    b_ = pylab.hstack( (0.4*pylab.arange(m1)/(m1-1.)+0.6, pylab.ones((m2+m3,)) ) )
    g_ = pylab.hstack( (pylab.zeros((m1,)),pylab.arange(m2)/(m2-1.),pylab.ones((m3,))) )
    r_ = pylab.hstack( (pylab.zeros((m1,)),pylab.zeros((m2,)),pylab.arange(m3)/(m3-1.)))

    r = pylab.hstack((r_,pylab.flipud(b_)))
    g = pylab.hstack((g_,pylab.flipud(g_)))
    b = pylab.hstack((b_,pylab.flipud(r_)))

    if reverse:
        r = pylab.flipud(r)
        g = pylab.flipud(g)
        b = pylab.flipud(b)

    ra = pylab.linspace(0.0,1.0,m)

    cdict = {'red': zip(ra,r,r),
            'green': zip(ra,g,g),
            'blue': zip(ra,b,b)}

    return LinearSegmentedColormap('new_RdBl',cdict,256)
コード例 #7
ファイル: dlt.py プロジェクト: pjozog/PylabUtils
def homog2D(xPrime, x):
    Compute the 3x3 homography matrix mapping a set of N 2D homogeneous 
    points (3xN) to another set (3xN)


    numPoints = xPrime.shape[1]
    assert numPoints >= 4

    A = None
    for i in range(0, numPoints):
        xiPrime = xPrime[:, i]
        xi = x[:, i]

        Ai_row0 = pl.concatenate((pl.zeros(3), -xiPrime[2] * xi, xiPrime[1] * xi))
        Ai_row1 = pl.concatenate((xiPrime[2] * xi, pl.zeros(3), -xiPrime[0] * xi))
        Ai = pl.row_stack((Ai_row0, Ai_row1))

        if A is None:
            A = Ai
            A = pl.vstack((A, Ai))

    U, S, V = pl.svd(A)
    V = V.T
    h = V[:, -1]
    H = pl.reshape(h, (3, 3))
    return H
コード例 #8
ファイル: dlt.py プロジェクト: pjozog/PylabUtils
def homog3D(points2d, points3d):
    Compute a matrix relating homogeneous 3D points (4xN) to homogeneous
    2D points (3xN)

    Not sure why anyone would do this.  Note that the returned transformation 
    *NOT* an isometry.  But it's here... so deal with it.


    numPoints = points2d.shape[1]
    assert numPoints >= 4

    A = None
    for i in range(0, numPoints):
        xiPrime = points2d[:, i]
        xi = points3d[:, i]

        Ai_row0 = pl.concatenate((pl.zeros(4), -xiPrime[2] * xi, xiPrime[1] * xi))
        Ai_row1 = pl.concatenate((xiPrime[2] * xi, pl.zeros(4), -xiPrime[0] * xi))
        Ai = pl.row_stack((Ai_row0, Ai_row1))

        if A is None:
            A = Ai
            A = pl.vstack((A, Ai))

    U, S, V = pl.svd(A)
    V = V.T
    h = V[:, -1]
    P = pl.reshape(h, (3, 4))
    return P
コード例 #9
def getMatrix(AllData):
  # create matrices for all the data
  numQs = len(AllData.keys())
  subjects = 12    #len(AllData[1]['RT'])
  correct = np.array(py.zeros([numQs, subjects]))
  confA = np.array(py.zeros([numQs, subjects]))
  confB = np.array(py.zeros([numQs, subjects]))
  RTs = np.array(py.zeros([numQs, subjects]))
  for i in xrange(subjects):
    # rows
    for j in xrange(1,17):
      # columns
      correct[j-1,i] = AllData[j]['correct'][i]
  for i in xrange(subjects):
    for j in xrange(1,17):
      confA[j-1,i] = AllData[j]['confA'][i]
  for i in xrange(subjects):
    for j in xrange(1,17):
      confB[j-1,i] = AllData[j]['confB'][i]
  for i in xrange(subjects):
    for j in xrange(1,17):
      RTs[j-1,i] = AllData[j]['RT'][i]
  print(py.shape(correct), py.shape(confA), py.shape(confB), py.shape(RTs))
  return correct, confA, confB, RTs
コード例 #10
ファイル: beat.py プロジェクト: BinRoot/BregmanToolkit
def beat_track(x, feature=LogFrequencySpectrum, **kwargs):
    Scheirer beat tracker. Use output of comb filter bank on filterbank
                           sub-bands to estimate tempo, and comb filter state
                           to track beats.
       x        - the audio signal or filename to analyze
       feature  - the feature class to use [LogFrequencySpectrum]
       **kwargs - parameters to the feature extractor [nbpo=1, nhop=441]
       z      - per-tempo comb filter summed outputs
       tempos - the range of tempos in z
       D      - the differentiated half-wave rectified octave-band filterbank
    kwargs.setdefault('nhop', 441)
    kwargs.setdefault('nbpo', 1)
    F = feature(x, **kwargs)
    frame_rate = F.sample_rate / float(F.nhop)
    D = diff(F.X, axis=1)
    D[where(D < 0)] = 0
    tempos = range(40, 200, 4)
    z = zeros((len(tempos), D.shape[0]))
    for i, bpm in enumerate(tempos):  # loop over tempos to test
        t = int(round(frame_rate * 60. / bpm))  # num frames per beat
        alpha = 0.5**(2.0/t)
        b = [1 - alpha]
        a = zeros(t)
        a[0] = 1.0
        a[-1] = alpha
        z[i, :] = lfilter(b, a, D).sum(1)  # filter and sum sub-band onsets
    return z, tempos, D
コード例 #11
ファイル: spectrum.py プロジェクト: l3enny/rovib
    def collapse(self):
        """ SpectrumImage.collapse(), collapses a spectrum image to
        a spectrum.

        Takes a spectrum image, averages the background regions and 
        subtracts them from the data regions. The output is a single
        spectrum as the method assumes all data regions represent the
        same data. The wavelength list is generated from a given start
        and end value (assumed to be in nm). Returns the data spectrum.
            wavelengths = pylab.linspace(self.start, self.end,
                                         self.image.shape[not self.waveaxis])
        except TypeError:
            print 'The starting and ending wavelengths must be specified.'
        background = pylab.zeros(len(wavelengths))
        backgroundlines = 0
        data = pylab.zeros(len(wavelengths))
        datalines = 0
        for region in self.regions:
            if region['group'] is 0:
                backgroundlines += region['max'] - region['min']
                background += self.image[region['min']:region['max'] + 1, :]\
                datalines += region['max'] - region['min']
                data += self.image[region['min']:region['max'] + 1, :]\
        background = [sum/backgroundlines for sum in background]
        data = [sum/datalines for sum in data]
        corrected = pylab.array(data) - pylab.array(background)
        output = Spectrum(list(wavelengths), list(corrected))
        return output
コード例 #12
 def Mesh(self):
     Generates mesh 
         node coodinates: xy
         connectivity information: element
     # generate node coodinates: x and y
     xy = py.zeros(((self.N+1)**2,2))
     for k in range (0,self.N+1):
         for j in range (0,self.N+1):
             #equations for x and y coordinate from handout
     self.xy = xy
     # connectivity information: element       
     element = py.zeros((self.N**2*2,3), int)   
     for i in range (0,(self.N+1)*self.N):
         if (i+1)%(self.N+1) !=0:
            #define elements, two at a time 
     self.element = element
     if self.debug:
         print '\n', 'in mesh: nodes','\n', xy
         print 'elements', '\n',element
コード例 #13
 def Dirichlet_BC(self):
     Apply grounding conditions for i-th DOF by making K[i,:]and K[:,i] zero and K[i,i] = 1.
     Also i-th load is made zero.
     # Copy Global Stiffness, Global Load and number of nodes along each polar coordinate
     K = self.k_global
     l = self.load
     n = self.N+1
     if self.debug:
         print '\n','\n','Dirichlet_BC', K, '\n','\n','\n load', l
     #iteratively apply boundary conditions on all the grounded degrees of freedom 
     for i in range(0,n):
         if self.debug:
             print '\n every iteration' , 2*n*i+1, 2*n*(i+1)-2
         #Y_displacement = 0 for nodes on X axis
         K[2*n*i+1,:] = py.zeros((1,self.n_nodes*2))
         K[:,2*n*i+1] = py.zeros((1,self.n_nodes*2))
         K[2*n*i+1,2*n*i+1] = 1.0
         l[2*n*i+1] = 0.0
         #X_displacement = 0 for nodes on Y axis
         K[2*n*(i+1)-2,:] = py.zeros((1,self.n_nodes*2))
         K[:,2*n*(i+1)-2] = py.zeros((1,self.n_nodes*2))
         K[2*n*(i+1)-2,2*n*(i+1)-2] = 1.0
         l[2*n*(i+1)-2] = 0.0
     self.k_global = K # copy new global
     self.load = l # copy new load
     if self.debug:
         print '\n','Dirichlet_BC','\n', K, '\n','\n','\n load', l
コード例 #14
ファイル: dos.py プロジェクト: itamblyn/analysis
 def read_doscar(self, fname="DOSCAR"):
     """Read a VASP DOSCAR file."""
     f = open(fname)
     natoms = int(f.readline().split()[0])
     [f.readline() for n in range(4)]  # Skip next 4 lines.
     dos = []
     for na in xrange(natoms + 1):
             line = f.readline()
             if line == "":
                 raise Exception
         except Exception, e:
             errstr = (
                 "Failed reading "
                 + str(na)
                 + ":th DOS block, probably "
                 + "this DOSCAR is from some old version of VASP that "
                 + "doesn't "
                 + "first produce a block with integrated DOS. Inserting "
                 + "empty 0:th block."
             dos.insert(0, pl.zeros((ndos, dos[1].shape[1])))
             ndos = int(line.split()[2])
             print "Error, line is: " + line + "ENDLINE"
         line = f.readline().split()
         cdos = pl.zeros((ndos, len(line)))
         cdos[0] = pl.array(line)
         for nd in xrange(1, ndos):
             line = f.readline().split()
             cdos[nd] = pl.array(line)
コード例 #15
def makebins(im,numbins):
    # returns the image binned into phase bins
    # phase2 contains sorted DNO phases
    # number in each bin
    im = pl.array(im)
    num = pl.zeros(numbins,dtype='Float64')
    #print im.shape[1]
    imnew = pl.zeros((numbins,im.shape[1]),dtype='Float64')

    bins = pl.arange(0.0,1.0,1.0/numbins)
    #print bins

    # sum spectra that falls into the same phase bin.
    for i in range(len(phase2)):
        #print phase2[i]
        gt = phase2[i] >= bins
        lt = phase2[i] < bins + 1.0/numbins
        #print lt*gt
        imnew[lt*gt] += im[i]
        num[lt*gt] += 1

    # divide by number in each bin to take average
    for i in range(len(num)):
        print num[i], imnew[i,:].sum()
        imnew[i,:] /= num[i]

    return imnew,num
コード例 #16
    def Global_Stiffness(self):
        Generates Global Stiffness Matrix for the plane structure
        elem = self.element;
        B = py.zeros((6,6))
        for i in range (0,py.size(elem,0)): 
            #for each element find the stifness matrix
            K = py.zeros((self.n_nodes*2,self.n_nodes*2))            
            el = elem[i]
            #nodes formatted for input            
            [node1, node2, node3] = el;
            node1x = 2*(node1-1);node2x = 2*(node2-1);node3x = 2*(node3-1);
            node1y = 2*(node1-1)+1;node2y = 2*(node2-1)+1;node3y = 2*(node3-1)+1;
            #Area, Strain Matrix and E Matrix multiplied to get element stiffness            
            [J,B] = self.B(el)
            local_k =0.5*abs(J)*py.dot(py.transpose(B),py.dot(self.E_matrix,B))
            if self.debug:            
                print 'K for elem', el, '\n', local_k
            #Element K-Matrix converted into Global K-Matrix format 
            K[py.ix_([node1x,node1y,node2x,node2y,node3x,node3y],[node1x,node1y,node2x,node2y,node3x,node3y])] = K[py.ix_([node1x,node1y,node2x,node2y,node3x,node3y],[node1x,node1y,node2x,node2y,node3x,node3y])]+local_k

            #Adding contibution into Global Stiffness           
            self.k_global = self.k_global + K
        if self.debug:            
                print 'Global Stiffness','\n', self.k_global        
コード例 #17
ファイル: ML.py プロジェクト: parhamaram/MRAIDE
    def estimate_kernel(self, X, P, M):

        """estimate the ide model's kernel weights from data stored in the ide object"""

        # form Xi variables
        Xi_0 = pb.zeros([self.model.nx, self.model.nx])
        Xi_1 = pb.zeros([self.model.nx, self.model.nx])
        for t in range(1, len(X)):
            Xi_0 += pb.dot(X[t - 1, :].reshape(self.model.nx, 1), X[t, :].reshape(self.model.nx, 1).T) + M[
                t, :
            ].reshape(self.model.nx, self.model.nx)
            Xi_1 += pb.dot(X[t - 1, :].reshape(self.model.nx, 1), X[t - 1, :].reshape(self.model.nx, 1).T) + P[
                t - 1, :
            ].reshape(self.model.nx, self.model.nx)

            # form Upsilon and upsilons
        Upsilon = pb.zeros([self.model.ntheta, self.model.ntheta])
        upsilon0 = pb.zeros([1, self.model.ntheta])
        upsilon1 = pb.zeros([1, self.model.ntheta])
        for i in range(self.model.nx):
            for j in range(self.model.nx):
                Upsilon += Xi_1[i, j] * self.model.Delta_Upsilon[j, i]
                upsilon0 += Xi_0[i, j] * self.model.Delta_upsilon[j, i]
                upsilon1 += Xi_1[i, j] * self.model.Delta_upsilon[j, i]
        upsilon1 = upsilon1 * self.model.xi
        Upsilon = Upsilon * self.model.Ts * self.model.varsigma

        weights = pb.dot(pb.inv(Upsilon.T), upsilon0.T - upsilon1.T)

        return weights
コード例 #18
ファイル: rnn_trbm.py プロジェクト: sidsig/NIPS-2014
    def sample(self, T, g, g0=None):
        if g0==None:
            g0 = g

        v, h = self.v, self.h
        VH, HH, b_init = self

        V = zeros((T, v))
        H = zeros((T, h))
        B = zeros((T, h))
        VH_t = 1*VH

        VH_t[2] = VH[2] + b_init
        V[[0]], H_t_stoch = rbm.sample(VH_t, g0, 1, self.vis_gauss)
        H[[0]] = sigmoid(VH_t * V[[0]])
        if self.vis_gauss:
            V[[0]] = VH_t.T() * H_t_stoch
            V[[0]] = sigmoid(VH_t.T() * H_t_stoch)
        for t in range(1, T):
            B[[t]] = HH*H[[t-1]]

            VH_t[2] = VH[2] + B[t]
            V[[t]], H_t_stoch = rbm.sample(VH_t, g, 1, self.vis_gauss)

            H[[t]] = sigmoid(VH_t * V[[t]])
            if self.vis_gauss:
                V[[t]] = VH_t.T() * H_t_stoch
                V[[t]] = sigmoid(VH_t.T() * H_t_stoch)
        return V
コード例 #19
 def _stft(self):
     if not self._have_x:
         print "Error: You need to load a sound file first: use self.load_audio('filename.wav')"
         return False
     fp = self._check_feature_params()
     num_frames = len(self.x)
     self.STFT = P.zeros((self.nfft/2+1, num_frames), dtype='complex')
     self.win = P.ones(self.wfft) if self.window=='rect' else P.np.sqrt(P.hanning(self.wfft))
     x = P.zeros(self.wfft)
     buf_frames = 0
     for k, nex in enumerate(self.x):
         x = self._shift_insert(x, nex, self.nhop)
         if self.nhop >= self.wfft - k*self.nhop : # align buffer on start of audio
             self.STFT[:,k-buf_frames]=P.rfft(self.win*x, self.nfft).T 
     self.STFT = self.STFT / self.nfft
     self._fftfrqs = P.arange(0,self.nfft/2+1) * self.sample_rate/float(self.nfft)
     if self.verbosity:
         print "Extracted STFT: nfft=%d, hop=%d" %(self.nfft, self.nhop)
     self.X = abs(self.STFT)
     if not self.magnitude:
         self.X = self.X**2
     return True
コード例 #20
    def sample(self, model, evidence):
        g = evidence['g']
        h = evidence['h']
        C = evidence['C']
        z = evidence['z']
        shot_id = evidence['shot_id']
        noise_proportion = evidence['noise_proportion']
        observation_var_g = evidence['observation_var_g']
        observation_var_h = evidence['observation_var_h']

        canopy_cover = model.known_params['canopy_cover']
        z_min = model.known_params['z_min']
        z_max = model.known_params['z_max']

        prior_p = model.hyper_params['T']['p']

        N = len(z)
        T = zeros(N)
        noise_rv = stats.uniform(z_min, z_max - z_min)
        min_index = min(z.index)
        for i in shot_id.index:
            l = zeros(3)
            index = i-min_index
            shot_index = shot_id[i]-min(shot_id)
            l[0] = noise_proportion*noise_rv.pdf(z[i])
            g_norm = stats.norm(g[shot_index], sqrt(observation_var_g))
            C_i = canopy_cover[C[shot_index]]
            l[1] = (1-noise_proportion)*(1-C_i)*g_norm.pdf(z[i])
            h_norm = stats.norm(h[shot_index] + g[shot_index], sqrt(observation_var_h))
            if z[i] > g[shot_index]+3:
                l[2] = (1-noise_proportion)*(C_i)*h_norm.pdf(z[i])
            p = l/sum(l)
            T[index] = Categorical(p).rvs()

        return T
コード例 #21
ファイル: trbm.py プロジェクト: sidsig/NIPS-2014
    def sample(self, T, g, g0=None):
        if g0==None:
            g0 = g

        v, h = self.v, self.h
        VH, HH, b_init = self

        V = zeros((T, v))
        H = zeros((T, h))
        B = zeros((T, h))
        VH_t = 1*VH

        VH_t[2] = VH[2] + b_init
        V[[0]], H[[0]] = rbm.sample(VH_t, g0, 1, self.vis_gauss)

        ## mean-fieldize the output:
        if self.vis_gauss:
            V[[0]] = VH_t.T() * H[[0]]
            V[[0]] = sigmoid(VH_t.T() * H[[0]])
        for t in range(1, T):
            B[[t]] = HH*H[[t-1]]

            VH_t[2] = VH[2] + B[t]
            V[[t]], H[[t]] = rbm.sample(VH_t, g, 1, self.vis_gauss)

            ## mean-field-ize the output.
            if self.vis_gauss:
                V[[t]] = VH_t.T() * H[[t]]
                V[[t]] = sigmoid(VH_t.T() * H[[t]])
        return V
コード例 #22
ファイル: enthalpy.py プロジェクト: karpob/lrtm
def enthalpy(tau,delta,ni,ti,vi,ui,R,ho,so,rho_c,Tc,n_ideal_gas_terms_pow,n_ideal_gas_terms_exp,To,rho_o,N_i,t_i,d_i,p_i,phi_i,Beta_i,gamma_i,D_i,n_power_terms,n_gaussian_terms,n_critical_terms,RES_a,RES_b,RES_B,RES_C,RES_D,RES_A,M_amu,ideal_n,ideal_gamma,ideal_eqn_type):       
        from helmholtz_functions.ideal_helmholtz_energy_dtau_from_Cp_o_over_R import ideal_helmholtz_energy_dtau_from_Cp_o_over_R
        from helmholtz_functions.d_alpha_d_tau import d_alpha_d_tau
        from helmholtz_functions.d_alpha_d_delta import d_alpha_d_delta
        from helmholtz_functions.ideal_helmholtz_from_coef_dtau import ideal_helmholtz_from_coef_dtau
        from pylab import zeros
                for i in range(0,len(tau)):
                for i in range(0,len(tau)):
        for i in range(0,len(tau)):                
	return h
コード例 #23
ファイル: outlier_montage.py プロジェクト: boada/ICD
def mk_image(galaxy):
    base = './../../images_v5/GS_2.5as_matched/gs_all_'

    i_img = pyf.getdata(base+str(galaxy)+'_I.fits')
    j_img = pyf.getdata(base+str(galaxy)+'_J.fits')
    h_img = pyf.getdata(base+str(galaxy)+'_H.fits')

    x = pyl.hstack(i_img)
    i_lim = scoreatpercentile(x,99)
    x = pyl.hstack(j_img)
    j_lim = scoreatpercentile(x,99)
    x = pyl.hstack(h_img)
    h_lim = scoreatpercentile(x,99)

    img = pyl.zeros((h_img.shape[0], h_img.shape[1], 3), dtype=float)
    img[:,:,0] = img_scale.asinh(h_img, scale_max=h_lim, non_linear=0.5)
    img[:,:,1] = img_scale.asinh(j_img, scale_max=j_lim, non_linear=0.5)
    img[:,:,2] = img_scale.asinh(i_img, scale_max=i_lim, non_linear=0.5)

    img = pyl.zeros((h_img.shape[0], h_img.shape[1], 3), dtype=float)
    img[:,:,0] = img_scale.asinh(h_img, scale_min=-0.1*h_lim, scale_max=h_lim,
    img[:,:,1] = img_scale.asinh(j_img, scale_min=-0.1*j_lim, scale_max=j_lim,
    img[:,:,2] = img_scale.asinh(i_img, scale_min=-0.1*i_lim, scale_max=i_lim,

    return img
コード例 #24
def shiftgrid(lon0,datain,lonsin,start=True):
 shift global lat/lon grid east or west.
 assumes wraparound (or cyclic point) is included.

 lon0:  starting longitude for shifted grid 
        (ending longitude if start=False). lon0 must be on
        input grid (with the range of lonsin).
 datain:  original data.
 lonsin:  original longitudes.
 start[True]: if True, lon0 represents he starting longitude 
 of the new grid. if False, lon0 is the ending longitude.

 returns dataout,lonsout (data and longitudes on shifted grid).
    if pylab.fabs(lonsin[-1]-lonsin[0]-360.) > 1.e-4:
        raise ValueError, 'cyclic point not included'
    if lon0 < lonsin[0] or lon0 > lonsin[-1]:
        raise ValueError, 'lon0 outside of range of lonsin'
    i0 = pylab.argsort(pylab.fabs(lonsin-lon0))[0]
    dataout = pylab.zeros(datain.shape,datain.typecode())
    lonsout = pylab.zeros(lonsin.shape,lonsin.typecode())
    if start:
        lonsout[0:len(lonsin)-i0] = lonsin[i0:]
        lonsout[0:len(lonsin)-i0] = lonsin[i0:]-360.
    dataout[:,0:len(lonsin)-i0] = datain[:,i0:]
    if start:
        lonsout[len(lonsin)-i0:] = lonsin[1:i0+1]+360.
        lonsout[len(lonsin)-i0:] = lonsin[1:i0+1]
    dataout[:,len(lonsin)-i0:] = datain[:,1:i0+1]
    return dataout,lonsout
コード例 #25
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: astrofanlee/project_TL
def openRomb(integrand, a, b,eps=1e-6,jmax=14,k=5):
    Returns the integral on the _open_interval_ (a,b).
    Integration is performed by Romberg's method of order 2k,
    where, e.g., k=2 is Simpson's rule.

    s = 0.*M.zeros(jmaxp)
    h = 0.*M.zeros(jmaxp+1)
    ss = 0.
    dss = 0.

    for j in range(0,jmax):
        if j >= k:
            ss,dss = interpPoly(h[j-k:j],s[j-k:j],k,0.0)
            if M.fabs(dss) <= eps*M.fabs(ss):
                return ss

    print 'Non-convergence in openRomb'
    return ss
コード例 #26
ファイル: opacity.py プロジェクト: keflavich/casa
def atm(freqGHz,temp,humi,press,height):
  """Use the ATM model in CASA to calculate the opacity given the
  surface weather data and frequency. Temperature should be in Kelvin,
  pressure should be actual surface pressure in mbar (not adjusted to equivalent
  sea level pressure) and height should be in meters above mean sea level"""
  tmp = qa.quantity(temp, 'K')
  pre = qa.quantity(press, 'mbar')
  hum = humi
  alt = qa.quantity(height, 'm')
  h0  = qa.quantity(1.54, 'km')
  wvl = qa.quantity(-6.5, 'K/km')
  mxA = qa.quantity(10, 'km')
  dpr = qa.quantity(10.0, 'mbar')
  dpm = 1.2
  att = 3 # 3 = mid lat, winter
  myatm = at.initAtmProfile(alt, tmp, pre, mxA, hum, wvl, dpr, dpm, h0, att)

  # set spectral range to compute values for
  nb = len(freqGHz)
  fC = qa.quantity(freqGHz, 'GHz')
  fW = qa.quantity(pl.ones(nb), 'GHz')
  fR = qa.quantity(pl.zeros(nb), 'GHz')
  at.initSpectralWindow(nb, fC, fW, fR)
  for i in range(nb):
    fr[i] = at.getSpectralWindow(i)['value']/1e9
    op[i] = at.getDryOpacitySpec(i)[1]+at.getWetOpacitySpec()[1]['value']
  return (fr,op)
コード例 #27
ファイル: elastica.py プロジェクト: swkeemink/elastica
def findcurve(psi1,psi2,n=3,nn_fit=4,nn_out=100):
    Function to find the elastica curve for start and end orientations
    psi1 and psi2. It finds the best curve across all directions from start
    and end, i.e. the direction independent elastica curve.
    psi1,psi2: start and end orientations.
    n:     degree of estimation polynomial.
    nn:    number of points on the curve.
             - nn_fit: for fittin purposes
             - nn_out: for the output
    Returns a tuple (s,psi). 
    s:   points on the curve.
    psi: curvature of the curve as a function of s.
    E:   curvature energy of the curve
    # define the starting conditions
    a0 = pl.zeros(n+1) 
    # Set a high energy: 
    E_best = 10000  
    # and predfine output curve
    s       = pl.linspace(0,1,nn_out) # points on the curve
    psi_out = pl.zeros(nn_out)        # curvature at points in curve
    # across all the start and end directions find the curve with the lowest energy    
    for dpsi1 in (-pl.pi,0,pl.pi):
        for dpsi2 in (-pl.pi,0,pl.pi):
            # For the starting variables,
            # the first two polygon variables can be estimated from the Sharon paper derivation
            # For different starting variables the solution can be hard to find            
            a0[-2] = 4*(   pl.arcsin(- (pl.sin(psi1+dpsi1)+ pl.sin(psi2+dpsi2))/4)    -(psi1+dpsi1+psi2+dpsi2)/2       )
            a0[-1] = 2*a0[-2]/pl.cos( (psi1+dpsi1+psi2+dpsi2)/2 + a0[-2]/4  )               
            # find the best variables to minimize the elastica energy
            fit = fsolve(errors,a0,args=(psi1+dpsi1,psi2+dpsi2,nn_fit))
            # find the curve and its derivative for the fitted variables
            a    = fit[:-1]
            psi  = Psi(a,s,psi1+dpsi1,psi2+dpsi2)
            dpsi = dPsi(a,s,psi1+dpsi1,psi2+dpsi2)
            # find the energy of this curve
            E = sum(dpsi**2)*s[1]
            # check against the lowest energy
            if E_best > E:
                E_best = E
                psi_out[:] = pl.copy(psi)    
    return (s,psi_out,E_best)
コード例 #28
ファイル: sqp_plot_filter.py プロジェクト: nlw0/corisco
def main():

    fil = FletcherFilter()
    Niter = 12
    logp = plt.zeros((Niter,2))
    for k in range(Niter):
        while True:
            #print k
            p = plt.rand(2)
            if not fil.dominated(p):
        logp[k] = p
        fil.add(p, 0.0, 0.0)
        ff = fil.values[fil.valid]
        ff = plt.r_[[[1e-6,1]], ff[plt.argsort(ff[:,0])], [[1,1e-6]]]
        ww = plt.zeros((ff.shape[0] * 2 - 1, 2))
        ww[::2] = ff
        ww[1::2,0] = ff[1:,0]
        ww[1::2,1] = ff[:-1,1]
        plt.loglog(ww[:,0], ww[:,1], '-')
    plt.loglog(logp[:,0], logp[:,1], 'ys-', lw=2)
コード例 #29
ファイル: gadget.py プロジェクト: boywert/SussexBigRun2013
def gadget_merge_ics( outfile, filename1, filename2, offset1, offset2, voffset1=[0.,0.,0.], voffset2=[0.,0.,0.] ):
	snap1 = gadget_readsnapname( filename1 )
	snap2 = gadget_readsnapname( filename2 )

	for i in range(3):
		snap1.pos[:,i] += offset1[i]
		snap2.pos[:,i] += offset2[i]
	for i in range(3):
		snap1.vel[:,i] += voffset1[i]
		snap2.vel[:,i] += voffset2[i]

	npart = snap1.npart + snap2.npart
	data = {}
	data[ 'count' ] = npart
	data[ 'pos' ] = pylab.zeros( [npart, 3] )
	data[ 'pos' ][ 0:snap1.npart, : ] = snap1.pos
	data[ 'pos' ][ snap1.npart:npart, : ] = snap2.pos
	data[ 'vel' ] = pylab.zeros( [npart, 3] )
	data[ 'vel' ][ 0:snap1.npart, : ] = snap1.vel
	data[ 'vel' ][ snap1.npart:npart, : ] = snap2.vel
	data[ 'mass' ] = pylab.zeros( npart )
	data[ 'mass' ][ 0:snap1.npart ] = snap1.data["mass"]
	data[ 'mass' ][ snap1.npart:npart ] = snap2.data["mass"]
	data[ 'u' ] = pylab.zeros( npart )
	data[ 'u' ][ 0:snap1.npart ] = snap1.data["u"]
	data[ 'u' ][ snap1.npart:npart ] = snap2.data["u"]
	nxnuc = pylab.shape( snap1.data["xnuc"] )[1]
	data[ 'xnuc' ] = pylab.zeros( [npart, nxnuc] )
	data[ 'xnuc' ][ 0:snap1.npart, : ] = snap1.data["xnuc"]
	data[ 'xnuc' ][ snap1.npart:npart, : ] = snap2.data["xnuc"]

	gadget_write_ics( outfile, data, transpose=False )
コード例 #30
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: fangzheng354/nnutils
def checkmodelgrad(model,e,RETURNGRADS=False,*args):
    from pylab import norm
    """Check the correctness of passed-in model in terms of cost-/gradient-
       computation, using gradient approximations with perturbances of 
       size e. 
    def updatemodelparams(model, newparams):
        model.params *= 0.0
        model.params += newparams.copy()
    def cost(params,*args):
        paramsold = model.params.copy()
        result = model.cost(*args) 
        return result
    def grad(params,*args):
        paramsold = model.params.copy()
        updatemodelparams(model, params.copy().flatten())
        result = model.grad(*args)
        updatemodelparams(model, paramsold.copy())
        return result
    dy = model.grad(*args)
    l = len(model.params)
    dh = zeros(l,dtype=float)
    for j in range(l):
        dx = zeros(l,dtype=float)
        dx[j] = e
        y2 = cost(model.params+dx,*args)
        y1 = cost(model.params-dx,*args)
        dh[j] = (y2 - y1)/(2*e)
    print "analytic: \n", dy
    print "approximation: \n", dh
    if RETURNGRADS: return dy,dh
    else: return norm(dh-dy)/norm(dh+dy)
コード例 #31
        neighbour_sum = 0
        for site in self.getneighbours((i,j)):
            neighbour_sum += self.spins[site]
        return - self.J * self.spins[i,j] * neighbour_sum

    def getneighbours(self,(i,j)):
        """Returns sites connected to site i,j"""
        result = [(i%self.n,(j-1)%self.n),
        return result

    def getneighbourhood(self,(i,j)):
        """Gets 3x3 neighbourhood around site i,j"""
        out = pl.zeros((3,3))
        r = 0
        for m in xrange(i-1,i+2):
            s = 0
            for n in xrange(j-1,j+2):
                out[r,s] = self.spins[m%(self.n-1),n%(self.n-1)]
        return out

    def H(self, a = False):
        """Calculates the total energy of the lattice"""
        E = 0.
        Energies = pl.zeros((self.n,self.n))
コード例 #32
    return xn*w

def p2r(mags, phs):
    return mags*pl.cos(phs) + 1j*mags*pl.sin(phs)  

N = 1024
D = 4
H = N//D
zdbfs = 32768
(sr,in1) = wf.read(sys.argv[1])
(sr,in2) = wf.read(sys.argv[2])
L1 = len(in1)
L2 = len(in2)
if L2 > L1: L = L2
else: L = L1
signal1 = pl.zeros(L)
signal2 = pl.zeros(L)
signal1[:len(in1)] = in1/zdbfs
signal2[:len(in2)] = in2/zdbfs
output = pl.zeros(L)
win = pl.hanning(N)
scal = 1.5*D/4

for n in range(0,L,H):
    if(L-n < N): break
    frame1 = stft(signal1[n:n+N],win,n)
    frame2 = stft(signal2[n:n+N],win,n)
    mags1 = abs(frame1)
    mags2 = abs(frame2)
    phs = pl.angle(frame1)
    frame = p2r(mags1*mags2,phs)
コード例 #33
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: rnunez-IDM/covasim
    def run(self, debug=False, verbose=None, **kwargs):
        Run the actual scenarios

            debug (bool): if True, runs a single run instead of multiple, which makes debugging easier
            verbose (int): level of detail to print, passed to sim.run()
            kwargs (dict): passed to multi_run() and thence to sim.run()

            None (modifies Scenarios object in place)

        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self['verbose']

        def print_heading(string):
            ''' Choose whether to print a heading, regular text, or nothing '''
            if verbose >= 2:
            elif verbose == 1:

        reskeys = self.reskeys  # Shorten since used extensively

        # Loop over scenarios
        for scenkey, scen in self.scenarios.items():
            scenname = scen['name']
            scenpars = scen['pars']

            # This is necessary for plotting, and since self.npts is defined prior to run
            if 'n_days' in scenpars.keys():
                errormsg = 'Scenarios cannot be run with different numbers of days; set via basepars instead'
                raise ValueError(errormsg)

            # Create and run the simulations

            print_heading(f'Multirun for {scenkey}')
            scen_sim = sc.dcp(self.base_sim)
            run_args = dict(n_runs=self['n_runs'],
            if debug:
                print('Running in debug mode (not parallelized)')
                    None)  # Remove n_runs argument, not used for a single run
                scen_sims = [single_run(scen_sim, **run_args, **kwargs)]
                scen_sims = multi_run(
                    scen_sim, **run_args,
                    **kwargs)  # This is where the sims actually get run

            # Process the simulations
            print_heading(f'Processing {scenkey}')

            scenraw = {}
            for reskey in reskeys:
                scenraw[reskey] = pl.zeros((self.npts, len(scen_sims)))
                for s, sim in enumerate(scen_sims):
                    scenraw[reskey][:, s] = sim.results[reskey].values

            scenres = sc.objdict()
            scenres.best = {}
            scenres.low = {}
            scenres.high = {}
            for reskey in reskeys:
                scenres.best[reskey] = pl.mean(
                    axis=1)  # Changed from median to mean for smoother plots
                scenres.low[reskey] = pl.quantile(scenraw[reskey],
                scenres.high[reskey] = pl.quantile(scenraw[reskey],

            for reskey in reskeys:
                self.allres[reskey][scenkey]['name'] = scenname
                for blh in ['best', 'low', 'high']:
                    self.allres[reskey][scenkey][blh] = scenres[blh][reskey]

            self.sims[scenkey] = scen_sims

        #%% Print statistics
        if verbose:
            print('\nResults for final time point in each scenario:')
            for reskey in reskeys:
                for scenkey in list(self.scenarios.keys()):
                        f'  {scenkey}: {self.allres[reskey][scenkey].best[-1]:0.0f}'
            print()  # Add a blank space

コード例 #34
def draw_domain(dom):

    n1 = "Wikisource_-_pages_%s.png" % dom
    fig = pylab.figure(1)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

    count = count_array[dom]
    pylab.fill_between(count[0][1], 0, count[0][0], facecolor="#ffa0a0")  #red
    pylab.fill_between(count[4][1], 0, count[4][0], facecolor="#b0b0ff")  #blue
    pylab.fill_between(count[3][1], 0, count[3][0], facecolor="#dddddd")  #gray
    pylab.fill_between(count[2][1], 0, count[2][0],
                       facecolor="#ffe867")  #yellow
    pylab.fill_between(count[1][1], 0, count[1][0],
                       facecolor="#90ff90")  #green

    x = range(1)
    b1 = pylab.bar(x, x, color='#ffa0a0')
    b0 = pylab.bar(x, x, color='#dddddd')
    b2 = pylab.bar(x, x, color='#b0b0ff')
    b3 = pylab.bar(x, x, color='#ffe867')
    b4 = pylab.bar(x, x, color='#90ff90')
    pylab.legend([b1[0], b3[0], b4[0], b0[0], b2[0]], [
        'not proofread', 'proofread', 'validated', 'without text',

    pylab.plot_date(count[0][1], pylab.zeros(len(count[0][1])), 'k-')

    pylab.title("%s.wikisource.org" % dom)
    pylab.savefig(savepath + n1)

    n1 = "Wikisource_-_texts_%s.png" % dom
    count = count_array[dom]
    pylab.fill_between(rm29(dom, count[8][1]),
                       rm29(dom, count[8][0]),
    pylab.fill_between(rm29(dom, count[7][1]),
                       rm29(dom, count[7][0]),
    pylab.fill_between(rm29(dom, count[9][1]),
                       rm29(dom, count[9][0]),

    x = range(1)
    b1 = pylab.bar(x, x, color='#b0b0ff')
    b2 = pylab.bar(x, x, color='#ffa0a0')
    if dom != 'de':
        pylab.legend([b1[0], b2[0]], ['with scans', 'naked'], loc=3)
        pylab.legend([b1[0], b2[0]],
                     ['with transclusion (PR2)', 'older system (PR1)'],

    pylab.plot_date(rm29(dom, count[8][1]),
                    pylab.zeros(len(rm29(dom, count[8][1]))), 'k-')

    pylab.title("%s.wikisource.org" % dom)
    pylab.savefig(savepath + n1)
コード例 #35
def fileplotline(name):
    A python program for plotting information stored in a .dat file. The file needs to be on the form:
    Number of sets
    #Number of rows with numbers
    #Info1     #Info2     
    #Number1   #Number2   
    #Number1   #Number2   
    #Number1   #Number2
    #Number3   #Number4   
    #Number3   #Number4   
    #Number3   #Number4
    It plots #Info1 vs #Info2, #Info1 vs #Info3 and so on

    import pylab as p
    import glob, os

    #Try except statement to check if the given file excists
        infile = open(name, "r")
        print "Error: '" + name + "', no file with that name"
        return 1

    #Read the information from the top of each coloumn
    number_of_sets = int(infile.readline())
    number_of_rows = int(infile.readline())
    info = infile.readline()
    info = info.split()
    number_of_coloumns = len(info)

    #Make the array for storing
    numbers = p.zeros((number_of_coloumns, number_of_rows * number_of_sets))

    #Read all the data from the file and store it coloum by coloumn
    row = 0
    for line in infile:
        rows = line.split()

        col = 0
        while col < len(info):
            numbers[col][row] = float(rows[col].replace("D", "e"))
            col += 1
        row += 1

    #Close the file

    #Do stuff with the data

    #Removing old plots
    outfile = name[:-4] + ".png"
    for filename in glob.glob(outfile):

    #Plot the information in the same plot

    i = 1
    j = 0
    while j < number_of_sets:
        while i < number_of_coloumns:
            print j
            p.plot(numbers[0][number_of_sets * j:number_of_sets * (j + 1)],
                   numbers[i][number_of_sets * j:number_of_sets * (j + 1)])

            j += 1
            i += 1

コード例 #36
 def eval_W_integral_driven(self,slip):
     def w_func_d1(th,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2):
         outval = sig_1(th,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2)*py.cos(th)
         return outval
     def w_func_d2(th,th_m,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2):
         outval = sig_2(th,th_m,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2)*py.cos(th)
         return outval
     def w_func_d3(th,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,coh,phi,K,slip):
         outval = tau_d1(th,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,coh,phi,K,slip)*py.sin(th)
         return outval
     def w_func_d4(th,th_m,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,coh,K,phi,slip):
         outval = tau_d2(th,th_m,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,coh,K,phi,slip)*py.sin(th)
         return outval
     # returns error of weight equation, used with fsolve when finding th1
     def W_driven_func(th1,th2,W,r,b,n,k1,k2,phi,slip,K,coh,c1,c2):            
         # Eq 10/11
         th_m = theta_m(th1,c1,c2,slip)
         term1 = sci_int.quad(w_func_d1,th_m,th1,args=(th1,r,b,n,k1,k2) )
         term2 = sci_int.quad(w_func_d2,th2,th_m,args=(th_m,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2) )
         term3 = sci_int.quad(w_func_d3,th_m,th1,args=(th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,coh,phi,K,slip) )
         term4 = sci_int.quad(w_func_d4,th2,th_m,args=(th_m,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,coh,K,phi,slip) )            
         error = r*b*(term1[0] + term2[0] + term3[0] + term4[0]) - W
         return error
     # returns the terms in the weight equation    
     def W_driven_func_terms(th1,th2,W,r,b,n,k1,k2,phi,slip,K,coh,c1,c2):
         # Eq 10/11
         th_m = theta_m(th1,c1,c2,slip)
         term1 = sci_int.quad(w_func_d1,th_m,th1,args=(th1,r,b,n,k1,k2) )
         term2 = sci_int.quad(w_func_d2,th2,th_m,args=(th_m,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,coh,K,phi,slip) )
         term3 = sci_int.quad(w_func_d3,th_m,th1,args=(th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,coh,phi,K,slip) )
         term4 = sci_int.quad(w_func_d4,th2,th_m,args=(th_m,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,coh,K,phi,slip) )
         error = r*b*(term1[0] + term2[0] + term3[0] + term4[0]) - W
         return [error, r*b*term1[0], r*b*term2[0], r*b*term3[0], r*b*term4[0] ]
     # end helper functions
     # solve for contact angle, th_1, using equlibrium of vertical forces
     th2 = self._th2
     k1 = self._k1
     k2 = self._k2
     b = self._width
     r = self._radius
     n = self._n
     coh = self._coh
     K = self._K
     phi = self._phi
     W = self._weight
     c1 = self._c1
     c2 = self._c2
     # initial guess for theta 1
     th1_initial = degToRad(35.0)
     if(th1_initial/theta_m(th1_initial,c1,c2,slip) < 1.5):
         th1_initial = 2.0 * theta_m(th1_initial,c1,c2,slip)
     # iterate until th1 is found
     th1 = sci_opt.fsolve(W_driven_func,th1_initial,args=(th2,W,r,b,n,k1,k2,phi,slip,K,coh,c1,c2) )
     thm = theta_m(th1,c1,c2,slip)
     self._thm = thm
     lg.info('slip rate = ' + str(slip))
     lg.info('theta_1, driven [deg] = ' + str(radToDeg(th1)) )
     lg.info('theta_m, driven [deg] = ' + str(radToDeg(thm)) )
     if( self._plots):
         # if I want plots, need to find th1 for each value of skid in skid_arr
         i_range = self._slip_arr
         th_m_array = py.zeros(len(i_range))
         th1_array = py.zeros(len(i_range))
         th_ratio = py.zeros(len(i_range))
         # t1_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
         # t2_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
         # t3_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
         # t4_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
         for idx in range(0,len(i_range)):
             slip_curr = i_range[idx]
             th1_out = sci_opt.fsolve(W_driven_func,th1,args=(th2,W,r,b,n,k1,k2,phi,slip_curr,K,coh,c1,c2),xtol=1E-5)
             th1_array[idx] = th1_out
             th_m_curr = theta_m(th1_out,c1,c2,slip_curr)
             th_m_array[idx] = th_m_curr
             th_ratio[idx] = th_m_curr / th1_out
             # I want to see how each term of the weight function changes
             # [error,t1,t2,t3,t4] = W_towed_func_terms(th1_out,th0_curr,th2,W,r,b,n,k1,k2,phi,slip_curr,K,c)
             # t1_arr[idx] = t1
             # t2_arr[idx] = t2
             # t3_arr[idx] = t3
             # t4_arr[idx] = t4
         ax = fig.add_subplot(211,title='Fig 3(a), weight = '+str(self._weight))
         ax.set_xlabel('slip ratio')
         ax.set_ylabel(r'$\theta$ [degrees]' )
         ax = fig.add_subplot(212)
         ax.set_xlabel('slip ratio')
         ax.set_ylabel('theta_m / theta_1')
         # we will need all the values of th1 for further plots
         self._th1_arr = th1_array
         self._thm_arr = th_m_array             
     W_check = W_driven_func(th1,0.0,W,r,b,n,k1,k2,phi,slip,K,coh,c1,c2)
     lg.info('weight check = ' + str(W_check) + ' for a th_1 of ' +str(th1))         
     return th1
コード例 #37
    def eval_T_integral_driven(self,th1,slip,figNum=8):
        # integral terms
        def torque_func_d1(th,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip):
            outval = tau_d1(th,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,phi,K,slip)
            return outval
        def torque_func_d2(th,th_m,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip):
            outval = tau_d2(th,th_m,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip)
            return outval
        # driven torque function
        def T_driven_func(th1,th_m,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip):
            term1 = sci_int.quad(torque_func_d1,th_m,th1,args=(th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip))
            term2 = sci_int.quad(torque_func_d2,th2,th_m,args=(th_m,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip))
            outval = r*r*b*(term1[0] + term2[0])
            return outval
        # driven torque function, with each term returned
        def T_driven_func_terms(th1,th_m,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip):
            term1 = sci_int.quad(torque_func_d1,th_m,th1,args=(th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip))
            term2 = sci_int.quad(torque_func_d2,th2,th_m,args=(th_m,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip))
            outval = r*r*b*(term1[0] + term2[0])
            return [outval, r*r*b*term1[0], r*r*b*term2[0] ]

        # eval_T_integral_towed HELPER FUNCTIONS END HERE
        th_m = self._thm
        th2 = self._th2
        r = self._radius
        b = self._width
        c = self._coh
        k1 = self._k1
        k2 = self._k2
        n = self._n
        phi = self._phi
        K = self._K      
        # should really be solving for th1 w.r.t. W, T and F
        [calc_torque, t1, t2] = T_driven_func_terms(th1,th_m,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip)

        lg.info('driven Torque = ' + str(calc_torque))
        lg.info('driven terms, front = ' + str(t1) + ' , bottom = ' + str(t2) )
        if( self._plots):
            i_range = self._slip_arr
            thm_array = self._thm_arr
            th1_array = self._th1_arr
            torque_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
            t1_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
            t2_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
            for idx in range(0,len(i_range)):
                slip_curr = i_range[idx]
                thm_curr = thm_array[idx]
                th1_curr = th1_array[idx]
                [torque_curr,t1,t2] = T_driven_func_terms(th1_curr,thm_curr,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip_curr)
                torque_arr[idx] = torque_curr
                t1_arr[idx] = t1
                t2_arr[idx] = t2
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111,title='Fig.'+str(figNum)+'(c)')
            ax.set_xlabel('slip ratio')
            if( self._units == 'ips'):
                ax.set_ylabel('Torque [lb-in]' )
                ax.set_ylabel('Torque [N-m]')
        return calc_torque
コード例 #38
train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(train_dataset,

val_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(val_dataset,

# Plotting config
plot_data = {}
plot_data['train_loss'] = zeros(epochs)
plot_data['train_prec1'] = zeros(epochs)
plot_data['train_prec5'] = zeros(epochs)
plot_data['val_loss'] = zeros(epochs)
plot_data['val_prec1'] = zeros(epochs)
plot_data['val_prec5'] = zeros(epochs)
plot_data['epoch'] = 0
it_axes = arange(epochs)
_, ax1 = subplots()
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax1.set_ylabel('train loss (r), val loss (y)')
    'train prec1 (b), train prec5 (k), val prec1 (g), val prec5 (m)')
ax1.set_ylim([0, 12])
コード例 #39
 def plot_sigTau_driven(self,th1_cs,slip,figNum=11,plotBekker=False):
     th_m = self._thm
     th2 = self._th2
     r = self._radius
     b = self._width
     k1 = self._k1
     k2 = self._k2
     n = self._n
     phi = self._phi
     K = self._K
     c = self._coh
     incr = (th1_cs - th2) / 100.0    # plot increment
     th_arr = py.arange(0,th1_cs, incr) # find sigma, tau at these discrete vals
     sig_arr = py.zeros(len(th_arr))
     tau_arr = py.zeros(len(th_arr))
     slip_arr = py.zeros(len(th_arr))
     for idx in range(0,len(th_arr)):
         th = th_arr[idx]
         if(th <= th_m):
             # we're in the bototm region
             sig_curr = sig_2(th,th_m,th1_cs,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2)
             tau_curr = tau_d2(th,th_m,th1_cs,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip)
             slip_j = jdriven(th,th1_cs,r,slip)
             sig_arr[idx] = sig_curr
             tau_arr[idx] = tau_curr
             slip_arr[idx] = slip_j
             # we're in the top region ()
             sig_curr = sig_1(th, th1_cs,r,b,n,k1,k2)
             tau_curr = tau_d1(th,th1_cs,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,phi,K,slip)
             slip_j = jdriven(th,th1_cs,r,slip)
             sig_arr[idx] = sig_curr
             tau_arr[idx] = tau_curr
             slip_arr[idx] = slip_j
     if( self._plots):        
         fig = plt.figure()
         ax = fig.add_subplot(211,title='Fig.'+str(figNum) )
         ax.set_xlabel('theta [deg]')
         ax.set_ylabel('stress [psi]')
         # can also plot Bekker's solution
             th_bek, sig_bek, tau_bek = self.get_sigTau_Bekker_driven(slip)
             ax.plot(radToDeg(th_bek),sig_bek, radToDeg(th_bek), tau_bek, linewidth=1.5)
         # take a look at what I"m using for slip displacement also
         ax = fig.add_subplot(212)
         ax.set_xlabel('theta [deg]')
         if( self._units == 'ips'):
             ax.set_ylabel('slip disp.[in]')
             ax.set_ylabel('slip disp.[m]')
         # polar plots
         # fix the axes
         if( self._units == 'ips'):
             leg = ax.legend((r'$\sigma$ [psi]',r'$\tau$'))
             leg = ax.legend((r'$\sigma$ [Pa]',r'$\tau$'))
         # also, draw the tire
         polar_r_offset = py.average(sig_arr)
         theta = py.arange(0.,2.*py.pi+0.05,0.05)
         tire_pos = py.zeros(len(theta))
         ax.set_title(r'driven wheel stresses, $\theta_1$ = %4.3f [rad]' %th1_cs)
コード例 #40
    def eval_F_integral_driven(self,th1,slip,figNum=8):
        # integral terms
        def F_func_d1(th,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2):
            outval = py.sin(th)*sig_1(th,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2)
            return outval
        def F_func_d2(th,th_m,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2):
            outval = py.sin(th)*sig_2(th,th_m,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2)
            return outval
        def F_func_d3(th,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip):
            outval = py.cos(th)*tau_d1(th,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,phi,K,slip)
            return outval
        def F_func_d4(th,th_m,th1,th2,r,b,n,c,k1,k2,K,phi,slip):
            outval = py.cos(th)*tau_d2(th,th_m,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip)
            return outval
        # driven wheel force
        def F_driven_func(th1,th_m,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip):            
            term1 = sci_int.quad(F_func_d1,th_m,th1,args=(th1,r,b,n,k1,k2))
            term2 = sci_int.quad(F_func_d2,th2,th_m,args=(th_m,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2))
            term3 = sci_int.quad(F_func_d3,th_m,th1,args=(th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip))
            term4 = sci_int.quad(F_func_d4,th2,th_m,args=(th_m,th1,th2,r,b,n,c,k1,k2,K,phi,slip))
            outval = r*b*(-term1[0]-term2[0]+term3[0]+term4[0])
            return outval
        # driven wheel force, with terms
        def F_driven_func_terms(th1,th_m,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip):
            term1 = sci_int.quad(F_func_d1,th_m,th1,args=(th1,r,b,n,k1,k2))
            term2 = sci_int.quad(F_func_d2,th2,th_m,args=(th_m,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2))
            term3 = sci_int.quad(F_func_d3,th_m,th1,args=(th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip))
            term4 = sci_int.quad(F_func_d4,th2,th_m,args=(th_m,th1,th2,r,b,n,c,k1,k2,K,phi,slip))
            outval = r*b*(-term1[0]-term2[0]+term3[0]+term4[0])
            return [outval, r*b*term1[0], r*b*term2[0], r*b*term3[0], r*b*term4[0] ]            

        # eval_F_integral_towed() HELPER FUNCTIONS END HERE
        th_m = self._thm
        th2 = self._th2
        r = self._radius
        b = self._width
        k1 = self._k1
        k2 = self._k2
        n = self._n
        phi = self._phi
        K = self._K
        c = self._coh            
        # don't know what this should be apriori
        calc_force = F_driven_func(th1,th_m,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip)

        lg.info('drawbar pull = ' + str(calc_force))
        if( self._plots):
            i_range = self._slip_arr
            thm_array = self._thm_arr
            th1_array = self._th1_arr
            force_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
            t1_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
            t2_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
            t3_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
            t4_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
            for idx in range(0,len(i_range)):
                slip_curr = i_range[idx]
                thm_curr = thm_array[idx]
                th1_curr = th1_array[idx]
                [force_curr,t1,t2,t3,t4] = F_driven_func_terms(th1_curr,thm_curr,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip_curr)
                force_arr[idx] = force_curr
                t1_arr[idx] = t1
                t2_arr[idx] = t2
                t3_arr[idx] = t3
                t4_arr[idx] = t4         
            ax = fig.add_subplot(211,title='Fig.' + str(figNum) + '(a) [top] and Fig.'+str(figNum) + '(b) [bottom]')
            # ax.set_xlabel('slip ratio')
            ax.set_ylabel('Force [lb]')
            ax = fig.add_subplot(212,title='H and R')
            ax.set_xlabel('slip ratio')
            if( self._units == 'ips'):
                ax.set_ylabel('Force [lb]' )
                ax.set_ylabel('Force [N]')
        return calc_force        
コード例 #41
    def eval_F_integral_towed(self,th1,slip,figNum=8):
        # terms in the F = integral
        def F_func_t1(th,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2):
            outval = sig_1(th,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2)*py.sin(th)
            return outval
        def F_func_t2(th,th0,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2):
            outval = sig_2(th,th0,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2)*py.sin(th)
            return outval
        def F_func_t3(th,th0,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip):
            outval = tau_t1(th,th0,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip)*py.cos(th)
            return outval
        def F_func_t4(th,th0,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip):
            outval = tau_t2(th,th0,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip)*py.cos(th)
            return outval
        # total longitudinal force acting on the wheel
        def F_towed_func(th1,th0,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip):                
            term1 = sci_int.quad(F_func_t1,th0,th1,args=(th1,r,b,n,k1,k2))
            term2 = sci_int.quad(F_func_t2,th2,th0,args=(th0,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2))
            term3 = sci_int.quad(F_func_t3,th0,th1,args=(th0,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip))
            term4 = sci_int.quad(F_func_t4,th2,th0,args=(th0,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip))
            outval = r*b*(term1[0]+term2[0]-term3[0]+term4[0])
            return outval
        # longitudinal force, and individual terms in the integral
        def F_towed_func_terms(th1,th0,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip):
            term1 = sci_int.quad(F_func_t1,th0,th1,args=(th1,r,b,n,k1,k2))
            term2 = sci_int.quad(F_func_t2,th2,th0,args=(th0,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2))
            term3 = sci_int.quad(F_func_t3,th0,th1,args=(th0,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip))
            term4 = sci_int.quad(F_func_t4,th2,th0,args=(th0,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip))
            outval = r*b*(term1[0]+term2[0]-term3[0]+term4[0])
            return [outval, r*b*term1[0], r*b*term2[0], r*b*term3[0], r*b*term4[0] ]            

        # eval_F_integral_towed() HELPER FUNCTIONS END HERE
        th0 = self._th0
        th2 = self._th2
        r = self._radius
        b = self._width
        k1 = self._k1
        k2 = self._k2
        n = self._n
        phi = self._phi
        K = self._K
        c = self._coh            
        # don't know what this should be apriori
        calc_force = F_towed_func(th1,th0,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip)

        lg.info('towing Force = ' + str(calc_force))
        if( self._plots):
            i_range = self._slip_arr
            th0_array = self._th0_arr
            th1_array = self._th1_arr
            force_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
            t1_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
            t2_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
            t3_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
            t4_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
            for idx in range(0,len(i_range)):
                slip_curr = i_range[idx]
                th0_curr = th0_array[idx]
                th1_curr = th1_array[idx]
                [force_curr,t1,t2,t3,t4] = F_towed_func_terms(th1_curr,th0_curr,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip_curr)
                force_arr[idx] = force_curr
                t1_arr[idx] = t1
                t2_arr[idx] = t2
                t3_arr[idx] = t3
                t4_arr[idx] = t4      
            ax = fig.add_subplot(211,title='Fig.' + str(figNum) + '(b) [top] and Fig.'+str(figNum) + '(c) [bottom]')
            ax.set_xlabel('skid ratio')
            if( self._units == 'ips'):            
                ax.set_ylabel('Force [lb]' )
                ax.set_ylabel('Force [N]')
            ax = fig.add_subplot(212)
            # ax.plot(i_range,force_arr,'k--',linewidth=1.5)            
            ax.set_xlabel('skid ratio')
            if( self._units == 'ips'):         
                ax.set_ylabel('Force [lb]')
                ax.set_ylabel('Force [N]')
        return calc_force
コード例 #42
ntime1 = dates.index(YYYYMMDDHH1)
ntime2 = dates.index(YYYYMMDDHH2)
print 'ntime1,ntime2:', ntime1, ntime2
if ntime1 >= ntime2:
    raise ValueError, 'date2 must be greater than date1'
# get sea level pressure and 10-m wind data.
slpdata = data['presmsl']
udata = datau['ugrdprs']
vdata = datau['vgrdprs']
# mult slp by 0.01 to put in units of millibars.
slpin = 0.01 * p.squeeze(slpdata[ntime1:ntime2 + 1, :, :])
uin = p.squeeze(udata[ntime1:ntime2 + 1, 0, :, :])
vin = p.squeeze(vdata[ntime1:ntime2 + 1, 0, :, :])
datelabels = dates[ntime1:ntime2 + 1]
# add cyclic points
slp = p.zeros((slpin.shape[0], slpin.shape[1], slpin.shape[2] + 1), p.Float64)
slp[:, :, 0:-1] = slpin
slp[:, :, -1] = slpin[:, :, 0]
u = p.zeros((uin.shape[0], uin.shape[1], uin.shape[2] + 1), p.Float64)
u[:, :, 0:-1] = uin
u[:, :, -1] = uin[:, :, 0]
v = p.zeros((vin.shape[0], vin.shape[1], vin.shape[2] + 1), p.Float64)
v[:, :, 0:-1] = vin
v[:, :, -1] = vin[:, :, 0]
longitudes = p.array(longitudes)
# make 2-d grid of lons, lats
lons, lats = p.meshgrid(longitudes, latitudes)
print 'min/max slp,u,v'
print min(p.ravel(slp)), max(p.ravel(slp))
print min(p.ravel(uin)), max(p.ravel(uin))
コード例 #43
# HELLO Assembles HELLO matrix.  See Trefethen&Bau Exercise 9.3.
from pylab import ones, zeros, spy, show

bl = ones((8,6))
H = bl.copy()
H[0:3,2:4] = zeros((3,2))
H[5:8,2:4] = zeros((3,2))
E = bl.copy()
E[2,2:6]   = zeros((1,4))
E[5,2:6]   = zeros((1,4)) 
L = bl.copy()
L[0:6,2:6] = zeros((6,4))
O = bl.copy()
O[2:6,2:4] = zeros((4,2))

HELLO = zeros((15,40))
HELLO[1:9,1:7]    = H
HELLO[2:10,9:15]  = E
HELLO[3:11,17:23] = L
HELLO[4:12,25:31] = L
HELLO[5:13,33:39] = O

spy(HELLO,marker='.'); show()
コード例 #44
    def eval_T_integral_towed(self,th1,slip,figNum=8):
        # torque is only affected by tau terms of the T = integral
        def torque_func_t1(th,th0,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip):
            outval = tau_t1(th,th0,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip)
            return outval
        def torque_func_t2(th,th0,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip):
            outval = tau_t2(th,th0,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip)
            return outval
        # evaluate torque
        def T_towed_func(th1,th0,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip):                
            term1 = sci_int.quad(torque_func_t1,th0,th1,args=(th0,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip))
            term2 = sci_int.quad(torque_func_t2,th2,th0,args=(th0,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip))
            outval = r*r*b*(term1[0] - term2[0])    # same as the error, when T=0
            return outval
        # eval. torque, return the integral terms also    
        def T_towed_func_terms(th1,th0,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip):
            term1 = sci_int.quad(torque_func_t1,th0,th1,args=(th0,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip))
            term2 = sci_int.quad(torque_func_t2,th2,th0,args=(th0,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip))
            outval = r*r*b*(term1[0] - term2[0])
            return [outval, r*r*b*term1[0], r*r*b*term2[0] ]
        th0 = self._th0
        th2 = self._th2
        r = self._radius
        b = self._width
        c = self._coh
        k1 = self._k1
        k2 = self._k2
        n = self._n
        phi = self._phi
        K = self._K
        slip = self._skid        
        # should really be solving for th1 w.r.t. W, T and F
        [calc_torque, t1, t2] = T_towed_func_terms(th1,th0,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip)

        lg.info('towed Torque = ' + str(calc_torque))
        lg.info('torque front = ' + str(t1) + ' , bottom = ' + str(t2) )
        if( self._plots):
            i_range = self._slip_arr
            th0_array = self._th0_arr
            th1_array = self._th1_arr
            torque_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
            t1_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
            t2_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
            for idx in range(0,len(i_range)):
                slip_curr = i_range[idx]
                th0_curr = th0_array[idx]
                th1_curr = th1_array[idx]
                [torque_curr,t1,t2] = T_towed_func_terms(th1_curr,th0_curr,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip_curr)
                torque_arr[idx] = torque_curr
                t1_arr[idx] = t1
                t2_arr[idx] = t2
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111,title='Fig. ' + str(figNum) +'(a)')
            ax.set_xlabel('skid ratio')
            if( self._units == 'ips'):
                ax.set_ylabel('Torque [lb-in]' )
                ax.set_ylabel('Torque [N-m]')
            # ax.set_ylabel('Torque [N-m]')
            ax.legend(('T',r'$\tau_1$',r'$\tau_2$')) #,loc=2)
        return calc_torque
コード例 #45
def projectOnFinerGrid_f39(Xc, Yc, q):
    dx = Xc[1] - Xc[0]
    dy = Yc[1] - Yc[0]
    nx = Xc.shape[0]
    ny = Yc.shape[0]

    # mesh coordinates
    Xn = pylab.linspace(0, 2 * math.pi, 3 * nx + 1)  # one more
    Yn = pylab.linspace(0, 2 * math.pi, 3 * ny + 1)  # one more
    XXn, YYn = pylab.meshgrid(Xn, Yn)

    # data
    qn = pylab.zeros((3 * Xc.shape[0], 3 * Yc.shape[0]), float)

    v1 = q[:, :, 0]
    v2 = q[:, :, 1]
    v3 = q[:, :, 2]
    v4 = q[:, :, 3]
    v5 = q[:, :, 4]
    v6 = q[:, :, 5]
    v7 = q[:, :, 6]
    v8 = q[:, :, 7]

    vList = [v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8]

    # node 1
    c1 = [
        .2314814814814815, -.1388888888888889, -.06481481481481481,
        -.1388888888888889, 0.462962962962963, .09259259259259259,
        .09259259259259259, 0.462962962962963
    qn[0:3 * nx:3, 0:3 * ny:3] = evalSum(c1, vList)

    # node 2
    c2 = [
        -.1388888888888889, -.1388888888888889, -.1388888888888889,
        -.1388888888888889, .8333333333333334, .2777777777777778,
        .1666666666666667, .2777777777777778
    qn[1:3 * nx:3, 0:3 * ny:3] = evalSum(c2, vList)

    # node 3
    c3 = [
        -.1388888888888889, .2314814814814815, -.1388888888888889,
        -.06481481481481481, 0.462962962962963, 0.462962962962963,
        .09259259259259259, .09259259259259259
    qn[2:3 * nx:3, 0:3 * ny:3] = evalSum(c3, vList)

    # node 4
    c4 = [
        -.1388888888888889, -.1388888888888889, -.1388888888888889,
        -.1388888888888889, .2777777777777778, .1666666666666667,
        .2777777777777778, .8333333333333334
    qn[0:3 * nx:3, 1:3 * ny:3] = evalSum(c4, vList)

    # node 5
    c5 = [-0.25, -0.25, -0.25, -0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
    qn[1:3 * nx:3, 1:3 * ny:3] = evalSum(c5, vList)

    # node 6
    c6 = [
        -.1388888888888889, -.1388888888888889, -.1388888888888889,
        -.1388888888888889, .2777777777777778, .8333333333333334,
        .2777777777777778, .1666666666666667
    qn[2:3 * nx:3, 1:3 * ny:3] = evalSum(c6, vList)

    # node 7
    c7 = [
        -.1388888888888889, -.06481481481481481, -.1388888888888889,
        .2314814814814815, .09259259259259259, .09259259259259259,
        0.462962962962963, 0.462962962962963
    qn[0:3 * nx:3, 2:3 * ny:3] = evalSum(c7, vList)

    # node 8
    c8 = [
        -.1388888888888889, -.1388888888888889, -.1388888888888889,
        -.1388888888888889, .1666666666666667, .2777777777777778,
        .8333333333333334, .2777777777777778
    qn[1:3 * nx:3, 2:3 * ny:3] = evalSum(c8, vList)

    # node 9
    c9 = [
        -.06481481481481481, -.1388888888888889, .2314814814814815,
        -.1388888888888889, .09259259259259259, 0.462962962962963,
        0.462962962962963, .09259259259259259
    qn[2:3 * nx:3, 2:3 * ny:3] = evalSum(c9, vList)

    return XXn, YYn, qn
コード例 #46
        wp = pl.cos(o) + pl.sin(o) * 1j
        w = 1
        n2 = n * 2
        for m in range(0, n):
            for k in range(m, N, n2):
                i = k + n
                even, odd = sig[k], w * sig[i]
                sig[k] = even + odd
                sig[i] = even - odd
            w *= wp
        n = n2
    return sig / N

T = 128
saw = pl.zeros(T)
t = pl.arange(0, T)
N = T // 2
for k in range(1, N):
    saw += (1 / k) * pl.sin(2 * pl.pi * k * t / T)
saw *= 2 / (pl.pi)

spec = fft(saw)
mags = abs(spec)
scal = max(mags)

pl.figure(figsize=(8, 3))
pl.stem(t, (mags / scal), 'k-')
pl.ylim(0, 1.1)
pl.xlim(0, T)
コード例 #47
def date_calculator(Settings):
    """Simulates MATS FOV and stars.
    Used by Mode121-123.
    Simuates MATS FOV and visible stars for one orbit then skips ahead for *Settings['Timeskip']* amount of days (as defined in the *Configuration File*). 
    Saves the date, pointing RA and Dec, and the magnitude of the brightest visible star at each timestep.
        Settings (dict): Dictionary containing settings for this simulation.
        (array): Array containing date in first column and brightest magnitude visible in the second. Contains current Dec and RA in 3rd and 4th column respectively.

    Timeline_settings = OPT_Config_File.Timeline_settings()

    "To either calculate when stars are visible and schedule from that data or just schedule at a given time given by Mode120_settings['start_date']"
    if (Settings['automatic'] == False):

        if (Settings['start_date'] == '0'):
            date = ephem.Date(Timeline_settings['start_date'])
                date = ephem.Date(Settings['start_date'])
                    'Could not get Settings["start_date"], exiting...')

        return date

    elif (Settings['automatic'] == True):

        "Simulation length and timestep"
        log_timestep = Settings['log_timestep']
        Logger.debug('log_timestep: ' + str(log_timestep))

        timestep = Settings['timestep']  #In seconds
        Logger.info('timestep set to: ' + str(timestep) + ' s')

        if (Settings['TimeToConsider'] <= Timeline_settings['duration']):
            duration = Settings['TimeToConsider']
            duration = Timeline_settings['duration']

        Logger.info('Duration set to: ' + str(duration) + ' s')

        timesteps = int(ceil(duration / timestep)) + 2
        Logger.info('Maximum number of timesteps set to: ' + str(timesteps))

        timeline_start = ephem.Date(Timeline_settings['start_date'])

        initial_time = ephem.Date(timeline_start +
                                  ephem.second * Settings['freeze_start'])
        Logger.info('initial_time set to: ' + str(initial_time))

        "Get relevant stars"
        result = Vizier(columns=['all'], row_limit=3000).query_constraints(
            catalog='I/239/hip_main', Vmag=Settings['Vmag'])
        star_cat = result[0]
        ROWS = star_cat[0][:].count()
        stars = []
        stars_dec = zeros((ROWS, 1))
        stars_ra = zeros((ROWS, 1))

        "Insert stars into Pyephem"
        for t in range(ROWS):
            s = "{},f|M|F7,{},{},{},2000/01/01 11:58:55.816"
            s = s.format(star_cat[t]['HIP'],
            stars[t].compute(epoch='2000/01/01 11:58:55.816')
            stars_dec[t] = stars[t].dec
            stars_ra[t] = stars[t].ra

        Logger.debug('List of stars used: ' + str(star_cat))

        "Calculate unit-vectors of stars"
        stars_x = cos(stars_dec) * cos(stars_ra)
        stars_y = cos(stars_dec) * sin(stars_ra)
        stars_z = sin(stars_dec)
        stars_r = array([stars_x, stars_y, stars_z])
        stars_r = stars_r.transpose()

        "Prepare the output"
        "Array containing date in first column and brightest magnitude visible in the second. Contains current Dec and RA in 3rd and 4th column"
        date_magnitude_array = zeros((timesteps, 4))
        "Set magntidues arbitrary large, which will correspond to no star being visible"
        date_magnitude_array[:, 1] = 100

        "Pre-allocate space"
        lat_MATS = zeros((timesteps, 1))
        long_MATS = zeros((timesteps, 1))
        optical_axis = zeros((timesteps, 3))
        stars_r_V_offset_plane = zeros((ROWS, 3))
        stars_r_H_offset_plane = zeros((ROWS, 3))
        stars_vert_offset = zeros((timesteps, ROWS))
        stars_hori_offset = zeros((timesteps, ROWS))
        r_V_offset_normal = zeros((timesteps, 3))
        r_H_offset_normal = zeros((timesteps, 3))
        star_counter = 0
        skip_star_list = []
        MATS_P = zeros((timesteps, 1))
        Dec_optical_axis = zeros((timesteps, 1))
        RA_optical_axis = zeros((timesteps, 1))

        angle_between_orbital_plane_and_star = zeros((timesteps, ROWS))

        pointing_altitude = Settings['pointing_altitude'] / 1000
        V_FOV = Settings['V_FOV']
        H_FOV = Settings['H_FOV']  #5.67 is actual H_FOV

        yaw_correction = Timeline_settings['yaw_correction']

        Logger.debug('H_FOV set to [degrees]: ' + str(H_FOV))
        Logger.debug('V_FOV set to [degrees]: ' + str(V_FOV))
        Logger.debug('yaw_correction set to: ' + str(yaw_correction))

        TLE = OPT_Config_File.getTLE()
        Logger.debug('TLE used: ' + TLE[0] + TLE[1])

        MATS_skyfield = api.EarthSatellite(TLE[0], TLE[1])

        "Loop counter"
        t = 0

        TimeSkips = 0
        #time_skip_counter = 0
        Timeskip = Settings[
            'TimeSkip']  #Days to skip ahead after each completed orbit
        current_time = initial_time

        Logger.info('Start of simulation of MATS for Mode121/122/123')

        ################## Start of Simulation ########################################
        "Loop and calculate the relevant angle of each star to each direction of MATS's FOV"
        while (current_time < timeline_start + ephem.second * duration):

            if (t * timestep % log_timestep == 0):
                LogFlag = True
                LogFlag = False

            Satellite_dict = Satellite_Simulator(MATS_skyfield, current_time,
                                                 pointing_altitude, LogFlag,

            MATS_P[t] = Satellite_dict['OrbitalPeriod [s]']
            lat_MATS[t] = Satellite_dict['Latitude [degrees]']
            long_MATS[t] = Satellite_dict['Longitude [degrees]']
            optical_axis[t] = Satellite_dict['OpticalAxis']
            Dec_optical_axis[t] = Satellite_dict['Dec_OpticalAxis [degrees]']
            RA_optical_axis[t] = Satellite_dict['RA_OpticalAxis [degrees]']
            r_H_offset_normal[t] = Satellite_dict['Normal2H_offset']
            r_V_offset_normal[t] = Satellite_dict['Normal2V_offset']

            ############# End of Calculations of orbital and pointing vectors #####

            "Add current date to date_magnitude_array"
            date_magnitude_array[t, 0] = current_time
            "Add optical axis Dec and RA to date_magnitude_array"
            date_magnitude_array[t, 2] = Dec_optical_axis[t]
            date_magnitude_array[t, 3] = RA_optical_axis[t]

            ###################### Star-mapper ####################################

            "Check position of stars relevant to pointing direction"
            for x in range(ROWS):

                "Skip star if it is not visible during this epoch"
                if (stars[x].name in skip_star_list):

                "Project 'star vectors' ontop pointing H-offset and V-offset plane"
                stars_r_V_offset_plane[x] = stars_r[0][x] - (
                    dot(stars_r[0][x], r_V_offset_normal[t]) *

                stars_r_H_offset_plane[x] = stars_r[0][x] - (
                    dot(stars_r[0][x], r_H_offset_normal[t]) *

                "Dot product to get the Vertical and Horizontal angle offset of the star in the FOV"
                stars_vert_offset[t][x] = arccos(
                    dot(optical_axis[t], stars_r_V_offset_plane[x]) /
                    (norm(optical_axis[t]) *
                     norm(stars_r_V_offset_plane[x]))) / pi * 180
                stars_hori_offset[t][x] = arccos(
                    dot(optical_axis[t], stars_r_H_offset_plane[x]) /
                    (norm(optical_axis[t]) *
                     norm(stars_r_H_offset_plane[x]))) / pi * 180

                "For first loop of stars, make exception list for stars not visible during this epoch"
                if (t == 1):

                    "To be able to skip stars far outside the orbital plane of MATS"
                    angle_between_orbital_plane_and_star[t][x] = arccos(
                        dot(stars_r[0][x], stars_r_V_offset_plane[x]) /
                        norm(stars_r_V_offset_plane[x])) / pi * 180

                    if (abs(angle_between_orbital_plane_and_star[t][x]) >
                            H_FOV / 2 + (duration * 2) /
                        (365 * 24 * 3600) * 360):
                            'Skip star: ' + stars[x].name +
                            ', with angle_between_orbital_plane_and_star of: '
                            + str(angle_between_orbital_plane_and_star[t][x]) +
                            ' degrees')

                "Check if star is in FOV"
                if (abs(stars_vert_offset[t][x]) < V_FOV / 2
                        and abs(stars_hori_offset[t][x]) < H_FOV / 2):
                    #print('Star number:',stars[x].name,'is visible at',stars_vert_offset[t][x],'degrees VFOV and', \
                    #stars_hori_offset[t][x],'degrees HFOV','during',ephem.Date(current_time))

                    if (t % log_timestep == 0 or t == 1):
                        Logger.debug('Current time: ' + str(current_time))
                        Logger.debug('Star: ' + stars[x].name +
                                     ', with H-offset: ' +
                                     str(stars_hori_offset[t][x]) +
                                     ' V-offset: ' +
                                     str(stars_vert_offset[t][x]) +
                                     ' in degrees is visible')

                    "Check if it is the brightest star spotted in the current FOV at the current date, and if so, replace the current value"
                    if (stars[x].mag < date_magnitude_array[t, 1]):
                        date_magnitude_array[t, 1] = stars[x].mag

                    star_counter = star_counter + 1

            ######################### End of star_mapper #############################

            "Increase Simulation Time with a timestep, or skip ahead if 1 orbit is completed"
            t += 1
            if (t * timestep >= MATS_P[t - 1] * (TimeSkips + 1)):
                current_time = ephem.Date(current_time +
                                          ephem.second * Timeskip)
                TimeSkips += 1
                current_time = ephem.Date(current_time +
                                          ephem.second * timestep)
            "Increment time with timestep or jump ahead in time if a whole orbit was completed"
            if( (current_time - initial_time)/ephem.second > (timeskip/ephem.second * time_skip_counter + MATS_P[t] * (time_skip_counter+1)) ):
                "If one orbit has passed -> increment 'current_time' with 'timeskip' amount of days"
                time_skip_counter = time_skip_counter + 1
                current_time = ephem.Date(current_time + timeskip)
                "Else just increment the current_time with timestep"
                current_time = ephem.Date(current_time + ephem.second * timestep)
            "Loop counter"
            t = t + 1
        ################## End of Simulation ########################################

        return (date_magnitude_array)
コード例 #48
    def eval_W_integral_towed(self,slip,figNum=3):
        # individual sigma and tau terms in the weight integral
        def w_func_t1(th,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2):
            outval = sig_1(th,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2)*py.cos(th)
            return outval
        def w_func_t2(th,th0,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2):
            outval = sig_2(th,th0,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2)*py.cos(th)
            return outval
        def w_func_t3(th,th0,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip):
            outval = tau_t1(th,th0,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip)*py.sin(th)
            return outval
        def w_func_t4(th,th0,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip):
            outval = tau_t2(th,th0,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip)*py.sin(th)
            return outval
        # weight function, used for fsolve
        def W_towed_func(th1,th0,th2,W,r,b,n,k1,k2,phi,slip,K,c):                
            term1 = sci_int.quad(w_func_t1,th0,th1,args=(th1,r,b,n,k1,k2) )
            term2 = sci_int.quad(w_func_t2,th2,th0,args=(th0,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2))
            term3 = sci_int.quad(w_func_t3,th0,th1,args=(th0,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip))
            term4 = sci_int.quad(w_func_t4,th2,th0,args=(th0,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip))            
            error = r*b*(term1[0] + term2[0] +term3[0] - term4[0]) - W
            return error            
        # weight function, returns all the individual terms    
        def W_towed_func_terms(th1,th0,th2,W,r,b,n,k1,k2,phi,slip,K,c):
            term1 = sci_int.quad(w_func_t1,th0,th1,args=(th1,r,b,n,k1,k2) )
            term2 = sci_int.quad(w_func_t2,th2,th0,args=(th0,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2))
            term3 = sci_int.quad(w_func_t3,th0,th1,args=(th0,th1,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip))
            term4 = sci_int.quad(w_func_t4,th2,th0,args=(th0,th1,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,slip))           
            error = r*b*(term1[0] + term2[0] +term3[0] - term4[0]) - W
            return [error, r*b*term1[0], r*b*term2[0], r*b*term3[0], r*b*term4[0] ]
        # end helper functions
        # solve for contact angle, th_1, using equlibrium of vertical forces
        th0 = self._th0
        th2 = self._th2
        k1 = self._k1
        k2 = self._k2
        b = self._width
        r = self._radius
        n = self._n
        c = self._coh
        K = self._K
        phi = self._phi
        slip = self._skid
        W = self._weight
        # initial guess for theta 1
        th1_initial = degToRad(45.0)
        if( th1_initial/th0 < 1.5):
            th1_initial = th0*2.0
        # iterate until th1 is found
        th1 = sci_opt.fsolve(W_towed_func,th1_initial,args=(th0,th2,W,r,b,n,k1,k2,phi,slip,K,c) )
        w_error = W_towed_func(th1,th0,th2,W,r,b,n,k1,k2,phi,slip,K,c)
        lg.info('theta_1, degrees = ' + str(radToDeg(th1))+', w_error = ' + str(w_error)+'\n')
        if( self._plots):
            # if I want plots, need to find th1 for each value of skid in skid_arr
            i_range = self._slip_arr
            th0_array = self._th0_arr   # th0 = th0(skid)
            th1_out = th1
            th1_array = py.zeros(len(i_range))
            t1_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
            t2_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
            t3_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
            t4_arr = py.zeros(len(i_range))
            for idx in range(0,len(i_range)):
                slip_curr = i_range[idx]
                th0_curr = th0_array[idx]
                th1_out = sci_opt.fsolve(W_towed_func,th1_out,args=(th0_curr,th2,W,r,b,n,k1,k2,phi,slip_curr,K,c))
                th1_array[idx] = th1_out
                # lg.info('slip= '+str(slip_curr) + ', th1= '+str(th1_out) )
                # I want to see how each term of the weight function changes
                [error,t1,t2,t3,t4] = W_towed_func_terms(th1_out,th0_curr,th2,W,r,b,n,k1,k2,phi,slip_curr,K,c)
                # lg.info('slip = '+str(slip_curr) + ', error = ' + str(error))
                t1_arr[idx] = t1
                t2_arr[idx] = t2
                t3_arr[idx] = t3
                t4_arr[idx] = t4               
            ax = fig.add_subplot(211,title='Fig. '+str(figNum) + '(d)')
            ax.set_xlabel('skid ratio')
            ax.set_ylabel(r'$\theta$ [degrees]' )
            ax = fig.add_subplot(212)
            ax.set_xlabel('skid ratio')
            if( self._units == 'ips'):
                ax.set_ylabel('weight [lb]')
                ax.set_ylabel('weight [kg]')
            # we will need all the values of th1 for further plots
            self._th1_arr = th1_array
            # see what we get for weight
#            i_check = py.arange(20.,50.,1.)
#            for i in range(0,len(i_check)):
#                [W_check,ct1,ct2,ct3,ct4] = W_towed_func_terms(degToRad(i_check[i]),degToRad(19.0),th2,W,r,b,n,k1,k2,phi,0.3,K,c)
            # lg.info('weight check, slip = 30%, w_error='+str(W_check))
            # lg.info('term 1='+str(ct1) +', term2= '+str(ct2))
            # lg.info('term3= '+str(ct3) + ', term4= '+str(ct4))
        return th1
コード例 #49
L = 100  # length of side of box
M = 20  # length of side of square of particles
B = 10  # number of coarse-grainig bins per side
nsteps = input('number of steps in walk -> ')
steps = range(nsteps)
seed = input('random number seed -> ')

# initial positions of particles form a M*M block in the middle of the box
xside = range((L-M)//2, (L+M)//2)
yside = range((L-M)//2, (L+M)//2)
x = [i for i in xside for j in yside]  # x-locations of the particles
y = [j for i in xside for j in yside]  # y-locations of the particles
N = len(xside)*len(yside)  # number of particles
S = [0.0]*nsteps  # entropy
P = pylab.zeros((B, B))  # probability of particle being in each bin

# setup animated figure
pylab.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
(points, ) = pylab.plot(x, y, ',')
pylab.xlim(0, L)
pylab.ylim(0, L)
pylab.xticks(range(0, L+1, L//B))
pylab.yticks(range(0, L+1, L//B))

# simulate the random walks
for n in steps:
    # update plot
コード例 #50
ファイル: planetest.py プロジェクト: F-Feng/ResearchCode
import pylab as pl

xvec = pl.linspace(-10, 10, 100)
yvec = pl.linspace(-10, 10, 100)
density = pl.zeros([100, 100])
for nx, x in enumerate(xvec):
    for ny, y in enumerate(yvec):
        density[nx, ny] = x**2 + y**2

pl.imshow(density, cmap='BuGn', extent=[0, 18, 0, 18])
pl.xlabel("X " + r"$(\AA)$", fontsize=18)
pl.ylabel("Y " + r"$(\AA)$", fontsize=18)
#pl.axis([0, 18, 0, 18])
cbar = pl.colorbar()
cbar.set_label("Particle Density" + r"$\left(\frac{Particles}{\AA^3}\right)$",
pl.title(r"$%s = %s K$" % ('\mu', 35), fontsize=24)
コード例 #51
R = sc.loadobj('results/rapid_spend_results.obj')

#%% Fig. 1 -- DALYs
if fig1:
    sc.heading('Spending figure')
    interv_category = interv_data['Category 1'].tolist()
    categories = sorted(set(interv_category))
    ncategories = len(categories)
    nintervs = len(R[0]['alloc'])
    mapping = []
    for i_c in interv_category:
        for c, cat in enumerate(categories):
            if i_c == cat:

    allocdata = pl.zeros((2, ncategories))
    for country in R.keys():  # tODO: different regions
        opt_alloc = R[country]['alloc']
        orig_alloc = spend_data[country]
        for i in range(nintervs):
            c = mapping[i]
            allocdata[0, c] += orig_alloc[i]
            allocdata[1, c] += opt_alloc[i]

    fig = pl.figure()
    x = pl.arange(2)
    axlist = []
    previous = pl.zeros(2)
    for c in range(len(categories)):
        current = allocdata[:, c] / 1e9
        ax = pl.bar(x, current, bottom=previous)
コード例 #52
import math, pylab, mpl_toolkits.mplot3d

eps = 1e-2  # fractional error allowed
L = 1.0  # length of each side
N = 21  # Number of grid points on a side

dy = dx = L / (N - 1.0)

xmax = ymax = 1.0
xmin = ymin = 0.0
# setting up arrays
x = pylab.array(range(N)) * dx
y = pylab.array(range(N)) * dy
x, y = pylab.meshgrid(x, y)
u0 = pylab.zeros((N, N))
u1 = pylab.zeros((N, N))
Ex = pylab.zeros((N, N))
Ey = pylab.zeros((N, N))

# boundary conditions
for j in range(N):
    u1[j, N - 1] = u0[j, N - 1] = u1[j, 0] = u0[j, 0] = 0.0
for k in range(N):
    u1[N - 1, k] = u0[N - 1, k] = u1[0, k] = u0[0, k] = 0.0
for j in range(5, 16):
    u0[j, 5] = -1.0
for k in range(5, 16):
    u0[k, 15] = 1.0

n = 0  # number of iterations
コード例 #53

train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(train_dataset,

val_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(val_dataset,

plot_data = {}
plot_data['train_loss'] = zeros(epochs)
plot_data['train_acc'] = zeros(epochs)
plot_data['train_acc_hate'] = zeros(epochs)
plot_data['train_acc_notHate'] = zeros(epochs)
plot_data['train_acc_avg'] = zeros(epochs)
plot_data['val_loss'] = zeros(epochs)
plot_data['val_acc'] = zeros(epochs)
plot_data['val_acc_hate'] = zeros(epochs)
plot_data['val_acc_notHate'] = zeros(epochs)
plot_data['val_acc_avg'] = zeros(epochs)

plot_data['epoch'] = 0

# if evaluate:
#     t.validate(val_loader, model, criterion, print_freq, plot_data)
コード例 #54
import pylab as p
from matplotlib.toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import os
import Scientific.IO.NetCDF as S

#--- Get data (assuming lon goes from 0 to 360):  Make arrays cyclic
#    in longitude:

time_idx = 5  #@@@ USER ADJUSTABLE

f = S.NetCDFFile('qm_seasonal_1yr.nc', mode='r')
lat = f.variables['lat'].getValue()
lon = f.variables['lon'].getValue()
u1_all = f.variables['u1'].getValue()
if p.allclose(lon[0], 0):
    u1 = p.zeros((p.size(lat), p.size(lon) + 1))
    u1[:, 0:-1] = u1_all[time_idx, :, :]
    u1[:, -1] = u1_all[time_idx, :, 0]

tmp = copy.copy(lon)
lon = p.zeros((p.size(tmp) + 1, ))
lon[0:-1] = tmp[:]
lon[-1] = tmp[0] + 360
del tmp


#--- Mapping information:

map = Basemap(projection='cyl',
コード例 #55
def track(input_video_path):
    notation: variables ending with f are in the frequency domain.

    # parameters according to the paper --
    padding = 1.0  # extra area surrounding the target
    #spatial bandwidth (proportional to target)
    output_sigma_factor = 1 / float(16)
    sigma = 0.2  # gaussian kernel bandwidth
    lambda_value = 1e-2  # regularization
    # linear interpolation factor for adaptation
    interpolation_factor = 0.075

    info = load_video_info(input_video_path)
    img_files, pos, target_sz, \
        should_resize_image, ground_truth, video_path = info

    # window size, taking padding into account
    sz = pylab.floor(target_sz * (1 + padding))

    # desired output (gaussian shaped), bandwidth proportional to target size
    output_sigma = pylab.sqrt(pylab.prod(target_sz)) * output_sigma_factor

    grid_y = pylab.arange(sz[0]) - pylab.floor(sz[0] / 2)
    grid_x = pylab.arange(sz[1]) - pylab.floor(sz[1] / 2)
    #[rs, cs] = ndgrid(grid_x, grid_y)
    rs, cs = pylab.meshgrid(grid_x, grid_y)
    y = pylab.exp(-0.5 / output_sigma**2 * (rs**2 + cs**2))
    yf = pylab.fft2(y)
    #print("yf.shape ==", yf.shape)
    #print("y.shape ==", y.shape)

    # store pre-computed cosine window
    cos_window = pylab.outer(pylab.hanning(sz[0]), pylab.hanning(sz[1]))

    total_time = 0  # to calculate FPS
    positions = pylab.zeros((len(img_files), 2))  # to calculate precision

    global z, response
    z = None
    alphaf = None
    response = None

    for frame, image_filename in enumerate(img_files):

        if True and ((frame % 10) == 0):
            print("Processing frame", frame)

        # load image
        image_path = os.path.join(video_path, image_filename)
        im = pylab.imread(image_path)
        if len(im.shape) == 3 and im.shape[2] > 1:
            im = rgb2gray(im)

        #print("Image max/min value==", im.max(), "/", im.min())

        if should_resize_image:
            im = scipy.misc.imresize(im, 0.5)

        start_time = time.time()

        # extract and pre-process subwindow
        x = get_subwindow(im, pos, sz, cos_window)

        is_first_frame = (frame == 0)

        if not is_first_frame:
            # calculate response of the classifier at all locations
            k = dense_gauss_kernel(sigma, x, z)
            kf = pylab.fft2(k)
            alphaf_kf = pylab.multiply(alphaf, kf)
            response = pylab.real(pylab.ifft2(alphaf_kf))  # Eq. 9

            # target location is at the maximum response
            r = response
            row, col = pylab.unravel_index(r.argmax(), r.shape)
            pos = pos - pylab.floor(sz / 2) + [row, col]

            if debug:
                print("Frame ==", frame)
                print("Max response", r.max(), "at", [row, col])



        # end "if not first frame"

        # get subwindow at current estimated target position,
        # to train classifer
        x = get_subwindow(im, pos, sz, cos_window)

        # Kernel Regularized Least-Squares,
        # calculate alphas (in Fourier domain)
        k = dense_gauss_kernel(sigma, x)
        new_alphaf = pylab.divide(yf, (pylab.fft2(k) + lambda_value))  # Eq. 7
        new_z = x

        if is_first_frame:
            #first frame, train with a single image
            alphaf = new_alphaf
            z = x
            # subsequent frames, interpolate model
            f = interpolation_factor
            alphaf = (1 - f) * alphaf + f * new_alphaf
            z = (1 - f) * z + f * new_z
        # end "first frame or not"

        # save position and calculate FPS
        positions[frame, :] = pos
        total_time += time.time() - start_time

        # visualization
        plot_tracking(frame, pos, target_sz, im, ground_truth)
    # end of "for each image in video"

    if should_resize_image:
        positions = positions * 2

    print("Frames-per-second:", len(img_files) / total_time)

    title = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(input_video_path))

    if len(ground_truth) > 0:
        # show the precisions plot
        show_precision(positions, ground_truth, video_path, title)

コード例 #56
        l = re.split(" ", line)
        number = float(l[0])
        NumOfCells = NumOfCells + number
        if (counter <= number):
            counter = number
            crutial_line = line_numb
    line_numb = line_numb + 1
#print crutial_line
print "There are", int(NumOfCells), "cells in the population"

L2 = re.split(" ", theData[crutial_line])
rows = (len(L2) - 4) / 3
genes = p.zeros((rows, 3))
if rows is 1:
    descr = "T = " + str(T) + "; " + str(rows) + " genes; "
    perct = counter / NumOfCells * 100
    PERC = '%(perc)1.2f %% of population' % {"perc": perct}
    descr = descr + PERC
    print descr
    descr = "T = " + str(T) + "; " + str(rows) + " genes; "
    perct = counter / NumOfCells * 100
    PERC = "%(perc)1.2f %% of population" % {"perc": perct}
    descr = descr + PERC
    print descr
print "Hight (A) , sigma , positions of max (c)"
for i in xrange(len(L2) - 4):
    ii = p.floor(i / 3)
コード例 #57
    peak_profile = []
    for i in range(numLines):
        lineString = input.readline()
        lineList = lineString.split()
        for j in range(10):
            peak_profile.append(int(lineList[j + 1]))

    yobs = pylab.array(peak_profile)

    # Gaussian profile
    if profile_function == 0:

        # popt is an array of the optimized parameters
        # pcov is the covariance matrix
        p0 = pylab.zeros(5)  # initial values of parameters
        ymax = float(max(yobs))
        p0[0] = ymax * 2.5 * sqrt2pi  # initial value of aG
        p0[1] = 2.5  # initial value of sigG
        p0[2] = yobs.argmax()

            popt, success = leastsq(residuals_func0, p0, args=(yobs, x))
            intI = popt[0]
            sigmaG = popt[1]
            mu = popt[2]
            slope = popt[3]
            constant = popt[4]

            # Get background counts
            background_total = 0.0
コード例 #58
masslim_catalogs = glob.glob('../data/completeness/masslimits_*_master.dat')
masslim_data = [mypy.readcat(mi) for mi in masslim_catalogs]
masslim95 = pylab.array([mi.masslim95 for mi in masslim_data])
masslim95_zax = masslim_data[0].z
masslim95_average = masslim95.sum(axis=0) / len(masslim95)

###  selecting redshift from EAGLE
si = 20
simdata = mypy.readcat(sim_catalogs[si])

###  reading voronoi map
vmap = fits.getdata('../data/eagle_simulations/medVoronoi.overdens.%02i.fits' %
dx_map, dy_map = vmap.shape

overdens_arr = pylab.zeros(len(simdata.GalaxyID))
for i in range(len(simdata.GalaxyID)):
    x, y = int(simdata.x_cMpc[i] * dx_map / 100. -
               0.5), int(simdata.y_cMpc[i] * dy_map / 100. - 0.5)
    overdens_arr[i] = vmap[y][x]

###  calculating MFs
dm = 0.25
lmassbins = pylab.arange(9.5 - dm / 2., 11.5 + dm, dm)
lmassbars = (lmassbins[1:] + lmassbins[:-1]) / 2.

xlo, xhi = 25. * 100. / dx_map, 100 - 25. * 100. / dx_map
ylo, yhi = 25. * 100. / dy_map, 100 - 25. * 100. / dy_map

inds0 = pylab.find((overdens_arr > 0.0) & (overdens_arr < 0.5)
                   & (simdata.x_cMpc > xlo) & (simdata.x_cMpc < xhi)
コード例 #59
 def plot_sigTau_towed(self,th1_cs,skid,figNum=11):
     th0 = self._th0
     th2 = self._th2
     r = self._radius
     b = self._width
     k1 = self._k1
     k2 = self._k2
     n = self._n
     phi = self._phi
     K = self._K
     c = self._coh
     incr = (th1_cs - th2) / 100.0    # plot increment
     th_arr = py.arange(0,th1_cs + incr, incr) # find sigma, tau at these discrete vals
     sig_arr = py.zeros(len(th_arr))
     tau_arr = py.zeros(len(th_arr))
     slip_arr = py.zeros(len(th_arr))
     for idx in range(0,len(th_arr)):
         th = th_arr[idx]
         if(th < th0):
             # we're in the bototm region
             sig_curr = sig_2(th,th0,th1_cs,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2)
             tau_curr = -tau_t2(th,th0,th1_cs,th2,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,skid)
             slip_j = j2(th,th0,r,skid)
             sig_arr[idx] = sig_curr
             tau_arr[idx] = tau_curr
             slip_arr[idx] = slip_j
             # we're in the top region ()
             sig_curr = sig_1(th, th1_cs,r,b,n,k1,k2)
             tau_curr = tau_t1(th,th0,th1_cs,r,b,n,k1,k2,c,K,phi,skid)
             slip_j = j1(th,th0,th1_cs,r,skid)
             sig_arr[idx] = sig_curr
             tau_arr[idx] = tau_curr
             slip_arr[idx] = slip_j
     if( self._plots):        
         fig = plt.figure()
         ax = fig.add_subplot(211,title='Fig. ' + str(figNum) +' skid=' + str(skid))
         ax.set_xlabel('theta [deg]')
         if( self._units == 'ips'):
             ax.set_ylabel('stress [psi]')
             ax.set_ylabel('stress [Pa]')
         # take a look at what I"m using for slip displacement also
         ax = fig.add_subplot(212)
         ax.set_xlabel('theta [deg]')
         if( self._units == 'ips'):
             ax.set_ylabel('slip disp.[in]')
             ax.set_ylabel('slip disp.[m]')
          # polar plots
         # fix the axes
         if( self._units == 'ips'):
             leg = ax.legend((r'$\sigma$ [kip]',r'$\tau$'))
             leg = ax.legend((r'$\sigma$ [kPa]',r'$\tau$'))
         # also, draw the tire
         polar_r_offset = py.average(sig_arr)/1000.
         theta = py.arange(0.,2.*py.pi+0.05,0.05)
         tire_pos = py.zeros(len(theta))
         ax.set_title(r'towed wheel stresses,  $\theta_1$ = %4.3f [rad]' %th1_cs)
     return [sig_arr, tau_arr]
コード例 #60
    def calc_psi(self):

        # combine coil floops with plasma floop
        r_floops_total_list = list(self.coil_set.r_floops)
        z_floops_total_list = list(self.coil_set.z_floops)

        r_floops_total = P.array(r_floops_total_list)
        z_floops_total = P.array(z_floops_total_list)

        self.r_floops_total = r_floops_total
        self.z_floops_total = z_floops_total
        self.n_floops = len(r_floops_total)

        # calc coils GFs for floops
        psi_coils_floops, b_r, b_z = \
        self.psi_coils_floops = psi_coils_floops

        # calc plasma coil GFs for floops
        r_arr, z_arr, psi_plasma_coil_floops, b_r, b_z, r_out, z_out = \
        self.psi_plasma_coil_floops = psi_plasma_coil_floops

        # combine all GFs for floops
        total_psi_floops_list = list(psi_coils_floops)
        total_psi_floops = P.array(total_psi_floops_list)
        self.total_psi_floops = total_psi_floops

        # make mutual inductance matrix
        M = P.zeros([self.n_floops, self.n_floops], dtype=fdtype)

        # fill up M (NOT RIGHT, /100 AND OFF BY A BIT)
        M[:, 0:self.n_floops] = total_psi_floops

        #        self.M = M
        # for some reason we need the transpose of M made this way
        self.M = M.T

        # solve for coil currents to make 1 Wb on all flux loops
        i_floops = P.linalg.solve(self.M, P.ones(self.n_floops, dtype=fdtype))

        # make GFs
        GFs = P.zeros([self.n_floops, 100, 100])

        # calc GFs for coils
        psi_coils, b_r, b_z = \
            self.coil_set.calc_fields(r_range=P.array([1e-6, 4.0],
                                      z_range=P.array([-1.5, 1.5],
                                      r_dim=100, z_dim=100)
        self.psi_coils = psi_coils

        # calc GF for plasma coil
        r_arr, z_arr, psi_plasma_coil, b_r, b_z, r_out, z_out = \
            self.plasma_coil.calc_fields(r_range=P.array([1e-6, 4.0],
                                         z_range=P.array([-1.5, 1.5],
                                         r_dim=100, z_dim=100)
        self.psi_plasma_coil = psi_plasma_coil

        # fill up GFs
        GFs[0:self.coil_set.n_coils, ...] = psi_coils
        GFs[-1, ...] = psi_plasma_coil

        self.GFs = GFs

        # normalize to I_p at 3.2 MA
        i_fact = 3.2e6 / i_floops[-1]
        i_floops *= i_fact

        # calculate flux on mesh
        psi = 0.0
        for ii, i_val in enumerate(i_floops):
            psi += i_val * GFs[ii, ...]

        self.i_floops = i_floops
        self.i_fact = i_fact
        self.psi = psi

        return psi