コード例 #1
def save_job(path, inputpath="input.py", **kwargs):
    """ Jobs to explore possible ground-states. 
          Path where the job-folder will be saved. Calculations will be
          performed in the parent directory of this file. Calculations will be
          performed in same directory as this file.
          Path to an input file. Defaults to input.py. 
          Any keyword/value pair to take precedence over anything in the input

      Creates a high-throughput job-folder to compute the non-magnetic
      ground-state of a host-material.  The new job-folder is loaded into
      memory automatically. No need to call explore. It is save to the path
      provided on input.
    import re
    from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
    from copy import deepcopy
    from pylada.vasp import read_input
    from pylada.jobfolder import JobFolder
    from pylada import interactive

    from pylada.misc import setBugLev
    setBugLev(0)  # set global debug level
    from pylada.misc import bugLev

    # reads input.
    input = read_input(inputpath)

    # Job dictionary.
    jobfolder = JobFolder()

    # loop over material-lattice pairs.
    for (material, lattice) in input.matLatPairs:

        structure = deepcopy(lattice)

        # job folder for this lattice.
        lat_jobfolder = jobfolder / material

        job = lat_jobfolder / lattice.name / "basin_hoping"
        job.functional = input.calc
        job.params["structure"] = structure
        job.params["ispin"] = 1
        job.params["vasp"] = input.vasp
        job.params["programs"] = input.programs
        job.params["func_param"] = input.func_param
        # saves some stuff for future reference.
        job.material = material
        job.lattice = lattice
        #print '    test/hi/test: job: ', job
        #print '    test/hi/test: === job.functional ===\n%s\n=== end functional === ' % (job.functional,)

    interactive.jobfolder = jobfolder
    InteractiveShell.instance().magic("savefolders " + path)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: georgeyumnam/pylada
def calcGW( path=None, inputpath='inputGW.py', **kwargs):
  """ Runs GW calcs on all subfolders.

        path : str or None
          Path where the modified job-folder will be saved. Calculations will be
          performed in the parent directory of this file. If None, will use the
          current job-folder path.
        inputpath : str or None
          Path to an input file.
          Any keyword/value pair to take precedence over anything in the input file.
  from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
  from os.path import dirname, normpath, relpath, join
  from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
  from pylada.vasp import read_input
  from pylada.jobfolder import JobFolder
  from pylada import interactive
  import pickle, random

  from pylada.misc import setBugLev
  setBugLev(0)   # set global debug level
  from pylada.misc import bugLev

  with open(path) as fin:
    jobfolder = pickle.load( fin)
  basedir = dirname( path)
  jobfolder_path = join( basedir, jobfolder.name)

  # Loads job-folder and path as requested. 
  if jobfolder is None: 
    print "No current job-folder."
  if jobfolder_path is None: 
    print "No path for current job-folder."

  input = read_input(inputpath)
  print '  test/hi/test gw: inputpath: ', inputpath
  print '  test/hi/test gw: input.vasp.relaxation: ', input.vasp.relaxation

  # will loop over all folders, looking for all successfull calculations. 
  nb_new_folders = 0
  for name, pjob in jobfolder.iteritems():
    if bugLev >= 1:
      print "test/hi/test gw: name: %s  pjob: %s" % (name, pjob,)
    # avoid tagged folders.
    if pjob.is_tagged: continue

    basename = normpath("/" + name + "/../")
    if bugLev >= 1:
      print "test/hi/test gw: basename: %s" % (basename,)

    # check for success and avoid failures.
    extractPath = join(basedir, name)
    extract = pjob.functional.Extract( extractPath)
    if bugLev >= 1:
      print "test/hi/test gw: extractPath: %s" % (extractPath,)
      print "test/hi/test gw: extract.success: %s" % (extract.success,)
      print "test/hi/test gw: extract: %s" % (extract,)
      print "test/hi/test gw: dir(extract): %s" % (dir(extract),)
    if not extract.success: continue

    if bugLev >= 1:
      print 'test/hi/test gw ========== A'
      print "test/hi/test gw: nonmag structure: %s" % (pjob.structure,)
      print 'test/hi/test gw ========== B'
      print "test/hi/test gw: extract.structure: %s" % (extract.structure,)
      print 'test/hi/test gw ========== C'
      print "test/hi/test gw: extract.species: %s" % (extract.species,)
      print "test/hi/test gw: extract functional species: %s" \
        % (extract.functional.species,)
      print 'test/hi/test gw ========== D'
      print "test/hi/test gw: dir(pjob): %s" % (dir(pjob),)
      print 'test/hi/test gw ========== E'

    # loads lattice and material from previous job.
    material = pjob.material
    lattice = pjob.lattice
    if bugLev >= 1:
      print "test/hi/test gw: material: %s" % (material,)
      print "test/hi/test gw: lattice: %s" % (lattice,)

    jobname = pjob.name + '/gwcalc'
    structure = extract.structure.copy()
    structure.name = "{0} in {1}, GW.".format(material, lattice.name)
    if bugLev >= 1:
      print "test/hi/test gw: jobname: %s" % (jobname,)
      print "test/hi/test gw: structure.name: %s" % (structure.name,)

    job = jobfolder / jobname
    if bugLev >= 1:
      print "test/hi/test gw: job: %s" % (job,)

    job.functional = input.vasp

    job.params["structure"] = structure.copy()
    job.params["magmom"] = True
    job.params["ispin"] =  2
    # saves some stuff for future reference.
    job.material = material
    job.lattice  = lattice
    print "test/hi/test gw: created ferro jobname: %s" % (jobname,)
    nb_new_folders += 1

  # now saves new job folder
  print "Created {0} new folders.".format(nb_new_folders)
  if nb_new_folders == 0: return
  interactive.jobfolder = jobfolder.root
  InteractiveShell.instance().magic("savefolders " + path)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: georgeyumnam/pylada
def nonmagnetic_wave(path, inputpath="input.py", **kwargs):
  """ Jobs to explore possible ground-states. 
          Path where the job-folder will be saved. Calculations will be
          performed in the parent directory of this file. Calculations will be
          performed in same directory as this file.
          Path to an input file. Defaults to input.py. 
          Any keyword/value pair to take precedence over anything in the input

      Creates a high-throughput job-folder to compute the non-magnetic
      ground-state of a host-material.  The new job-folder is loaded into
      memory automatically. No need to call explore. It is save to the path
      provided on input.
  import re
  from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
  from copy import deepcopy
  from pylada.vasp import read_input
  from pylada.jobfolder import JobFolder
  from pylada import interactive

  from pylada.misc import setBugLev
  setBugLev(0)   # set global debug level
  from pylada.misc import bugLev

  # reads input.
  input = read_input(inputpath)
  print '  test/hi/test nonmag: inputpath: ', inputpath
  print '  test/hi/test nonmag: input.vasp.relaxation: ', input.vasp.relaxation

#  """ Materials to compute. """
#  materials = [ "Al2MgO4"]
#  """ Number of random anti-ferro trials. """
#  nbantiferro = 8
#  nbrandom    = 3
#  do_ferro    = False
#  do_antiferro = False
#  from pylada.crystal import A2BX4
#  lattices = [A2BX4.b5(), A2BX4.b21()]
#  mlen = len( materials)
#  llen = len( lattices)
#  matLatPairs = (mlen * llen) * [None]
#  print "  test/hi/test nonmag: mlen: ", mlen
#  print "  test/hi/test nonmag: llen: ", llen
#  print "  test/hi/test nonmag: pairs len: ", len(matLatPairs)
#  kk = 0
#  for mat in materials:
#    print "  test/hi/test nonmag: mat: ", mat
#    for lat in lattices:
#      print "    test/hi/test nonmag: lat: ", lat
#      matLatPairs[kk] = (mat, lat,)
#      kk += 1
#  print "test/hi/test nonmag: mats len: %d  lats len: %d  matLatPairs len: %d" \
#    % (mlen, llen, len( matLatPairs),)

  # Job dictionary.
  jobfolder = JobFolder()

  # loop over material-lattice pairs.
  for (material,lattice) in input.matLatPairs:
    if bugLev >= 1:
      print '  test/hi/test nonmag: start material: ', material
      print '  test/hi/test nonmag: start lattice: ', lattice
      print ''
    if bugLev >= 5:
      print '  test/hi/test nonmag: ========== species =========='
      skeys = input.vasp.species.keys()
      for skey in skeys:
        print '    test/hi/test nonmag: species[%s]: %s' \
          % (skey, input.vasp.species[skey], )
      print ''

    if getattr( input, 'useInputCif', None) == True:
      structure = deepcopy(lattice)

      # Check material
      regex = "([A-Z][a-z]?)2([A-Z][a-z]?)([A-Z][a-z]?)4"
      match = re.match( regex, material)
      if match == None:
        raise RuntimeError("Incorrect material: \"%s\"" % (material,))

      # Checks species are known to vasp functional
      for i in range(1, 4):
        assert match.group(i) in input.vasp.species,\
          RuntimeError("No pseudo-potential defined for {0}.".format(
      # actually creates dictionary.
      species_dict = {"A": match.group(1), "B": match.group(2),
        "X": match.group(3)}
      #print '  test/hi/test nonmag: species_dict: ', species_dict
      # Check lattice name
      if len(getattr(lattice, 'name', '').strip()) == 0:
        raise ValueError("Lattice has no name.")

      # creates a structure.
      structure = deepcopy(lattice)
      # changes atomic species, from ABX to real element names.
      # from: Atom(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 'A')
      # to:   Atom(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 'Al')
      for atom in structure:  atom.type  = species_dict[atom.type]
      # assigns it a name.
      structure.name = "{0} in {1}, spin-unpolarized.".format(
        material, lattice.name)

      # gets its scale.
      structure.scale = input.scale(structure)

    # job folder for this lattice.
    lat_jobfolder = jobfolder / material 

    job = lat_jobfolder / lattice.name / "non-magnetic"
    job.functional = input.vasp
    job.params["structure"] = structure
    job.params["ispin"] = 1
    # saves some stuff for future reference.
    job.material = material
    job.lattice  = lattice
    #print '    test/hi/test nonmag: job: ', job
    #print '    test/hi/test nonmag: === job.functional ===\n%s\n=== end functional === ' % (job.functional,)

  interactive.jobfolder = jobfolder
  InteractiveShell.instance().magic("savefolders " + path)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: georgeyumnam/pylada
def magnetic_wave( path=None, inputpath='input.py', **kwargs):
  """ Creates magnetic wave for current job-folder.

        path : str or None
          Path where the modified job-folder will be saved. Calculations will be
          performed in the parent directory of this file. If None, will use the
          current job-folder path.
        inputpath : str or None
          Path to an input file. If not present, then no input file is read and
          all parameters are taken from the non-magnetic wave.
          Any keyword/value pair to take precedence over anything in the input file.

      Creates magnetic wave from pre-existing non-magnetic wave. If no input
      file is given on input, then all parameters are obtained from the
      corresponding non-magnetic wave. 

      The new job-folder is loaded into memory automatically. No need to
      call explore. It is save to the path provided on input (or to the current
      job-folder path ifnot provided).  It will contain magnetic and
      non-magnetic calculations both. Pre-existing magnetic
      calculations will *not* be overwritten. However, additional anti-ferro
      configurations can be calculated by giving a large enough ``nbantiferro``
      on input.
  from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
  from os.path import dirname, normpath, relpath, join
  from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
  from pylada.vasp import read_input
  from pylada.jobfolder import JobFolder
  from pylada import interactive
  import pickle, random

  from pylada.misc import setBugLev
  setBugLev(0)   # set global debug level
  from pylada.misc import bugLev

  with open(path) as fin:
    jobfolder = pickle.load( fin)
  basedir = dirname( path)
  jobfolder_path = join( basedir, jobfolder.name)

  # Loads job-folder and path as requested. 
  if jobfolder is None: 
    print "No current job-folder."
  if jobfolder_path is None: 
    print "No path for current job-folder."

  input = read_input(inputpath)
  print '  test/hi/test mag: inputpath: ', inputpath
  print '  test/hi/test mag: input.vasp.relaxation: ', input.vasp.relaxation

  # will loop over all folders, looking for *successfull* *non-magnetic* calculations. 
  # Only magnetic folders which do NOT exist are added at that point.
  nonmagname = "non-magnetic"
  nb_new_folders = 0
  for name, nonmagjob in jobfolder.iteritems():
    if bugLev >= 1:
      print "test/hi/test mag: name: %s  nonmagjob: %s" % (name, nonmagjob,)
    # avoid tagged folders.
    if nonmagjob.is_tagged: continue
    # avoid other folders (eg magnetic folders).
    basename = normpath("/" + name + "/../")
    if bugLev >= 1:
      print "test/hi/test mag: basename: %s" % (basename,)
    if relpath(name, basename[1:]) != nonmagname: continue
    # check for success and avoid failures.
    extractPath = join(basedir, name)
    # xxx use contcar
    extract = nonmagjob.functional.Extract( extractPath)
    if bugLev >= 1:
      print "test/hi/test mag: extractPath: %s" % (extractPath,)
      print "test/hi/test mag: extract.success: %s" % (extract.success,)
      print "test/hi/test mag: extract: %s" % (extract,)
      print "test/hi/test mag: dir(extract): %s" % (dir(extract),)
      print "test/hi/test mag: extract.functional: %s" % (extract.functional,)
    if not extract.success: continue

    if bugLev >= 1:
      print 'test/hi/test mag ========== A'
      print "test/hi/test mag: nonmag structure: %s" % (nonmagjob.structure,)
      print 'test/hi/test mag ========== B'
      print "test/hi/test mag: extract.structure: %s" % (extract.structure,)
      print 'test/hi/test mag ========== C'
      print "test/hi/test mag: extract.species: %s" % (extract.species,)
      print 'test/hi/test mag ========== D'

    if not is_magnetic_system(extract.structure, extract.functional.species):

    # loads lattice and material from non-magnetic job.
    material = nonmagjob.material
    lattice = nonmagjob.lattice
    if bugLev >= 1:
      print "test/hi/test mag: material: %s" % (material,)
      print "test/hi/test mag: lattice: %s" % (lattice,)

    # figures out whether we have both high and low spins. 
    if bugLev >= 1:
      print "test/hi/test mag: extract structure: %s" % (extract.structure,)
      print "test/hi/test mag: extract species: %s" \
        % (extract.functional.species,)
    if has_high_and_low(extract.structure, extract.functional.species):
          hnl = [(min, "ls-"), (max, "hs-")]
    else: hnl = [(min, "")] 
    # now loops over moments.
    for func, prefix in hnl: 
      if bugLev >= 1:
        print "test/hi/test mag: func: %s  prefix: %s" % (func, prefix,)
        # Either func=min,prefix="ls-", or func=max,prefix="hs-"
      # Now tries and creates high-spin ferro folders
      # if it does not already exist.
      jobname = normpath("{0}/{1}ferro".format(basename, prefix))
      structure, magmom = ferro(
        extract.structure, extract.functional.species, func)

      if bugLev >= 1:
        print "test/hi/test mag: structure: %s" % (structure,)
        print "test/hi/test mag: jobfolder: %s" % (jobfolder,)
        print "test/hi/test mag: jobname: %s" % (jobname,)
        print "test/hi/test mag: magmom: %s" % (magmom,)
        print "test/hi/test mag: input.do_ferro: %s" % (input.do_ferro,)
      if magmom and jobname not in jobfolder and input.do_ferro:
        structure.name = "{0} in {1}, {2}ferro."\
                         .format(material, lattice.name, prefix)
        job = jobfolder / jobname
        if bugLev >= 1:
          print "test/hi/test mag: structure.name: %s" % (structure.name,)
          print "test/hi/test mag: job: %s" % (job,)
        job.functional = input.vasp
        job.params["structure"] = structure.copy()
        job.params["magmom"] = True
        job.params["ispin"] =  2
        # saves some stuff for future reference.
        job.material = material
        job.lattice  = lattice
        print "test/hi/test mag: created ferro jobname: %s" % (jobname,)
        nb_new_folders += 1

      # Now tries and creates anti-ferro-lattices folders
      # if it does not already exist.
      structure, magmom = species_antiferro(
        extract.structure, extract.functional.species, func) 

      jobname = normpath("{0}/{1}anti-ferro-0".format(basename, prefix))
      if magmom and jobname not in jobfolder and input.do_antiferro:
        structure.name = "{0} in {1}, {2}specie-anti-ferro."\
                         .format(material, lattice.name, prefix)

        job = jobfolder / jobname
        job.functional = input.vasp
        job.params["structure"] = structure.copy()
        job.params["magmom"] = True
        job.params["ispin"] =  2
        # saves some stuff for future reference.
        job.material = material
        job.lattice  = lattice
        print "test/hi/test mag: created anti ferro jobname: %s" % (jobname,)
        nb_new_folders += 1

      # Random anti-ferro, or all possible anti-ferro.
      magIxs = []         # indices of magnetic atoms
      for ii in range( len( extract.structure)):
        atom = extract.structure[ii]
        if len(deduce_moment(atom, extract.functional.species)) > 1:
          magIxs.append( ii)
      numMagAtom = len( magIxs)

      # Total num tests = 2**numMagAtom, but each one is counted
      # twice, since ddd == uuu, and ddu == uud, etc.,
      # where d = spin down, u = spin up.
      # So the num unique tests = 2**numMagAtom / 2
      numUnique = 2 ** (numMagAtom - 1)

      # If the user asked for at least half the total num unique tests,
      # we may as well do them all
      print "test/hi/test mag: numMagAtom: %d  numUnique: %d  input.nbantiferro: %d" \
        % ( numMagAtom, numUnique, input.nbantiferro,)
      if input.nbantiferro >= numUnique / 2:
        # Do all possible combinations
        print 'test/hi/test mag: Do all possible antiferro combinations'
        for itest in range( numUnique):
          jobname = runAntiFerroTest(
            bugLev, jobfolder, material, lattice,
            inputpath, input, magIxs,
            extract, basename, func, prefix, itest, itest)
          print "test/hi/test mag: created all anti ferro jobname: %s" \
            % (jobname,)
          nb_new_folders += 1

        # Only run a few random combinations
        print 'test/hi/test mag: Do a random selection of antiferro combinations'
        doneMap = {}
        ix = 0
        while True:
          itest = random.randint( 0, numUnique - 1)
          if itest not in doneMap:
            doneMap[itest] = True
            jobname = runAntiFerroTest(
              bugLev, jobfolder, material, lattice,
              inputpath, input, magIxs,
              extract, basename, func, prefix, ix, itest)
            print "test/hi/test mag: created random anti ferro jobname: %s" \
              % (jobname,)
            nb_new_folders += 1
            ix += 1
            if ix >= input.nbantiferro: break

  # now saves new job folder
  print "Created {0} new folders.".format(nb_new_folders)
  if nb_new_folders == 0: return
  interactive.jobfolder = jobfolder.root
  InteractiveShell.instance().magic("savefolders " + path)
コード例 #5
def main():
  import re 
  from sys import path as python_path
  from os.path import exists
  from argparse import ArgumentParser
  from pylada import jobfolder
  from pylada.process.mpi import create_global_comm
  import pylada

  # below would go additional imports.

  parser = ArgumentParser( prog="runone", description = re.sub("\\s+", " ", __doc__[1:]))

  parser.add_argument('--bugLev', dest="bugLev", default=0, type=int,\
                      help="Debug level.")
  parser.add_argument('--testValidProgram', dest="testValidProgram",
                      default=None, type=str,
  parser.add_argument( "--jobid", dest="names", nargs='+', type=str, \
                       help="Job name", metavar="N" )
  parser.add_argument( "--ppath", dest="ppath", default=None, \
                       help="Directory to add to python path",
                       metavar="Directory" )
  parser.add_argument('--nbprocs', dest="nbprocs", default=pylada.default_comm['n'], type=int,\
                      help="Number of processors with which to launch job.")
  parser.add_argument('--ppn', dest="ppn", default=pylada.default_comm['ppn'], type=int,\
                      help="Number of processors with which to launch job.")
  parser.add_argument('--timeout', dest="timeout", default=300, type=int,\
                      help="Time to wait for job-dictionary to becom available "
                           "before timing out (in seconds). A negative or null "
                           "value implies forever. Defaults to 5mn.")
  parser.add_argument('pickle', metavar='FILE', type=str, help='Path to a job-folder.')

  try: options = parser.parse_args()
  except SystemExit: return

  from pylada.misc import setBugLev
  setBugLev( options.bugLev)         # set global debug level
  from pylada.misc import bugLev     # must import after calling setBugLev

  from pylada.misc import setTestValidProgram
  tstPgm = options.testValidProgram
  if tstPgm.lower() == 'none': tstPgm = None
  setTestValidProgram( tstPgm)
  from pylada.misc import testValidProgram

  # additional path to look into.
  if options.ppath is not None: python_path.append(options.ppath)

  if not exists(options.pickle): 
    print "Could not find file {0}.".format(options.pickle)

  # Set up mpi processes.
  pylada.default_comm['ppn'] = options.ppn
  pylada.default_comm['n'] = options.nbprocs
  if testValidProgram == None:
    create_global_comm(options.nbprocs)   # Sets pylada.default_comm
    pylada.default_comm = None            # use testValidProgram

  timeout = None if options.timeout <= 0 else options.timeout
  jobfolder = jobfolder.load(options.pickle, timeout=timeout)
  print '  ipy/lau/scattered_script: jobfolder: ', jobfolder
  print '  ipy/lau/scattered_script: options: ', options
  for name in options.names:
    if bugLev >= 1:
      print '  ipy/lau/scattered_script: testValidProgram: %s' \
        % ( testValidProgram,)
      print '  ipy/lau/scattered_script: name: %s' % ( name,)
      print '  ipy/lau/scattered_script: jobfolder[name]: %s' \
        % ( jobfolder[name],)
      print '  ipy/lau/scattered_script: type(jobfolder[name]): %s' \
        % ( type(jobfolder[name]),)
      print '  ipy/lau/scattered_script: jobfolder[name].compute: %s' \
        % ( jobfolder[name].compute,)
      print '  ipy/lau/scattered_script: type(jobfolder[name].compute): %s' \
        % ( type(jobfolder[name].compute),)
      print '  ipy/lau/scattered_script: before compute for name: %s' \
        % ( name,)

    comm = pylada.default_comm
    if testValidProgram != None: comm = None
    jobfolder[name].compute(comm=comm, outdir=name)
    if bugLev >= 1:
      print '  ipy/lau/scattered_script: after compute for name: %s' \
        % ( name,)
コード例 #6
def save_job(path, inputpath="input.py", **kwargs):
  """ Jobs to explore possible ground-states. 
          Path where the job-folder will be saved. Calculations will be
          performed in the parent directory of this file. Calculations will be
          performed in same directory as this file.
          Path to an input file. Defaults to input.py. 
          Any keyword/value pair to take precedence over anything in the input

      Creates a high-throughput job-folder to compute the non-magnetic
      ground-state of a host-material.  The new job-folder is loaded into
      memory automatically. No need to call explore. It is save to the path
      provided on input.
  import re
  from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
  from copy import deepcopy
  from pylada.vasp import read_input
  from pylada.jobfolder import JobFolder
  from pylada import interactive

  from pylada.misc import setBugLev
  setBugLev(0)   # set global debug level
  from pylada.misc import bugLev

  # reads input.
  input = read_input(inputpath)

  # Job dictionary.
  jobfolder = JobFolder()

  # loop over material-lattice pairs.
  for (material,lattice) in input.matLatPairs:

    structure = deepcopy(lattice)

    # job folder for this lattice.
    lat_jobfolder = jobfolder / material 

    job = lat_jobfolder / lattice.name / "basin_hoping"
    job.functional = input.calc
    job.params["structure"] = structure
    job.params["ispin"] = 1
    job.params["vasp"] = input.vasp
    job.params["programs"] = input.programs
    job.params["func_param"] = input.func_param
    # saves some stuff for future reference.
    job.material = material
    job.lattice  = lattice
    #print '    test/hi/test: job: ', job
    #print '    test/hi/test: === job.functional ===\n%s\n=== end functional === ' % (job.functional,)

  interactive.jobfolder = jobfolder
  InteractiveShell.instance().magic("savefolders " + path)