コード例 #1
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: fzhu2e/Pyleoclim_util
def statsTs(timeseries=""):
    """ Calculate simple statistics of a timeseries

        timeseries: sytem will prompt for one if not given

        the mean, median, min, max, standard deviation and the
        inter-quartile range (IQR) of a timeseries.

        >>> mean, median, min_, max_, std, IQR = pyleo.statsTs(timeseries)

    if not 'timeseries_list' in globals():

    # Get the timeseries if not present
    if not timeseries:
        timeseries = LipdUtils.getTs(timeseries_list)

    # get the values
    y = np.array(timeseries['paleoData_values'], dtype='float64')

    mean, median, min_, max_, std, IQR = Stats.simpleStats(y)

    return mean, median, min_, max_, std, IQR
コード例 #2
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: fzhu2e/Pyleoclim_util
def interpTs(timeseries="", x_axis="", interp_step="", start="", end=""):
    """Simple linear interpolation

    Simple linear interpolation of the data using the numpy.interp method

        timeseries. Default is blank, will prompt for it
        x-axis (str): The representation against which to plot the paleo-data.
            Options are "age", "year", and "depth". Default is to let the
            system choose if only one available or prompt the user.
        interp_step (float): the step size. By default, will prompt the user.
        start (float): Start year/age/depth. Default is the minimum
        end (float): End year/age/depth. Default is the maximum

        interp_age - the interpolated age/year/depth according to the end/start
        and time step, \n
        interp_values - the interpolated values

    if not 'timeseries_list' in globals():

    # get a timeseries if none provided
    if not timeseries:
        timeseries = LipdUtils.getTs(timeseries_list)

    # Get the values
    y = np.array(timeseries['paleoData_values'], dtype='float64')
    x, label = LipdUtils.checkXaxis(timeseries, x_axis=x_axis)

    #remove nans
    index = np.where(~np.isnan(y))[0]
    x = x[index]
    y = y[index]

    #Interpolate the timeseries
    interp_age, interp_values = Timeseries.interp(x,y,interp_step = interp_step,\
                                                  start= start, end=end)

    return interp_age, interp_values
コード例 #3
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: fzhu2e/Pyleoclim_util
def binTs(timeseries="", x_axis="", bin_size="", start="", end=""):
    """Bin the paleoData values of the timeseries

        timeseries. By default, will prompt the user for one.
        x-axis (str): The representation against which to plot the paleo-data.
            Options are "age", "year", and "depth". Default is to let the
            system  choose if only one available or prompt the user.
        bin_size (float): the size of the bins to be used. By default,
            will prompt for one
        start (float): Start time/age/depth. Default is the minimum
        end (float): End time/age/depth. Default is the maximum

        binned_values- the binned output,\n
        bins-  the bins (centered on the median, i.e. the 100-200 bin is 150),\n
        n-  number of data points in each bin,\n
        error- the standard error on the mean in each bin\n

    if not 'timeseries_list' in globals():

    # get a timeseries if none provided
    if not timeseries:
        timeseries = LipdUtils.getTs(timeseries_list)

    # Get the values
    y = np.array(timeseries['paleoData_values'], dtype='float64')
    x, label = LipdUtils.checkXaxis(timeseries, x_axis=x_axis)

    #remove nans
    index = np.where(~np.isnan(y))[0]
    x = x[index]
    y = y[index]

    #Bin the timeseries:
    bins, binned_values, n, error = Timeseries.bin(x,y, bin_size = bin_size,\
                                                   start = start, end = end)

    return bins, binned_values, n, error
コード例 #4
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: fzhu2e/Pyleoclim_util
def standardizeTs(timeseries="", scale=1, ddof=0, eps=1e-3):
    """ Centers and normalizes the paleoData values of a  given time series.

    Constant or nearly constant time series not rescaled.

        x (array): vector of (real) numbers as a time series, NaNs allowed
        scale (real): a scale factor used to scale a record to a match a given variance
        axis (int or None): axis along which to operate, if None, compute over the whole array
        ddof (int): degress of freedom correction in the calculation of the standard deviation
        eps (real): a threshold to determine if the standard deviation is too close to zero

        - z (array): the standardized time series (z-score), Z = (X - E[X])/std(X)*scale, NaNs allowed \n
        - mu (real): the mean of the original time series, E[X] \n
        - sig (real): the standard deviation of the original time series, std[X] \n

        1. Tapio Schneider's MATLAB code: http://www.clidyn.ethz.ch/imputation/standardize.m
        2. The zscore function in SciPy: https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/master/scipy/stats/stats.py

    @author: fzhu
    if not 'timeseries_list' in globals():

    # get a timeseries if none provided
    if not timeseries:
        timeseries = LipdUtils.getTs(timeseries_list)

    # get the values
    y = np.array(timeseries['paleoData_values'], dtype='float64')

    # Remove NaNs
    index = np.where(~np.isnan(y))[0]
    y = y[index]

    z, mu, sig = Timeseries.standardize(y,

    return z, mu, sig
コード例 #5
ファイル: SummaryPlots.py プロジェクト: fzhu2e/Pyleoclim_util
def agemodelData(timeseries):
    """Get the necessary information for the agemodel plot

        timeseries: a single timeseries object. By default, will
            prompt the user

        depth - the depth values \n
        age - the age values \n
        x_label - the label for the x-axis \n
        y_label - the label for the y-axis \n
        archiveType - the archiveType (for default plot settings)

    if not "age" in timeseries.keys() and not "year" in timeseries.keys():
        sys.exit("No time information")
    elif not "depth" in timeseries.keys():
        sys.exit("No depth information")
        if "age" in timeseries.keys() and "year" in timeseries.keys():
            print("Do you want to use age or year?")
            choice = int(input("Enter 0 for age and 1 for year: "))
            if choice == 0:
                age = timeseries['age']
                if "ageUnits" in timeseries.keys():
                    age_label = "Calendar Age (" +\
                                    timeseries["ageUnits"] +")"
                    age_label = "Calendar Age"
            elif choice == 1:
                age = timeseries['year']
                if "yearUnits" in timeseries.keys():
                    age_label = "Year (" +\
                                    timeseries["yearUnits"] +")"
                    age_label = "Year"
                sys.exit("Enter 0 or 1")

        if "age" in timeseries.keys():
            age = timeseries['age']
            if "ageUnits" in timeseries.keys():
                age_label = "Calendar Age (" +\
                        timeseries["ageUnits"] +")"
                age_label = "Calendar Age"

        if "year" in timeseries.keys():
            age = timeseries['year']
            if "yearUnits" in timeseries.keys():
                age_label = "Year (" +\
                        timeseries["ageUnits"] +")"
                age_label = "Year"

        depth = timeseries['depth']
        if "depthUnits" in timeseries.keys():
            depth_label = "Depth (" + timeseries["depthUnits"] + ")"
            depth_label = "Depth"

    # Get the archiveType and make sure it aligns with the ontology
    archiveType = LipdUtils.LipdToOntology(timeseries["archiveType"])

    return depth, age, depth_label, age_label, archiveType
コード例 #6
ファイル: SummaryPlots.py プロジェクト: fzhu2e/Pyleoclim_util
def TsData(timeseries, x_axis=""):
    """ Get the PaleoData with age/depth information
    Get the necessary information for the TS plots/necessary to allow for
    axes specification
        timeseries: a single timeseries object. 
            By default, will prompt the user
        x-axis (str): The representation against which to plot the 
            paleo-data. Options are "age", "year", and "depth". 
            Default is to let the system choose if only one available 
            or prompt the user.
        x - the x-valus \n
        y - the y-values \n
        archiveType - the archiveType (for plot settings) \n
        x_label - the label for the x-axis \n
        y_label - the label for the y-axis \n
        label - the results of the x-axis query. Either depth, year, or age
    # Grab the x and y values
    y = np.array(timeseries['paleoData_values'], dtype='float64')
    x, label = LipdUtils.checkXaxis(timeseries, x_axis=x_axis)

    # Remove NaNs
    index = np.where(~np.isnan(y))[0]
    x = x[index]
    y = y[index]

    # Grab the archiveType
    archiveType = LipdUtils.LipdToOntology(timeseries["archiveType"])

    # x_label
    if label + "Units" in timeseries.keys():
        x_label = label[0].upper() + label[1:] + " (" + timeseries[
            label + "Units"] + ")"
        x_label = label[0].upper() + label[1:]
    # ylabel
    if "paleoData_InferredVariableType" in timeseries.keys():
        if "paleoData_units" in timeseries.keys():
            y_label = timeseries["paleoData_InferredVariableType"] + \
                      " (" + timeseries["paleoData_units"]+")"
            y_label = timeseries["paleoData_InferredVariableType"]
    elif "paleoData_ProxyObservationType" in timeseries.keys():
        if "paleoData_units" in timeseries.keys():
            y_label = timeseries["paleoData_ProxyObservationType"] + \
                      " (" + timeseries["paleoData_units"]+")"
            y_label = timeseries["paleoData_ProxyObservationType"]
        if "paleoData_units" in timeseries.keys():
            y_label = timeseries["paleoData_variableName"] + \
                      " (" + timeseries["paleoData_units"]+")"
            y_label = timeseries["paleoData_variableName"]

    return x, y, archiveType, x_label, y_label
コード例 #7
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: fzhu2e/Pyleoclim_util
def mapAllArchive(markersize = 50, background = 'shadedrelief',\
                  saveFig = False, dir="", format='eps'):
    """Map all the available records loaded into the workspace by archiveType.

    Map of all the records into the workspace by archiveType.
        Uses the default color palette. Enter pyleoclim.plot_default for detail.

        markersize (int): The size of the markers. Default is 50
        background (str): Plots one of the following images on the map:
            bluemarble, etopo, shadedrelief, or none (filled continents).
            Default is shadedrelief.
        saveFig (bool): Default is to not save the figure
        dir (str): The absolute path of the directory in which to save the
            figure. If not provided, creates a default folder called 'figures'
            in the LiPD working directory (lipd.path).
        format (str): One of the file extensions supported by the active
            backend. Default is "eps". Most backend support png, pdf, ps, eps,
            and svg.

        The figure
    # Make sure there are LiPD files to plot
    if not 'timeseries_list' in globals():

    #Get the lipd files
    lipd_in_directory = lpd.getLipdNames()

    # Initialize the various lists
    lat = []
    lon = []
    archiveType = []

    # Loop ang grab the metadata
    for lipd in lipd_in_directory:
        d = lpd.getMetadata(lipd)

    # append the default palette for other category
    plot_default.update({'other': ['k', 'o']})

    # make sure criteria is in the plot_default list
    for idx, val in enumerate(archiveType):
        if val not in plot_default.keys():
            archiveType[idx] = 'other'

    # Make the map
    fig = Map.mapAll(lat,lon,archiveType,lat_0=0,lon_0=0,palette=plot_default,\
                     background = background, markersize = markersize)

    # Save the figure if asked
    if saveFig == True:
        LipdUtils.saveFigure('mapLipds_archive', format, dir)

    return fig
コード例 #8
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: fzhu2e/Pyleoclim_util
def corrSigTs(timeseries1 = "", timeseries2 = "", x_axis = "", \
                 interp_step = "", start = "", end = "", nsim = 1000, \
                 method = 'isospectral', alpha = 0.5):
    """ Estimates the significance of correlations between non IID timeseries.

        Function written by. F. Zhu.

            timeseries1, timeseries2: timeseries object. Default is blank.
            x-axis (str): The representation against which to express the
                paleo-data. Options are "age", "year", and "depth".
                Default is to let the system choose if only one available
                or prompt the user.
            interp_step (float): the step size. By default, will prompt the user.
            start (float): Start time/age/depth. Default is the maximum of
                the minima of the two timeseries
            end (float): End time/age/depth. Default is the minimum of the
                maxima of the two timeseries
            nsim (int): the number of simulations. Default is 1000
            method (str): method use to estimate the correlation and significance.
                Available methods include:
                    - 'ttest': T-test where the degrees of freedom are corrected for
                    the effect of serial correlation \n
                    - 'isopersistant': AR(1) modeling of the two timeseries \n
                    - 'isospectral' (default): phase randomization of original
                The T-test is parametric test, hence cheap but usually wrong
                except in idyllic circumstances.
                The others are non-parametric, but their computational
                requirements scales with nsim.
            alpha (float): significance level for critical value estimation. Default is 0.05

            r (float) - correlation between the two timeseries \n
            sig (bool) -  Returns True if significant, False otherwise \n
            p (real) - the p-value

    if not 'timeseries_list' in globals():

    # Get the timeseries
    if not timeseries1:
        timeseries1 = LipdUtils.getTs(timeseries_list)

    if not timeseries2:
        timeseries2 = LipdUtils.getTs(timeseries_list)

    # Get the first time and paleoData values
    y1 = np.array(timeseries1['paleoData_values'], dtype='float64')
    x1, label = LipdUtils.checkXaxis(timeseries1, x_axis=x_axis)

    # Get the second one
    y2 = np.array(timeseries2['paleoData_values'], dtype='float64')
    x2, label = LipdUtils.checkXaxis(timeseries2, x_axis=label)

    # Remove NaNs
    index1 = np.where(~np.isnan(y1))[0]
    x1 = x1[index1]
    y1 = y1[index1]

    index2 = np.where(~np.isnan(y2))[0]
    x2 = x2[index2]
    y2 = y2[index2]

    #Check that the two timeseries have the same lenght and if not interpolate
    if len(y1) != len(y2):
        print("The two series don't have the same length. Interpolating ...")
        xi, interp_values1, interp_values2 = Timeseries.onCommonAxis(
            x1, y1, x2, y2, interp_step=interp_step, start=start, end=end)
    elif min(x1) != min(x2) and max(x1) != max(x2):
        print("The two series don't have the same length. Interpolating ...")
        xi, interp_values1, interp_values2 = Timeseries.onCommonAxis(
            x1, y1, x2, y2, interp_step=interp_step, start=start, end=end)
        #xi = x1
        interp_values1 = y1
        interp_values2 = y2

    r, sig, p = Stats.corrsig(interp_values1,

    return r, sig, p
コード例 #9
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: fzhu2e/Pyleoclim_util
def summaryTs(timeseries="", x_axis="", saveFig=False, dir="", format="eps"):
    """Basic summary plot

    Plots the following information: the time series, a histogram of
    the PaleoData_values, location map, age-depth profile if both are
    available from the paleodata, metadata about the record.

        timeseries: a timeseries object. By default, will prompt for one
        x_axis (str): The representation against which to plot the paleo-data.
            Options are "age", "year", and "depth". Default is to let the
            system choose if only one available or prompt the user.
        saveFig (bool): default is to not save the figure
        dir (str): the full path of the directory in which to save the figure.
            If not provided, creates a default folder called 'figures' in the
            LiPD working directory (lipd.path).
        format (str): One of the file extensions supported by the active
            backend. Default is "eps". Most backend support png, pdf, ps, eps,
            and svg.

        The figure


    if not 'timeseries_list' in globals():

    # get a timeseries if none provided
    if not timeseries:
        timeseries = LipdUtils.getTs(timeseries_list)

    # get the necessary metadata
    metadata = SummaryPlots.getMetadata(timeseries)

    # get the information about the timeseries
    x, y, archiveType, x_label, y_label = SummaryPlots.TsData(timeseries,

    # get the age model information if any
    if "age" and "depth" in timeseries.keys(
    ) or "year" and "depth" in timeseries.keys():
        depth, age, depth_label, age_label, archiveType = SummaryPlots.agemodelData(
        flag = ""
        flag = "no age or depth info"

    # Make the figure
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 8))
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 5)
    gs.update(left=0, right=1.1)

    # Plot the timeseries
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, :-3])
    marker = [plot_default[archiveType][0], plot_default[archiveType][1]]
    markersize = 50

    ax1.plot(x, y, color=marker[0], linewidth=1, label='interpolated')
    axes = plt.gca()
    ymin, ymax = axes.get_ylim()
    plt.title(timeseries['dataSetName'], fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
    plt.legend(loc=3, scatterpoints=1, fancybox=True, shadow=True, fontsize=10)

    # Plot the histogram and kernel density estimates
    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 2])
    sns.distplot(y, vertical = True, color = marker[0], \
                hist_kws = {"label":"Histogram"},
                kde_kws = {"label":"KDE fit"})

    ax2.set_ylim([ymin, ymax])

    # Plot the Map
    lat = timeseries["geo_meanLat"]
    lon = timeseries["geo_meanLon"]

    ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0])
    map = Basemap(projection='ortho', lon_0=lon, lat_0=lat)
    X, Y = map(lon, lat)
    map.scatter(X, Y, s=150, color=marker[0], marker=marker[1])

    # Plot Age model if any
    if not flag:
        ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 2])
        ax4.plot(depth, age, color=marker[0], linewidth=1.0)
        print("No age or depth information available, skipping age model plot")

    #Add the metadata
    textstr = "archiveType: " + metadata["archiveType"]+"\n"+"\n"+\
              "Authors: " + metadata["authors"]+"\n"+"\n"+\
              "Year: " + metadata["Year"]+"\n"+"\n"+\
              "DOI: " + metadata["DOI"]+"\n"+"\n"+\
              "Variable: " + metadata["Variable"]+"\n"+"\n"+\
              "units: " + metadata["units"]+"\n"+"\n"+\
              "Climate Interpretation: " +"\n"+\
              "    Climate Variable: " + metadata["Climate_Variable"] +"\n"+\
              "    Detail: " + metadata["Detail"]+"\n"+\
              "    Seasonality: " + metadata["Seasonality"]+"\n"+\
              "    Direction: " + metadata["Interpretation_Direction"]+"\n \n"+\
              "Calibration: \n" + \
              "    Equation: " + metadata["Calibration_equation"] + "\n" +\
              "    Notes: " + metadata["Calibration_notes"]
    plt.figtext(0.7, 0.4, textstr, fontsize=12)

    #Save the figure if asked
    if saveFig == True:
        name = 'plot_timeseries_'+timeseries["dataSetName"]+\
        LipdUtils.saveFigure(name, format, dir)

    return fig
コード例 #10
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: fzhu2e/Pyleoclim_util
def histTs(timeseries = "", bins = None, hist = True, \
             kde = True, rug = False, fit = None, hist_kws = {"label":"Histogram"},\
             kde_kws = {"label":"KDE fit"}, rug_kws = {"label":"Rug"}, \
             fit_kws = {"label":"Fit"}, color = "default", vertical = False, \
             norm_hist = True, saveFig = False, format ="eps",\
             dir = ""):
    """ Plot a univariate distribution of the PaleoData values

    This function is based on the seaborn displot function, which is
    itself a combination of the matplotlib hist function with the
    seaborn kdeplot() and rugplot() functions. It can also fit
    scipy.stats distributions and plot the estimated PDF over the data.

        timeseries: A timeseries. By default, will prompt the user for one.
        bins (int): Specification of hist bins following matplotlib(hist),
            or None to use Freedman-Diaconis rule
        hist (bool): Whether to plot a (normed) histogram
        kde (bool): Whether to plot a gaussian kernel density estimate
        rug (bool): Whether to draw a rugplot on the support axis
        fit: Random variable object. An object with fit method, returning
            a tuple that can be passed to a pdf method of positional
            arguments following a grid of values to evaluate the pdf on.
        {hist, kde, rug, fit}_kws: Dictionaries. Keyword arguments for
            underlying plotting functions. If modifying the dictionary, make
            sure the labels "hist", "kde", "rug" and "fit" are still passed.
        color (str): matplotlib color. Color to plot everything but the
            fitted curve in. Default is to use the default paletter for each
            archive type.
        vertical (bool): if True, oberved values are on y-axis.
        norm_hist (bool): If True (default), the histrogram height shows
            a density rather than a count. This is implied if a KDE or
            fitted density is plotted
        saveFig (bool): default is to not save the figure
        dir (str): the full path of the directory in which to save the figure.
            If not provided, creates a default folder called 'figures' in the
            LiPD working directory (lipd.path).
        format (str): One of the file extensions supported by the active
            backend. Default is "eps". Most backend support png, pdf, ps, eps,
            and svg.

        fig - The figure

    if not 'timeseries_list' in globals():

    # Get the timeseries if not present
    if not timeseries:
        timeseries = LipdUtils.getTs(timeseries_list)

    # Get the values
    y = np.array(timeseries['paleoData_values'], dtype='float64')

    # Remove NaNs
    index = np.where(~np.isnan(y))[0]
    y = y[index]

    # Get the y_label
    if "paleoData_InferredVariableType" in timeseries.keys():
        if "paleoData_units" in timeseries.keys():
            y_label = timeseries["paleoData_InferredVariableType"] + \
                      " (" + timeseries["paleoData_units"]+")"
            y_label = timeseries["paleoData_InferredVariableType"]
    elif "paleoData_ProxyObservationType" in timeseries.keys():
        if "paleoData_units" in timeseries.keys():
            y_label = timeseries["paleoData_ProxyObservationType"] + \
                      " (" + timeseries["paleoData_units"]+")"
            y_label = timeseries["paleoData_ProxyObservationType"]
        if "paleoData_units" in timeseries.keys():
            y_label = timeseries["paleoData_variableName"] + \
                      " (" + timeseries["paleoData_units"]+")"
            y_label = timeseries["paleoData_variableName"]

    # Grab the color
    if color == "default":
        archiveType = LipdUtils.LipdToOntology(timeseries["archiveType"])
        color = plot_default[archiveType][0]

    # Make this histogram
    fig = Plot.plot_hist(y, bins = bins, hist = hist, \
             kde = kde, rug = rug, fit = fit, hist_kws = hist_kws,\
             kde_kws = kde_kws, rug_kws = rug_kws, \
             fit_kws = fit_kws, color = color, vertical = vertical, \
             norm_hist = norm_hist, label = y_label)

    #Save the figure if asked
    if saveFig == True:
        name = 'plot_timeseries_'+timeseries["dataSetName"]+\
        LipdUtils.saveFigure(name, format, dir)

    return fig
コード例 #11
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: fzhu2e/Pyleoclim_util
def plotTs(timeseries = "", x_axis = "", markersize = 50,\
            marker = "default", saveFig = False, dir = "",\
    """Plot a single time series.

        A timeseries: By default, will prompt the user for one.
        x_axis (str): The representation against which to plot the paleo-data.
            Options are "age", "year", and "depth". Default is to let the
            system choose if only one available or prompt the user.
        markersize (int): default is 50.
        marker (str): a string (or list) containing the color and shape of the
            marker. Default is by archiveType. Type pyleo.plot_default to see
            the default palette.
        saveFig (bool): default is to not save the figure
        dir (str): the full path of the directory in which to save the figure.
            If not provided, creates a default folder called 'figures' in the
            LiPD working directory (lipd.path).
        format (str): One of the file extensions supported by the active
            backend. Default is "eps". Most backend support png, pdf, ps, eps,
            and svg.

        The figure.

    # Get the timeseries dictionary if not in global variables
    if not 'timeseries_list' in globals():

    # Get a timeseries if not already provided
    if not timeseries:
        timeseries = LipdUtils.getTs(timeseries_list)

    y = np.array(timeseries['paleoData_values'], dtype='float64')
    x, label = LipdUtils.checkXaxis(timeseries, x_axis=x_axis)

    # remove nans
    index = np.where(~np.isnan(y))[0]
    x = x[index]
    y = y[index]

    # get the markers
    if marker == "default":
        archiveType = LipdUtils.LipdToOntology(timeseries["archiveType"])
        marker = [plot_default[archiveType][0], plot_default[archiveType][1]]

    # Get the labels
    # title
    title = timeseries['dataSetName']
    # x_label
    if label + "Units" in timeseries.keys():
        x_label = label[0].upper() + label[1:] + " (" + timeseries[
            label + "Units"] + ")"
        x_label = label[0].upper() + label[1:]
    # ylabel
    if "paleoData_InferredVariableType" in timeseries.keys():
        if "paleoData_units" in timeseries.keys():
            y_label = timeseries["paleoData_InferredVariableType"] + \
                      " (" + timeseries["paleoData_units"]+")"
            y_label = timeseries["paleoData_InferredVariableType"]
    elif "paleoData_ProxyObservationType" in timeseries.keys():
        if "paleoData_units" in timeseries.keys():
            y_label = timeseries["paleoData_ProxyObservationType"] + \
                      " (" + timeseries["paleoData_units"]+")"
            y_label = timeseries["paleoData_ProxyObservationType"]
        if "paleoData_units" in timeseries.keys():
            y_label = timeseries["paleoData_variableName"] + \
                      " (" + timeseries["paleoData_units"]+")"
            y_label = timeseries["paleoData_variableName"]

    # make the plot
    fig = Plot.plot(x,y,markersize=markersize,marker=marker,x_label=x_label,\
                    y_label=y_label, title=title)

    #Save the figure if asked
    if saveFig == True:
        name = 'plot_timeseries_'+timeseries["dataSetName"]+\
        LipdUtils.saveFigure(name, format, dir)

    return fig
コード例 #12
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: fzhu2e/Pyleoclim_util
def mapLipd(timeseries="", countries = True, counties = False, \
        rivers = False, states = False, background = "shadedrelief",\
        scale = 0.5, markersize = 50, marker = "ro", \
        saveFig = False, dir = "", format="eps"):
    """ Create a Map for a single record

    Orthographic projection map of a single record.

        timeseries: a LiPD timeseries object. Will prompt for one if not given
        countries (bool): Draws the country borders. Default is on (True).
        counties (bool): Draws the USA counties. Default is off (False).
        rivers (bool): Draws the rivers. Default is off (False).
        states (bool): Draws the American and Australian states borders.
            Default is off (False)
        background (str): Plots one of the following images on the map:
            bluemarble, etopo, shadedrelief, or none (filled continents).
            Default is shadedrelief
        scale (float): useful to downgrade the original image resolution to
            speed up the process. Default is 0.5.
        markersize (int): default is 50
        marker (str): a string (or list) containing the color and shape of the
            marker. Default is by archiveType. Type pyleo.plot_default to see
            the default palette.
        saveFig (bool): default is to not save the figure
        dir (str): the full path of the directory in which to save the figure.
            If not provided, creates a default folder called 'figures' in the
            LiPD working directory (lipd.path).
        format (str): One of the file extensions supported by the active
            backend. Default is "eps". Most backend support png, pdf, ps, eps,
            and svg.

        The figure

    # Make sure there are LiPD files to plot
    if not 'timeseries_list' in globals():

    if not timeseries:
        timeseries = LipdUtils.getTs(timeseries_list)

    # Get latitude/longitude

    lat = timeseries['geo_meanLat']
    lon = timeseries['geo_meanLon']

    # Get the marker color and shape
    archiveType = LipdUtils.LipdToOntology(timeseries['archiveType']).lower()

    # Make sure it's in the palette
    if marker == 'default':
        archiveType = LipdUtils.LipdToOntology(timeseries["archiveType"])
        marker = plot_default[archiveType]
        marker = 'ro'

    fig = Map.mapOne(lat,lon,marker=marker,markersize=markersize,\
                     countries = countries, counties = counties,rivers = rivers, \
                     states = states, background = background, scale =scale)

    # Save the figure if asked
    if saveFig == True:
        LipdUtils.saveFigure(timeseries['dataSetName'] + '_map', format, dir)

    return fig