def lhe_to_csv(importfile, exportfile, particlei=0, particlef=None): """ A barebones way to extract all the information from each event from a .LHE file and write it to a .csv file I choose to not do the xml processing myself, but to use pylhe, which is available at Note that pylhe uses Python2, not Python3! if particlei or particlef are non-zero not all of the particles in the event will be written to file """ LHEgen = pylhe.readLHE(importfile) with open(exportfile, 'w') as file1: writes = csv.writer(file1, delimiter=',') for event in LHEgen: eventlist = [] for particle in event['particles'][particlei:particlef]: eventlist += particle.values() writes.writerow(eventlist)
output_tree.Branch("spin", spin, "spin/F") output_tree.Branch("pdgid", pdgid, "pdgid/F") h = ROOT.TH1F('invmass', 'Invariant Mass of Final State', 150, 0, 175) h.SetFillColor(38) pos = ROOT.TH1F('pos', 'Invariant Mass of Final pos State', 150, 0, 175) neg = ROOT.TH1F('neg', 'Invariant Mass of Final neg State', 150, 0, 175) def invariant_mass(p1, p2): return math.sqrt( sum((1 if mu == 'e' else -1) * (getattr(p1, mu) + getattr(p2, mu))**2 for mu in ['e', 'px', 'py', 'pz'])) num = 0 for e in pylhe.readLHE(args.input_file): num = num + 1 if num % 1000 == 0: print "Processing event number: ", num w = 1 if "0" in args.pdf_type: w = 1 if "1" in args.pdf_type: w = float(e.pdfwe[319]) / float(e.pdfwe[1]) if "2" in args.pdf_type: w = float(e.pdfwe[379]) / float(e.pdfwe[1]) if "3" in args.pdf_type: w = float(e.pdfwe[1009]) / float(e.pdfwe[1]) if "4" in args.pdf_type: w = float(e.pdfwe[430]) / float(e.pdfwe[1]) if "5" in args.pdf_type:
import pylhe import ROOT for event in pylhe.readLHE( "/home/hannah/background_decay/Events/run_01/unweighted_events.lhe"): print event particles = event.particles print particles for particle in particles: mass = particle["m"] print mass
# check on visible transverse momentum if (momentaLeptonsOut[0].pT+momentaLeptonsOut[1].pT+\ ev.outgoingBottom[0].pT+ev.outgoingBottom[1].pT)<130: return False # checks on bottom quarks for i in ev.outgoingBottom: if i.pT < 25: return False if abs(i.rap) > 2.4: return False for j in momentaLeptonsOut: if i.R2(j) < 0.4**2: return False return True # only gets reached, if no check failed. evtFile = pylhe.readLHE(eventFile) fullResultLL = ngl.Hist(nbins, tmax, errorHistCalc=True) fullNGL1Loop = 0. fullNGL1LoopSq = 0. fullNGL2Loop = 0. fullNGL2LoopSq = 0. eventWeight = 0. numberEvents = 0 numberValidEvents = 0 timeStart = time.time() for event in evtFile:
tr.Branch('theta2', theta2, 'theta2/F') tr.Branch('Phi', Phi, 'Phi/F') tr.Branch('Phi1', Phi1, 'Phi1/F') tr.Branch('thetaStar', thetaStar, 'thetaStar/F') tr.Branch('thetaStar2', thetaStar2, 'thetaStar2/F') tr.Branch('mZZ', mZZ, 'mZZ/F') tr.Branch('PtZZ', PtZZ, 'PtZZ/F') tr.Branch('Ptll', Ptll, 'Ptll/F') tr.Branch('Ptqq', Ptqq, 'Ptqq/F') print('Processing "', inputDire + args[1] + '.lhe', '....') if args[1] == 'Zjets': isbkg = True else: isbkg = False for e in pylhe.readLHE(inputDire + args[1] + '.lhe'): X = TLorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 0.) Z1 = TLorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 0.) Z2 = TLorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 0.) l1 = TLorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 0.) l2 = TLorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 0.) q1 = TLorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 0.) q2 = TLorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 0.) isMuon = False qcount = 0 for i in range(len(e['particles'])): # Check if final state if e['particles'][i]['status'] == 1: pdgid = e['particles'][i]['id'] Px = e['particles'][i]['px'] Py = e['particles'][i]['py']
import time import numpy as np #number of jets per event # fig = plt.figure() c = ROOT.TCanvas() h = ROOT.TH1F('jets', 'Distribution of Jets at Parton Level', 7, 0, 7) # events = [np.zeroes(10000]) events = [] x = 0 y = 0 for e in pylhe.readLHE( '/Users/margaretlazarovits/MG5_aMC_v2_6_6/PROC_sm_0/Events/run_01/unweighted_events.lhe' ): # x+=1 # print(e) njets = 0 for p_idx in range(len(e['particles'])): if e['particles'][p_idx]['id'] == 21.0 and e['particles'][p_idx][ 'mother1'] != 0 and e['particles'][p_idx]['mother2'] != 0: # h.Fill(e['particles'][p_idx]['id']) # print('particle id: ', get_id(e['particles'][p_idx])) njets += 1 events.append(njets) # print('\n') # (e['particles'][p_idx]['id'] >= 1.0 and e['particles'][p_idx]['id'] <= 4.0) or (e['particles'][p_idx]['id'] <= -1.0 and e['particles'][p_idx]['id'] >= -4.0) or
def main(infname, outfname, rwfunc): import ROOT import pylhe import itertools as it outf = ROOT.TFile(outfname, "CREATE") hpz_g1 = ROOT.TH1F("hpz_g1", "hpz_g1", 100, 0, 4 * TeV) hpz_g2 = ROOT.TH1F("hpz_g2", "hpz_g2", 100, 0, 4 * TeV) hmgg = ROOT.TH1F("hmgg", "hmgg", 100, 0, 4 * TeV) hpzgg = ROOT.TH1F("hpzgg", "hpzgg", 100, 0, 4 * TeV) hptv1 = ROOT.TH1F("hptv1", "hptv1", 100, 0, 2 * TeV) hpzv1 = ROOT.TH1F("hpzv1", "hpzv1", 100, 0, 2 * TeV) hptt1 = ROOT.TH1F("hptt1", "hptt1", 100, 0, 1 * TeV) hptt2 = ROOT.TH1F("hptt2", "hptt2", 100, 0, 1 * TeV) hptt3 = ROOT.TH1F("hptt3", "hptt3", 100, 0, 1 * TeV) hptt4 = ROOT.TH1F("hptt4", "hptt4", 100, 0, 1 * TeV) habsetat1 = ROOT.TH1F("habsetat1", "habsetat1", 100, 0, 5) habsetat2 = ROOT.TH1F("habsetat2", "habsetat2", 100, 0, 5) habsetat3 = ROOT.TH1F("habsetat3", "habsetat3", 100, 0, 5) habsetat4 = ROOT.TH1F("habsetat4", "habsetat4", 100, 0, 5) hmtt_centraltops = ROOT.TH1F("hmtt_centraltops", "hmtt_centraltops", 100, 0, 2 * TeV) hmtt_leadingtops = ROOT.TH1F("hmtt_leadingtops", "hmtt_leadingtops", 100, 0, 2 * TeV) hmtt_fromV = ROOT.TH1F("hmtt_fromV", "hmtt_fromV", 100, 0, 2 * TeV) hpt_t1_fromV = ROOT.TH1F("hpt_t1_fromV", "hpt_t1_fromV", 100, 0, 1 * TeV) hpt_t2_fromV = ROOT.TH1F("hpt_t2_fromV", "hpt_t2_fromV", 100, 0, 1 * TeV) hpt_t1_notFromV = ROOT.TH1F("hpt_t1_notFromV", "hpt_t1_notFromV", 100, 0, 1 * TeV) hpt_t2_notFromV = ROOT.TH1F("hpt_t2_notFromV", "hpt_t2_notFromV", 100, 0, 1 * TeV) hpz_t1_fromV = ROOT.TH1F("hpz_t1_fromV", "hpz_t1_fromV", 100, 0, 1 * TeV) hpz_t2_fromV = ROOT.TH1F("hpz_t2_fromV", "hpz_t2_fromV", 100, 0, 1 * TeV) hpz_t1_notFromV = ROOT.TH1F("hpz_t1_notFromV", "hpz_t1_notFromV", 100, 0, 1 * TeV) hpz_t2_notFromV = ROOT.TH1F("hpz_t2_notFromV", "hpz_t2_notFromV", 100, 0, 1 * TeV) habseta_t1_fromV = ROOT.TH1F("habseta_t1_fromV", "habseta_t1_fromV", 100, 0, 5) habseta_t2_fromV = ROOT.TH1F("habseta_t2_fromV", "habseta_t2_fromV", 100, 0, 5) habseta_t1_notFromV = ROOT.TH1F("habseta_t1_notFromV", "habseta_t1_notFromV", 100, 0, 5) habseta_t2_notFromV = ROOT.TH1F("habseta_t2_notFromV", "habseta_t2_notFromV", 100, 0, 5) hpt_t3_notFromV = ROOT.TH1F("hpt_t3_notFromV", "hpt_t3_notFromV", 100, 0, 1 * TeV) hpt_t4_notFromV = ROOT.TH1F("hpt_t4_notFromV", "hpt_t4_notFromV", 100, 0, 1 * TeV) habseta_t3_notFromV = ROOT.TH1F("habseta_t3_notFromV", "habseta_t3_notFromV", 100, 0, 5) habseta_t4_notFromV = ROOT.TH1F("habseta_t4_notFromV", "habseta_t4_notFromV", 100, 0, 5) allHists = \ [ hpz_g1, hpz_g2, hmgg , hptv1, hpzv1 , hptt1, hptt2, hptt3, hptt4 , habsetat1, habsetat2 , habsetat3, habsetat4 , hmtt_centraltops, hmtt_leadingtops, hmtt_fromV , hpt_t1_fromV, hpt_t2_fromV , hpt_t1_notFromV, hpt_t2_notFromV , hpz_t1_fromV, hpz_t2_fromV , hpz_t1_notFromV, hpz_t2_notFromV , habseta_t1_fromV, habseta_t2_fromV , habseta_t1_notFromV, habseta_t2_notFromV , hpt_t3_notFromV, hpt_t4_notFromV , habseta_t3_notFromV, habseta_t4_notFromV ] rwf = ROOT.TFormula("rwf", rwfunc) for evt in pylhe.readLHE(infname): glus = [p for p in evt.particles if abs( == 21] v1s = [p for p in evt.particles if abs( == 6000055] tops = [p for p in evt.particles if abs( == 6] # attach the TLV to the particles for p in glus: p.tlv = ROOT.TLorentzVector(p.px,, p.pz, p.e) for p in v1s: p.tlv = ROOT.TLorentzVector(p.px,, p.pz, p.e) for p in tops: p.tlv = ROOT.TLorentzVector(p.px,, p.pz, p.e) tops.sort(key=lambda t: t.tlv.Pt(), reverse=True) wgt = evt.eventinfo.weight if len(v1s) == 1: wgt *= rwf.Eval(v1s[0].tlv.M()) hptv1.Fill(v1s[0].tlv.Pt(), wgt) hpzv1.Fill(abs(v1s[0].tlv.Pz()), wgt) if len(glus) == 2: hpz_g1.Fill(abs(glus[0].tlv.Pz()), wgt) hpz_g2.Fill(abs(glus[1].tlv.Pz()), wgt) gg = glus[0].tlv + glus[1].tlv hmgg.Fill(gg.M(), wgt) hpzgg.Fill(gg.Pz(), wgt) if len(tops) != 4: print "woops!" continue hptt1.Fill(tops[0].tlv.Pt(), wgt) hptt2.Fill(tops[1].tlv.Pt(), wgt) hptt3.Fill(tops[2].tlv.Pt(), wgt) hptt4.Fill(tops[3].tlv.Pt(), wgt) habsetat1.Fill(abs(tops[0].tlv.Eta()), wgt) habsetat2.Fill(abs(tops[1].tlv.Eta()), wgt) habsetat3.Fill(abs(tops[2].tlv.Eta()), wgt) habsetat4.Fill(abs(tops[3].tlv.Eta()), wgt) hmtt_leadingtops.Fill((tops[0].tlv + tops[1].tlv).M(), wgt) eta_ordered_tops = sorted(map(lambda t: (abs(t.tlv.Eta()), t), tops)) hmtt_centraltops.Fill( (eta_ordered_tops[0][1].tlv + eta_ordered_tops[1][1].tlv).M(), wgt) (topsFromV, topsNotFromV) = list( partition(lambda p: hasAncestor(p, 6000055), tops)) if len(topsFromV) == 2: hpt_t1_fromV.Fill(topsFromV[0].tlv.Pt(), wgt) hpt_t2_fromV.Fill(topsFromV[1].tlv.Pt(), wgt) hpz_t1_fromV.Fill(topsFromV[0].tlv.Pz(), wgt) hpz_t2_fromV.Fill(topsFromV[1].tlv.Pz(), wgt) habseta_t1_fromV.Fill(abs(topsFromV[0].tlv.Eta()), wgt) habseta_t2_fromV.Fill(abs(topsFromV[1].tlv.Eta()), wgt) hmtt_fromV.Fill((topsFromV[0].tlv + topsFromV[1].tlv).M(), wgt) if len(topsNotFromV) >= 2: hpt_t1_notFromV.Fill(topsNotFromV[0].tlv.Pt(), wgt) hpt_t2_notFromV.Fill(topsNotFromV[1].tlv.Pt(), wgt) hpz_t1_notFromV.Fill(topsNotFromV[0].tlv.Pz(), wgt) hpz_t2_notFromV.Fill(topsNotFromV[1].tlv.Pz(), wgt) habseta_t1_notFromV.Fill(abs(topsNotFromV[0].tlv.Eta()), wgt) habseta_t2_notFromV.Fill(abs(topsNotFromV[1].tlv.Eta()), wgt) if len(topsNotFromV) >= 4: hpt_t3_notFromV.Fill(topsNotFromV[2].tlv.Pt(), wgt) hpt_t4_notFromV.Fill(topsNotFromV[3].tlv.Pt(), wgt) habseta_t3_notFromV.Fill(abs(topsNotFromV[2].tlv.Eta()), wgt) habseta_t4_notFromV.Fill(abs(topsNotFromV[3].tlv.Eta()), wgt) # scale by 100/fb for h in allHists: h.Scale(100e3) outf.Write() outf.Close() return
def main(): t0 = time.time() # Check user has inputted variables or not # Parse in arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'This parses the .lhe Les Houches Events file and produces .root TTree ntuples. Run as ./lhe_to_ntuples -i unweighted_events.lhe -o out_tree.root' ) parser.add_argument('-i', '--ifile', type=str, nargs='?', help='Input LHE file', default='unweighted_events.lhe') parser.add_argument('-o', '--ofile', type=str, nargs='?', help='Name of output .root file', default='out_tree.root') args = parser.parse_args() if args.ifile: in_file = args.ifile print('Input file: {0}'.format(in_file)) if 'lhe.gz' in in_file: print('Unzipping LHE file to read') os.system('gunzip {0}'.format(in_file)) in_file = in_file.replace('.lhe.gz', '.lhe') if args.ofile: out_file = args.ofile print('Output file: {0}'.format(out_file)) #------------------------------------------------- # Input LHE file #------------------------------------------------- print('Input .lhe file: {0}'.format(in_file)) # Use pylhe to parse the LHE file lhef = pylhe.readLHE(in_file) #------------------------------------------------- # Output tree #------------------------------------------------- outFile = TFile(out_file, "recreate") outTree = TTree('tree', 'tree') #------------------------------------------------- # Prepare variables to write to TTree branches #------------------------------------------------- h1_M = array('f', [0]) h1_Pt = array('f', [0]) h1_Eta = array('f', [0]) h1_Phi = array('f', [0]) h2_M = array('f', [0]) h2_Pt = array('f', [0]) h2_Eta = array('f', [0]) h2_Phi = array('f', [0]) m_hh = array('f', [0]) pT_hh = array('f', [0]) eta_hh = array('f', [0]) phi_hh = array('f', [0]) dEta_hh = array('f', [0]) # Declare TTree branches outTree.Branch('h1_M', h1_M, 'h1_M/F') outTree.Branch('h1_Pt', h1_Pt, 'h1_Pt/F') outTree.Branch('h1_Eta', h1_Eta, 'h1_Eta/F') outTree.Branch('h1_Phi', h1_Phi, 'h1_Phi/F') outTree.Branch('h2_M', h2_M, 'h2_M/F') outTree.Branch('h2_Pt', h2_Pt, 'h2_Pt/F') outTree.Branch('h2_Eta', h2_Eta, 'h2_Eta/F') outTree.Branch('h2_Phi', h2_Phi, 'h2_Phi/F') outTree.Branch('m_hh', m_hh, 'm_hh/F') outTree.Branch('pT_hh', pT_hh, 'pT_hh/F') outTree.Branch('eta_hh', eta_hh, 'eta_hh/F') outTree.Branch('phi_hh', phi_hh, 'phi_hh/F') outTree.Branch('dEta_hh', dEta_hh, 'dEta_hh/F') # Declare TLorentzVectors tlv_unordered_higgs1 = TLorentzVector() tlv_unordered_higgs2 = TLorentzVector() tlv_ordered_higgs1 = TLorentzVector() tlv_ordered_higgs2 = TLorentzVector() tlv_DiHiggs = TLorentzVector() #------------------------------------------------- # Loop through all events in the parsed LHE file #------------------------------------------------- for count, event in enumerate(lhef): # debug break #if count > 10: break if count % 1000 == 0: sys.stdout.write('\r Event {0}'.format(count)) sys.stdout.flush() count_higgs = 0 #------------------------------------------------- # Loop through all particles #------------------------------------------------- for part in event.particles: pid = int( # PDG ID of Higgs boson is 25 if abs(pid) == 25: count_higgs += 1 if count_higgs == 1: tlv_unordered_higgs1.SetPxPyPzE(part.px,, part.pz, part.e) if count_higgs == 2: tlv_unordered_higgs2.SetPxPyPzE(part.px,, part.pz, part.e) #------------------------------------------------- # Order Higgs by pT #------------------------------------------------- # if Higgs2Pt is has larger pT than Higgs1Pt, invert the tlv assignment if tlv_unordered_higgs2.Pt() > tlv_unordered_higgs1.Pt(): tlv_ordered_higgs1 = tlv_unordered_higgs2 tlv_ordered_higgs2 = tlv_unordered_higgs1 else: tlv_ordered_higgs1 = tlv_unordered_higgs1 tlv_ordered_higgs2 = tlv_unordered_higgs2 tlv_DiHiggs = tlv_ordered_higgs1 + tlv_ordered_higgs2 #------------------------------------------------- # Set variables for TTree #------------------------------------------------- h1_M[0] = tlv_ordered_higgs1.M() h1_Pt[0] = tlv_ordered_higgs1.Pt() h1_Eta[0] = tlv_ordered_higgs1.Eta() h1_Phi[0] = tlv_ordered_higgs1.Phi() h2_M[0] = tlv_ordered_higgs2.M() h2_Pt[0] = tlv_ordered_higgs2.Pt() h2_Eta[0] = tlv_ordered_higgs2.Eta() h2_Phi[0] = tlv_ordered_higgs2.Phi() m_hh[0] = tlv_DiHiggs.M() pT_hh[0] = tlv_DiHiggs.Pt() eta_hh[0] = tlv_DiHiggs.Eta() phi_hh[0] = tlv_DiHiggs.Phi() dEta_hh[0] = tlv_ordered_higgs1.Eta() - tlv_ordered_higgs2.Eta() # Fill the tree outTree.Fill() print('\nFinished filling tree, closing files...') # Close up shop outFile.Write() outFile.Close() os.system('gzip {0}'.format(in_file)) dt = time.time() - t0 print('Finished in {0:.2f} seconds.'.format(dt))
output_tree.Branch("pz",pz , "pz/F") output_tree.Branch("energy",energy , "energy/F") output_tree.Branch("mass",mass , "mass/F") output_tree.Branch("zmass",zmass , "zmass/F") output_tree.Branch("spin",spin , "spin/F") output_tree.Branch("pdgid", pdgid, "pdgid/F") h = ROOT.TH1F('invmass','Invariant Mass of Final State',150,0,175) h.SetFillColor(38) def invariant_mass(p1,p2): return math.sqrt(sum((1 if mu=='e' else -1)*(getattr(p1,mu)+getattr(p2,mu))**2 for mu in ['e','px','py','pz'])) for e in pylhe.readLHE('unweighted_events_80GeVCut.lhe'): h.Fill(invariant_mass(e.particles[-1],e.particles[-2]),e.eventinfo.weight) zmass[0]=invariant_mass(e.particles[-1],e.particles[-2]); for p in e.particles: pdgid[0] = getattr(p,'id') px[0] = getattr(p,'px') py[0] = getattr(p,'py') pz[0] = getattr(p,'pz') energy[0] = getattr(p,'e') mass[0] = getattr(p,'m') spin[0] = getattr(p,'spin') output_tree.Fill() output_tree.Write()