def mvf2phy(args): """Main method""" mvf = MultiVariantFile(args.mvf, 'read') if (mvf.flavor in ("dna", "rna") and args.output_data == "prot") or ( mvf.flavor == "prot" and args.output_data in ("dna", "rna")): raise RuntimeError( "--outdput-data {} incompatiable with '{}' flavor mvf".format( args.output_data, mvf.flavor)) max_region_coord = dict((x, None) for x in mvf.get_contig_ids()) if args.regions is not None: _, max_region_coord, _ = parse_regions_arg(args.regions, mvf.get_contig_ids()) if args.sample_indices is not None: sample_indices = [int(x) for x in args.sample_indices[0].split(",")] elif args.sample_labels is not None: sample_indices = mvf.get_sample_indices( ids=args.sample_labels[0].split(",")) else: sample_indices = mvf.get_sample_indices() sample_labels = mvf.get_sample_ids(indices=sample_indices) skipcontig = '' tmp_files = dict((fn, open("{}-{}.tmp".format(fn, randint(1000000, 9999999)), 'w+', args.buffer)) for fn in sample_labels) labelwritten = dict.fromkeys(sample_labels, False) current_contig_id = None current_contig_start = 1 current_contig_end = 1 if args.partition is True: partprefix = "PROT" if args.output_data == "prot" else "DNA" partitionfile = open("{}.part".format(args.out), 'w') for contig, _, allelesets in mvf.iterentries( contig_ids=(mvf.get_contig_ids() if args.regions is None else max_region_coord[:]), decode=True): if contig == skipcontig: continue if contig not in max_region_coord: skipcontig = contig[:] continue if current_contig_id is None: current_contig_id = contig[:] elif contig != current_contig_id: if args.partition is True: if current_contig_end > current_contig_start: partitionfile.write("{}, {} = {}-{}\n".format( partprefix, mvf.get_contig_labels(ids=current_contig_id), current_contig_start, current_contig_end - 1)) current_contig_id = contig[:] # reset start as one position after end of last current_contig_start = current_contig_end current_contig_end = current_contig_end + 1 for col, label in zip(sample_indices, sample_labels): if not labelwritten[label]: if args.label_type == 'long': tmp_files[label].write("{}{}".format( label[:100], " " * (100 - len(label[:100])))) elif args.label_type == 'short': tmp_files[label].write("{}{}".format( label[:20], " " * (20 - len(label[:20])))) labelwritten[label] = True if mvf.flavor == 'dna': tmp_files[label].write(allelesets[0][col] == 'X' and 'N' or allelesets[0][col]) if label == sample_labels[0]: current_contig_end += 1 elif ((mvf.flavor == 'codon' and args.output_data == 'prot') or (mvf.flavor == 'prot')): tmp_files[label].write(allelesets[0][col]) if label == sample_labels[0]: current_contig_end += 1 elif mvf.flavor == 'codon': codon = [ "N" if allelesets[x][col] == 'X' else allelesets[x][col] for x in (1, 2, 3) ] tmp_files[label].write(''.join(codon)) if label == sample_labels[0]: current_contig_end += 3 first_file = True totalseqlen = 0 with open(args.out, 'w') as outfile: for filehandler in tmp_files.values(): # read first file to establish sequence length for phylip header if first_file is True:, 0) buff = while buff != '': if " " in buff: totalseqlen += len(buff.strip().split(" ")[-1]) else: totalseqlen += len(buff.strip()) buff = outfile.write("{} {}\n".format(len(sample_labels), totalseqlen)) first_file = False, 0) buff = while buff != '': if first_file is True: outfile.write("{} {}\n".format(len(sample_labels), len(buff.split()[1]))) first_file = False outfile.write(buff) buff = outfile.write("\n") filehandler.close() os.remove(os.path.join(args.temp_dir, if args.partition is True: if current_contig_end > current_contig_start: partitionfile.write("{}, {} = {}-{}\n".format( partprefix, mvf.get_contig_labels(ids=current_contig_id), current_contig_start, current_contig_end - 1)) partitionfile.close() return ''
def vcf2mvf(args=None): """Main method for vcf2mvf""" sepchars = dict([("TAB", "\t"), ("SPACE", " "), ("DBLSPACE", " "), ("COMMA", ","), ("MIXED", None)]) args.fieldsep = sepchars[args.field_sep] # ESTABLISH VCF args.qprint("Opening input VCF: {}".format(args.vcf)) vcf = VariantCallFile(args.vcf, indexcontigs=(not args.no_autoindex)) # ESTABLISH MVF args.qprint("Establishing output MVF: {}".format(args.out)) mvf = MultiVariantFile(args.out, 'write', overwrite=args.overwrite) mvf.notes.append(args.command_string) mvf.metadata['mvfversion'] = args.versionx # PROCESS CONTIG INFO args.qprint("Processing VCF headers.") vcfcontigs = vcf.metadata['contigs'].copy() args.qprint("{} contigs found.".format(len(vcfcontigs))) contig_translate = {} if args.contig_ids: for cid, cvcf, cmvf in (x.split(';') for x in args.contig_ids): try: cid = int(cid) except ValueError: pass assert cvcf in [vcfcontigs[x]['label'] for x in vcfcontigs] for vid in vcfcontigs: if vcfcontigs[vid]['label'] == cvcf: contig_translate[cvcf] = [cid, cmvf] if cid in mvf.metadata['contigs']: raise RuntimeError( 'Contig id {} is not unique'.format(cid)) mvf.metadata['contigs'][cid] = vcfcontigs[vid].copy() if cmvf in mvf.get_contig_labels(): raise RuntimeError( 'Contig label {} is not unique'.format(cmvf)) mvf.metadata['contigs'][cid]['label'] = cmvf[:] mvf.reset_max_contig() mvf.max_contig_index -= 1 args.qprint("Processing contigs.") static_contig_ids = list(mvf.get_contig_ids()) for vcid in vcfcontigs: vlabel = vcfcontigs[vcid]['label'] if vlabel not in static_contig_ids: newindex = mvf.get_next_contig_index() if ((is_int(vlabel) or len(vlabel) < 3) and vlabel not in static_contig_ids): newid = vlabel[:] else: newid = str(newindex) mvf.contig_indices.append(newindex) mvf.contig_ids.append(newid) mvf.contig_data[newindex] = vcfcontigs[vcid].copy() static_contig_ids.append(newid) contig_translate[vlabel] = [newindex, vlabel] mvf.reset_max_contig() new_contigs = [(x, mvf.contig_data[x]['label']) for x in mvf.contig_indices] if args.skip_contig_label_check is False: args.qprint("Checking contigs for label/id overlap errors.") xids = [x[0] for x in new_contigs] xlabels = [x[1] for x in new_contigs] xintersect = set(xids).intersection(xlabels) if xintersect: for i, (newid, newlabel) in enumerate(new_contigs): if i % 100 == 0: args.qprint("{} contigs processed".format(i)) if newid in xlabels[:i] or newid in xlabels[i + 1:]: # if newid in xlabels: # if xlabels.index(newid) != i: raise RuntimeError("Error contig id {} is the same as" " the label for another contig" " ({})".format(newid, xlabels.index(newid))) if newlabel in xids[:i] or newlabel in xids[i + 1:]: # if newlabel in xids: # if xids.index(newlabel) != i: raise RuntimeError("Error contig label {} is the same" "as the id for another contig" "({})".format(newlabel, xids.index(newlabel))) # PROCESS SAMPLE INFO args.qprint("Processing samples.") samplelabels = [args.ref_label] + vcf.metadata['samples'][:] if args.alleles_from: args.alleles_from = args.alleles_from.split(':') samplelabels += args.alleles_from if args.sample_replace: newsample = [ x.split(':') if ':' in tuple(x) else tuple([x, x]) for x in args.sample_replace ] unmatched = list(enumerate(samplelabels)) for old, new in newsample: labelmatched = False for j, (i, name) in enumerate(unmatched): if old in name: samplelabels[i] = new labelmatched = j break if labelmatched is not False: del unmatched[labelmatched] mvf.sample_indices = list(range(len(samplelabels))) mvf.sample_ids = samplelabels[:] for i, label in enumerate(samplelabels): mvf.sample_data[i] = {'id': label} mvf.metadata['ncol'] = len(mvf.sample_ids) mvf.max_sample_index = len(mvf.sample_ids) mvf.metadata['sourceformat'] = vcf.metadata['sourceformat'] # WRITE MVF HEADER mvf.write_data(mvf.get_header()) mvfentries = [] nentry = 0 args.qprint("Processing VCF entries.") for vcfrecord in vcf.iterentries(args): mvfstring = ''.join(vcfrecord['genotypes']) if args.filter_nonref_empty is True: if all(x in 'Xx-?' for x in mvfstring[1:]): continue mvf_alleles = encode_mvfstring(mvfstring) if args.out_flavor in ('dnaqual', ): qual_alleles = encode_mvfstring(''.join(vcfrecord['qscores'])) if mvf_alleles: mvfentries.append( (contig_translate.get(vcfrecord['contig'])[0], vcfrecord['coord'], ((mvf_alleles, qual_alleles) if args.out_flavor in ('dnaqual', ) else (mvf_alleles, )))) nentry += 1 if nentry == args.line_buffer: mvf.write_entries(mvfentries, encoded=True) mvfentries = [] nentry = 0 if mvfentries: mvf.write_entries(mvfentries) mvfentries = [] return ''
def mvf2fastagene(args): """Main method""" args.qprint("Indexing MVF") mvf = MultiVariantFile(args.mvf, 'read', contigindex=True) if (mvf.flavor in ("dna", "rna") and args.output_data == "prot") or ( mvf.flavor == "prot" and args.output_data in ("dna", "rna")): raise RuntimeError( "--output-data {} incompatiable with '{}' flavor mvf".format( args.output_data, mvf.flavor)) if args.output_data is None: raise RuntimeError("--output-data required") sample_labels = mvf.get_sample_ids() if args.sample_indices is not None: sample_indices = [int(x) for x in args.sample_indices[0].split(",")] elif args.sample_labels is not None: sample_indices = mvf.get_sample_indices( ids=args.sample_labels[0].split(",")) else: sample_indices = mvf.get_sample_indices() args.qprint("Beginning Entries.") if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir): args.qprint("Output Directory Created: {}".format(args.output_dir)) os.mkdir(args.output_dir) else: args.qprint("Output Directory Exists Already: {}".format( args.output_dir)) write_buffer = {} for targetcontig in mvf.get_contig_indices(): contiglabel = mvf.get_contig_labels(indices=targetcontig)[0] args.qprint("Reading Contig {}: {}".format(targetcontig, contiglabel)) write_buffer = dict((x, []) for x in sample_labels) data_in_buffer = False for _, _, allelesets in mvf.itercontigentries(targetcontig, decode=True): for col, label in zip(sample_indices, sample_labels): if mvf.flavor == 'dna': write_buffer[label].append('N' if allelesets[0][col] == 'X' else allelesets[0][col]) data_in_buffer = True elif mvf.flavor in ('codon', 'prot') and (args.output_data == 'prot'): write_buffer[label].append(allelesets[0][col]) data_in_buffer = True elif mvf.flavor == 'codon' and args.output_data == 'dna': if args.choose_allele == 'random1': codon = [ 'N' if allelesets[x][col] == 'X' else (MLIB.randomnuc(allelesets[x][col]) if (allelesets[x][col] in MLIB.validchars['dnaambig23']) else allelesets[x][col]) for x in (1, 2, 3) ] else: codon = [ 'N' if allelesets[x][col] == 'X' else allelesets[x][col] for x in (1, 2, 3) ] write_buffer[label].append(''.join(codon)) data_in_buffer = True if data_in_buffer: args.qprint("Writing Align") with open(os.path.join(args.output_dir, contiglabel + ".fa"), 'w') as outfile: for label in write_buffer: if (mvf.flavor == 'codon' and args.output_data in ('dna', 'prot')): if ((mvf.contig_data[targetcontig].get('strand', '+') == '-') and (args.ignore_strand is False)): entryseq = ''.join(write_buffer[label][::-1]) else: entryseq = ''.join(write_buffer[label]) else: entryseq = ''.join(write_buffer[label]) outfile.write(">{}\n{}\n".format(label, entryseq)) outfile.write("\b") return ''
def calc_group_unique_allele_window(args): """Count the number of and relative rate of uniquely held alleles spatially along chromosomes (i.e. Lineage-specific rates)""" data = {} mvf = MultiVariantFile(args.mvf, 'read') if mvf.flavor != 'codon': raise RuntimeError( "\n=====================\nERROR: MVF is not codon flavor!") annotations = {} coordinates = {} labels = mvf.get_sample_labels()[:] ncol = len(labels) current_contig = None current_position = 0 counts = Counter() totals = Counter() args.start_contig = (args.start_contig if args.start_contig is not None else 0) args.end_contig = (args.end_contig if args.end_contig is not None else 100000000000) if args.output_align is True: outputalign = [] if args.gff is not None: annotations, coordinates = (parse_gff_analysis(args.gff)) if args.allele_groups is not None: args.allele_groups = procarg_allelegroups(args.allele_groups, mvf) if args.species_groups is None: args.species_groups = args.allele_groups else: args.species_groups = procarg_speciesgroups(args.species_groups, mvf) fieldtags = [ 'likelihood', 'bgdnds0', 'bgdnds1', 'bgdnds2a', 'bgdnds2b', 'fgdnds0', 'fgdnds1', 'fgdnds2a', 'fgdnds2b', 'dndstree', 'errorstate' ] if args.branch_lrt is not None: with open(args.branch_lrt, 'w') as branchlrt: genealign = [] branchlrt.write( "\t".join(['contig', 'ntaxa', 'alignlength', 'lrtscore'] + ["null.{}".format(x) for x in fieldtags] + ["test.{}".format(x) for x in fieldtags] + ['tree']) + "\n") groups = args.allele_groups.values() if args.species_groups is not None: speciesgroups = args.species_groups.values() allsets = set([]) for group in groups: allsets.update(group) allsets = list(sorted(allsets)) speciesnames = args.species_groups.keys() speciesrev = {} if args.species_groups is not None: for species in args.species_groups: speciesrev.update([(x, species) for x in args.species_groups[species]]) if args.mincoverage is not None: if args.mincoverage < len(groups) * 2: raise RuntimeError(""" Error: GroupUniqueAlleleWindow: --mincoverage cannot be lower than the twice the number of specified groups in --allele-groups """) genealign = [] for contig, pos, allelesets in mvf: if not current_contig: current_contig = contig[:] if contig != current_contig or (args.windowsize > 0 and pos > current_position + args.windowsize): xkey = ( current_contig, current_position, ) data[xkey] = counts.copy() data[xkey].update([ ('contig', (mvf.get_contig_labels(ids=current_contig) if args.use_labels is True else current_contig)), ('position', current_position), ('nonsynyonymous_changes', counts.get('nonsynonymous_changes', 0) or 0), ('synyonymous_changes', counts.get('synonymous_changes', 0) or 0) ]) data[xkey].update([ ('ns_ratio', (float(data[xkey].get('nonsynonymous_changes', 0)) / (data[xkey].get('synonymous_changes', 1.0)))), ('annotation', annotations.get(data[xkey]['contig'], '.')), ('coordinates', coordinates.get(data[xkey]['contig'], '.')) ]) if genealign: if (args.end_contig >= int(current_contig)) and ( args.start_contig <= int(current_contig)): (pamlnull, pamltest, tree) = paml_branchsite( genealign, labels[:], species=speciesnames, speciesrev=speciesrev, codemlpath=args.codeml_path, raxmlpath=args.raxml_path, pamltmp=args.paml_tmp,, targetspec=args.num_target_species, allsampletrees=args.all_sample_trees, outgroup=args.outgroup) lrtscore = -1 if (pamlnull.get('likelihood', -1) != -1 and pamltest.get('likelihood', -1) != -1): lrtscore = 2 * (pamltest['likelihood'] - pamlnull['likelihood']) with open(args.branch_lrt, 'a') as branchlrt: branchlrt.write("\t".join([ str(x) for x in [ data[xkey]['contig'], len(genealign), len(genealign[0]) * 3, lrtscore ] + [pamlnull.get(y, -1) for y in fieldtags] + [pamltest.get(y, -1) for y in fieldtags] + [str(tree).rstrip()] ]) + "\n") genealign = None totals.add('genes_total') if counts.get('total_codons', 0) > 0: totals.add('genes_tested') if counts.get('total_nsyn_codons', 0) > 0: totals.add('genes_with_nsyn') if contig != current_contig: current_contig = contig[:] current_position = 0 elif args.windowsize > 0: current_position += args.windowsize counts = Counter() proteins = allelesets[0] codons = allelesets[1:4] if len(proteins) == 1 and all(len(x) == 1 for x in codons): if proteins == '*' or ''.join(codons) in MLIB.stop_codons: continue counts.add('total_codons') totals.add('total_codons') if args.output_align is True: if not outputalign: outputalign = [[''.join(codons)] for x in range(mvf.metadata['ncol'])] else: for ialign, xalign in enumerate(outputalign): xalign.append(''.join(codons)) if args.branch_lrt is not None: if not genealign: genealign = [[''.join(codons)] for x in range(ncol)] else: for ialign in range(len(genealign)): genealign[ialign].append(''.join(codons)) continue if len(proteins) > 1: if allelesets[0][1] == '+': continue proteins = mvf.decode(proteins) if args.mincoverage is not None: if sum([int(x not in 'X-') for x in proteins]) < (args.mincoverage): continue species_groups = [[proteins[i] for i in x if proteins[i] not in '-X'] for x in speciesgroups] if any(len(x) == 0 for x in species_groups): continue xcodons = [mvf.decode(x) for x in codons] codons = [''.join(x) for x in zip(*xcodons)] if any(codons[x] in MLIB.stop_codons for x in allsets): continue if any( any(x != species_groups[0][0] for x in y) for y in species_groups): totals.add('total_nsyn_codons') counts.add('total_nsyn_codons') totals.add('total_codons') totals.add('tested_codons') counts.add('total_codons') totals.add('variable_codons', val=int( sum([int(len(set(x) - set('X-')) > 1) for x in xcodons]) > 0)) if args.output_align is not None: if not outputalign: outputalign = [[x] for x in codons] else: for ialign in range(len(outputalign)): outputalign[ialign].append(codons[ialign]) if args.branch_lrt is not None: if not genealign: genealign = [[x] for x in codons] else: for ialign in range(len(codons)): genealign[ialign].append(codons[ialign]) nonsyn_change = False synon_change = False codon_groups = [ set([ codons[i] for i in x if '-' not in codons[i] and 'X' not in codons[i] ]) for x in groups ] protein_groups = None for i in range(len(codon_groups)): if any(base in codon for base in 'RYWKMS' for codon in codon_groups[i]): codon_groups[i] = hapgroup(codon_groups[i]) if all( grp1.isdisjoint(grp0) for grp0, grp1 in combinations(codon_groups, 2)): protein_groups = [ set([ MLIB.codon_tables['full'][''.join(x)] for x in codon_groups[i] ]) for i in range(len(codon_groups)) ] if all( grp1.isdisjoint(grp0) for grp0, grp1 in combinations(protein_groups, 2)): nonsyn_change = True elif all(grp1 == grp0 for grp0, grp1 in combinations(protein_groups, 2)): synon_change = True if nonsyn_change: if args.verbose is True: print('NON', contig, pos, allelesets, codon_groups, protein_groups, groups, mvf.get_contig_labels(ids=contig)) counts.add('nonsynonymous_changes') totals.add('nonsynonymous_changes') elif synon_change: if args.verbose is True: print('SYN', contig, pos, allelesets, codon_groups, protein_groups, groups, mvf.get_contig_labels(ids=contig)) counts.add('synonymous_changes') totals.add('synonymous_changes') args.totals = totals # WRITE OUTPUT headers = [ "contig", "position", "nonsynonymous_changes", "synonymous_changes", "ns_ratio", "nonsynonymous_total", "synonymous_total", "pvalue", "total_codons", "annotation", "coordinates" ] if args.windowsize == -1: headers.remove('position') if args.chi_test is None: headers.remove('pvalue') outfile = OutputFile(path=args.out, headers=headers) sorted_entries = sorted( [(data[k]['ns_ratio'], k) for k in data if data[k].get('nonsynonymous_changes', 0) > 0], reverse=True) for _, k in sorted_entries: outfile.write_entry(data[k]) with open(args.out + '.total', 'w') as totalfile: for entry in args.totals.iter_sorted(): totalfile.write(entry) if args.output_align is not None: with open(args.output_align, 'w') as alignfile: alignfile.write("\n".join([ ">{}\n{}".format(mvf.metadata['labels'][i], ''.join(outputalign[i])) for i in range(len(outputalign)) ])) return ''
def legacy_translate_mvf(args): """Main method""" args.qprint("Running LegacyTranslateMVF") if args.gff: args.qprint("Reading and Indexing MVF.") else: args.qprint("Reading MVF.") mvf = MultiVariantFile(args.mvf, 'read', contigindex=bool(args.gff)) if mvf.flavor != 'dna': raise RuntimeError("MVF must be flavor=dna to translate") if args.gff: args.qprint("Processing MVF Index File.") mvf.read_index_file() args.qprint("GFF processing start.") gff = parse_gff_legacy_translate( args.gff, args, parent_gene_pattern=args.parent_gene_pattern) args.qprint("GFF processed.") outmvf = MultiVariantFile(args.out, 'write', overwrite=args.overwrite) outmvf.copy_headers_from(mvf) outmvf.flavor = args.output_data outmvf.write_data(outmvf.get_header()) args.qprint("Output MVF Established.") entrybuffer = [] nentry = 0 pos = None if not args.gff: args.qprint("No GFF used, translating sequences as pre-aligned in " "coding frame.") inputbuffer = [] current_contig = '' for contigid, pos, allelesets in mvf.iterentries(decode=False): if current_contig == '': current_contig = contigid[:] if contigid == current_contig: inputbuffer.append((pos, allelesets)) else: for _, amino_acids, alleles in iter_codons( inputbuffer, mvf): if all([x in '-X' for x in amino_acids]): continue if args.output_data == 'protein': entrybuffer.append( (current_contig, pos, (amino_acids,))) else: entrybuffer.append(( current_contig, pos, ( amino_acids, alleles[0], alleles[1], alleles[2]))) nentry += 1 if nentry == args.line_buffer: outmvf.write_entries(entrybuffer) entrybuffer = [] nentry = 0 inputbuffer = [(pos, allelesets)] current_contig = contigid[:] if inputbuffer: for _, amino_acids, alleles in iter_codons( inputbuffer, outmvf): if all([x in '-X' for x in amino_acids]): continue if args.output_data == 'protein': entrybuffer.append( (current_contig, pos, (amino_acids,))) else: entrybuffer.append(( current_contig, pos, ( amino_acids, alleles[0], alleles[1], alleles[2]))) nentry += 1 if nentry == args.line_buffer: outmvf.write_entries(entrybuffer) entrybuffer = [] nentry = 0 else: args.qprint("Indexing GFF gene names.") # mvfid_to_gffname = outmvf.get_contig_reverse_dict() for xcontig in outmvf.get_contig_indices(): mvf_entries = {} xcontiglabel = outmvf.get_contig_labels(indices=xcontig)[0] xcontigid = outmvf.get_contig_ids(indices=xcontig)[0] if xcontiglabel not in gff: if args.verbose: print( ("No entries in GFF, " "skipping contig: index:{} id:{} label:{}").format( xcontig, xcontigid, xcontiglabel)) continue if not xcontig % 100: args.qprint("Processing contig: {} {}".format( xcontigid, xcontiglabel)) for contigid, pos, allelesets in mvf.itercontigentries( xcontig, decode=False): mvf_entries[pos] = allelesets[0] for coords in sorted(gff[xcontiglabel]): reverse_strand = coords[3] == '-' alleles = (tuple(mvf_entries.get(x, '-') for x in coords[2::-1]) if reverse_strand is True else tuple(mvf_entries.get(x, '-') for x in coords[0:3])) if all(len(x) == 1 for x in alleles): if reverse_strand: alleles = tuple( MLIB.complement_bases[x] for x in alleles) decoded_alleles = alleles amino_acids = translate_single_codon(''.join(alleles)) else: if reverse_strand is True: decoded_alleles = tuple(tuple(MLIB.complement_bases[y] for y in mvf.decode(x)) for x in alleles) alleles = tuple(outmvf.encode(''.join(x)) for x in decoded_alleles) else: decoded_alleles = tuple(mvf.decode(x) for x in alleles) amino_acids = tuple(translate_single_codon(''.join(x)) for x in zip(*decoded_alleles)) # print("aminx", amino_acids) amino_acids = outmvf.encode(''.join(amino_acids)) # if all(x in '-X' for x in amino_acids): # continue # print("amino", amino_acids) # print("translated", amino_acids, alleles) if args.output_data == 'protein': entrybuffer.append((xcontig, coords[0], (amino_acids,))) else: entrybuffer.append(( xcontigid, coords[0], ( amino_acids, alleles[0], alleles[1], alleles[2]))) nentry += 1 if nentry >= args.line_buffer: args.qprint("Writing a block of {} entries.".format( args.line_buffer)) outmvf.write_entries(entrybuffer) entrybuffer = [] nentry = 0 if entrybuffer: outmvf.write_entries(entrybuffer) entrybuffer = [] nentry = 0 return ''
def infer_window_tree(args): """Main method""" # ESTABLISH FILE OBJECTS mvf = MultiVariantFile(args.mvf, 'read') # Set up contig ids if args.contig_ids is not None: contig_ids = args.contig_ids[0].split(",") elif args.contig_labels is not None: contig_ids = mvf.get_contig_ids( labels=args.contig_labels[0].split(",")) else: contig_ids = mvf.get_contig_ids() treefile = OutputFile( args.out, headers=[ 'contig', 'windowstart', 'windowsize', 'tree', 'topology', 'topoid', # 'templabels', ### USED FOR DEBUGGING ### 'alignlength', 'aligndepth', 'status' ]) topofile = OutputFile(args.out + '.counts', headers=['rank', 'topology', 'count']) if args.sample_indices is not None: sample_indices = [int(x) for x in args.sample_indices[0].split(",")] elif args.sample_labels is not None: sample_indices = mvf.get_sample_indices( labels=args.sample_labels[0].split(",")) else: sample_indices = mvf.get_sample_indices() if not os.path.exists(args.temp_dir): os.mkdir(args.temp_dir) os.chdir(args.temp_dir) # SETUP PARAMS main_labels = mvf.get_sample_labels(sample_indices) if args.choose_allele in ['randomboth', 'majorminor']: main_labels = [label + x for x in ['a', 'b'] for label in main_labels] params = { 'outgroups': args.raxml_outgroups or [], 'rootwith': (args.root_with.split(',') if args.root_with is not None else None), 'minsites': args.min_sites, 'minseqcoverage': args.min_seq_coverage, 'mindepth': args.min_depth, 'raxmlpath': args.raxml_path, 'raxmlopts': args.raxml_opts, 'duplicateseq': args.duplicate_seq, 'model': args.raxml_model, 'bootstrap': args.bootstrap, 'windowsize': args.windowsize, 'chooseallele': args.choose_allele, 'tempdir': args.temp_dir, 'tempprefix': args.temp_prefix } # WINDOW START INTERATION verify_raxml(params) current_contig = '' current_position = 0 window_data = None skip_contig = False topo_ids = {} topo_counts = {} for contig, pos, allelesets in mvf.iterentries(contigs=contig_ids, subset=sample_indices, quiet=args.quiet, no_invariant=False, no_ambig=False, no_gap=False, decode=True): if current_contig == contig: if skip_contig is True: continue if not same_window((current_contig, current_position), (contig, pos), args.windowsize): skip_contig = False if window_data is not None: entry = window_data.maketree_raxml(params) if entry['status'] != 'ok': if args.output_empty: treefile.write_entry(entry) if args.windowsize != -1: skip_contig = True else: topo = entry["topology"] topo_counts[topo] = topo_counts.get(topo, 0) + 1 if topo not in topo_ids: topo_ids[topo] = (topo_ids and max(topo_ids.values()) + 1 or 0) entry["topoid"] = topo_ids[topo] treefile.write_entry(entry) current_position = (current_position + args.windowsize if (contig == current_contig and args.windowsize > 0) else 0) current_contig = contig[:] window_data = None window_data = WindowData( window_params={ 'contigname': (mvf.get_contig_labels( ids=current_contig) if args.output_contig_labels is not None else current_contig[:]), "windowstart": ( '-1' if args.windowsize == -1 else current_position + 0), "windowsize": args.windowsize, "labels": main_labels[:] }) # ADD ALLELES if mvf.flavor == 'dna': if args.choose_allele != 'none': allelesets[0] = hapsplit(allelesets[0], args.choose_allele) window_data.append_alleles(allelesets[0], mindepth=args.min_depth) # LAST LOOP if window_data: entry = window_data.maketree_raxml(params) if entry['status'] != 'ok': if args.output_empty: treefile.write_entry(entry) else: topo = entry["topology"] topo_counts[topo] = topo_counts.get(topo, 0) + 1 if topo not in topo_ids: topo_ids[topo] = (max(topo_ids.values()) + 1 if topo_ids else 0) entry["topoid"] = topo_ids[topo] treefile.write_entry(entry) window_data = None # END WINDOW ITERATION topo_list = sorted([(v, k) for k, v in topo_counts.items()], reverse=True) for rank, [value, topo] in enumerate(topo_list): topofile.write_entry({'rank': rank, 'count': value, 'topology': topo}) return ''
def infer_window_tree(args): """Main method""" args.qprint("Running InferTree") # ESTABLISH FILE OBJECTS mvf = MultiVariantFile(args.mvf, 'read') args.qprint("Read MVF File: {}".format(args.mvf)) # Set up contig ids if args.contig_ids is not None: contig_ids = args.contig_ids[0].split(",") elif args.contig_labels is not None: contig_ids = mvf.get_contig_ids( labels=args.contig_labels[0].split(",")) else: contig_ids = mvf.get_contig_ids() treefile = OutputFile( args.out, headers=['contig', 'windowstart', 'windowsize', 'tree', 'topology', 'topoid', # 'templabels', ### USED FOR DEBUGGING ### 'alignlength', 'aligndepth', 'status']) topofile = OutputFile(args.out + '.counts', headers=['rank', 'topology', 'count']) if args.sample_indices is not None: sample_indices = [int(x) for x in args.sample_indices[0].split(",")] elif args.sample_labels is not None: sample_indices = mvf.get_sample_indices( ids=args.sample_labels[0].split(",")) else: sample_indices = mvf.get_sample_indices() if not os.path.exists(args.temp_dir): os.mkdir(args.temp_dir) os.chdir(args.temp_dir) # SETUP PARAMS main_labels = mvf.get_sample_ids(sample_indices) if args.choose_allele in ['randomboth', 'majorminor']: main_labels = [label + x for x in ['a', 'b'] for label in main_labels] params = { 'bootstrap': args.bootstrap, 'chooseallele': args.choose_allele, 'collapse_polytomies': args.collapse_polytomies, 'duplicateseq': args.duplicate_seq, 'engine': args.engine, 'engine_path': args.engine_path, 'engine_opts': args.engine_opts, 'mindepth': args.min_depth, 'minseqcoverage': args.min_seq_coverage, 'minsites': args.min_sites, 'model': args.model, 'outgroups': (args.raxml_outgroups if args.raxml_outgroups is not None else None), 'rootwith': (args.root_with.split(',') if args.root_with is not None else []), 'tempdir': args.temp_dir, 'tempprefix': args.temp_prefix, 'windowsize': args.windowsize, } # DEFAULT MODEL if params['model'] is None: if params['engine'] == 'raxml': params['model'] = 'GTRGAMMA' elif params['engine'] == 'raxml-ng': params['model'] = "GTR+G" # WINDOW START INTERATION verify_raxml(params) args.qprint("RAxML Found.") current_contig = None current_position = 0 window_data = None # skip_contig = False topo_ids = {} topo_counts = {} args.qprint("Prcocessing Records") windowsizename = "window size={}".format(args.windowsize) if windowsizename == "window size=-1": windowsizename = "whole contig" elif windowsizename == "window size=0": windowsizename = "whole genome" window_data = WindowData(window_params={ 'contigname': 'all', "windowstart": 0, "windowsize": 0, "labels": main_labels[:]}) for contig, pos, allelesets in mvf.iterentries( contig_ids=contig_ids, subset=sample_indices, no_invariant=False, no_ambig=False, no_gap=False, decode=True): # if current_contig == contig: # if skip_contig is True: # args.qprint("Skipping contig: {}".format(current_contig)) # continue if not same_window((current_contig, current_position), (contig, pos), args.windowsize): # skip_contig = False if window_data is not None: args.qprint(("Making tree for {} " "at contig {} position {}").format( windowsizename, current_contig, current_position)) entry = window_data.maketree_raxml(params) if entry['status'] != 'ok': if args.output_empty: treefile.write_entry(entry) # if args.windowsize != -1: # skip_contig = True args.qprint( "TREE REJECTED with error code: {} ({})".format( entry['status'], entry.get('comment', "None"))) else: args.qprint("Tree completed.") topo = entry["topology"] topo_counts[topo] = topo_counts.get(topo, 0) + 1 if topo not in topo_ids: topo_ids[topo] = (max(topo_ids.values()) + 1 if topo_ids else 0) entry["topoid"] = topo_ids[topo] treefile.write_entry(entry) current_position = current_position + args.windowsize if ( contig == current_contig and args.windowsize > 0) else 0 current_contig = contig[:] window_data = None window_data = WindowData(window_params={ 'contigname': (mvf.get_contig_labels(ids=current_contig) if args.output_contig_labels is not None else current_contig[:]), "windowstart": ('-1' if args.windowsize == -1 else current_position + 0), "windowsize": args.windowsize, "labels": main_labels[:]}) # ADD ALLELES if mvf.flavor == 'dna': if args.choose_allele != 'none': allelesets[0] = hapsplit(allelesets[0], args.choose_allele) window_data.append_alleles(allelesets[0], mindepth=args.min_depth) elif mvf.flavor == 'codon': for i in (1, 2, 3): if args.choose_allele != 'none': allelesets[i] = hapsplit(allelesets[i], args.choose_allele) window_data.append_alleles(allelesets[i], mindepth=args.min_depth) # LAST LOOP if window_data: entry = window_data.maketree_raxml(params) if entry['status'] != 'ok': if args.output_empty: treefile.write_entry(entry) else: topo = entry["topology"] topo_counts[topo] = topo_counts.get(topo, 0) + 1 if topo not in topo_ids: topo_ids[topo] = ( max(topo_ids.values()) + 1 if topo_ids else 0) entry["topoid"] = topo_ids[topo] treefile.write_entry(entry) window_data = None # END WINDOW ITERATION topo_list = sorted([(v, k) for k, v in topo_counts.items()], reverse=True) for rank, [value, topo] in enumerate(topo_list): topofile.write_entry({'rank': rank, 'count': value, 'topology': topo}) return ''
def vcf2mvf(args=None): """Main method for vcf2mvf""" sepchars = dict([("TAB", "\t"), ("SPACE", " "), ("DBLSPACE", " "), ("COMMA", ","), ("MIXED", None)]) args.fieldsep = sepchars[args.field_sep] # ESTABLISH VCF vcf = VariantCallFile(args.vcf, indexcontigs=(not args.no_autoindex)) # ESTABLISH MVF mvf = MultiVariantFile(args.out, 'write', overwrite=args.overwrite) # PROCESS CONTIG INFO vcfcontigs = vcf.metadata['contigs'].copy() contig_translate = {} if args.contig_ids: for cid, cvcf, cmvf in (x.split(';') for x in args.contig_ids): try: cid = int(cid) except ValueError: pass assert cvcf in [vcfcontigs[x]['label'] for x in vcfcontigs] for vid in vcfcontigs: if vcfcontigs[vid]['label'] == cvcf: contig_translate[cvcf] = [cid, cmvf] if cid in mvf.metadata['contigs']: raise RuntimeError( 'Contig id {} is not unique'.format(cid)) mvf.metadata['contigs'][cid] = vcfcontigs[vid].copy() if cmvf in mvf.get_contig_labels(): raise RuntimeError( 'Contig label {} is not unique'.format(cmvf)) mvf.metadata['contigs'][cid]['label'] = cmvf[:] mvf.reset_max_contig_id() for vcid in vcfcontigs: vlabel = vcfcontigs[vcid]['label'] if vlabel not in mvf.get_contig_labels(): if ((is_int(vlabel) or len(vlabel) < 3) and vlabel not in mvf.get_contig_ids()): newid = vlabel[:] else: newid = mvf.get_next_contig_id() mvf.metadata['contigs'][newid] = vcfcontigs[vcid].copy() contig_translate[vlabel] = [newid, vlabel] mvf.reset_max_contig_id() new_contigs = [(x, mvf.metadata['contigs'][x]['label']) for x in mvf.metadata['contigs']] for i, (newid, newlabel) in enumerate(new_contigs): for j, (xid, xlabel) in enumerate(new_contigs): if i == j: continue if newid == xlabel: raise RuntimeError("Error contig id {} is the same as" " the label for another contig" " ({} {})".format(newid, xid, xlabel)) if newlabel == xid: raise RuntimeError("Error contig label {} is the same" "as the id for another contig" "({} {})".format(newlabel, xid, xlabel)) # PROCESS SAMPLE INFO samplelabels = [args.ref_label] + vcf.metadata['samples'][:] if args.alleles_from: args.alleles_from = args.alleles_from.split(':') samplelabels += args.alleles_from if args.sample_replace: newsample = [ x.split(':') if ':' in tuple(x) else tuple([x, x]) for x in args.sample_replace ] unmatched = [x for x in enumerate(samplelabels)] for old, new in newsample: labelmatched = False for j, (i, name) in enumerate(unmatched): if old in name: samplelabels[i] = new labelmatched = j break if labelmatched is not False: del unmatched[labelmatched] mvf.metadata['labels'] = samplelabels[:] for i, label in enumerate(samplelabels): mvf.metadata['samples'][i] = {'label': label} mvf.metadata['ncol'] = len(mvf.metadata['labels']) mvf.metadata['sourceformat'] = vcf.metadata['sourceformat'] # WRITE MVF HEADER mvf.write_data(mvf.get_header()) mvfentries = [] nentry = 0 for vcfrecord in vcf.iterentries(args): # try: mvf_alleles = encode_mvfstring(''.join(vcfrecord['genotypes'])) if args.out_flavor in ('dnaqual', ): qual_alleles = encode_mvfstring(''.join(vcfrecord['qscores'])) if mvf_alleles: mvfentries.append( (contig_translate.get(vcfrecord['contig'])[0], vcfrecord['coord'], ((mvf_alleles, qual_alleles) if args.out_flavor in ('dnaqual', ) else (mvf_alleles, )))) nentry += 1 if nentry == args.line_buffer: mvf.write_entries(mvfentries, encoded=True) mvfentries = [] nentry = 0 # except Exception as exception: if mvfentries: mvf.write_entries(mvfentries) mvfentries = [] return ''