コード例 #1
ファイル: RS485Monitor.py プロジェクト: d0nn13/python-tools
class RS485Monitor(object):
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def __init__(self, a, mode='t', baudrate=1250000,
                 databits=8, stopbits=0, paritymode=2):
        self._single = a.single
        self._count = 0
        self._out = UnbufferedStreamWrapper(stdout)

            self._d = Device()
            self._d.baudrate = baudrate
        except FtdiError as e:
            self._d = None
            raise FtdiError('could not start FTDI Device "' + e.args[0] + '"')

    def __del__(self):
            if self._d:
            print 'Destroy failed'
        print normColor + '\nExiting monitor'

    def run(self):
コード例 #2
class Ecu:
    def __init__(self):
        self.ser = Device(mode='b', lazy_open=True)

    def slowInit11(self):
        # Take the one-byte address to "bit bang" and bang the port
        self.bbser = BitBangDevice()
        print("beginning slow init")
        self.bbser.direction = 0x01
        self.bbser.port = 1
        self.bbser.port = 0
        self.bbser.port = 1
        self.bbser.port = 0
        self.bbser.port = 1
        print("slow init sent")

    def initialize(self, connect):
        self.connect = connect
        if self.connect == "SLOW-0x11":

            self.ecuconnect = False
            while self.ecuconnect == False:
                print("Attempting ECU connect: " + self.connect)

                # Bit bang the K-line
                self.ser.ftdi_fn.ftdi_set_line_property(8, 1, 0)
                self.ser.baudrate = 10400

                # Wait for ECU response to bit bang
                waithex = [0x55, 0xef, 0x8f, 1]
                print("Wating for init response")
                response = self.waitfor(waithex)
                print(f"Init response: {hexlist(response[2])}")
                # Wait a bit

                # Send 0x70

                # 0xee means that we're talking to the ECU
                waithex = [0xfe, 1]
                print("waiting for ECU reponse")
                response = self.waitfor(waithex)
                print(f"ecu connection response: {hexlist(response[2])}")
                if response[0] == True:
                    self.ecuconnect = True
                    print("ECU Connect Failed.  Retrying.")
                print("INIT done")

    def waitfor(self, wf):
        # This was used for debugging and really is only used for the init at this point.
        # wf should be a list with the timeout in the last element
        self.wf = wf
        isfound = False
        idx = 0
        foundlist = []
        capturebytes = []
        to = self.wf[-1]
        timecheck = time.time()
        while (time.time() <= (timecheck + to)) & (isfound == False):
                recvbyte = self.recvraw(1)
                if recvbyte != b"":
                    recvdata = ord(recvbyte)
                    capturebytes = capturebytes + [recvdata]
                    if recvdata == self.wf[idx]:
                        foundlist = foundlist + [recvdata]
                        idx = idx + 1
                        foundlist = []
                        idx = 0
                    if idx == len(self.wf) - 1:
                        isfound = True
            except e:
                print([isfound, foundlist, capturebytes])
                print('error', e)
        return [isfound, foundlist, capturebytes]

    def send(self, sendlist):
        self.sendlist = sendlist
        # Puts every byte in the sendlist out the serial port
        for i in self.sendlist:

    def recvraw(self, bytes):
        self.bytes = bytes
        recvdata = self.ser.read(self.bytes)
        return recvdata

    def recv(self, bytes):
        self.bytes = bytes
        isread = False
        while isread == False:
            recvbyte = self.ser.read(self.bytes)
            if recvbyte != b"":
                recvdata = recvbyte
                isread = True
        return recvdata

    def sendcommand(self, sendlist):
        # Wraps raw KWP command in a length byte and a checksum byte and hands it to send()
        self.sendlist = sendlist
        csum = 0
        self.sendlist = [len(self.sendlist)] + self.sendlist
        csum = self.checksum(self.sendlist)
        self.sendlist = self.sendlist + [csum]
        print(f"sendcommand() sent: {hexlist(self.sendlist)}")
        cmdval = self.commandvalidate(self.sendlist)
        return cmdval

    def commandvalidate(self, command):
        # Every KWP command is echoed back.  This clears out these bytes.
        self.command = command
        cv = True
        for i in range(len(self.command)):
            recvdata = self.recv(1)
            if ord(recvdata) != self.command[i]:
                cv = cv & False
        return cv

    def checksum(self, checklist):
        # Calculates the simple checksum for the KWP command bytes.
        self.checklist = checklist
        csum = 0
        for i in self.checklist:
            csum = csum + i
        csum = (csum & 0xFF) % 0xFF
        return csum

    # used exclusivly for the errorhandling section
    def _raise(self, ex):
        raise ex

    def getresponse(self):
        # gets a properly formated KWP response from a command and returns the data.
        debugneeds = 4
        numbytes = 0
        # This is a hack because sometimes responses have leading 0x00's.  Why?  This removes them.
        while numbytes == 0:
            numbytes = ord(self.recv(1))
        gr = [numbytes]
        if debug >= debugneeds:
            print("Get bytes: " + hex(numbytes))
        for i in range(numbytes):
            recvdata = ord(self.recv(1))
            if debug >= debugneeds:
                print("Get byte" + str(i) + ": " + hex(recvdata))
            gr = gr + [recvdata]
        checkbyte = self.recv(1)
        if debug >= debugneeds:
            print(f"getresponse recieved: {hexlist(gr)}")
        if debug >= debugneeds:
            print("GR: " + hex(ord(checkbyte)) + "<-->" +
        if (gr[1] == 0x7f):
            return {  # returning the result so 0x78 (responsePending) can re-execute
                lambda: self._raise(Exception("generalReject", gr)),
                lambda: self._raise(Exception("busyRepeatRequest", gr)),
                lambda: self._raise(
                    Exception("subFunctionNotSupported / invalidFormat", gr)),
                lambda: self._raise(Exception("busyRepeatRequest", gr)),
                lambda: self._raise(
                    Exception("conditionsNotCorrectOrRequestSequenceError", gr)
                lambda: self._raise(Exception("routineNotComplete", gr)),
                lambda: self._raise(Exception("requestOutOfRange", gr)),
                lambda: self._raise(
                    Exception("securityAccessDenied / securityAccessRequested",
                lambda: self._raise(Exception("invalidKey", gr)),
                lambda: self._raise(Exception("exceedNumberOfAttempts", gr)),
                lambda: self._raise(
                    Exception("requiredTimeDelayNotExpired", gr)),
                lambda: self._raise(Exception("downloadNotAccepted")),
                lambda: self._raise(Exception("improperDownloadType")),
                lambda: self._raise(
                    Exception("canNotDownloadToSpecifiedAddress", gr)),
                lambda: self._raise(
                    Exception("canNotDownloadNumberOfBytesRequested", gr)),
                lambda: self._raise(Exception("uploadNotAccepted", gr)),
                lambda: self._raise(Exception("improperUploadType", gr)),
                lambda: self._raise(
                    Exception("canNotUploadFromSpecifiedAddress", gr)),
                lambda: self._raise(
                    Exception("canNotUploadNumberOfBytesRequested", gr)),
                lambda: self._raise(Exception("transferSuspended", gr)),
                lambda: self._raise(Exception("transferAborted", gr)),
                lambda: self._raise(
                    Exception("illegalAddressInBlockTransfer", gr)),
                lambda: self._raise(
                    Exception("illegalByteCountInBlockTransfer", gr)),
                lambda: self._raise(Exception("illegalBlockTransferType", gr)),
                lambda: self._raise(
                    Exception("blockTransferDataChecksumError", gr)),
                lambda: self._raise(
                    Exception("incorrectByteCountDuringBlockTransfer", gr)),
                lambda: self._raise(
                    Exception("serviceNotSupportedInActiveDiagnosticMode", gr)
                lambda: self._raise(Exception("noProgramm", gr)),
                lambda: self._raise(
                    Exception("requiredTimeDelayNotExpired", gr))
                gr[3], lambda: self._raise(
                    Exception("Generic KWP negative response", gr)))()
        return gr

    def readecuid(self, paramdef):
        #KWP2000 command to pull the ECU ID
        self.paramdef = paramdef
        debugneeds = 3
        response = self.sendcommand([0x10, 0x85])  # setup diag session
        reqserviceid = [0x1A]
        sendlist = reqserviceid + self.paramdef
        if debug >= debugneeds:
            print(f"readecuid sending: {hexlist(sendlist)}")
        response = self.getresponse()
        if debug >= debugneeds:
            print(f"readecuid got: {hexlist(response)}")
        return response

    def securityAccessL3(self):
        ### Begin - level 3 security
        self.sendcommand([0x27, 0x03])
        response = self.getresponse()
        print(f"Seed: {hexlist(response)}")

        ## highBytes(uint8_t) = value(uint16_t) >> 8
        ## lowBytes(uint8_t) = value(uint16_t) & 0xff
        ## value(uint16_t) = (high << 8) + low

        seed = (response[3] << 24) + (response[4] << 16) + (
            response[5] << 8) + response[6]
        print(f"Seed: {seed}")

        key = seed + 12233  # standard VW access
        keyHex = [
            key >> 24 & 0xff, key >> 16 & 0xff, key >> 8 & 0xff, key & 0xff
        print(f"Seed: {hexlist(keyHex)}")
        self.sendcommand([0x27, 0x04] + keyHex)
            response = self.getresponse()  #sometimes this doesn't work
            response = self.getresponse()
        if (response[3] != 0x34):
            raise Exception("failed to get L3 auth")

        print("End security level 3 access")

    # def securityAccessL1(self):
    #     pass
    #     ### Begin - Level 1 key/seed
    #     ## request seed 27 01
    #     self.sendcommand([0x27,0x01])
    #     response = self.getresponse()
    #     print(hexlist(response))
    #     # len? secreq  level    seed h    seed l    checksum
    #     # 0x06  0x67    0x01    0x6D 0x20 0xFC 0xB1   0xA8
    #     seedH = (response[3] << 8) + response[4]
    #     seedL = (response[5] << 8) + response[6]

    #     magicValue = 0x1c60020
    #     for count in range(5):
    #         tempstring = seedH &0x8000
    #         seedH = seedH << 1
    #         if(tempstring&0xFFFF == 0):
    #             temp2 = seedL&0xFFFF
    #             temp3 = tempstring&0xFFFF0000
    #             tempstring = temp2+temp3
    #             seedH = seedH&0xFFFE
    #             temp2 = tempstring&0xFFFF
    #             temp2 = temp2 >> 0x0F
    #             tempstring = tempstring&0xFFFF0000
    #             tempstring = tempstring+temp2
    #             seedH = seedH|tempstring
    #             seedL = seedL << 1
    #         else:
    #             tempstring = seedL+seedL
    #             seedH = seedH & 0xFFFE
    #             temp2 = tempstring & 0xFF #Same as EDC15 until this point
    #             temp3 = magicValue & 0xFFFFFF00
    #             temp2 = temp2 | 1
    #             magicValue = temp2 + temp3
    #             magicValue = magicValue & 0xFFFF00FF
    #             magicValue = magicValue | tempstring
    #             temp2 = seedL & 0xFFFF
    #             temp3 = tempstring & 0xFFFF0000
    #             temp2 = temp2 >> 0x0F
    #             tempstring = temp2 + temp3
    #             tempstring = tempstring | seedH
    #             magicValue = magicValue ^ 0x1289
    #             tempstring = tempstring ^ 0x0A22
    #             seedL = magicValue
    #             seedH = tempstring
    #     print(f"H:{seedH} L:{seedL}")
    #     ## high bytes = value >> 8
    #     ## low bytes = value & 0xff
    #     ## value = (high<<8) + low
    #     self.sendcommand([0x27,0x02, seedH & 0xff, seedH >>8, seedL & 0xff, seedL >> 8])
    #     # self.sendcommand([0x27,0x02, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff])
    #     response = self.getresponse()

    def securityAccessL1(self):
        self.sendcommand([0x27, 0x01])
        response = self.getresponse()
        seed = (response[3] << 24) + (response[4] << 16) + (
            response[5] << 8) + response[6]
        print(f"L1 seed: {seed}")
        for (byte i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            if ((seed & 0x80000000) == 0x80000000) { // Check carry
                seed = (SEED_DATA[ecuID]) ^ ((seed << 1) | (seed >>> 31)); // rotate left and xor
            else {
                seed = ((seed << 1) | (seed >>> 31)); // rotate left only
        return seed;
        magicValue = 0x1c60020

        def rshift(val, n):
            return (val >> n) & (0x7fffffff >> (n - 1))

        for x in range(5):
            if ((seed & 0x80000000) == 0x80000000):
                seed = magicValue ^ ((seed << 1) | rshift(seed, 31))
                seed = ((seed << 1) | rshift(seed, 31))
        print(f"L1 key: {seed}")
        keyHex = [
            seed >> 24 & 0xff, seed >> 16 & 0xff, seed >> 8 & 0xff, seed & 0xff
        self.sendcommand([0x27, 0x02] + keyHex)
        # self.sendcommand([0x27,0x02, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff])
        return self.getresponse()

    def stopcomm(self):
        # KWP2000 command to tell the ECU that the communications is finished
        stopcommunication = [0x82]
        response = self.getresponse()
        return response

    def startdiagsession(self, bps):
        # KWP2000 setup that sets the baud for the logging session
        self.bps = bps
        startdiagnosticsession = [0x10]
        sessionType = [0x86]
        #   if self.bps == 10400:
        #      bpsout = [ 0x?? ]
        #   if self.bps == 14400:
        #      bpsout = [ 0x?? ]
        if self.bps == 19200:
            bpsout = [0x30]
        if self.bps == 38400:
            bpsout = [0x50]
        if self.bps == 56000:
            bpsout = [0x63]
        if self.bps == 57600:
            bpsout = [0x64]
        if self.bps == 124800:
            bpsout = [0x87]
        if self.bps == 250000:
            bpsout = [0xA7]
        if (self.bps != 0):
            sendlist = startdiagnosticsession + sessionType + bpsout
            sendlist = startdiagnosticsession + sessionType
        response = self.getresponse()
        self.ser.baudrate = self.bps
        return response

    def accesstimingparameter(self, params):
        # KWP2000 command to access timing parameters
        self.params = params
        accesstiming_setval = [0x83, 0x03]
        accesstiming = accesstiming_setval + self.params
        sendlist = accesstiming
        response = self.getresponse()
        return response

    def readmembyaddr(self, readvals):
        # Function to read an area of ECU memory.
        debugneeds = 4
        self.readvals = readvals
        rdmembyaddr = [0x23]
        sendlist = rdmembyaddr + self.readvals
        if debug >= debugneeds:
            print("readmembyaddr() sendlist: " + hexlist(sendlist))
        response = self.getresponse()
        if debug >= debugneeds:
            print("readmembyaddr() response: " + hexlist(response))
        return response

    def writemembyaddr(self, writevals):
        # Function to write to an area of ECU memory.
        debugneeds = 4
        self.writevals = writevals
        wrmembyaddr = [0x3D]
        sendlist = wrmembyaddr + self.writevals
        if debug >= debugneeds:
            print("writemembyaddr() sendlist: " + hexlist(sendlist))
        response = self.getresponse()
        if debug >= debugneeds:
            print("writemembyaddr() response: " + hexlist(response))
        return response

    def testerpresent(self):
        # KWP2000 TesterPresent command
        tp = [0x3E]
        response = self.getresponse()
        return response

    def setuplogrecord(self, logline):
        # KWP2000 command to access timing parameters
        self.logline = logline
        response = []
        sendlist = [0xb7]  # is 0xB7 the "locator?"
        sendlist = sendlist + [0x03]  # Number of bytes per field ?
        sendlist = sendlist + self.logline
        response = self.getresponse()
        return response

    def getlogrecord(self):
        # Command to request a logging record
        gr = [0xb7]
        response = self.getresponse()
        return response

    def sendhexstring(self, dumpstring):
        # Takes a list of characters as a string, turns every two characters into a hex byte and sends it raw.
        # used as needed for dev/test/debug
        self.dumpstring = dumpstring
        for i in range(len(self.dumpstring) / 2):
            self.send([int('0x' + self.dumpstring[i * 2:(i * 2) + 2], 16)])
コード例 #3
ファイル: pylibme7.py プロジェクト: gsiepen/mmll
class Ecu:

   def __init__(self):
      self.ser = Device(mode='b', lazy_open=True)

   def bbang(self, bba):
      # Take the one-byte address to "bit bang" and bang the port
      self.bba = bba
      self.bbser = BitBangDevice()
      self.bbser.direction = 0x01
      self.bbser.port = 1
      self.bbser.port = 0
      outstr = "><"
      sys.stdout.write('\r' + outstr)
      bbbitmask = 1
      for i in range(8):
         if (self.bba[0] & bbbitmask) > 0:
            outbit = 1
            outbit = 0   
         self.bbser.port = outbit
         outstr = ">" + str(outbit) + outstr[1:] 
         sys.stdout.write('\r' + outstr)
         bbbitmask = bbbitmask * 2
      self.bbser.port = 1

   def initialize(self, connect):
      self.connect = connect
      if self.connect == "SLOW-0x11":

         self.ecuconnect = False
         while self.ecuconnect == False:
            print("Attempting ECU connect: " + self.connect )

            # Bit bang the K-line
            bbseq = [ 0x11 ]
            self.ser.ftdi_fn.ftdi_set_line_property(8, 1, 0)
            self.ser.baudrate = 10400

            # Wait for ECU response to bit bang
            waithex = [ 0x55, 0xef, 0x8f, 1 ]
            # Wait a bit

            # Send 0x70
            self.send([ 0x70 ])
            # 0xee means that we're talking to the ECU
            waithex = [ 0xee, 1 ]
            response = self.waitfor(waithex)
            if response[0] == True:
                self.ecuconnect = True
                print("ECU Connect Failed.  Retrying.")

   def waitfor(self, wf):
      # This was used for debugging and really is only used for the init at this point.
      # wf should be a list with the timeout in the last element
      self.wf = wf
      isfound = False
      idx = 0
      foundlist = []
      capturebytes = []
      to = self.wf[-1]
      timecheck = time.time()
      while (time.time() <= (timecheck+to)) & (isfound == False): 
            recvbyte = self.recvraw(1)
            if recvbyte != "":
               recvdata = ord(recvbyte)
               capturebytes = capturebytes + [ recvdata ]
               if recvdata == self.wf[idx]: 
                  foundlist = foundlist + [ recvdata ]
                  idx = idx + 1
                  foundlist = []
                  idx = 0
               if idx == len(self.wf)-1:
                  isfound = True
      return [ isfound, foundlist, capturebytes ]

   def send(self, sendlist):
      self.sendlist = sendlist
      # Puts every byte in the sendlist out the serial port
      for i in self.sendlist:

   def recvraw(self, bytes):
      self.bytes = bytes
      recvdata = self.ser.read(self.bytes)
      return recvdata

   def recv(self, bytes):
      self.bytes = bytes
      isread = False
      while isread == False:
         recvbyte = self.ser.read(self.bytes)
         if recvbyte != "":
            recvdata = recvbyte
            isread = True
      return recvdata      

   def sendcommand(self, sendlist):
      # Wraps raw KWP command in a length byte and a checksum byte and hands it to send()
      self.sendlist = sendlist
      csum = 0
      self.sendlist = [len(self.sendlist)] + self.sendlist 
      csum = self.checksum(self.sendlist)
      self.sendlist = self.sendlist + [csum] 
      cmdval = self.commandvalidate(self.sendlist)
      return cmdval

   def commandvalidate(self, command):
      # Every KWP command is echoed back.  This clears out these bytes.
      self.command = command
      cv = True
      for i in range(len(self.command)):
         recvdata = self.recv(1)
         if ord(recvdata) != self.command[i]:
            cv = cv & False
      return cv   

   def checksum(self, checklist):
      # Calculates the simple checksum for the KWP command bytes.
      self.checklist = checklist
      csum = 0
      for i in self.checklist:
         csum = csum + i
      csum = (csum & 0xFF) % 0xFF
      return csum

   def getresponse(self):
      # gets a properly formated KWP response from a command and returns the data. 
      debugneeds = 4
      numbytes = 0
      while numbytes == 0:     # This is a hack because sometimes responses have leading 0x00's.  Why?  This removes them.
         numbytes = ord(self.recv(1))
      gr = [ numbytes ]
      if debug >= debugneeds: print("Get bytes: " + hex(numbytes))
      for i in range(numbytes):
         recvdata = ord(self.recv(1))
         if debug >= debugneeds: print("Get byte" + str(i) + ": " + hex(recvdata))
         gr = gr + [ recvdata ]
      checkbyte = self.recv(1)
      if debug >= debugneeds: print(gr)
      if debug >= debugneeds: print("GR: " + hex(ord(checkbyte)) + "<-->" + hex(self.checksum(gr))) 
      return (gr + [ ord(checkbyte) ])

   def readecuid(self, paramdef):      
      # KWP2000 command to pull the ECU ID
      self.paramdef = paramdef
      debugneeds = 4
      reqserviceid = [ 0x1A ]
      sendlist = reqserviceid + self.paramdef
      if debug >= debugneeds: print( sendlist )
      response = self.getresponse()
      if debug >= debugneeds: print(response)
      return response

   def stopcomm(self):
      # KWP2000 command to tell the ECU that the communications is finished
      stopcommunication = [ 0x82 ]
      response = self.getresponse()
      return response

   def startdiagsession(self, bps):
      # KWP2000 setup that sets the baud for the logging session
      self.bps = bps
      startdiagnosticsession = [ 0x10 ]
      setbaud = [ 0x86 ]  #Is this the actual function of 0x86?
   #   if self.bps == 10400:
   #      bpsout = [ 0x?? ]
   #   if self.bps == 14400:
   #      bpsout = [ 0x?? ]
      if self.bps == 19200:
         bpsout = [ 0x30 ]
      if self.bps == 38400:
         bpsout = [ 0x50 ]
      if self.bps == 56000:
         bpsout = [ 0x63 ]
      if self.bps == 57600:
         bpsout = [ 0x64 ]
   #   if self.bps == 125000:
   #      bpsout = [ 0x?? ]
      sendlist = startdiagnosticsession + setbaud + bpsout
      response = self.getresponse()
      self.ser.baudrate = self.bps
      return response

   def accesstimingparameter(self, params):
      # KWP2000 command to access timing parameters
      self.params = params
      accesstiming_setval = [ 0x083, 0x03 ]
      accesstiming = accesstiming_setval + self.params
      sendlist = accesstiming
      response = self.getresponse()
      return response
   def readmembyaddr(self, readvals):
      # Function to read an area of ECU memory.
      debugneeds = 4
      self.readvals = readvals
      rdmembyaddr = [ 0x23 ]
      sendlist = rdmembyaddr + self.readvals
      if debug >= debugneeds: print("readmembyaddr() sendlist: " + sendlist)
      response = self.getresponse()
      if debug >= debugneeds: print("readmembyaddr() response: " + response)
      return response

   def writemembyaddr(self, writevals):
      # Function to write to an area of ECU memory.
      debugneeds = 4
      self.writevals = writevals
      wrmembyaddr = [ 0x3D ]
      sendlist = wrmembyaddr + self.writevals
      if debug >= debugneeds: print("writemembyaddr() sendlist: " + sendlist)
      response = self.getresponse()
      if debug >= debugneeds: print("writemembyaddr() response: " + response)
      return response

   def testerpresent(self):
      # KWP2000 TesterPresent command
      tp = [ 0x3E ]
      response = self.getresponse()
      return response

   def setuplogrecord(self, logline):
      # KWP2000 command to access timing parameters
      self.logline = logline
      response = []
      sendlist = [ 0xb7 ]                           # is 0xB7 the "locator?"
      sendlist = sendlist + [ 0x03 ]           # Number of bytes per field ?
      sendlist = sendlist + self.logline                
      response = self.getresponse()
      return response

   def getlogrecord(self):
      # Command to request a logging record
      gr = [ 0xb7 ]
      response = self.getresponse()
      return response

   def sendhexstring(self, dumpstring):
      # Takes a list of characters as a string, turns every two characters into a hex byte and sends it raw.
      # used as needed for dev/test/debug
      self.dumpstring = dumpstring
      for i in range(len(self.dumpstring)/2):
         self.send([ int('0x'+self.dumpstring[i*2:(i*2)+2],16) ])
コード例 #4
    rx_data = bytearray(dev.read(257))#, timeout = 0))
    if len(rx_data) == 256 :
      print "\n\n[Test] Test 1 Passed: Sent 256 bytes of data, received 256 bytes of data"
    failed = False
    for i in range(256):
      if ((tx_data[i]+1)%256) != rx_data[i]:
        print "[Test] Test 2: Data verification failed! , tx_data : ", tx_data[i], " =/= rx_data : ", rx_data[i]
        failed = True	
    if not(failed):
      print "[Test] Test 2 Successful: Data transmit and receive verified!"


    opt = raw_input("\n\nWould you like to see transmitted and received data? [Y/n] : ")
    if opt.lower() == 'y':
      print "\n\nTransmitted data: "
      for i in tx_data:
        print i, 
      print "\n\n"
      print "Received data : "
      for i in rx_data:
        print i, 
      print "\n\n"
    print "\n\nERROR: No FTDI Devices found! \n"
コード例 #5
class Dongle(object):
    For full description visit: http://docs.s-crib.com/doku.php/scramble_scrib_-_api_specification 
    Management commands
    GETINITKEY  host computer can request initialisation key, it will be typed after a button is pressed;
    GETPASSWD  requests one of the device's passwords.

    Status commands
    GETID  host computer requests the device's ID
    ENGETID  request the device's ID, the response is encrypted
    GETCOUNTER  returns the number of SCRAMBLE requests served

    Execution commands
    SCRAMBLE  protect a password;
    ENSCRAMBLE  protect a password that is sent encrypted

    General Rules and Security Policy
    1. Passwords contain characters in ASCII encoding.
    2. Management commands can only be executed before the first execution command is served.
    3. The maximum length of commands is 160 characters, including <new line>.
    4. All letters must be sent as capitals (with the exception of passwords), 
       the device replies with capital letters only as well.
    5. Commands must start immediately after newline, command and parameters must be separated 
       with exactly one space.
    6. The device does only necessary checks of commands and parameters to 
       protect itself against malformed commands.
    7. The device uses 3 passwords, each is 32 characters long:
        a, Password 2  for scrambling;
        b, Password 3  computes -time- to EXOR with salt before scrambling; and
        c, Password 4  encryption of parameters for commands with prefix EN.
    _BLOCK_SIZE = 16
    _READ_TIMEOUT = 2 # in seconds
    space = 1
    operationCounterLen = 8  + space # length of the postfix - appended to all non encrypted command responses
    scrambleLength = 64
    GETID command returns the device's ID. This is required to recover passwords
    from the initialisation key - online service is available here: https://my.s-crib.com/
    getIdText = "GETID\n"
    getIdTextLen  = 16 +operationCounterLen
    GETCLUSTER allows the host computer to request the device's cluster ID - identifies its set of passwords.
    getClusterText = "GETCLUSTER\n"
    getClusterTextLen = 10 +operationCounterLen
    GETLOCKED command returns whether the device is locked - protects keys/passwords. 
    getLockedText = "GETLOCKED\n"
    getLockedTextLen  = 1 +operationCounterLen
    GETINITKEY allows the host computer to request the device's initialisation key. 
    This can be printed out and used for pas < missing text on web site ;0)
    getInitKeyText = "GETINITKEY\n"
    getInitKeyTextLen = 48 +operationCounterLen
    GETPASSWD allows the host computer to request the device's passwords (2/3/4) for backup.
    getPasswordText = "GETPASSWD %d\n"
    getPasswordTextLen = 32 +operationCounterLen
    GETCOUNTER command returns the order number of the last command. 
    This counter is incremented with each command sent to the device. 
    It is kept in volatile memory and reset to nought each time the device loses power supply.
    getCounterText = "GETCOUNTER\n"
    getCounterTextLen = 16
    GETDELAY allows the host computer to set the current delay set on the device. 
    This delay may increase protection against brute-force attacks. 
    The delay is between 0 and 99. You need to experiment to get the delay length in milliseconds. 
    getDelayText = "GETDELAY\n"
    getDelayTextLen = 2 +operationCounterLen
    ENGETID is the encrypted variant of the GETID command. This can be used when the device is on another 
    physical server and some kind of encryption is required. 
    enGetIdText = "ENGETID %s\n"
    enGetIdTextLen = 64 +operationCounterLen
    ENSCRAMBLE is the encrypted variant of the SCRAMBLE command. 
    All parameters of SCRAMBLE are prefixed with a hexadecimal 
    counter of 16 digits and padded with spaces to create 96 characters' 
    string that is encrypted. Encryption used to protect parameters 
    is AES256-CBC and it uses Password 4
    enScrambleText = "ENSCRAMBLE %s\n"
    enScrambleTextLen = 128 +operationCounterLen
    This is the actual operation command. Password must not contain space or new line. 
    The salt_length is between 0 and 32 and denotes the length of the returned string. 
    The string is of hexadecimal digits and each digit gives 4 bits of entropy.
    The salt is an optional parameter with the minimum length of <salt_length>. 
    If the <salt> is missing and <salt_length> is non-zero, the device will generate 
    a new random <salt>. 
    scrambleText = "SCRAMBLE %s %02d %s\n"
    scrambleTextLen =operationCounterLen  # Length will need to adjusted at time of call
    def __init__(self,deviceId=""):
        self._ID = None
        self._HWID = None
        self._Cluster = None
        self._firstCmd = True
        self._errorFlag = False
        self._errorMSg = ""
        self._stick = None
        if deviceId == "":
            log_trace('C', '0067', "No deviceID provided", traceback=traceback.print_stack())
            pass #self.stick = Device(mode = "t")
                self._stick = Device(device_id=deviceId,mode = "t")
                #one call of the baudrate setter does not always work 
                self._stick.baudrate = 3000000
                log_trace('E', '0068', "Error when opening new device", ID=deviceId, exception=', '.join(sys.exc_info()[0]))
                if self._stick:
                self._stick = None
            self._HWID = deviceId
            self._ID = self.GETID()
            if self._ID:
                self._ID = self._ID.split()[0]
                log_trace('E', '0069', "GETID() returned no data", HWID=deviceId)
                self._stick = None
                # ERR405
            self._Cluster = self.GETCLUSTER()
            if self._Cluster:
                self._Cluster = self._Cluster.split()[0]
                log_trace('E', '0070', "GETCLUSTER() returned no data", HWID=deviceId)
                self._stick = None
            if (self._ID[:3]=="ERR") or (self._Cluster[:3]=="ERR"):
                log_trace('E', '0071', "Device initialisation returned an error (GETID or GETCLUSTER)", HWID=deviceId, ID=self._ID, cluster=self._Cluster)
                self._stick = None

    def exists(self):
        log_trace('D', '0072', "exists() called", ID=self._ID)
        if self._stick:
            return True
            return False

       Returns a list of tuples:
        - first item: a colon-separated vendor:product:serial summary of detected devices
        - second item: serial number - HWID
    def listDevices():
        log_trace('D', '0073', "listDevices() called", detail="n/a")
        dev_list = []
        dev_dict = {}
        devices = None
            #FTDI returns a list of triplets - (vendor, name, HWID)
            devices =  Driver().list_devices()
        except AttributeError, e:
            # ERR_ENUMERATE ERR403
            log_trace('E', '0074', "Error when enumerating devices - Attribute Error", exception=e)
            if  not devices:
                return None
        except :
コード例 #6
class Ecu:
    def __init__(self):
        self.ser = Device(mode='b', lazy_open=True)

    def bbang(self, bba):
        # Take the one-byte address to "bit bang" and bang the port
        self.bba = bba
        self.bbser = BitBangDevice()
        self.bbser.direction = 0x01
        self.bbser.port = 1
        self.bbser.port = 0
        outstr = "><"
        sys.stdout.write('\r' + outstr)
        bbbitmask = 1
        for i in range(8):
            if (self.bba[0] & bbbitmask) > 0:
                outbit = 1
                outbit = 0
            self.bbser.port = outbit
            outstr = ">" + str(outbit) + outstr[1:]
            sys.stdout.write('\r' + outstr)
            bbbitmask = bbbitmask * 2
        self.bbser.port = 1

    def initialize(self, connect):
        self.connect = connect
        if self.connect == "SLOW-0x11":

            self.ecuconnect = False
            while self.ecuconnect == False:
                print("Attempting ECU connect: " + self.connect)

                # Bit bang the K-line
                bbseq = [0x11]
                self.ser.ftdi_fn.ftdi_set_line_property(8, 1, 0)
                self.ser.baudrate = 10400

                # Wait for ECU response to bit bang
                waithex = [0x55, 0xef, 0x8f, 1]
                # Wait a bit

                # Send 0x70

                # 0xee means that we're talking to the ECU
                waithex = [0xee, 1]
                response = self.waitfor(waithex)
                if response[0] == True:
                    self.ecuconnect = True
                    print("ECU Connect Failed.  Retrying.")

    def waitfor(self, wf):
        # This was used for debugging and really is only used for the init at this point.
        # wf should be a list with the timeout in the last element
        self.wf = wf
        isfound = False
        idx = 0
        foundlist = []
        capturebytes = []
        to = self.wf[-1]
        timecheck = time.time()
        while (time.time() <= (timecheck + to)) & (isfound == False):
                recvbyte = self.recvraw(1)
                if recvbyte != "":
                    recvdata = ord(recvbyte)
                    capturebytes = capturebytes + [recvdata]
                    if recvdata == self.wf[idx]:
                        foundlist = foundlist + [recvdata]
                        idx = idx + 1
                        foundlist = []
                        idx = 0
                    if idx == len(self.wf) - 1:
                        isfound = True
        return [isfound, foundlist, capturebytes]

    def send(self, sendlist):
        self.sendlist = sendlist
        # Puts every byte in the sendlist out the serial port
        for i in self.sendlist:

    def recvraw(self, bytes):
        self.bytes = bytes
        recvdata = self.ser.read(self.bytes)
        return recvdata

    def recv(self, bytes):
        self.bytes = bytes
        isread = False
        while isread == False:
            recvbyte = self.ser.read(self.bytes)
            if recvbyte != "":
                recvdata = recvbyte
                isread = True
        return recvdata

    def sendcommand(self, sendlist):
        # Wraps raw KWP command in a length byte and a checksum byte and hands it to send()
        self.sendlist = sendlist
        csum = 0
        self.sendlist = [len(self.sendlist)] + self.sendlist
        csum = self.checksum(self.sendlist)
        self.sendlist = self.sendlist + [csum]
        cmdval = self.commandvalidate(self.sendlist)
        return cmdval

    def commandvalidate(self, command):
        # Every KWP command is echoed back.  This clears out these bytes.
        self.command = command
        cv = True
        for i in range(len(self.command)):
            recvdata = self.recv(1)
            if ord(recvdata) != self.command[i]:
                cv = cv & False
        return cv

    def checksum(self, checklist):
        # Calculates the simple checksum for the KWP command bytes.
        self.checklist = checklist
        csum = 0
        for i in self.checklist:
            csum = csum + i
        csum = (csum & 0xFF) % 0xFF
        return csum

    def getresponse(self):
        # gets a properly formated KWP response from a command and returns the data.
        debugneeds = 4
        numbytes = 0
        while numbytes == 0:  # This is a hack because sometimes responses have leading 0x00's.  Why?  This removes them.
            numbytes = ord(self.recv(1))
        gr = [numbytes]
        if debug >= debugneeds: print("Get bytes: " + hex(numbytes))
        for i in range(numbytes):
            recvdata = ord(self.recv(1))
            if debug >= debugneeds:
                print("Get byte" + str(i) + ": " + hex(recvdata))
            gr = gr + [recvdata]
        checkbyte = self.recv(1)
        if debug >= debugneeds: print(gr)
        if debug >= debugneeds:
            print("GR: " + hex(ord(checkbyte)) + "<-->" +
        return (gr + [ord(checkbyte)])

    def readecuid(self, paramdef):
        # KWP2000 command to pull the ECU ID
        self.paramdef = paramdef
        debugneeds = 4
        reqserviceid = [0x1A]
        sendlist = reqserviceid + self.paramdef
        if debug >= debugneeds: print(sendlist)
        response = self.getresponse()
        if debug >= debugneeds: print(response)
        return response

    def stopcomm(self):
        # KWP2000 command to tell the ECU that the communications is finished
        stopcommunication = [0x82]
        response = self.getresponse()
        return response

    def startdiagsession(self, bps):
        # KWP2000 setup that sets the baud for the logging session
        self.bps = bps
        startdiagnosticsession = [0x10]
        setbaud = [0x86]  #Is this the actual function of 0x86?
        #   if self.bps == 10400:
        #      bpsout = [ 0x?? ]
        #   if self.bps == 14400:
        #      bpsout = [ 0x?? ]
        if self.bps == 19200:
            bpsout = [0x30]
        if self.bps == 38400:
            bpsout = [0x50]
        if self.bps == 56000:
            bpsout = [0x63]
        if self.bps == 57600:
            bpsout = [0x64]

    #   if self.bps == 125000:
    #      bpsout = [ 0x?? ]
        sendlist = startdiagnosticsession + setbaud + bpsout
        response = self.getresponse()
        self.ser.baudrate = self.bps
        return response

    def accesstimingparameter(self, params):
        # KWP2000 command to access timing parameters
        self.params = params
        accesstiming_setval = [0x083, 0x03]
        accesstiming = accesstiming_setval + self.params
        sendlist = accesstiming
        response = self.getresponse()
        return response

    def readmembyaddr(self, readvals):
        # Function to read an area of ECU memory.
        debugneeds = 4
        self.readvals = readvals
        rdmembyaddr = [0x23]
        sendlist = rdmembyaddr + self.readvals
        if debug >= debugneeds: print("readmembyaddr() sendlist: " + sendlist)
        response = self.getresponse()
        if debug >= debugneeds: print("readmembyaddr() response: " + response)
        return response

    def writemembyaddr(self, writevals):
        # Function to write to an area of ECU memory.
        debugneeds = 4
        self.writevals = writevals
        wrmembyaddr = [0x3D]
        sendlist = wrmembyaddr + self.writevals
        if debug >= debugneeds: print("writemembyaddr() sendlist: " + sendlist)
        response = self.getresponse()
        if debug >= debugneeds: print("writemembyaddr() response: " + response)
        return response

    def testerpresent(self):
        # KWP2000 TesterPresent command
        tp = [0x3E]
        response = self.getresponse()
        return response

    def setuplogrecord(self, logline):
        # KWP2000 command to access timing parameters
        self.logline = logline
        response = []
        sendlist = [0xb7]  # is 0xB7 the "locator?"
        sendlist = sendlist + [0x03]  # Number of bytes per field ?
        sendlist = sendlist + self.logline
        response = self.getresponse()
        return response

    def getlogrecord(self):
        # Command to request a logging record
        gr = [0xb7]
        response = self.getresponse()
        return response

    def sendhexstring(self, dumpstring):
        # Takes a list of characters as a string, turns every two characters into a hex byte and sends it raw.
        # used as needed for dev/test/debug
        self.dumpstring = dumpstring
        for i in range(len(self.dumpstring) / 2):
            self.send([int('0x' + self.dumpstring[i * 2:(i * 2) + 2], 16)])