コード例 #1
    def cax_line_projection(self):
        """The projection of the field CAX through space around the area of the BB.
        Used for determining gantry isocenter size.

            The virtual line in space made by the beam CAX.
        p1 = Point()
        p2 = Point()
        UPPER_QUADRANT = self.gantry_angle <= 45 or self.gantry_angle >= 315 or 225 >= self.gantry_angle > 135
        LR_QUADRANT = 45 < self.gantry_angle <= 135 or 225 < self.gantry_angle < 315
        if UPPER_QUADRANT:
            p1.y = 2
            p2.y = -2
            p1.z = self.z_offset
            p2.z = self.z_offset
            p1.x = 2 * tan(self.gantry_angle) + self.x_offset * cos(self.gantry_angle)
            p2.x = - 2 * tan(self.gantry_angle) + self.x_offset * cos(self.gantry_angle)
        elif LR_QUADRANT:
            p1.x = 2
            p2.x = -2
            p1.z = self.z_offset
            p2.z = self.z_offset
            p1.y = 2 / tan(self.gantry_angle) + self.y_offset * cos(self.gantry_angle - 90)
            p2.y = - 2 / tan(self.gantry_angle) + self.y_offset * cos(self.gantry_angle - 90)
        l = Line(p1, p2)
        return l
コード例 #2
 def _create_phantom_outline_object(self):
     """Construct the phantom outline object which will be plotted on the image for visual inspection."""
     outline_type = list(self.phantom_outline_object)[0]
     outline_settings = list(self.phantom_outline_object.values())[0]
     settings = {}
     if outline_type == 'Rectangle':
         side_a = self.phantom_radius*outline_settings['width ratio']
         side_b = self.phantom_radius*outline_settings['height ratio']
         half_hyp = np.sqrt(side_a**2 + side_b**2)/2
         internal_angle = ia = np.rad2deg(np.arctan(side_b/side_a))
         new_x = self.phantom_center.x + half_hyp*(geometry.cos(ia)-geometry.cos(ia+self.phantom_angle))
         new_y = self.phantom_center.y + half_hyp*(geometry.sin(ia)-geometry.sin(ia+self.phantom_angle))
         obj = Rectangle(width=self.phantom_radius*outline_settings['width ratio'],
                         height=self.phantom_radius*outline_settings['height ratio'],
                         center=Point(new_x, new_y))
         settings['angle'] = self.phantom_angle
     elif outline_type == 'Circle':
         obj = Circle(center_point=self.phantom_center,
                      radius=self.phantom_radius*outline_settings['radius ratio'])
         raise ValueError("An outline object was passed but was not a Circle or Rectangle.")
     return obj, settings
コード例 #3
 def x_offset(self):
     """The offset or distance between the field CAX and BB in the x-direction (LR)."""
     return cos(self.gantry_angle) * self.cax2bb_vector.x