コード例 #1
	async def test_transfomer_upper(self):
		"""It should capitalize contents."""

		stream = pylp.src("./fixtures/file.txt").pipe(UpperTransformer())
		await stream.wait_processed()

		self.assertEqual(len(stream.files), 1)
		file = stream.files[0]

		self.assertIsInstance(file, pylp.File)
		self.assertEqual(file.contents, "THIS IS A TEST FILE.")
コード例 #2
ファイル: dest.py プロジェクト: pylp/pylp
    async def test_dest_copy(self):
        """It should copy a file into the destination folder"""

        stream = pylp.src("./fixtures/*.txt").pipe(pylp.dest(self.out_folder))
        await stream.wait_processed()

        filename = path.join(self.out_folder, "file.txt")

        with open(filename, "r") as file:
            self.assertEqual(file.read(), "This is a test file.")
コード例 #3
ファイル: src.py プロジェクト: pylp/pylp
    async def test_src_read_false(self):
        """It should return a stream, without reading contents"""

        stream = pylp.src("fixtures/*.txt", read=False)
        await stream.wait_processed()

        self.assertEqual(len(stream.files), 1)
        file = stream.files[0]

        self.assertIsInstance(file, pylp.File)
        self.assertEqual(file.path, abspath("fixtures/file.txt"))
        self.assertEqual(file.contents, "")
コード例 #4
ファイル: src.py プロジェクト: pylp/pylp
    async def test_src_multiple_glob_negation(self):
        """It should return a stream from multiple globs, with negation"""

        stream = pylp.src(
            ["fixtures/some-files/*.ext", "!fixtures/some-files/file2.ext"])
        await stream.wait_processed()

        self.assertEqual(len(stream.files), 1)
        file = stream.files[0]

        self.assertIsInstance(file, pylp.File)
        self.assertEqual(file.path, abspath("fixtures/some-files/file1.ext"))
コード例 #5
ファイル: src.py プロジェクト: pylp/pylp
    async def test_src_glob(self):
        """It should return a stream from a glob, matching one file"""

        stream = pylp.src("./fixtures/*.txt")
        await stream.wait_processed()

        self.assertEqual(len(stream.files), 1)
        file = stream.files[0]

        self.assertIsInstance(file, pylp.File)
        self.assertEqual(file.path, abspath("./fixtures/file.txt"))
        self.assertEqual(file.contents, "This is a test file.")
コード例 #6
ファイル: dest.py プロジェクト: pylp/pylp
    async def test_dest_copy_base(self):
        """It should copy a file into the destination folder, keeping the base folder"""

        stream = pylp.src("./fixtures/**/*.ext2").pipe(
        await stream.wait_processed()

        filename = path.join(self.out_folder, "other-files/a-file.ext2")

        with open(filename, "r") as file:
            self.assertEqual(file.read(), "A file in a folder.")
コード例 #7
ファイル: src.py プロジェクト: pylp/pylp
    async def test_src_same_file(self):
        """It should return a stream, with no duplicates"""

        files = [("fixtures/file.txt", "This is a test file."),
                  "This is another test file.")]

        stream = pylp.src(["fixtures/**/*.txt", "fixtures/*.txt"])
        await stream.wait_processed()

        self.assertEqual(len(stream.files), len(files))

        for (path, contents), file in zip(files, stream.files):
            self.assertIsInstance(file, pylp.File)
            self.assertEqual(file.path, abspath(path))
            self.assertEqual(file.contents, contents)
コード例 #8
ファイル: src.py プロジェクト: pylp/pylp
    async def test_src_multiple_glob(self):
        """It should return a stream from multiple globs"""

        files = [
            "fixtures/some-files/file1.ext", "fixtures/some-files/file2.ext"

        stream = pylp.src(files)
        await stream.wait_processed()

        self.assertEqual(len(stream.files), len(files))
        stream.files.sort(key=lambda f: f.order)

        for i, path, file in zip(range(len(files)), files, stream.files):
            self.assertIsInstance(file, pylp.File)
            self.assertEqual(file.path, abspath(path))
            self.assertEqual(file.order, i + 1)
コード例 #9
ファイル: src.py プロジェクト: pylp/pylp
    async def test_src_deep_glob(self):
        """It should return a stream from a deep glob"""

        files = [("fixtures/file.txt", "This is a test file."),
                  "This is another test file.")]

        stream = pylp.src("fixtures/**/*.txt")
        await stream.wait_processed()

        self.assertEqual(len(stream.files), len(files))
        stream.files.sort(key=lambda f: f.path)
        files.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])

        for (path, contents), file in zip(files, stream.files):
            self.assertIsInstance(file, pylp.File)
            self.assertEqual(file.path, abspath(path))
            self.assertEqual(file.contents, contents)
コード例 #10
	async def test_transfomer_multiple(self):
		"""It should run multiple transformers."""

		recorder = RecorderTransformer()
		stream = pylp.pipes(

		await stream.wait_processed()

		self.assertEqual(len(stream.files), 1)
		self.assertEqual(len(recorder.files), 1)

		self.assertEqual(recorder.files[0].contents, "THIS IS A TEST FILE.")
		self.assertEqual(stream.files[0].contents, ".ELIF TSET A SI SIHT")
コード例 #11
ファイル: src.py プロジェクト: pylp/pylp
    def test_src_simple(self):
        """It should return a stream"""

        stream = pylp.src("./fixtures/file.txt")
        self.assertIsInstance(stream, pylp.Stream)