def test_syncfile_01( testdir ): """ Attempt to sync a source file that doesn't exist Should throw an error source NO """ testdir.reset() syncopts = syncopts_defaults.copy() syncopts[ 'tmpbase' ] = os.path.abspath( testdir.psconfig.TMP_DIR ) f = testdir.objects.values()[0][0] src = fsitem.FSItem( '{0}xyz'.format( f.path ) ) tgt = fsitem.FSItem( src.absname.replace( testdir.source, ) ) with pytest.raises( pylut.SyncError ) as einfo: pylut.syncfile( src_path=src, tgt_path=tgt, **syncopts ) assert 'No such file or directory' in einfo.value.reason
def test_syncfile_01(testdir): """ Attempt to sync a source file that doesn't exist Should throw an error source NO """ testdir.reset() syncopts = syncopts_defaults.copy() syncopts['tmpbase'] = os.path.abspath(testdir.psconfig.TMP_DIR) f = testdir.objects.values()[0][0] src = fsitem.FSItem('{0}xyz'.format(f.path)) tgt = fsitem.FSItem(src.absname.replace(testdir.source, with pytest.raises(pylut.SyncError) as einfo: pylut.syncfile(src_path=src, tgt_path=tgt, **syncopts) assert 'No such file or directory' in einfo.value.reason
def test_syncfile_07(testdir): """ Testing existing tmp mismatch, keep tmp tmp MISMATCH tgt NO Expect tmp to get unlinked, then test is same as test_syncfile_02 Verify tmp has new FID test-pair = 11 """ testdir.reset() testdir.mk_all_tgtdirs() syncopts = syncopts_defaults.copy() syncopts.update(tmpbase=os.path.abspath(testdir.psconfig.TMP_DIR)) for f in testdir.files: src = fsitem.FSItem(f.path) tgt = fsitem.FSItem(src.absname.replace(testdir.source, # initial sync to create tmp syncopts.update(keeptmp=True) tmp, action = pylut.syncfile(src_path=src, tgt_path=tgt, **syncopts) # delete tgt os.unlink(str(tgt)) assert os.path.lexists(str(tgt)) == False tgt.update() # save current tmp FID tmp_fid_orig = tmp.inode() # change src file if src.is_regular(): # sleep is long, faster to just change the file data change = random.randint(1, 1024) _mkregfile(src, size=src.size + change) else: # no choice but sleep for non-regular files time.sleep(1) _touch(src) src.update() # sync again, expect a new tmp file tmp, action = pylut.syncfile(src_path=src, tgt_path=tgt, **syncopts) # expect tmp is new, so ensure metadata is up to date tmp.update() # verify src and tgt are in sync assert _files_match(src, tgt, syncopts) # verify tmp and target are the same file assert _files_equal(tgt, tmp) # verify tmp has different FID assert tmp_fid_orig != tmp.inode()
def test_syncfile_07( testdir ): """ Testing existing tmp mismatch, keep tmp tmp MISMATCH tgt NO Expect tmp to get unlinked, then test is same as test_syncfile_02 Verify tmp has new FID test-pair = 11 """ testdir.reset() testdir.mk_all_tgtdirs() syncopts = syncopts_defaults.copy() syncopts.update( tmpbase=os.path.abspath( testdir.psconfig.TMP_DIR ) ) for f in testdir.files: src = fsitem.FSItem( f.path ) tgt = fsitem.FSItem( src.absname.replace( testdir.source, ) ) # initial sync to create tmp syncopts.update( keeptmp=True ) tmp, action = pylut.syncfile( src_path=src, tgt_path=tgt, **syncopts ) # delete tgt os.unlink( str( tgt ) ) assert os.path.lexists( str( tgt ) ) == False tgt.update() # save current tmp FID tmp_fid_orig = tmp.inode() # change src file if src.is_regular(): # sleep is long, faster to just change the file data change = random.randint( 1, 1024 ) _mkregfile( src, size=src.size + change ) else: # no choice but sleep for non-regular files time.sleep( 1 ) _touch( src ) src.update() # sync again, expect a new tmp file tmp, action = pylut.syncfile( src_path=src, tgt_path=tgt, **syncopts ) # expect tmp is new, so ensure metadata is up to date tmp.update() # verify src and tgt are in sync assert _files_match( src, tgt, syncopts ) # verify tmp and target are the same file assert _files_equal( tgt, tmp ) # verify tmp has different FID assert tmp_fid_orig != tmp.inode()
def test_syncfile_02( testdir ): """ Initial sync, keep tmp tmp NO target NO keeptmp YES test-pair = 03 """ testdir.reset() testdir.mk_all_tgtdirs() syncopts = syncopts_defaults.copy() syncopts.update( keeptmp=True, tmpbase=os.path.abspath( testdir.psconfig.TMP_DIR ) ) for f in testdir.files: src = fsitem.FSItem( f.path ) tgt = fsitem.FSItem( src.absname.replace( testdir.source, ) ) pylut.syncfile( src_path=src, tgt_path=tgt, **syncopts ) assert _files_match( src, tgt, syncopts )
def test_syncfile_02(testdir): """ Initial sync, keep tmp tmp NO target NO keeptmp YES test-pair = 03 """ testdir.reset() testdir.mk_all_tgtdirs() syncopts = syncopts_defaults.copy() syncopts.update(keeptmp=True, tmpbase=os.path.abspath(testdir.psconfig.TMP_DIR)) for f in testdir.files: src = fsitem.FSItem(f.path) tgt = fsitem.FSItem(src.absname.replace(testdir.source, pylut.syncfile(src_path=src, tgt_path=tgt, **syncopts) assert _files_match(src, tgt, syncopts)
def test_syncfile_06(testdir): """ Testing existing tmp ok, keep tmp tmp OK tgt NO expect tgt file hardlink to be created tmp file should remain untouched test-pair = 10 """ testdir.reset() testdir.mk_all_tgtdirs() syncopts = syncopts_defaults.copy() syncopts.update(tmpbase=os.path.abspath(testdir.psconfig.TMP_DIR)) for f in testdir.files: src = fsitem.FSItem(f.path) tgt = fsitem.FSItem(src.absname.replace(testdir.source, # initial sync to create tmp syncopts.update(keeptmp=True) tmp, action = pylut.syncfile(src_path=src, tgt_path=tgt, **syncopts) # delete tgt os.unlink(str(tgt)) assert os.path.lexists(str(tgt)) == False tgt.update() # save original tmp FID tmp_fid_orig = tmp.inode() tmp.update() # sync again, should be fast since valid tmp already exists # starttime = time.time() tmp, action = pylut.syncfile(src_path=src, tgt_path=tgt, **syncopts) # endtime = time.time() # verify src and tgt are in sync assert _files_match(src, tgt, syncopts) # verify tmp and target are the same file assert _files_equal(tgt, tmp) # # check that elapsed time was <1 second # elapsedtime = endtime - starttime # assert elapsedtime < 1 # verify tmp has same FID as before assert tmp_fid_orig == tmp.inode()
def test_syncfile_06( testdir ): """ Testing existing tmp ok, keep tmp tmp OK tgt NO expect tgt file hardlink to be created tmp file should remain untouched test-pair = 10 """ testdir.reset() testdir.mk_all_tgtdirs() syncopts = syncopts_defaults.copy() syncopts.update( tmpbase=os.path.abspath( testdir.psconfig.TMP_DIR ) ) for f in testdir.files: src = fsitem.FSItem( f.path ) tgt = fsitem.FSItem( src.absname.replace( testdir.source, ) ) # initial sync to create tmp syncopts.update( keeptmp=True ) tmp, action = pylut.syncfile( src_path=src, tgt_path=tgt, **syncopts ) # delete tgt os.unlink( str( tgt ) ) assert os.path.lexists( str( tgt ) ) == False tgt.update() # save original tmp FID tmp_fid_orig = tmp.inode() tmp.update() # sync again, should be fast since valid tmp already exists # starttime = time.time() tmp, action = pylut.syncfile( src_path=src, tgt_path=tgt, **syncopts ) # endtime = time.time() # verify src and tgt are in sync assert _files_match( src, tgt, syncopts ) # verify tmp and target are the same file assert _files_equal( tgt, tmp ) # # check that elapsed time was <1 second # elapsedtime = endtime - starttime # assert elapsedtime < 1 # verify tmp has same FID as before assert tmp_fid_orig == tmp.inode()
def test_syncfile_04(testdir): """ Testing existing target ok, keep tmp tmp NO tgt OK expect tmp file hardlink to be created, tgt file should remain untouched test-pair = 08 """ testdir.reset() testdir.mk_all_tgtdirs() syncopts = syncopts_defaults.copy() syncopts.update(tmpbase=os.path.abspath(testdir.psconfig.TMP_DIR)) for f in testdir.files: src = fsitem.FSItem(f.path) tgt = fsitem.FSItem(src.absname.replace(testdir.source, # make initial sync so tgt exists, don't keep tmpfile syncopts.update(keeptmp=False) tmp, action = pylut.syncfile(src_path=src, tgt_path=tgt, **syncopts) # save original tgt FID tgt_fid_orig = tgt.inode() tgt.update() # verify tmp does not exist assert os.path.lexists(str(tmp)) == False # sync again, keep tmpfile this time syncopts.update(keeptmp=True) # starttime = time.time() tmp, action = pylut.syncfile(src_path=src, tgt_path=tgt, **syncopts) # endtime = time.time() # # check that elapsed time was <1 second # elapsedtime = endtime - starttime # assert elapsedtime < 1 # verify tmp and target are the same file assert _files_equal(tgt, tmp) # verify tgt has same FID as before assert tgt_fid_orig == tgt.inode() # verify src and tgt are in sync assert _files_match(src, tgt, syncopts)
def test_syncfile_04( testdir ): """ Testing existing target ok, keep tmp tmp NO tgt OK expect tmp file hardlink to be created, tgt file should remain untouched test-pair = 08 """ testdir.reset() testdir.mk_all_tgtdirs() syncopts = syncopts_defaults.copy() syncopts.update( tmpbase=os.path.abspath( testdir.psconfig.TMP_DIR ) ) for f in testdir.files: src = fsitem.FSItem( f.path ) tgt = fsitem.FSItem( src.absname.replace( testdir.source, ) ) # make initial sync so tgt exists, don't keep tmpfile syncopts.update( keeptmp=False ) tmp, action = pylut.syncfile( src_path=src, tgt_path=tgt, **syncopts ) # save original tgt FID tgt_fid_orig = tgt.inode() tgt.update() # verify tmp does not exist assert os.path.lexists( str( tmp ) ) == False # sync again, keep tmpfile this time syncopts.update( keeptmp=True ) # starttime = time.time() tmp, action = pylut.syncfile( src_path=src, tgt_path=tgt, **syncopts ) # endtime = time.time() # # check that elapsed time was <1 second # elapsedtime = endtime - starttime # assert elapsedtime < 1 # verify tmp and target are the same file assert _files_equal( tgt, tmp ) # verify tgt has same FID as before assert tgt_fid_orig == tgt.inode() # verify src and tgt are in sync assert _files_match( src, tgt, syncopts )
def _sync_a_file( src, tgt, rsyncopts, ftype ): """ Common code for syncing any file. This function will be called by one of the sync_file or sync_hardlink Celery Task functions. :param src FSItem: src file :param tgt FSItem: tgt file :param rsyncopts dict: options passed to pylut.syncdir & pylut.syncfile :param ftype string: file type that is being sync'd (ie: file or hardlink) :return: None """ rsyncopts.update( tmpbase = os.path.join( tgt.mountpoint, psynctmpdir ), keeptmp = True, ) synctype = 'SYNC' + ftype.upper() synctype = synctype, msgtype = 'start', src = str( src ), tgt = str( tgt ), size = src.size ) try: tmpfn, action_type = pylut.syncfile( src, tgt, **rsyncopts ) except ( pylut.PylutError ) as e: logr.warning( synctype = synctype, msgtype = 'error', src = str( src ), tgt = str( tgt ), error = str( e ) ) return msg_parts = {} if tmpfn.nlink < 3 and rsyncopts[ 'pre_checksums' ]: msg_parts.update( src_chksum = src.checksum(), tgt_chksum = tgt.checksum() ) sync_action = 'None' if action_type[ 'data_copy' ]: sync_action = 'data_copy' if rsyncopts[ 'post_checksums' ] and not rsyncopts[ 'pre_checksums' ]: # do post checksums only if pre_checksums haven't done it already msg_parts.update( src_chksum = src.checksum(), tgt_chksum = tgt.checksum() ) elif action_type[ 'meta_update' ]: sync_action = 'meta_update' msg_parts.update( synctype = synctype, msgtype = 'end', src = str( src ), tgt = str( tgt ), action = str( sync_action ) ) **msg_parts )
import pylut import fsitem src_path=fsitem.FSItem( '/u/staff/aloftus/lustre_version.pbs' ) tgt_path=fsitem.FSItem( '/projects/test/psynctest/lustre_version.pbs' ) pylut.syncfile( src_path, tgt_path )