コード例 #1
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: hugomatic/Kepler
def PyToHTML(inputfilename, output):
    """Convert a Python file to an HTML file"""
    #~Open Files

    input  = open(inputfilename, 'r')
    #output = open(outputfilename, 'w')
    #~Make sure Token class is ready, then Parse into Tokens @N
    #~Parse calls us back and returns a list of our results
    tokens = Parse(input, Token)
    #~Write out the html prefix, with title @N
    #~Write out all the Tokens as html @N
    #~Write out the html suffix    
    #~Write out the cross reference
    if Token.autosplit:
    for t in tokens:
    if Token.autosplit:
    if not pymacro.TestFlag('noindex'):
コード例 #2
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: hugomatic/Kepler
def main(argv):
    "for command line invocation - gimme sys.argv[1:]"
    if not len(argv): 
        print __doc__   # usage info
    for arg in argv:
        if arg[0] == '-':   # command line - convert to @
            s = pymacro.pymax_process('@SetFlag{'+arg[1:]+'}')
            if s:           # report any output
                print s
            PyToHTML(arg, arg+".html")
コード例 #3
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: hugomatic/Kepler
    def asHTML(self):
        """ render this Token asHTML """

        s = self.isSpecial # well, isn't that special?
        if s:
            if not self.preprocessed:
                s = autohtml(pymacro.pymax_process(escapes4html(s)))
            if 0:   # doesn't work as well as hoped - dedents come too late
                t = self.indentlevel + 1
                if self.indentlevel:
                    s = '<ul>' * t + s + '</ul>' * t
            return html_wrap(self.leading, self.trailing, s)
        s = ""
        # put out the line numbers
        if (self.token or self.type==DEDENT) and self.isAfterNewLine:
            s = ('<a name="%d">%4d</a>    ' % (self.line, self.line))

        type = self.type
        token = self.token
        if type > RESERVED:
            type = RESERVED
        wrap = gWraps.get(type,None)

        # check for strings with embedded newlines
        if type == STRING and string.count(token, '\n') > 1:
            t = escapes4html(string.join(
                               string.split(token, '\n'), '\n        '))
            if wrap:
                t = wrap % t
            s = s + t + '\n'
            t = escapes4html(token)
            if wrap:
                t = wrap % t
            s = s + t
        return s
コード例 #4
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: hugomatic/Kepler
    def __init__(self, type, token, srow, scol, erow, ecol):
        #~ Pick up our token info

        self.type = type
        self.token= token
        self.line = srow
        # scol, erow, ecol, not in use
        #~ Stitch up our linked list

        self.next     = None
        self.previous = Token.previous
        if Token.previous:
            Token.previous.next = self
        Token.previous = self

        #~ Remember our level info        
        self.indentlevel  = Token.indentlevel
        self.parenlevel   = Token.parenlevel
        self.bracketlevel = Token.bracketlevel
        self.bracelevel   = Token.bracelevel

        #~ Do all of the level tracking maintenance
        if type == INDENT:
            Token.indentlevel = Token.indentlevel + 1
        elif type == DEDENT:
            Token.indentlevel = Token.indentlevel - 1
        elif type == OP:
            if token == '(':
                Token.parenlevel = Token.parenlevel + 1
            elif token == ')':
                Token.parenlevel = Token.parenlevel - 1
            elif token == '[':
                Token.bracketlevel = Token.bracketlevel + 1
            elif token == ']':
                Token.bracketlevel = Token.bracketlevel - 1
            elif token == '{':
                Token.bracelevel = Token.bracelevel + 1
            elif token == '}':
                Token.bracelevel = Token.bracelevel - 1

        #~ Figure out if we're white space, for future reference

        self.isWhite = type in (WHITE, INDENT, DEDENT, NEWLINE, NL)

        #~ Worried about newline:
        #~ isNewLine means we're a single literal new line character,
        #~ but isAfterNewLine means previous item could have also been comment, etc.

        self.isAfterNewLine = Token.afternewline
        self.isNewLine = type == NL or type == NEWLINE
        #~ Set up afternewline for the Next token
        Token.afternewline = token and token[-1] == '\n'

        #~ Looking for first string on line as possible special comment

        self.isFirstString = 0
        if type == STRING and Token.firstonline:
            if not (self.parenlevel or self.bracketlevel or self.bracelevel):
                self.isFirstString = 1

        #~ For automatic formatting without explicit ~, add it in,
        #~ and preserve existing formatting by adding @@N (<br>) directives
        if Token.autoformat:
            if Token.firstonline:
                if self.isFirstString and len(token) > 2:
                    if token[0] == token[1]:
                        if token[3] <> '~':
                            token = token[0:3] + '~' + token[3:]
                    elif token[1] <> '~':
                        token = token[0] + '~' + token[1:]
                    token = string.replace(token, "\n", "@N\n")
                elif type == COMMENT:
                    if token[1] <> '~' and token[1] <> '-':
                        token = '#~'+token[1:]
                    token = string.replace(token, "\n", "@N\n")
        #~ Set up firstline for the Next token
        if Token.afternewline or type == DEDENT or type == INDENT:
            Token.firstonline = 1
        elif type <> WHITE:
            Token.firstonline = 0
        #~ Special defaults
        self.isSpecial = 0
        self.preprocessed = 0

        #~ Quick hack for division lines - beware of #- with other stuff

        if type == COMMENT:
            if len(token) > 1 and token[1] == '-':
                self.isSpecial = "<hr>"
                self.preprocessed = 1
                self.token = ""

        #~Look for specially marked boxes of your favorite serial
        # this isn't quite as brutal as it looks

        if type == COMMENT and len(token) > 2:
            if token[1] == '~': 
                self.isSpecial = token[2:]
            elif token[1] == '@':  # early v late execution
                self.isSpecial = pymacro.pymax_process(token[1:])
                self.preprocessed = 1
                self.token = ""
        elif self.isFirstString and len(token) > 2:
            if token[1] == '~':
                self.isSpecial = token[2:-1]
            elif token[0] == token[1] and token[3] == '~':
                self.isSpecial = token[4:-3]                
            elif (token == 
'~this is a test'):    # this is a test to make sure we don't grab this

Worrying about the extra blank lines.

If we look backward and ignore any white space
and the first thing we find is also 'special',
then tell him to forget trailing wrapping,
and tell me to forget leading wrapping.

        if self.isSpecial:
            # drop leading space, just because
            if self.isSpecial[0] == ' ':    
                self.isSpecial = self.isSpecial[1:]
            self.leading = 1
            self.trailing = 1
            previous = self.previous
            while previous:
                if previous.isWhite:
                    previous.type = WHITE
                    previous.token = '' # clear 
                    previous = previous.previous
                    if previous.isSpecial:
                        previous.trailing = 0
                        self.leading = 0

Also look forward to get rid of extra white space/new lines following special.
Handled by looking back from newline instead.


        if self.isNewLine:  # look back for last special
            previous = self.previous 
            while previous:
                if previous.isWhite:
                    previous = previous.previous
                    if previous.isSpecial:
                        self.token = ''
                        # walk back forward looking for white
                        previous = previous.next
                        while not previous is self:
                            if previous.type == WHITE:
                                previous.token = ''
                            previous = previous.next

        #~ Maintain symbol cross reference for the summary Index

        if type == NAME:
            Token.xref(token, srow)

        #~ Trim the extra lines and white space at the end of the program

        if type == ENDMARKER:
            previous = self.previous 
            while previous:
                if previous.isWhite:
                    previous.type = WHITE
                    previous.token = ''
                    previous = previous.previous
コード例 #5
ファイル: htmlmax.py プロジェクト: hugomatic/Kepler
def nested(s):
    """ keep on expanding """
    while string.find(s, '@') >= 0:
        s = pymacro.pymax_process(s)
    return s