def get_pseudos(options): """ Find pseudos in paths, return :class:`PseudoTable` object sorted by atomic number Z. Accepts filepaths or directory. """ exts=("psp8",) paths = options.pseudos if len(paths) == 1 and os.path.isdir(paths[0]): top = paths[0] paths = find_exts(top, exts, exclude_dirs="_*") #table = PseudoTable.from_dir(paths[0]) pseudos = [] for p in paths: try: pseudos.append(Pseudo.from_file(p)) except Exception as exc: warn("Error in %s:\n%s" % (p, exc)) table = PseudoTable(pseudos) # Here we select a subset of pseudos according to family or rows if options.rows: table = table.select_rows(options.rows) elif table = table.select_families( if options.symbols: table = table.select_symbols(options.symbols) return table.sort_by_z()
def select_pseudos(pseudos, structure, ret_table=True): """ Given a list of pseudos and a pymatgen structure, extract the pseudopotentials for the calculation (useful when we receive an entire periodic table). Raises: ValueError if no pseudo is found or multiple occurrences are found. """ table = PseudoTable.astable(pseudos) pseudos = [] for symbol in structure.types_of_specie: # Get the list of pseudopotentials in table from atom symbol. pseudos_for_type = table.pseudos_with_symbol(symbol) if not pseudos_for_type: raise ValueError("Cannot find pseudo for symbol %s" % symbol) if len(pseudos_for_type) > 1: raise ValueError("Find multiple pseudos for symbol %s" % symbol) pseudos.append(pseudos_for_type[0]) if ret_table: return PseudoTable(pseudos) else: return pseudos
def __init__(self, pseudos, pseudo_dir="", structure=None, ndtset=1, comment="", decorators=None): """ Args: pseudos: String or list of string with the name of the pseudopotential files. pseudo_dir: Name of the directory where the pseudopotential files are located. structure: file with the structure, :class:`Structure` object or dictionary with ABINIT geo variable ndtset: Number of datasets. comment: Optional string with a comment that will be placed at the beginning of the file. decorators: List of `AbinitInputDecorator` objects. """ # Dataset[0] contains the global variables common to the different datasets # Dataset[1:ndtset+1] stores the variables specific to the different datasets. self._ndtset = ndtset self._datasets = [] for i in range(ndtset + 1): dt0 = None if i > 0: dt0 = self._datasets[0] self._datasets.append(Dataset(index=i, dt0=dt0)) self._datasets[0]["ndtset"] = ndtset # Setup of the pseudopotential files. if isinstance(pseudos, PseudoTable): self._pseudos = pseudos elif all(isinstance(p, Pseudo) for p in pseudos): self._pseudos = PseudoTable(pseudos) else: # String(s) pseudo_dir = os.path.abspath(pseudo_dir) pseudo_paths = [ os.path.join(pseudo_dir, p) for p in list_strings(pseudos) ] missing = [p for p in pseudo_paths if not os.path.exists(p)] if missing: raise self.Error( "Cannot find the following pseudopotential files:\n%s" % str(missing)) self._pseudos = PseudoTable(pseudo_paths) if structure is not None: self.set_structure(structure) if comment is not None: self.set_comment(comment) self._decorators = [] if not decorators else decorators
def num_valence_electrons(pseudos, structure): """ Compute the number of valence electrons from a list of pseudopotentials and the crystalline structure. Args: pseudos: List of strings, list of of pseudos or `PseudoTable` instance. structure: Pymatgen structure. Raises: ValueError if cannot find a pseudo in the input pseudos or if the input list contains more than one pseudo for the chemical symbols appearing in structure. """ table = PseudoTable.astable(pseudos) valence = 0.0 for site in structure: entries = table.pseudos_with_symbol(site.specie.symbol) if len(entries) != 1: raise ValueError("Found %d entries for symbol %s" % (len(entries), site.specie.symbol)) valence += entries[0].Z_val return valence
def num_valence_electrons(self, pseudos): """ Returns the number of valence electrons. Args: pseudos: List of :class:`Pseudo` objects or list of filenames. """ nval, table = 0, PseudoTable.as_table(pseudos) for site in self: pseudo = table.pseudo_with_symbol(site.species_string) nval += pseudo.Z_val return nval
def __init__(self, structure, spec, option=None): self.structure = structure self.spec = spec self.option = option self.bands_fac = 1 self.tests = self.__class__.get_defaults_tests() self.convs = self.__class__.get_defaults_convs() self.response_models = self.__class__.get_response_models() if self.option is None: self.all_converged = False elif len(self.option) == len(self.convs): self.all_converged = True else: self.all_converged = False path_add = '.conv' if self.all_converged else '' self.work_dir = s_name(self.structure) + path_add abi_pseudo = os.environ['ABINIT_PS_EXT'] abi_pseudo_dir = os.environ['ABINIT_PS'] pseudos = [] for element in self.structure.composition.element_composition: pseudo = os.path.join(abi_pseudo_dir, str(element) + abi_pseudo) pseudos.append(pseudo) self.pseudo_table = PseudoTable(pseudos)
def num_valence_electrons(self, pseudos): """ Returns the number of valence electrons. Args: pseudos: List of `Pseudo` objects or list of pseudopotential filenames. """ table = PseudoTable.as_table(pseudos) nval = 0 for site in self: symbol = site.species_string pseudos = table.pseudos_with_symbol(symbol) assert len(pseudos) == 1 nval += pseudos[0].Z_val return nval
def select_pseudos(pseudos, structure): """ Given a list of pseudos and a pymatgen structure, extract the pseudopotentials for the calculation (useful when we receive an entire periodic table). Raises: ValueError if no pseudo is found or multiple occurrences are found. """ table = PseudoTable.astable(pseudos) pseudos = [] for typ in structure.types_of_specie: # Get the list of pseudopotentials in table from atom symbol. pseudos_for_type = table.pseudos_with_symbol(typ) if pseudos_for_type is None or len(pseudos_for_type) != 1: raise ValueError("Cannot find unique pseudo for type %s" % typ) pseudos.append(pseudos_for_type[0]) return PseudoTable(pseudos)
def __init__(self, structure, spec, option=None): self.structure = structure self.spec = spec self.option = option self.tests = self.__class__.get_defaults_tests() self.convs = self.__class__.get_defaults_convs() self.response_models = self.__class__.get_response_models() if self.option is None: self.all_converged = False elif len(self.option) == len(self.convs): self.all_converged = True else: self.all_converged = False path_add = '.conv' if self.all_converged else '' self.work_dir = s_name(self.structure)+path_add abi_pseudo = os.environ['ABINIT_PS_EXT'] abi_pseudo_dir = os.environ['ABINIT_PS'] pseudos = [] for element in self.structure.composition.element_composition: pseudo = os.path.join(abi_pseudo_dir, str(element) + abi_pseudo) pseudos.append(pseudo) self.pseudo_table = PseudoTable(pseudos)
def scf_ph_inputs(structure, options): """ This function constructs the input files for the phonon calculation: GS input + the input files for the phonon calculation. """ abi_pseudo = os.environ['ABINIT_PS_EXT'] abi_pseudo_dir = os.environ['ABINIT_PS'] pseudos = [] for element in structure.composition.element_composition: pseudo = os.path.join(abi_pseudo_dir, str(element) + abi_pseudo) pseudos.append(pseudo) pseudos = PseudoTable(pseudos) #print('bounds:\n', structure.calc_kptbounds) #print('ngkpt:\n', structure.calc_ngkpt(4)) print('ks:\n', structure.calc_ksampling(4)) # try to get the qpoints from this ... qptbounds = structure.calc_kptbounds() qptbounds = np.reshape(qptbounds, (-1, 3)) # List of q-points for the phonon calculation. qpoints = [ 0.00000000E+00, 0.00000000E+00, 0.00000000E+00, 2.50000000E-01, 0.00000000E+00, 0.00000000E+00, 2.50000000E-01, 0.00000000E+00, 2.50000000E+00, 5.00000000E-01, 0.00000000E+00, 0.00000000E+00, 2.50000000E-01, 2.50000000E-01, 0.00000000E+00, 5.00000000E-01, 2.50000000E-01, 0.00000000E+00, -2.50000000E-01, 2.50000000E-01, 0.00000000E+00, 5.00000000E-01, 5.00000000E-01, 0.00000000E+00, 0.00000000E+00, 0.00000000E+00, 2.50000000E-01, -2.50000000E-01, 5.00000000E-01, 2.50000000E-01, ] qpoints2 = [ 0.00000000E+00, 0.00000000E+00, 0.00000000E+00, 5.00000000E-01, 0.00000000E+00, 0.00000000E+00, 0.00000000E-01, 5.00000000E-01, 0.00000000E+00, 0.00000000E+00, 0.00000000E+00, 5.00000000E-01, 5.00000000E-01, 5.00000000E-01, 0.00000000E+00, 0.00000000E+00, 5.00000000E-01, 5.00000000E-01, 5.00000000E-01, 0.00000000E+00, 5.00000000E-01, 5.00000000E-01, 5.00000000E-01, 5.00000000E-01, ] qpoints = np.reshape(qpoints, (-1, 3)) qpoints = unique_rows(np.concatenate((qpoints, qptbounds), axis=0)) if os.path.isfile('qpoints'): f = open('qpoints', 'r') qpoints = np.reshape(ast.literal_eval(, (-1, 3)) f.close() # Global variables used both for the GS and the DFPT run. global_vars = dict(istwfk='*1', ecut=16.0, ngkpt=[8, 8, 8], shiftk=[0, 0, 0], paral_kgb=0, nstep=200) global_vars.update(options) to_vecs(global_vars) inp = abilab.AbiInput(pseudos=pseudos, ndtset=1 + len(qpoints)) inp.set_structure(structure) inp.set_variables(**global_vars) inp[1].set_variables(tolwfr=1.0e-18, prtden=1, paral_kgb=1) for i, qpt in enumerate(qpoints): # Response-function calculation for phonons. inp[i + 2].set_variables( tolvrs=1.0e-10, kptopt=3, iscf=5, rfphon=1, # Will consider phonon-type perturbation nqpt=1, # One wavevector is to be considered qpt=qpt, # This wavevector is q=0 (Gamma) ) #rfatpol 1 1 # Only the first atom is displaced #rfdir 1 0 0 # Along the first reduced coordinate axis #kptopt 2 # Automatic generation of k points, taking # Split input into gs_inp and ph_inputs return inp.split_datasets()
class SingleAbinitGWWork(): """ GW workflow for Abinit """ RESPONSE_MODELS = ["cd", "godby", "hybersten", "linden", "farid"] TESTS = {'ecuteps': {'test_range': (10, 14), 'method': 'direct', 'control': "gap", 'level': "sigma"}, 'nscf_nbands': {'test_range': (30, 40), 'method': 'set_bands', 'control': "gap", 'level': "nscf"}, 'response_model': {'test_range': RESPONSE_MODELS, 'method': 'direct', 'control': 'gap', 'level': 'screening'}} # scf level test are run independently, the last value will be used in the nscf and sigma tests #'test': {'test_range': (1, 2, 3), 'method': 'direct', 'control': "e_ks_max", 'level': "scf"}, CONVS = {'ecut': {'test_range': (52, 48, 44), 'method': 'direct', 'control': "e_ks_max", 'level': "scf"}, 'ecuteps': {'test_range': (4, 8, 12, 16, 20), 'method': 'direct', 'control': "gap", 'level': "sigma"}, 'nscf_nbands': {'test_range': (5, 10, 20, 30), 'method': 'set_bands', 'control': "gap", 'level': "nscf"}} def __init__(self, structure, spec, option=None): self.structure = structure self.spec = spec self.option = option self.bands_fac = 1 self.tests = self.__class__.get_defaults_tests() self.convs = self.__class__.get_defaults_convs() self.response_models = self.__class__.get_response_models() if self.option is None: self.all_converged = False elif len(self.option) == len(self.convs): self.all_converged = True else: self.all_converged = False path_add = '.conv' if self.all_converged else '' self.work_dir = s_name(self.structure)+path_add abi_pseudo = os.environ['ABINIT_PS_EXT'] abi_pseudo_dir = os.environ['ABINIT_PS'] pseudos = [] for element in self.structure.composition.element_composition: pseudo = os.path.join(abi_pseudo_dir, str(element) + abi_pseudo) pseudos.append(pseudo) self.pseudo_table = PseudoTable(pseudos) @classmethod def get_defaults_tests(cls): return copy.deepcopy(cls.TESTS) @classmethod def get_defaults_convs(cls): return copy.deepcopy(cls.CONVS) @classmethod def get_response_models(cls): return copy.deepcopy(cls.RESPONSE_MODELS) def get_electrons(self, structure): """ Method for retrieving the number of valence electrons """ electrons = 0 for element in structure.species: entries = self.pseudo_table.pseudos_with_symbol(element.symbol) assert len(entries) == 1 pseudo = entries[0] electrons += pseudo.Z_val return electrons def get_bands(self, structure): """ Method for retrieving the standard number of bands """ bands = self.get_electrons(structure) / 2 + len(structure) return int(bands) def get_work_dir(self): name = s_name(self.structure) if not self.all_converged: return str(name)+'_'+str(self.option['test'])+'_'+str(self.option['value']) else: return str(name) def create(self): """ create single abinit G0W0 flow """ manager = 'slurm' if 'ceci' in self.spec['mode'] else 'shell' # an AbiStructure object has an overwritten version of get_sorted_structure that sorts according to Z # this could also be pulled into the constructor of Abistructure #abi_structure = self.structure.get_sorted_structure() from abipy import abilab item = copy.copy(self.structure.item) self.structure.__class__ = abilab.Structure self.structure = self.structure.get_sorted_structure_z() self.structure.item = item abi_structure = self.structure manager = TaskManager.from_user_config() # Initialize the flow. flow = Flow(self.work_dir, manager, pickle_protocol=0) # flow = Flow(self.work_dir, manager) # kpoint grid defined over density 40 > ~ 3 3 3 if self.spec['converge'] and not self.all_converged: # (2x2x2) gamma centered mesh for the convergence test on nbands and ecuteps # if kp_in is present in the specs a kp_in X kp_in x kp_in mesh is used for the convergence studie if 'kp_in' in self.spec.keys(): if self.spec['kp_in'] > 9: print('WARNING:\nkp_in should be < 10 to generate an n x n x n mesh\nfor larger values a grid with ' 'density kp_in will be generated') scf_kppa = self.spec['kp_in'] else: scf_kppa = 2 else: # use the specified density for the final calculation with the converged nbands and ecuteps of other # stand alone calculations scf_kppa = self.spec['kp_grid_dens'] gamma = True # 'standard' parameters for stand alone calculation nb = self.get_bands(self.structure) nscf_nband = [10 * nb] nksmall = None ecuteps = [8] ecutsigx = 44 extra_abivars = dict( paral_kgb=1, inclvkb=2, ecut=44, pawecutdg=88, gwmem='10', getden=-1, istwfk="*1", timopt=-1, nbdbuf=8 ) # read user defined extra abivars from file 'extra_abivars' should be dictionary extra_abivars.update(read_extra_abivars()) #self.bands_fac = 0.5 if 'gwcomp' in extra_abivars.keys() else 1 #self.convs['nscf_nbands']['test_range'] = tuple([self.bands_fac*x for x in self.convs['nscf_nbands']['test_range']]) response_models = ['godby'] if 'ppmodel' in extra_abivars.keys(): response_models = [extra_abivars.pop('ppmodel')] if self.option is not None: for k in self.option.keys(): if k in ['ecuteps', 'nscf_nbands']: pass else: extra_abivars.update({k: self.option[k]}) if k == 'ecut': extra_abivars.update({'pawecutdg': self.option[k]*2}) try: grid = read_grid_from_file(s_name(self.structure)+".full_res")['grid'] all_done = read_grid_from_file(s_name(self.structure)+".full_res")['all_done'] workdir = os.path.join(s_name(self.structure), 'w'+str(grid)) except (IOError, OSError): grid = 0 all_done = False workdir = None if not all_done: if (self.spec['test'] or self.spec['converge']) and not self.all_converged: if self.spec['test']: print('| setting test calculation') tests = SingleAbinitGWWork(self.structure, self.spec).tests response_models = [] else: if grid == 0: print('| setting convergence calculations for grid 0') #tests = SingleAbinitGWWorkFlow(self.structure, self.spec).convs tests = self.convs else: print('| extending grid') #tests = expand(SingleAbinitGWWorkFlow(self.structure, self.spec).convs, grid) tests = expand(self.convs, grid) ecuteps = [] nscf_nband = [] for test in tests: if tests[test]['level'] == 'scf': if self.option is None: extra_abivars.update({test + '_s': tests[test]['test_range']}) elif test in self.option: extra_abivars.update({test: self.option[test]}) else: extra_abivars.update({test + '_s': tests[test]['test_range']}) else: for value in tests[test]['test_range']: if test == 'nscf_nbands': nscf_nband.append(value * self.get_bands(self.structure)) #scr_nband takes nscf_nbands if not specified #sigma_nband takes scr_nbands if not specified if test == 'ecuteps': ecuteps.append(value) if test == 'response_model': response_models.append(value) elif self.all_converged: print('| setting up for testing the converged values at the high kp grid ') # add a bandstructure and dos calculation nksmall = 30 # in this case a convergence study has already been performed. # The resulting parameters are passed as option ecuteps = [self.option['ecuteps'], self.option['ecuteps'] + self.convs['ecuteps']['test_range'][1] - self.convs['ecuteps']['test_range'][0]] nscf_nband = [self.option['nscf_nbands'], self.option['nscf_nbands'] + self.convs['nscf_nbands'][ 'test_range'][1] - self.convs['nscf_nbands']['test_range'][0]] # for option in self.option: # if option not in ['ecuteps', 'nscf_nband']: # extra_abivars.update({option + '_s': self.option[option]}) else: print('| all is done for this material') return'ecuteps : ', ecuteps)'extra : ', extra_abivars)'nscf_nb : ', nscf_nband) work = g0w0_extended(abi_structure, self.pseudo_table, scf_kppa, nscf_nband, ecuteps, ecutsigx, accuracy="normal", spin_mode="unpolarized", smearing=None, response_models=response_models, charge=0.0, sigma_nband=None, scr_nband=None, gamma=gamma, nksmall=nksmall, **extra_abivars) flow.register_work(work, workdir=workdir) return flow.allocate() def create_job_file(self, serial=True): """ Create the jobfile for starting all schedulers manually serial = True creates a list that can be submitted as job that runs all schedulers a a batch job (the job header needs to be added) serial = False creates a list that can be used to start all schedulers on the frontend in the background """ job_file = open("job_collection", mode='a') if serial: job_file.write(' ' + self.work_dir + ' scheduler > ' + self.work_dir + '.log\n') else: job_file.write('nohup ' + self.work_dir + ' scheduler > ' + self.work_dir + '.log & \n') job_file.write('sleep 2\n') job_file.close()
class SingleAbinitGWWork(): """ GW flow for Abinit """ RESPONSE_MODELS = ["cd", "godby", "hybersten", "linden", "farid"] TESTS = { 'ecuteps': { 'test_range': (10, 14), 'method': 'direct', 'control': "gap", 'level': "sigma" }, 'nscf_nbands': { 'test_range': (30, 40), 'method': 'set_bands', 'control': "gap", 'level': "nscf" }, 'response_model': { 'test_range': RESPONSE_MODELS, 'method': 'direct', 'control': 'gap', 'level': 'screening' } } # scf level test are run independently, the last value will be used in the nscf and sigma tests #'test': {'test_range': (1, 2, 3), 'method': 'direct', 'control': "e_ks_max", 'level': "scf"}, CONVS = { 'ecut': { 'test_range': (50, 48, 46, 44), 'method': 'direct', 'control': "e_ks_max", 'level': "scf" }, 'ecuteps': { 'test_range': (4, 8, 12, 16, 20), 'method': 'direct', 'control': "gap", 'level': "sigma" }, 'nscf_nbands': { 'test_range': (5, 10, 20, 30), 'method': 'set_bands', 'control': "gap", 'level': "nscf" } } def __init__(self, structure, spec, option=None): self.structure = structure self.spec = spec self.option = option self.bands_fac = 1 self.tests = self.__class__.get_defaults_tests() self.convs = self.__class__.get_defaults_convs() self.response_models = self.__class__.get_response_models() if self.option is None: self.all_converged = False elif len(self.option) == len(self.convs): self.all_converged = True else: self.all_converged = False path_add = '.conv' if self.all_converged else '' self.work_dir = s_name(self.structure) + path_add abi_pseudo = os.environ['ABINIT_PS_EXT'] abi_pseudo_dir = os.environ['ABINIT_PS'] pseudos = [] for element in self.structure.composition.element_composition: pseudo = os.path.join(abi_pseudo_dir, str(element) + abi_pseudo) pseudos.append(pseudo) self.pseudo_table = PseudoTable(pseudos) @classmethod def get_defaults_tests(cls): return copy.deepcopy(cls.TESTS) @classmethod def get_defaults_convs(cls): return copy.deepcopy(cls.CONVS) @classmethod def get_response_models(cls): return copy.deepcopy(cls.RESPONSE_MODELS) def get_electrons(self, structure): """ Method for retrieving the number of valence electrons """ electrons = 0 for element in structure.species: entries = self.pseudo_table.pseudos_with_symbol(element.symbol) assert len(entries) == 1 pseudo = entries[0] electrons += pseudo.Z_val return electrons def get_bands(self, structure): """ Method for retrieving the standard number of bands """ bands = self.get_electrons(structure) / 2 + len(structure) return int(bands) def get_work_dir(self): name = s_name(self.structure) if not self.all_converged: return str(name) + '_' + str(self.option['test']) + '_' + str( self.option['value']) else: return str(name) def create(self): """ create single abinit G0W0 flow """ manager = 'slurm' if 'ceci' in self.spec['mode'] else 'shell' # an AbiStructure object has an overwritten version of get_sorted_structure that sorts according to Z # this could also be pulled into the constructor of Abistructure #abi_structure = self.structure.get_sorted_structure() from abipy import abilab item = copy.copy(self.structure.item) self.structure.__class__ = abilab.Structure self.structure = self.structure.get_sorted_structure_z() self.structure.item = item abi_structure = self.structure manager = TaskManager.from_user_config() # Initialize the flow. flow = Flow(self.work_dir, manager, pickle_protocol=0) # flow = Flow(self.work_dir, manager) # kpoint grid defined over density 40 > ~ 3 3 3 if self.spec['converge'] and not self.all_converged: # (2x2x2) gamma centered mesh for the convergence test on nbands and ecuteps # if kp_in is present in the specs a kp_in X kp_in x kp_in mesh is used for the convergence studie if 'kp_in' in self.spec.keys(): if self.spec['kp_in'] > 9: print( 'WARNING:\nkp_in should be < 10 to generate an n x n x n mesh\nfor larger values a grid with ' 'density kp_in will be generated') scf_kppa = self.spec['kp_in'] else: scf_kppa = 2 else: # use the specified density for the final calculation with the converged nbands and ecuteps of other # stand alone calculations scf_kppa = self.spec['kp_grid_dens'] gamma = True # 'standard' parameters for stand alone calculation scf_nband = self.get_bands(self.structure) nscf_nband = [10 * scf_nband] nksmall = None ecuteps = [8] ecutsigx = 44 extra_abivars = dict(paral_kgb=1, inclvkb=2, ecut=44, pawecutdg=88, gwmem='10', getden=-1, istwfk="*1", timopt=-1, nbdbuf=8, prtsuscep=0) # read user defined extra abivars from file 'extra_abivars' should be dictionary extra_abivars.update(read_extra_abivars()) #self.bands_fac = 0.5 if 'gwcomp' in extra_abivars.keys() else 1 #self.convs['nscf_nbands']['test_range'] = tuple([self.bands_fac*x for x in self.convs['nscf_nbands']['test_range']]) response_models = ['godby'] if 'ppmodel' in extra_abivars.keys(): response_models = [extra_abivars.pop('ppmodel')] if self.option is not None: for k in self.option.keys(): if k in ['ecuteps', 'nscf_nbands']: pass else: extra_abivars.update({k: self.option[k]}) if k == 'ecut': extra_abivars.update({'pawecutdg': self.option[k] * 2}) try: grid = read_grid_from_file(s_name(self.structure) + ".full_res")['grid'] all_done = read_grid_from_file( s_name(self.structure) + ".full_res")['all_done'] workdir = os.path.join(s_name(self.structure), 'w' + str(grid)) except (IOError, OSError): grid = 0 all_done = False workdir = None if not all_done: if (self.spec['test'] or self.spec['converge']) and not self.all_converged: if self.spec['test']: print('| setting test calculation') tests = SingleAbinitGWWork(self.structure, self.spec).tests response_models = [] else: if grid == 0: print('| setting convergence calculations for grid 0') #tests = SingleAbinitGWWorkFlow(self.structure, self.spec).convs tests = self.convs else: print('| extending grid') #tests = expand(SingleAbinitGWWorkFlow(self.structure, self.spec).convs, grid) tests = expand(self.convs, grid) ecuteps = [] nscf_nband = [] for test in tests: if tests[test]['level'] == 'scf': if self.option is None: extra_abivars.update( {test + '_s': tests[test]['test_range']}) elif test in self.option: extra_abivars.update({test: self.option[test]}) else: extra_abivars.update( {test + '_s': tests[test]['test_range']}) else: for value in tests[test]['test_range']: if test == 'nscf_nbands': nscf_nband.append( value * self.get_bands(self.structure)) #scr_nband takes nscf_nbands if not specified #sigma_nband takes scr_nbands if not specified if test == 'ecuteps': ecuteps.append(value) if test == 'response_model': response_models.append(value) elif self.all_converged: print( '| setting up for testing the converged values at the high kp grid ' ) # add a bandstructure and dos calculation if os.path.isfile('bands'): nksmall = -30 #negative value > only bandstructure else: nksmall = 30 # in this case a convergence study has already been performed. # The resulting parameters are passed as option ecuteps = [ self.option['ecuteps'], self.option['ecuteps'] + self.convs['ecuteps']['test_range'][1] - self.convs['ecuteps']['test_range'][0] ] nscf_nband = [ self.option['nscf_nbands'], self.option['nscf_nbands'] + self.convs['nscf_nbands']['test_range'][1] - self.convs['nscf_nbands']['test_range'][0] ] # for option in self.option: # if option not in ['ecuteps', 'nscf_nband']: # extra_abivars.update({option + '_s': self.option[option]}) else: print('| all is done for this material') return'ecuteps : ', ecuteps)'extra : ', extra_abivars)'nscf_nb : ', nscf_nband) work = g0w0_extended_work(abi_structure, self.pseudo_table, scf_kppa, nscf_nband, ecuteps, ecutsigx, scf_nband, accuracy="normal", spin_mode="unpolarized", smearing=None, response_models=response_models, charge=0.0, sigma_nband=None, scr_nband=None, gamma=gamma, nksmall=nksmall, **extra_abivars) flow.register_work(work, workdir=workdir) return flow.allocate() def create_job_file(self, serial=True): """ Create the jobfile for starting all schedulers manually serial = True creates a list that can be submitted as job that runs all schedulers a a batch job (the job header needs to be added) serial = False creates a list that can be used to start all schedulers on the frontend in the background """ job_file = open("job_collection", mode='a') if serial: job_file.write(' ' + self.work_dir + ' scheduler > ' + self.work_dir + '.log\n') job_file.write('rm ' + self.work_dir + '/w*/t*/outdata/out_SCR\n') else: job_file.write('nohup ' + self.work_dir + ' scheduler > ' + self.work_dir + '.log & \n') job_file.write('sleep 2\n') job_file.close()
def main(): top = "." try: top = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: top = "." pseudos = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(top): # Exclude pseudos in _inputs if os.path.basename(dirpath) == "_inputs": continue #print(filenames) pseudos.extend([ Pseudo.from_file(os.path.join(dirpath, f)) for f in filenames if f.endswith(".psp8") ]) #if f.endswith(".psp8") and "-" not in f]) #if f.endswith(".psp8") and "-" in f]) #print(pseudos) from import PseudoTable pseudos = PseudoTable(pseudos) data, errors = pseudos.get_dojo_dataframe() print(data) if errors: print("ERRORS:") pprint(errors) accuracies = ["low", "normal", "high"] keys = [ "dfact_meV", "v0", "b0_GPa", "b1", "ecut", "fcc_a0_rel_err", "bcc_a0_rel_err" ] columns = ["symbol"] + [acc + "_" + k for k in keys for acc in accuracies] #print(columns) ##print(rows) #data = pd.DataFrame(rows, index=names, columns=columns) #data = data[data["high_dfact_meV"] <= data["high_dfact_meV"].mean()] #data = data[data["high_dfact_meV"] <= 9] def calc_rerrors(data): # Relative error data["low_dfact_abserr"] = data["low_dfact_meV"] - data[ "high_dfact_meV"] data["normal_dfact_abserr"] = data["normal_dfact_meV"] - data[ "high_dfact_meV"] data["low_dfact_rerr"] = 100 * ( data["low_dfact_meV"] - data["high_dfact_meV"]) / data["high_dfact_meV"] data["normal_dfact_rerr"] = 100 * ( data["normal_dfact_meV"] - data["high_dfact_meV"]) / data["high_dfact_meV"] for k in ["v0", "b0_GPa", "b1"]: data["low_" + k + "_abserr"] = data["low_" + k] - data["high_" + k] data["normal_" + k + "_abserr"] = data["normal_" + k] - data["high_" + k] data["low_" + k + "_rerr"] = 100 * (data["low_" + k] - data["high_" + k]) / data["high_" + k] data["normal_" + k + "_rerr"] = 100 * (data["normal_" + k] - data["high_" + k]) / data["high_" + k] return data #import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #data = calc_rerrors(data) #g = sns.PairGrid(data, x_vars="Z", y_vars=[ # "low_ecut", # "low_dfact_meV", # #"normal_ecut", # #"low_dfact_meV", # #"high_dfact_meV", # #"low_v0_rerr", "low_b0_GPa_rerr", "low_b1_rerr", # ] #) #, hue="smoker") #g.add_legend() #data["high_dfact_meV"].hist(bins=200) #data["high_fcc_a0_rel_err"].hist(bins=200) #data["high_bcc_a0_rel_err"].hist(bins=200) keys = [ "dfact_meV", #"dfactprime_meV", "bcc_a0_rel_err", "fcc_a0_rel_err", #"ecut", ] fig, ax_list = plt.subplots(nrows=len(keys), ncols=1, sharex=False, squeeze=False) ax_list = ax_list.ravel() #kind = "density" kind = "scatter" kind = "line" zmin, zmax = 1, 110 for ax, key in zip(ax_list, keys): for acc in accuracies: c = data[acc + "_" + key][data.Z <= zmax] c = c[data.Z >= zmin] c.plot(kind=kind, ax=ax, style="o-", legend=True) #c.hist(ax=ax, bins=200) wrong = data[data["high_b1"] < 0] if not wrong.empty: print("WRONG".center(80, "*") + "\n", wrong) data = data[ [acc + "_dfact_meV" for acc in accuracies] + [acc + "_ecut" for acc in accuracies] #+ [acc + "_fcc_a0_rel_err" for acc in accuracies] #+ [acc + "_bcc_a0_rel_err" for acc in accuracies] ] print("\nONCVPSP TABLE:\n"), "=")) columns = [acc + "_dfact_meV" for acc in accuracies] columns += [acc + "_ecut" for acc in accuracies] #print(data.to_string(columns=columns)) tablefmt = "grid" print(tabulate(data[columns], headers="keys", tablefmt=tablefmt)) print("\nSTATS:\n"), "=")) #print(data.describe()) print(tabulate(data.describe(), headers="keys", tablefmt=tablefmt)) bad = data[data["high_dfact_meV"] > data["high_dfact_meV"].mean()] print("\nPSEUDOS with high_dfact > mean:\n") # ".center(80, "*")) print(tabulate(bad, headers="keys", tablefmt=tablefmt))
def pseudos(*filenames): """Returns a PseudoTable constructed from the input filenames located in tests/data/pseudos.""" pseudos = list(map(pseudo, filenames)) return PseudoTable(pseudos)
def main(): top = "." try: top = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: top = "." pseudos = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(top): # Exclude pseudos in _inputs if os.path.basename(dirpath) == "_inputs": continue #print(filenames) pseudos.extend([Pseudo.from_file(os.path.join(dirpath, f)) for f in filenames if f.endswith(".psp8")]) #if f.endswith(".psp8") and "-" not in f]) #if f.endswith(".psp8") and "-" in f]) #print(pseudos) from import PseudoTable pseudos = PseudoTable(pseudos) data, errors = pseudos.get_dojo_dataframe() print(data) if errors: print("ERRORS:") pprint(errors) accuracies = ["low", "normal", "high"] keys = ["dfact_meV", "v0", "b0_GPa", "b1", "ecut", "fcc_a0_rel_err", "bcc_a0_rel_err"] columns = ["symbol"] + [acc + "_" + k for k in keys for acc in accuracies] #print(columns) ##print(rows) #data = pd.DataFrame(rows, index=names, columns=columns) #data = data[data["high_dfact_meV"] <= data["high_dfact_meV"].mean()] #data = data[data["high_dfact_meV"] <= 9] def calc_rerrors(data): # Relative error data["low_dfact_abserr"] = data["low_dfact_meV"] - data["high_dfact_meV"] data["normal_dfact_abserr"] = data["normal_dfact_meV"] - data["high_dfact_meV"] data["low_dfact_rerr"] = 100 * (data["low_dfact_meV"] - data["high_dfact_meV"]) / data["high_dfact_meV"] data["normal_dfact_rerr"] = 100 * (data["normal_dfact_meV"] - data["high_dfact_meV"]) / data["high_dfact_meV"] for k in ["v0", "b0_GPa", "b1"]: data["low_" + k + "_abserr"] = data["low_" + k] - data["high_" + k] data["normal_" + k + "_abserr"] = data["normal_" + k] - data["high_" + k] data["low_" + k + "_rerr"] = 100 * (data["low_" + k] - data["high_" + k]) / data["high_" + k] data["normal_" + k + "_rerr"] = 100 * (data["normal_" + k] - data["high_" + k]) / data["high_" + k] return data #import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #data = calc_rerrors(data) #g = sns.PairGrid(data, x_vars="Z", y_vars=[ # "low_ecut", # "low_dfact_meV", # #"normal_ecut", # #"low_dfact_meV", # #"high_dfact_meV", # #"low_v0_rerr", "low_b0_GPa_rerr", "low_b1_rerr", # ] #) #, hue="smoker") #g.add_legend() #data["high_dfact_meV"].hist(bins=200) #data["high_fcc_a0_rel_err"].hist(bins=200) #data["high_bcc_a0_rel_err"].hist(bins=200) keys = [ "dfact_meV", #"dfactprime_meV", "bcc_a0_rel_err", "fcc_a0_rel_err", #"ecut", ] fig, ax_list = plt.subplots(nrows=len(keys), ncols=1, sharex=False, squeeze=False) ax_list = ax_list.ravel() #kind = "density" kind = "scatter" kind = "line" zmin, zmax = 1, 110 for ax, key in zip(ax_list, keys): for acc in accuracies: c = data[acc + "_" + key][data.Z <= zmax] c = c[data.Z >= zmin] c.plot(kind=kind, ax=ax, style="o-", legend=True) #c.hist(ax=ax, bins=200) wrong = data[data["high_b1"] < 0] if not wrong.empty: print("WRONG".center(80, "*") + "\n", wrong) data = data[ [acc + "_dfact_meV" for acc in accuracies] + [acc + "_ecut" for acc in accuracies] #+ [acc + "_fcc_a0_rel_err" for acc in accuracies] #+ [acc + "_bcc_a0_rel_err" for acc in accuracies] ] print("\nONCVPSP TABLE:\n"), "=")) columns = [acc + "_dfact_meV" for acc in accuracies] columns += [acc + "_ecut" for acc in accuracies] #print(data.to_string(columns=columns)) tablefmt = "grid" print(tabulate(data[columns], headers="keys", tablefmt=tablefmt)) print("\nSTATS:\n"), "=")) #print(data.describe()) print(tabulate(data.describe(), headers="keys", tablefmt=tablefmt)) bad = data[data["high_dfact_meV"] > data["high_dfact_meV"].mean()] print("\nPSEUDOS with high_dfact > mean:\n") # ".center(80, "*")) print(tabulate(bad, headers="keys", tablefmt=tablefmt))