コード例 #1
def incomplete_beta_ps(a, b, value):
    """Power series for incomplete beta
    Use when b*x is small and value not too close to 1.
    Based on Cephes library by Steve Moshier (incbet.c)
    one = aet.constant(1, dtype="float64")
    ai = one / a
    u = (one - b) * value
    t1 = u / (a + one)
    t = u
    threshold = np.MachAr().eps * ai
    s = aet.constant(0, dtype="float64")

    def _step(i, t, s):
        t *= (i - b) * value / i
        step = t / (a + i)
        s += step
        return ((t, s), until(aet.abs_(step) < threshold))

    (t, s), _ = scan(_step,
                     sequences=[aet.arange(2, 302)],
                     outputs_info=[e for e in aet.cast((t, s), "float64")])

    s = s[-1] + t1 + ai

    t = gammaln(a +
                b) - gammaln(a) - gammaln(b) + a * aet.log(value) + aet.log(s)
    return aet.exp(t)
コード例 #2
    def logp(self, Z):
        alpha = self.alpha
        beta = self.beta

        Zanchored = Z[self.mask.nonzero()]

        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        logp = bound(
            gammaln(alpha + beta) - gammaln(alpha) - gammaln(beta) +
            logpow(Zanchored, alpha - 1) + logpow(1 - Zanchored, beta - 1),
            0 <= Zanchored, Zanchored <= 1, alpha > 0, beta > 0)

        return logp
コード例 #3
    def logp(self, Z):
        alpha = self.alpha
        beta = self.beta

        Zanchored = Z[self.mask.nonzero()]

        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        logp = bound(
            gammaln(alpha + beta) - gammaln(alpha) - gammaln(beta) +
                Zanchored, alpha - 1) + logpow(1 - Zanchored, beta - 1),
            0 <= Zanchored, Zanchored <= 1,
            alpha > 0,
            beta > 0)

        return logp
コード例 #4
def incomplete_beta(a, b, value):
    """Incomplete beta implementation
    Power series and continued fraction expansions chosen for best numerical
    convergence across the board based on inputs.
    machep = aet.constant(np.MachAr().eps, dtype="float64")
    one = aet.constant(1, dtype="float64")
    w = one - value

    ps = incomplete_beta_ps(a, b, value)

    flip = aet.gt(value, (a / (a + b)))
    aa, bb = a, b
    a = aet.switch(flip, bb, aa)
    b = aet.switch(flip, aa, bb)
    xc = aet.switch(flip, value, w)
    x = aet.switch(flip, w, value)

    tps = incomplete_beta_ps(a, b, x)
    tps = aet.switch(aet.le(tps, machep), one - machep, one - tps)

    # Choose which continued fraction expansion for best convergence.
    small = aet.lt(x * (a + b - 2.0) - (a - one), 0.0)
    cfe = incomplete_beta_cfe(a, b, x, small)
    w = aet.switch(small, cfe, cfe / xc)

    # Direct incomplete beta accounting for flipped a, b.
    t = aet.exp(a * aet.log(x) + b * aet.log(xc) + gammaln(a + b) -
                gammaln(a) - gammaln(b) + aet.log(w / a))

    t = aet.switch(flip, aet.switch(aet.le(t, machep), one - machep, one - t),
    return aet.switch(
        aet.and_(flip, aet.and_(aet.le((b * x), one), aet.le(x, 0.95))),
        aet.switch(aet.and_(aet.le(b * value, one), aet.le(value, 0.95)), ps,
コード例 #5
def test_functions():
    xvals = list(map(np.atleast_1d, [.01, .1, 2, 100, 10000]))

    x = tt.dvector('x')
    x.tag.test_value = xvals[0]

    p = tt.iscalar('p')
    p.tag.test_value = 1

    gammaln = function([x], ps.gammaln(x))
    psi = function([x], ps.psi(x))
    function([x, p], ps.multigammaln(x, p))
    for x in xvals:
        yield check_vals, gammaln, ss.gammaln, x
    for x in xvals[1:]:
        yield check_vals, psi, ss.psi, x
コード例 #6
def test_functions():
    xvals = list(map(np.atleast_1d, [0.01, 0.1, 2, 100, 10000]))

    x = tt.dvector("x")
    x.tag.test_value = xvals[0]

    p = tt.iscalar("p")
    p.tag.test_value = 1

    gammaln = function([x], ps.gammaln(x))
    psi = function([x], ps.psi(x))
    function([x, p], ps.multigammaln(x, p))
    for x in xvals:
        check_vals(gammaln, ss.gammaln, x)
    for x in xvals[1:]:
        check_vals(psi, ss.psi, x)
コード例 #7
def test_functions():
    xvals = list(map(np.atleast_1d, [.01, .1, 2, 100, 10000]))

    x = tt.dvector('x')
    x.tag.test_value = xvals[0]

    p = tt.iscalar('p')
    p.tag.test_value = 1

    gammaln = function([x], ps.gammaln(x))
    psi = function([x], ps.psi(x))
    function([x, p], ps.multigammaln(x, p))
    for x in xvals:
        yield check_vals, gammaln, ss.gammaln, x
    for x in xvals[1:]:
        yield check_vals, psi, ss.psi, x
コード例 #8
def betaln(x, y):
    return gammaln(x) + gammaln(y) - gammaln(x + y)
コード例 #9
def factln(n):
    return gammaln(n + 1)