コード例 #1
def Fractal(level, box, options):
    method = "FRACTAL"
    print '%s: Started at %s' % (method, time.ctime())
    (width, height, depth) = getBoxSize(box)
    centreWidth = (int)(width / 2)
    centreHeight = (int)(height / 2)
    centreDepth = (int)(depth / 2)
    AIR = (0, 0)

    schematic = level.extractSchematic(
        BoundingBox((box.minx, box.miny, box.minz), (width, height, depth)))

    for y in xrange(0, height):
        print '%s: Examining the selection area - step %s of %s' % (method, y,
                                                                    height - 1)
        for x in xrange(0, width):
            for z in xrange(0, depth):
                # If the current block is not air, blit the schematic into the corresponding area in space
                tempBlock = (schematic.blockAt(x, y, z),
                             schematic.blockDataAt(x, y, z))
                if tempBlock != AIR:
                        BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (width, height, depth)),
                        (box.minx + x * width, box.miny + y * height,
                         box.minz + z * height))

    print '%s: Ended at %s' % (method, time.ctime())
コード例 #2
def perform(level, box, options):
	b.remove(0) # @CodeWarrior0 and @Wout12345 explained how to merge schematics			

	buildingSize = options["Building Size"]
	width = box.maxx-box.minx
	depth = box.maxz-box.minz
	height = box.maxy-box.miny
	x = 0
	cursor = 0
	while x+buildingSize < width:
		z = 0	
		while z+buildingSize < depth:
			print "Building "+str(x)+","+str(z)
			p1 = (buildingSize,randint(height-1,height),buildingSize)
			#p1 = (buildingSize,height,buildingSize)
			buildingBox = BoundingBox((0,0,0),p1)
			buildingSchema = level.extractSchematic(BoundingBox((box.minx+x,box.miny,box.minz+z),p1))
			building(buildingSchema, buildingBox,options)
			level.copyBlocksFrom(buildingSchema, buildingBox, (box.minx+x, box.miny, box.minz+z ),b)
			z += buildingSize+options["Building Gap"]
		x += buildingSize+options["Building Gap"]
		cursor += 1
		if cursor%3 == 2:
			x += 2*options["Path Gap"] + options["Road Gap"]

コード例 #3
def perform(level,box, options):
	''' Feedback to [email protected] '''
	# Local variables
	method = options["Operation"]
	(method, (width, height, depth), (centreWidth, centreHeight, centreDepth)) = FuncStart(level,box,options,method) # Log start

	level0 = level.extractSchematic(box) # Copy the area of interest into a working area, mostly for 'speed'
	box0 = BoundingBox((0,0,0),(width,height,depth))

	b.remove(0) # @CodeWarrior0 and @Wout12345 explained how to merge schematics			

	if method == "Islands":
		for i in xrange(0,1000):
			print i
			radius = randint(10,50)
			centrex = randint(radius+2,width-radius-2)
			centrez = randint(radius+2,depth-radius-2)
			maxy = randint(radius+2,height-radius-2)
			theBox = BoundingBox((0,0,0),(2*radius-1,maxy-1,2*radius-1))
			theObj = MCSchematic((2*radius-1,maxy-1,2*radius-1))

			level0.copyBlocksFrom(theObj, theBox, (box0.minx+centrex-radius,box0.miny,box0.minz+centrez-radius),b)
	elif method == "Island":
		theBox = BoundingBox((0,0,0),(width,height,depth))
		theObj = MCSchematic((width,height,depth))
		island(theObj, theBox, options)	
		level0.copyBlocksFrom(theObj, theBox, (box0.minx,box0.miny,box0.minz),b)

	level.copyBlocksFrom(level0, box0, (box.minx, box.miny, box.minz ))	# Copy the working area back into the world
	FuncEnd(level,box,options,method) # Log end	
コード例 #4
def Surface(level,box,spacing):
	op = "Surface"
	#level2 = level.extractSchematic(box) # Working set
	level2 = MCSchematic((box.width,box.height,box.length))
	box2 = BoundingBox((0,0,0),(box.width,box.height,box.length))

	airlevel = MCSchematic((box.width,box.height,box.length))
	airbox = BoundingBox((0,0,0),(box.width,box.height,box.length))
	for x in xrange(box.minx,box.maxx):
		if x%10 == 0:
			print str(time.ctime())+" Scanning for surfaces "+op+" "+str(x)
		for z in xrange(box.minz,box.maxz):
			for y in xrange(box.miny,box.maxy):
				if getBlock(level,x,y,z) != (0,0):
					for ddx in xrange(-1,2):
						for ddz in xrange(-1,2):
							for ddy in xrange(-1,2):
								if not (ddx == 0 and ddy == 0 and ddz == 0):
									if getBlock(level,x+ddx,y+ddy,z+ddz) == (0,0):
										setBlock(airlevel,(1,0),x-box.minx,y-box.miny,z-box.minz) # Adjacent to air / surface
					setBlock(airlevel,(2,0),x-box.minx,y-box.miny,z-box.minz) # Airblock here
	for x in xrange(box.minx,box.maxx):
		if x%10 == 0:
			print str(time.ctime())+" Running "+op+" "+str(x)

		for z in xrange(box.minz,box.maxz):
			for y in xrange(box.miny,box.maxy):
				if getBlock(airlevel,x-box.minx,y-box.miny,z-box.minz) == (1,0): # This is a surface block
	level.copyBlocksFrom(level2, box2, (box.minx, box.miny, box.minz ))
コード例 #5
def makeATower(stats, level, box, wallMaterials, floorMaterials,
               glassMaterials, lightMaterials):
    width = box.maxx - box.minx
    height = box.maxy - box.miny
    depth = box.maxz - box.minz

    roofy = int(height / 4) * randint(2, 3)
    roofBox = BoundingBox((box.minx, box.maxy - roofy, box.minz),
                          (width, roofy, depth))
    makeASpire(stats, level, roofBox, wallMaterials, floorMaterials,
               glassMaterials, lightMaterials)

    y = 0
    while y < height - roofy:
        dy = randint(3, 5)
        dr = randint(3, 9)
        w = 2 + int(width / dr)
        d = 2 + int(depth / dr)

        h = dr
        baseBox = BoundingBox(
            (box.minx + (w >> 1), box.miny + y, box.minz + (d >> 1)),
            (width - w, h, depth - d))
        cylinderVertical(stats, level, baseBox, wallMaterials[0])
        baseBox = BoundingBox(
            (box.minx + (w >> 1) + 1, box.miny + y + 1, box.minz +
             (d >> 1) + 1), (width - w - 2, h - 2, depth - d - 2))
        cylinderVertical(stats, level, baseBox, (0, 0))
        y += dr
コード例 #6
ファイル: TemplateTown_Example.py プロジェクト: Lasbleic/GDMC
def binaryPartition(box):
	partitions = []
	# create a queue which holds the next areas to be partitioned
	queue = []
	# for as long as the queue still has boxes to partition...
	count = 0
	while len(queue) > 0:
		count += 1
		splitMe = queue.pop(0)
		(width, height, depth) = utilityFunctions.getBoxSize(splitMe)
		# print "Current partition width,depth",width,depth 
		centre = 0
		# this bool lets me know which dimension I will be splitting on. It matters when we create the new outer bound size
		isWidth = False
		# find the larger dimension and divide in half
		# if the larger dimension is < 10, then block this from being partitioned
		minSize = 12
		if width > depth:
			# roll a random die, 1% change we stop anyways
			chance = random.randint(100)

			if depth < minSize or chance == 1:

			isWidth = True
			centre = width / 2
			chance = random.randint(10)
			if width < minSize or chance == 1:
			centre = depth / 2

		# a random modifier for binary splitting which is somewhere between 0 and 1/16 the total box side length
		randomPartition = random.randint(0, (centre / 8) + 1)

		# creating the new bound
		newBound = centre + randomPartition

		#creating the outer edge bounds
		outsideNewBounds = 0
		if isWidth:
			outsideNewBound = width - newBound - 1
			outsideNewBound = depth - newBound - 1

		# creating the bounding boxes
		# NOTE: BoundingBoxes are objects contained within pymclevel and can be instantiated as follows
		# BoundingBox((x,y,z), (sizex, sizey, sizez))
		# in this instance, you specifiy which corner to start, and then the size of the box dimensions
		# this is an if statement to separate out binary partitions by dimension (x and z)
		if isWidth:
			queue.append(BoundingBox((splitMe.minx, splitMe.miny, splitMe.minz), (newBound-1, 256, depth)))
			queue.append(BoundingBox((splitMe.minx + newBound + 1, splitMe.miny, splitMe.minz), (outsideNewBound - 1, 256, depth)))
			queue.append(BoundingBox((splitMe.minx, splitMe.miny, splitMe.minz), (width, 256, newBound - 1)))
			queue.append(BoundingBox((splitMe.minx, splitMe.miny, splitMe.minz + newBound + 1), (width, 256, outsideNewBound - 1)))
	return partitions
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self, plot, **kwargs):
        self.plot = plot
        groundlevel = int( np.mean( [ plot.site.surfaceHeightAt(pos) for pos in bu.floor(plot).positions ] ) )
        self.box = BoundingBox( (plot.minx, groundlevel, plot.minz), plot.size )

        # front is towards the widest road
        if not plot.hasNeighbourWithTag('road'):
            self.front = random.choice( [Direction.North, Direction.East, Direction.South, Direction.West] )
            widestRoad = max( plot.neighboursWithTag('road'), key=lambda road: min(road.width, road.length))
            self.front = bu.touchDirection(plot, widestRoad)

        # lay out the building shell
        roomHeight = kwargs.get("roomHeight", 2)
        storeySize = Vector(self.box.width, roomHeight, self.box.length)
        self.storeys = []
        self.floors = []
        nStoreys = kwargs.get("nStoreys", 2)
        # split the house into a sequence alternating between height=one floors and height=x storeys
        for s in range(nStoreys):
            self.floors.append( BoundingBox(self.box.origin + (0, s*(roomHeight+1), 0), (self.box.width, 1, self.box.length)) )
            self.storeys.append( BoundingBox(self.box.origin + (0, s*(roomHeight+1) +1, 0), storeySize) )
        # update height of bounds
        self.box = bu.expandMax(self.box, dy = nStoreys*(roomHeight+1) - self.box.height)
        # the roof is the final, topmost 'floor'
        self.roof = BoundingBox(self.box.origin + (0, nStoreys*(roomHeight+1), 0), (self.box.width, 1, self.box.length))
コード例 #8
def BlockRandomiserThing(level, box, options):  # Prototype - works upwards
    AIR = (0, 0)
    method = "BlockRandomiserThing"
    print '%s: Started at %s' % (method, time.ctime())
    # Rearranges the blocks in the selection, randomly, with a chance of leaving some of them out of the result
    (width, height, depth) = getBoxSize(box)
    schematic = level.extractSchematic(
        BoundingBox((box.minx, box.miny, box.minz), (width, height, depth)))
    for y in xrange(0, height):
        print '%s: Examining the selection area - step %s of %s' % (method, y,
                                                                    height - 1)
        for x in xrange(0, width):
            for z in xrange(0, depth):
                tempBlock = (schematic.blockAt(x, y, z),
                             schematic.blockDataAt(x, y, z))
                tempBlockBelow = (schematic.blockAt(x, y - 1, z),
                                  schematic.blockDataAt(x, y - 1, z))
                if y > 0:
                    if tempBlockBelow == AIR:
                        setBlock(schematic, AIR, x, y, z)
                if randint(0, 100) < options["Chance of air"]:
                    setBlock(schematic, AIR, x, y, z)
                         BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (width, height, depth)),
                         (box.minx, box.miny, box.minz))
コード例 #9
def QuadraticSurface(level, box, options):
	print '%s: Started at %s' % (method, time.ctime())
	(width, height, depth) = getBoxSize(box)
	centreWidth = (int)(width / 2)
	centreHeight = (int)(height / 2)
	centreDepth = (int)(depth / 2)
	AIR = (0,0)
	BLOCKID = options["Pick a block:"].ID
	BLOCKDATA = options["Pick a block:"].blockData
	VERTMAGSCALE = options["Vertical Magnification"]
	HORIZMAGSCALE = options["Horizontal Magnification"]
	TOLERANCE = options["Tolerance"]
	PARAMETERS = options["Random"]

	schematic = level.extractSchematic(BoundingBox((box.minx, box.miny, box.minz), (width, height, depth))) # Mirror the blocks - in memory working read only copy
	a = random.uniform(-2, 2)
	b = random.uniform(-2, 2)
	c = random.uniform(-2, 2)
	f = random.uniform(-2, 2)
	g = random.uniform(-2, 2)
	h = random.uniform(-2, 2)
	p = random.uniform(-2, 2)
	q = random.uniform(-2, 2)
	r = random.uniform(-2, 2)
	d = random.uniform(-2, 2)
	if PARAMETERS == False:
		a = options["a"]
		b = options["b"]
		c = options["c"]
		f = options["f"]
		g = options["g"]
		h = options["h"]
		p = options["p"]
		q = options["q"]
		r = options["r"]
		d = options["d"]
	for xx in xrange(-centreWidth, centreWidth):
		print '%s of %s' % (xx, centreWidth)
		for yy in xrange(-centreHeight, centreHeight):
			y = yy * VERTMAGSCALE
			for zz in xrange(-centreDepth, centreDepth):
				z = zz * HORIZMAGSCALE
				if abs(a*x*x+b*y*y+c*z*z+2*f*y*z+2*g*z*x+2*h*x*y+2*p*x+2*q*y+2*r*z+d) <= TOLERANCE:
					setBlock(schematic, (BLOCKID, BLOCKDATA), (int)(centreWidth+xx), (int)(centreHeight+yy), (int)(centreDepth+zz))
	level.copyBlocksFrom(schematic, BoundingBox((0,0,0),(width,height,depth)), (box.minx, box.miny, box.minz ))
	print 'a=%s b=%s c=%s f=%s g=%s h=%s p=%s q=%s r=%s d=%s' % (a,b,c,f,g,h,p,q,r,d) 
	print '%s: Ended at %s' % (method, time.ctime())
コード例 #10
def Fractal(level, box, options):
    method = "FRACTAL"
    print '%s: Started at %s' % (method, time.ctime())
    (width, height, depth) = getBoxSize(box)
    centreWidth = (int)(width / 2)
    centreHeight = (int)(height / 2)
    centreDepth = (int)(depth / 2)
    AIR = (0, 0)

    XComponent = options["X Component?"]
    YComponent = options["Y Component?"]
    ZComponent = options["Z Component?"]
    Solid = options["Solid?"]

    schematic = level.extractSchematic(
        BoundingBox((box.minx, box.miny, box.minz), (width, height, depth)))

    for y in xrange(0, height):
        print '%s: Examining the selection area - step %s of %s' % (method, y,
                                                                    height - 1)
        for x in xrange(0, width):
            for z in xrange(0, depth):
                # If the current block is not air, blit the schematic into the corresponding area in space
                tempBlock = (schematic.blockAt(x, y, z),
                             schematic.blockDataAt(x, y, z))
                tempBlockAbove = (schematic.blockAt(x, y + 1, z),
                                  schematic.blockDataAt(x, y + 1, z))

                if tempBlock != AIR:
                    XModifier = 0
                    YModifier = 0
                    ZModifier = 0

                    if XComponent == True:
                        XModifier = x * width
                    if YComponent == True:
                        YModifier = y * height
                    if ZComponent == True:
                        ZModifier = z * depth

                    if Solid == False or (Solid == True
                                          and tempBlockAbove == AIR):
                            BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (width, height, depth)),
                            (box.minx + XModifier, box.miny + YModifier,
                             box.minz + ZModifier))
                    elif Solid == True and tempBlockAbove != AIR:
                        fill(level, tempBlockAbove,
                             (box.minx + XModifier, box.miny + YModifier,
                              box.minz + ZModifier), (width, height, depth))

    print '%s: Ended at %s' % (method, time.ctime())
コード例 #11
def cantorCity(level, box, options, RAND, iter):
    print iter, box
    width = box.maxx - box.minx
    depth = box.maxz - box.minz
    height = box.maxy - box.miny
    # Draw the current layer

    if height > 0:
        material = getBlockFromOptions(options, "Material:")

        floorHeight = options["Floor Height:"]
        if floorHeight < 1:
            floorHeight = RAND.randint(1, 16)
            if iter > floorHeight and RAND.random() > 0.1:
                floorHeight = iter - floorHeight
        for y in xrange(box.miny, box.miny + floorHeight):
            for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz):
                for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx):
                    setBlock(level, material, x, y, z)  # Draw draw draw!

        # Now spawn the NEXT layer up in each corner
        if True:
            if height > 1:
                RATIO = options["Ratio:"]
                if RATIO < 1.0:
                    RATIO = 1.0 + random()  # Random splits!
                widthThird = int(width / RATIO)
                depthThird = int(depth / RATIO)
                MINDIM = options["Min Dimension:"]
                if widthThird >= MINDIM and depthThird >= MINDIM:  # We stop when either dimension trends to 0
                    CHANCE = options["Chance:"]
                    y = y + 1
                    if y < box.maxy:
                        # Conditionally create a new box and build the next layer
                        NewBox1 = BoundingBox(
                            (box.minx, y, box.minz),
                            (widthThird, box.maxy - y, depthThird))
                        NewBox2 = BoundingBox(
                            (box.maxx - widthThird, y, box.minz),
                            (widthThird, box.maxy - y, depthThird))
                        NewBox3 = BoundingBox(
                            (box.maxx - widthThird, y, box.maxz - depthThird),
                            (widthThird, box.maxy - y, depthThird))
                        NewBox4 = BoundingBox(
                            (box.minx, y, box.maxz - depthThird),
                            (widthThird, box.maxy - y, depthThird))
                        if RAND.random() < CHANCE:
                            cantorCity(level, NewBox1, options, RAND, iter + 1)
                        if RAND.random() < CHANCE:
                            cantorCity(level, NewBox2, options, RAND, iter + 1)
                        if RAND.random() < CHANCE:
                            cantorCity(level, NewBox3, options, RAND, iter + 1)
                        if RAND.random() < CHANCE:
                            cantorCity(level, NewBox4, options, RAND, iter + 1)
コード例 #12
def tileWindow(level,WINDOW):
	b.remove(0) # @CodeWarrior0 and @Wout12345 explained how to merge schematics			
	y = 0
	while y < level.Height:
		x = 0
		while x < (level.Width)>>1:
			level.copyBlocksFrom(WINDOW, BoundingBox((0,0,0),(WINDOW.Width,WINDOW.Height,WINDOW.Length)),(x,y,0),b)			
			level.copyBlocksFrom(WINDOW, BoundingBox((0,0,0),(WINDOW.Width,WINDOW.Height,WINDOW.Length)),(level.Width-WINDOW.Width-x,y,0),b)
			x += WINDOW.Width
		y += WINDOW.Height
コード例 #13
def jiggle(olevel, obox, level, box, options):
    method = "Jiggle"
    (method, (width, height, depth),
     (centreWidth, centreHeight,
      centreDepth)) = FuncStart(level, box, options, method)  # Log start

    # Displace each column in the level into the original level according to the operation
    DX = options["Delta X:"]
    DY = options["Delta Y:"]
    DZ = options["Delta Z:"]
    OP = options["Operation:"]
    DEL = options["Delete source?"]

    # fill the original selection box
    if DEL == True:
        olevel.fillBlocks(obox, alphaMaterials.Air)

    abox = BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (1, height, 1))
    for iterX in xrange(0, width):
        if iterX % 10 == 0:
            print iterX
        for iterZ in xrange(0, depth):
            # Extract a column of blocks from the copy of the original space
            cbox = BoundingBox((iterX, 0, iterZ), (1, height, 1))

            clevel = level.extractSchematic(cbox)  # Working set

            dx = DX
            dy = DY
            dz = DZ
            if OP == "Random":
                if dx > 0:
                    dx = randint(0, dx)
                elif dx < 0:
                    dx = randint(dx, 0)
                if dy > 0:
                    dy = randint(0, dy)
                elif dy < 0:
                    dy = randint(dy, 0)
                if dz > 0:
                    dz = randint(0, dz)
                elif dz < 0:
                    dz = randint(dz, 0)
            #print cbox
            #print obox
            olevel.copyBlocksFrom(clevel, abox,
                                  (obox.minx + iterX + dx, obox.miny + dy,
                                   obox.minz + iterZ + dz))

    FuncEnd(level, box, options, method)
コード例 #14
def perform(level, box, options):
    minY = findBottom(level, box)
    fillBox = BoundingBox((box.minx, box.miny, box.minz),
                          (box.width, max(minY - box.miny, 1), box.length))
    box = BoundingBox((box.minx, minY, box.minz),
                      (box.width, options["Max Height"], box.length))
    utilityFunctions.fillBox(level, box, (0, 0))
    utilityFunctions.fillBoxEmpty(level, fillBox, (alphaMaterials.Grass.ID, 0))

    (houses, roads) = idonknowPartition(box)
    test, house_matrix = getPlanMatrix(level, box, houses)
    for house in houses:
        chooseHouse(level, house, options)
    for road in roads:
        utilityFunctions.fillBox(level, road, (208, 0))
            CutBar(road, 0, 0, 0, 0, options["Max Height"], 1).middle, (0, 0))

    # build road
    # house_matrix = getPlanMatrix(level, box, houses)
    global tm
    tm = detectMap(level, box, options, house_matrix)
    global width
    width = box.maxx - box.minx
    global height
    height = box.maxz - box.minz
    for i in range(len(test_map)):
        for j in range(len(test_map[0])):
            if (test_map[i][j] == '*'):
                print i, j
                                          (options["Road Material"].ID, 0),
                                          box.minx + j, box.miny, box.minz + i)
                if box.minx + j + 1 < box.maxx:
                                              (options["Road Material"].ID, 0),
                                              box.minx + j + 1, box.miny,
                                              box.minz + i)
                if box.minz + i + 1 < box.maxz:
                                              (options["Road Material"].ID, 0),
                                              box.minx + j, box.miny,
                                              box.minz + i + 1)
コード例 #15
def create(generatorName, level, boxGlobal, box, agents, allStructures,
           materialScans, agent):
    print "Building a", generatorName, "at", box, " by ", str(agent)

    areas = GEN_Cottage.create(generatorName, level, boxGlobal, box, agents,
                               allStructures, materialScans, agent)

    # Create a chimney or two
    for i in xrange(0, randint(1, 2)):
        size = randint(0, 1)
        for area in areas:
            width = area.maxx - area.minx
            depth = area.maxz - area.minz
            cx = (area.maxx + area.minx) >> 1
            cz = (area.maxz + area.minz) >> 1

            px = cx
            pz = cz
            if size > 0 and width > 3 and depth > 3:
                px = randint(area.minx + size, area.maxx - 1 - size)
                pz = randint(area.minz + size, area.maxz - 1 - size)

            height = box.maxy - area.miny
            chimneyHeight = randint(2 * height, 3 * height) + 1
            chimneybox = BoundingBox(
                (px - size, area.miny, pz - size),
                (size * 2 + 1, chimneyHeight, size * 2 + 1))

            Settlevolver.fill(level, chimneybox, (45, 0))  # Bricks
            if size > 0:
                chimneybox = BoundingBox((px, area.miny, pz),
                                         (1, chimneyHeight, 1))
                Settlevolver.fill(level, chimneybox, (0, 0))  # Bricks
                chimneybox = BoundingBox((px - size, area.miny, pz),
                                         (size * 2 + 1, 1, 1))
                Settlevolver.fill(level, chimneybox, (0, 0))  # Air
                chimneybox = BoundingBox((px, area.miny, pz - size),
                                         (1, 1, size * 2 + 1))
                Settlevolver.fill(level, chimneybox, (0, 0))  # Air
                level.setBlockAt(px, area.miny + chimneyHeight, pz,
                                 145)  # Anvil
                level.setBlockDataAt(px, area.miny + chimneyHeight, pz,
                                     randint(0, 11))
            if level.blockAt(px, area.miny - 1, pz) != 0:
                level.setBlockAt(px, area.miny, pz, 61)  # Furnace
                level.setBlockDataAt(px, area.miny, cz, randint(2, 5))

    return areas
コード例 #16
def perform(level, box, options):
    print "ALife generation: Start."

    width = box.maxx - box.minx
    height = box.maxy - box.miny
    depth = box.maxz - box.minz
    material = getBlockFromOptions(options, "Material:")
    b = range(4096)
        0)  # @CodeWarrior0 and @Wout12345 explained how to merge schematics

    planes = []
    prevTickPlane = MCSchematic((width, height, depth))
    print options["Mode"]
    if options["Mode"] == "Randomise":
        # Randomise to initialise
        initialise(prevTickPlane, options["Initial chance:"], material)
    elif options["Mode"] == "Load image":
        # Use black pixels to seed the generation
            prevTickPlane, options["File path"], material,
            (options["Red"], options["Green"], options["Blue"]))
    else:  # Use what's in the lowest plane of the selection box (i.e. the SOUTH most layer). Not air equals an alive cell.
        prevTickPlane = level.extractSchematic(
            BoundingBox((box.minx, box.miny, box.minz), (width, height, 1)))

    numTicksToRun = options["Number of ticks"]
    if numTicksToRun > depth:
        numTicksToRun = depth
                         BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (width, height, 1)),
                         (box.minx, box.miny, box.minz), b)  #First layer
    for z in xrange(1, numTicksToRun):
        print "Ticking", z
        TickPlane = MCSchematic((width, height, depth))
        calculateLifeTick(prevTickPlane, TickPlane, material)
        # planes.append(TickPlane) # History
                             BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (width, height, 1)),
                             (box.minx, box.miny, box.minz + z), b)
        prevTickPlane = TickPlane

    if options[
            "Mode"] == "File path":  # Save the last plane so it can be the next input if required.
        img.save(options["File path"] + "_end.png")

    print "ALife generation: Done."
    print "Complete!"
コード例 #17
def analyse(level):
    ''' Examine the object in the schematic for min, max non-empty co-ordinates so we can pack-them-in! '''

    # Find the bounding box for the object within this schematic. i.e. clip empty space
    method = "MINETEXT"
    print '%s: Started at %s' % (method, time.ctime())

    box = level.bounds
    (width, height, depth) = getBoxSize(level.bounds)

    print 'ANALYSE %s %s %s' % (width, height, depth)

    minX = width
    minY = height
    minZ = depth
    maxX = 0
    maxY = 0
    maxZ = 0
    found = False

    for iterY in xrange(0, height):
        for iterX in xrange(0, width):
            for iterZ in xrange(0, depth):
                if level.blockAt(iterX, iterY, iterZ) != 0:
                    #print 'ANALYSING %s %s %s' % (iterX, iterY, iterZ)
                    if iterX > maxX:
                        maxX = iterX
                    if iterY > maxY:
                        maxY = iterY
                    if iterZ > maxZ:
                        maxZ = iterZ

                    if iterX < minX:
                        minX = iterX
                    if iterY < minY:
                        minY = iterY
                    if iterZ < minZ:
                        minZ = iterZ

                    found = True

    print 'ANALYSE RESULT %s %s %s %s %s %s' % (minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY,
    print '%s: Ended at %s' % (method, time.ctime())

    if found == False:
        return BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (width, height, depth))
        return BoundingBox((minX, 0, minZ), (maxX + 1, maxY + 1, maxZ + 1))
コード例 #18
    def _getWorldBounds(self):
        if len(self.allChunks) == 0:
            return BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0))

        allChunks = numpy.array(list(self.allChunks))
        min_cx = (allChunks[:, 0]).min()
        max_cx = (allChunks[:, 0]).max()
        min_cz = (allChunks[:, 1]).min()
        max_cz = (allChunks[:, 1]).max()

        origin = (min_cx << 4, 0, min_cz << 4)
        size = ((max_cx - min_cx + 1) << 4, self.Height,
                (max_cz - min_cz + 1) << 4)

        return BoundingBox(origin, size)
コード例 #19
ファイル: clone.py プロジェクト: LaChal/MCEdit-Unified
    def drawToolReticle(self):

        if self.level is None:

        GL.glPolygonOffset(DepthOffset.CloneMarkers, DepthOffset.CloneMarkers)

        color = self.color
        if self.destPoint is not None:
            color = (self.color[0], self.color[1], self.color[2], 0.06)
            box = self.getDestBox()
            if self.draggingFace is not None:
                o = list(self.draggingOrigin())
                s = list(box.size)
                for i in range(3):
                    if i == self.draggingFace >> 1:
                    o[i] -= 1000
                    s[i] += 2000
                guideBox = BoundingBox(o, s)

                color = self.draggingColor
                GL.glColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.33)
                with gl.glEnable(GL.GL_BLEND, GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D,
                    drawFace(guideBox, self.draggingFace ^ 1)
            box = self.getReticleBox()
            if box is None:
        self.drawRepeatedCube(box, color)

        GL.glPolygonOffset(DepthOffset.CloneReticle, DepthOffset.CloneReticle)
        if self.destPoint:
            box = self.getDestBox()
            if self.draggingFace is not None:
                face = self.draggingFace
                box = BoundingBox(self.draggingOrigin(), box.size)
            face, point = self.boxFaceUnderCursor(box)
            if face is not None:

                drawFace(box, face)
コード例 #20
    def perform(self, recordUndo=True):
        if self.level.saving:
            alert(_("Cannot perform action while saving is taking place"))

        if recordUndo:
            self.canUndo = True
            self.undoLevel = self.extractUndo(
                self.level, BoundingBox(self.destPoint, self.sourceBox.size))

        blocksToCopy = None
        if not (self.copyAir and self.copyWater):
            blocksToCopy = range(pymclevel.materials.id_limit)
            if not self.copyAir:
            if not self.copyWater:
            if not self.copyWater:

        with setWindowCaption("Copying - "):
            i = self.level.copyBlocksFromIter(
                _("Copying {0:n} blocks...").format(self.sourceBox.volume), i)
コード例 #21
    def selectionBoxForCorners(self, p1, p2):
        ''' considers p1,p2 as the marked corners of a selection.
        returns a BoundingBox containing all the blocks within.'''

        if self.editor.level is None:
            return None

        p1, p2 = list(p1), list(p2)
        # d = [(a-b) for a,b in zip(p1,p2)]
        for i in range(3):
            if p1[i] > p2[i]:
                t = p2[i]
                p2[i] = p1[i]
                p1[i] = t

            p2[i] += 1

        size = list(map(lambda a, b: a - b, p2, p1))

        if p1[1] < 0:
            size[1] += p1[1]
            p1[1] = 0

        h = self.editor.level.Height
        if p1[1] >= h:
            p1[1] = h - 1
            size[1] = 1

        if p1[1] + size[1] >= h:
            size[1] = h - p1[1]

        return BoundingBox(p1, size)
コード例 #22
ファイル: brush.py プロジェクト: JLoosa/MCEdit-Unified
            def getChunk(self, cx, cz):
                if (cx, cz) in self.chunkCache:
                    return self.chunkCache[cx, cz]

                class FakeBrushChunk(pymclevel.level.FakeChunk):
                    Entities = []
                    TileEntities = []

                f = FakeBrushChunk()
                f.world = self
                f.chunkPosition = (cx, cz)

                mask = createBrushMask(
                    brushSize, brushStyle, (0, 0, 0),
                    BoundingBox((cx << 4, 0, cz << 4), (16, self.Height, 16)))
                f.Blocks = numpy.zeros(mask.shape, dtype='uint8')
                f.Data = numpy.zeros(mask.shape, dtype='uint8')
                f.BlockLight = self.zerolight
                f.SkyLight = self.zerolight

                if blockInfo.ID:
                    f.Blocks[mask] = blockInfo.ID
                    f.Data[mask] = blockInfo.blockData

                    f.Blocks[mask] = 255
                self.chunkCache[cx, cz] = f
                return f
コード例 #23
def perform(originalLevel, originalBox, options):
    ''' Feedback to [email protected] '''
    # Local variables
    method = options["Operation"]
    (method, (width, height, depth),
     (centreWidth, centreHeight,
      centreDepth)) = FuncStart(originalLevel, originalBox, options,
                                method)  # Log start
    SUCCESS = False
    level = originalLevel.extractSchematic(originalBox)  # Working set
    box = BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (width, height, depth))
    # Operations go here - switch to the function based on selected operation

    SUCCESS = Bridge(level, box, options)

    # Conditionally copy back the working area into the world
    if SUCCESS == True:  # Copy from work area back into the world
        b = range(4096)
        )  # @CodeWarrior0 and @Wout12345 explained how to merge schematics
            level, box, (originalBox.minx, originalBox.miny, originalBox.minz),

    FuncEnd(originalLevel, box, options, method)  # Log end
コード例 #24
ファイル: filter.py プロジェクト: LaChal/MCEdit-Unified
    def perform(self, recordUndo=True):
        if recordUndo:
            self.undoLevel = self.extractUndo(self.level, self.box)

        self.filter.perform(self.level, BoundingBox(self.box), self.options)

コード例 #25
def perform(originalLevel, originalBox, options):
    ''' Feedback to [email protected] '''
    # Local variables
    method = "perform"
    (method, (width, height, depth),
     (centreWidth, centreHeight,
      centreDepth)) = FuncStart(originalLevel, originalBox, options,
                                method)  # Log start
    SUCCESS = True
    level = originalLevel.extractSchematic(originalBox)  # Working set
    box = BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), (width, height, depth))

    stairSmooth(level, box, options)

    if SUCCESS == True:  # Copy from work area back into the world
        b = range(4096)
        )  # @CodeWarrior0 and @Wout12345 explained how to merge schematics
            level, box, (originalBox.minx, originalBox.miny, originalBox.minz),

    FuncEnd(originalLevel, box, options, method)  # Log end
コード例 #26
    def processCoords(coords):
        newcoords = collections.deque()

        for (x, y, z) in coords:
            for _dir, offsets in pymclevel.faceDirections:
                dx, dy, dz = offsets
                p = (x + dx, y + dy, z + dz)

                nx, ny, nz = p
                b = op.level.blockAt(nx, ny, nz)
                if indiscriminate:
                    if b == 2:
                        b = 3
                if b == doomedBlock:
                    if checkData:
                        if op.level.blockDataAt(nx, ny, nz) != doomedBlockData:

                    saveUndoChunk(nx // 16, nz // 16)
                    op.level.setBlockAt(nx, ny, nz, op.options['Block'].ID)
                    op.level.setBlockDataAt(nx, ny, nz, op.options['Block'].blockData)
                    if tileEntity:
                        if op.level.tileEntityAt(nx, ny, nz):
                            op.level.removeTileEntitiesInBox(BoundingBox((nx, ny, nz), (1, 1, 1)))
                        tileEntityObject = TileEntity.Create(tileEntity, (nx, ny, nz))
                        createTileEntities(tileEntityObject, op.level)

        return newcoords
コード例 #27
ファイル: GenerateHouses.py プロジェクト: dtccx/AIGameLab
def makePyramid(level, box, options, floors):
    [cx,cy,cz]=[(box.minx+box.maxx)/2, (box.miny+box.maxy)/2, (box.minz+box.maxz)/2]
    boxSize = utilityFunctions.getBoxSize(box)
    minWidth = min(boxSize[0], boxSize[2])
    step = 2
    for floor in range(floors-1):
        subBox = BoundingBox((box.minx+floor,floor+box.miny,box.minz+floor),(boxSize[0]-step*floor, 1, boxSize[2]-step*floor))
        if subBox.width>1 and subBox.length>1:
            utilityFunctions.setSquareFrame(level,(options["Wall"].ID,0), subBox.minx, subBox.miny, subBox.minz, subBox.length,subBox.width)    
            count += 1
    subBox = BoundingBox((box.minx+count,count+box.miny,box.minz+count),(boxSize[0]-step*count, 1, boxSize[2]-step*count))
    print subBox
    makeFloor(level, subBox, options)
コード例 #28
ファイル: GenerateHouses.py プロジェクト: dtccx/AIGameLab
def buildSimpleFarmHouse(level, box, options):
    #fencesBox = CutBar(box,1,1,1,1,boxSize[1]).middle
    #baseBox = CutBar(fencesBox, 2,2,2,2, boxSize[1]).middle
    #build fences and base
    #fenceLeft, fenceRight,fenceFront, fenceBack = buildFence(level, fencesBox, options,1) 
    centerX = (box.minx+box.maxx)//2
    centerZ = (box.minz + box.minz)//2
    for y in range(0, 250):
        if level.blockAt(centerX, y, centerZ) != 0 and level.blockAt(centerX, y+1, centerZ)==0:
            minY = y
    box = BoundingBox((box.minx, minY+1, box.minz),(box.width, box.height, box.length))
    utilityFunctions.fillBox(level, CutBar(box,0,0,0,0,options["Max Height"],2).middle,(0,0))

    wallPartBox = buildBase(level,box,(options["Base"].ID, 0), 1)
    floorBoxes = buildWall(level, wallPartBox,(options["Base"].ID, 0), random.randint(5,25))
    for i in range(size(floorBoxes)-1):
        fillFrame(level, floorBoxes[i], (45,0), floorBoxes[i].height)
    #build the wall of the house
    if size(floorBoxes)>=2:
        buildRoof(level,AddBar(floorBoxes[-1],2,2,3,3).full, (options["Roof"].ID, 0),1, 10) 
        buildRoof(level,AddBar(floorBoxes[-1],2,2,3,3).full, (options["Roof"].ID, 0),1, 1)
コード例 #29
ファイル: clone.py プロジェクト: LaChal/MCEdit-Unified
    def perform(self, recordUndo=True):
        sourceBox = self.sourceBox

        if recordUndo:
            self.undoLevel = self.extractUndo(
                self.level, BoundingBox(self.destPoint, self.sourceBox.size))

        blocksToCopy = None
        if not (self.copyAir and self.copyWater):
            blocksToCopy = range(pymclevel.materials.id_limit)
            if not self.copyAir:
            if not self.copyWater:
            if not self.copyWater:

        with setWindowCaption("Copying - "):
            i = self.level.copyBlocksFromIter(
                _("Copying {0:n} blocks...").format(self.sourceBox.volume), i)
コード例 #30
def tryToPlaceStructure(level, box, allStructures, potentialStructureSize,
                        potentialStructureLocation, resource, recurse):
    (resourceBlockID, resourceBlockData), (resourceX, resourceY,
                                           resourceZ) = resource
    szx, szy, szz = potentialStructureSize
    pslx, psly, pslz = potentialStructureLocation
    if not (pslx < box.minx or pslx + szx >= box.maxx or pslz < box.minz
            or pslz + szz >= box.maxz):
        # Ok to try to position this structure. Check for height here
        y = psly
        # Some past solutions I've seen to this problem don't work with the existing terrain and, instead, create a bit of urban sprawl.
        if not (y < box.miny or y + szy >= box.maxy):
            # It can fit in the allocated space! Check for collisions
            newBox = BoundingBox((pslx, y, pslz), (szx, szy, szz))
            collidesWith = checkForCollisions(newBox, allStructures)
            if len(collidesWith) == 0:
                return newBox  # All good - pop this thing here
            else:  # Else... Merge? Stack? Ignore?
                # Try stacking
                topY = newBox.maxy
                topBox = newBox
                for t, b in collidesWith:
                    if b.maxy > topY:
                        topBox = b
                if topBox != newBox and recurse == True:  # Found a new box. Try to place this one on top of it.
                    tryToPlaceStructure(level, box, allStructures,
                                        (pslx, topY, pslz), resource, recurse)
                    return None  # We cannot place this box, sadly.
コード例 #31
ファイル: brush.py プロジェクト: fhfuih/MCEdit-Unified
def createBrushMask(shape, style="Round", offset=(0, 0, 0), box=None, chance=100, hollow=False):
    Return a boolean array for a brush with the given shape and style.
    If 'offset' and 'box' are given, then the brush is offset into the world
    and only the part of the world contained in box is returned as an array.
    :param shape, UNKWOWN
    :param style, style of the brush. Round if not given.
    :param offset, UNKWOWN
    :param box, UNKWOWN
    :param chance, also known as Noise. Input in stock-brushes like Fill and Replace.
    :param hollow, input to calculate a hollow brush.

    #We are returning indices for a Blocks array, so swap axes
    if box is None:
        box = BoundingBox(offset, shape)
    if chance < 100 or hollow:
        box = box.expand(1)

    outputShape = box.size
    outputShape = (outputShape[0], outputShape[2], outputShape[1])

    shape = shape[0], shape[2], shape[1]
    offset = numpy.array(offset) - numpy.array(box.origin)
    offset = offset[[0, 2, 1]]

    inds = numpy.indices(outputShape, dtype=float)
    halfshape = numpy.array([(i >> 1) - ((i & 1 == 0) and 0.5 or 0) for i in shape])

    blockCenters = inds - halfshape[:, newaxis, newaxis, newaxis]
    blockCenters -= offset[:, newaxis, newaxis, newaxis]

    # odd diameter means measure from the center of the block at 0,0,0 to each block center
    # even diameter means measure from the 0,0,0 grid point to each block center

    # if diameter & 1 == 0: blockCenters += 0.5
    shape = numpy.array(shape, dtype='float32')

    # if not isSphere(shape):
    if style == "Round":
        blockCenters *= blockCenters
        shape /= 2
        shape *= shape

        blockCenters /= shape[:, newaxis, newaxis, newaxis]
        distances = sum(blockCenters, 0)
        mask = distances < 1
    elif style == "Cylinder":

    elif style == "Square":
        blockCenters /= shape[:, None, None, None]

        distances = numpy.absolute(blockCenters).max(0)
        mask = distances < .5

    elif style == "Diamond":
        blockCenters = numpy.abs(blockCenters)
        shape /= 2
        blockCenters /= shape[:, newaxis, newaxis, newaxis]
        distances = sum(blockCenters, 0)
        mask = distances < 1
        raise ValueError("Unknown style: " + style)

    if (chance < 100 or hollow) and max(shape) > 1:
        threshold = chance / 100.0
        exposedBlockMask = numpy.ones(shape=outputShape, dtype='bool')
        exposedBlockMask[:] = mask
        submask = mask[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1]
        exposedBlockSubMask = exposedBlockMask[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1]
        exposedBlockSubMask[:] = False

        for dim in (0, 1, 2):
            slices = [slice(1, -1), slice(1, -1), slice(1, -1)]
            slices[dim] = slice(None, -2)
            exposedBlockSubMask |= (submask & (mask[slices] != submask))
            slices[dim] = slice(2, None)
            exposedBlockSubMask |= (submask & (mask[slices] != submask))

        if hollow:
            mask[~exposedBlockMask] = False
        if chance < 100:
            rmask = numpy.random.random(mask.shape) < threshold

            mask[exposedBlockMask] = rmask[exposedBlockMask]

    if chance < 100 or hollow:
        return mask[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1]
        return mask