def get_epoch(epoch, recording): filenames = get_filenames(epoch, recording) epochs = preprocessing.load_epochs([str(f) for f in filenames]) epochs = preprocessing.concatenate_epochs(epochs, None) epochs = epochs.pick_channels( [x for x in epochs.ch_names if x.startswith("M")]) epochs._data -= get_baseline(recording) data_cov = get_cov(epochs, tmin=0, tmax=2) return data_cov, epochs
def get_baseline(recording): filenames = get_filenames("stimulus", recording) print(filenames) epochs = preprocessing.load_epochs([str(f) for f in filenames]) epochs = preprocessing.concatenate_epochs(epochs, None) epochs = epochs.pick_channels( [x for x in epochs.ch_names if x.startswith("M")]) id_time = (-0.5 <= epochs.times) & (epochs.times <= -0.250) return epochs._data[:, :, id_time].mean(-1)[:, :, np.newaxis]
def get_response_epoch(subject, session, recording): stimulus = glob(get_filenames(subject, session, recording)[0]) response = glob(get_filenames(subject, session, recording)[1]) stimulus = preprocessing.load_epochs(stimulus) stimulus = preprocessing.concatenate_epochs(stimulus, None) stimulus = stimulus.pick_channels( [x for x in stimulus.ch_names if x.startswith('M')]) response = preprocessing.load_epochs(response) response = preprocessing.concatenate_epochs(response, None) response = stimulus.pick_channels( [x for x in response.ch_names if x.startswith('M')]) id_time = (-0.25 <= stimulus.times) & (stimulus.times <= 0) means = stimulus._data[:, :, id_time].mean(-1) stimulus._data = stimulus._data - means[:, :, np.newaxis] response._data = response._data - means[:, :, np.newaxis] data_cov = lcmv.get_cov(stimulus, tmin=0, tmax=3) return data_cov, response
def get_stim_epoch(subject, session, recording): filenames = glob(get_filenames(subject, session, recording)[0]) epochs = preprocessing.load_epochs(filenames) epochs = preprocessing.concatenate_epochs(epochs, None) epochs = epochs.pick_channels( [x for x in epochs.ch_names if x.startswith('M')]) id_time = (-0.25 <= epochs.times) & (epochs.times <= 0) means = epochs._data[:, :, id_time].mean(-1) epochs._data -= means[:, :, np.newaxis] data_cov = lcmv.get_cov(epochs, tmin=0, tmax=3) return data_cov, epochs, filenames
def get_ref_head_pos(subject, session, trans, N=-1): from mne.transforms import apply_trans data = metadata.get_epoch_filename(subject, session, 0, 'stimulus', 'fif') data = pymegprepr.load_epochs([data])[0] cc = head_loc(data.decimate(10)) nasion = np.stack([c[0] for c in cc[:N]]).mean(0) lpa = np.stack([c[1] for c in cc[:N]]).mean(0) rpa = np.stack([c[2] for c in cc[:N]]).mean(0) nasion, lpa, rpa = nasion.mean(-1), lpa.mean(-1), rpa.mean(-1) return { 'nasion': apply_trans(trans['t_ctf_dev_dev'], np.array(nasion)), 'lpa': apply_trans(trans['t_ctf_dev_dev'], np.array(lpa)), 'rpa': apply_trans(trans['t_ctf_dev_dev'], np.array(rpa)) }
def get_epochs_for_subject(snum, epoch, sessions=None): from itertools import product if sessions is None: sessions = list(range(4)) data = [] meta = get_meta_for_subject(snum, epoch, sessions=sessions) for session, block in product(ensure_iter(sessions), list(range(5))): filename = metadata.get_epoch_filename(snum, session, block, epoch, 'fif') if os.path.isfile(filename): data.append(filename) #assert len(data) == len(list(ensure_iter(sessions)))*5 data = pymegprepr.load_epochs(data) event_ids = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, [list(d.event_id.values()) for d in data]) meta = meta.reset_index().set_index('hash') meta = meta.loc[event_ids, :] assert len(meta) == sum([d._data.shape[0] for d in data]) return pymegprepr.concatenate_epochs(data, [meta])
def extract_reconstruct_tfr_block(subject, session, block, epoch, signal_type='BB', BEM='three_layer', debug=False, chunks=50, njobs=4): #check if the block exists and recording subject_int = int(subject[1:]) fname = path + '/filenames_sub%i.pickle' % (subject_int) f = open(fname, 'rb') data = pickle.load(f) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data) blocks = np.array( df[df.subject == subject_int][df.session == session].block) if block in blocks: recording = df[df.subject == subject_int][df.session == session][ df.block == block].trans_matrix.iloc[0] else: print('block does not exist') sys.exit(0) if epoch == 'stimulus': fname = get_filenames_block(subject, session, block, recording)[0][0] else: fname = get_filenames_block(subject, session, block, recording)[1][0] # fname_aux='filter_sub%i_SESS%i_recording%i_epoch%s.pickle'%( subject_int,session,recording,epoch) # filename = join(path+'/extra', fname_aux) # f=open(filename,'rb') # filters=pickle.load(f) # f.close() filters = extract_filter(subject, session_int, recording, epoch, signal_type=signal_type) fois_h = np.arange(36, 162, 4) fois_l = np.arange(2, 36, 1) tfr_params = { 'HF': { 'foi': fois_h, 'cycles': fois_h * 0.25, 'time_bandwidth': 2 + 1, 'n_jobs': njobs, 'est_val': fois_h, 'est_key': 'HF', 'sf': 600, 'decim': 10 }, 'LF': { 'foi': fois_l, 'cycles': fois_l * 0.4, 'time_bandwidth': 1 + 1, 'n_jobs': njobs, 'est_val': fois_l, 'est_key': 'LF', 'sf': 600, 'decim': 10 } } print(fname) print('loading data') epochs = preprocessing.load_epochs([fname]) print('concataneiting data') epochs = preprocessing.concatenate_epochs(epochs, None) print('Picking pick_channels') epochs = epochs.pick_channels( [x for x in epochs.ch_names if x.startswith('M')]) events =[:, 2] for i in range(0, len(events), chunks): print('chunk:', i) filename = lcmvfilename_block(subject, session, block, signal_type, recording, epoch, chunk=i) if os.path.isfile(filename): continue if signal_type == 'BB':'Starting reconstruction of BB signal') M = lcmv.reconstruct_broadband(filters,, epochs._data[i:i + chunks], events[i:i + chunks], epochs.times, njobs=1) else:'Starting reconstruction of TFR signal') M = lcmv.reconstruct_tfr(filters,, epochs._data[i:i + chunks], events[i:i + chunks], epochs.times, est_args=tfr_params[signal_type], njobs=1) M.to_hdf(filename, 'epochs') del M del epochs print('done')
def extract_reconstruct_tfr(subject, session, recording, epoch, signal_type='BB', BEM='three_layer', debug=False, chunks=50, njobs=4): if epoch == 'stimulus': filenames = glob(get_filenames(subject, session, recording)[0]) else: filenames = glob(get_filenames(subject, session, recording)[1]) subject_int = int(subject[1:]) fname = 'filter_sub%i_SESS%i_recording%i_epoch%s.pickle' % ( subject_int, session, recording, epoch) filename = join(path + '/extra', fname) f = open(filename, 'rb') filters = pickle.load(f) f.close() fois_h = np.arange(36, 162, 4) fois_l = np.arange(2, 36, 1) tfr_params = { 'HF': { 'foi': fois_h, 'cycles': fois_h * 0.25, 'time_bandwidth': 2 + 1, 'n_jobs': njobs, 'est_val': fois_h, 'est_key': 'HF', 'sf': 600, 'decim': 10 }, 'LF': { 'foi': fois_l, 'cycles': fois_l * 0.4, 'time_bandwidth': 1 + 1, 'n_jobs': njobs, 'est_val': fois_l, 'est_key': 'LF', 'sf': 600, 'decim': 10 } } print('filters done') for ifname, fname in enumerate(filenames): print(fname) epochs = preprocessing.load_epochs([fname]) epochs = preprocessing.concatenate_epochs(epochs, None) epochs = epochs.pick_channels( [x for x in epochs.ch_names if x.startswith('M')]) events =[:, 2] for i in range(0, len(events), chunks): print('chunk:', i) filename = lcmvfilename(subject, session, signal_type, recording, epoch + str(ifname), chunk=i) if os.path.isfile(filename): continue if signal_type == 'BB':'Starting reconstruction of BB signal') M = lcmv.reconstruct_broadband(filters,, epochs._data[i:i + chunks], events[i:i + chunks], epochs.times, njobs=1) else:'Starting reconstruction of TFR signal') M = lcmv.reconstruct_tfr(filters,, epochs._data[i:i + chunks], events[i:i + chunks], epochs.times, est_args=tfr_params[signal_type], njobs=1) M.to_hdf(filename, 'epochs') del M del epochs print('done')