コード例 #1
def contain(type):
    selection = pymel.ls(selection=True)
    if type == 'dag':
        type = 'dagContainer'

    positions = {}
    for each in selection:
        positions[each] = pymel.hyperGraph(HYPER_GRAPH, query=True, getNodePosition=selection[0])

    container = pymel.container(type=type, includeHierarchyBelow=True, )
    pymel.container(addNode=selection, edit=True, includeHierarchyBelow=True, force=True)
    print container
    pymel.select( cl=True )

    #pymel.evalDeferred('pymel.select("'+container+'", replace=True,)')
    #pymel.evalDeferred('pymel.hyperGraph("'+hyperGraph+'", edit=True, expandContainer=True)')

    def deferredCauseMayaIsStupid():
        pymel.select(container, replace=True,)
        pymel.hyperGraph(HYPER_GRAPH, edit=True, expandContainer=True)

        for each in positions:
            pymel.hyperGraph(HYPER_GRAPH, edit=True, setNodePosition=[each, positions[each][0], positions[each][1]])

        posX, posY = pymel.hyperGraph(HYPER_GRAPH, query=True, getNodePosition=container)
        pymel.hyperGraph(HYPER_GRAPH, edit=True, setNodePosition=[each, posX, posY+3])

    pymel.evalDeferred( deferredCauseMayaIsStupid)
コード例 #2
ファイル: mayaSceneUtil.py プロジェクト: clamdragon/SurfRig
 def addIntermediateNode(node, data):
     """The function to be passed into the callback."""
     node = pmc.PyNode(node)
     if isinstance(node, pmc.nt.DagNode):
         # ignore DAG objects
     pmc.container(container, e=True, addNode=node)
コード例 #3
ファイル: autoRig_setup.py プロジェクト: jeffhong21/scripts
    def createSkeletonGroup(self):

        self.rig_skeleton_group = pm.group(empty = True, name = "SKELETON")

        pm.container(self.rig_container, e = True, addNode = self.rig_skeleton_group, ihb = True)

        return self.rig_skeleton_group
コード例 #4
ファイル: autoRig_setup.py プロジェクト: jeffhong21/scripts
    def createRigGroup(self):

        self.rig_rig_group = pm.group(empty = True, name = "RIG")

        pm.container(self.rig_container, e = True, addNode = self.rig_skeleton_group, ihb = True)

        return self.rig_rig_group
コード例 #5
ファイル: autoRig_setup.py プロジェクト: jeffhong21/scripts
    def createMeshGroup(self):

        self.rig_mesh_group = pm.group(empty = True, name = "MESH")

        pm.container(self.rig_container, e = True, addNode = self.rig_mesh_group, ihb = True)

        return self.rig_mesh_group
コード例 #6
ファイル: controls.py プロジェクト: jeffhong21/scripts
def loadTranslationControl(root_joint, module_name, container, module_control_grp, control_type = "translation", color = [1, 0, 0]):
    """ loads translation control onto the root_joint """

    path = os.path.join(environ.ControlObjectsPath, "translation_control.ma")
    pm.importFile(path, renameAll = True, loadReferenceDepth = "all", namespace =":")  # renamePrefix == namespace

    # rename default module
    translation_control = pm.rename("translation_control", module_name + ":" + root_joint.stripNamespace() + "_translation_control", ignoreShape = False)
    translation_control_grp = pm.group(translation_control, name = module_name + ":" + root_joint.stripNamespace() + "_translation_controlGrp")

    # move control to root root_joint
    pm.delete(pm.pointConstraint(root_joint, translation_control_grp, maintainOffset=False))


    pm.addAttr(translation_control, longName="ControlType", dataType="string", keyable=False)
    pm.addAttr(translation_control, longName="ParentObject", at="message", multi = True)
    translation_control.ControlType.set(control_type, type = "string", lock = True)

    utils.addNodeToContainer(container, [translation_control, translation_control_grp], ihb = True, includeNetwork = True)
    pm.container(container, edit=True, publishAndBind=[translation_control + ".rotate", translation_control.stripNamespace() + "_rotate"])
    pm.container(container, edit=True, publishAndBind=[translation_control + ".translate", translation_control.stripNamespace() + "_translate"])

    return translation_control, translation_control_grp
コード例 #7
def AddNodeToContainer(_containerName, _nodesIn, _includeHierarchyBelow = False, _includeShapes = False, _force = False):
    import types
    nodes = []
    # create a new list of current list object
    if type(_nodesIn) is types.ListType:
        nodes = list(_nodesIn)
    # store current object as a list
        nodes = [_nodesIn]
    # Put maya unit conversion nodes in a list
    conversionNodes = []
    for node in nodes:
        node_conversionNodes = pm.listConnections(node, source = True, destination = True)
        node_conversionNodes = pm.ls(node_conversionNodes, typ = 'unitConversion')

    # Store everything in a single list
    pm.container(_containerName, edit = True, addNode = nodes, includeHierarchyBelow = _includeHierarchyBelow, includeShapes = _includeShapes, force = _force)
コード例 #8
    def checkLeveL(self,node):
        if not pm.objExists(node.name()):return False

        ar = pm.container(query=True, findContainer=node)
        if not ar: return False
        ar = pm.container(query=True, findContainer=ar)
        if not ar: return False
        return True
コード例 #9
    def __init__(self):
        selectedObjects = pm.ls(selection = True, transforms = True)
        filteredGroups = []
        for obj in selectedObjects:
            if obj.find("Group__") == 0:
        if len(filteredGroups) == 0:
        # Recursively find and store grouped module namespaces in a list
        groupContainer = "Group_container"
        modules = []
        for group in filteredGroups:
        # Store all the grouped container nodes in a list
        moduleContainers = [groupContainer]
        for module in modules:
            moduleContainer = "%s:module_container" %module
        # Unlock containers
        for container in moduleContainers:
            pm.lockNode(container, lock = False, lockUnpublished = False)

        # Ungroup
        for group in filteredGroups:
            childCount = len(pm.listRelatives(group, children = True))
            if childCount > 1:
                pm.ungroup(group, absolute = True)
            for attr in ["t", "r", "globalScale"]:
                pm.container(groupContainer, edit = True, unbindAndUnpublish = "%s.%s" %(group, attr))
            parentGroup = pm.listRelatives(group, parent = True)
            # Recursively delete empty parent groups
            if len(parentGroup) != 0:
                parentGroup = parentGroup[0]
                children = pm.listRelatives(parentGroup, children = True)
                children = pm.ls(children, transforms = True)
                if len(children) == 0:
                    pm.select(parentGroup, replace = True)
        # Lock module containers after ungrouping is finished
        for container in moduleContainers:
            if pm.objExists(container):
                pm.lockNode(container, lock = True, lockUnpublished = True)
コード例 #10
ファイル: mayaSceneUtil.py プロジェクト: clamdragon/SurfRig
def publish_joints(asset=None):
    """From the given container, publish the xform attributes for all joints."""
    if not asset or not isinstance(asset, pmc.nt.Container):
        asset = pmc.selected(type="container")[0]
    all_nodes = pmc.container(asset, q=True, nodeList=True)
    for j in (o for o in all_nodes if isinstance(o, pmc.nt.Joint)):
        for attr in (j.translate, j.rotate, j.scale):
            pubName = "_".join(("inputs", j.nodeName(), attr.longName()))
            pmc.container(asset, e=True, publishAndBind=(attr, pubName))
コード例 #11
ファイル: utility.py プロジェクト: jeffhong21/scripts
def setModuleMetaInfo(node, attribute, attrInfo):
    Sets the attribute of the modules meta node.
    If attribute type is message, attribute has to be the same for both meta and node.
    node = pm.PyNode(node)
    # what if node is meta
    meta_node = None
    # find meta node
    if node.hasAttr("MetaNode"):
        meta_node = pm.PyNode(node.MetaNode.get())
    elif node.hasAttr("ModuleNodes"):
        meta_node = pm.PyNode(node)

    if meta_node != None:
        if pm.objectType(node) == "container":
            module_container = node
            module_container = pm.container(q = True, findContainer = node)

        lock_state = pm.lockNode(module_container, q = True, lock = True)[0]
        pm.lockNode(module_container, lock = False, lockUnpublished = False)

        #  ---------------------------------------------------------------

        # if attribute is a string
        if meta_node.attr(attribute).type() == "string":
            meta_node.attr(attribute).set(lock = False)
            meta_node.attr(attribute).set(attrInfo, lock = True)

        # if attribute is a message
        if meta_node.attr(attribute).type() == "message":
            # meta node and node need to have same attribute
            connected_node = pm.PyNode(attrInfo)
            # find the nodes container
            connectedNode_container = pm.container(q = True, findContainer = connected_node)

            if connectedNode_container != getModuleMetaInfo(node, "ModuleContainer"):
                # need to make sure the input node's container is unlocked
                connectedNode_lockState = pm.lockNode(connectedNode_container, q = True, lock = True)[0]
                pm.lockNode(connectedNode_container, lock = False, lockUnpublished = False)

                # if the input node does not have the same attribute
                if not connected_node.hasAttr(attribute):
                    _logger.warning("{} does not have attribute: {}".format(connected_node, attribute))
                    pm.addAttr(connected_node, longName = attribute, at="message", multi = True)
                    _logger.warning("CANNOT CONNECT {} TO {}".format(meta_node.attr(attribute), connected_node.attr(attribute)))

                pm.lockNode(connectedNode_container, lock = connectedNode_lockState, lockUnpublished = lock_state)

        pm.lockNode(module_container, lock = lock_state, lockUnpublished = lock_state)
コード例 #12
	def Install_custom(self, _joints):
		moduleGrp = "%s:module_grp" %self.moduleNamespace
		pm.select(moduleGrp, replace = True)
		pm.addAttr(attributeType = "enum", enumName = "y:z", longName = "sao_local")
		pm.addAttr(attributeType = "enum", enumName = "+x:-x:+y:-y:+z:-z", longName = "sao_world")
		for attr in ["sao_local", "sao_world"]:
			pm.container(self.containerName, edit = True, publishAndBind = ["%s.%s" %(moduleGrp, attr), attr] )
コード例 #13
ファイル: random.py プロジェクト: clamdragon/SurfRig
def organizeNodes():
    """Make containers for each surface in the scene and add
    all DG (NOT DAG) nodes to it for scene organization"""
    surfs = [s for s in pmc.ls(type="transform") if hasattr(s, "layeredTexture")]
    for s in surfs:
        nodes = set(s.future(allFuture=True))
        # also need some nodes connected to ctrls and joints
        ctrls = s.controls.get()
        for c in ctrls:
            j = c.rangeU.outputs()[0]
            nodes.update(c.history(), j.future(), j.history())
        nodes = [n for n in nodes if not isinstance(n, pmc.nt.DagNode)]
        pmc.container(name=s.name()+"_assets", addNode=nodes)
コード例 #14
ファイル: root.py プロジェクト: duncanrudd/tdrRigging
    def assetize(self, publishCtrls=1):
        Adds all nodes associated with the component to a Maya asset container.
        :param: publishCtrls. If true. publishes the components controls so they are visible when asset is blackboxed
        :return: The newly created asset node
        nodes = pmc.ls('%s*' % self.name)
        self.asset = pmc.container(name='%s_asset' % self.name, addNode=nodes)
        pmc.container(self.asset, e=1, publishName='%s_%s' % (self.name, self.side))

        if publishCtrls:
            for ctrl in self.ctrls:
                pmc.containerPublish(self.asset, publishNode=[ctrl.name(), 'transform'], bindNode=[ctrl.name(), ctrl.name()])
コード例 #15
ファイル: mayaSceneUtil.py プロジェクト: clamdragon/SurfRig
def assetize_cmpnt(cmpnt=None, autoPublish=True):
    """Reads all DG nodes involved in the component given by
    either argument or only selected DAG object."""
    if not cmpnt:
        cmpnt = pmc.selected()[0]

    cmpNodes = {cmpnt}
    # prune set is objects which will later be removed from the component set
    prune = set()
    allDag = cmpnt.getChildren(allDescendents=True)
    for dag in allDag:
        # now prune input's history and output's future
        # perhaps not the most efficient but it's reliable
        # in an uncertain situation
        name = dag.longName()
        if "input" in name:
        elif "output" in name:

    cmpNodes -= prune
    contName = cmpnt.split("_")
    contName[-1] = "asset"
    contName = "_".join(contName)
    # ugly, but Maya seems to have no special way of considering layer nodes.
    cmpNodes = [n for n in cmpNodes if "layer" not in n.type().lower()]
    asset = pmc.container(addNode=cmpNodes,

    if autoPublish:
コード例 #16
ファイル: polycount.py プロジェクト: FengYusheng/MyUtils
def getPoyCountGroupByContainerUsingPymel2(*args, **kwargs):
    scenePolyCount = {'Verts':0, 'Edges':0, 'Faces':0, 'UVs':0, 'Tris':0, 'surface area':0, 'hierarchy':{}}
    Verts = Edges = Faces = UVs = Tris = 0
    if pm.system.sceneName():
        for shape in pm.ls(type='mesh', noIntermediate=True):
            instanceCount = len(shape.getAllPaths())
            Verts         = shape.numVertices()                                                    * instanceCount
            Edges         = shape.numEdges()                                                       * instanceCount
            Faces         = shape.numFaces()                                                       * instanceCount
            UVs           = shape.numUVs()                                                         * instanceCount
            Tris          = int(pm.mel.eval('polyEvaluate -triangle {0}'.format(shape.name()))[0]) * instanceCount
            surfaceArea   = pm.polyEvaluate(shape, wa=True)

            scenePolyCount['Verts']        += Verts
            scenePolyCount['Edges']        += Edges
            scenePolyCount['Faces']        += Faces
            scenePolyCount['UVs']          += UVs
            scenePolyCount['Tris']         += Tris
            scenePolyCount['surface area'] += int(surfaceArea)

            container = pm.container(shape, query=True, findContainer=shape.name())
            if container is not None:
                containerStack = getContainerStackUsingPymel(container)
                _buildHierarchy(scenePolyCount, containerStack, **{'container':container.name(), 'Verts':Verts, 'Edges':Edges, 'Faces':Faces, 'UVs':UVs, 'Tris':Tris, 'surface area': int(surfaceArea)})

    return scenePolyCount
コード例 #17
ファイル: mayaSceneUtil.py プロジェクト: clamdragon/SurfRig
def publish_controls(asset=None):
    """From a given asset, publish the control objects.
    Assumes any transform with a nurbsCurve shape is a control."""
    if not asset or not isinstance(asset, pmc.nt.Container):
        asset = pmc.selected(type="container")[0]
    all_nodes = pmc.container(asset, q=True, nodeList=True)
    is_ctrl = lambda obj: hasattr(obj, "getShape") and isinstance(
        obj.getShape(), pmc.nt.NurbsCurve)
    controls = [n for n in all_nodes if is_ctrl(n)]
    # need to find the names of the controls and cross-check them with each other
    for c in controls:
        name = c.shortName()
        if "|" in name:
            # "|" means shortName returned longName.
            # it happens, and it's just nice when it's caught and notifies
                "{0} is not uniquely named! This could be bad!".format(name))
            name = name.split("_")[2]
        except IndexError:
            # if it's gonna throw a fit then just use the whole name
        if hasattr(asset, name):
            print("Re-naming {0}.{1}".format(asset, name))
            # this tests for duplicate name and re-aliases if necessary
            attr = getattr(asset, name)
            existing = attr.publishedNode.get()
            # try all tokens except first and last (assert: side + identifier)
            existing_new_name = "_".join(existing.shortName().split("_")[1:-1])

            name = "_".join(c.shortName().split("_")[1:-1])

        pmc.containerPublish(asset, publishNode=(name, ""))
        pmc.containerPublish(asset, bindNode=(name, c))
コード例 #18
ファイル: mayaSceneUtil.py プロジェクト: clamdragon/SurfRig
def get_published_attrs(c):
    """Return attributes published to arg asset in {name: pymel attr} form."""
        return dict(
            ((n, a) for a, n in pmc.container(c, q=True, bindAttr=True)))
    except TypeError:
        return {}
コード例 #19
    def findAllAssets(self, top='|assets', ns_level='*:master'):
        masters = []
        if not pm.objExists(top):
            return masters

        masters_raw = [
            m for m in pm.ls(ns_level, rn=True)
            if m.isReferenced() and m.isChildOf(top)
        if masters_raw:
            masters = [
                m for m in masters_raw
                if pm.objExists(m.name().replace(':master', ':poly'))
            masters.extend(self.findAllAssets(top, '*:' + ns_level))

        # find assembly reference nodes
        l_ar = pm.listRelatives(top, ad=True, type='assemblyReference')
        l_asset_ar = []
        l_asb_ar = []
        for ar in l_ar:
            asset_ar = True
            l_nodes = pm.container(ar, q=True, nodeList=True)
            for n in l_nodes:
                if n.nodeType() == 'assemblyReference':
                    asset_ar = False

            if asset_ar:

        return masters
コード例 #20
def selectInputOutput(mode='all', depthLimit=4):

    selection = pymel.ls(selection=True)
    hyperGraph = 'graph1HyperShadeEd'

    addList = []

    if mode == 'inputs' or mode == 'all':
        inputDepth = []

        while len(inputDepth) < depthLimit:
            newDepth = []

            for each in inputDepth[-1]:

                inputs = pymel.listConnections( each, destination=False, source=True, skipConversionNodes=False)
                if inputs:


        for listVar in inputDepth:
            for each in listVar:
                if not each in addList and pymel.nodeType(each) != 'hyperLayout':

    if mode == 'outputs' or mode == 'all':
        outputDepth = []

        while len(outputDepth) < depthLimit:
            newDepth = []

            for each in outputDepth[-1]:
                outputs = pymel.listConnections( each, destination=True, source=False, skipConversionNodes=False)
                if outputs:


        for listVar in outputDepth:
            for each in listVar:
                if not each in addList and pymel.nodeType(each) != 'hyperLayout':

    unblackBoxList = []
    for each in addList:
        container = pymel.container(query=True, findContainer=each)
        if container:
            if not container in unblackBoxList:
                if pymel.getAttr(container+'.blackBox'):

    pymel.select(addList, replace=True)
コード例 #21
ファイル: blueprint_setup.py プロジェクト: jeffhong21/scripts
    def initializeParentModuleSetup(self, rootTranslationControl):
        Every module's root translation control will have a set of two joints.  The parent object will equal to the
        unhookTarget_locator if it is not parented to another module.  If it is parented to another module, the parent_object
        will be that modules translation control

        # setup root locator at rootTranslationControl as unHookTarget
        unhookTarget_locator = pm.spaceLocator(name = self.userSpecifiedName + ":unhookTarget_loc")
        pm.addAttr(unhookTarget_locator, longName="ParentObject", at="message")

        # set offset slightly off so we don't divide by a zero
        pm.pointConstraint(rootTranslationControl, unhookTarget_locator, offset = [0.001, 0.01, 0.001], name = self.userSpecifiedName + ":unhookTarget_locator_pointConstraint")

        if self.parent_object == None:
            self.parent_object = unhookTarget_locator

        pm.select(cl = True)
        # get the position of base target and the parent target
        # setup setup root joint at rootTranslationControl
        # setup endJoint to be at the location of the new hook object
        target_joint_position = pm.xform(self.parent_object, q = True, ws = True, translation = True)

        root_joint = pm.joint(name = self.userSpecifiedName + ":targetParent_root_joint", position = rootTranslationControl.translate.get())
        target_joint = pm.joint(name = self.userSpecifiedName + ":target_end_joint", position = target_joint_position )

        pm.joint(root_joint, edit=True, orientJoint="xyz", sao="yup")

        ik_nodes = self.stretchy_ik(root_joint, target_joint, container = self.module_container)
        target_locator = ik_nodes["end_locator"]
        doNotTouch_grp =ik_nodes["doNotTouch_grp"]

        # constrain the end parentJoint to the parent module
        pm.pointConstraint(rootTranslationControl, target_locator, maintainOffset=False, name = self.userSpecifiedName + ":targetObject_pointConstraint")
        # constrain the root parentJoint to the child module
        pm.pointConstraint(self.parent_object, root_joint, maintainOffset=False, name = self.userSpecifiedName + ":targetParent_pointConstraint")

        parent_group = pm.group([root_joint, unhookTarget_locator, doNotTouch_grp], name = self.userSpecifiedName + ":parent_group")
        utils.addNodeToContainer(self.module_container, [parent_group], ihb = True)

        for joint in [root_joint, target_joint]:
            pm.container(self.module_container, edit=True, publishAndBind=[joint + ".rotate", joint.stripNamespace() + "_r"])

        if self.parent_object != unhookTarget_locator:
            utils.setModuleMetaInfo(self.module_container, "ParentObject", self.findParentModule())
コード例 #22
ファイル: mayaSceneUtil.py プロジェクト: clamdragon/SurfRig
def publish_inputs_outputs(asset=None):
    """From the given container, publish the DAG nodes
    under "input" and "output" transforms. Assumes this structure."""
    if not asset or not isinstance(asset, pmc.nt.Container):
        asset = pmc.selected(type="container")[0]
    all_nodes = pmc.container(asset, q=True, nodeList=True)
    attrs_to_publish = []
    is_edge = lambda obj, side: isinstance(obj, pmc.nt.DagNode
                                           ) and obj.nodeName() == side
    for edge in ("inputs", "outputs"):
        for par in (t for t in all_nodes if is_edge(t, edge)):
            for i in par.getChildren():
                for attr in i.listAttr(k=True):
                    pubName = "_".join((edge, i.nodeName(), attr.longName()))
                                  publishAndBind=(attr, pubName))
コード例 #23
	def SetupIconScale(self, _animationModuleNamespace):
		clusterNodes = pm.cluster(self.controlObject, name = "%s_icon_scale_cluster" %self.controlObject, relative = True)
		pm.container("%s:module_container" %_animationModuleNamespace, edit = True, addNode = clusterNodes, includeHierarchyBelow = True, includeShapes = True)
		clusterHandle = clusterNodes[1]
		pm.setAttr("%s.scalePivotX" %clusterHandle, 0)
		pm.setAttr("%s.scalePivotY" %clusterHandle, 0)
		pm.setAttr("%s.scalePivotZ" %clusterHandle, 0)
		pm.connectAttr("%s:module_grp.iconScale" %_animationModuleNamespace, "%s.scaleX" %clusterHandle)
		pm.connectAttr("%s:module_grp.iconScale" %_animationModuleNamespace, "%s.scaleY" %clusterHandle)
		pm.connectAttr("%s:module_grp.iconScale" %_animationModuleNamespace, "%s.scaleZ" %clusterHandle)
		pm.parent(clusterHandle, self.controlObject, absolute = True)
		pm.setAttr("%s.visibility" %clusterHandle, 0)
コード例 #24
ファイル: joint.py プロジェクト: kyuhoChoi/mayaTools
def rigCurveShapeControl( ctrl=None, attr=None, sampleParams=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], container=False  ):
    스쿼시 스트레치시 그래프 에디터 커브로 쉐입을 조정하려고 만들어짐.

    powAttr = rigCurveShapeControl( ctrl='spinCtrl', attr='sideAxisScaleShape', sampleParams=range( len(joints) ) )

    @param ctrl:
    @param attr:
    @param sampleParams:
    @param container:
    @return: ctrl.results 어트리뷰트를 리턴함.
    @rtype: pm.Attribute
    if not ctrl:
        sel = pm.selected()
        if sel:
            ctrl = sel[0]

    if not attr:
        attr = 'curveCtrl'
        ctrl.addAttr( attr, keyable=True )

    ctrl     = pm.PyNode(ctrl)
    ctrlAttr = pm.Attribute( ctrl.attr(attr) )

    # 애니메이션 커브 생성
    pm.setKeyframe( ctrlAttr, t=sampleParams[ 0], v=0)
    pm.setKeyframe( ctrlAttr, t=sampleParams[-1], v=0)
    pm. keyTangent( ctrlAttr, weightedTangents=True )
    pm. keyTangent( ctrlAttr, weightLock=False )
    pm. keyTangent( ctrlAttr, e=True, absolute=True, time=[sampleParams[ 0]], outAngle=77, outWeight=1 )
    pm. keyTangent( ctrlAttr, e=True, absolute=True, time=[sampleParams[-1]], inAngle=-77,  inWeight=1 )

    # frameCache노드로 애니메이션 커브의 각 포인트에서 값을 가져옴
    ctrl.addAttr( 'samples', multi=True, readable=True, indexMatters=False )
    ctrl.addAttr( 'results', multi=True, readable=True, indexMatters=False )

    frameCaches = []
    for i,param in enumerate(sampleParams):
        ctrl.samples[i].set( param )

        frameCache = pm.createNode( 'frameCache' )
        pm.connectAttr( ctrlAttr, frameCache.stream)
        pm.connectAttr( ctrl.samples[i], frameCache.varyTime )
        pm.connectAttr( frameCache.varying, ctrl.results, na=True)


    # container Setting : wip
    if container:
        cont = pm.container( type='dagContainer', addNode=frameCaches )

    return ctrl.results
コード例 #25
ファイル: meta_nodes.py プロジェクト: jeffhong21/scripts
def findContainerNode(node = None):
    """ finds the container module for any selected node"""

    node = pm.ls(sl = True)[0] or node
    module_container = node

    if pm.objectType(node) != "container":
        module_container = pm.container(q = True, findContainer = node)

    return module_container
コード例 #26
ファイル: mayaSceneUtil.py プロジェクト: clamdragon/SurfRig
def find_cb_attrs(attr_names):
    attrs = []
    obj = pmc.selected()[-1]
    # attr could be on selected node or could be published to its asset
    c = pmc.container(q=True, fc=obj)
    if c:
        # bindAttr returns in wrong order, just reverse before making into dict
        pub_attrs = dict(
            ((n, a) for a, n in pmc.container(c, q=True, bindAttr=True)))
        pub_attrs = {}

    for a in attr_names:
            # see if it's in published attributes
            if a in pub_attrs:

    return attrs
コード例 #27
ファイル: mayaSceneUtil.py プロジェクト: clamdragon/SurfRig
def migrate_to_parent_asset(containers=None):
    """Move all nodes from selected containers into their parent container
    and re-publish to parent any nodes which were published before."""
    if not containers:
        containers == pmc.selected(containers=True)
    for c in containers:
        all_nodes = pmc.container(c, q=True, nodeList=True)
        c_name = c.namespace().strip(":")
        pub_info = pmc.containerPublish(c, q=True, bindNode=True)
        par_c = pmc.container(c, q=True, parentContainer=True)
        if not par_c:
            pmc.warning("{} has no parent container! Skipped.".format(c))
        pmc.container(c, e=True, removeContainer=True)
        pmc.container(par_c, e=True, addNode=all_nodes)

        # publish to new parent container
        pub_iter = iter(pub_info)
        for pub_name in pub_iter:
            pub_name = "{}_{}".format(c_name, pub_name)
            pub_ctrl = pub_iter.next()
            pmc.containerPublish(par_c, publishNode=(pub_name, ""))
            pmc.containerPublish(par_c, bindNode=(pub_name, pub_ctrl))

        # fix node names, AFTER re-publishing
        for node in all_nodes:
            prefix, n = node.name().split(":")
            node.rename(prefix + n.title(), ignoreShape=True)
コード例 #28
ファイル: random.py プロジェクト: clamdragon/SurfRig
def makeAssets():
    surfs = [s for s in pmc.ls(type="transform") if hasattr(s, "layeredTexture")]
    for s in surfs:
        nodes = set(s.future(allFuture=True) + s.future(leaf=False))
        # also need some nodes connected to ctrls and joints
        ctrls = s.controls.get()
        for c in ctrls:
            j = c.rangeU.outputs()[0]
            nodes.update(c.history(), j.future(), j.history())
        nodes = [n for n in nodes if not isinstance(n, pmc.nt.DagNode)]
        cont = pmc.container(name=s.name()+"_assets", addNode=nodes)
        s.addAttr("container", at="message")
        cont.addAttr("surface", at="message")
        s.container >> cont.surface
コード例 #29
 def AddGroupToContainer(self, _group):
     groupContainer = "Group_container"
     utils.AddNodeToContainer(groupContainer, _group, _includeShapes = True)
     groupName = _group.partition("Group__")[2]
     pm.container(groupContainer, edit = True, publishAndBind = ["%s.translate" %_group, "%s_t" %groupName])
     pm.container(groupContainer, edit = True, publishAndBind = ["%s.rotate" %_group, "%s_r" %groupName])
     pm.container(groupContainer, edit = True, publishAndBind = ["%s.globalScale" %_group, "%s_globalScale" %groupName])
コード例 #30
ファイル: gameJointData.py プロジェクト: griffinanimator/MPR
    def getTranslationControls(self, containerName):
        allTransControls = []
        transControl = pm.container(containerName, query=True, nodeList=True, ish=False, isd=False, inc=True )

        for control in transControl:

            suffix = "joint_translation_control_container"        
            result = control.endswith(suffix)
            if result == True:
                control = control.replace("_container", "")
        return allTransControls
コード例 #31
ファイル: utility.py プロジェクト: jeffhong21/scripts
def addNodeToContainer(container, nodesIn, ihb = False, includeShapes = False, includeNetwork = False, force = True):
    import types
    nodes = []
    container = pm.PyNode(container)
    meta_node = None
    if container.hasAttr("MetaNode") == True:
        meta_node = getModuleMetaInfo(container, "ModuleNodes")
    # if nodesIn is not a list, turns it into a list
    if type(nodesIn) is types.ListType:
        nodes = list(nodesIn)
        nodes = [nodesIn]

    # make sure to add all conversion nodes
    conversion_nodes = []
    for node in nodes:

        node = pm.PyNode(node)

        node_conversionNodes = pm.listConnections(node, source = True, destination = True)
        node_conversionNodes = pm.ls(node_conversionNodes, type = 'unitConversion')

        if container.hasAttr("MetaNode") == True:
            if node.hasAttr("MetaNode") == False:
                pm.addAttr(node, longName="MetaNode", at="message")
            if meta_node != None:

    pm.container(container, e = True, addNode = nodes, ihb = ihb, includeShapes = includeShapes, includeNetwork = includeNetwork, force = force)
コード例 #32
def getContainerStackUsingPymel(container=None):
    Container path
    container_stack = deque()
    while isinstance(container, pm.nt.Container) \
          or isinstance(container, pm.nt.DagContainer):
        parent = pm.container(container, query=True, parentContainer=True)
        container = parent[0] if parent else None
        if container is not None:
            pm.mel.eval('select -r {0}'.format(container))
            container = pm.ls(selection=True)[0]

    return container_stack
コード例 #33
	def SetupInterpolation(self, _unlockContainer = False, *args):
		previousSelection = pm.ls(selection = True)
		if _unlockContainer:
			pm.lockNode(self.containerName, lock = False, lockUnpublished = False)
		joints = self.GetJoints()
		numberOfJoints = len(joints)
		startControl = self.GetTranslationControl(joints[0])
		endControl = self.GetTranslationControl(joints[numberOfJoints - 1])
		pointConstraints = []
		for i in range(1, numberOfJoints - 1):
			material = "%s_m_translation_control" %joints[i]
			pm.setAttr("%s.colorR" %material, 0.815)
			pm.setAttr("%s.colorG" %material, 0.629)
			pm.setAttr("%s.colorB" %material, 0.498)
			translationControl = self.GetTranslationControl(joints[i])
			# Calculate constraint influence depending of distance from start/end
			endWeight = 0.0 + (float(i) / (numberOfJoints - 1))
			startWeight = 1.0 - endWeight
			# point constraint between start/end
			pointConstraints.append(pm.pointConstraint(startControl, translationControl, maintainOffset = False, weight = startWeight))
			pointConstraints.append(pm.pointConstraint(endControl, translationControl, maintainOffset = False, weight = endWeight))
			# Lock translation attribute of control
			for attr in [".translateX", ".translateY", ".translateZ"]:
				pm.setAttr("%s%s" %(translationControl, attr), lock = True)
		interpolationContainer = pm.container(name = "%s:interpolation_container" %self.moduleNamespace)
		utils.AddNodeToContainer(interpolationContainer, pointConstraints)
		utils.AddNodeToContainer(self.containerName, interpolationContainer)
		if _unlockContainer:
			pm.lockNode(self.containerName, lock = True, lockUnpublished = True)
		# Reselect initial selection
		if len(previousSelection) > 0:
			pm.select(previousSelection, replace = True)
			pm.select(clear = True)
コード例 #34
def publish_to_asset(nodes=None, name=None):
    Publish the given node to the given container.
    :param node: Node to publish
    :param asset: duh
    :param name: optional. if not given, just strip off ":" and "_ctrl"
    :return: None
    if not nodes:
        nodes = pmc.selected(transforms=True)
    asset = pmc.container(q=True, fc=nodes[0])
    for node in nodes:
        name = node.replace(":", "").replace("_ctrl", "")
        if name == "global":
            name = "master"
        pmc.containerPublish(asset, publishNode=(name, ""))
        pmc.containerPublish(asset, bindNode=(name, node))
コード例 #35
ファイル: curve.py プロジェクト: kyuhoChoi/mayaTools
def distributeCrv( transformNodes, curve=None, uniform=True ):
    nodes = [pm.PyNode(node) for node in transformNodes]

    crv = pm.PyNode(curve)
    crvShape = crv.getShape()
    nodeNums = len(nodes)    

    contMembers = []    
    if uniform:
        rebCrv, reb = pm.rebuildCurve( crvShape, ch=True, rpo=False, rt=4, end=1, kr=0, kcp=0, kep=1, kt=0, s=4, d=3, tol=0.001 )
        crvShape  = rebCrv.getShapes( type='nurbsCurve' )[0]

        rebCrv.rename( crv+'_rebCrv' )
        reb.rename( crv+'_rebuildCrv' )

        contMembers.append( pm.parentConstraint( crv, rebCrv ) )
        contMembers.append( pm.scaleConstraint(  crv, rebCrv ) )
        contMembers.append( rebCrv )
        contMembers.append( reb )

    unit = None
    if crv.form() == 'periodic':
        unit = (1.0/nodeNums)
        unit = (1.0/(nodeNums-1))

    for i, node in enumerate( nodes ):
        pointOnCurve = pm.PyNode( pm.pointOnCurve( crvShape, ch=True ) )
        pointOnCurve.rename( node+'_POC' )

        pointOnCurve.parameter.set( unit*i  )
        pointOnCurve.p >> node.t

        pointOnCurve.setAttr('parameter', keyable=True)

        contMembers.append( pointOnCurve )

    cont = pm.container( type='dagContainer', addNode=contMembers, n=crv+'_distributeCrv#' )

    return cont    
コード例 #36
ファイル: gameJointData.py プロジェクト: griffinanimator/MPR
    def getTranslationControls(self, containerName):
        allTransControls = []

        transControl = pm.container(containerName,

        for control in transControl:

            suffix = "joint_translation_control_container"
            result = control.endswith(suffix)

            if result == True:
                control = control.replace("_container", "")

        return allTransControls
コード例 #37
def alignNodes(alignment):
    selection = pymel.ls(selection=True)
    hyperGraph = 'graph1HyperShadeEd'

    if len(selection) >= 2:

        posX, posY = pymel.hyperGraph(HYPER_GRAPH, query=True, getNodePosition=selection[0])

        for each in selection[1:]:

            container = pymel.container(query=True, findContainer=[each])
            if container:
                pymel.setAttr(container+'.blackBox', 0)

            if alignment == 'horizontal':
                posX += 200
            elif alignment == 'vertical':
                posY -= 200
                print 'ERROR, no alignment set'

            pymel.hyperGraph(HYPER_GRAPH, edit=True, addDependNode=each)
            pymel.hyperGraph(HYPER_GRAPH, edit=True, setNodePosition=[each, posX, posY])
            print pymel.hyperGraph(HYPER_GRAPH, query=True, look=True)
コード例 #38
ファイル: blueprint_setup.py プロジェクト: jeffhong21/scripts
    def install_joints(self):
        gathers information from the module and creates the joints
        # create list of joints
        joints = []
        translation_controls = []
        # clear selection
        pm.select(cl = True)
        # set current namespace to root.  that way all namespaces will be child of the root only
        pm.namespace(setNamespace = ":")
        pm.namespace(add = self.userSpecifiedName)

        self.joints_grp = pm.group(empty = True, name = self.userSpecifiedName + ":joints_grp")
        self.misc_grp = pm.group(empty = True, name = self.userSpecifiedName + ":misc_grp")
        self.module_container = pm.container(name = self.userSpecifiedName + ":module_container" )

        # creating joints this way because when you select a joint and create a joint it will correct orientation

        index = 0
        for joint in self.joint_info:
            joint_name = joint[0]
            joint_positions = joint[1]

            #  if not the root joint, selecting the parent joint
            if index > 0:
                pm.select(joints[index-1], replace = True)

            # create joint and append to joints list
            new_joint = pm.PyNode(pm.joint(name = self.userSpecifiedName + ":" + joint_name, position = joint_positions) )
            # if not the root joint, change the orient of the parent joint to defaults
            if index > 0:
                pm.joint(new_joint.getParent(), edit = True, orientJoint = "xyz", secondaryAxisOrient = "yup")

            pm.makeIdentity(new_joint, apply=True, translate=False, rotate=True, scale=False )

            utils.addNodeToContainer(self.module_container, new_joint, ihb = True, includeNetwork = True)
            # Publish and bind rotation values for current joint to cointainer before locking;
            # this is important for later use with IK system setup to be able to rotate the joints attributes.
            pm.container(self.module_container, edit=True, publishAndBind=[new_joint + ".rotate", joint_name + "_r"])
            pm.container(self.module_container, edit=True, publishAndBind=[new_joint + ".rotateOrder", joint_name + "_rotateOrder"])

            pm.addAttr(new_joint, longName = "Meta", at="message")
            index += 1

        mirrorBehavior = True
        mirrorXY = False
        mirrorYZ = False
        mirrorXZ = False

        pm.mirrorJoint(joints[0], mirrorBehavior = mirrorBehavior, mirrorXY = mirrorXY, mirrorYZ = mirrorYZ, mirrorXZ = mirrorXZ)

        for joint in joints:

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # set up controls for the module
        module_control = controls.loadModuleControl(joints[0], self.userSpecifiedName, self.module_container)

        # install translation controls to each joint and parent it under the module control
        for joint in joints:
            #translation_controls[joint] = controls.loadTranslationControl(joint, self.userSpecifiedName, module_control)
            translation_controls.append(controls.loadTranslationControl(joint, self.userSpecifiedName,self.module_container, module_control) )

        # point constraint root control to root joint
        pm.pointConstraint(translation_controls[0][0], joints[0], maintainOffset = False, name = self.userSpecifiedName + ":" + joints[0].stripNamespace() + "_rootTransContConstraint")


        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # set up stretch joint segments
        for index in range(len(joints) -1 ):
            # load joint rep onto joins
            # setup stretchy joint segments
            setupStretchyJointSegment = self.setupStretchyJointSegment(joints[index], joints[index + 1])

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # parent items
        utils.addNodeToContainer(self.module_container, [self.misc_grp, self.joints_grp, module_control], ihb = True, includeNetwork = True)

        # don't know why, but cannot full delete the transform node
        pm.container(self.module_container, edit=True, publishAndBind=[module_control + ".translate", module_control.stripNamespace() + "_translate"])
        pm.container(self.module_container, edit=True, publishAndBind=[module_control + ".rotate", module_control.stripNamespace() + "_rotate"])
        pm.container(self.module_container, edit=True, publishAndBind=[module_control + ".scale", module_control.stripNamespace() + "_globalScale"])

        # add meta information

        if self.module_container.hasAttr("MetaNode") == True:
            for node in pm.container(self.module_container, q = True, nodeList = True):
                if node.nodeType() != "network" or "joint":
                    if not node.hasAttr("MetaNode"):
                        pm.addAttr(node, longName="MetaNode", at="message")

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # lock nodes
        pm.lockNode(self.module_container, lock = True, lockUnpublished = True)
        pm.select(cl = True)
コード例 #39
import pymel.core as pmc
from functools import partial

from bkTools.mayaSceneUtil import mergeShapes, addShapeToTrans, nextAvailableIndex,\
    get_selected_cb_attrs, readJson, writeJson

__author__ = "Brendan Kelly"
__email__ = "*****@*****.**"
A collection of utilities for building better rig controls.

child_cmpnts = lambda c: (o for o in pmc.container(c, q=True, nl=True)
                          if isinstance(o, pmc.nt.Container))

def publish_to_asset(nodes=None, name=None):
    Publish the given node to the given container.
    :param node: Node to publish
    :param asset: duh
    :param name: optional. if not given, just strip off ":" and "_ctrl"
    :return: None
    if not nodes:
        nodes = pmc.selected(transforms=True)
    asset = pmc.container(q=True, fc=nodes[0])
    for node in nodes:
        name = node.replace(":", "").replace("_ctrl", "")
        if name == "global":
            name = "master"
コード例 #40
ファイル: autoRig_setup.py プロジェクト: jeffhong21/scripts
    def __init__(self):

        self.rig_container = pm.container(name = "PUPPET")
コード例 #41
ファイル: meta_nodes.py プロジェクト: jeffhong21/scripts
def getMetaNodeInfo(meta_node, attribute):

    meta_info = ""
    if meta_node.hasAttr(attribute) == True:
        meta_info = meta_node.attr(attribute).get()
        print ("{} does not have \"{}\" attribute".format(meta_node, attribute))

    return meta_info

#print getMetaNodeInfo(getMetaNode(), "Module")

containerNodes = pm.container("ArmSegment1:moduleContainer", q = True, nodeList = True)

for node in containerNodes:
    print node
    if node.nodeType() == "transform":
        if "ArmSegment:module_controlGRP" == node:
            print "FOUND NODE: {}".format(node)

    def networkNode(self):

        self.meta_node = pm.createNode('network', n= self.userSpecifiedName + '_metaNode')
コード例 #42
	def Create(self, _name, _controlFile, _animationModuleInstance, _lod = 1, _translation = True, _rotation = True, _globalScale = True, _spaceSwitching = False):
		if _translation == True or _translation == False:
			translation = [_translation, _translation, _translation]
		if _rotation == True or _rotation == False:
			rotation = [_rotation, _rotation, _rotation]
		self.translation = translation
		self.rotation = rotation
		self.globalScale = _globalScale
		animationModuleName = _animationModuleInstance.moduleNamespace
		blueprintModuleNameSpace = _animationModuleInstance.blueprintNamespace
		blueprintModuleUserSpecifiedName = utils.StripAllNamespaces(blueprintModuleNameSpace)[1].partition("__")[2]
		animationModuleNamespace = "%s:%s" %(blueprintModuleNameSpace, animationModuleName)
		# import control object
		#controlObjectFile = "%s/ControlObjects/Animation/%s" %(self.directory, _controlFile)
		controlObjectFile = "%s/ControlObjects/Animation/%s" %(os.environ["RIGGING_TOOL_ROOT"], _controlFile)
		self.controlObject = pm.rename("control", "%s:%s" %(animationModuleNamespace, _name))
		self.rootParent = self.controlObject
		pm.setAttr("%s.overrideEnabled" %self.controlObject, 1)
		pm.setAttr("%s.overrideShading" %self.controlObject, 0)
		pm.connectAttr("%s:module_grp.overrideColor" %animationModuleNamespace, "%s.overrideColor" %self.controlObject)
		pm.container("%s:module_container" %animationModuleNamespace, edit = True, addNode = self.controlObject, includeHierarchyBelow = True, includeNetwork = True)
		if _globalScale:
			pm.connectAttr("%s.scaleY" %self.controlObject, "%s.scaleX" %self.controlObject)
			pm.connectAttr("%s.scaleY" %self.controlObject, "%s.scaleZ" %self.controlObject)
			pm.aliasAttr("globalScale", "%s.scaleY" %self.controlObject)
		attributes = []
		if self.translation == [True, True, True]:
			attributes.append([True, ".translate", "T"])
			attributes.extend([[translation[0], ".translateX", "TX"], [translation[1], ".translateY", "TY"], [translation[2], ".translateZ", "TZ"]])
		if self.rotation == [True, True, True]:
			attributes.append([True, ".rotate", "R"])
			attributes.extend([[rotation[0], ".rotateX", "RX"], [rotation[1], ".rotateY", "RY"], [rotation[2], ".rotateZ", "RZ"]])
		attributes.append([_globalScale, ".globalScale", "scale"])
		for attrInfo in attributes:
			if attrInfo[0]:
				attributeNiceName = "%s_%s" %(_name, attrInfo[2])
				_animationModuleInstance.PublishNameToModuleContainer("%s%s" %(self.controlObject, attrInfo[1]), attributeNiceName, True)
		pm.select(self.controlObject, replace = True)
		pm.addAttr(attributeType = "bool", defaultValue = 1, keyable = True, longName = "display")
		_animationModuleInstance.PublishNameToModuleContainer("%s.display" %self.controlObject, "display", False)
		moduleGrp = "%s:module_grp" %animationModuleNamespace
		visibilityExpression = '%s.visibility = %s.display * (%s.levelOfDetail >= %d);' %(self.controlObject, self.controlObject, moduleGrp, _lod)
		expression = pm.expression(name = "%s_visibility_expression" %self.controlObject, string = visibilityExpression)
		utils.AddNodeToContainer("%s:module_container" %animationModuleNamespace, expression)
		return (self.controlObject, self.rootParent)
コード例 #43
    def CreateGroup(self, _groupName):
        fullGroupName = "Group__%s" %_groupName
        # Check for valid names
        if pm.objExists(fullGroupName):
            pm.confirmDialog(title = "Name Conflict", message = 'Group "%s" already exits.' %_groupName, button= "Accept", defaultButton = "Accept")
            return None
        groupTransform = pm.rename(self.tempGroupTransform, fullGroupName)

        # Create container for grouped objects
        groupContainer = "Group_container"
        if not pm.objExists(groupContainer):
            pm.container(name = groupContainer)
        # Store containers to be grouped in a list
        containers = [groupContainer]
        for obj in self.objectsToGroup:
            if obj.find("Group__") == 0:
            objNamespace = utils.StripLeadingNamespace(obj)[0]
            containers.append("%s:module_container" %objNamespace)
        # Unlock all grouped containers
        for c in containers:
            pm.lockNode(c, lock = False, lockUnpublished = False)
        if len(self.objectsToGroup) != 0:
            # Group objects temprorarily to simulate final heirarchy
            tempGroup = pm.group(self.objectsToGroup, absolute = True)
            groupParent = pm.listRelatives(tempGroup, parent = True)
            if groupParent != []:
                pm.parent(groupTransform, groupParent[0], absolute = True)
            pm.parent(self.objectsToGroup, groupTransform, absolute = True)
        # Lock all group containers
        for c in containers:
            pm.lockNode(c, lock = True, lockUnpublished = True)
        # Make sure the created group is selected
        pm.select(groupTransform, replace = True)
        return groupTransform
コード例 #44
def rigSymmetryTransform( *args, **kwargs):
    조인트를 미러링 하기 위해서 만들어진 스크립트
    직접 유틸리티 노드로 미러링을 해서 구현을 했으나.
    연결된 노드가 없어지면 조인트가 쪼그라드는 현상이 생김
    이를 방지하기 위해 아래 컨테이너를 하나 거쳐서 연결
    미러를 삭제하려면 아래 컨테니어를 삭제하면 미러링이 깨짐.

    개선의 여지 있음. 제한된 상황에서만 올바르게 작동함.
    if args:

    sel = pm.selected()
    if not sel:
        print u'뭐라도 하나 선택하고 실행하세요.'

    obj = sel[0]

    if len(sel)>1:
        target = sel[1]

    axis      = kwargs.get('axis',     kwargs.get('ax','x') )
    translate = kwargs.get('translate',kwargs.get('t',True) )
    rotate    = kwargs.get('rotate',   kwargs.get('r',True) )
    scale     = kwargs.get('scale',    kwargs.get('s',True) )

    if not target:
        target=pm.spaceLocator( n= obj.name()+'__'+ axis.lower() +'axis_symmetryTrans_LOC')
        target = pm.PyNode(target)

    # 계산노드
    md = pm.createNode('multiplyDivide')

    # 컨테이너에 연결함.. 직접연결할경우
    cont = pm.container( type='dagContainer', addNode=[md], n=obj.name()+'__'+ axis.lower() +'axis_symmetryTrans_UTIL' )

    if axis == 'x':
        if translate:
            # 해당 축이 꺼짐
            #obj.tx >> target.tx
            if not target.ty.isLocked():
                obj.ty >> cont.ty
                cont.ty >> target.ty
            if not target.tz.isLocked():
                obj.tz >> cont.tz
                cont.tz >> target.tz

            # 해당 축이 켜짐
            if not target.tx.isLocked():
                obj.tx      >> md.input1X
                md.outputX  >> target.tx
                #obj.ty     >> md.input1Y
                #md.outputY >> target.ty
                #obj.tz     >> md.input1Z
                #md.outputZ >> target.tz

        if rotate:
            # 해당 축이 켜짐
            if not target.rx.isLocked():
                obj.rx >> cont.rx
                cont.rx >> target.rx
            #obj.ry >> target.ry
            if not target.rz.isLocked():
                obj.rz >> cont.rz
                cont.rz >> target.rz

            # 해당 축이 꺼짐
            #obj.rx     >> md.input1X
            #md.outputX >> target.rx
            if not target.ry.isLocked():
                obj.ry      >> md.input1Y
                md.outputY  >> target.ry
            if not target.rz.isLocked():
                obj.rz      >> md.input1Z
                md.outputZ  >> target.rz

    elif axis == 'y':
        if translate:
            # 해당 축이 꺼짐
            if not target.tx.isLocked():
                obj.tx >> cont.tx
                cont.tx >> target.tx
            #obj.ty >> target.ty
            if not target.tz.isLocked():
                obj.tz >> cont.tz
                cont.tz >> target.tz

            # 해당 축이 켜짐
            #obj.tx      >> md.input1X
            #md.outputX  >> target.tx
            if not target.ty.isLocked():
                obj.ty     >> md.input1Y
                md.outputY >> target.ty
            #obj.tz     >> md.input1Z
            #md.outputZ >> target.tz

        if rotate:
            # 해당 축이 켜짐
            #obj.rx >> target.rx
            if not target.ry.isLocked():
                obj.ry >> cont.ry
                cont.ry >> target.ry
            #obj.rz >> target.rz

            # 해당 축이 꺼짐
            if not target.rx.isLocked():
                obj.rx     >> md.input1X
                md.outputX >> target.rx
            #obj.ry      >> md.input1Y
            #md.outputY  >> target.ry
            if not target.rz.isLocked():
                obj.rz      >> md.input1Z
                md.outputZ  >> target.rz

    elif axis == 'z':
        if translate:
            # 해당 축이 꺼짐
            if not target.tx.isLocked():
                obj.tx >> cont.tx
                cont.tx >> target.tx
            if not target.ty.isLocked():
                obj.ty >> cont.ty
                cont.ty >> target.ty
            #obj.tz >> target.tz

            # 해당 축이 켜짐
            #obj.tx      >> md.input1X
            #md.outputX  >> target.tx
            #obj.ty     >> md.input1Y
            #md.outputY >> target.ty
            if not target.tz.isLocked():
                obj.tz     >> md.input1Z
                md.outputZ >> target.tz

        if rotate:
            # 해당 축이 꺼짐
            if not target.rx.isLocked():
                obj.rx     >> md.input1X
                md.outputX >> target.rx
            if not target.ry.isLocked():
                obj.ry      >> md.input1Y
                md.outputY  >> target.ry
            #obj.rz      >> md.input1Z
            #md.outputZ  >> target.rz

            # 해당 축이 켜짐
            #obj.rx >> target.rx
            #obj.ry >> target.ry
            if not target.rz.isLocked():
                obj.rz >> cont.rz
                cont.rz >> target.rz

    if scale:
        if not target.sx.isLocked():
            obj.sx >> cont.sx
            cont.sx >> target.sx
        if not target.sy.isLocked():
            obj.sy >> cont.sy
            cont.sy >> target.sy
        if not target.sz.isLocked():
            obj.sz >> cont.sz
            cont.sz >> target.sz

    pm.select( obj )
    return cont, target