def quickDyn(spread=5, num=10, joints=False, bake=False): target = [] g = py.gravity() for i in range(0,num): c = py.polyCube() target.append(c) x = rnd(-spread,spread) y = rnd(-spread,spread) + 10 z = rnd(-spread,spread) py.move(x,y,z) py.rotate(x,y,z) s(target) py.rigidBody() for i in range(0,len(target)): py.connectDynamic(target[i],f=g) if(joints==False and bake==True): bakeAnimation(target) if(joints==True): target2 = [] for i in range(0,len(target)): s(target[i]) jnt = py.joint() target2.append(jnt) if(bake==True): bakeAnimation(target2) for i in range(0,len(target2)): unparent(target2[i])
def buildBoxController(self): defaultPointsList = [(1, -1, 1), (1, -1, -1), (-1, -1, -1), (-1, -1, 1), (1, 1, 1), (1, 1, -1), (-1, 1, -1), (-1, 1, 1)] pointsList = [] for p in defaultPointsList: pointsList.append((p[0] * self.ctrlScale, p[1] * self.ctrlScale, p[2] * self.ctrlScale)) knotsList = [i for i in range(16)] curvePoints = [ pointsList[0], pointsList[1], pointsList[2], pointsList[3], pointsList[7], pointsList[4], pointsList[5], pointsList[6], pointsList[7], pointsList[3], pointsList[0], pointsList[4], pointsList[5], pointsList[1], pointsList[2], pointsList[6] ] ctrl = pm.curve(d=1, p=curvePoints, k=knotsList) ctrl = pm.rename(ctrl, self.ctrlName) ctrlGrp =, n=str(self.ctrlName + '_grp')) # pm.addAttr(ctrl,ln='parent',at='message') # pm.connectAttr( + '.message' , + '.parent') pm.move(ctrlGrp, self.ctrlPos[0], self.ctrlPos[1], self.ctrlPos[2]) pm.rotate(ctrlGrp, self.ctrlRot[0], self.ctrlRot[1], self.ctrlRot[2]) self.ctrlGrp = ctrlGrp
def add_text_shape(ctrl, text): text_curve = pm.PyNode( pm.textCurves(ch=False, font="Arial Black", text=text, name='text_curve')[0] ) text_curve_length = text_curve.boundingBox()[1][0] #max X text_curve_height = text_curve.boundingBox()[1][1] #max Y shapes = pm.listRelatives(text_curve, ad=True, type="shape") pm.xform(text_curve, piv=[0,text_curve_height,0], ws=True) pm.move(text_curve, 0, -text_curve_height , 0) scale = 1 / text_curve_length pm.scale(text_curve, scale, scale, scale) pm.makeIdentity(text_curve, apply=True, t=True, r=True, s=True) display_attr = ("%s_text_display"%text) if not ctrl.hasAttr(display_attr): ctrl.addAttr(display_attr, at='bool', k=True, dv=1) for s in shapes: pm.parent(s, ctrl, s=True, r=True) s.rename('%sText'%text) pm.connectAttr("%s.%s" %(, display_attr), s.visibility) pm.delete(text_curve)
def move_to_origo(node=None): if not node: for node in pm.selected(): move_to_origo(node) return pm.move(node, [0, 0, 0], rpr=True)
def chestCtrlShape(name, normalDirection=[1, 1, 0], scale=1): ctrl =, s=10, nr=[0, 0, 1])[0] pm.move(0, 0, 1,[3:4],[8:9], r=True, os=True) pm.scale([[3:4],[8:9]], [1, 3, 1], r=True, p=[0, 0, 1]) pm.scale([[0],[2],[5],[7]], [1.75, 1.35, 1], r=True, p=[0, 0, 0]) pm.move(0, 0, -0.75,[0],[2],[5],[7], r=True, os=True) pm.move(0, 0, -1,[1],[6], r=True, os=True) pm.move(0, -0.75, 0,[1], r=True, os=True) pm.move(0, 0.25, 0,[0],[2], r=True, os=True) # pm.xform(ctrl, ws=True, pivots=[0, 0, -0.35]) if normalDirection[0] == 1: pm.rotate([:], [90, 0, 0]) elif normalDirection[0] == -1: pm.rotate([:], [-90, 0, 0]) if normalDirection[1] == 1: pm.rotate([:], [0, 90, 0]) elif normalDirection[1] == -1: pm.rotate([:], [0, -90, 0]) if normalDirection[2] == 1: pm.rotate([:], [0, 0, 90]) elif normalDirection[2] == -1: pm.rotate([:], [0, 0, -90]) ctrl.scale.set(scale, scale, scale) common.deleteHistory(ctrl) common.freezeTranform(ctrl) return ctrl
def __restoreShapes__(elts): if elts==None: # get each objects from rigShapesSet if pmc.objExists('rigShapesSet'): elts = pmc.sets('rigShapesSet', query=True) fromSelection=False else: fromSelection=True if elts: for elt in elts: if fromSelection: atoms = various.getAtoms(elt.getShape(), flat=False) for i in range(len(atoms)): try: pmc.move(atoms[i], pmc.PyNode(''+str(i)).get(), absolute=True) except: vp.vPrint('No %s in rigShapesSet set' % ('_storedShp'), 1) else: if pmc.objExists('_storedShp', '')): obj = pmc.PyNode('_storedShp', '')).getShape() atoms = various.getAtoms(obj, flat=False) for i in range(len(atoms)): try: pmc.move(atoms[i], pmc.PyNode(elt+'.cv'+str(i)).get(), absolute=True) except: vp.vPrint('No data founded from %s in rigShapesSet set' %, 1) else: vp.vPrint('Shape %s doesn\'t exist' %'_storedShp', ''), 1)
def build(): ctrl = nurbsPlane(ax=[0, 1, 0], w=1, d=1, lr=1)[0] move(, [0, 0.5, 0], r=1, os=1, wd=True) other = nurbsPlane(ax=[0, 1, 0], w=1, d=1, lr=1)[0] move(, [0, -0.5, 0], r=1, os=1, wd=True) points = [ (-0.5, 0, 0.5), (0.5, 0, 0.5), (0.5, 0, -0.5), (-0.5, 0, -0.5), (-0.5, 0, 0.5), ] line = curve(p=[(p[0], p[1] + .5, p[2]) for p in points] + [(p[0], p[1] - .5, p[2]) for p in points], d=1) line.rename('outline') other.getShape().setParent(ctrl, add=True, shape=True) line.getShape().setParent(ctrl, add=True, shape=True) delete(line, other) return ctrl
def matchCtrlTranslations(): ctrl_map = { 'CTRLIKArm_R': 'Wrist_R', 'CTRLIKLeg_R': 'Ankle_R' } for ctrl in ctrl_map: pm.delete(pm.pointConstraint(ctrl_map[ctrl], ctrl)) pole_map = { 'CTRLPoleArm_R': ['Shoulder_R', 'Elbow_R', 'Wrist_R'], 'CTRLPoleLeg_R': ['Hip_R', 'Knee_R', 'Ankle_R'] } for pole in pole_map: mid =[pole][1])[0] loc = getPoleVector( *[pole])).normal()*20 + mid.getTranslation(ws=True) pm.move(pole, loc) eye_ht ='Eye_R')[0].getTranslation(ws=True)[1] aim_loc ='CTRLAimEye_M')[0].getTranslation(ws=True) aim_loc[1] = eye_ht pm.move('CTRLAimEye_M', aim_loc)
def move_to_position(self): for i in range(0, len(self.locator)):[i]) py.move(self.original_positions[i]) self.grp_position.append([py.getAttr(self.locator[i]+'.t')]) print 'moving %s' % self.locator[i] return self.locator
def createSrf(self): # calculate the witdth of the surface as a fraction of the total joint chain length jntChainLength = 0 crvPoints = [] for i in range(1, self.numJnt): pos1 = self.ikJntList[i - 1].getTranslation(space='world') crvPoints.append(pos1) pos2 = self.ikJntList[i].getTranslation(space='world') jntChainLength += (pos2 - pos1).length() if i == self.numJnt - 1: crvPoints.append(pos2) jntChainLength = math.ceil(jntChainLength) self.width = jntChainLength * self.widthMult crv1 = pm.curve( + '_crv1', d=1, p=crvPoints) pm.move(crv1, self.width / 2.0, 0, 0, r=1) pm.parent(crv1, self.mainGrp) crv2 = pm.curve( + '_crv2', d=1, p=crvPoints) pm.move(crv2, self.width / -2.0, 0, 0, r=1) pm.parent(crv2, self.mainGrp) loftSrf =, crv1, ch=1, u=1, c=0, ar=1, d=3, ss=1, rn=0, po=0, rsn=1, + "_srf")[0] rebuiltLoftSrf = \ pm.rebuildSurface(loftSrf, ch=1, rpo=1, rt=0, end=1, kr=0, kcp=0, kc=0, su=self.numCtrl - 1, du=3, sv=0, dv=3, tol=0, fr=0, dir=2)[0] self.srf = loftSrf pm.parent(self.srf, self.mainGrp)
def test_build_joint_chain(self): reg_node, chain = utils.build_joint_chain(name='temp', crv=self.crv, order='xyz', num=10, loc=self.loc) # Confirm right number of joints self.assertEqual(len(chain), 10) # Confirm expected names self.assertEqual([ for x in chain], ['temp_Jnt_%s' % (x+1) for x in range(10)]) # Check positions match input curves' for jnt, pos in zip(chain, self.positions): self.assertTrue(transforms.assertLocationIs(jnt, pm.dt.Point(pos))) # Check aim axis is x for jnt in chain[:-1]: self.assertTrue(joints.assertAimAxis(jnt, 'x')) # Check for reg_node connection self.assertEqual(reg_node.temp_chain_root.listConnections()[0], chain[0]) # Check y axis pointing backwards (x, y, -1) for jnt in chain: loc = pm.spaceLocator() pm.delete(pm.parentConstraint(jnt, loc, mo=0)) pm.move(loc, 0, 0, -1, r=1) pos = pm.xform(loc, q=1, ws=1, rp=1) self.assertAlmostEqual(pos[-1], -1) pm.delete(loc)
def locatorGrid(width, height, depth, offset, centered=True): '''Create a grid of locators to test upon Args: width (int): Width of the grid height (int): Height of the grid offset (float): Adds an offset multiplier to the locator positions centered (bool): determines whether it's centered in world space Returns (pm.PyNode): The top group of the locator grid Usage: locatorGrid(5,5,5,2) ''' if not pm.objExists('locatorGrid'):,n='locatorGrid') for d in range(0,depth): for w in range(0,width): for h in range(0,height): loc = pm.polyCube(w=.5, h=.5, d=.5, ch=0)[0] pm.move(loc,(w*offset,h*offset,d*offset), rpr=True) loc.setParent(grp) if loc.getShape().type() == "locator": loc.localScale.set(.2,.2,.2) if centered: pm.xform(grp, cp=1) pm.move(grp, (0, 0, 0), rpr=1) pm.makeIdentity(grp, apply=True, r=1,s=1,t=1) return grp
def alignToVector(xform, aim_x=(1, 0, 0), aim_y=(0, 1, 0), freeze=False): """ Rotates transform so that axes align with specified world-space directions. Parameters ---------- xform : pm.nt.Transform Transform to rotate. aim_x : tuple, optional World-space direction for the x-axis of `xform`. aim_y : tuple, optional World-space direction for the y-axis of `xform`. If not orthogonal to `aim_x`, the y-axis will attempt to be as close as possible to this vector. freeze : bool, optional Freeze transformation if True. Default is False. """ xform =[0] xf_node = pm.createNode('transform') pm.move(xf_node, xform.getTranslation(ws=True)) aim_node = pm.createNode('transform') pm.move(aim_node, xform.getTranslation(space='world') + aim_x) pm.delete(pm.aimConstraint(aim_node, xf_node, worldUpVector=aim_y), aim_node) xform.setRotation(xf_node.getRotation(ws=True), ws=True) pm.delete(xf_node) if freeze: pm.makeIdentity(xform, apply=True)
def createEmitter(self, mesh, name="particleEmitter_msh"): # Create boundingBox of the mesh bbx = pm.polyEvaluate(mesh, b=True) cube = pm.polyCube( w=abs(bbx[0][1] - bbx[0][0]), h=abs(bbx[1][1] - bbx[1][0]), d=abs(bbx[2][1] - bbx[2][0]), sx=1, sy=1, sz=1, ax=(0, 1, 0), cuv=4, ch=0, name=name, ) cube = cube[0] cube.setAttr("t", ((bbx[0][1] + bbx[0][0]) / 2, (bbx[1][1] + bbx[1][0]) / 2, (bbx[2][1] + bbx[2][0]) / 2)) # Keep only face 1 for emit pm.delete([cube + ".f[2:6]", cube + ".f[0]"]) # Connection of mesh and the emitter self.connectOriginaleMesh(mesh, cube) # Move emitter in y in a percentage of area of face. face = pm.PyNode(cube + ".f[1]") area = face.getArea(space="world") y = pow(area, 0.1) * 100 pm.move(0, y, 0, r=1, os=1, wd=1) return cube
def generateShape(self, *args): sel = if len(sel) != 4: pm.mel.warning('Must select: Neutral, TargetA, TargetB, TargetC meshes') return meshN = sel[0] meshA = sel[1] meshB = sel[2] meshC = sel[3] # Create new mesh new = pm.duplicate(meshN, n='Corrective')[0] # Per vertex, translate in world space: C-(A+B) for vtx in new.vtx: vert = vtx.split('.')[1] n_pos = pmd.Point(pm.xform( vtx, query=True, ws=True, t=True)) a_pos = pmd.Point(pm.xform( meshA + '.' + vert, query=True, ws=True, t=True)) b_pos = pmd.Point(pm.xform( meshB + '.' + vert, query=True, ws=True, t=True)) c_pos = pmd.Point(pm.xform( meshC + '.' + vert, query=True, ws=True, t=True)) aVec = a_pos - n_pos bVec = b_pos - n_pos cVec = c_pos - n_pos delta = cVec - (aVec + bVec) pm.move(vtx, delta, r=1)
def _build(self, *args): """ Builds the joints on the curve. """ # naming convention asset = self.asset side = self.side part = self.part joints = self.joints suffix = self.suffix if self.gui: asset = self.asset_name.text() side = self.side.currentText() part = self.part_name.text() joints = self.joints_box.value() suffix = self.suffix.currentText() try: curve =[0] curve_name = NameUtils.get_unique_name(asset, side, part, "crv") self.curve = pm.rename(curve, curve_name) except IndexError: pm.warning("Please select a curve") return length_of_curve = pm.arclen(self.curve) equal_spacing = length_of_curve / float(joints) # clear the selection # # create the joints curve_joints = list() for x in xrange(int(joints) + 1): name = NameUtils.get_unique_name(asset, side, part, suffix) joint = pm.joint(n=name) curve_joints.append(joint) joint_position = (x * equal_spacing) pm.move(0, joint_position, 0) # rename last joint last_joint = curve_joints[-1] pm.rename(last_joint, last_joint + "End") root_joint = pm.selected()[0].root() end_joint =[0] solver = 'ikSplineSolver' # attach joints to curve ik_name = NameUtils.get_unique_name(asset, side, part, "ikHandle") self.ikHandle = pm.ikHandle(sj=root_joint, ee=end_joint, sol=solver, c=self.curve, pcv=True, roc=True, ccv=False, n=ik_name) joint_chain =, dag=True) # delete history pm.makeIdentity(root_joint, apply=True) # cleanup self._cleanup()
def bdBuildSphereController(self): circleA = + 'A', nr=(0, 1, 0), c=(0, 0, 0), radius=self.ctrlScale) circleB = + 'B', nr=(1, 0, 0), c=(0, 0, 0), radius=self.ctrlScale) circleC = + 'C', nr=(0, 0, 1), c=(0, 0, 0), radius=self.ctrlScale) circleBShape = pm.listRelatives(circleB[0], c=True) circleCShape = pm.listRelatives(circleC[0], c=True) pm.parent(circleBShape[0], circleA[0], r=True, s=True) pm.parent(circleCShape[0], circleA[0], r=True, s=True) pm.delete(circleB, circleC) ctrl = pm.rename(circleA[0], self.ctrlName) ctrlGrp =, n=self.ctrlName + '_grp') pm.move(ctrlGrp, self.ctrlPos[0], self.ctrlPos[1], self.ctrlPos[2]) pm.rotate(ctrlGrp, self.ctrlRot[0], self.ctrlRot[1], self.ctrlRot[2]) self.ctrlGrp = ctrlGrp
def press_cmd(self, *args) : ctx = self.ctx print "paramProgress_befor", self.paramProgress_befor pressPosition = cmds.draggerContext( ctx, query=True, anchorPoint=True) self.drag_star_point = pressPosition print ("Press: " + str(pressPosition)) #self.paramProgress = 0.0 pos = curvetool.getCurvePoint( self.cur, [self.paramProgress], "normal" )[0] # 第二引数でターゲットの初期位置を指定 self.moving_sph = pm.sphere(n = "moving_sph", r=0.1)[0] pm.move( self.moving_sph , [pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]] ) pm.refresh(f = 1) # ハイライト pm.hilite(self.cur) list = = u'transform') for i in list : if "temp" in : pm.hilite(i)
def create_point_base(self, point, **kwargs): super(RigAim, self).create_point_base(point, **kwargs) root =, type='world', name='root') aim = pm.duplicate(root)[0] self.name_convention.rename_name_in_format(aim, name='aim') pm.move(aim, 10, **{'move{}'.format(config.axis_order[0].upper()): True, 'objectSpace': True, 'relative': True}) aim.setParent(self.rig_system.kinematics) root.setParent(self.rig_system.kinematics) reset =, type='inserted', name='reset') self.tip = reset self.aim = root reset_control, control = self.create.controls.point_base(aim, name='aim') reset_control.setParent(self.rig_system.controls) parent = kwargs.pop('parent', control) aim_vector = [0, 0, 0] aim_vector[config.axis_order[0]] = 1 up_vector = [0, 0, 0] up_vector[config.axis_order[1]] = 1 self.create.constraint.point(point, reset, mo=True) pm.aimConstraint(aim, root, aimVector=aim_vector, worldUpType='objectrotation', upVector=up_vector, worldUpObject=parent, worldUpVector=[0, 1, 0]) self.rm.align(root, reset_control, translate=False) pm.parentConstraint(control, aim) self.reset_controls.append(reset_control) self.controls.append(control)
def elephantFinish(): print 'Finishing elephant' rig_quadFinalize() ''' pm.setAttr("neckFocus_CTRL.focusNeck", 0.75) pm.setAttr("spineUpperPivot_CTRL.translateY", -17.164) pm.setAttr("spineUpperPivot_CTRL.translateZ", 1.81) pm.setAttr("spineUpper_CTRL.stretch", 0.2) ''' pm.move( 'tailUpperAim_LOCUp', 0, 1000, 0,r=True,os=True ) pm.move('tailLowerAim_LOCUp', 0, 1000, 0, r=True, os=True) pm.move(pm.PyNode( '[:]'), 0 , 0, -5, r=True, os=True) pm.move(pm.PyNode( '[:]'), 0 ,-8.5, -13, r=True, os=True) pm.move(pm.PyNode( '[:]'), 0 , -1 , -23, r=True, os=True) controlSet = pm.PyNode('elephantRigPuppetControlSet') for s in ('l', 'r'): #pm.setAttr("displayModulesToggleControl."+s+"_fingers", 0) #pm.setAttr("displayModulesToggleControl."+s+"_toes", 0) #pm.setAttr(s+"", 1) #pm.setAttr(s+"_shoulder_CTRL.followArm", 1) #pm.rotate(pm.PyNode(s+'_handBall_CTRL').cv, 0, 90, 0, r=True, os=True) #pm.scale(pm.PyNode(s+'_handBall_CTRL').cv, 2, 2, 2) #pm.parentConstraint( s+'_anklePos_JNT', s+'_toeThumbModify1_GRP' ,mo=True ) controlSet.removeMembers([ s+'_shoulder_CTRL' ])
def generateShape(self, *args): sel = if len(sel) != 4: pm.mel.warning( 'Must select: Neutral, TargetA, TargetB, TargetC meshes') return meshN = sel[0] meshA = sel[1] meshB = sel[2] meshC = sel[3] # Create new mesh new = pm.duplicate(meshN, n='Corrective')[0] # Per vertex, translate in world space: C-(A+B) for vtx in new.vtx: vert = vtx.split('.')[1] n_pos = pmd.Point(pm.xform(vtx, query=True, ws=True, t=True)) a_pos = pmd.Point( pm.xform(meshA + '.' + vert, query=True, ws=True, t=True)) b_pos = pmd.Point( pm.xform(meshB + '.' + vert, query=True, ws=True, t=True)) c_pos = pmd.Point( pm.xform(meshC + '.' + vert, query=True, ws=True, t=True)) aVec = a_pos - n_pos bVec = b_pos - n_pos cVec = c_pos - n_pos delta = cVec - (aVec + bVec) pm.move(vtx, delta, r=1)
def _build_step(self, objName): + '.f[4]') pm.move(self.strWidth, x=True) + '.f[1]') pm.scale(self.strHeight, y=True) + '.f[2]') pm.scale(self.strDepth, z=True)
def rig_makeCtrlLabel(label): '''Creates a control that is displayed in customized choice of letters Args: label (string): the name of the desired control/visual display text Returns (pm.nt.Transform): returns the display control object Example Usage: rig_makeCtrlLabel("display") ''' if not pm.objExists(label + "_CTRL"): txt_crv=pm.PyNode( pm.textCurves(ch=0,t=label,f="Courier")[0] ) curves=[] i=1 for crvShp in, et="nurbsCurve"): crvTrm = crvShp.getParent() crvShp.getParent().setParent(w=True) pm.makeIdentity(crvShp.getParent(),apply=True,s=1,r=1,t=1,n=0) crvTrm.rename("display_%02d_CRV" % i) curves.append(crvTrm) i+=1 displayCtrl=rig_combineCurves(curves,label+'_CTRL') pm.delete(txt_crv) displayCtrl.centerPivots() pm.move(displayCtrl, (0,0,0), rpr=True) pm.makeIdentity(displayCtrl,apply=True,s=1,r=1,t=1,n=0),n=(label + "Offset_GRP")) displayCtrl.setParent(displayGrp) for displayCtrlShape in displayCtrl.listRelatives(shapes=True, fullPath=True): pm.setAttr(displayCtrlShape + ".overrideEnabled", 1) pm.setAttr(displayCtrlShape + ".overrideColor",17) rig_ctrlLock([displayCtrl], ["tx","ty","tz","rx","ry","rz","sx","sy","sz","v"], setKeyable=False, lock=True) return displayCtrl else: pm.error("That control already exists smarty pants!\n")
def _set_step_pivot(self, objName): + '.f[5]') pm.move(0, x=True) + '.f[3]') pm.scale(0, y=True) + '.f[0]') pm.scale(0, z=True)
def create_guideSurface( IdName, listOfJnts ): loftCurves = [] for i in range(2): # duplicate and select hierarchy of joints listOfOffsetJnts = pm.duplicate( listOfJnts, name = 'b_' + IdName +'_offset1', parentOnly = True ) # offset each joint on it's own z-axis for jnt in listOfOffsetJnts: if i == 0: pm.move(jnt, (0,0,-0.5), relative = True, objectSpace = True, preserveChildPosition = True) if i == 1: pm.move(jnt, (0,0,0.5), relative = True, objectSpace = True, preserveChildPosition = True) # draw loftcurves loftCurvePoints = [] for each in listOfOffsetJnts: jntPosition = pm.xform(each, q = True, t = True, ws = True) loftCurvePoints.append(jntPosition) loftCurves.append( pm.curve( name = IdName + '_loftCurve' + str(i), degree = 1, point = loftCurvePoints ) ) pm.delete(listOfOffsetJnts) # loft guideSurface guideSurface = loftCurves[0], loftCurves[1], name = IdName + '_guide_surface', ar=True, rsn=True, d=3, ss=1, object=True, ch=False, polygon=0 ) guideSurface = pm.rebuildSurface( guideSurface ,ch=1, rpo=1, rt=0, end=1, kr=1, kcp=0, kc=0, su=0, du=3, sv=1, dv=3, tol=0.01, fr=0, dir=2 ) # cleanup pm.delete( loftCurves ) guideSurface[0].inheritsTransform.set(False) guideSurface[0].overrideEnabled.set(True) guideSurface[0].overrideDisplayType.set(1) # guideSurface[0].visibility.set(False) print('Successfully lofted guide surface. Continuing...') return guideSurface
def generateJointCube(distant=3): last_crv = None for i, start_jnt in enumerate(, v=1, ni=1, dag=1, type="joint"), 1): start_matrix = start_jnt.worldMatrix[0].get() start_pt = start_jnt.getTranslation(space="world") for end_jnt in start_jnt.listRelatives(c=1, type="joint"): end_pt = end_jnt.getTranslation(space="world") crv = generateCubeFromVector(start_pt, end_pt, distant=distant) crv.rename("%s_ctrl" % start_jnt) x, y, z = start_pt pm.move(x, y, z, crv.scalePivot, crv.rotatePivot) grp = grp.rename( + "_GRP") pm.xform(grp, m=start_matrix.inverse()) pm.makeIdentity(grp, a=1, t=1, r=1, s=1, n=0, pn=1) pm.xform(grp, m=start_matrix) # if last_crv: # grp.setParent(last_crv) last_crv = crv pm.setAttr(, l=1, k=0, cb=0) pm.setAttr(, l=1, k=0, cb=0) pm.setAttr(, l=1, k=0, cb=0) pm.parentConstraint(crv, start_jnt, mo=1)
def createSrf(self): #calculate the witdth of the surface as a fraction of the total joint chain length jntChainLength = 0 crvPoints = [] for i in range(1,self.numJnt): pos1 = self.ikJntList[i-1].getTranslation(space='world') crvPoints.append(pos1) pos2 = self.ikJntList[i].getTranslation(space='world') jntChainLength += (pos2 - pos1).length() if i == self.numJnt - 1: crvPoints.append(pos2) jntChainLength = math.ceil(jntChainLength ) self.width = jntChainLength * self.widthMult crv1 = pm.curve( + '_crv1',d=1,p=crvPoints) pm.move(crv1,self.width / 2.0,0,0,r=1) pm.parent(crv1,self.mainGrp) crv2 = pm.curve( + '_crv2',d=1,p=crvPoints) pm.move(crv2,self.width / -2.0,0,0,r=1) pm.parent(crv2,self.mainGrp) loftSrf =,crv1,ch=1,u=1,c= 0,ar= 1,d=3,ss= 1,rn=0,po=0,rsn=1, + "_srf")[0] rebuiltLoftSrf = pm.rebuildSurface(loftSrf,ch=1, rpo=1, rt=0, end=1, kr=0, kcp=0, kc=0, su=self.numCtrl-1, du=3, sv=0, dv=3, tol=0, fr=0, dir=2 )[0] self.srf = loftSrf pm.parent(self.srf,self.mainGrp)
def snapCurveToClosestVertices(crv, geo): ''' Find closest Vertex on geo for each cv on curve and snaps to it Args: crv (transform): The curve which shall be snapped geo (transform): The geo as the base for the search Returns: True if no error ''' crvShape = pm.PyNode(crv).getShape() geoShape = pm.PyNode(geo).getShape() numcvs = crvShape.numCVs() for curvePoint in range(numcvs): # find closest vertex tempLoc = pm.spaceLocator(n='tempLoc') pm.xform(tempLoc, t=pm.pointPosition([curvePoint])) closestVertex = getClosestVertex(tempLoc, geo) # move curvepoint to closest vertex pm.xform(tempLoc, t=pm.pointPosition(closestVertex)) pm.move([curvePoint], pm.pointPosition(closestVertex)) pm.delete(tempLoc) return True
def create(self, startLocation=[0, 0, 0]): try: py.delete(tempConnectorName) except: pass py.polyCube(n=tempConnectorName, height=100, width=100, depth=10, subdivisionsWidth=3, subdivisionsHeight=3) py.setAttr(tempConnectorName + '.rz', lock=True, keyable=False, channelBox=False) py.scale(tempConnectorName + '.f[4]', (0.25, 0.25, 0.25)) py.polyExtrudeFacet(tempConnectorName + '.f[4]', localTranslateZ=10) py.polyExtrudeFacet(tempConnectorName + '.f[4]', localScale=(1.25, 1.25, 1.25)) py.polyExtrudeFacet(tempConnectorName + '.f[4]', localTranslateZ=20) py.scale(tempConnectorName + '.f[4]', (0, 0, 1)) py.polyExtrudeFacet(tempConnectorName + '.f[32]', localScale=(0.3, 0.27, 1)) py.polyExtrudeFacet(tempConnectorName + '.f[32]', localTranslateZ=3) py.polyExtrudeFacet(tempConnectorName + '.f[32]', localScale=(1.25, 1.25, 1.25)) py.polyExtrudeFacet(tempConnectorName + '.f[32]', localTranslateZ=5) py.scale(tempConnectorName + '.f[32]', (0, 1, 0)) py.move(tempConnectorName + '.f[32]', (0, 0, 6.15), r=True) py.xform(tempConnectorName, pivots=(0, -50, -5)) py.move(tempConnectorName, startLocation)
def inbound(): global jointGuides,setUpName,jointGuidesGrp,side setUpName = pm.textFieldGrp('NameTFG', tx = True,q = True) colorSel = pm.radioButtonGrp('ColSel',q = True,sl = True) if colorSel == 1: side = 'l' elif colorSel == 2: side = 'm' elif colorSel == 3: side = 'r' numOfJoints = pm.intSliderGrp('Joint_Num',q = True,v = True) jointGuidesGrp = = 1,n = getUniqueName(side,setUpName + 'Gud', 'grp')) for num in range(numOfJoints): loc = pm.spaceLocator(n = getUniqueName(side,setUpName,'loc')) pm.move(0,num * 2,0,loc) jointGuides.append(loc) loc.setParent(jointGuidesGrp) jointGuides.reverse() for num,loc in enumerate(jointGuides): if num < (len(jointGuides) - 1): jointGuides[num].setParent(jointGuides[num + 1]) jointGuides.reverse()
def movePivot(objects, moveto="zero"): for object in objects: if moveto == "zero": pm.move(0, 0, 0, object + ".scalePivot", object + ".rotatePivot", absolute=True) if moveto == "minY": bbox = pm.exactWorldBoundingBox(object) currentPivot = pm.xform(object, q=1, rp=1, ws=1) #bottom = [(bbox[0] + bbox[3]) / 2, bbox[1], (bbox[2] + bbox[5]) / 2] bottom = [currentPivot[0], bbox[1], currentPivot[2]] pm.xform(object, piv=bottom, ws=True) if moveto == "minX": bbox = pm.exactWorldBoundingBox(object) currentPivot = pm.xform(object, q=1, rp=1, ws=1) #bottom = [(bbox[0] + bbox[3]) / 2, bbox[1], (bbox[2] + bbox[5]) / 2] bottom = [bbox[0], currentPivot[1], currentPivot[2]] pm.xform(object, piv=bottom, ws=True) if moveto == "minZ": bbox = pm.exactWorldBoundingBox(object) currentPivot = pm.xform(object, q=1, rp=1, ws=1) #bottom = [(bbox[0] + bbox[3]) / 2, bbox[1], (bbox[2] + bbox[5]) / 2] bottom = [currentPivot[0], currentPivot[1], bbox[2]] pm.xform(object, piv=bottom, ws=True) if moveto == "center": pm.xform(object, cp=1)
def createBendDeformerOnCurve(curveTransforms, upDir=(1,0,0), aimDir=(0,1,0)): '''Creates bend deformers on every curve and aims them at the end Args: curveTransforms ([pm.nt.Transform]): list of transforms with nurbsCurve shapes upDir (float, float, float): up direction for aim to orient the bend deformer Returns: ([pm.nt.nonLinear]): list of bend deformers Usage: createBendDeformerOnCurve( ''' bends=[] for curveTransform in curveTransforms: bendName ='CRV','BEND') bend = pm.nonLinear(curveTransform, type='bend', frontOfChain=True, curvature=0.0, lowBound=0, highBound=1) bend[0].rename(bendName.replace('BEND','BENDHDL')) bend[1].rename(bendName) startPosition = curveTransform.getShape().cv[0].getPosition(space='world') endPosition = curveTransform.getShape().cv[-1].getPosition(space='world') loc = pm.spaceLocator() pm.move(loc, endPosition, a=True) pm.move(bend[1], startPosition, a=True) aimConst = pm.aimConstraint( loc, bend[1], upVector=upDir, aimVector=aimDir ) pm.delete([loc, aimConst]) bends.append(bend) return bends
def createEmitter(self, mesh, name="particleEmitter_msh"): #Create boundingBox of the mesh bbx = pm.polyEvaluate(mesh, b=True) cube = pm.polyCube(w=abs(bbx[0][1] - bbx[0][0]), h=abs(bbx[1][1] - bbx[1][0]), d=abs(bbx[2][1] - bbx[2][0]), sx=1, sy=1, sz=1, ax=(0, 1, 0), cuv=4, ch=0, name=name) cube = cube[0] cube.setAttr("t", ((bbx[0][1] + bbx[0][0]) / 2, (bbx[1][1] + bbx[1][0]) / 2, (bbx[2][1] + bbx[2][0]) / 2)) #Keep only face 1 for emit pm.delete([cube + ".f[2:6]", cube + ".f[0]"]) #Connection of mesh and the emitter self.connectOriginaleMesh(mesh, cube) #Move emitter in y in a percentage of area of face. face = pm.PyNode(cube + ".f[1]") area = face.getArea(space="world") y = pow(area, 0.1) * 100 pm.move(0, y, 0, r=1, os=1, wd=1) return cube
def upper_part(self): """ creat a torso from an ik spline chain """ self.chain_torso = Chain.make_jnt_chain(self.controls[-3:-1], name_template=self.prefix + "_IK_top_spine_{number}_JNT", parent=self.spline_chain[-1]) transform.match(self.controls[-1], self.chain_torso[0]) pm.pointConstraint(self.spline_chain[-1], self.chain_torso[0]) pm.orientConstraint(self.controls[-1], self.chain_torso[0]) self.main_ctrl = Control.make_control(self.controls[0], name=self.prefix + "main_ctrl_spine_{number}_CTRL", parent=self.root_grp) pm.move(self.main_ctrl.getShape().cv, 1, 0, 0, relative=True) [ctl.set_parent(self.main_ctrl) for ctl in self.controls[::1]] self.fk_spline_chain = self.spline_chain.duplicate( name_template=self.prefix + "_FK_torso_{number}_JNT") self.fk_spline_chain.set_parent(self.root_grp) for jnt_torso, fk_ctrl in zip(self.fk_spline_chain, self.spine_fk_ctrl): pm.parentConstraint(fk_ctrl, jnt_torso) pm.connectAttr(self.root_grp.scale, self.null_chain[0].scale) pm.connectAttr(self.root_grp.scale, self.spine_fk_ctrl[0].getParent().scale)
def FUCBoxCreator(): pos = [0, 0, 0] thisW = 1 thisH = 1 thisD = 1 try:'FUC_Box') pos = cmds.objectCenter('FUC_Box', gl=True) thisW = pm.getAttr('FUC_Box' + '.sx') thisH = pm.getAttr('FUC_Box' + '.sy') thisD = pm.getAttr('FUC_Box' + '.sz') pm.delete() except: pass try:'FUC_Sphere') posX = pm.getAttr('FUC_Sphere' + '.tx') posY = pm.getAttr('FUC_Sphere' + '.ty') posZ = pm.getAttr('FUC_Sphere' + '.tz') pos = [posX, posY, posZ] r = pm.getAttr('FUC_Sphere' + '.sx') thisW = r thisH = thisW thisD = thisW pm.delete() except: pass pm.polyCube(name='FUC_Box', w=1, h=1, d=1) pm.move(pos) pm.scale(thisW, thisH, thisD) mel.eval('setAttr "FUC_Box.overrideEnabled" 1;') mel.eval('setAttr "FUC_Box.overrideShading" 0;')
def readIkKwargs(cls, card, isMirroredSide, sideAlteration=lambda **kwargs: kwargs, kinematicType='ik'): ''' Overriden to handle if a custom curve was given, which then needs to be duplicated, mirrored and fed directly into the splineTwist. ''' kwargs = cls.readKwargs(card, isMirroredSide, sideAlteration, kinematicType='ik') if isMirroredSide: if 'curve' in kwargs: crv = kwargs['curve'] crv = duplicate(crv)[0] kwargs['curve'] = crv move(crv.sp, [0, 0, 0], a=True) move(crv.rp, [0, 0, 0], a=True) kwargs['duplicateCurve'] = False return kwargs
def maketext(t=u"temptext",name = u"temptext", p=[0,0,0], r=[0,0,0], s=0.1) : t = str(t) obj = pm.textCurves(n = name, t=t, f ='Courier') pm.move(obj[0], p[0],p[1],p[2]) pm.rotate(obj[0],r[0],r[1],r[2]) pm.scale(obj[0],s,s,s) return obj[0]
def test_simple(self): source_cube = self.create_cube() target_cube = self.create_cube() source_joints = [self.create_joint() for _ in range(5)] [pm.move(j, (0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) for j in source_joints] source_skincl = skinutils.bind_mesh_to_joints(source_cube, source_joints) expected = [ pm.skinPercent(source_skincl, v, value=True, q=True) for v in source_cube.vtx ] target_joints = [self.create_joint() for _ in range(5)] [pm.move(j, (0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) for j in target_joints] target_skincl = skinutils.bind_mesh_to_joints(target_cube, target_joints) pm.skinPercent(target_skincl, target_cube.vtx, transformValue=(target_joints[-1], 1.0)) skinutils.copy_weights(source_cube, target_cube) result = [ pm.skinPercent(source_skincl, v, value=True, q=True) for v in source_cube.vtx ] for e, r in zip(expected, result): [ self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_weight, result_weight) for expected_weight, result_weight in zip(e, r) ]
def run(self): selected = if not selected: self.fail_check(u"先手动选中模型大组") return # get all xforms top_node =[0] hierarchy_xfroms = top_node.getChildren(allDescendents=True, type="transform") hierarchy_xfroms.append(top_node) # freeze directly locked_attr_list = [] for xform in hierarchy_xfroms: pm.move(0, 0, 0, [xform + '.scalePivot', xform + '.rotatePivot']) # check locked attrs base_attributes = [ 'tx', 'ty', 'tz', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz', 'sx', 'sy', 'sz' ] for attr in base_attributes: if xform.getAttr(attr, lock=True): locked_attr_name = "%s.%s" % (xform, attr) locked_attr_node = pm.PyNode(locked_attr_name) locked_attr_node.unlock() locked_attr_list.append(locked_attr_node) # freeze them try: pm.makeIdentity(xform, apply=True, translate=True, rotate=True, scale=True, n=0, pn=1) except RuntimeError, e: self.error_list.append(xform.longName())
def toggle_pivot_positions(obj_list): last_obj = obj_list[-1] # selects last obj of list pivot = pm.xform(last_obj, q=True, rp=True, ws=True) state = next_pivot_state( last_obj) # Gets the next state for last selected obj for obj in obj_list: bbox = pm.xform(obj, q=True, ws=True, bb=True) center = [(bbox[0] + bbox[3]) / 2, (bbox[1] + bbox[4]) / 2, (bbox[2] + bbox[5]) / 2] bottom = [(bbox[0] + bbox[3]) / 2, bbox[1], (bbox[2] + bbox[5]) / 2] for i in range(0, 3): pivot[i] = round(pivot[i], 4) center[i] = round(center[i], 4) bottom[i] = round(bottom[i], 4) # Setting the pivot to match whatever state the last selected obj has if state == "origo": new_sel = pm.move(0, 0, 0, (new_sel[0] + ".scalePivot"), (new_sel[0] + ".rotatePivot"), absolute=True) # Sets pivot to origo if state == "bottom": pm.xform(obj, piv=bottom, ws=True, absolute=True) # Sets pivot to bottom of Bounding Box if state == "center": pm.xform(obj, piv=center, ws=True, absolute=True) # Sets pivot to center
def CurveLoft(crv, geom, size, norDir, nm): try: crvSh = crv.listRelatives(s=1, type='nurbsCurve')[0] except: pm.warning('%s is not nurbsCurve') return tmpOC = pm.createNode('nearestPointOnCurve', n='TmpOC') >> tmpOC.inputCurve copyCrvA = crv.duplicate(n='%sCopyACrv' %'Crv', ''))[0] copyCrvB = crv.duplicate(n='%sCopyBCrv' %'Crv', ''))[0] cvSz = int(crv.spans.get()) if crv.d.get() == 3: cvSz = cvSz + 3 upvec = dt.Vector(int(norDir[0]), int(norDir[1]), int(norDir[2])) for i in xrange(cvSz): tmpOC.inPosition.set([i].getPosition(space='world')) tVec = pm.pointOnCurve(crv, pr=tmpOC.parameter.get(), nt=1) cVecA = dt.cross(upvec, dt.Vector(tVec)) cVecB = dt.cross(dt.Vector(tVec), upvec) pm.move([i], cVecA * size, r=1) pm.move([i], cVecB * size, r=1) geo =, copyCrvA, ch=1, u=1, c=0, ar=1, d=3, ss=1, rn=0, po=int(geom), rsn=1) mel.eval('DeleteHistory %s' % geo[0].name()) pm.delete(tmpOC, copyCrvA, copyCrvB) return geo[0]
def makeInnerTwistJoints(self, prefix, startJnt, endJnt, nTwistJoint=3, rotAxis='X'): """ Add Twist Joint for selected Joint :param joint_selection: :param nTwistJoint: :return: """ distance = util.get_distance(startJnt, endJnt) / (nTwistJoint + 1) joint_list = [] for i in range(0, nTwistJoint): # Create new twist Joint joint_name = prefix + '_twistJ' + str(i + 1) + 'JNT' new_joint = pm.joint(n=joint_name) pm.delete(pm.parentConstraint(startJnt, new_joint)) common.freezeTranform(new_joint) pm.parent(new_joint, startJnt) direction = jointDirection(startJnt) pm.move((i + 1) * distance * direction, 0, 0, new_joint, relative=True, localSpace=True) # connect to mulDoubleLinear node multiplyNode = pm.shadingNode('multDoubleLinear', asUtility=True) pm.connectAttr('.rotate'+rotAxis, multiplyNode.input1, f=True) pm.connectAttr(multiplyNode.output,'.rotate'+rotAxis) weight = (1.0 / (nTwistJoint + 1.0)) * (i + 1) multiplyNode.input2.set(weight) # ovveride joint color new_joint.ove.set(1) new_joint.ovc.set(13) joint_list.append(new_joint) return joint_list
def setShape(shape,shapeInfo): cvPos = shapeInfo['cvsPos'] for i in range(len(cvPos)): pm.move( + '.cv[' + str(i) + ']',cvPos[i][0],cvPos[i][1],cvPos[i][2],a=1,ws=1,) #shape.setCVs(cvPos,space='world') #shape.updateCurve()
def setupBakeScene(objs=None) : selected = if objs == None : objs = selected, hi=True) objs =, type='mesh') # convert to uvMesh out = [] for o in objs :, r=True) out.append(createMeshFromUV()) # assign shader assignBakeShader() # create camera cam = createBakeCamera() g =, name='mzBake2dGroup') for o in out : pm.parent(o, g) pm.parent(cam, g) min, max = getSceneBound() print(min, max) offsetmin = max[0] if max[2] < offsetmin : offsetmin = max[2] pm.move(g, max[0]+1, 0, max[2]+1)
def create_boundingBoxCtrl(transform): """ Usage: create_boundingBoxCtrl([0] ) """ base_name ="_GEO", "") + "Own" bbox = pm.exactWorldBoundingBox(transform, ii=True, ce=True) centerX = (bbox[0] + bbox[3]) / 2.0 centerY = (bbox[1] + bbox[4]) / 2.0 centerZ = (bbox[2] + bbox[5]) / 2.0 center_point = (centerX, centerY, centerZ) p0 = (bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2]) p1 = (bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[5]) p2 = (bbox[0], bbox[4], bbox[2]) p3 = (bbox[0], bbox[4], bbox[5]) p4 = (bbox[3], bbox[4], bbox[2]) p5 = (bbox[3], bbox[4], bbox[5]) p6 = (bbox[3], bbox[1], bbox[2]) p7 = (bbox[3], bbox[1], bbox[5]) points = [p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7] path_ids = [1, 3, 5, 7, 1, 0, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 7, 6, 0, 2, 4] path_values = [] for path_id in path_ids: path_values.append(points[path_id]) curve = pm.curve(p=path_values, n=(base_name + "_CTRL"), d=1) curve.rotatePivot.set(center_point) curve.scalePivot.set(center_point) pm.move(curve, [0, 0, 0], rpr=True) pm.makeIdentity(curve, apply=True, n=0, t=True, r=True, s=True) con_grp = + "Con_GRP", em=True) con_grp.setParent(curve) grp = + "Offset_GRP", em=True) pm.move(grp, center_point, rpr=True) curve.setParent(grp, a=True) curve.translate.set([0, 0, 0]) short_name =, sn=True)[0].name() color = None left_color = [6, 15, 29, 28, 18, 27] right_color = [13, 12, 31, 4, 30, 21] middle_color = [23, 11, 10, 25, 24, 7] random_color = random.randint(0, 5) if short_name[0] == "l": color = left_color[random_color] elif short_name[0] == "r": color = right_color[random_color] else: color = middle_color[random_color] curve.getShape().overrideEnabled.set(1) curve.getShape().overrideColor.set(color) return grp
def moveShape(sel, movX = False, movY = False, movZ = False, move = 2): = True) shapList = (pm.listRelatives(sel, shapes = True)) for s in shapList: cvs =, add = True) pm.move(move, move, move,moveX = movX, moveY = movY, moveZ = movZ, relative = True,objectSpace = True, worldSpaceDistance = True )
def centerCrv(ctl, obj1, obj2, amt=.5): """Move a control's shape between two other objects (typically joints). Control is moved relative to it's starting point, and is moved along the vector from object 1 to object 2.""" ctl = pm.PyNode(ctl) obj1 = pm.PyNode(obj1) obj2 = pm.PyNode(obj2) numCvs = ctl.numCVs() newPosVector = (pm.datatypes.Vector((pm.xform(obj2, q=1, t=1, ws=1)) - pm.datatypes.Vector(pm.xform(obj1, q=1, t=1, ws=1))) * amt) pm.move([0:numCvs - 1], newPosVector, r=True, ws=True)
def buildCircleController(target,ctrlName,scale=1): ctrl = = ctrlName,c=[0,0,0],nr=[0,1,0],ch=0,radius=scale)[0] ctrlGrp =,n=str(ctrlName + '_grp')) targetPos = pm.xform(target,q=True,ws=True,t=True) pm.move(ctrlGrp,targetPos[0],targetPos[1],targetPos[2]) return ctrl,ctrlGrp
def __mirrorShapes__(elts, across='x', direction='L_'): if elts==None: # get each element inside CONTROL if pmc.objExists('CONTROLS'): elts = pmc.sets('CONTROLS', query=True) i=0 while i<len(elts): if pmc.objectType(elts[i]) == 'objectSet': elts.extend(pmc.sets(elts[i], query=True)) elts.pop(i) i -= 1 i += 1 # delete element at center meaning without L_ or R_ for i in reversed(range(len(elts))): if (elts[i].name().startswith(direction)==False): elts.pop(i) else: vp.vPrint('No CONTROLS set funded', 1) else: # delete element at center meaning without L_ or R_ for i in reversed(range(len(elts))): if (elts[i].name().startswith('L_')==False) and (elts[i].name().startswith('R_')==False): elts.pop(i) # creating the vector inverse depending on the across variable if across=='x': vectInverse = [-1,1,1] if across=='y': vectInverse = [1,-1,1] if across=='z': vectInverse = [1,1,-1] # loop into each element for elt in elts: # finding the opposite transform if elt.startswith('L_'): eltInv = various.checkObj('L_', 'R_'), type=['transform', 'joint'] ) else: eltInv = various.checkObj('R_', 'L_'), type=['transform', 'joint'] ) if eltInv: # getting atoms from both element atoms = various.getAtoms(elt, flat=False) atomsInv = various.getAtoms(eltInv, flat=False) # finding the smallest object just in case one has less atoms than the other if len(atoms) > len(atomsInv): size = len(atomsInv) else: size = len(atoms) # working on each atoms for i in range(size): pmc.move(atomsInv[i], atoms[i].getPosition(space='world')*vectInverse, absolute=True)
def cbsTrans(*args, **kwargs): sculptTrans = kwargs.setdefault('sculptTrans',[0])# (string) The mesh to get the tweak edits extracted from shape = kwargs.setdefault('shape') # (string) The shape node of the sculptTrans node tweak = kwargs.setdefault('tweak') # (string) The tweak node that is going to be cleared skin = kwargs.setdefault('skin') # (string) The skinCluster node that drives the base mesh base = kwargs.setdefault('base') # (string) The base mesh for the character #get some info sculptTrans, shape, tweak, skin = gatherInfo(sculptTrans, shape, tweak, skin) if not 'baseTransform' in pm.listAttr(sculptTrans, ud=True): pm.error('This model has not been prepared for sculpting. If you accidentally started, simply run Clear Tweaks to extract what has been done') if not base: base = sculptTrans.baseTransform.get() baseRef = sculptTrans.baseReference.get() #turn off a couple things that might mess with things pm.symmetricModelling(e=True, symmetry= False) pm.softSelect(e=True, softSelectEnabled=False) #first, let's unlock the guys from the old function pm.lockNode(base, l=False) pm.lockNode(sculptTrans, l=False) pm.setAttr('%s.v'%base, True) #extract from the sculpted shape newShape = clearTweaks(base=base, tweak=tweak) pm.delete(sculptTrans) newOrig = pm.duplicate(base, n='%s_editReference'%base)[0] pm.connectAttr(('%s.outMesh' %newOrig.getShapes()[1]), ('%s.inMesh' %newOrig.getShape())) deviation = False for v in range(pm.polyEvaluate(base, v=True)): refPos = pm.xform('%s.vtx[%i]'%(baseRef, v), q=True, t=True) adjPos = pm.xform('%s.vtx[%i]'%(newOrig, v), q=True, t=True) if not refPos == adjPos: deviation=True pm.move('%s.vtx[%i]' %(newShape, v), (refPos[0]-adjPos[0], refPos[1]-adjPos[1], refPos[2]-adjPos[2]), r=True) pm.move('%s.vtx[%i]'%(base, v), (refPos[0]-adjPos[0], refPos[1]-adjPos[1], refPos[2]-adjPos[2]), os=True, r=True)'%s.vtx[%i]' %(base, v), add=True) if deviation: pm.warning('It appears there were issues extracting from the mesh, steps have been taken to try and remedy, but unexpected results may occur') #apply a texture to the new shape., r=True) pm.sets('initialShadingGroup', e=True, forceElement=True) pm.delete(newOrig, baseRef) return newShape
def snapPivot(self): haircap = self.capName.getText() oldSel = pm.selected() self.transform() if pm.objExists(haircap): geo =[0] for sel in pm.selected(): point = geo.getClosestPoint(sel.getTranslation()) pm.move( point[0][0], point[0][1], point[0][2], sel) else: pm.error('hair cap doesnt exist in scene')
def groundObjectY(src, dest=None): """ Moves Object in Y to 0 if objB not specified. Else MaxY """ offset = 0 if isinstance(dest, pm.nodetypes.Transform): offset = dest.boundingBox()[1][1] if isinstance(src, pm.nodetypes.Transform): # Parent Node, or raise error bbox = src.boundingBox() if bbox[0][1] < 0: pm.move(abs(bbox[0][1]) + offset, src, y=True, r=True) else: pm.move(-bbox[0][1] + offset, src, y=True, r=True)
def test_assertAimingAt(self): a = b = pm.move(3, 3, 3, b, a=1) self.assertFalse(transforms.assertAimingAt(a, b, "x")) pm.aimConstraint(b, a) self.assertFalse(transforms.assertAimingAt(a, b, "y")) self.assertFalse(transforms.assertAimingAt(a, b, "z")) self.assertTrue(transforms.assertAimingAt(a, b, "x"))
def snap_object(transforms, target_mesh_transform): """ Helper function that overlays locators onto selection Args: transforms [pm.nt.Transform]: a transform with a nurbsCurve shape node under it target_mesh_transform (pm.nt.Transform): target mesh to query positions Returns: None Usage: snap_object(, fl=True)[:-1],[-1]) """ point_data = lib_cp.get_closest_point_sets(transforms, target_mesh_transform) for transform in point_data: pm.move (transform, point_data[transform]['position'], rpr=True)
def reference_plane(flip, **kwargs): """ Creates reference planes based on kwargs and boolean "flip" If height of image is greater than or equal to 700, scaleFactor of 0.25 is applied. Kwargs - axis - (1, 2, 3) for (X, Y, Z) dict - image dictionary term - search term width - image width height - image height scaleFactor - 1* Returns reference plane """ fallback_dict = {'path': "", "width": 0, "height": 0} radio = kwargs.setdefault('axis') image_dict = kwargs.setdefault('dict', fallback_dict) name = kwargs.setdefault('term')+'_reference' path = kwargs.setdefault('path', image_dict['path']) material = create_material(path) scale_factor = kwargs.setdefault('scaleFactor', 1) dict_width = float(image_dict['width']) dict_height = float(image_dict['height']) width = kwargs.setdefault('width', dict_width) height = kwargs.setdefault('height', dict_height) print height if height >= 700: scale_factor = 0.25 width *= scale_factor height *= scale_factor if radio is 3: plane = py.polyPlane(n=name, ax=(0, 0, 1), w=width, h=height, sx=1, sy=1)[0] py.move(0, (0.5*height), 0, plane) py.xform(plane, piv=(0, -0.5*height, 0)) elif radio is 2: plane = py.polyPlane(n=name, ax=(0, 1, 0), w=width, h=height, sx=1, sy=1)[0] else: plane = py.polyPlane(n=name, ax=(1, 0, 0), w=width, h=height, sx=1, sy=1)[0] py.move(0, (0.5*height), 0, plane) py.xform(plane, piv=(0, -0.5*height, 0)) if flip is True: py.setAttr(plane+'.scaleZ', -1) apply_material(plane, material, freeze=True) reference_layer(plane) return plane
def __bodyCtrl(self): self.bodyCtrl = control.Control(self.side,self.baseName + 'Main',size = self.bodySize * 1.25,aimAxis = self.ctrlAxis) self.bodyCtrl.circleCtrl() #move the target object # midPos = self.fkGuides[(self.segment - 1) / 2].getTranslation(space = 'world') # pm.move(midPos[0],midPos[1],midPos[2] - self.length / 1.5,self.bodyCtrl.controlGrp,a=True) endPos = self.fkGuides[0].getTranslation(space = 'world') pm.move(endPos[0],endPos[1],endPos[2],self.bodyCtrl.controlGrp,a=True) #lock and hide control.lockAndHideAttr(self.bodyCtrl.control,['sx','sy','sz','v']) #add attr control.addFloatAttr(self.bodyCtrl.control,['volume'],0,1) control.addFloatAttr(self.bodyCtrl.control,['ik_vis'],0,1) self.bodyCtrl.control.ik_vis.set(1) #bend pm.addAttr(self.bodyCtrl.control,ln = '______',at = 'enum',en = '0') pm.setAttr(self.bodyCtrl.control + '.______',e = 1,channelBox = 1) control.addFloatAttr(self.bodyCtrl.control, ['bend_up','bend_mid','bend_lo'],-3600,3600) pm.addAttr(self.bodyCtrl.control,ln = '_______',at = 'enum',en = '0') pm.setAttr(self.bodyCtrl.control + '._______',e = 1,channelBox = 1) control.addFloatAttr(self.bodyCtrl.control, ['bend_up_rev','bend_mid_rev','bend_lo_rev'],-3600,3600) #side pm.addAttr(self.bodyCtrl.control,ln = '__________',at = 'enum',en = '0') pm.setAttr(self.bodyCtrl.control + '.__________',e = 1,channelBox = 1) control.addFloatAttr(self.bodyCtrl.control, ['side_up','side_mid','side_lo'],-3600,3600) pm.addAttr(self.bodyCtrl.control,ln = '___________',at = 'enum',en = '0') pm.setAttr(self.bodyCtrl.control + '.___________',e = 1,channelBox = 1) control.addFloatAttr(self.bodyCtrl.control, ['side_up_rev','side_mid_rev','side_lo_rev'],-3600,3600) #twist pm.addAttr(self.bodyCtrl.control,ln = '________',at = 'enum',en = '0') pm.setAttr(self.bodyCtrl.control + '.________',e = 1,channelBox = 1) control.addFloatAttr(self.bodyCtrl.control, ['twist_up','twist_mid','twist_lo'],-3600,3600) pm.addAttr(self.bodyCtrl.control,ln = '_________',at = 'enum',en = '0') pm.setAttr(self.bodyCtrl.control + '._________',e = 1,channelBox = 1) control.addFloatAttr(self.bodyCtrl.control, ['twist_up_rev','twist_mid_rev','twist_lo_rev'],-3600,3600)
def randomize(self, list, transRot): list =, fl = True) rt = self.randSliderT.getValue() rr = self.randSliderR.getValue() for x in list: if transRot == 2 or transRot == 0: pm.move(str(x), random.uniform(-rt*self.TXCheckBox.getValue(),rt*self.TXCheckBox.getValue()), \ random.uniform(-rt*self.TYCheckBox.getValue(),rt*self.TYCheckBox.getValue()), \ random.uniform(-rt*self.TZCheckBox.getValue(),rt*self.TZCheckBox.getValue()), relative = True) if transRot == 2 or transRot == 1: pm.rotate(str(x), [random.uniform(-rr*self.RXCheckBox.getValue(),rr*self.RXCheckBox.getValue()),\ +random.uniform(-rr*self.RYCheckBox.getValue(),rr*self.RYCheckBox.getValue()),\ +random.uniform(-rr*self.RZCheckBox.getValue(),rr*self.RZCheckBox.getValue())], relative = True )
def positionShape(shape, position, offset=[0,0,0]): # check the type of position if (isinstance(position, dt.Vector))==False: if (isinstance(position, list))==False: obj = various.checkObj(position, type=['transform', 'joint']) if obj: position = obj.getTranslation(space='world') else: position = dt.Vector(position) # get difference between the parent of the shape and the global position move = position - pmc.PyNode(shape).getParent().getTranslation(space='world') for vert in various.getAtoms(shape, flat=True): pmc.move(vert, move, relative=True)
def build(self): self.visGuides[0].v.set(0) #vis cc self.visGuidePos = [x.getTranslation(space = 'world') for x in self.visGuides] self.visCtrl = control.Control(self.side,'visibility',self.size) self.visCtrl.visCtrl() pm.move(self.visCtrl.controlGrp,self.visGuidePos[0]) control.addFloatAttr(self.visCtrl.control, ['spine_fk_vis','finger_ctrl_vis','facial_mouth_sec_vis','facial_panel'],0,1) pm.setAttr(self.visCtrl.control.spine_fk_vis,e = 1,cb = True) pm.setAttr(self.visCtrl.control.finger_ctrl_vis,e = 1,cb = True) pm.setAttr(self.visCtrl.control.facial_mouth_sec_vis,e = 1,cb = True) pm.setAttr(self.visCtrl.control.facial_panel,e = 1,cb = True) #build grp self.ALL = = 1,n = nameUtils.getHierachyName(self.characterName,'ALL')) self.TRS = = 1,n = nameUtils.getHierachyName(self.characterName,'TRS')) self.PP = = 1,n = nameUtils.getHierachyName(self.characterName,'PP')) self.SKL = = 1,n = nameUtils.getHierachyName(self.characterName,'SKL')) self.CC = = 1,n = nameUtils.getHierachyName(self.characterName,'CC')) self.IK = = 1,n = nameUtils.getHierachyName(self.characterName,'IK')) self.LOC = = 1,n = nameUtils.getHierachyName(self.characterName,'LOC')) self.GEO = = 1,n = nameUtils.getHierachyName(self.characterName,'GEO')) self.XTR = = 1,n = nameUtils.getHierachyName(self.characterName,'XTR')) self.CSG = = 1,n = nameUtils.getHierachyName(self.characterName,'CSG')) self.GUD = = 1,n = nameUtils.getHierachyName(self.characterName,'GUD')) #set ctrl #set cog self.cogCtrl = control.Control(side = 'm',baseName = self.characterName ,size = self.size,aimAxis = 'y') self.cogCtrl.circleCtrl() self.cogCtrl.controlGrp.setParent(self.ALL) #set grp self.TRS.setParent(self.cogCtrl.control) self.PP.setParent(self.TRS) self.CSG.setParent(self.TRS) self.SKL.setParent(self.PP) self.CC.setParent(self.PP) self.IK.setParent(self.PP) self.LOC.setParent(self.PP) self.GEO.setParent(self.ALL) self.XTR.setParent(self.ALL) self.GUD.setParent(self.ALL) #clean up self.__cleanUp()