コード例 #1
ファイル: animation.py プロジェクト: zewt/pymel
def keyframe(*args, **kwargs):
        - returns an empty list when the result is None
        - if both valueChange and timeChange are queried, the result will be a list of (time,value) pairs
    res = _util.listForNone(cmds.keyframe(*args, **kwargs))
    if kwargs.get('query', kwargs.get('q', False) ) and \
            kwargs.get('valueChange', kwargs.get('vc', False)) and kwargs.get('timeChange', kwargs.get('tc', False)):
        return list(_util.pairIter(res))
    return res
コード例 #2
def keyframe( *args, **kwargs ):
    - returns an empty list when the result is None
    - if both valueChange and timeChange are queried, the result will be a list of (time,value) pairs
    res = _util.listForNone( cmds.keyframe(*args, **kwargs) )
    if kwargs.get('query', kwargs.get('q', False) ) and \
            kwargs.get('valueChange', kwargs.get('vc', False) ) and kwargs.get('timeChange', kwargs.get('tc', False) ):
        return list(_util.pairIter(res))
    return res
コード例 #3
ファイル: allapi.py プロジェクト: zewt/pymel
def toApiObject(nodeName, plugs=True, comps=True, dagPlugs=True):
    # type: (Any, bool, bool, bool) -> None
    """ Get the API MPlug, MObject or (MObject, MComponent) tuple given the name
    of an existing node, attribute, components selection

    plugs : bool
        if True, check if nodeName is an attribute/plug, and if it is, return
        a pair of (MDagPath, MPlug) if it's a dag node and dagPlugs is True,
        or just an MPlug if it's not a dag node or dagPlugs is False
    comps : bool
        if True, check if nodeName is a component name, and if it is, return
        a pair of (MDagPath, MObject), where the MObject contains the component.
    dagPlugs : bool
        if True, plug result will be a tuple of type (MDagPath, MPlug) for dag

    If we were unable to retrieve the node/attribute/etc, returns None. None is
    also returned if name is of the form `validNodeName.invalidAttrOrComponent`,
    or if comps/plugs is False.  That is, if the given name is one that should
    be an attribute or component, it will either return None or the plug or
    component - it should never return just the node.
    # special case check for empty string for speed...
    if not nodeName:
        return None

    # preferPlugs : Optional[bool]
    #     If both plugs and comps are True, and the given nodeName could yield
    #     EITHER a plug or component, then preferPlugs controls which is returned.
    #     If True, then the plug is returned; if False otherwise the component is.

    preferPlugs = True
    # Behavior of MSelectionList.getPlug changed in 2020.1,
    # where it would attempt to find a "related" plug when
    # a component was selected. (Previously, it just
    # errored.)
    import pymel.versions as versions
    if versions.current() >= versions.v2020_1:
        preferPlugs = False

    splitName = nodeName.split('.')
    sel = MSelectionList()
    except Exception:
        if len(splitName) > 1 and plugs:
            # Compound Attributes
            #  sometimes the index might be left off somewhere in a compound attribute
            # (ex 'Nexus.auxiliary.input' instead of 'Nexus.auxiliary[0].input' )
            #  but we can still get a representative plug. this will return the equivalent of 'Nexus.auxiliary[-1].input'
                obj = toApiObject(splitName[0], plugs=False, comps=False)
                if obj is None:
                    return None
                if isinstance(obj, MDagPath):
                    mfn = MFnDagNode(obj)
                    mfn = MFnDependencyNode(obj)
                plug = mfn.findPlug(splitName[-1], False)
                if isinstance(obj, MDagPath) and dagPlugs:
                    return (obj, plug)
                return plug
            except (RuntimeError, ValueError):
        return None

    if sel.length() != 1:
        return None

    if len(splitName) > 1:
        # early out - it's comp or plug name, but they didnt want either!
        if not (plugs or comps):
            return None

        def getAsPlug():
            plug = MPlug()
                sel.getPlug(0, plug)
            except RuntimeError:
                return None
                if dagPlugs and not plug.isNull():
                    # Check if it's a dag node - if so, want to return
                    # (MDagPath, MPlug) pair
                        # Plugs with DagPaths
                        dag = MDagPath()
                        sel.getDagPath(1, dag)

                        # used to be a bug with some types that inherited from DagNode,
                        # but were not compatibile w/ MFnDagNode... these have been
                        # fixed, but we leave check in case another one crops up
                        if not dag.node().hasFn(MFn.kDagNode):
                            obj = MObject()
                            sel.getDependNode(1, obj)
                            return (obj, plug)

                        # if isValidMDagPath(dag) :
                        return (dag, plug)
                    except RuntimeError:
            if plug.isNull():
                return None
            return plug

        def getAsComp():
            # Components
            dag = MDagPath()
            comp = MObject()
                sel.getDagPath(0, dag, comp)
            except RuntimeError:
                return None
            # if not isValidMDagPath(dag) :   return
            if comp.isNull():
                return None
            return (dag, comp)

        getters = []
        if plugs:
        if comps:
        if not preferPlugs:

        for getter in getters:
            result = getter()
            if result is not None:
                return result

        # We've failed to get either a plug or comp...

        # ...but we may have gotten a published container attribute, which
        # auto- magically converts to the contained node it references
        # when added to an MSelectionList
        if len(splitName) == 2:
            # Thankfully, it seems you can't index / get children off an
            # aliased attribute - ie, myNode.myAlias[0] and
            # myNode.myAlias.childAttr don't work, even if myAlias point
            # to a multi / compound attr
            obj = MObject()
                sel.getDependNode(1, obj)
            except RuntimeError:
                # Since it seems there's no api way to get at the plug for
                # a published / aliased container attr, we just check for
                # aliases...
                mfn = MFnDependencyNode(obj)
                aliases = []
                if mfn.getAliasList(aliases):
                    for aliasName, trueName in util.pairIter(aliases):
                        if aliasName == splitName[1]:
                            return toApiObject('.'.join(
                                (splitName[0], trueName)),
        # Ok, nothing worked (plug or comp), but we were given a plug/comp name.
        # Give up and return None
        return None
        # This is not a plug or component name!
            # DagPaths
            dag = MDagPath()
            sel.getDagPath(0, dag)
            # if not isValidMDagPath(dag) : return

            # used to be a bug with some types that inherited from DagNode,
            # but were not compatibile w/ MFnDagNode... these have been
            # fixed, but we leave check in case another one crops up
            if not dag.node().hasFn(MFn.kDagNode):
                raise RuntimeError
            return dag

        except RuntimeError:
            # Objects
            obj = MObject()
            sel.getDependNode(0, obj)
            # if not isValidMObject(obj) : return
            return obj
コード例 #4
ファイル: allapi.py プロジェクト: assumptionsoup/pymel
def toApiObject(nodeName, dagPlugs=True):
    """ Get the API MPlug, MObject or (MObject, MComponent) tuple given the name
    of an existing node, attribute, components selection

    dagPlugs : bool
        if True, plug result will be a tuple of type (MDagPath, MPlug)

    If we were unable to retrieve the node/attribute/etc, returns None
    # special case check for empty string for speed...
    if not nodeName:
        return None

    sel = MSelectionList()
    except Exception:
        if "." in nodeName:
            # Compound Attributes
            #  sometimes the index might be left off somewhere in a compound attribute
            # (ex 'Nexus.auxiliary.input' instead of 'Nexus.auxiliary[0].input' )
            #  but we can still get a representative plug. this will return the equivalent of 'Nexus.auxiliary[-1].input'
                buf = nodeName.split('.')
                obj = toApiObject(buf[0])
                if isinstance(obj, MDagPath):
                    mfn = MFnDagNode(obj)
                    mfn = MFnDependencyNode(obj)
                plug = mfn.findPlug(buf[-1], False)

                if dagPlugs:  # and isValidMDagPath(obj) :
                    return (obj, plug)
                return plug
            except (RuntimeError, ValueError):
        return None
        if sel.length() != 1:
            return None
        if "." in nodeName:
                # Plugs
                plug = MPlug()
                sel.getPlug(0, plug)
                if dagPlugs:
                        # Plugs with DagPaths
                        dag = MDagPath()
                        sel.getDagPath(1, dag)

                        # TODO: if nucleus/symmetryConstraint bug ever fixed:
                        #   - remove entry in apiCache.ApiCache.API_TO_MFN_OVERRIDES
                        #   - remove hard-code setting of Nucleus's parent to DependNode
                        #   - remove 2 checks in allapi.toApiObject for objects which
                        #     can have an MDagPath but can't use MFnDagNode

                        if not dag.node().hasFn(MFn.kDagNode):
                            obj = MObject()
                            sel.getDependNode(1, obj)
                            return (obj, plug)

                        # if isValidMDagPath(dag) :
                        return (dag, plug)
                    except RuntimeError:
                return plug

            except RuntimeError:
                # Components
                dag = MDagPath()
                comp = MObject()
                    sel.getDagPath(0, dag, comp)
                except RuntimeError:
                # if not isValidMDagPath(dag) :   return
                if not comp.isNull():
                    return (dag, comp)
                # We may have gotten a published container attribute, which
                # auto- magically converts to the contained node it references
                # when added to an MSelectionList
                splitName = nodeName.split('.')
                # Thankfully, it seems you can't index / get children off an
                # aliased attribute - ie, myNode.myAlias[0] and
                # myNode.myAlias.childAttr don't work, even if myAlias point
                # to a multi / compound attr
                if len(splitName) == 2:
                    obj = MObject()
                        sel.getDependNode(1, obj)
                    except RuntimeError:
                        # Since it seems there's no api way to get at the plug for
                        # a published / aliased container attr, we just check for
                        # aliases...
                        mfn = MFnDependencyNode(obj)
                        aliases = []
                        if mfn.getAliasList(aliases):
                            for aliasName, trueName in util.pairIter(aliases):
                                if aliasName == splitName[1]:
                                    return toApiObject('.'.join((splitName[0], trueName)))
                # DagPaths
                dag = MDagPath()
                sel.getDagPath(0, dag)
                # if not isValidMDagPath(dag) : return

                # TODO: if nucleus/symmetryConstraint bug ever fixed:
                #   - remove entry in apiCache.ApiCache.API_TO_MFN_OVERRIDES
                #   - remove hard-code setting of Nucleus's parent to DependNode
                #   - remove 2 checks in allapi.toApiObject for objects which
                #     can have an MDagPath but can't use MFnDagNode

                if not dag.node().hasFn(MFn.kDagNode):
                    raise RuntimeError
                return dag

            except RuntimeError:
                # Objects
                obj = MObject()
                sel.getDependNode(0, obj)
                # if not isValidMObject(obj) : return
                return obj
コード例 #5
ファイル: allapi.py プロジェクト: tbarbieri/pymel
def toApiObject(nodeName, dagPlugs=True):
    """ Get the API MPlug, MObject or (MObject, MComponent) tuple given the name of an existing node, attribute, components selection
    if dagPlugs is True, plug result will be a tuple of type (MDagPath, MPlug)
    sel = MSelectionList()
        sel.add( nodeName )
        if "." in nodeName :
            # Compound Attributes
            #  sometimes the index might be left off somewhere in a compound attribute 
            # (ex 'Nexus.auxiliary.input' instead of 'Nexus.auxiliary[0].input' )
            #  but we can still get a representative plug. this will return the equivalent of 'Nexus.auxiliary[-1].input'
                buf = nodeName.split('.')
                obj = toApiObject( buf[0] )
                if isinstance(obj,MDagPath):
                    mfn = MFnDagNode(obj)
                    mfn = MFnDependencyNode(obj)
                plug = mfn.findPlug( buf[-1], False )
                if dagPlugs: # and isValidMDagPath(obj) : 
                    return (obj, plug)
                return plug
            except (RuntimeError,ValueError):
        if sel.length() != 1:
            return None
        if "." in nodeName :
                # Plugs
                plug = MPlug()
                sel.getPlug( 0, plug )
                if dagPlugs:
                        # Plugs with DagPaths
                        sel.add( nodeName.split('.')[0] )
                        dag = MDagPath()
                        sel.getDagPath( 1, dag )
                        #if isValidMDagPath(dag) :
                        return (dag, plug)
                    except RuntimeError: pass
                return plug
            except RuntimeError:
                # Components
                dag = MDagPath()
                comp = MObject()
                    sel.getDagPath( 0, dag, comp )
                except RuntimeError:
                #if not isValidMDagPath(dag) :   return
                if not comp.isNull():
                    return (dag, comp)
                # We may have gotten a published container attribute, which
                # auto- magically converts to the contained node it references
                # when added to an MSelectionList
                splitName = nodeName.split('.')
                # Thankfully, it seems you can't index / get children off an
                # aliased attribute - ie, myNode.myAlias[0] and
                # myNode.myAlias.childAttr don't work, even if myAlias point
                # to a multi / compound attr
                if len(splitName) == 2:
                    obj = MObject()
                        sel.add( splitName[0] )
                        sel.getDependNode(1, obj)
                    except RuntimeError:
                        # Since it seems there's no api way to get at the plug for
                        # a published / aliased container attr, we just check for
                        # aliases...
                        mfn = MFnDependencyNode(obj)
                        aliases = []
                        if mfn.getAliasList(aliases):
                            for aliasName, trueName in util.pairIter(aliases):
                                if aliasName == splitName[1]:
                                    return toApiObject('.'.join( (splitName[0], trueName) ))
                # DagPaths
                dag = MDagPath()
                sel.getDagPath( 0, dag )
                #if not isValidMDagPath(dag) : return
                return dag
            except RuntimeError:
                # Objects
                obj = MObject()
                sel.getDependNode( 0, obj )          
                #if not isValidMObject(obj) : return
                return obj
コード例 #6
def toApiObject(nodeName, dagPlugs=True):
    """ Get the API MPlug, MObject or (MObject, MComponent) tuple given the name
    of an existing node, attribute, components selection

    dagPlugs : bool
        if True, plug result will be a tuple of type (MDagPath, MPlug)

    If we were unable to retrieve the node/attribute/etc, returns None
    # special case check for empty string for speed...
    if not nodeName:
        return None

    sel = MSelectionList()
    except Exception:
        if "." in nodeName:
            # Compound Attributes
            #  sometimes the index might be left off somewhere in a compound attribute
            # (ex 'Nexus.auxiliary.input' instead of 'Nexus.auxiliary[0].input' )
            #  but we can still get a representative plug. this will return the equivalent of 'Nexus.auxiliary[-1].input'
                buf = nodeName.split('.')
                obj = toApiObject(buf[0])
                if isinstance(obj, MDagPath):
                    mfn = MFnDagNode(obj)
                    mfn = MFnDependencyNode(obj)
                plug = mfn.findPlug(buf[-1], False)

                if dagPlugs:  # and isValidMDagPath(obj) :
                    return (obj, plug)
                return plug
            except (RuntimeError, ValueError):
        return None
        if sel.length() != 1:
            return None
        if "." in nodeName:
                # Plugs
                plug = MPlug()
                sel.getPlug(0, plug)
                if dagPlugs:
                        # Plugs with DagPaths
                        dag = MDagPath()
                        sel.getDagPath(1, dag)

                        # TODO: if nucleus/symmetryConstraint bug ever fixed:
                        #   - remove entry in apiCache.ApiCache.API_TO_MFN_OVERRIDES
                        #   - remove hard-code setting of Nucleus's parent to DependNode
                        #   - remove 2 checks in allapi.toApiObject for objects which
                        #     can have an MDagPath but can't use MFnDagNode

                        if not dag.node().hasFn(MFn.kDagNode):
                            obj = MObject()
                            sel.getDependNode(1, obj)
                            return (obj, plug)

                        #if isValidMDagPath(dag) :
                        return (dag, plug)
                    except RuntimeError:
                return plug

            except RuntimeError:
                # Components
                dag = MDagPath()
                comp = MObject()
                    sel.getDagPath(0, dag, comp)
                except RuntimeError:
                #if not isValidMDagPath(dag) :   return
                if not comp.isNull():
                    return (dag, comp)
                # We may have gotten a published container attribute, which
                # auto- magically converts to the contained node it references
                # when added to an MSelectionList
                splitName = nodeName.split('.')
                # Thankfully, it seems you can't index / get children off an
                # aliased attribute - ie, myNode.myAlias[0] and
                # myNode.myAlias.childAttr don't work, even if myAlias point
                # to a multi / compound attr
                if len(splitName) == 2:
                    obj = MObject()
                        sel.getDependNode(1, obj)
                    except RuntimeError:
                        # Since it seems there's no api way to get at the plug for
                        # a published / aliased container attr, we just check for
                        # aliases...
                        mfn = MFnDependencyNode(obj)
                        aliases = []
                        if mfn.getAliasList(aliases):
                            for aliasName, trueName in util.pairIter(aliases):
                                if aliasName == splitName[1]:
                                    return toApiObject('.'.join(
                                        (splitName[0], trueName)))
                # DagPaths
                dag = MDagPath()
                sel.getDagPath(0, dag)
                #if not isValidMDagPath(dag) : return

                # TODO: if nucleus/symmetryConstraint bug ever fixed:
                #   - remove entry in apiCache.ApiCache.API_TO_MFN_OVERRIDES
                #   - remove hard-code setting of Nucleus's parent to DependNode
                #   - remove 2 checks in allapi.toApiObject for objects which
                #     can have an MDagPath but can't use MFnDagNode

                if not dag.node().hasFn(MFn.kDagNode):
                    raise RuntimeError
                return dag

            except RuntimeError:
                # Objects
                obj = MObject()
                sel.getDependNode(0, obj)
                #if not isValidMObject(obj) : return
                return obj