def cuckoo2misp_thread(self, iocs, event): event_id = event['Event']['id'] while iocs: ioc = iocs.pop() if ioc.get("md5"): self.misp.add_hashes(event, md5=ioc["md5"], sha1=ioc["sha1"], sha256=ioc["sha256"] ) elif ioc.get("file_obj", ""): self.add_file(event_id, ioc["path"], ioc["filename"], ioc["file_obj"]) elif ioc.get("domain_obj", ""): template_id = [x['ObjectTemplate']['id'] for x in self.misp.get_object_templates_list() if x['ObjectTemplate']['name'] == 'domain-ip'][0] misp_object = GenericObjectGenerator('domain-ip') misp_object.generate_attributes(json.loads(ioc['domain_obj'])) self.misp.add_object(event_id, template_id, misp_object) self.slaves_id.append(misp_object.uuid) elif ioc.get("uri_obj", ""): template_id = [x['ObjectTemplate']['id'] for x in self.misp.get_object_templates_list() if x['ObjectTemplate']['name'] == 'http-request'][0] misp_object = GenericObjectGenerator('http-request') misp_object.generate_attributes(json.loads(ioc['uri_obj'])) self.misp.add_object(event_id, template_id, misp_object) self.slaves_id.append(misp_object.uuid) elif ioc.get("uri", ""): self.misp.add_url(event, ioc["uri"]) elif ioc.get("mutex", ""): self.misp.add_mutex(event, ioc["mutex"]) elif ioc.get("regkey", ""): self.misp.add_regkey(event, ioc["regkey"])
def build_generic_object(template_name: str, args: List[dict]) -> GenericObjectGenerator: """ Args: template_name: template name as described in args: arguments to create the generic object Returns: GenericObjectGenerator: object created in MISP Example: args should look like: [{'analysis_submitted_at': '2018-06-15T06:40:27'}, {'threat_score': {value=95, to_ids=False}}, {'permalink': ''}, {'heuristic_raw_score': 7.8385159793597}, {'heuristic_score': 96}, {'original_filename': 'juice.exe'}, {'id': '2e445ef5389d8b'}] # guardrails-disable-line """ misp_object = GenericObjectGenerator(template_name) misp_object.generate_attributes(args) return misp_object
def cuckoo2misp_thread(self, iocs, event): event_id = event['Event']['id'] while iocs: ioc = iocs.pop() if ioc.get("md5"): self.misp.add_hashes(event, md5=ioc["md5"], sha1=ioc["sha1"], sha256=ioc["sha256"]) elif ioc.get("file_obj", ""): self.add_file(event_id, ioc["path"], ioc["filename"], ioc["file_obj"]) elif ioc.get("domain_obj", ""): template_id = [ x['ObjectTemplate']['id'] for x in self.misp.get_object_templates_list() if x['ObjectTemplate']['name'] == 'domain-ip' ][0] misp_object = GenericObjectGenerator('domain-ip') misp_object.generate_attributes(json.loads(ioc['domain_obj'])) self.misp.add_object(event_id, template_id, misp_object) self.slaves_id.append(misp_object.uuid) elif ioc.get("uri_obj", ""): template_id = [ x['ObjectTemplate']['id'] for x in self.misp.get_object_templates_list() if x['ObjectTemplate']['name'] == 'http-request' ][0] misp_object = GenericObjectGenerator('http-request') misp_object.generate_attributes(json.loads(ioc['uri_obj'])) self.misp.add_object(event_id, template_id, misp_object) self.slaves_id.append(misp_object.uuid) elif ioc.get("uri", ""): self.misp.add_url(event, ioc["uri"]) elif ioc.get("mutex", ""): self.misp.add_mutex(event, ioc["mutex"]) elif ioc.get("regkey", ""): self.misp.add_regkey(event, ioc["regkey"])
def _add_exploit_poc_template(self, uuid, exploit): """ Adds a new exploit-poc object template to a given event. :param uuid (str): The uuid of the event. :param exploit (dict): Dictionary of an exploit. It needs the following keys: 'file', 'author' and 'description'. """ gen_obj = GenericObjectGenerator('exploit-poc') attributes = [] exploit_file = exploit['file'] with open(os.path.join(self.local_git, exploit_file)) as f: poc = attributes.append({ 'poc': poc, 'references': '{}/tree/master/{}'.format(self.remote_git, exploit_file), 'author': exploit['author'], 'description': exploit['description'] }) gen_obj.generate_attributes(attributes) self.misp.add_object(uuid, gen_obj.template_uuid, gen_obj)
def create_misp_events(config, results): # print(config) # iterate through each row, cleaning multivalue fields and then adding the attributes under same event key # this builds the dict events events = {} for row in results: # Splunk makes a bunch of dumb empty multivalue fields - we filter those out here row = { key: value for key, value in row.items() if not key.startswith("__mv_") } # GEt the specific eventkey if define in Splunk search. Defaults to alert form got above eventkey = config['eventkey'] if eventkey in row: eventkey = row.pop(eventkey) # check if building event has been initiated # if yes simply add attribute entry otherwise collect other metadata # remove fields _time and info from row and keep their values if this is a new event if eventkey in events: event = events[eventkey] artifacts = event['attribute'] if '_time' in row: remove = str(row.pop('_time')) if 'info' in row: remove = row.pop('info') else: event = {} event['eo_count'] = 0 event['fo_count'] = 0 event['no_count'] = 0 artifacts = [] if '_time' in row: event['timestamp'] = str(row.pop('_time')) else: event['timestamp'] = str(int(time.time())) if 'info' in row: event['info'] = row.pop('info') else: event['info'] = config['info'] # collect attribute value and build type=value entry if 'to_ids' in row: if str(row.pop('to_ids')) == 'True': to_ids = True else: to_ids = False else: to_ids = False if 'category' in row: category = str(row.pop('category')) else: category = None # now we take KV pairs starting by misp_ to add to event as single attribute(s) for key, value in row.items(): if key.startswith("misp_") and value != "": misp_key = str(key).replace('misp_', '').replace('_', '-') artifacts.append( store_attribute(misp_key, str(value), to_ids, category)) event['attribute'] = artifacts # now we look for attribute belonging to a file object i.e. on the same row, field(s) start(s) with fo_ fo_list = [] for key, value in row.items(): if key.startswith("fo_") and value != "": fo_key = str(key).replace('fo_', '').replace('_', '-') fo_list.append(store_object_attribute(fo_key, str(value))) if fo_list: event['fo_count'] = event['fo_count'] + 1 my_key = 'fo_' + str(event['fo_count']) event[my_key] = fo_list # then we look for attribute belonging to an email object i.e. on the same row, field(s) start(s) with eo_ eo_list = [] for key, value in row.items(): if key.startswith("eo_") and value != "": eo_key = str(key).replace('eo_', '').replace('_', '-') eo_list.append(store_object_attribute(eo_key, str(value))) if eo_list: event['eo_count'] = event['eo_count'] + 1 my_key = 'eo_' + str(event['eo_count']) event[my_key] = eo_list # finally we look if there is a domain-ip object i.e. on the same row, 2 fields no_domain and no_ip no_list = [] if 'no_domain' in row and 'no_ip' in row: domain = str(row.pop('no_domain')) ip = str(row.pop('no_ip')) if domain != "" and ip != "": no_list.append(store_object_attribute('domain', str(domain))) no_list.append(store_object_attribute('ip', str(ip))) if no_list: event['no_count'] = event['no_count'] + 1 my_key = 'no_' + str(event['no_count']) event[my_key] = no_list events[eventkey] = event # events are prepared; now create them in MISP # print(events) mispsrv = config['mispsrv'] mispkey = config['mispkey'] sslcheck = config['sslcheck'] # connect to misp instance using url, authkey and boolean sslcheck pymisp = init(mispsrv, mispkey, sslcheck) # extract from config and event the values to create events analysis = config['analysis'] distrib = config['distribution'] threat = config['threatlevel'] #iteration in events eventlist = {} for key, event in events.items(): date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int( event['timestamp'])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') info = event['info'] # creqte the event in misp instqnce my_event = create_event(pymisp, distrib, threat, analysis, info, date) # tag the event with TLP level tlp = config['tlp'] # get UUID from new event - required for tag() uuid = my_event['Event']['uuid'] pymisp.tag(uuid, tlp) # add atrributes to event # get ID from new event eid = int(my_event['Event']['id']) # loop for attribute entries # please note that distribution will be force to 5 = inherit - if not provided default to your organisation for a in event['attribute']: updated = add_attribute(pymisp, eid, a['type'], a['value'], a['category'], a['to_ids']) #loop for file object entry if event['fo_count'] > 0: try: template_id = [ x['ObjectTemplate']['id'] for x in pymisp.get_object_templates_list() if x['ObjectTemplate']['name'] == 'file' ][0] fo_record = event['fo_count'] while fo_record > 0: misp_object = GenericObjectGenerator('file') my_key = 'fo_' + str(fo_record) misp_object.generate_attributes(event[my_key]) r = pymisp.add_object(eid, template_id, misp_object) fo_record = fo_record - 1 except IndexError: valid_types = ", ".join([ x['ObjectTemplate']['name'] for x in pymisp.get_object_templates_list() ]) print("Template for type %s not found! Valid types are: %s" % ('file', valid_types)) #loop for email object entry if event['eo_count'] > 0: try: template_id = [ x['ObjectTemplate']['id'] for x in pymisp.get_object_templates_list() if x['ObjectTemplate']['name'] == 'email' ][0] eo_record = event['eo_count'] while eo_record > 0: misp_object = GenericObjectGenerator('email') my_key = 'eo_' + str(eo_record) misp_object.generate_attributes(event[my_key]) r = pymisp.add_object(eid, template_id, misp_object) eo_record = eo_record - 1 except IndexError: valid_types = ", ".join([ x['ObjectTemplate']['name'] for x in pymisp.get_object_templates_list() ]) print("Template for type %s not found! Valid types are: %s" % ('file', valid_types)) #loop for domain-ip object entry if event['no_count'] > 0: try: template_id = [ x['ObjectTemplate']['id'] for x in pymisp.get_object_templates_list() if x['ObjectTemplate']['name'] == 'domain-ip' ][0] no_record = event['no_count'] while no_record > 0: misp_object = GenericObjectGenerator('domain-ip') my_key = 'no_' + str(no_record) misp_object.generate_attributes(event[my_key]) r = pymisp.add_object(eid, template_id, misp_object) no_record = no_record - 1 except IndexError: valid_types = ", ".join([ x['ObjectTemplate']['name'] for x in pymisp.get_object_templates_list() ]) print("Template for type %s not found! Valid types are: %s" % ('file', valid_types)) eventlist['eid'] = uuid return eventlist
""" Sample usage: ./ -e 5065 -t email -l '[{"to": "*****@*****.**"}, {"to": "*****@*****.**"}]' """ if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Create a MISP Object selectable by type starting from a dictionary') parser.add_argument("-e", "--event", required=True, help="Event ID to update") parser.add_argument("-t", "--type", required=True, help="Type of the generic object") parser.add_argument("-l", "--attr_list", required=True, help="List of attributes") args = parser.parse_args() pymisp = PyMISP(misp_url, misp_key, misp_verifycert) template = pymisp.get_object_templates_list() if 'response' in template.keys(): template = template['response'] try: template_ids = [x['ObjectTemplate']['id'] for x in template if x['ObjectTemplate']['name'] == args.type] if len(template_ids) > 0: template_id = template_ids[0] else: raise IndexError except IndexError: valid_types = ", ".join([x['ObjectTemplate']['name'] for x in template]) print ("Template for type %s not found! Valid types are: %s" % (args.type, valid_types)) exit() misp_object = GenericObjectGenerator(args.type.replace("|", "-")) misp_object.generate_attributes(json.loads(args.attr_list)) r = pymisp.add_object(args.event, template_id, misp_object)
if not args.dryrun: new_event = pymisp.add_event(event) if 'errors' in new_event.keys(): log.critical('Error creating the new event. {}'.format(new_event['errors'][2])) exit(1) # # Get the ID of the new event for later args.event = new_event['Event']['uuid']'New event created: {}'.format(args.event)) # # Add Objects to existing Event for i, o in enumerate(objects, 1): misp_object = GenericObjectGenerator(o['object'], misp_objects_path_custom=args.custom_objects_path) try: misp_object.generate_attributes(o['attributes']) except NewAttributeError as e: log.critical('Error creating attributes, often this is due to custom objects being used. Error: {}'.format(e)) exit(1) # # Add distribution if it has been set try: misp_object.distribution = o.get('object_distribution') except: pass # # Add comment to object if it has been set try: misp_object.comment = o.get('object_comment') except: pass # # Just print the object if --dryrun has been used if args.dryrun:'Adding object ({}): {}'.format(o['object'], misp_object.to_json())) continue
help="Event ID to update") parser.add_argument("-t", "--type", required=True, help="Type of the generic object") parser.add_argument("-l", "--attr_list", required=True, help="List of attributes") args = parser.parse_args() pymisp = PyMISP(misp_url, misp_key, misp_verifycert) try: template_id = [ x['ObjectTemplate']['id'] for x in pymisp.get_object_templates_list() if x['ObjectTemplate']['name'] == args.type ][0] except IndexError: valid_types = ", ".join([ x['ObjectTemplate']['name'] for x in pymisp.get_object_templates_list() ]) print("Template for type %s not found! Valid types are: %s" % (args.type, valid_types)) exit() misp_object = GenericObjectGenerator(args.type.replace("|", "-")) misp_object.generate_attributes(json.loads(args.attr_list)) r = pymisp.add_object(args.event, template_id, misp_object)