コード例 #1
assert (rq.function_code < 0x80)  # test that we are not an error
assert (rr.registers[0] == 10)  # test the expected value

log.debug("Write to multiple holding registers and read back")
rq = client.write_registers(1, [10] * 8, unit=1)
rr = client.read_holding_registers(1, 8, unit=1)
assert (rq.function_code < 0x80)  # test that we are not an error
assert (rr.registers == [10] * 8)  # test the expected value

log.debug("Read input registers")
rr = client.read_input_registers(1, 8, unit=1)
assert (rq.function_code < 0x80)  # test that we are not an error

arguments = {
    'read_address': 1,
    'read_count': 8,
    'write_address': 1,
    'write_registers': [20] * 8,
log.debug("Read write registeres simulataneously")
rq = client.readwrite_registers(unit=1, **arguments)
rr = client.read_holding_registers(1, 8, unit=1)
assert (rq.function_code < 0x80)  # test that we are not an error
assert (rq.registers == [20] * 8)  # test the expected value
assert (rr.registers == [20] * 8)  # test the expected value

# close the client
コード例 #2
def run_sync_client():
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    # choose the client you want
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    # make sure to start an implementation to hit against. For this
    # you can use an existing device, the reference implementation in the tools
    # directory, or start a pymodbus server.
    # If you use the UDP or TCP clients, you can override the framer being used
    # to use a custom implementation (say RTU over TCP). By default they use
    # the socket framer::
    #    client = ModbusClient('localhost', port=5020, framer=ModbusRtuFramer)
    # It should be noted that you can supply an ipv4 or an ipv6 host address
    # for both the UDP and TCP clients.
    # There are also other options that can be set on the client that controls
    # how transactions are performed. The current ones are:
    # * retries - Specify how many retries to allow per transaction (default=3)
    # * retry_on_empty - Is an empty response a retry (default = False)
    # * source_address - Specifies the TCP source address to bind to
    # * strict - Applicable only for Modbus RTU clients.
    #            Adheres to modbus protocol for timing restrictions
    #            (default = True).
    #            Setting this to False would disable the inter char timeout
    #            restriction (t1.5) for Modbus RTU
    # Here is an example of using these options::
    #    client = ModbusClient('localhost', retries=3, retry_on_empty=True)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    client = ModbusClient('localhost', port=5020)
    # from pymodbus.transaction import ModbusRtuFramer
    # client = ModbusClient('localhost', port=5020, framer=ModbusRtuFramer)
    # client = ModbusClient(method='binary', port='/dev/ptyp0', timeout=1)
    # client = ModbusClient(method='ascii', port='/dev/ptyp0', timeout=1)
    # client = ModbusClient(method='rtu', port='/dev/ptyp0', timeout=1,
    #                       baudrate=9600)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    # specify slave to query
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    # The slave to query is specified in an optional parameter for each
    # individual request. This can be done by specifying the `unit` parameter
    # which defaults to `0x00`
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    log.debug("Reading Coils")
    rr = client.read_coils(1, 1, unit=UNIT)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # example requests
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # simply call the methods that you would like to use. An example session
    # is displayed below along with some assert checks. Note that some modbus
    # implementations differentiate holding/input discrete/coils and as such
    # you will not be able to write to these, therefore the starting values
    # are not known to these tests. Furthermore, some use the same memory
    # blocks for the two sets, so a change to one is a change to the other.
    # Keep both of these cases in mind when testing as the following will
    # _only_ pass with the supplied asynchronous modbus server (script supplied).
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    log.debug("Write to a Coil and read back")
    rq = client.write_coil(0, True, unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.read_coils(0, 1, unit=UNIT)
    assert(not rq.isError())     # test that we are not an error
    assert(rr.bits[0] == True)          # test the expected value

    log.debug("Write to multiple coils and read back- test 1")
    rq = client.write_coils(1, [True]*8, unit=UNIT)
    assert(not rq.isError())     # test that we are not an error
    rr = client.read_coils(1, 21, unit=UNIT)
    assert(not rr.isError())     # test that we are not an error
    resp = [True]*21

    # If the returned output quantity is not a multiple of eight,
    # the remaining bits in the final data byte will be padded with zeros
    # (toward the high order end of the byte).

    assert(rr.bits == resp)         # test the expected value

    log.debug("Write to multiple coils and read back - test 2")
    rq = client.write_coils(1, [False]*8, unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.read_coils(1, 8, unit=UNIT)
    assert(not rq.isError())     # test that we are not an error
    assert(rr.bits == [False]*8)         # test the expected value

    log.debug("Read discrete inputs")
    rr = client.read_discrete_inputs(0, 8, unit=UNIT)
    assert(not rq.isError())     # test that we are not an error

    log.debug("Write to a holding register and read back")
    rq = client.write_register(1, 10, unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.read_holding_registers(1, 1, unit=UNIT)
    assert(not rq.isError())     # test that we are not an error
    assert(rr.registers[0] == 10)       # test the expected value

    log.debug("Write to multiple holding registers and read back")
    rq = client.write_registers(1, [10]*8, unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.read_holding_registers(1, 8, unit=UNIT)
    assert(not rq.isError())     # test that we are not an error
    assert(rr.registers == [10]*8)      # test the expected value

    log.debug("Read input registers")
    rr = client.read_input_registers(1, 8, unit=UNIT)
    assert(not rq.isError())     # test that we are not an error

    arguments = {
        'read_address':    1,
        'read_count':      8,
        'write_address':   1,
        'write_registers': [20]*8,
    log.debug("Read write registeres simulataneously")
    rq = client.readwrite_registers(unit=UNIT, **arguments)
    rr = client.read_holding_registers(1, 8, unit=UNIT)
    assert(not rq.isError())     # test that we are not an error
    assert(rq.registers == [20]*8)      # test the expected value
    assert(rr.registers == [20]*8)      # test the expected value

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # close the client
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
コード例 #3
rr = client.read_discrete_inputs(1,8)
assert(rq.function_code < 0x80)     # test that we are not an error
assert(rr.bits == [True]*8)         # test the expected value

rq = client.write_register(1, 10)
rr = client.read_holding_registers(1,1)
assert(rq.function_code < 0x80)     # test that we are not an error
assert(rr.registers[0] == 10)       # test the expected value

rq = client.write_registers(1, [10]*8)
rr = client.read_input_registers(1,8)
assert(rq.function_code < 0x80)     # test that we are not an error
assert(rr.registers == [17]*8)      # test the expected value

arguments = {
    'read_address':    1,
    'read_count':      8,
    'write_address':   1,
    'write_registers': [20]*8,
rq = client.readwrite_registers(**arguments)
rr = client.read_input_registers(1,8)
assert(rq.function_code < 0x80)     # test that we are not an error
assert(rq.registers == [20]*8)      # test the expected value
assert(rr.registers == [17]*8)      # test the expected value

# close the client
コード例 #4
rq = client.write_coils(1, [True] * 8)
rr = client.read_coils(1, 8)
##assert(rq.function_code < 0x80)     # test that we are not an error
##assert(rr.bits == [True]*8)         # test the expected value

rq = client.write_coils(1, [False] * 8)
rr = client.read_discrete_inputs(1, 8)
##assert(rq.function_code < 0x80)     # test that we are not an error
##assert(rr.bits == [False]*8)        # test the expected value

rq = client.write_register(1, 10)
rr = client.read_holding_registers(1, 1)
##assert(rq.function_code < 0x80)     # test that we are not an error
##assert(rr.registers[0] == 10)       # test the expected value

rq = client.write_registers(1, [10] * 8)
rr = client.read_input_registers(1, 8)
##assert(rq.function_code < 0x80)     # test that we are not an error
##assert(rr.registers == [10]*8)      # test the expected value

rq = client.readwrite_registers(1, [20] * 8)
rr = client.read_input_registers(1, 8)
##assert(rq.function_code < 0x80)     # test that we are not an error
##assert(rr.registers == [20]*8)      # test the expected value

# close the client
コード例 #5
assert(rq.function_code < 0x80)     # test that we are not an error
assert(rr.registers[0] == 10)       # test the expected value

log.debug("Write to multiple holding registers and read back")
rq = client.write_registers(1, [10]*8, unit=1)
rr = client.read_holding_registers(1, 8, unit=1)
assert(rq.function_code < 0x80)     # test that we are not an error
assert(rr.registers == [10]*8)      # test the expected value

log.debug("Read input registers")
rr = client.read_input_registers(1, 8, unit=1)
assert(rq.function_code < 0x80)     # test that we are not an error

arguments = {
    'read_address':    1,
    'read_count':      8,
    'write_address':   1,
    'write_registers': [20]*8,
log.debug("Read write registeres simulataneously")
rq = client.readwrite_registers(unit=1, **arguments)
rr = client.read_holding_registers(1, 8, unit=1)
assert(rq.function_code < 0x80)     # test that we are not an error
assert(rq.registers == [20]*8)      # test the expected value
assert(rr.registers == [20]*8)      # test the expected value

# close the client
コード例 #6
def run_sync_client():
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------# 
    # choose the client you want
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------# 
    # make sure to start an implementation to hit against. For this
    # you can use an existing device, the reference implementation in the tools
    # directory, or start a pymodbus server.
    # If you use the UDP or TCP clients, you can override the framer being used
    # to use a custom implementation (say RTU over TCP). By default they use
    # the socket framer::
    #    client = ModbusClient('localhost', port=5020, framer=ModbusRtuFramer)
    # It should be noted that you can supply an ipv4 or an ipv6 host address
    # for both the UDP and TCP clients.
    # There are also other options that can be set on the client that controls
    # how transactions are performed. The current ones are:
    # * retries - Specify how many retries to allow per transaction (default=3)
    # * retry_on_empty - Is an empty response a retry (default = False)
    # * source_address - Specifies the TCP source address to bind to
    # Here is an example of using these options::
    #    client = ModbusClient('localhost', retries=3, retry_on_empty=True)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------# 
    client = ModbusClient('localhost', port=5020)
    # client = ModbusClient(method='ascii', port='/dev/pts/2', timeout=1)
    # client = ModbusClient(method='rtu', port='/dev/ttyp0', timeout=1)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------# 
    # specify slave to query
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------# 
    # The slave to query is specified in an optional parameter for each
    # individual request. This can be done by specifying the `unit` parameter
    # which defaults to `0x00`
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    log.debug("Reading Coils")
    rr = client.read_coils(1, 1, unit=0x01)
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # example requests
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # simply call the methods that you would like to use. An example session
    # is displayed below along with some assert checks. Note that some modbus
    # implementations differentiate holding/input discrete/coils and as such
    # you will not be able to write to these, therefore the starting values
    # are not known to these tests. Furthermore, some use the same memory
    # blocks for the two sets, so a change to one is a change to the other.
    # Keep both of these cases in mind when testing as the following will
    # _only_ pass with the supplied async modbus server (script supplied).
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    log.debug("Write to a Coil and read back")
    rq = client.write_coil(0, True, unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.read_coils(0, 1, unit=UNIT)
    assert(rq.function_code < 0x80)     # test that we are not an error
    assert(rr.bits[0] == True)          # test the expected value
    log.debug("Write to multiple coils and read back- test 1")
    rq = client.write_coils(1, [True]*8, unit=UNIT)
    assert(rq.function_code < 0x80)     # test that we are not an error
    rr = client.read_coils(1, 21, unit=UNIT)
    assert(rr.function_code < 0x80)     # test that we are not an error
    resp = [True]*21
    # If the returned output quantity is not a multiple of eight,
    # the remaining bits in the final data byte will be padded with zeros
    # (toward the high order end of the byte).
    assert(rr.bits == resp)         # test the expected value
    log.debug("Write to multiple coils and read back - test 2")
    rq = client.write_coils(1, [False]*8, unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.read_coils(1, 8, unit=UNIT)
    assert(rq.function_code < 0x80)     # test that we are not an error
    assert(rr.bits == [False]*8)         # test the expected value
    log.debug("Read discrete inputs")
    rr = client.read_discrete_inputs(0, 8, unit=UNIT)
    assert(rq.function_code < 0x80)     # test that we are not an error
    log.debug("Write to a holding register and read back")
    rq = client.write_register(1, 10, unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.read_holding_registers(1, 1, unit=UNIT)
    assert(rq.function_code < 0x80)     # test that we are not an error
    assert(rr.registers[0] == 10)       # test the expected value
    log.debug("Write to multiple holding registers and read back")
    rq = client.write_registers(1, [10]*8, unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.read_holding_registers(1, 8, unit=UNIT)
    assert(rq.function_code < 0x80)     # test that we are not an error
    assert(rr.registers == [10]*8)      # test the expected value
    log.debug("Read input registers")
    rr = client.read_input_registers(1, 8, unit=UNIT)
    assert(rq.function_code < 0x80)     # test that we are not an error
    arguments = {
        'read_address':    1,
        'read_count':      8,
        'write_address':   1,
        'write_registers': [20]*8,
    log.debug("Read write registeres simulataneously")
    rq = client.readwrite_registers(unit=UNIT, **arguments)
    rr = client.read_holding_registers(1, 8, unit=UNIT)
    assert(rq.function_code < 0x80)     # test that we are not an error
    assert(rq.registers == [20]*8)      # test the expected value
    assert(rr.registers == [20]*8)      # test the expected value
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # close the client
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #