コード例 #1
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: pslacerda/pymol-labimm
 def collect_ftmap(cls):
     """Collect cluster objects from an FTMap session."""
     for obj in pm.get_object_list():
         if obj.endswith(".pdb"):
             new_name = obj[:-4].replace("crosscluster", "consensus")
             pm.set_name(obj, new_name)
     yield from cls.collect()
コード例 #2
def cell_shift(object, dX, dY, dZ, rename = 1):
    if rename:
        oldName = object.split("_")
        oldPre = oldName[0]
        oldX = int(oldName[1])
        oldY = int(oldName[2])
        oldZ = int(oldName[3])
        newX = "_" + str(int(dX) + oldX)
        newY = "_" + str(int(dY) + oldY)
        newZ = "_" + str(int(dZ) + oldZ)
        newName = oldPre + newX + newY + newZ
        #if cmd.get_names().find(newName) != -1:
        #    print "Symmetry partner already exists in destination position!"
        #    quit()
        cmd.set_name(object, newName)
	object = newName
    stored.shift = [float(dX),float(dY),float(dZ)]
    stored.sgInfo = cmd.get_symmetry(object)
    a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma = stored.sgInfo[0:6]
    ca = math.cos(math.radians(alpha))
    cb = math.cos(math.radians(beta))
    cg = math.cos(math.radians(gamma))
    sb = math.sin(math.radians(beta))
    sg = math.sin(math.radians(gamma))
    stored.fracToOrt = N.array([[a, b * cg, c * cb], 
                                [0.0, b * sg, c * (ca - cb * cg) / sg], 
                                [0.0, 0.0, c * sb * math.sqrt(1.0 - ((cb * cg - ca) / (sb * sg))**2)]])
    stored.fracToOrt = stored.fracToOrt.transpose()
    stored.ortToFrac = inv(stored.fracToOrt)
    cmd.cell_shift_helper = cell_shift_helper
    cmd.alter_state(1, object, "x,y,z = cmd.cell_shift_helper([x,y,z],stored.shift)")
コード例 #3
def build_seq(name, seq,ss=None,phi=None,psi=None):
  usage: build_seq name, seq [, ss=helix | phi=phi, psi=psi]
  example: build_seq peptide, QGAADLESLGQYFEEMKTKLIQDMTE, ss=helix 

  will build the above sequence in a helical conformation
  ss can be: helix or h or alpha  (phi=-57, psi=-47)
             antiparallel or beta (phi=-139, psi=-135)
             parallel             (phi=-119, psi=113)
             3/10 helix           (phi=-40.7,psi=30)
             polypro              (phi=-78, psi=149) (polyproline helix type II)

  Alternatively, you can specify the phi and psi angles directly:

  build_seq peptide, QGAADLESLGQ, phi=-60, psi=-40

  This will create an object with the name you provided, unless
  unless that selection already exists, then it will build onto that.


  if name in cmd.get_names("selections"):

  if phi == None or psi == None:
    if ss == None:
      phi = -139
      psi = -135
      ss = ss.lower()
      if ss[0:5] == 'helix' or ss[0] == 'h' or ss[0:5] == 'alpha':
        phi = -57
        psi = -47
      elif ss[0:5] == 'antip' or ss[0:4] == 'beta':
        phi = -139
        psi = -135
      elif ss[0:5] == 'paral':
        phi = -119
        psi = 113
      elif ss[0:4] == '3/10':
        phi = -40.7
        psi = -30
      elif ss[0:7] == 'polypro':
        phi = -78
        psi = 149

  print "Building sequence: ",seq

  ### Here seq_convert is used ###
#  seq3=seq_convert.seq1_to_seq3(seq)
  for aa in seq3[1:]:
    aa = aa.lower()
  cmd.set_name(seq3[0].lower(), name)
コード例 #4
def draw_ENM(structure_filepath, script_filepath, structure_name="CAonly", output_dir='.', view=None):
    """ Draws elastic network model of a structure and saves image.

    cmd.load(structure_filepath, "CAonly")

    # Set name
    if structure_name == "CAonly":
        cmd.set_name("CAonly", structure_name)

    # Set view
    if view == None:
    cmd.viewport(width=1200, height=1200)

    png_filepath = os.path.join(output_dir, structure_name) + ".png"
    pse_filepath = os.path.join(output_dir, structure_name) + ".pse"

    cmd.set('ray_opaque_background', 0)
    cmd.png(png_filepath, width=1200, height=1200, ray=1)

    return (pse_filepath, png_filepath)
コード例 #5
def load_rep(target, offtarget):
    tprot = target[0]
    tprot_type = target[1]
    tligs = target[2:]

    cmd.load(tprot, tprot_type)
    for lig in tligs:
        cmd.load(lig, '%s_poses' % tprot_type[0])
    ligand_cartoon('(%s_poses or %s)' % (tprot_type[0], tprot_type))
    cmd.set_name('polar_contacts', '%s_polar_contacts' % tprot_type[0])
    util.cbag('(%s_poses or %s)' % (tprot_type[0], tprot_type))
    if offtarget:
        oprot = offtarget[0]
        oprot_type = offtarget[1]
        oligs = offtarget[2:]

        cmd.load(oprot, 'Off-Target')
        for lig in oligs:
            cmd.load(lig, 'O_poses')
        ligand_cartoon('(O_poses or Off-Target)')
        cmd.set_name('polar_contacts', 'O_polar_contacts')
        util.cbam('(O_poses or Off-Target)')
    # cmd.bg_color('white')
    # representation(rep)
    cmd.remove("all & hydro & not nbr. (don.|acc.)")
コード例 #6
def select_catres(selection):
    """ Makes individual selections, each one containing all residues of the same
    index (in the PDB) from all objects."""

    groups = defaultdict(list)
    for obj in cmd.get_object_list(f'{selection}'):
        stored.ranked_atoms = {}
        cmd.iterate(obj, "stored.ranked_atoms[rank] = (f'/{model}//{chain}/{resi}', type)")

        # Make a list of residue selections, in the same order as in the PDB
        residues = []
        for k,v in sorted(stored.ranked_atoms.items()):
            if v[1] == 'HETATM':
            if v[0] not in residues:

        for i, sele in enumerate(residues):

    # Now make group selections
    for i,reslist in groups.items():
        selection_name = f'catres_{i}'
        cmd.select('temp', 'none')
        for sele in reslist:
            cmd.select('cur', sele)
            cmd.select('temp', '(temp) or (cur)')
        cmd.set_name('temp', selection_name)
コード例 #7
ファイル: IOFile.py プロジェクト: speleo3/NRGsuite
    def Btn_ExtractLigand_Clicked(self):

        state = cmd.get_state()

        # Get the Drop Down List Selection Name
        ddlSelection = self.defaultOption.get()

        if ddlSelection == '' or self.Validate_ObjectSelection(
                ddlSelection, 'Ligand', state):

        LigandPath = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(
            filetypes=[('PDB File', '*.pdb')],
            title='Save the PDB File',

        if len(LigandPath) > 0:

            LigandPath = os.path.normpath(LigandPath)

            if General.validate_String(LigandPath, '.pdb', True, False, True):
                    "  ERROR: Could not save the file because you entered an invalid name.",

            if self.top.ValidateSaveProject(LigandPath, 'Ligand'):
                    "  ERROR: The file can only be saved at its default location",

                cmd.save(LigandPath, ddlSelection, state)
                LigandName = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(LigandPath)[0])

                cmd.extract(self.ExtractObject, ddlSelection)
                cmd.set_name(self.ExtractObject, LigandName)

                if ddlSelection != LigandName:
                    # as if the object was renamed, delete the object

                    "  ERROR: An error occured while extracting the ligand object.",



                '  Successfully extracted the ligand:  ' +
                self.LigandName.get() + "'", 0)
コード例 #8
def build_seq(name, seq, ss=None, phi=None, psi=None):
  usage: build_seq name, seq [, ss=helix | phi=phi, psi=psi]
  example: build_seq peptide, QGAADLESLGQYFEEMKTKLIQDMTE, ss=helix 

  will build the above sequence in a helical conformation
  ss can be: helix or h or alpha  (phi=-57, psi=-47)
             antiparallel or beta (phi=-139, psi=-135)
             parallel             (phi=-119, psi=113)
             3/10 helix           (phi=-40.7,psi=30)
             polypro              (phi=-78, psi=149) (polyproline helix type II)

  Alternatively, you can specify the phi and psi angles directly:

  build_seq peptide, QGAADLESLGQ, phi=-60, psi=-40

  This will create an object with the name you provided, unless
  unless that selection already exists, then it will build onto that.


    if name in cmd.get_names("selections"):
        obj = 'pk1'
        obj = seq[0:3]

    if phi == None or psi == None:
        if ss == None:
            phi = -139
            psi = -135
            ss = ss.lower()
            if ss[0:5] == 'helix' or ss[0] == 'h' or ss[0:5] == 'alpha':
                phi = -57
                psi = -47
            elif ss[0:5] == 'antip' or ss[0:4] == 'beta':
                phi = -139
                psi = -135
            elif ss[0:5] == 'paral':
                phi = -119
                psi = 113
            elif ss[0:4] == '3/10':
                phi = -40.7
                psi = -30
            elif ss[0:7] == 'polypro':
                phi = -78
                psi = 149

    print "Building sequence: ", seq

    ### Here seq_convert is used ###
    #  seq3=seq_convert.seq1_to_seq3(seq)
    seq3 = seq1_to_seq3(seq)
    attach_amino_acid(obj, seq3[0].lower(), phi, psi)
    for aa in seq3[1:]:
        aa = aa.lower()
        attach_amino_acid('pk1', aa, phi, psi)
    cmd.set_name(seq3[0].lower(), name)
コード例 #9
def cell_shift(object, dX, dY, dZ, rename=1):
    if rename:
        oldName = object.split("_")
        oldPre = oldName[0]
        oldX = int(oldName[1])
        oldY = int(oldName[2])
        oldZ = int(oldName[3])
        newX = "_" + str(int(dX) + oldX)
        newY = "_" + str(int(dY) + oldY)
        newZ = "_" + str(int(dZ) + oldZ)
        newName = oldPre + newX + newY + newZ
        #if cmd.get_names().find(newName) != -1:
        #    print "Symmetry partner already exists in destination position!"
        #    quit()
        cmd.set_name(object, newName)
        object = newName
    stored.shift = [float(dX), float(dY), float(dZ)]
    stored.sgInfo = cmd.get_symmetry(object)
    a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma = stored.sgInfo[0:6]
    ca = math.cos(math.radians(alpha))
    cb = math.cos(math.radians(beta))
    cg = math.cos(math.radians(gamma))
    sb = math.sin(math.radians(beta))
    sg = math.sin(math.radians(gamma))
    stored.fracToOrt = N.array(
        [[a, b * cg, c * cb], [0.0, b * sg, c * (ca - cb * cg) / sg],
         [0.0, 0.0,
          c * sb * math.sqrt(1.0 - ((cb * cg - ca) / (sb * sg))**2)]])
    stored.fracToOrt = stored.fracToOrt.transpose()
    stored.ortToFrac = inv(stored.fracToOrt)
    cmd.cell_shift_helper = cell_shift_helper
    cmd.alter_state(1, object,
                    "x,y,z = cmd.cell_shift_helper([x,y,z],stored.shift)")
コード例 #10
ファイル: creating.py プロジェクト: av-hub/pymol-testing
 def testGroupRename(self):
     Rename group entries which have a group name prefix when renaming the group
     cmd.set('group_auto_mode', 2)
     cmd.set_name('g1', 'g2')
     m_list = []
     cmd.iterate('g2', 'm_list.append(model)', space=locals())
     self.assertItemsEqual(m_list, ['g2.m1', 'g2.m2'])
コード例 #11
def builder(residues, bonds, mol_name):
    """Using the list generated by read_input connects monosacharides in 
    a single oligosaccharide"""
    cmd.set('suspend_updates', 'on')
    cmd.feedback('disable', 'executive', 'actions')
    every_object = cmd.get_object_list('all')
    if mol_name in every_object:
    if every_object:
        sel = 'not (' + ' or '.join(every_object) + ') and'
        sel = ''
    for i in range(0, len(residues)):
        res_name = residues[i]
        cmd.load(os.path.join(path, 'db_glycans', '%s.pdb' % res_name))
                     i)  #rename object (necessary to avoid repeating names)
        cmd.alter(i, 'resi = %s' % i)  #name residues for further referencing
    for i in range(0, len(bonds)):
        resi_i, resi_j, atom_i, atom_j = bonds[i][0], bonds[i][2], bonds[i][
            4], bonds[i][5]
        if atom_i > atom_j:
            cmd.remove('%s (resi %s and name O%s+H%so)' %
                       (sel, resi_j, atom_j, atom_j))
            cmd.remove('%s (resi %s and name H%so)' % (sel, resi_i, atom_i))
            cmd.fuse('%s (resi %s and name O%s)' % (sel, resi_i, atom_i),
                     '%s (resi %s and name C%s)' % (sel, resi_j, atom_j),
            cmd.remove('%s (resi %s and name O%s+H%so)' %
                       (sel, resi_i, atom_i, atom_i))
            cmd.remove('%s (resi %s and name H%so)' % (sel, resi_j, atom_j))
            cmd.fuse('%s (resi %s and name C%s)' % (sel, resi_i, atom_i),
                     '%s (resi %s and name O%s)' % (sel, resi_j, atom_j),
        cmd.delete('%s' % i)
    cmd.copy(mol_name, '%s' % resi_j)
    cmd.delete('%s' % resi_j)
    for i in range(0, len(bonds)):
        set_phi(mol_name, bonds[i], -60)
        set_psi(mol_name, bonds[i], 120)
    if babel:
        fast_min(mol_name, 5000)
        fast_min(mol_name, 5000)
    cmd.feedback('enable', 'executive', 'actions')
    cmd.set('suspend_updates', 'off')
コード例 #12
    def _add_vis(self, mymol, row, l_cgo):
        mycolind = int((np.sign(row.sdiff) + 1) / 2)
        if self.df_rgn_seg_res_bb is None:
                "/%s/%s and i. %d and name ca" % (mymol, row.seg1, row.res1))
                "/%s/%s and i. %d and name ca" % (mymol, row.seg2, row.res2))
            df_unique_rgnsegbb = self.df_rgn_seg_res_bb[["seg"
            for myrgn in [row.rgn1, row.rgn2]:
                selstr = "/%s and (" % (mymol)
                for sindex, srow in df_unique_rgnsegbb.iterrows():
                    df_sel = self.df_rgn_seg_res_bb.query(
                        "rgn == '%s' and seg == '%s'" % (myrgn, srow.seg))
                    if df_sel.shape[0] > 0:
                        selstr += "(c. %s and i. %s) or" % (srow.seg, "+".join(
                            [str(x) for x in df_sel.res.values[0]]))
                selstr = selstr[:-3] + ")"
                cmd.select("%s" % myrgn, selstr)
            cmd.set_name("%s" % row.rgn1, "sel1")
            cmd.set_name("%s" % row.rgn2, "sel2")

        count1 = cmd.count_atoms("sel1")
        count2 = cmd.count_atoms("sel2")
        if 0 in [count1, count2]:
            raise ValueError(
                "ZeroCount: count(%s.%d.%s.ca): %d, count(%s.%d.%s.ca): %d" %
                (row.seg1, row.res1, row.rnm1, count1, row.seg2, row.res2,
                 row.rnm2, count2))
            com("sel1", state=1)
            #cmd.color(self.sgn2col[mycolind], "sel1")
            coord1 = cmd.get_model("sel1_COM", state=1).atom[0].coord
            com("sel2", state=1)
            #cmd.color(self.sgn2col[mycolind], "sel2")
            coord2 = cmd.get_model("sel2_COM", state=1).atom[0].coord
            l_cgo += [ \
                LINEWIDTH, self.linewidth, \
                BEGIN, LINES, \
                COLOR, self.l_r[mycolind], self.l_g[mycolind], self.l_b[mycolind], \
                VERTEX,   coord1[0], coord1[1],coord1[2], \
                VERTEX,   coord2[0], coord2[1],coord2[2], \
                END \
            cmd.show("sticks", "sel1")
            cmd.show("sticks", "sel2")
コード例 #13
	def setNative(self, base=""):

		# --- get last structure --- #
		if base == "":
			sess = cmd.get_session()
			for i in sess["names"]:
				if type(i) is ListType:
					base = i[0]

		cmd.set_name(base, "native")
		file = base + ".pdb"
コード例 #14
ファイル: visualize.py プロジェクト: czodrowskilab/VSFlow
def export_pymol(file1, file2):
    py_object1 = file1.rsplit(".sdf", maxsplit=1)[0]
    py_object2 = file2.rsplit(".sdf", maxsplit=1)[0]
    pref1 = py_object1.split("/")[-1]
    pref2 = py_object2.split("/")[-1]
    cmd.set_name(pref1, "query_conf")
コード例 #15
	def setDesigned(self, base=""):
		# --- get last structure --- #
		if base == "":
			sess = cmd.get_session()
			for i in sess["names"]:
				if type(i) is ListType:
					base = i[0]

		file = base + ".pdb"
		cmd.set_name(base, "designed")
コード例 #16
ファイル: saspy.py プロジェクト: emblsaxs/saspy
 def getListOfModels(self):
     #models can not contain the underscore character '_'
     #this is a Pmw limitation, but PyMOL does add such
     #characters often
     initialList = cmd.get_object_list()
     outputList = list();
     for m in initialList:
         if '_' in m:
             newName = m.translate(None,"_")
             message("WARNING Renaming model \'"+m+ "\' to \'"+ newName+"\'")
             m = newName
     return outputList
コード例 #17
def main(design_path, original_pdbs_directory='pdb'):
    """loads to the pymol session the original blades of the design.
        design_path: path to the wanted design
	original_pdbs_directory: path to directory where all  pdbs are 
    segment_count = 0
    for line in open(design_path):
        if line.startswith('segment_') and 'frm' not in line:
            segment_count += 1
            original = line.split()[-1]
            name = '{}_{}'.format(segment_count, original)
            print name
            cmd.load('{}/{}.pdb'.format(original_pdbs_directory, original))
            cmd.set_name(original, name)
コード例 #18
ファイル: IOFile.py プロジェクト: NRGlab/NRGsuite
    def Btn_ExtractLigand_Clicked(self):
        state = cmd.get_state()

        # Get the Drop Down List Selection Name
        ddlSelection = self.defaultOption.get()
        if ddlSelection == '' or self.Validate_ObjectSelection(ddlSelection, 'Ligand', state):
        LigandPath = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(filetypes=[('PDB File','*.pdb')],
                                                    initialdir=self.top.FlexAIDLigandProject_Dir, title='Save the PDB File', 
                                                    initialfile=ddlSelection, defaultextension='.pdb')
        if len(LigandPath) > 0:
            LigandPath = os.path.normpath(LigandPath)

            if General.validate_String(LigandPath, '.pdb', True, False, True):
                self.DisplayMessage("  ERROR: Could not save the file because you entered an invalid name.", 2)

            if self.top.ValidateSaveProject(LigandPath, 'Ligand'):
                self.DisplayMessage("  ERROR: The file can only be saved at its default location", 2)

                cmd.save(LigandPath, ddlSelection, state)
                LigandName = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(LigandPath)[0])

                cmd.extract(self.ExtractObject, ddlSelection)
                cmd.set_name(self.ExtractObject, LigandName)
                if ddlSelection != LigandName:
                    # as if the object was renamed, delete the object
                self.DisplayMessage("  ERROR: An error occured while extracting the ligand object.", 1)

            self.DisplayMessage('  Successfully extracted the ligand:  ' + self.LigandName.get() + "'", 0)
コード例 #19
ファイル: saspy.py プロジェクト: emblsaxs/saspy
 def refreshModelSelectionWidget(self):
     mols = self.getListOfModels()
     for m in mols:
         if '_' in m:
             newName = m
             newName.replace('_', '-')
             m = newName
             message("Renaming a model...")
     if 1 > len(self.getListOfModels()):
         self.warnLabel.pack(fill='both', expand=True, padx=10, pady=5)
コード例 #20
ファイル: saspy.py プロジェクト: speleo3/saspy
 def refreshModelSelectionWidget(self):
     mols = self.getListOfModels()
     for m in mols:
         if '_' in m:
             newName = m
             newName.replace('_', '-')
             cmd.set_name(m, newName)
             m = newName
             message("Renaming a model...")
     if 1 > len(self.getListOfModels()):
         self.warnLabel.pack(fill='both', expand=True, padx=10, pady=5)
コード例 #21
ファイル: BuildOligo.py プロジェクト: aloctavodia/Azahar
def builder(residues, bonds, mol_name):
    """Using the list generated by read_input connects monosacharides in 
    a single oligosaccharide"""
    cmd.set('suspend_updates', 'on')
    cmd.feedback('disable', 'executive', 'actions')
    every_object = cmd.get_object_list('all')
    if mol_name in every_object:
    if every_object:
        sel = 'not (' + ' or '.join(every_object) + ') and'
        sel = ''
    for i in range(0, len(residues)):
        res_name = residues[i]
        cmd.load(os.path.join(path, 'db_glycans', '%s.pdb' % res_name))
        cmd.set_name(res_name, i)  #rename object (necessary to avoid repeating names)
        cmd.alter(i, 'resi = %s' % i)  #name residues for further referencing
    for i in range(0, len(bonds)):
        resi_i, resi_j, atom_i, atom_j = bonds[i][0], bonds[i][2], bonds[i][4], bonds[i][5]
        if atom_i > atom_j:
            cmd.remove('%s (resi %s and name O%s+H%so)' % (sel, resi_j, atom_j, atom_j))
            cmd.remove('%s (resi %s and name H%so)' % (sel, resi_i, atom_i))
            cmd.fuse('%s (resi %s and name O%s)' % (sel, resi_i, atom_i), '%s (resi %s and name C%s)' % (sel, resi_j, atom_j), mode=2)
            cmd.remove('%s (resi %s and name O%s+H%so)' % (sel, resi_i, atom_i, atom_i))
            cmd.remove('%s (resi %s and name H%so)' % (sel, resi_j, atom_j))
            cmd.fuse('%s (resi %s and name C%s)' % (sel, resi_i, atom_i), '%s (resi %s and name O%s)' % (sel, resi_j, atom_j), mode=2)
        cmd.delete('%s' % i)
    cmd.copy(mol_name, '%s' % resi_j)
    cmd.delete('%s' % resi_j)          
    for i in range(0, len(bonds)):
        set_phi(mol_name, bonds[i], -60)
        set_psi(mol_name, bonds[i], 120) 
    if babel:
        fast_min(mol_name, 5000)
        fast_min(mol_name, 5000)
    cmd.feedback('enable', 'executive', 'actions')
    cmd.set('suspend_updates', 'off')
コード例 #22
    def _add_vis(self, mymol, row, l_cgo):
        mycolind = int((np.sign(row.sdiff) + 1) / 2)
        if self.df_rgn_seg_res_bb is None:
            if not hasattr(row, "seg"):
                raise ValueError(
                    "row has no column \"seg\", but self.df_rgn_seg_res_bb is None - maybe parameter \"coarse_grain_type\" is not properly set?"
                "/%s/%s and i. %d and not h." % (mymol, row.seg, row.res))
            if not hasattr(row, "rgn"):
                raise ValueError(
                    "row has no column \"rgn\", but self.df_rgn_seg_res_bb is not None - maybe parameter \"coarse_grain_type\" is not properly set?"
            df_unique_rgnsegbb = self.df_rgn_seg_res_bb[["seg"
            for myrgn in [row.rgn]:
                selstr = "/%s and (" % (mymol)
                for sindex, srow in df_unique_rgnsegbb.iterrows():
                    df_sel = self.df_rgn_seg_res_bb.query(
                        "rgn == '%s' and seg == '%s'" % (myrgn, srow.seg))
                    if df_sel.shape[0] > 0:
                        selstr += "(c. %s and i. %s) or" % (srow.seg, "+".join(
                            [str(x) for x in df_sel.res.values[0]]))
                selstr = selstr[:-3] + ")"
                cmd.select("%s" % myrgn, selstr)
            cmd.set_name("%s" % row.rgn, "sel")
        count = cmd.count_atoms("sel")
        if count == 0:
            if self.df_rgn_seg_res_bb is None:
                raise ValueError("count for %s.%d.%s.%d is zero!" %
                                 (row.seg, row.res, row.rnm))
                raise ValueError("count for %s is zero!" % (row.rgn))
            if self.df_rgn_seg_res_bb is None:
                cmd.show("sticks", "sel and (sidechain or name ca)")
                          "sel and (sidechain or name ca)")
                #cmd.show("sticks", "sel")
                cmd.color(self.sgn2col[mycolind], "sel")

コード例 #23
ファイル: pymol_util.py プロジェクト: willsheffler/lib
def sort_dcoms(subs):
    N = len(subs) / 2
    for i in range(1, N + 1):
        assert "tmp%iA" % i in cmd.get_object_list()
    for i in range(1, N + 1):
        assert "tmp%iB" % i in cmd.get_object_list()
    coms = [com(s) for s in subs]
    tmp = [(coms[0].distance(x), i) for i, x in enumerate(coms)]
    td = tmp[2][0] - tmp[1][0] < tmp[3][0] - tmp[2][0]
    ring = [tmp[1 if td else 2][1], 0, tmp[2 if td else 3][1]]
    while len(ring) < N:
        tmp = [(coms[ring[-1]].distance(x), i) for i, x in enumerate(coms)]
        assert (tmp[2][0] - tmp[1][0] < tmp[3][0] - tmp[2][0]) == td
        v1 = tmp[1 if td else 2][1]
        v2 = tmp[2 if td else 3][1]
        assert ring[-2] in (v1, v2)
        ring.append(v1 if v2 == ring[-2] else v2)
        # print ring
        # print [subs[i] for i in ring]
    namemap = {}
    for i, r in enumerate(ring):
        assert not subs[r] in namemap
        namemap[subs[r]] = "sub%iA" % (i + 1)
        tmp = [(coms[r].distance(x), j) for j, x in enumerate(coms)]
        # print r, [subs[x[1]] for x in tmp]
        sub_partner = subs[tmp[3 if td else 1][1]]
        assert not sub_partner in namemap
        namemap[sub_partner] = "sub%iB" % (i + 1)
    assert len(set(namemap.keys())) == 2 * N
    for i in range(1, N + 1):
        assert "tmp%iA" % i in cmd.get_object_list()
    for i in range(1, N + 1):
        assert "tmp%iB" % i in cmd.get_object_list()
    chains = {}
    for i in range(N):
        chains["sub%iA" % (i + 1)] = string.uppercase[2 * N + 0]
        chains["sub%iB" % (i + 1)] = string.uppercase[2 * N + 1]
    for k in namemap:
        cmd.set_name(k, namemap[k])
        cmd.alter(namemap[k], "chain = '%s'" % chains[namemap[k]])
    for i in chains:
        assert i in cmd.get_object_list()
コード例 #24
    def extrude_hub_at_single_n(single_name=None,
        """Extrudes a hub at the n-terminus of a single module.

        - single_name - string
        - hub_name - string
        - component_id - string id of the module component inside the hub to
            extend into
        if single_name is None or \
            hub_name is None or \
            component_id is None:
            double_name = '-'.join([single_name, single_name])

            pdb_dir = os.getcwd() + '/../../resources/pdb_aligned/'

            cmd.load(pdb_dir + '/singles/' + single_name + '.pdb')
            cmd.set_name(single_name, 'single')
            cmd.load(pdb_dir + '/doubles/' + double_name + '.pdb')
            cmd.set_name(double_name, 'double')
            cmd.load(pdb_dir + '/doubles/' + double_name + '.pdb')
            cmd.set_name(double_name, 'double-o')
            cmd.load(pdb_dir + '/hubs/' + hub_name + '.pdb')
            cmd.set_name(hub_name, 'hub')

            xdb = utilities.read_json(os.getcwd() +
            double_info = xdb['double_data'][single_name][single_name]

            # first, drop the double for reference

            hub_comp_info = xdb['hub_data'][hub_name]['component_info']
            comp_a_cc = hub_comp_info[component_id]['c_connections'][

            # The frame drop order is important here

            # drop hub into component frame
            tx('hub', rot=comp_a_cc['rot'], tran_after=comp_a_cc['tran'])

            # drop hub into double's frame
            tx('hub', rot=double_info['rot'], tran_after=double_info['tran'])


            print('Extruded Hub {} Component {} at Single {}\'s N-Term'.\
                format(hub_name, component_id, single_name))
コード例 #25
def show_active_siteMYR():
    Select, shows active site of MYR ligand in range of 5 Angstrom
    print(' >>>> Show active site <<<<')
    file_object = open('Full_AS_intr_res_list.csv', 'w')
    file_object1 = open('AS_intr_res_list.csv', 'w')
    #cmd.do("select active_site, ligands around 5");
    obj_list = cmd.get_names('objects')
    for obj in obj_list:
        cmd.do("AS_L = []")
        cmd.do("AS_L_num = []")
        obj_us_list = []
        cmd.do("select resn MYR and " + str(obj))
        cmd.do("iterate sele, Lig_list.append((resi + resn))")
        #print list of ligands in pdbs
        #print((str(obj), fix_Lig_list))
        cmd.do("select sele1,( br. " + str(obj) +
               " within 5 of sele) and not sele")
        #and not sele")
        cmd.do("util.cbay sele1")
        cmd.do("iterate sele1, AS_res_list.append((resi, resn))")
        cmd.do("iterate sele1, AS_res_num_list.append((resi))")
        #print(str(obj), fix_Lig_list, fix_Lig_list, AS_L)\
        #change obj to list  for purpose of futher file playing :P
        cmd.do("if AS_L==[]: AS_L=['0']")
        cmd.do("if AS_L_num==[]: AS_L_num=['0']")
        file_object.write(csv_formatted_output(obj, fix_Lig_list, AS_L))
        file_object1.write(csv_formatted_output(obj, fix_Lig_list, AS_L_num))

        cmd.set_name("sele1", "AS_" + str(obj))

コード例 #26
    def test2667(self):
        cmd.fragment('ala', 'm1')
        cmd.alter_state(1, '%m1', 's.label_placement_offset = [1., 0., 0.]')

        with testing.mktemp('.pse') as filename:
            cmd.set_name('m1', 'm2')
            cmd.load(filename, partial=1)

        # now we have two copies (m1 m2). If unique ids are converted upon
        # loading, then there will be no settings cross-leaking. Otherwise
        # changing m1 settings will affect m2.

        cmd.alter_state(1, '%m1', 's.label_placement_offset = [0., 1., 0.]')

        m2_setting = []
                'first %m2', 'm2_setting.append(s.label_placement_offset)',

        self.assertArrayEqual([1., 0., 0.], m2_setting[0], 0.001)
コード例 #27
    def test2667(self):
        cmd.fragment('ala', 'm1')
        cmd.alter_state(1, '%m1', 's.label_placement_offset = [1., 0., 0.]')

        with testing.mktemp('.pse') as filename:
            cmd.set_name('m1', 'm2')
            cmd.load(filename, partial=1)

        # now we have two copies (m1 m2). If unique ids are converted upon
        # loading, then there will be no settings cross-leaking. Otherwise
        # changing m1 settings will affect m2.

        cmd.alter_state(1, '%m1', 's.label_placement_offset = [0., 1., 0.]')

        m2_setting = []
                          'first %m2',

        self.assertArrayEqual([1., 0., 0.], m2_setting[0], 0.001)
コード例 #28
ファイル: ligand_site_pymol.py プロジェクト: Ramstein/AMDock
def load_rep(target, offtarget):
    tprot = target[0]
    tprot_type = target[1]
    tligs = target[2:]

    cmd.load(tprot, tprot_type)
    for lig in tligs:
        cmd.load(lig, '%s_poses' % tprot_type[0])
    ligand_cartoon('(%s_poses or %s)' % (tprot_type[0], tprot_type))
    cmd.set_name('polar_contacts', '%s_polar_contacts' % tprot_type[0])
    util.cbag('(%s_poses or %s)' % (tprot_type[0], tprot_type))
    if offtarget:
        oprot = offtarget[0]
        oprot_type = offtarget[1]
        oligs = offtarget[2:]

        cmd.load(oprot, 'Off-Target')
        for lig in oligs:
            cmd.load(lig, 'O_poses')
        ligand_cartoon('(O_poses or Off-Target)')
        cmd.set_name('polar_contacts', 'O_polar_contacts')
        util.cbam('(O_poses or Off-Target)')
コード例 #29
ファイル: saspy.py プロジェクト: speleo3/saspy
 def getListOfModels(self):
     #models can not contain the underscore character '_'
     #this is a Pmw limitation, but PyMOL does add such
     #characters often
     #dots are also removed, as they confuse crysol
     initialList = cmd.get_object_list()
     outputList = list()
     for m in initialList:
         if '_' in m:
             newName = m.translate(None, "_")
             cmd.set_name(m, newName)
             message("WARNING Renaming model \'" + m + "\' to \'" +
                     newName + "\'")
             m = newName
         if '.' in m:
             newName = m.translate(None, ".")
             cmd.set_name(m, newName)
             message("WARNING Renaming model \'" + m + "\' to \'" +
                     newName + "\'")
             m = newName
     return outputList
コード例 #30
    def extrude_single_at_single_n(single_name=None, ext_single_name=None):
        """Extrudes a single at the n-terminus of a single module.

        - single_name - string name of the fixed single
        - ext_single_name - string name of the extension single
        if single_name is None or \
            ext_single_name is None:
            double_name = '-'.join([ext_single_name, single_name])

            pdb_dir = os.getcwd() + '/../../resources/pdb_aligned/'

            cmd.load(pdb_dir + '/doubles/' + double_name + '.pdb')
            cmd.set_name(double_name, 'double')
            cmd.load(pdb_dir + '/singles/' + single_name + '.pdb')
            cmd.set_name(single_name, 'single')
            cmd.load(pdb_dir + '/singles/' + ext_single_name + '.pdb')
            cmd.set_name(ext_single_name, 'single-ext')

            xdb = utilities.read_json(os.getcwd() +
            double_info = xdb['double_data'][ext_single_name][single_name]

            # first, drop the double (into its A frame) for reference

            # extrude N term - drop into double's A frame



            print('Extruded Single {} at Single {}\'s N-Term'.\
            format(ext_single_name, single_name))
コード例 #31
    def extrude_hub_at_single_c(single_name=None,
        """Extrudes a hub at the c-terminus of a single module.

        - single_name - string
        - hub_name - string
        - component_id - string, indicating which module component inside the hub
            to extend into
        if single_name is None or \
            hub_name is None or \
            component_id is None:
            double_name = '-'.join([single_name, single_name])

            pdb_dir = os.getcwd() + '/../../resources/pdb_aligned/'

            cmd.load(pdb_dir + '/singles/' + single_name + '.pdb')
            cmd.set_name(single_name, 'single')
            cmd.load(pdb_dir + '/doubles/' + double_name + '.pdb')
            cmd.set_name(double_name, 'double')
            cmd.load(pdb_dir + '/hubs/' + hub_name + '.pdb')
            cmd.set_name(hub_name, 'hub')

            xdb = utilities.read_json(os.getcwd() +
            hub_comp_info = xdb['hub_data'][hub_name]['component_info']
            comp_a_cc = hub_comp_info[component_id]['n_connections'][

            tx('hub', rot=comp_a_cc['rot'], tran_after=comp_a_cc['tran'])


            print('Extruded Hub {} Component {} at Single {}\'s C-Term'.\
                format(hub_name, component_id, single_name))
コード例 #32
    def extrude_single_at_single_c(single_name=None, ext_single_name=None):
        """Extrudes a single at the c-terminus of a single module.

        - single_name - string name of the fixed single
        - ext_single_name - string name of the extension single
        if single_name is None or \
            ext_single_name is None:
            double_name = '-'.join([single_name, ext_single_name])

            pdb_dir = os.getcwd() + '/../../resources/pdb_aligned/'

            cmd.load(pdb_dir + '/doubles/' + double_name + '.pdb')
            cmd.set_name(double_name, 'double')
            cmd.load(pdb_dir + '/singles/' + single_name + '.pdb')
            cmd.set_name(single_name, 'single')
            cmd.load(pdb_dir + '/singles/' + ext_single_name + '.pdb')
            cmd.set_name(ext_single_name, 'single-ext')

            xdb = utilities.read_json(os.getcwd() +
            double_info = xdb['double_data'][single_name][ext_single_name]

            # extrude C term - raise
               tran_before=[-t for t in double_info['tran']])



            print('Extruded Single {} at Single {}\'s N-Term'.\
            format(ext_single_name, single_name))
コード例 #33
def visualize_in_pymol(plcomplex):
    """Visualizes the protein-ligand pliprofiler at one site in PyMOL."""

    vis = PyMOLVisualizer(plcomplex)

    # Set everything up #

    pdbid = plcomplex.pdbid
    lig_members = plcomplex.lig_members
    chain = plcomplex.chain
    if config.PEPTIDES != []:
        vis.ligname = 'PeptideChain%s' % plcomplex.chain
    if config.INTRA is not None:
        vis.ligname = 'Intra%s' % plcomplex.chain

    ligname = vis.ligname
    hetid = plcomplex.hetid

    metal_ids = plcomplex.metal_ids
    metal_ids_str = '+'.join([str(i) for i in metal_ids])

    # Basic visualizations #

    start_pymol(run=True, options='-pcq', quiet=not config.DEBUG)

    current_name = cmd.get_object_list(selection='(all)')[0]
    write_message('Setting current_name to "%s" and pdbid to "%s\n"' % (current_name, pdbid), mtype='debug')
    cmd.set_name(current_name, pdbid)
    cmd.hide('everything', 'all')
    if config.PEPTIDES != []:
        cmd.select(ligname, 'chain %s and not resn HOH' % plcomplex.chain)
        cmd.select(ligname, 'resn %s and chain %s and resi %s*' % (hetid, chain, plcomplex.position))
    write_message("Selecting ligand for PDBID %s and ligand name %s with: " % (pdbid, ligname), mtype='debug')
    write_message('resn %s and chain %s and resi %s*' % (hetid, chain, plcomplex.position), mtype='debug')

    # Visualize and color metal ions if there are any
    if not len(metal_ids) == 0:
        vis.select_by_ids(ligname, metal_ids, selection_exists=True)
        cmd.show('spheres', 'id %s and %s' % (metal_ids_str, pdbid))

    # Additionally, select all members of composite ligands
    if len(lig_members) > 1:
        for member in lig_members:
           resid, chain, resnr = member[0], member[1], str(member[2])
           cmd.select(ligname, '%s or (resn %s and chain %s and resi %s)' % (ligname, resid, chain, resnr))

    cmd.show('sticks', ligname)
    cmd.color('myorange', ligname)
    if not len(metal_ids) == 0:
        cmd.color('hotpink', 'id %s' % metal_ids_str)
        cmd.hide('sticks', 'id %s' % metal_ids_str)
        cmd.set('sphere_scale', 0.3, ligname)


    vis.show_hydrophobic()  # Hydrophobic Contacts
    vis.show_hbonds()  # Hydrogen Bonds
    vis.show_halogen()  # Halogen Bonds
    vis.show_stacking()  # pi-Stacking Interactions
    vis.show_cationpi()  # pi-Cation Interactions
    vis.show_sbridges()  # Salt Bridges
    vis.show_wbridges()  # Water Bridges
    vis.show_metal()  # Metal Coordination




    if config.DNARECEPTOR:
        # Rename Cartoon selection to Line selection and change repr.
        cmd.set_name('%sCartoon' % plcomplex.pdbid, '%sLines' % plcomplex.pdbid)
        cmd.hide('cartoon', '%sLines' % plcomplex.pdbid)
        cmd.show('lines', '%sLines' % plcomplex.pdbid)

    if config.PEPTIDES != []:
        filename = "%s_PeptideChain%s" % (pdbid.upper(), plcomplex.chain)
        if config.PYMOL:
            vis.save_session(config.OUTPATH, override=filename)
    elif config.INTRA is not None:
        filename = "%s_IntraChain%s" % (pdbid.upper(), plcomplex.chain)
        if config.PYMOL:
            vis.save_session(config.OUTPATH, override=filename)
        filename = '%s_%s' % (pdbid.upper(), "_".join([hetid, plcomplex.chain, plcomplex.position]))
        if config.PYMOL:
    if config.PICS:
        vis.save_picture(config.OUTPATH, filename)
コード例 #34
ファイル: load_alignment.py プロジェクト: sbliven/dotfiles
def split_alignment(object, object1=None, object2=None, delimiter="_"):

    Splits a two-state object into two separate objects.


    split_alignment object[, object1, object2][, delimiter]


    object      Two-state input object
    object1     What to name the first state from the object [optional]
    object2     What to name the second state from the object [optional]
    delimiter   Delimiter which separates object1 and object2 in the object name.
                See DETAILS. [default '_']


    The input object must contain at least two states. Additional states are

    If object1 and object2 are ommitted, the script will attempt to generate
    them based on the input object's name. The name is split around the first
    instance of <delimiter>.  Thus, objects which follow the convention
    "object1_object2" will be properly split without additional arguments.


    # Results in objects '1AX8.A' and '3PIV.A'
    split_alignment 1AX8.A_3PIV.A

    # Results in objects 'query' and 'target'
    split_alignment alignment, query, target

    # Results in objects '1AX8.A' and '3PIV.A'
    split_alignment 1AX8.A_vs_3PIV.A, delimiter="_vs_"

    # check that we have at least two states
    if cmd.count_states(object) < 2:
        print ("Error: input object must contain at least two states.")

    prefix = "split%04d_" % random.randint(0, 9999)  # make unique

    # guess output names
    if object1 is None and object2 is None:
            d = object.index(delimiter)
            object1 = object[:d]
            object2 = object[d + len(delimiter) :]
            object1 = "%s_%04d" % (object, 1)
            object2 = "%s_%04d" % (object, 2)
            print "Warning: '%s' not found in '%s'. Using names %s and %s." % (delimiter, object, object1, object2)

    # split them
    cmd.split_states(object, prefix=prefix)

    # rename to output names
    cmd.set_name("%s%04d" % (prefix, 1), object1)
    cmd.set_name("%s%04d" % (prefix, 2), object2)

    # delete other states
    for o in cmd.get_names("objects"):
        if o.startswith(prefix):
コード例 #35
def spl_extract():
    for name in cmd.get_names("all"):
        #if name in ['5zwo', '5gm6', '5lj3', '5mps', '6exn', '5ylz', '5y88', '3jb9', '6icz', '6ff7', '5yzg', '5xjc', '5gan', '6qw6', '3jcr', '6qx9', '6ah0']: # this should be auto
        print(" \ Extracting mode for %s" % name)

        for n in cmd.get_names("all"):
            if '5zwo' in n:
                object_name = n

        if '5zwo' in name.lower():
            cmd.extract("PRP8_B5zwo", "chain A and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("BRR2_B5zwo", "chain D and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LEA1_B5zwo", "chain o and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Msl1_B5zwo", "chain p and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SNU114_B5zwo", "chain C and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U2_B5zwo", "chain H and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U5_B5zwo", "chain B and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U6_B5zwo", "chain F and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U4_B5zwo", "chain I and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Intron_B5zwo", "chain G and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP4_B5zwo", "chain K and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP31_B5zwo", "chain L and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP6_B5zwo", "chain N and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP3_B5zwo", "chain J and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("DIB1_B5zwo", "chain E and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SNU13_B5zwo", "chain M and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LSM8_B5zwo", "chain z and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LSM2_B5zwo", "chain q and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LSM3_B5zwo", "chain r and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LSM6_B5zwo", "chain x and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LSM5_B5zwo", "chain t and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LSM7_B5zwo", "chain y and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LSM4_B5zwo", "chain s and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SNU66_B5zwo", "chain O and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("BUD13_B5zwo", "chain Y and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Cus1_B5zwo", "chain 2 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("HSH155_B5zwo", "chain 1 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("HSH49_B5zwo", "chain 4 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PML1_B5zwo", "chain Z and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP11_B5zwo", "chain v and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("RDS3_B5zwo", "chain 5 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("RSE1_B5zwo", "chain 3 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SNU17_B5zwo", "chain X and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Ysf3_B5zwo", "chain 6 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMB1_1_B5zwo", "chain a and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMB1_2_B5zwo", "chain P and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMB1_3_B5zwo", "chain h and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SME1_1_B5zwo", "chain e and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SME1_2_B5zwo", "chain T and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SME1_3_B5zwo", "chain i and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX3_1_B5zwo", "chain f and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX3_2_B5zwo", "chain U and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX3_3_B5zwo", "chain j and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX2_1_B5zwo", "chain g and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX2_2_B5zwo", "chain V and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX2_3_B5zwo", "chain k and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD3_1_B5zwo", "chain d and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD3_2_B5zwo", "chain S and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD3_3_B5zwo", "chain l and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD1_1_B5zwo", "chain b and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD1_2_B5zwo", "chain Q and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD1_3_B5zwo", "chain m and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD2_1_B5zwo", "chain c and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD2_2_B5zwo", "chain R and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD2_3_B5zwo", "chain n and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP9_B5zwo", "chain u and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP21_B5zwo", "chain w and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SNU23_B5zwo", "chain W and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP38_B5zwo", "chain 0 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SPP381_B5zwo", "chain 9 and " + object_name)
            cmd.set_name(object_name, "unknown_other_B5zwo")
            cmd.group("B5zwo", "*_B5zwo")
            cmd.do("order *, yes")

        for n in cmd.get_names("all"):
            if '5gm6' in n:
                object_name = n

        if '5gm6' in name.lower():
            cmd.extract("PRP8_Ba5gm6", "chain A and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("BRR2_Ba5gm6", "chain B and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("BUD31_Ba5gm6", "chain T and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CEF1_Ba5gm6", "chain c and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC15_Ba5gm6", "chain S and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC2_hRBM22_Ba5gm6", "chain R and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC21_Ba5gm6", "chain X and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC22_Ba5gm6", "chain Z and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP45_Ba5gm6", "chain P and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CDC40_Ba5gm6", "chain n and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP19_Ba5gm6", "chain f and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP46_Ba5gm6", "chain O and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SLT11/ECM2_Ba5gm6", "chain Q and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SNT309_Ba5gm6", "chain t and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SNU114_Ba5gm6", "chain C and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SYF2_Ba5gm6", "chain f and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SYF1_Ba5gm6", "chain v and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U2_Ba5gm6", "chain 2 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U5_Ba5gm6", "chain 5 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U6_Ba5gm6", "chain 6 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Intron_Ba5gm6", "chain M and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Exon_Ba5gm6", "chain N and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("BUD13_Ba5gm6", "chain W and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CLF2_Ba5gm6", "chain d and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Cus1_Ba5gm6", "chain H and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC24_Ba5gm6", "chain a and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC27_Ba5gm6", "chain b and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("HSH155_Ba5gm6", "chain G and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("HSH49_Ba5gm6", "chain e and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PML1_Ba5gm6", "chain U and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP11_Ba5gm6", "chain I and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP2_Ba5gm6", "chain Y and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("RDS3_Ba5gm6", "chain J and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("RSE1_Ba5gm6", "chain F and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SNU17_Ba5gm6", "chain V and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Ysf3_Ba5gm6", "chain K and " + object_name)
            cmd.set_name(object_name, "unknown_other_Ba5gm6")
            cmd.group("Ba5gm6", "*_Ba5gm6")
            cmd.do("order *, yes")

        for n in cmd.get_names("all"):
            if '5lj3' in n:
                object_name = n

        if '5lj3' in name.lower():
            cmd.extract("PRP8_C5lj3", "chain A and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("BUD31_C5lj3", "chain L and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CEF1_C5lj3", "chain O and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CLF1_C5lj3", "chain S and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC15_C5lj3", "chain P and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC16/YJU2_C5lj3", "chain D and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC2_hRBM22_C5lj3", "chain M and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC21_C5lj3", "chain R and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC22_C5lj3", "chain H and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC25_C5lj3", "chain F and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("ISY1_C5lj3", "chain G and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LEA1_C5lj3", "chain W and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Msl1_C5lj3", "chain Y and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP45_C5lj3", "chain K and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP46_C5lj3", "chain J and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SLT11/ECM2_C5lj3", "chain N and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SNU114_C5lj3", "chain C and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SYF1_C5lj3", "chain T and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U2_C5lj3", "chain Z and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U5_C5lj3", "chain U and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U6_C5lj3", "chain V and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Intron_C5lj3", "chain I and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Exon_C5lj3", "chain E and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMB1_1_C5lj3", "chain b and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMB1_2_C5lj3", "chain k and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SME1_1_C5lj3", "chain e and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SME1_2_C5lj3", "chain p and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX3_1_C5lj3", "chain f and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX3_2_C5lj3", "chain q and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX2_1_C5lj3", "chain g and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX2_2_C5lj3", "chain r and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD3_1_C5lj3", "chain d and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD3_2_C5lj3", "chain n and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD1_1_C5lj3", "chain h and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD1_2_C5lj3", "chain l and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD2_1_C5lj3", "chain j and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD2_2_C5lj3", "chain m and " + object_name)
            cmd.set_name(object_name, "unknown_other_C5lj3")
            cmd.group("C5lj3", "*_C5lj3")
            cmd.do("order *, yes")

        for n in cmd.get_names("all"):
            if '5mps' in n:
                object_name = n

        if '5mps' in name.lower():
            cmd.extract("PRP8_Cs5mps", "chain A and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("BUD31_Cs5mps", "chain L and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CEF1_Cs5mps", "chain O and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CLF1_Cs5mps", "chain S and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC15_Cs5mps", "chain P and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC2_hRBM22_Cs5mps", "chain M and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC21_Cs5mps", "chain R and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC22_Cs5mps", "chain H and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP45_Cs5mps", "chain K and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CDC40_Cs5mps", "chain o and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP46_Cs5mps", "chain J and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SLT11/ECM2_Cs5mps", "chain N and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SNU114_Cs5mps", "chain C and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SYF2_Cs5mps", "chain y and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SYF1_Cs5mps", "chain T and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U2_Cs5mps", "chain 2 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U5_Cs5mps", "chain 5 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U6_Cs5mps", "chain 6 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("5EXON_Cs5mps", "chain E and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Intron_Cs5mps", "chain I and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Exon_Cs5mps", "chain E and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMB1_Cs5mps", "chain b and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SME1_Cs5mps", "chain e and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX3_Cs5mps", "chain f and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX2_Cs5mps", "chain g and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD3_Cs5mps", "chain d and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD1_Cs5mps", "chain h and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD2_Cs5mps", "chain j and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP18_Cs5mps", "chain a and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SLU7_Cs5mps", "chain c and " + object_name)
            cmd.set_name(object_name, "unknown_other_Cs5mps")
            cmd.group("Cs5mps", "*_Cs5mps")
            cmd.do("order *, yes")

        for n in cmd.get_names("all"):
            if '6exn' in n:
                object_name = n

        if '6exn' in name.lower():
            cmd.extract("PRP8_P6exn", "chain A and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("BUD31_P6exn", "chain L and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CEF1_P6exn", "chain O and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CLF1_P6exn", "chain S and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC15_P6exn", "chain P and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC16/YJU2_P6exn", "chain D and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC2_hRBM22_P6exn", "chain M and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC21_P6exn", "chain R and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC22_P6exn", "chain H and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LEA1_P6exn", "chain W and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Msl1_P6exn", "chain Y and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP45_P6exn", "chain K and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CDC40_P6exn", "chain o and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP19_1_P6exn", "chain t and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP19_2_P6exn", "chain u and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP19_3_P6exn", "chain v and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP19_4_P6exn", "chain w and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP46_P6exn", "chain J and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SLT11/ECM2_P6exn", "chain N and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SNU114_P6exn", "chain C and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SYF1_P6exn", "chain T and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U2_P6exn", "chain 2 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U5_P6exn", "chain 5 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U6_P6exn", "chain 6 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Intron_P6exn", "chain I and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Exon_P6exn", "chain E and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMB1_1_P6exn", "chain b and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMB1_2_P6exn", "chain k and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SME1_1_P6exn", "chain e and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SME1_2_P6exn", "chain p and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX3_1_P6exn", "chain f and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX3_2_P6exn", "chain q and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX2_1_P6exn", "chain g and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX2_2_P6exn", "chain r and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD3_1_P6exn", "chain d and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD3_2_P6exn", "chain n and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD1_1_P6exn", "chain h and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD1_2_P6exn", "chain l and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD2_1_P6exn", "chain j and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD2_2_P6exn", "chain m and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP22_P6exn", "chain V and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP18_P6exn", "chain a and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SLU7_P6exn", "chain c and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("unassigned_P6exn", "chain X and " + object_name)
            cmd.set_name(object_name, "unknown_other_P6exn")
            cmd.group("P6exn", "*_P6exn")
            cmd.do("order *, yes")

        for n in cmd.get_names("all"):
            if '5ylz' in n:
                object_name = n

        if '5ylz' in name.lower():
            cmd.extract("PRP8_P5ylz", "chain A and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("BUD31_P5ylz", "chain L and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CEF1_P5ylz", "chain J and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CLF1_P5ylz", "chain I and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC15_P5ylz", "chain P and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC2_hRBM22_P5ylz", "chain N and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC21_P5ylz", "chain R and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC22_P5ylz", "chain S and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LEA1_P5ylz", "chain o and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Msl1_P5ylz", "chain p and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP45_P5ylz", "chain Q and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CDC40_P5ylz", "chain T and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP19_1_P5ylz", "chain q and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP19_2_P5ylz", "chain r and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP19_3_P5ylz", "chain s and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP19_4_P5ylz", "chain t and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP46_P5ylz", "chain O and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SLT11/ECM2_P5ylz", "chain M and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SNT309_P5ylz", "chain G and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SNU114_P5ylz", "chain C and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SYF2_P5ylz", "chain K and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SYF1_P5ylz", "chain H and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U2_P5ylz", "chain F and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U5_P5ylz", "chain B and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U6_P5ylz", "chain D and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Intron_P5ylz", "chain E and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMB1_1_P5ylz", "chain a and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMB1_2_P5ylz", "chain h and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SME1_1_P5ylz", "chain b and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SME1_2_P5ylz", "chain i and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX3_1_P5ylz", "chain c and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX3_2_P5ylz", "chain j and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX2_1_P5ylz", "chain d and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX2_2_P5ylz", "chain k and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD3_1_P5ylz", "chain e and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD3_2_P5ylz", "chain l and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD1_1_P5ylz", "chain f and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD1_2_P5ylz", "chain m and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD2_1_P5ylz", "chain g and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD2_2_P5ylz", "chain n and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP22_P5ylz", "chain W and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP18_P5ylz", "chain U and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SLU7_P5ylz", "chain V and " + object_name)
            cmd.set_name(object_name, "unknown_other_P5ylz")
            cmd.group("P5ylz", "*_P5ylz")
            cmd.do("order *, yes")

        for n in cmd.get_names("all"):
            if '5y88' in n:
                object_name = n

        if '5y88' in name.lower():
            cmd.extract("PRP8_I5y88", "chain A and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("BUD31_I5y88", "chain L and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CLF1_I5y88", "chain I and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC15_I5y88", "chain P and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC16/YJU2_I5y88", "chain R and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC2_hRBM22_I5y88", "chain N and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC25_I5y88", "chain G and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Intron_2_I5y88", "chain E and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LEA1_I5y88", "chain o and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Msl1_I5y88", "chain p and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP45_I5y88", "chain Q and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CDC40_I5y88", "chain S and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP19_1_I5y88", "chain q and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP19_2_I5y88", "chain r and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP19_3_I5y88", "chain s and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP19_4_I5y88", "chain t and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP46_I5y88", "chain O and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SLT11/ECM2_I5y88", "chain M and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SNT309_I5y88", "chain G and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SNU114_I5y88", "chain C and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SYF2_I5y88", "chain K and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SYF1_I5y88", "chain H and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U2_I5y88", "chain F and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U5_I5y88", "chain B and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U6_I5y88", "chain D and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Intron_I5y88", "chain x and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("RNA_I5y88", "chain x and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("cwc23_I5y88", "chain T and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SPP382_I5y88", "chain U and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("NTR2_I5y88", "chain V and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP43_I5y88", "chain W and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMB1_1_I5y88", "chain a and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMB1_2_I5y88", "chain h and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SME1_1_I5y88", "chain b and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SME1_2_I5y88", "chain i and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX3_1_I5y88", "chain c and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX3_2_I5y88", "chain j and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX2_1_I5y88", "chain d and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX2_2_I5y88", "chain k and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD3_1_I5y88", "chain e and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD3_2_I5y88", "chain l and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD1_1_I5y88", "chain f and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD1_2_I5y88", "chain m and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD2_1_I5y88", "chain g and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD2_2_I5y88", "chain n and " + object_name)
            cmd.set_name(object_name, "unknown_other_I5y88")
            cmd.group("I5y88", "*_I5y88")
            cmd.do("order *, yes")

        for n in cmd.get_names("all"):
            if '3jb9' in n:
                object_name = n

        if '3jb9' in name.lower():
            cmd.extract("U2_3jb9", "chain P and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U5_3jb9", "chain C and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U6_3jb9", "chain N and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Intron_1_3jb9", "chain O and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Intron_2_3jb9", "chain Q and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Spp42_yPrp8_3jb9", "chain A and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWF15_yCWC15_3jb9", "chain h and " + object_name)
            cmd.set_name(object_name, "unknown_other_3jb9")
            cmd.group("3jb9", "*_3jb9")
            cmd.do("order *, yes")

        for n in cmd.get_names("all"):
            if '6icz' in n:
                object_name = n

        if '6icz' in name.lower():
            cmd.extract("CWC15_hP_6icz", "chain P and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U2_hP_6icz", "chain H and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U5_hP_6icz", "chain B and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U6_hP_6icz", "chain F and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Intron_hP_6icz", "chain G and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("cwc23_hP_6icz", "chain 6ICZ and " + object_name)
            cmd.set_name(object_name, "unknown_other_hP_6icz")
            cmd.group("hP_6icz", "*_hP_6icz")
            cmd.do("order *, yes")

        for n in cmd.get_names("all"):
            if '6ff7' in n:
                object_name = n

        if '6ff7' in name.lower():
            cmd.extract("CWC15_hBa_6ff7", "chain R and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC2_hRBM22_hBa_6ff7", "chain P and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U2_hBa_6ff7", "chain 2 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U5_hBa_6ff7", "chain 5 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U6_hBa_6ff7", "chain 6 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Intron_hBa_6ff7", "chain Z and " + object_name)
            cmd.set_name(object_name, "unknown_other_hBa_6ff7")
            cmd.group("hBa_6ff7", "*_hBa_6ff7")
            cmd.do("order *, yes")

        for n in cmd.get_names("all"):
            if '5yzg' in n:
                object_name = n

        if '5yzg' in name.lower():
            cmd.extract("CWC15_hC_5yzg", "chain P and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC2_hRBM22_hC_5yzg", "chain O and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC25_hC_5yzg", "chain X and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP16_hDHX38_hC_5yzg", "chain Z and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U2_hC_5yzg", "chain H and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U5_hC_5yzg", "chain B and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U6_hC_5yzg", "chain F and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Intron_hC_5yzg", "chain G and " + object_name)
            cmd.set_name(object_name, "unknown_other_hC_5yzg")
            cmd.group("hC_5yzg", "*_hC_5yzg")
            cmd.do("order *, yes")

        for n in cmd.get_names("all"):
            if '5xjc' in n:
                object_name = n

        if '5xjc' in name.lower():
            cmd.extract("CWC15_hX_5xjc", "chain P and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("CWC25_hX_5xjc", "chain X and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U2_hX_5xjc", "chain H and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U5_hX_5xjc", "chain B and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U6_hX_5xjc", "chain F and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Intron_hX_5xjc", "chain G and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRKRIP1_hX_5xjc", "chain X and " + object_name)
            cmd.set_name(object_name, "unknown_other_hX_5xjc")
            cmd.group("hX_5xjc", "*_hX_5xjc")
            cmd.do("order *, yes")

        for n in cmd.get_names("all"):
            if '5gan' in n:
                object_name = n

        if '5gan' in name.lower():
            cmd.extract("PRP8_y3_5gan", "chain A and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("BRR2_y3_5gan", "chain B and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP45_y3_5gan", "chain H and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SNU114_y3_5gan", "chain C and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U5_y3_5gan", "chain U and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U6_y3_5gan", "chain W and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U4_y3_5gan", "chain V and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP31_y3_5gan", "chain F and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP6_y3_5gan", "chain J and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP3_y3_5gan", "chain G and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("DIB1_y3_5gan", "chain D and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SNU13_y3_5gan", "chain K and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LSM8_y3_5gan", "chain 8 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LSM2_y3_5gan", "chain 2 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LSM3_y3_5gan", "chain 3 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LSM6_y3_5gan", "chain 6 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LSM5_y3_5gan", "chain 5 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LSM7_y3_5gan", "chain 7 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LSM4_y3_5gan", "chain 4 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SNU66_y3_5gan", "chain E and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMB1_1_y3_5gan", "chain b and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMB1_2_y3_5gan", "chain k and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SME1_1_y3_5gan", "chain e and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SME1_2_y3_5gan", "chain p and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX3_1_y3_5gan", "chain f and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX3_2_y3_5gan", "chain q and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX2_1_y3_5gan", "chain g and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMX2_2_y3_5gan", "chain r and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD3_1_y3_5gan", "chain d and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD3_2_y3_5gan", "chain n and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD1_1_y3_5gan", "chain h and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD1_2_y3_5gan", "chain l and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD2_1_y3_5gan", "chain j and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD2_2_y3_5gan", "chain m and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("unassigned_y3_5gan", "chain X and " + object_name)
            cmd.set_name(object_name, "unknown_other_y3_5gan")
            cmd.group("y3_5gan", "*_y3_5gan")
            cmd.do("order *, yes")

        for n in cmd.get_names("all"):
            if '6qw6' in n:
                object_name = n

        if '6qw6' in name.lower():
            cmd.extract("PRP8_h3_6qw6", "chain 5A and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U5_h3_6qw6", "chain 5 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U6_h3_6qw6", "chain 6 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U4_h3_6qw6", "chain 4 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Prp28_h3_6qw6", "chain 5X and " + object_name)
            cmd.set_name(object_name, "unknown_other_h3_6qw6")
            cmd.group("h3_6qw6", "*_h3_6qw6")
            cmd.do("order *, yes")

        for n in cmd.get_names("all"):
            if '3jcr' in n:
                object_name = n

        if '3jcr' in name.lower():
            cmd.extract("PRP8_h3_3jcr", "chain A and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("BRR2_h3_3jcr", "chain C and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SNU114_h3_3jcr", "chain B and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U5_h3_3jcr", "chain H and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U6_h3_3jcr", "chain N and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U4_h3_3jcr", "chain M and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP4_h3_3jcr", "chain L and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP31_h3_3jcr", "chain J and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP6_h3_3jcr", "chain G and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("PRP3_h3_3jcr", "chain K and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SNU13_h3_3jcr", "chain I and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LSM8_h3_3jcr", "chain 8 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LSM2_h3_3jcr", "chain 2 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LSM3_h3_3jcr", "chain 3 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LSM5_h3_3jcr", "chain 5 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LSM7_h3_3jcr", "chain 7 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("LSM4_h3_3jcr", "chain 4 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD3_1_h3_3jcr", "chain R and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD3_2_h3_3jcr", "chain r and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD1_1_h3_3jcr", "chain P and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD1_2_h3_3jcr", "chain p and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD2_1_h3_3jcr", "chain Q and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SMD2_2_h3_3jcr", "chain q and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U5-40K_h3_3jcr", "chain D and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Dim1_h3_3jcr", "chain E and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Prp28_h3_3jcr", "chain F and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SmE_1_h3_3jcr", "chain S and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SmE_2_h3_3jcr", "chain s and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SmF_1_h3_3jcr", "chain T and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SmF_2_h3_3jcr", "chain t and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SmG_1_h3_3jcr", "chain U and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SmG_2_h3_3jcr", "chain u and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Sad1_h3_3jcr", "chain V and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SmB_1_h3_3jcr", "chain O and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("SmB_2_h3_3jcr", "chain o and " + object_name)
            cmd.set_name(object_name, "unknown_other_h3_3jcr")
            cmd.group("h3_3jcr", "*_h3_3jcr")
            cmd.do("order *, yes")

        for n in cmd.get_names("all"):
            if '6qx9' in n:
                object_name = n

        if '6qx9' in name.lower():
            cmd.extract("PRP8_h3_6qx9", "chain 5A and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U2_h3_6qx9", "chain 2 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U5_h3_6qx9", "chain 5 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U6_h3_6qx9", "chain 6 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U4_h3_6qx9", "chain 4 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Intron_h3_6qx9", "chain I and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U1_h3_6qx9", "chain 1 and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Prp28_h3_6qx9", "chain 5X and " + object_name)
            cmd.set_name(object_name, "unknown_other_h3_6qx9")
            cmd.group("h3_6qx9", "*_h3_6qx9")
            cmd.do("order *, yes")

        for n in cmd.get_names("all"):
            if '6ah0' in n:
                object_name = n

        if '6ah0' in name.lower():
            cmd.extract("PRP8_h_Bp_6ah0", "chain A and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U2_h_Bp_6ah0", "chain H and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U5_h_Bp_6ah0", "chain B and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U6_h_Bp_6ah0", "chain F and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("U4_h_Bp_6ah0", "chain I and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Intron_h_Bp_6ah0", "chain G and " + object_name)
            cmd.extract("Prp28_h_Bp_6ah0", "chain X and " + object_name)
            cmd.set_name(object_name, "unknown_other_h_Bp_6ah0")
            cmd.group("h_Bp_6ah0", "*_h_Bp_6ah0")
            cmd.do("order *, yes")
コード例 #36
    def _add_vis(self, mymol, row, l_cgo):
        if (self.is_only_water_access and (not "WAT" in [row.rnm1, row.rnm2])):
            return None

        mycolind = int((np.sign(row.sdiff) + 1) / 2)
        if self.df_rgn_seg_res_bb is None:
                "sel1", "/%s/%s and i. %d and %s and not h." %
                (mymol, row.seg1, row.res1, self.bb2selstr[row.bb1]))
                "sel2", "/%s/%s and i. %d and %s and not h." %
                (mymol, row.seg2, row.res2, self.bb2selstr[row.bb2]))
            if "bb" in self.df_rgn_seg_res_bb:
                df_unique_rgnsegbb = self.df_rgn_seg_res_bb[[
                    "seg", "bb"
                for myrgn in [row.rgn1, row.rgn2]:
                    selstr = "/%s and (" % (mymol)
                    for sindex, srow in df_unique_rgnsegbb.iterrows():
                        df_sel = self.df_rgn_seg_res_bb.query(
                            "rgn == '%s' and seg == '%s' and bb == %d" %
                            (myrgn, srow.seg, srow.bb))
                        if df_sel.shape[0] > 0:
                            selstr += "(c. %s and i. %s and %s) or" % (
                                srow.seg, "+".join(
                                     for x in df_sel.res.values[0]]), srow.bb)
                    selstr = selstr[:-3] + ")"
                    cmd.select("%s" % myrgn, selstr)
                df_unique_rgnsegbb = self.df_rgn_seg_res_bb[[
                for myrgn in [row.rgn1, row.rgn2]:
                    selstr = "/%s and (" % (mymol)
                    for sindex, srow in df_unique_rgnsegbb.iterrows():
                        df_sel = self.df_rgn_seg_res_bb.query(
                            "rgn == '%s' and seg == '%s'" %
                            (row.rgn1, srow.seg))
                        if df_sel.shape[0] > 0:
                            selstr += "(c. %s and i. %s) or" % (
                                srow.seg, "+".join(
                                    [str(x) for x in df_sel.res.values[0]]))
                    selstr = selstr[:-3] + ")"
                    cmd.select("%s" % myrgn, selstr)
            cmd.set_name("%s" % row.rgn1, "sel1")
            cmd.set_name("%s" % row.rgn2, "sel2")
        count1 = cmd.count_atoms("sel1")
        count2 = cmd.count_atoms("sel2")
        if count1 == 0:
            if count2 == 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "counts of both %s.%d.%s.%d and %s.%d.%s.%d are zero!" %
                    (row.seg1, row.res1, row.rnm1, row.bb1, row.seg2, row.res2,
                     row.rnm2, row.bb2))
                if self.df_rgn_seg_res_bb is None:
                    cmd.show("sticks", "sel2")
                    #cmd.color(self.sgn2col[mycolind], "sel2")
                    com("sel2", state=1)
                    coord2 = cmd.get_model("sel2_COM", state=1).atom[0].coord
                    cmd.color(self.sgn2col[mycolind], "sel2")
                    l_cgo += [ \
                        COLOR, self.l_r[mycolind], self.l_g[mycolind], self.l_b[mycolind], \
                        SPHERE,   coord2[0], coord2[1],coord2[2], self.sphererad \
        elif count2 == 0:
            if self.df_rgn_seg_res_bb is None:
                cmd.show("sticks", "sel1")
                #cmd.color(self.sgn2col[mycolind], "sel1")
                com("sel1", state=1)
                cmd.color(self.sgn2col[mycolind], "sel1")
                coord1 = cmd.get_model("sel1_COM", state=1).atom[0].coord
                l_cgo += [ \
                    COLOR, self.l_r[mycolind], self.l_g[mycolind], self.l_b[mycolind], \
                    SPHERE,   coord1[0], coord1[1],coord1[2], self.sphererad \
            com("sel1", state=1)
            coord1 = cmd.get_model("sel1_COM", state=1).atom[0].coord
            com("sel2", state=1)
            coord2 = cmd.get_model("sel2_COM", state=1).atom[0].coord
            l_cgo += [ \
                LINEWIDTH, self.linewidth, \
                BEGIN, LINES, \
                COLOR, self.l_r[mycolind], self.l_g[mycolind], self.l_b[mycolind], \
                VERTEX,   coord1[0], coord1[1],coord1[2], \
                VERTEX,   coord2[0], coord2[1],coord2[2], \
                END \
            if self.df_rgn_seg_res_bb is None:
                cmd.show("sticks", "sel1")
                cmd.show("sticks", "sel2")
                cmd.color(self.sgn2col[mycolind], "sel1")
                cmd.color(self.sgn2col[mycolind], "sel2")
コード例 #37
def cyspka(molecule, chain, residue, SeeProgress='yes', pH=7.2, MoveSGatom='no', SGatom=str((0, 0, 0))):
    # If SeeProgress='yes', computation time will take 10-20% extra, but nice to follow.
    RotationRange = 360
    RotationDegree = 1
    # For error checking, the energies can be printed out
    printMC = 'no'
    printSC = 'no'
    # Parameters
    DieElecSpheDist = 7.0
    DieElecWaterDist = 1.4
    DieElecWater = 78.5
    DieElecCore = 4.0
    BornPenaltyB = 1.0
    AvogadroR = 8.31446216
    Temp = 298
    DeltapKMCSC = 0
    pK1 = 9.25
    pK2 = 8.0
    NotPopuDist = 2.4
    PopEnergyPenalty = 10000000
    # Side chain discrete charges
    DieElecSC = 40.0
    SCchargeASP = -1
    SCchargeGLU = -1
    SCchargeOXT = -1
    SCchargeARG = +1
    SCchargeHIS = +1
    SCchargeLYS = +1
    SCchargeMET1 = +1
    # Main chain partial charges
    NrMainchainNeighBours = 5
    DieElecMC = 22.0
    MCchargeC = +0.55
    MCchargeO = -0.55
    MCchargeN = -0.35
    MCchargeH = +0.35
    MCchargeProCA = +0.1
    MCchargeProCD = +0.1
    MCchargeProN = -0.2

    # Loading an Cys residue, give it a logic name, and aligning it. The oxygen atom can not be aligned in many cases, and are skipped.
    # We use only this molecule, to find the initial position of the SG atom, and to rotate the SG atom around the CA-CB bond. The molecule atom positions are not used for electric potential calculatons.
    Cysmolecule = str(molecule) + str(residue) + "Cys"
    cmd.set_name('cys', Cysmolecule)
    # We use pair_fir, since align and super gets unstable with so few atoms
    pairfitCys(Cysmolecule, molecule, chain, residue)
    # Give nice representations quickly
    cmd.show("sticks", Cysmolecule)
    cmd.select(str(molecule) + str(residue) + "Res", "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + residue)
    print("/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + residue)
    cmd.show("sticks", str(molecule) + str(residue) + "Res")
    cmd.disable(str(molecule) + str(residue) + "Res")
    # Find out what is the residuename we are investigating for
    Respdbstr = cmd.get_pdbstr(str(molecule) + str(residue) + "Res")
    Ressplit = Respdbstr.split()
    residueName = Ressplit[3]

    print("# Hello, PyMOLers. It should take around 1 minute per residue.")
    print("# molecule: %s , chain: %s, residue: %s %s, pH: %s " % (molecule, chain, residueName, residue, pH))

    # Determine the range of neighbour residues possible.
    Maxresidues = cmd.count_atoms("/" + molecule + "//" + chain + " and name CA")
    for i in range(NrMainchainNeighBours + 1):
        if int(residue) - i >= 1:
            Minresidue = int(residue) - i
    for i in range(NrMainchainNeighBours + 1):
        if int(residue) + i <= Maxresidues:
            Maxresidue = int(residue) + i

    # Get the position and the vector for the CA->CB bond.
    dihedN = "/" + Cysmolecule + "//" + "/" + "/N"
    dihedCA = "/" + Cysmolecule + "//" + "/" + "/CA"
    dihedCB = "/" + Cysmolecule + "//" + "/" + "/CB"
    dihedSG = "/" + Cysmolecule + "//" + "/" + "/SG"
    dihedralPosCA = cmd.get_atom_coords(dihedCA)
    dihedralPosSG = cmd.get_atom_coords(dihedSG)
    dihedralVector = AtomVector(dihedCA, dihedCB)

    # To compare with article, we can move the SGatom to a starting position. The rotation is still determined around the CA-CB bond.
    if MoveSGatom == 'yes':
        SGatom = [float(SGatom[1:-1].split(",")[0]), float(SGatom[1:-1].split(",")[1]), float(SGatom[1:-1].split(",")[2])]
        Translate = [(SGatom[0] - dihedralPosSG[0]), (SGatom[1] - dihedralPosSG[1]), (SGatom[2] - dihedralPosSG[2])]
        cmd.translate(Translate, dihedSG, state=0, camera=0)
        dihedralPosSG = cmd.get_atom_coords(dihedSG)
    # Create a pymol molecule, that in the end will hold and show all SG atoms. Gives the representation of the rotameric states.
    SGName = str(molecule) + str(residue) + "SG"
    cmd.create(SGName, "None")
    # Create a pymol molecule, that in the end will hold and show all Amide protons. Gives a nice representation, and easy to delete.
    AmideName = str(molecule) + str(residue) + "NH"
    cmd.create(AmideName, "None")
    # Check if there are any nearby SG atoms, which could make a SG-SG dimer formation. The
    breakDimer = "no"
    breakDimer = CheckDimer(dihedSG, molecule, chain, residue)
    # Create a list for appending the calculated energies.
    ListofEnergies = []
    ListofRotamerDiscarded = []
    # print "Angle before rotation", cmd.get_dihedral(dihedN,dihedCA,dihedCB,dihedSG)
    # Enter into the loop of rotameric states
    for i in range(int(math.floor(RotationRange / RotationDegree))):
        Angle = i * RotationDegree
        # Create pymol molecule/SG atom for which we will calculate for.
        SGNameAngle = str(residue) + "SG" + str(Angle)
        cmd.create(SGNameAngle, dihedSG)
        # Calculate new coordinates for rotation around CA->CB bond. Then translate the created SG atom.
        SGNewPos = fRotateAroundLine(dihedralPosSG, dihedralPosCA, dihedralVector, Angle)
        Translate = [(SGNewPos[0] - dihedralPosSG[0]), (SGNewPos[1] - dihedralPosSG[1]), (SGNewPos[2] - dihedralPosSG[2])]
        cmd.translate(Translate, SGNameAngle, state=0, camera=0)
        # If one wants to "see it happen" while its making the states. But it will take extra computation time.
        if SeeProgress == 'yes':
        # Calculate number of neighbours within 2.4 Angstrom. Amide hydrogens are not considered, and are actually not build yet.
        nameselect = "(((/" + molecule + "//" + chain + " and not /" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + residue + ") or /" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + residue + "/N+CA+C+O)  within " + str(NotPopuDist) + " of /" + SGNameAngle + "//" + "/" + "/SG) and not resn HOH"
        # print nameselect
        cmd.select("NotPop", nameselect)
        NotPopNr = cmd.count_atoms("NotPop")
        # print Angle, NotPopNr, cmd.get_dihedral(dihedN,dihedCA,dihedCB,SGNameAngle)
        # If no neighbours, then proceed calculating
        if NotPopNr == 0:
            SumAllWMC = 0.0
            # Now calculate the electric potential due to the side chains.
            SumWSC = fSumWSC(molecule, SGNameAngle, chain, residue, DieElecSC, SCchargeASP, SCchargeGLU, SCchargeOXT, SCchargeARG, SCchargeHIS, SCchargeLYS, SCchargeMET1, printSC)
            # Now we calculate for the flanking 5 peptide groups on each side of the Cysteine CA atom.
            # For the first residue, only calculate for the tailing C,O atom in the peptide bond. No test for Proline.
            SumWMCFirst = fSumWMCFirst(molecule, SGNameAngle, chain, residue, Minresidue, DieElecMC, MCchargeC, MCchargeO, printMC)
            # For the residue itself, we dont test for PRO, since it should be a Cysteine.
            SumWMCresidue = fSumWMCresidue(molecule, SGNameAngle, chain, residue, int(residue), DieElecMC, MCchargeC, MCchargeO, MCchargeN, MCchargeH, AmideName, printMC)
            # For the last residue, we test for Proline. We only calculate for the N,H atom, or if Proline, N,CA and CD atom.
            SumWMCLast = fSumWMCLast(molecule, SGNameAngle, chain, residue, Maxresidue, DieElecMC, MCchargeN, MCchargeH, MCchargeProCA, MCchargeProCD, MCchargeProN, AmideName, printMC)
            # Then loop over rest of the residues in the chain.
            for j in (list(range(Minresidue + 1, int(residue))) + list(range(int(residue) + 1, Maxresidue))):
                MCNeighbour = j
                # print "Looking at neighbour", j
                SumWMC = fSumWMC(molecule, SGNameAngle, chain, residue, MCNeighbour, DieElecMC, MCchargeC, MCchargeO, MCchargeN, MCchargeH, MCchargeProCA, MCchargeProCD, MCchargeProN, AmideName, printMC)
                SumAllWMC = SumAllWMC + SumWMC
                # print "Rotation: %s Neighbour: %s " % (Angle, j)
            # Since the SG atom is negative, we multiply with -1.
            SumMCSC = -1 * (SumWSC + SumWMCFirst + SumWMCresidue + SumWMCLast + SumAllWMC)
            # Makes the neighbour count. Everything in 'molecule" within 7 ang of aligned SG atom. Not counting 'residue'. Adding 5 for 'residue' N,CA,C,O,CB
            ListNeighbourCount = fNeighbourCount(molecule, SGNameAngle, chain, residue, DieElecSpheDist)
            # Calculate the weighted electric potential and alter the b factor for coloring. Then add the rotated SG into bucket of SG atoms.
            SG_MCSC_Weight = fBoltzSingleState(SumMCSC, AvogadroR, Temp) * SumMCSC
            cmd.alter(SGNameAngle, 'b="%s"' % SG_MCSC_Weight)
            cmd.alter(SGNameAngle, 'name="S%s"' % Angle)
            cmd.create(SGName, SGName + " + " + SGNameAngle)
            # Then save the calculated values
            ListofEnergies.append([Angle, SumMCSC, ListNeighbourCount, NotPopNr, SG_MCSC_Weight, cmd.get_atom_coords(SGNameAngle)])
            SumMCSCPenalty = PopEnergyPenalty
            ListNeighbourCount = fNeighbourCount(molecule, SGNameAngle, chain, residue, DieElecSpheDist)
            ListofRotamerDiscarded.append([Angle, SumMCSCPenalty, ListNeighbourCount, NotPopNr, 0, cmd.get_atom_coords(SGNameAngle)])
    # Now show all the SG atoms as the available rotameric states.
    cmd.show("nb_spheres", SGName)
    cmd.spectrum("b", selection=SGName)
    AvailRotStates = len(ListofEnergies)
    # print "Available Rotational States: ", AvailRotStates

    # Do the calculations according to eq 5.
    # Find the partition function
    BoltzPartition = 0.0
    for i in range(len(ListofEnergies)):
        Boltz = fBoltzSingleState(ListofEnergies[i][1], AvogadroR, Temp)
        BoltzPartition = BoltzPartition + Boltz
    # Find the summed function
    BoltzSumNi = 0.0
    for i in range(len(ListofEnergies)):
        BoltzNi = fBoltzSingleState(ListofEnergies[i][1], AvogadroR, Temp) * ListofEnergies[i][1]
        BoltzSumNi = BoltzSumNi + BoltzNi

    # Check if there was any possible rotamers

    nostates = "no"
    if len(ListofEnergies) == 0:
        print("########### WARNING: No states available ###########")
        print("########### Did you mutate a Glycine?    ###########")
        BoltzSumNi = 0
        BoltzPartition = 0
        BoltzMCSC = 0
        DeltapKMCSC = 99
        NeighbourCount = 0
        nostates = "yes"
        # Final calculation
        BoltzMCSC = (BoltzSumNi) / (BoltzPartition)
        DeltapKMCSC = fDeltapK(BoltzMCSC, AvogadroR, Temp)

    # Find average number of neighbours
    NCSum = 0.0
    NCWeightedSum = 0.0
    for i in range(len(ListofEnergies)):
        NCi = ListofEnergies[i][2]
        NCSum = NCSum + NCi
        NCWeightedi = fBoltzSingleState(ListofEnergies[i][1], AvogadroR, Temp) * ListofEnergies[i][2] / BoltzPartition
        NCWeightedSum = NCWeightedSum + NCWeightedi
    # print "Weighted neighbour", int(round(NCWeightedSum))
    #NeighbourCount = int(round(NCSum/len(ListofEnergies)))
        NeighbourCount = round(NCWeightedSum, 1)
    # If we found dimers
    if breakDimer == "yes":
        print("########### WARNING: Dimer formation?    ###########")
        BoltzSumNi = 0
        BoltzPartition = 0
        BoltzMCSC = 0
        DeltapKMCSC = 99
        NeighbourCount = 0

    # Calculate the BornPenalty based on the neighbour count. It's a wrapper script for equation 13, 12, 11.
    EnergyBornPenalty = fEnergyBornPenalty(DieElecSpheDist, DieElecWaterDist, NeighbourCount, DieElecWater, DieElecCore, BornPenaltyB)
    DeltapKB = fDeltapK(EnergyBornPenalty, AvogadroR, Temp)

    # Do the calculations according to eq 3 and 9.
    pKm1 = fpKm1(DeltapKMCSC, pK1)
    pKm2 = fpKm2(DeltapKMCSC, DeltapKB, pK2)
    FracCysm1 = fFracCys(pKm1, pH)
    FracCysm2 = fFracCys(pKm2, pH)

    # Lets make a result file, and write out the angle, the SumMCSC, and the number of neighbours for this state.
    Currentdir = os.getcwd()
    Newdir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "Results")
    if not os.path.exists(Newdir):
    filename = os.path.join(".", "Results", "Result_" + molecule + "_" + chain + "_" + residue + ".txt")
    filenamelog = os.path.join(".", "Results", "Result_log.log")
    logfile = open(filenamelog, "a")
    outfile = open(filename, "w")
    timeforlog = strftime("%Y %b %d %a %H:%M:%S", localtime())
    logfile.write("# " + timeforlog + "\n")
    logfile.write("# molecule: %s , chain: %s, residue: %s %s, pH: %s " % (molecule, chain, residueName, residue, pH) + "\n")
    logfile.write("# BoltzSumNi:  BoltzPartition:  BoltzMCSC" + "\n")
    logfile.write(("# %.4f  %.4f  %.4f" + '\n') % (BoltzSumNi, BoltzPartition, BoltzMCSC))
    logfile.write("#    Res  NC    States  pKmcsc  pK1   pKB     pK2  pKm1     pKm2    f(C-)m1   f(C-)m2" + "\n")
    logfile.write(("; %s %s   %s  %s     %.4f  %s  %.4f  %s  %.4f  %.4f  %.6f  %.6f" + '\n') % (residueName, residue, NeighbourCount, AvailRotStates, DeltapKMCSC, pK1, DeltapKB, pK2, pKm1, pKm2, FracCysm1, FracCysm2))
    if nostates == "yes":
        logfile.write("##### ERROR; No states available ###" + "\n")
    if breakDimer == "yes":
        logfile.write("##### ERROR; Dimer formation ###" + "\n")
    outfile.write("# molecule: %s , chain: %s, residue: %s %s, pH: %s " % (molecule, chain, residueName, residue, pH) + "\n")
    outfile.write("# BoltzSumNi:  BoltzPartition:  BoltzMCSC" + "\n")
    outfile.write(("# %.4f  %.4f  %.4f" + '\n') % (BoltzSumNi, BoltzPartition, BoltzMCSC))
    outfile.write("#    Res  NC    States  pKmcsc  pK1   pKB     pK2  pKm1     pKm2    f(C-)m1   f(C-)m2" + "\n")
    outfile.write(("; %s %s   %s  %s     %.4f  %s  %.4f  %s  %.4f  %.4f  %.6f  %.6f" + '\n') % (residueName, residue, NeighbourCount, AvailRotStates, DeltapKMCSC, pK1, DeltapKB, pK2, pKm1, pKm2, FracCysm1, FracCysm2))
    if nostates == "yes":
        outfile.write("##### ERROR; No states available ###" + "\n")
    if breakDimer == "yes":
        outfile.write("##### ERROR; Dimer formation ###" + "\n")
    outfile.write("#Ang  SumMCSC   NC rNC MCSC_Weight       SG[X,Y,Z]" + "\n")
    for i in range(len(ListofEnergies)):
        outfile.write("%4.1d %10.3f %2.1d %1.1d %10.3f [%8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f]" % (ListofEnergies[i][0], ListofEnergies[i][1], ListofEnergies[i][2], ListofEnergies[i][3], ListofEnergies[i][4], ListofEnergies[i][5][0], ListofEnergies[i][5][1], ListofEnergies[i][5][2]) + '\n')
    for i in range(len(ListofRotamerDiscarded)):
        outfile.write("%4.1d %10.3f %2.1d %1.1d %10.3f [%8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f]" % (ListofRotamerDiscarded[i][0], ListofRotamerDiscarded[i][1], ListofRotamerDiscarded[i][2], ListofRotamerDiscarded[i][3], ListofRotamerDiscarded[i][4], ListofRotamerDiscarded[i][5][0], ListofRotamerDiscarded[i][5][1], ListofRotamerDiscarded[i][5][2]) + '\n')

    # Now, we are done. Just print out. The ; is for a grep command to select these lines in the output.
    print("# residue: %s %s. Average NeighbourCount NC= %s " % (residueName, residue, NeighbourCount))
    print("# From residue %s to residue %s" % (Minresidue, Maxresidue))
    print("# BoltzSumNi:  BoltzPartition:  BoltzMCSC")
    print("# %.4f  %.4f  %.4f" % (BoltzSumNi, BoltzPartition, BoltzMCSC))
    print("# Result written in file: %s" % (filename))
    print("#    Res  NC    States  pKmcsc  pK1   pKB     pK2  pKm1     pKm2    f(C-)m1   f(C-)m2")
    print("; %s %s   %s  %s     %.4f  %s  %.4f  %s  %.4f  %.4f  %.6f  %.6f" % (residueName, residue, NeighbourCount, AvailRotStates, DeltapKMCSC, pK1, DeltapKB, pK2, pKm1, pKm2, FracCysm1, FracCysm2))
    if nostates == "yes":
        print("##### ERROR; No states available ###")
    if breakDimer == "yes":
        print("##### ERROR; Dimer formation ###")
コード例 #38
ファイル: Default.py プロジェクト: NRGlab/NRGsuite
    def Btn_Save_Clefts(self):
        if self.TempBindingSite.Count_Cleft() > 0:
            DefaultPath = os.path.join(self.top.CleftProject_Dir,self.LastdefaultOption.upper())
            if not os.path.isdir(DefaultPath):
            SaveFile = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(initialdir=DefaultPath, title='Choose the Cleft base filename',
            if SaveFile:

                SaveFile = os.path.normpath(SaveFile)
                if DefaultPath not in SaveFile:
                    self.DisplayMessage("  ERROR: The file can only be saved at its default location", 2)
                if glob(SaveFile + "_sph_*.nrgclf"):
                    message = "The Cleft base filename you selected is already taken. " + \
                              "Are you sure you want to overwrite the files?\n" + \
                              "This may result in unexpected errors as the files may be used in saved session."
                    answer = tkMessageBox.askquestion("Question",
                    if str(answer) == 'no':
                        self.top.DisplayMessage("  The saving of clefts was cancelled.", 2)
                for CleftName in self.TempBindingSite.Get_SortedCleftNames():
                    Cleft = self.TempBindingSite.Get_CleftName(CleftName)
                    #CleftPath = os.path.join(self.top.CleftProject_Dir,Cleft.UTarget)
                    m = re.match('(\S+)(_sph_(\d+)(_pt)?)', CleftName)
                    if m:
                        CleftNamePrefix = m.group(1)
                        CleftNameSuffix = m.group(2)
                    #if not os.path.isdir(CleftPath):
                    #    os.makedirs(CleftPath)
                    NewCleftNamePrefix = os.path.split(SaveFile)[1]
                    CleftSaveFile = SaveFile + CleftNameSuffix + '.nrgclf'

                    # rename cleft objects in pymol also if renamed
                    if NewCleftNamePrefix != CleftNamePrefix:
                            cmd.set_name(CleftName, NewCleftNamePrefix + CleftNameSuffix)
                            self.top.DisplayMessage("  ERROR: Failed to rename cleft '" + Cleft.CleftName + "'", 2)

                    Cleft.CleftName = NewCleftNamePrefix + CleftNameSuffix
                        out = open(CleftSaveFile, 'wb')
                        pickle.dump(Cleft, out)
                        #self.top.DisplayMessage("  Successfully saved '" + CleftSaveFile + "'", 0)
                        self.top.DisplayMessage("  ERROR: Could not save binding-site '" + CleftSaveFile + "'", 1)
                self.top.DisplayMessage("  No clefts to save.", 2)
コード例 #39
import pymol
from pymol import cmd

# Input variables
structure = '5VN3'

# Clear pymol, get structure, and remove non-Env chains
# gp41 = chain A, B, D
# gp120 = chain G, I, J
# CD4 = chains C, E, F
# 17b = chains H, K, M and L, N, O
cmd.fetch(structure)  #, type='pdb1')
cmd.set_name(structure, '5VN3_trimer')
cmd.select('gp160', 'c;A,G')
cmd.create(structure, 'gp160')

# Read in RSA values from file
d = {}
with open('5VN3_RSA_and_SS.txt') as f:
    for (i, line) in enumerate(f):
        line = line.strip().split(',')
        site = line[0]
        RSA = line[3]
        if i == 0:
            assert site == 'site'
            assert RSA == 'RSA'
            site = int(site)
コード例 #40
ファイル: editing.py プロジェクト: schrodinger/pymol-testing
 def test_set_name(self):
     cmd.set_name('m1', 'm2')
     self.assertEqual(['m2'], cmd.get_names())
コード例 #41
ファイル: ce_alignment.py プロジェクト: speleo3/pymod
    def ce_align(self,
        Actually performs the structural alignment.

        # Run CE-alignment using the PyMOL built-in module. -

        retain_order = True
        if retain_order:
            cmd.set("retain_order", 1)

        sel1 = elements_to_align[0].get_pymol_selector()
        sel2 = elements_to_align[1].get_pymol_selector()

        # Sets temporary names.
        tsel1 = "t" + elements_to_align[0].get_unique_index_header()
        tsel2 = "t" + elements_to_align[1].get_unique_index_header()

        cmd.set_name(sel1, tsel1)
        cmd.set_name(sel2, tsel2)

        # Actually performs the alignment.
        a = cmd.cealign(target=tsel1,
        # cmd.center('%s and %s' % (tsel1, tsel2))
        # cmd.zoom('%s and %s' % (tsel1, tsel2))

        # Updates the names of the chains PDB files and saves these new files.
        saved_file1 = sel1 + "_aligned.pdb"
        saved_file2 = sel2 + "_aligned.pdb"
        # elements_to_align[0].structure.chain_pdb_file_name = saved_file1
        # elements_to_align[1].structure.chain_pdb_file_name = saved_file2
        cmd.save(os.path.join(self.pymod.structures_dirpath, saved_file1),
        cmd.save(os.path.join(self.pymod.structures_dirpath, saved_file2),

        # Finally saves the structural alignment between the sequences.
                         output_file_name + ".aln"), "pymod_temp_cealign")

        # Converts it in .aln format.
        recs = SeqIO.parse(
                         output_file_name + ".aln"), "clustal")
        new_recs = []
        for rec, pymod_element in zip(
                recs, (elements_to_align[0], elements_to_align[1])):
            new_rec_id = "_".join(rec.id[1:].split("_")[0:3])
            new_rec_seq = str(rec.seq).replace(
                "?", "X")  # Replaces modified residues.

            new_recs.append(SeqRecord(Seq(new_rec_seq), id=new_rec_id))

                         output_file_name + ".aln"), "clustal")

        # Sets the names of the objects back to original ones.
        cmd.set_name(tsel1, sel1)
        cmd.set_name(tsel2, sel2)

        if retain_order:
            cmd.set("retain_order", 0)
コード例 #42
    def Btn_Save_Clefts(self):

        if self.TempBindingSite.Count_Cleft() > 0:

            DefaultPath = os.path.join(self.top.CleftProject_Dir,
            if not os.path.isdir(DefaultPath):

            SaveFile = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(
                title='Choose the Cleft base filename',

            if SaveFile:

                SaveFile = os.path.normpath(SaveFile)

                if DefaultPath not in SaveFile:
                        "  ERROR: The file can only be saved at its default location",

                if glob(SaveFile + "_sph_*.nrgclf"):
                    message = "The Cleft base filename you selected is already taken. " + \
                              "Are you sure you want to overwrite the files?\n" + \
                              "This may result in unexpected errors as the files may be used in saved session."

                    answer = tkMessageBox.askquestion("Question",
                    if str(answer) == 'no':
                            "  The saving of clefts was cancelled.", 2)


                for CleftName in self.TempBindingSite.Get_SortedCleftNames():

                    Cleft = self.TempBindingSite.Get_CleftName(CleftName)
                    #CleftPath = os.path.join(self.top.CleftProject_Dir,Cleft.UTarget)

                    m = re.match('(\S+)(_sph_(\d+)(_pt)?)', CleftName)
                    if m:
                        CleftNamePrefix = m.group(1)
                        CleftNameSuffix = m.group(2)

                    #if not os.path.isdir(CleftPath):
                    #    os.makedirs(CleftPath)

                    NewCleftNamePrefix = os.path.split(SaveFile)[1]
                    CleftSaveFile = SaveFile + CleftNameSuffix + '.nrgclf'

                    # rename cleft objects in pymol also if renamed
                    if NewCleftNamePrefix != CleftNamePrefix:

                                         NewCleftNamePrefix + CleftNameSuffix)
                                "  ERROR: Failed to rename cleft '" +
                                Cleft.CleftName + "'", 2)

                    Cleft.CleftName = NewCleftNamePrefix + CleftNameSuffix

                        out = open(CleftSaveFile, 'wb')
                        pickle.dump(Cleft, out)

                        #self.top.DisplayMessage("  Successfully saved '" + CleftSaveFile + "'", 0)
                            "  ERROR: Could not save binding-site '" +
                            CleftSaveFile + "'", 1)

                self.top.DisplayMessage("  No clefts to save.", 2)
コード例 #43
ファイル: aa_aligned_contexts.py プロジェクト: hajosep/KLS
from pymol import cmd


if len(sys.argv) != 6:
    print("Usage: %s pdb-file align-sele save-sele align-atoms frame-pdb")

struct_path = sys.argv[1]
struct_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(struct_path))[0]
cmd.load(struct_path, struct_name)

cmd.split_states(struct_name, 1, 1, "temp")
# cmd.save('%s_debug.pse' % struct_name)
cmd.set_name("temp0001", struct_name)

frame_bname = "frame"
# frame_path = './aa_frames/ile_frame.pdb'
frame_path = sys.argv[5]
cmd.load(frame_path, frame_bname)

# target_sele = 'resn asp'
target_sele = sys.argv[2]
# dist = 6
# dist = sys.argv[3]
user_sele = sys.argv[3]

# 1) find residue number of all residues in the selection
# 2) align residue to the frame