コード例 #1
    def run_test(self):
        if not _HAVE_DNSPYTHON:
            raise unittest.SkipTest("DNS tests require the dnspython module")
        uri = test_case['uri']
        seeds = test_case['seeds']
        hosts = test_case['hosts']
        options = test_case.get('options')
        if seeds:
            seeds = split_hosts(','.join(seeds))
        if hosts:
            hosts = frozenset(split_hosts(','.join(hosts)))
        if options:
            for key, value in options.items():
                # Convert numbers / booleans to strings for comparison
                if isinstance(value, bool):
                    options[key] = 'true' if value else 'false'
                elif isinstance(value, (int, float)):
                    options[key] = str(value)

        if seeds:
            result = parse_uri(uri, validate=False)
            self.assertEqual(sorted(result['nodelist']), sorted(seeds))
            if options:
                opts = result['options']
                if 'readpreferencetags' in opts:
                    rpts = validate_read_preference_tags(
                        'readPreferenceTags', opts.pop('readpreferencetags'))
                    opts['readPreferenceTags'] = rpts
                self.assertEqual(result['options'], options)

            hostname = next(iter(client_context.client.nodes))[0]
            # The replica set members must be configured as 'localhost'.
            if hostname == 'localhost':
                copts = client_context.default_client_options.copy()
                if client_context.ssl is True:
                    # Our test certs don't support the SRV hosts used in these tests.
                    copts['ssl_match_hostname'] = False

                client = MongoClient(uri, **copts)
                # Force server selection
                    lambda: hosts == client.nodes,
                    'match test hosts to client nodes')
            except (ConfigurationError, ValueError):
                self.fail("failed to raise an exception")
コード例 #2
    def run_test(self):
        if not _HAVE_DNSPYTHON:
            raise unittest.SkipTest("DNS tests require the dnspython module")
        uri = test_case['uri']
        seeds = test_case['seeds']
        hosts = test_case['hosts']
        options = test_case.get('options')
        if seeds:
            seeds = split_hosts(','.join(seeds))
        if hosts:
            hosts = frozenset(split_hosts(','.join(hosts)))
        if options:
            for key, value in options.items():
                # Convert numbers / booleans to strings for comparison
                if isinstance(value, bool):
                    options[key] = 'true' if value else 'false'
                elif isinstance(value, (int, float)):
                    options[key] = str(value)

        if seeds:
            result = parse_uri(uri, validate=False)
            self.assertEqual(sorted(result['nodelist']), sorted(seeds))
            if options:
                opts = result['options']
                if 'readpreferencetags' in opts:
                    rpts = validate_read_preference_tags(
                        'readPreferenceTags', opts.pop('readpreferencetags'))
                    opts['readPreferenceTags'] = rpts
                self.assertEqual(result['options'], options)

            hostname = next(iter(client_context.client.nodes))[0]
            # The replica set members must be configured as 'localhost'.
            if hostname == 'localhost':
                copts = client_context.default_client_options.copy()
                if client_context.ssl is True:
                    # Our test certs don't support the SRV hosts used in these tests.
                    copts['ssl_match_hostname'] = False

                client = MongoClient(uri, **copts)
                # Force server selection
                    lambda: hosts == client.nodes,
                    'match test hosts to client nodes')
            except (ConfigurationError, ValueError):
                self.fail("failed to raise an exception")
コード例 #3
    def run_test(self):
        if not _HAVE_DNSPYTHON:
            raise unittest.SkipTest("DNS tests require the dnspython module")
        uri = test_case['uri']
        seeds = test_case['seeds']
        hosts = test_case['hosts']
        options = test_case.get('options', {})
        if 'ssl' in options:
            options['tls'] = options.pop('ssl')
        parsed_options = test_case.get('parsed_options')
        # See DRIVERS-1324, unless tls is explicitly set to False we need TLS.
        needs_tls = not (options and (options.get('ssl') == False
                                      or options.get('tls') == False))
        if needs_tls and not client_context.tls:
            self.skipTest('this test requires a TLS cluster')
        if not needs_tls and client_context.tls:
            self.skipTest('this test requires a non-TLS cluster')

        if seeds:
            seeds = split_hosts(','.join(seeds))
        if hosts:
            hosts = frozenset(split_hosts(','.join(hosts)))

        if seeds:
            result = parse_uri(uri, validate=True)
            self.assertEqual(sorted(result['nodelist']), sorted(seeds))
            if options:
                opts = result['options']
                if 'readpreferencetags' in opts:
                    rpts = validate_read_preference_tags(
                        'readPreferenceTags', opts.pop('readpreferencetags'))
                    opts['readPreferenceTags'] = rpts
                self.assertEqual(result['options'], options)
            if parsed_options:
                for opt, expected in parsed_options.items():
                    if opt == 'user':
                        self.assertEqual(result['username'], expected)
                    elif opt == 'password':
                        self.assertEqual(result['password'], expected)
                    elif opt == 'auth_database' or opt == 'db':
                        self.assertEqual(result['database'], expected)

            hostname = next(iter(client_context.client.nodes))[0]
            # The replica set members must be configured as 'localhost'.
            if hostname == 'localhost':
                copts = client_context.default_client_options.copy()
                # Remove tls since SRV parsing should add it automatically.
                copts.pop('tls', None)
                if client_context.tls:
                    # Our test certs don't support the SRV hosts used in these
                    # tests.
                    copts['tlsAllowInvalidHostnames'] = True

                # The SRV spec tests assume drivers auto discover replica set
                # members. This should be removed during PYTHON-2679.
                if not self.load_balanced and ('directconnection'
                                               not in result['options']):
                    copts['directConnection'] = False

                client = MongoClient(uri, **copts)
                wait_until(lambda: hosts == client.nodes,
                           'match test hosts to client nodes')
            except (ConfigurationError, ValueError):
                self.fail("failed to raise an exception")