コード例 #1
    def _do(self, problem, pop, **kwargs):

        X = pop.get("X").astype(np.double)
        Y = np.full(X.shape, np.inf)

        if self.prob is None:
            self.prob = 1.0 / problem.n_var

        do_mutation = random.random(X.shape) < self.prob

        Y[:, :] = X

        xl = np.repeat(problem.xl[None, :], X.shape[0], axis=0)[do_mutation]
        xu = np.repeat(problem.xu[None, :], X.shape[0], axis=0)[do_mutation]

        if self.var_type == np.int:
            xl -= 0.5
            xu += (0.5 - 1e-16)

        X = X[do_mutation]

        delta1 = (X - xl) / (xu - xl)
        delta2 = (xu - X) / (xu - xl)

        mut_pow = 1.0 / (self.eta + 1.0)

        rand = random.random(X.shape)
        mask = rand <= 0.5
        mask_not = np.logical_not(mask)

        deltaq = np.zeros(X.shape)

        xy = 1.0 - delta1
        val = 2.0 * rand + (1.0 - 2.0 * rand) * (np.power(
            xy, (self.eta + 1.0)))
        d = np.power(val, mut_pow) - 1.0
        deltaq[mask] = d[mask]

        xy = 1.0 - delta2
        val = 2.0 * (1.0 - rand) + 2.0 * (rand - 0.5) * (np.power(
            xy, (self.eta + 1.0)))
        d = 1.0 - (np.power(val, mut_pow))
        deltaq[mask_not] = d[mask_not]

        # mutated values
        _Y = X + deltaq * (xu - xl)

        # back in bounds if necessary (floating point issues)
        _Y[_Y < xl] = xl[_Y < xl]
        _Y[_Y > xu] = xu[_Y > xu]

        # set the values for output
        Y[do_mutation] = _Y

        if self.var_type == np.int:
            Y = np.rint(Y).astype(np.int)

        off = OutOfBoundsRepair().do(problem, pop.new("X", Y))

        return off
コード例 #2
    def _sample(self, n_samples, n_var):
        X = random.random(size=(n_samples, n_var))
        val = X.argsort(axis=0) + 1

        if self.smooth:
            val = val - random.random(val.shape)
            val = val - 0.5
        val /= n_samples

        return val
コード例 #3
    def _do(self, p, parents, children, **kwargs):

        n_var = parents.shape[2]
        n_offsprings = parents.shape[0]

        # do the crossover
        if self.type == "binomial":

            # uniformly for each individual and each entry
            r = random.random(size=(n_offsprings, n_var)) < self.prob

        elif self.type == "exponential":

            r = np.full((n_offsprings, n_var), False)

            # start point of crossover
            n = random.randint(0, n_var, size=n_var)
            # length of chromosome to do the crossover
            L = np.argmax((random.random(n_offsprings) > self.prob), axis=1)

            # create for each individual the crossover range
            for i in range(n_offsprings):
                for l in range(L[i] + 1):
                    r[i, (n[i] + l) % n_var] = True

            raise Exception(
                "Unknown crossover type. Either binomial or exponential.")

        # the so called donor vector
        children[:, :] = parents[:, 0]

        if self.variant == "DE/rand/1":
            trial = parents[:,
                            3] + self.weight * (parents[:, 1] - parents[:, 2])
            raise Exception("DE variant %s not known." % self.variant)

        # set only if larger than F_CR
        children[r] = trial[r]

        # bounce back into bounds
        if self.bounce_back_in_bounds:
            smaller_than_min, larger_than_max = p.xl > children, p.xu < children
            children[smaller_than_min] = (p.xl +
                                          (p.xl - children))[smaller_than_min]
            children[larger_than_max] = (p.xu -
                                         (children - p.xu))[larger_than_max]
コード例 #4
ファイル: moead.py プロジェクト: yidan3166/pymoo
    def _next(self, pop):

        # iterate for each member of the population in random order
        for i in random.perm(len(pop)):

            # all neighbors of this individual and corresponding weights
            N = self.neighbors[i, :]

            if random.random() < self.prob_neighbor_mating:
                parents = N[random.perm(self.n_neighbors)][:self.crossover.n_parents]
                parents = random.perm(self.pop_size)[:self.crossover.n_parents]

            # do recombination and create an offspring
            off = self.crossover.do(self.problem, pop, parents[None, :])
            off = self.mutation.do(self.problem, off)
            off = off[random.randint(0, len(off))]

            # evaluate the offspring
            self.evaluator.eval(self.problem, off)

            # update the ideal point
            self.ideal_point = np.min(np.vstack([self.ideal_point, off.F]), axis=0)

            # calculate the decomposed values for each neighbor
            FV = self._decomposition.do(pop[N].get("F"), weights=self.ref_dirs[N, :], ideal_point=self.ideal_point)
            off_FV = self._decomposition.do(off.F[None, :], weights=self.ref_dirs[N, :], ideal_point=self.ideal_point)

            # get the absolute index in F where offspring is better than the current F (decomposed space)
            I = np.where(off_FV < FV)[0]
            pop[N[I]] = off

        return pop
コード例 #5
    def _do(self, problem, pop, parents, **kwargs):

        # get the X of parents and count the matings
        X = pop.get("X")[parents.T]
        _, n_matings, n_var = X.shape

        # the mask do to the crossover
        M = np.full((n_matings, n_var), False)

        # start point of crossover
        n = random.randint(0, n_var, size=len(pop))

        # the probabilities are calculated beforehand
        r = random.random((n_matings, n_var)) < self.prob

        # create for each individual the crossover range
        for i in range(n_matings):

            # the actual index where we start
            start = n[i]
            for j in range(problem.n_var):

                # the current position where we are pointing to
                current = (start + j) % problem.n_var

                # replace only if random value keeps being smaller than CR
                if r[i, current]:
                    M[i, current] = True

        _X = crossover_mask(X, M)
        return pop.new("X", _X)
コード例 #6
ファイル: random_sampling.py プロジェクト: yidan3166/pymoo
    def sample(self, problem, pop, n_samples, **kwargs):

        m = problem.n_var
        val = random.random(size=(n_samples, m))

        if self.var_type == np.bool:
            val = random.random((n_samples, m))
            val = (val < 0.5).astype(np.bool)
        elif self.var_type == np.int:
            val = np.rint(
                denormalize(val, problem.xl - 0.5,
                            problem.xu + (0.5 - 1e-16))).astype(np.int)
            val = denormalize(val, problem.xl, problem.xu)

        return pop.new("X", val)
コード例 #7
 def sample(self, problem, n_samples, data=None):
     m = len(problem.xl)
     val = random.random(size=(n_samples, m))
     for i in range(m):
             i] = val[:,
                      i] * (problem.xu[i] - problem.xl[i]) + problem.xl[i]
     return val
コード例 #8
    def sample(self, problem, pop, n_samples, **kwargs):

        m = problem.n_var

        val = random.random((n_samples, m))
        val = (val < 0.5).astype(np.bool)

        return pop.new("X", val)
コード例 #9
    def _do(self, p, X, Y, **kwargs):

        if self.prob_mut is None:
            self.prob_mut = 1.0 / p.n_var

        for i in range(X.shape[0]):

            for j in range(X.shape[1]):

                rnd = random.random()
                if rnd <= self.prob_mut:

                    y = X[i, j]
                    yl = p.xl[j]
                    yu = p.xu[j]

                    delta1 = (y - yl) / (yu - yl)
                    delta2 = (yu - y) / (yu - yl)

                    mut_pow = 1.0 / (self.eta_mut + 1.0)

                    rnd = random.random()
                    if rnd <= 0.5:
                        xy = 1.0 - delta1
                        val = 2.0 * rnd + (1.0 - 2.0 * rnd) * (pow(
                            xy, (self.eta_mut + 1.0)))
                        deltaq = pow(val, mut_pow) - 1.0
                        xy = 1.0 - delta2
                        val = 2.0 * (1.0 - rnd) + 2.0 * (rnd - 0.5) * (pow(
                            xy, (self.eta_mut + 1.0)))
                        deltaq = 1.0 - (pow(val, mut_pow))

                    y = y + deltaq * (yu - yl)

                    if y < yl:
                        y = yl

                    if y > yu:
                        y = yu

                    Y[i, j] = y

                    Y[i, j] = X[i, j]
コード例 #10
    def _next(self, pop):

        # get the vectors from the population
        F, CV, feasible = pop.get("F", "CV", "feasible")
        F = parameter_less(F, CV)

        # create offsprings and add it to the data of the algorithm
        if self.var_selection == "rand":
            P = self.selection.do(pop, self.pop_size, self.crossover.n_parents)

        elif self.var_selection == "best":
            best = np.argmin(F[:, 0])
            P = self.selection.do(pop, self.pop_size,
                                  self.crossover.n_parents - 1)
            P = np.column_stack([np.full(len(pop), best), P])

        elif self.var_selection == "rand+best":
            best = np.argmin(F[:, 0])
            P = self.selection.do(pop, self.pop_size, self.crossover.n_parents)
            use_best = random.random(len(pop)) < 0.3
            P[use_best, 0] = best

            raise Exception("Unknown selection: %s" % self.var_selection)

        self.off = self.crossover.do(self.problem, pop, P)

        # do the mutation by using the offsprings
        self.off = self.mutation.do(self.problem, self.off, algorithm=self)

        # bring back to bounds if violated through crossover - bounce back strategy
        X = self.off.get("X")
        xl = np.repeat(self.problem.xl[None, :], X.shape[0], axis=0)
        xu = np.repeat(self.problem.xu[None, :], X.shape[0], axis=0)

        # otherwise bounds back into the feasible space
        X[X < xl] = (xl + (xl - X))[X < xl]
        X[X > xu] = (xu - (X - xu))[X > xu]
        self.off.set("X", X)

        # evaluate the results
        self.evaluator.eval(self.problem, self.off, algorithm=self)

        _F, _CV, _feasible = self.off.get("F", "CV", "feasible")
        _F = parameter_less(_F, _CV)

        # find the individuals which are indeed better
        is_better = np.where((_F <= F)[:, 0])[0]

        # truncate the replacements if desired
        if self.n_replace is not None and self.n_replace < len(is_better):
            is_better = is_better[random.perm(len(is_better))[:self.n_replace]]

        # replace the individuals in the population
        pop[is_better] = self.off[is_better]

        return pop
コード例 #11
    def sample(self, problem, pop, n_samples, **kwargs):

        m = problem.n_var
        val = random.random(size=(n_samples, m))
        for i in range(m):
                i] = val[:,
                         i] * (problem.xu[i] - problem.xl[i]) + problem.xl[i]

        return pop.new("X", val)
コード例 #12
    def _do(self, problem, pop, algorithm, **kwargs):

        X = pop.get("X")
        off = algorithm.off
        _X = off.get("X")

        # do the crossover
        if self.variant == "bin":
            # uniformly for each individual and each entry
            r = random.random(size=(len(off), problem.n_var)) < self.CR

        elif self.variant == "exp":

            # start point of crossover
            r = np.full((len(off), problem.n_var), False)

            # start point of crossover
            n = random.randint(0, problem.n_var, size=len(off))
            # length of chromosome to do the crossover
            L = random.random((len(off), problem.n_var)) < self.CR

            # create for each individual the crossover range
            for i in range(len(off)):
                # the actual index where we start
                start = n[i]
                for j in range(problem.n_var):

                    # the current position where we are pointing to
                    current = (start + j) % problem.n_var

                    # replace only if random value keeps being smaller than CR
                    if L[i, current]:
                        r[i, current] = True

            raise Exception(
                "Unknown crossover type. Either binomial or exponential.")

        X[r] = _X[r]
        return pop.new("X", X)
コード例 #13
    def _do(self, problem, pop, parents, **kwargs):
        X = pop.get("X")[parents.T]

        if self.dither == "vector":
            weight = (self.weight + random.random(len(parents)) *
                      (1 - self.weight))[:, None]
        elif self.dither == "scalar":
            weight = self.weight + random.random() * (1 - self.weight)
            weight = self.weight

        # http://www.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu/~siludwig/Publish/papers/SSCI20141.pdf
        if self.jitter:
            gamma = 0.0001
            weight = (self.weight *
                      (1 + gamma * (random.random(len(parents)) - 0.5)))[:,

        _X = X[0] + weight * (X[1] - X[2])
        return pop.new("X", _X)
コード例 #14
    def _do(self, p, parents, children, data=None):

        for i in range(p.n_var):

            if random.random() < 0.5:
                children[0, i] = parents[0, i]
                children[1, i] = parents[1, i]
                children[0, i] = parents[1, i]
                children[1, i] = parents[0, i]

        return children
コード例 #15
    def _do(self, p, X, Y):

        if self.p_mut is None:
            self.p_mut = 1.0 / p.n_var

        for i in range(X.shape[0]):

            for j in range(X.shape[1]):

                # no mutation for this index
                if random.random() > self.p_mut:
                    Y[i, j] = X[i, j]
                    y = X[i, j]
                    yl = p.xl[j]
                    yu = p.xu[j]
                    delta1 = (y - yl) / (yu - yl)
                    delta2 = (yu - y) / (yu - yl)
                    r = random.random()
                    mut_pow = 1.0 / (self.eta_m + 1.0)
                    if r <= 0.5:
                        xy = 1.0 - delta1
                        val = 2.0 * r + (1.0 - 2.0 * r) * (pow(
                            xy, (self.eta_m + 1.0)))
                        deltaq = pow(val, mut_pow) - 1.0

                        xy = 1.0 - delta2
                        val = 2.0 * (1.0 - r) + 2.0 * (r - 0.5) * (pow(
                            xy, (self.eta_m + 1.0)))
                        deltaq = 1.0 - (pow(val, mut_pow))

                    y = y + deltaq * (yu - yl)
                    if y < yl:
                        y = yl
                    if y > yu:
                        y = yu
                    Y[i, j] = y

        return Y
コード例 #16
ファイル: bitflip_mutation.py プロジェクト: yidan3166/pymoo
    def _do(self, problem, pop, **kwargs):
        if self.prob is None:
            self.prob = 1.0 / problem.n_var

        X = pop.get("X")
        _X = np.full(X.shape, np.inf)

        M = random.random(X.shape)
        flip, not_flip = M < self.prob, M > self.prob

        _X[flip] = np.logical_not(X[flip])
        _X[not_flip] = X[not_flip]

        return pop.new("X", _X.astype(np.bool))
コード例 #17
    def _do(self, p, X, Y, **kwargs):

        if self.p_mut is None:
            self.p_mut = 1.0 / len(X)

        for i in range(X.shape[0]):

            for j in range(X.shape[1]):

                if random.random() < self.p_mut:
                    Y[i, j] = not X[i, j]
                    Y[i, j] = X[i, j]

        return Y
コード例 #18
ファイル: so_de.py プロジェクト: yidan3166/pymoo
    def _next(self, pop):

        # get the vectors from the population
        F, CV, feasible = pop.get("F", "CV", "feasible")
        F = parameter_less(F, CV)

        # create offsprings and add it to the data of the algorithm
        if self.var_selection == "rand":
            P = self.selection.do(pop, self.pop_size, self.crossover.n_parents)

        elif self.var_selection == "best":
            best = np.argmin(F[:, 0])
            P = self.selection.do(pop, self.pop_size, self.crossover.n_parents - 1)
            P = np.column_stack([np.full(len(pop), best), P])

        elif self.var_selection == "rand+best":
            best = np.argmin(F[:, 0])
            P = self.selection.do(pop, self.pop_size, self.crossover.n_parents)
            use_best = random.random(len(pop)) < 0.3
            P[use_best, 0] = best

            raise Exception("Unknown selection: %s" % self.var_selection)

        # do the first crossover which is the actual DE operation
        self.off = self.crossover.do(self.problem, pop, P, algorithm=self)

        # then do the mutation (which is actually )
        _pop = self.off.new().merge(self.pop).merge(self.off)
        _P = np.column_stack([np.arange(len(pop)), np.arange(len(pop)) + len(pop)])
        self.off = self.mutation.do(self.problem, _pop, _P, algorithm=self)[:len(self.pop)]

        # bounds back if something is out of bounds
        self.off = BoundsBackRepair().do( self.problem, self.off)

        # evaluate the results
        self.evaluator.eval(self.problem, self.off, algorithm=self)

        _F, _CV, _feasible = self.off.get("F", "CV", "feasible")
        _F = parameter_less(_F, _CV)

        # find the individuals which are indeed better
        is_better = np.where((_F <= F)[:, 0])[0]

        # replace the individuals in the population
        pop[is_better] = self.off[is_better]

        return pop
コード例 #19
    def _do(self, p, parents, children, **kwargs):

        # number of parents
        n_parents = parents.shape[0]

        # random matrix to do the crossover
        M = random.random(n_parents, p.n_var)
        smaller, larger = M < 0.5, M > 0.5

        # first possibility where first parent 0 is copied
        children[:n_parents][smaller] = parents[:, 0, :][smaller]
        children[:n_parents][larger] = parents[:, 1, :][larger]

        # now flip the order of parents with the same random array and write the second half of children
        children[n_parents:][smaller] = parents[:, 1, :][smaller]
        children[n_parents:][larger] = parents[:, 0, :][larger]
コード例 #20
ファイル: stochastic_ranking.py プロジェクト: yidan3166/pymoo
def stochastic_ranking(F, CV, prob):

    # swap two individuals in the _current population
    def func_swap(A, i, j):
        tmp = A[i]
        A[i] = A[j]
        A[j] = tmp

    # the number of solutions that need to be ranked
    n_solutions = F.shape[0]

    # the number of pairwise comparisons - here we fix it to the number of solutions
    _lambda = n_solutions

    # the final sorting
    index = np.arange(n_solutions)

    for i in range(n_solutions):

        # variable which sets the flag if a swap was performed or not
        swap = False

        for j in range(_lambda - 1):

            _current, _next = index[j], index[j + 1]

            if (CV[_current] == 0
                    and CV[_next] == 0) or (random.random() < prob):

                if F[_current] > F[_next]:
                    func_swap(index, j, j + 1)
                    swap = True


                if CV[_current] > CV[_next]:
                    func_swap(index, j, j + 1)
                    swap = True

        if not swap:

    return index
コード例 #21
ファイル: optimize.py プロジェクト: mikelzc1990/nasbench101
    def _do(self, problem, pop, **kwargs):
        if self.p_mut is None:
            self.p_mut = 1.0 / problem.n_var

        X = pop.get("X")
        _X = np.full(X.shape, np.inf)

        for k in range(X.shape[0]):
            for i in range(X.shape[1]):
                if random.random() < self.p_mut:
                    available_choices = np.arange(problem.xl[i],
                                                  problem.xu[i] + 1).tolist()
                                               i])  # removes the current value
                    _X[k, i] = np.random.choice(available_choices)
                    _X[k, i] = X[k, i]

        return pop.new("X", _X.astype(np.int))
コード例 #22
    def _do(self, problem, pop, parents, **kwargs):

        # number of parents
        n_matings = parents.shape[0]
        off = np.full((n_matings * self.n_offsprings, problem.n_var),

        X = pop.get("X")[parents.T]

        # random matrix to do the crossover
        M = random.random((n_matings, problem.n_var))
        smaller, larger = M < 0.5, M > 0.5

        # first possibility where first parent 0 is copied
        off[:n_matings][smaller] = X[0, :, :][smaller]
        off[:n_matings][larger] = X[1, :, :][larger]

        # now flip the order of parents with the same random array and write the second half of off
        off[n_matings:][smaller] = X[1, :, :][smaller]
        off[n_matings:][larger] = X[0, :, :][larger]

        return pop.new("X", off.astype(problem.type_var))
コード例 #23
    def _do(self, p, parents, children, **kwargs):

        n_children = 0

        for k in range(parents.shape[0]):

            if random.random() <= self.prob_cross:

                for i in range(p.n_var):

                    rnd = random.random()
                    if rnd <= 0.5:

                        if np.abs(parents[k, 0, i] -
                                  parents[k, 1, i]) > 1.0e-10:

                            yl = p.xl[i]
                            yu = p.xu[i]

                            if parents[k, 0, i] < parents[k, 1, i]:
                                y1 = parents[k, 0, i]
                                y2 = parents[k, 1, i]
                                y1 = parents[k, 1, i]
                                y2 = parents[k, 0, i]

                            if (y1 - yl) > (yu - y2):
                                beta = 1 / (1 + (2 * (yu - y2) / (y2 - y1)))
                                beta = 1 / (1 + (2 * (y1 - yl) / (y2 - y1)))

                            alpha = (2.0 - pow(beta, self.eta_cross + 1.0))

                            rnd = random.random()

                            if rnd <= 1.0 / alpha:
                                alpha *= rnd
                                alpha *= rnd
                                alpha = 1.0 / (2.0 - alpha)

                            betaq = pow(alpha, 1.0 / (self.eta_cross + 1.0))

                            c1 = 0.5 * ((y1 + y2) - betaq * (y2 - y1))
                            c2 = 0.5 * ((y1 + y2) + betaq * (y2 - y1))

                            if c1 < yl:
                                c1 = yl
                            if c2 < yl:
                                c2 = yl
                            if c1 > yu:
                                c1 = yu
                            if c2 > yu:
                                c2 = yu

                            children[n_children, i] = c1
                            children[n_children + 1, i] = c2


                            children[n_children, i] = parents[k, 0, i]
                            children[n_children + 1, i] = parents[k, 1, i]

                        children[n_children, i] = parents[k, 0, i]
                        children[n_children + 1, i] = parents[k, 1, i]

                children[n_children, :] = parents[k, 0, :]
                children[n_children + 1, :] = parents[k, 1, :]

            n_children += self.n_offsprings
コード例 #24
    def _do(self, p, parents, children, data=None):

        n = p.n_var

        if random.random() <= self.p_xover:

            for i in range(n):

                if random.random() <= 0.5:

                    if abs(parents[0, i] - parents[1, i]) > Configuration.EPS:

                        if parents[0, i] < parents[1, i]:
                            y1 = parents[0, i]
                            y2 = parents[1, i]
                            y1 = parents[1, i]
                            y2 = parents[0, i]

                        yl = p.xl[i]
                        yu = p.xu[i]
                        rand = random.random()
                        beta = 1.0 + (2.0 * (y1 - yl) / (y2 - y1))
                        alpha = 2.0 - pow(beta, -(self.eta_c + 1.0))
                        if rand <= (1.0 / alpha):
                            betaq = pow((rand * alpha),
                                        (1.0 / (self.eta_c + 1.0)))

                            betaq = pow((1.0 / (2.0 - rand * alpha)),
                                        (1.0 / (self.eta_c + 1.0)))

                        c1 = 0.5 * ((y1 + y2) - betaq * (y2 - y1))
                        beta = 1.0 + (2.0 * (yu - y2) / (y2 - y1))
                        alpha = 2.0 - pow(beta, -(self.eta_c + 1.0))
                        if rand <= (1.0 / alpha):
                            betaq = pow((rand * alpha),
                                        (1.0 / (self.eta_c + 1.0)))
                            betaq = pow((1.0 / (2.0 - rand * alpha)),
                                        (1.0 / (self.eta_c + 1.0)))

                        c2 = 0.5 * ((y1 + y2) + betaq * (y2 - y1))

                        if c1 < yl:
                            c1 = yl
                        if c2 < yl:
                            c2 = yl
                        if c1 > yu:
                            c1 = yu
                        if c2 > yu:
                            c2 = yu
                        if random.random() <= 0.5:
                            children[0, i] = c2
                            children[1, i] = c1

                            children[0, i] = c1
                            children[1, i] = c2

                        children[0, i] = parents[0, i]
                        children[1, i] = parents[1, i]

                    children[0, i] = parents[0, i]
                    children[1, i] = parents[1, i]

            children[:, :] = parents

        return children
コード例 #25
    def _do(self, p, parents, children, **kwargs):

        n_var = p.n_var
        n_children = 0

        for k in range(parents.shape[0]):

            if random.random() <= self.prob_cross:

                for i in range(n_var):

                    if random.random() <= 0.5:

                        if abs(parents[k, 0, i] - parents[k, 1, i]) > Configuration.EPS:

                            if parents[k, 0, i] < parents[k, 1, i]:
                                y1 = parents[k, 0, i]
                                y2 = parents[k, 1, i]
                                y1 = parents[k, 1, i]
                                y2 = parents[k, 0, i]

                            yl = p.xl[i]
                            yu = p.xu[i]
                            rand = random.random()
                            beta = 1.0 + (2.0 * (y1 - yl) / (y2 - y1))
                            alpha = 2.0 - pow(beta, -(self.eta_cross + 1.0))
                            if rand <= (1.0 / alpha):
                                betaq = pow((rand * alpha), (1.0 / (self.eta_cross + 1.0)))

                                betaq = pow((1.0 / (2.0 - rand * alpha)), (1.0 / (self.eta_cross + 1.0)))

                            c1 = 0.5 * ((y1 + y2) - betaq * (y2 - y1))
                            beta = 1.0 + (2.0 * (yu - y2) / (y2 - y1))
                            alpha = 2.0 - pow(beta, -(self.eta_cross + 1.0))
                            if rand <= (1.0 / alpha):
                                betaq = pow((rand * alpha), (1.0 / (self.eta_cross + 1.0)))
                                betaq = pow((1.0 / (2.0 - rand * alpha)), (1.0 / (self.eta_cross + 1.0)))

                            c2 = 0.5 * ((y1 + y2) + betaq * (y2 - y1))

                            if c1 < yl:
                                c1 = yl
                            if c2 < yl:
                                c2 = yl
                            if c1 > yu:
                                c1 = yu
                            if c2 > yu:
                                c2 = yu
                            if random.random() <= 0.5:
                                children[n_children, i] = c2
                                children[n_children+1, i] = c1

                                children[n_children, i] = c1
                                children[n_children+1, i] = c2

                            children[n_children, i] = parents[k, 0, i]
                            children[n_children+1, i] = parents[k, 1, i]

                        children[n_children, i] = parents[k, 0, i]
                        children[n_children+1, i] = parents[k, 1, i]

                children[n_children, :] = parents[k, 0, :]
                children[n_children+1, :] = parents[k, 1, :]

            n_children += self.n_children
コード例 #26
    def _mating(self, p, parents, children, **kwargs):

        if random.random() <= self.prob_cross:

            for i in range(p.n_var):

                if random.random() <= 0.5:

                    if np.abs(parents[0, i] - parents[1, i]) > 1.0e-14:

                        if parents[0, i] < parents[1, i]:
                            y1 = parents[0, i]
                            y2 = parents[1, i]
                            y1 = parents[1, i]
                            y2 = parents[0, i]

                        yl = p.xl[i]
                        yu = p.xu[i]
                        rand = random.random()
                        beta = 1.0 + (2.0 * (y1 - yl) / (y2 - y1))
                        alpha = 2.0 - pow(beta, -(self.eta_cross + 1.0))
                        if rand <= (1.0 / alpha):
                            betaq = pow((rand * alpha),
                                        (1.0 / (self.eta_cross + 1.0)))
                            betaq = pow((1.0 / (2.0 - rand * alpha)),
                                        (1.0 / (self.eta_cross + 1.0)))

                        c1 = 0.5 * ((y1 + y2) - betaq * (y2 - y1))

                        beta = 1.0 + (2.0 * (yu - y2) / (y2 - y1))
                        alpha = 2.0 - pow(beta, -(self.eta_cross + 1.0))

                        if rand <= (1.0 / alpha):
                            betaq = pow((rand * alpha),
                                        (1.0 / (self.eta_cross + 1.0)))
                            betaq = pow((1.0 / (2.0 - rand * alpha)),
                                        (1.0 / (self.eta_cross + 1.0)))

                        c2 = 0.5 * ((y1 + y2) + betaq * (y2 - y1))

                        if c1 < yl:
                            c1 = yl
                        if c2 < yl:
                            c2 = yl
                        if c1 > yu:
                            c1 = yu
                        if c2 > yu:
                            c2 = yu

                        if random.random() <= 0.5:
                            children[0, i] = c2
                            children[1, i] = c1
                            children[0, i] = c1
                            children[1, i] = c2

                        children[0, i] = parents[0, i]
                        children[1, i] = parents[1, i]

                    children[0, i] = parents[0, i]
                    children[1, i] = parents[1, i]

            children[0, :] = parents[0, :]
            children[1, :] = parents[1, :]
コード例 #27
    def _do(self, problem, pop, parents, **kwargs):

        n_matings = parents.shape[0]
        children = np.full((n_matings * self.n_offsprings, problem.n_var),
        X = pop.get("X")[parents.T].astype(np.double)
        xl, xu = problem.xl, problem.xu

        # in case of an integer problem we do the same, but change the bounds slightly and
        # round later on
        if self.var_type == np.int:
            xl = problem.xl - 0.5
            xu = problem.xu + (0.5 - 1e-16)

        # crossover mask that will be used in the end
        do_crossover = np.full(X[0].shape, True)

        # simulating probability of doing a crossover with the parents at all
        do_crossover[random.random(n_matings) > self.prob, :] = False
        # per variable the probability is then 50%
            n_matings, problem.n_var)) > self.prob_per_variable] = False
        # also if values are too close no mating is done
        do_crossover[np.abs(X[0] - X[1]) <= 1.0e-14] = False

        # assign y1 the smaller and y2 the larger value
        y1 = np.min(X, axis=0)
        y2 = np.max(X, axis=0)

        # random values for each individual
        rand = random.random((n_matings, problem.n_var))

        def calc_betaq(beta):
            alpha = 2.0 - np.power(beta, -(self.eta + 1.0))

            mask, mask_not = (rand <= (1.0 / alpha)), (rand > (1.0 / alpha))

            betaq = np.zeros(mask.shape)
            betaq[mask] = np.power((rand * alpha),
                                   (1.0 / (self.eta + 1.0)))[mask]
            betaq[mask_not] = np.power((1.0 / (2.0 - rand * alpha)),
                                       (1.0 / (self.eta + 1.0)))[mask_not]

            return betaq

        # difference between all variables
        delta = (y2 - y1)

        # now just be sure not dividing by zero (these cases will be filtered later anyway)
        #delta[np.logical_or(delta < 1.0e-10, np.logical_not(do_crossover))] = 1.0e-10
        delta[delta < 1.0e-10] = 1.0e-10

        beta = 1.0 + (2.0 * (y1 - xl) / delta)
        betaq = calc_betaq(beta)
        c1 = 0.5 * ((y1 + y2) - betaq * delta)

        beta = 1.0 + (2.0 * (xu - y2) / delta)
        betaq = calc_betaq(beta)
        c2 = 0.5 * ((y1 + y2) + betaq * delta)

        # do randomly a swap of variables
        b = random.random((n_matings, problem.n_var)) <= 0.5
        val = c1[b]
        c1[b] = c2[b]
        c2[b] = val

        # take the parents as _template
        c = X.astype(np.double)

        # copy the positions where the crossover was done
        c[0, do_crossover] = c1[do_crossover]
        c[1, do_crossover] = c2[do_crossover]

        # copy to the structure which is returned
        children[:n_matings, :] = c[0]
        children[n_matings:, :] = c[1]

        if self.var_type == np.int:
            children = np.rint(children).astype(np.int)

        # now repair all the offsprings to be in bound
        off = OutOfBoundsRepair().do(problem, pop.new("X", children))

        return off
コード例 #28
    def _do(self, problem, pop, parents, **kwargs):
        n_matings = parents.shape[0]
        children = np.full((n_matings * self.n_offsprings, problem.n_var), np.inf)
        X = pop.get("X")[parents.T].astype(np.double)

        # crossover mask that will be used in the end
        do_crossover = np.full(X[0].shape, True)

        # simulating probability of doing a crossover with the parents at all
        do_crossover[random.random(n_matings) > self.prob_cross, :] = False
        # per variable the probability is then 50%
        do_crossover[random.random((n_matings, problem.n_var)) <= 0.5] = False
        # also if values are too close no mating is done
        do_crossover[np.abs(X[0] - X[1]) <= 1.0e-14] = False

        # assign y1 the smaller and y2 the larger value
        y1 = np.min(X, axis=0)
        y2 = np.max(X, axis=0)

        # random values for each individual
        rand = random.random((n_matings, problem.n_var))

        def calc_betaq(beta):
            alpha = 2.0 - np.power(beta, -(self.eta_cross + 1.0))

            mask, mask_not = (rand <= (1.0 / alpha)), (rand > (1.0 / alpha))

            betaq = np.zeros(mask.shape)
            betaq[mask] = np.power((rand * alpha), (1.0 / (self.eta_cross + 1.0)))[mask]
            betaq[mask_not] = np.power((1.0 / (2.0 - rand * alpha)), (1.0 / (self.eta_cross + 1.0)))[mask_not]

            return betaq

        # difference between all variables
        delta = (y2 - y1)

        # now just be sure not dividing by zero (these cases will be filtered later anyway)
        #delta[np.logical_or(delta < 1.0e-10, np.logical_not(do_crossover))] = 1.0e-10
        delta[delta < 1.0e-10] = 1.0e-10

        beta = 1.0 + (2.0 * (y1 - problem.xl) / delta)
        betaq = calc_betaq(beta)
        c1 = 0.5 * ((y1 + y2) - betaq * delta)

        beta = 1.0 + (2.0 * (problem.xu - y2) / delta)
        betaq = calc_betaq(beta)
        c2 = 0.5 * ((y1 + y2) + betaq * delta)

        # do randomly a swap of variables
        b = random.random((n_matings, problem.n_var)) <= 0.5
        val = c1[b]
        c1[b] = c2[b]
        c2[b] = val

        # take the parents as template
        c = X.astype(np.double)

        # copy the positions where the crossover was done
        c[0, do_crossover] = c1[do_crossover]
        c[1, do_crossover] = c2[do_crossover]

        # copy to the structure which is returned
        children[:n_matings, :] = c[0]
        children[n_matings:, :] = c[1]

        # just be sure we are not out of bounds
        children[children < problem.xl] = np.repeat(problem.xl[None, :], children.shape[0], axis=0)[
            children < problem.xl]
        children[children > problem.xu] = np.repeat(problem.xu[None, :], children.shape[0], axis=0)[
            children > problem.xu]

        children = covert_to_type(problem, children)
        return pop.new("X", children)