コード例 #1
ファイル: algorithm.py プロジェクト: msu-coinlab/pymoo
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        # !
        # Here all algorithm parameters needed no matter what is problem is passed are defined
        # problem dependent initialization happens in setup(problem, **kwargs)
        # !


        # prints the compile warning if enabled

        # !
        # !
        # the termination criterion to be used by the algorithm - might be specific for an algorithm
        self.termination = kwargs.get("termination")
        # set the display variable supplied to the algorithm - might be specific for an algorithm
        self.display = kwargs.get("display")
        # callback to be executed each generation
        self.callback = kwargs.get("callback")

        # !
        # Attributes to be set later on for each problem run
        # !
        # the optimization problem as an instance
        self.problem = None
        # whether the algorithm should finally return the least infeasible solution if no feasible found
        self.return_least_infeasible = None
        # whether the history should be saved or not
        self.save_history = None
        # whether the algorithm should print output in this run or not
        self.verbose = None
        # the random seed that was used
        self.seed = None
        # an algorithm can defined the default termination which can be overwritten
        self.default_termination = None
        # whether the algorithm as terminated or not
        self.has_terminated = None
        # the pareto-front of the problem - if it exist or passed
        self.pf = None
        # the function evaluator object (can be used to inject code)
        self.evaluator = None
        # the current number of generation or iteration
        self.n_gen = None
        # the history object which contains the list
        self.history = None
        # the current solutions stored - here considered as population
        self.pop = None
        # a placeholder object for implementation to store solutions in each iteration
        self.off = None
        # the optimum found by the algorithm
        self.opt = None
        # can be used to store additional data in submodules
        self.data = {}
        # if the initialized method has been called before or not
        self.is_initialized = False
        # the time when the algorithm has been setup for the first time
        self.start_time = None
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self,

        # !
        # Here all algorithm parameters needed no matter what is problem is passed are defined
        # problem dependent initialization happens in initialize(problem, **kwargs)
        # !


        # prints the compile warning if enabled

        # function used to display attributes

        # other attributes of the algorithm
        self.callback = callback
        self.display = None
        self.return_least_infeasible = return_least_infeasible

        # !
        # Attributes to be set later on for each problem run
        # !

        # the optimization problem as an instance
        self.problem = None
        # the termination criterion of the algorithm
        self.termination = termination
        # an algorithm can defined the default termination which can be overwritten
        self.default_termination = None
        # the random seed that was used
        self.seed = None
        # the pareto-front of the problem - if it exist or passed
        self.pf = None
        # the function evaluator object (can be used to inject code)
        self.evaluator = None
        # the current number of generation or iteration
        self.n_gen = None
        # whether the history should be saved or not
        self.save_history = None
        # the history object which contains the list
        self.history = None
        # the current solutions stored - here considered as population
        self.pop = None
        # the optimum found by the algorithm
        self.opt = None
        # whether the algorithm should print output in this run or not
        self.verbose = None
        # set the display variable supplied to the algorithm
        self.display = display
        # can be used to store additional data in submodules
        self.data = {}