def create_one(): with UsingMysql(log_time=True) as um: sql = "insert into Product(name, remark) values(%s, %s)" params = ('男士双肩背包1', '这个是非常好的背包') um.cursor.execute(sql, params) # 查看结果 select_one(um.cursor)
def fetch_list(): with UsingMysql(log_time=True) as um: # 查找id 大于800的记录 data_list = fetch_list_by_filter(um.cursor, 800) # 查找id 大于 10000 的记录 data_list = fetch_list_by_filter(um.cursor, 10000)
def check_delete_one(): with UsingMysql(log_time=True) as um: # 查找一条记录 name = select_one(um.cursor) # 删除之 delete_one(um.cursor, name) # 查看还在不在? select_one_by_name(um.cursor, name)
def mock_user_action(name): log_label = '%s 查看了数据库' % name with UsingMysql(log_time=False) as um: um.cursor.execute("update Product set name = '%s' from Product") data = um.cursor.fetchone() if not data: print('-- ') return
def check_page(): with UsingMysql(log_time=True) as um: page_size = 10 pk = 500 for page_no in range(1, 6): print('====== 第%d页数据' % page_no) skip = (page_no - 1) * page_size fetch_page_data(um.cursor, pk, page_size, skip)
def check_update(): with UsingMysql(log_time=True) as um: # 查找一条记录 data = select_one(um.cursor) pk = data['id'] print('--- 商品{0}: '.format(data)) # 修改名字 new_name = '单肩包' update_by_pk(um.cursor, new_name, pk) # 查看 select_one_by_name(um.cursor, new_name)
def create_many(): with UsingMysql(log_time=True) as um: # 清空之前的测试记录 delete_all(um.cursor) for i in range(0, 1000): sql = "insert into Product(name, remark) values(%s, %s)" params = ('男士双肩背包%d' % i, '这个是非常好的背包%d' % i) um.cursor.execute(sql, params) # 查看结果 get_count(um.cursor)
def check_it(): with UsingMysql(log_time=True) as um: um.cursor.execute("select count(id) as total from Product") data = um.cursor.fetchone() print("-- 当前数量: %d " % data['total'])