コード例 #1
 def debug_receive_associate_rq(self, a_associate_rq):
     Placeholder for a function callback. Function will be called 
     immediately after receiving and decoding an A-ASSOCIATE-RQ
     a_associate_rq - pynetdicom.PDU.A_ASSOCIATE_RQ_PDU
         The A-ASSOCIATE-RQ PDU instance
     logger.info("Association Received")
     # Shorthand
     assoc_rq = a_associate_rq
     app_context   = assoc_rq.application_context_name.title()
     pres_contexts = assoc_rq.presentation_context
     user_info     = assoc_rq.user_information
     responding_ae = 'resp. AP Title'
     their_class_uid = 'unknown'
     their_version = 'unknown'
     if user_info.implementation_class_uid:
         their_class_uid = user_info.implementation_class_uid
     if user_info.implementation_version_name:
         their_version = user_info.implementation_version_name
     s = ['Request Parameters:']
     s.append('====================== BEGIN A-ASSOCIATE-RQ ================'
     s.append('Their Implementation Class UID:    %s' %their_class_uid)
     s.append('Their Implementation Version Name: %s' %their_version)
     s.append('Application Context Name:    %s' %app_context)
     s.append('Calling Application Name:    %s' %assoc_rq.calling_ae_title.decode('utf-8'))
     s.append('Called Application Name:     %s' %assoc_rq.called_ae_title.decode('utf-8'))
     s.append('Their Max PDU Receive Size:  %s' %user_info.maximum_length)
     ## Presentation Contexts
     s.append('Presentation Contexts:')
     for item in pres_contexts:
         s.append('  Context ID:        %s (Proposed)' %item.ID)
         s.append('    Abstract Syntax: =%s' %item.abstract_syntax)
         if item.SCU is None and item.SCP is None:
             scp_scu_role = 'Default'
             scp_scu_role = '%s/%s' %(item.SCP, item.SCU)
         s.append('    Proposed SCP/SCU Role: %s' %scp_scu_role)
         s.append('    Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):')
         for ts in item.transfer_syntax:
             s.append('      =%s' %ts)
     ## Extended Negotiation
     if assoc_rq.user_information.ext_neg is not None:
         s.append('Requested Extended Negotiation:')
         for item in assoc_rq.user_information.ext_neg:
             s.append('  Abstract Syntax: =%s' %item.UID)
             #s.append('    Application Information, length: %d bytes' %len(item.app_info))
             app_info = wrap_list(item.app_info)
             app_info[0] = '[' + app_info[0][1:]
             app_info[-1] = app_info[-1] + ' ]'
             for line in app_info:
                 s.append('    %s' %line)
         s.append('Requested Extended Negotiation: None')
     ## Common Extended Negotiation
     if assoc_rq.user_information.common_ext_neg is not None:
         s.append('Requested Common Extended Negotiation:')
         for item in assoc_rq.user_information.common_ext_neg:
             s.append('  Abstract Syntax: =%s' %item.sop_class_uid)
             s.append('  Service Class:   =%s' %item.service_class_uid)
             if item.related_general_sop_class_identification != []:
                 s.append('  Related General SOP Class(es):')
                 for sub_field in item.related_general_sop_class_identification:
                     s.append('    =%s' %sub_field)
                 s.append('  Related General SOP Classes: None')
         s.append('Requested Common Extended Negotiation: None')
     ## Asynchronous Operations Window Negotiation
     async_neg = 'None'
     if assoc_rq.user_information.async_ops_window is not None:
         s.append('Requested Asynchronous Operations Window Negotiation:')
         # FIXME
         s.append('Requested Asynchronous Operations Window Negotiation: None')
     ## User Identity
     if user_info.user_identity is not None:
         usid = user_info.user_identity
         s.append('Requested User Identity Negotiation:')
         s.append('  Authentication Mode: %d - %s' %(usid.id_type, usid.id_type_str))
         if usid.id_type == 1:
             s.append('  Username: [%s]' %usid.primary.decode('utf-8'))
         elif usid.id_type == 2:
             s.append('  Username: [%s]' %usid.primary.decode('utf-8'))
             s.append('  Password: [%s]' %usid.secondary.decode('utf-8'))
         elif usid.id_type == 3:
             s.append('  Kerberos Service Ticket (not dumped) length: %d' %len(usid.primary))
         elif usid.id_type == 4:
             s.append('  SAML Assertion (not dumped) length: %d' %len(usid.primary))
         if usid.response_requested:
             s.append('  Positive Response requested: Yes')
             s.append('  Positive Response requested: None')
         s.append('Requested User Identity Negotiation: None')
     s.append('======================= END A-ASSOCIATE-RQ =================='
     for line in s:
コード例 #2
    def debug_send_associate_rq(self, a_associate_rq):
        Placeholder for a function callback. Function will be called 
        immediately prior to encoding and sending an A-ASSOCIATE-RQ to 
        a peer AE
        The default implementation is used for logging debugging information
        a_associate_rq - pynetdicom.PDU.A_ASSOCIATE_RQ_PDU
            The A-ASSOCIATE-RQ PDU instance to be encoded and sent
        # Shorthand
        assoc_rq = a_associate_rq
        app_context   = assoc_rq.application_context_name.title()
        pres_contexts = assoc_rq.presentation_context
        user_info     = assoc_rq.user_information
        s = ['Request Parameters:']
        s.append('====================== BEGIN A-ASSOCIATE-RQ ================'
        s.append('Our Implementation Class UID:      %s' 
        s.append('Our Implementation Version Name:   %s' 
        s.append('Application Context Name:    %s' %app_context)
        s.append('Calling Application Name:    %s' %assoc_rq.calling_ae_title.decode('utf-8'))
        s.append('Called Application Name:     %s' %assoc_rq.called_ae_title.decode('utf-8'))
        s.append('Our Max PDU Receive Size:    %s' %user_info.maximum_length)
        ## Presentation Contexts
        if len(pres_contexts) == 1:
            s.append('Presentation Context:')
            s.append('Presentation Contexts:')

        for context in pres_contexts:
            s.append('  Context ID:        %s (Proposed)' %(context.ID))
            s.append('    Abstract Syntax: =%s' %context.abstract_syntax)
            if 'SCU' in context.__dict__.keys():
                scp_scu_role = '%s/%s' %(context.SCP, context.SCU)
                scp_scu_role = 'Default'
            s.append('    Proposed SCP/SCU Role: %s' %scp_scu_role)
            # Transfer Syntaxes
            if len(context.transfer_syntax) == 1:
                s.append('    Proposed Transfer Syntax:')
                s.append('    Proposed Transfer Syntaxes:')
            for ts in context.transfer_syntax:
                s.append('      =%s' %ts.name)
        ## Extended Negotiation
        if assoc_rq.user_information.ext_neg is not None:
            s.append('Requested Extended Negotiation:')
            for item in assoc_rq.user_information.ext_neg:
                s.append('  Abstract Syntax: =%s' %item.UID)
                #s.append('    Application Information, length: %d bytes' %len(item.app_info))
                app_info = wrap_list(item.app_info)
                app_info[0] = '[' + app_info[0][1:]
                app_info[-1] = app_info[-1] + ' ]'
                for line in app_info:
                    s.append('    %s' %line)
            s.append('Requested Extended Negotiation: None')
        ## Common Extended Negotiation
        if assoc_rq.user_information.common_ext_neg is not None:
            s.append('Requested Common Extended Negotiation:')
            for item in assoc_rq.user_information.common_ext_neg:
                s.append('  Abstract Syntax: =%s' %item.sop_class_uid)
                s.append('  Service Class:   =%s' %item.service_class_uid)
                if item.related_general_sop_class_identification != []:
                    s.append('  Related General SOP Class(es):')
                    for sub_field in item.related_general_sop_class_identification:
                        s.append('    =%s' %sub_field)
                    s.append('  Related General SOP Classes: None')
            s.append('Requested Common Extended Negotiation: None')
        ## User Identity
        if user_info.user_identity is not None:
            usid = user_info.user_identity
            s.append('Requested User Identity Negotiation:')
            s.append('  Authentication Mode: %d - %s' %(usid.id_type, usid.id_type_str))
            if usid.id_type == 1:
                s.append('  Username: [%s]' %usid.primary.decode('utf-8'))
            elif usid.id_type == 2:
                s.append('  Username: [%s]' %usid.primary.decode('utf-8'))
                s.append('  Password: [%s]' %usid.secondary.decode('utf-8'))
            elif usid.id_type == 3:
                s.append('  Kerberos Service Ticket (not dumped) length: %d' %len(usid.primary))
            elif usid.id_type == 4:
                s.append('  SAML Assertion (not dumped) length: %d' %len(usid.primary))
            if usid.response_requested:
                s.append('  Positive Response requested: Yes')
                s.append('  Positive Response requested: None')
            s.append('Requested User Identity Negotiation: None')
        s.append('======================= END A-ASSOCIATE-RQ =================='
        for line in s: