def track_ensemble(target_samples, atlas_data_wm_gm_int, labels_im_file, recon_path, sphere, directget, curv_thr_list, step_list, track_type, maxcrossing, roi_neighborhood_tol, min_length, waymask, B0_mask, t1w2dwi, gm_in_dwi, vent_csf_in_dwi, wm_in_dwi, tiss_class, cache_dir): """ Perform native-space ensemble tractography, restricted to a vector of ROI masks. target_samples : int Total number of streamline samples specified to generate streams. atlas_data_wm_gm_int : str File path to Nifti1Image in T1w-warped native diffusion space, restricted to wm-gm interface. parcels : list List of 3D boolean numpy arrays of atlas parcellation ROI masks from a Nifti1Image in T1w-warped native diffusion space. recon_path : str File path to diffusion reconstruction model. tiss_classifier : str Tissue classification method. sphere : obj DiPy object for modeling diffusion directions on a sphere. directget : str The statistical approach to tracking. Options are: det (deterministic), closest (clos), and prob (probabilistic). curv_thr_list : list List of integer curvature thresholds used to perform ensemble tracking. step_list : list List of float step-sizes used to perform ensemble tracking. track_type : str Tracking algorithm used (e.g. 'local' or 'particle'). maxcrossing : int Maximum number if diffusion directions that can be assumed per voxel while tracking. roi_neighborhood_tol : float Distance (in the units of the streamlines, usually mm). If any coordinate in the streamline is within this distance from the center of any voxel in the ROI, the filtering criterion is set to True for this streamline, otherwise False. Defaults to the distance between the center of each voxel and the corner of the voxel. min_length : int Minimum fiber length threshold in mm. waymask_data : ndarray Tractography constraint mask array in native diffusion space. B0_mask_data : ndarray B0 brain mask data. n_seeds_per_iter : int Number of seeds from which to initiate tracking for each unique ensemble combination. By default this is set to 250. max_length : int Maximum number of steps to restrict tracking. particle_count pft_back_tracking_dist : float Distance in mm to back track before starting the particle filtering tractography. The total particle filtering tractography distance is equal to back_tracking_dist + front_tracking_dist. By default this is set to 2 mm. pft_front_tracking_dist : float Distance in mm to run the particle filtering tractography after the the back track distance. The total particle filtering tractography distance is equal to back_tracking_dist + front_tracking_dist. By default this is set to 1 mm. particle_count : int Number of particles to use in the particle filter. min_separation_angle : float The minimum angle between directions [0, 90]. Returns ------- streamlines : ArraySequence DiPy list/array-like object of streamline points from tractography. References ---------- .. [1] Takemura, H., Caiafa, C. F., Wandell, B. A., & Pestilli, F. (2016). Ensemble Tractography. PLoS Computational Biology. """ import os import gc import time import pkg_resources import yaml import shutil from joblib import Parallel, delayed import itertools from pynets.dmri.track import run_tracking from colorama import Fore, Style from pynets.dmri.dmri_utils import generate_sl from nibabel.streamlines.array_sequence import concatenate, ArraySequence from pynets.core.utils import save_3d_to_4d from nilearn.masking import intersect_masks from nilearn.image import math_img cache_dir = f"{cache_dir}/joblib_tracking" os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True) with open(pkg_resources.resource_filename("pynets", "runconfig.yaml"), "r") as stream: hardcoded_params = yaml.load(stream) nthreads = hardcoded_params["nthreads"][0] n_seeds_per_iter = \ hardcoded_params['tracking']["n_seeds_per_iter"][0] max_length = \ hardcoded_params['tracking']["max_length"][0] pft_back_tracking_dist = \ hardcoded_params['tracking']["pft_back_tracking_dist"][0] pft_front_tracking_dist = \ hardcoded_params['tracking']["pft_front_tracking_dist"][0] particle_count = \ hardcoded_params['tracking']["particle_count"][0] min_separation_angle = \ hardcoded_params['tracking']["min_separation_angle"][0] stream.close() all_combs = list(itertools.product(step_list, curv_thr_list)) # Construct seeding mask seeding_mask = f"{cache_dir}/seeding_mask.nii.gz" if waymask is not None and os.path.isfile(waymask): atlas_data_wm_gm_int_img = intersect_masks( [ math_img("img > 0.0075", img=nib.load(waymask)), math_img("img > 0.001", img=nib.load(atlas_data_wm_gm_int)), math_img("img > 0.001", img=nib.load(labels_im_file)) ], threshold=0, connected=False, ), seeding_mask) else: atlas_data_wm_gm_int_img = intersect_masks( [ math_img("img > 0.001", img=nib.load(atlas_data_wm_gm_int)), math_img("img > 0.001", img=nib.load(labels_im_file)) ], threshold=0, connected=False, ), seeding_mask) tissues4d = save_3d_to_4d([ B0_mask, labels_im_file, seeding_mask, t1w2dwi, gm_in_dwi, vent_csf_in_dwi, wm_in_dwi ]) # Commence Ensemble Tractography start = time.time() stream_counter = 0 all_streams = [] ix = 0 while float(stream_counter) < float(target_samples) and \ float(ix) < 0.50*float(len(all_combs)): with Parallel(n_jobs=nthreads, backend='loky', mmap_mode='r+', temp_folder=cache_dir, verbose=10) as parallel: out_streams = parallel( delayed(run_tracking) (i, recon_path, n_seeds_per_iter, directget, maxcrossing, max_length, pft_back_tracking_dist, pft_front_tracking_dist, particle_count, roi_neighborhood_tol, waymask, min_length, track_type, min_separation_angle, sphere, tiss_class, tissues4d, cache_dir) for i in all_combs) out_streams = [ i for i in out_streams if i is not None and i is not ArraySequence() and len(i) > 0 ] if len(out_streams) > 1: out_streams = concatenate(out_streams, axis=0) if len(out_streams) < 100: ix += 1 print("Fewer than 100 streamlines tracked on last iteration." " loosening tolerance and anatomical constraints...") if track_type != 'particle': tiss_class = 'wb' roi_neighborhood_tol = float(roi_neighborhood_tol) * 1.05 min_length = float(min_length) * 0.95 continue else: ix -= 1 # Append streamline generators to prevent exponential growth # in memory consumption all_streams.extend([generate_sl(i) for i in out_streams]) stream_counter += len(out_streams) del out_streams print("%s%s%s%s" % ( "\nCumulative Streamline Count: ", Fore.CYAN, stream_counter, "\n", )) gc.collect() print(Style.RESET_ALL) if ix >= 0.75*len(all_combs) and \ float(stream_counter) < float(target_samples): print(f"Tractography failed. >{len(all_combs)} consecutive sampling " f"iterations with <50 streamlines. Are you using a waymask? " f"If so, it may be too restrictive.") return ArraySequence() else: print("Tracking Complete: ", str(time.time() - start)) del parallel, all_combs shutil.rmtree(cache_dir, ignore_errors=True) if stream_counter != 0: print('Generating final ArraySequence...') return ArraySequence([ArraySequence(i) for i in all_streams]) else: print('No streamlines generated!') return ArraySequence()
def streams2graph(atlas_mni, streams, dir_path, track_type, target_samples, conn_model, network, node_size, dens_thresh, ID, roi, min_span_tree, disp_filt, parc, prune, atlas, uatlas, labels, coords, norm, binary, directget, warped_fa, min_length, error_margin): """ Use tracked streamlines as a basis for estimating a structural connectome. Parameters ---------- atlas_mni : str File path to atlas parcellation Nifti1Image in T1w-warped MNI space. streams : str File path to streamline array sequence in .trk format. dir_path : str Path to directory containing subject derivative data for a given pynets run. track_type : str Tracking algorithm used (e.g. 'local' or 'particle'). target_samples : int Total number of streamline samples specified to generate streams. conn_model : str Connectivity reconstruction method (e.g. 'csa', 'tensor', 'csd'). network : str Resting-state network based on Yeo-7 and Yeo-17 naming (e.g. 'Default') used to filter nodes in the study of brain subgraphs. node_size : int Spherical centroid node size in the case that coordinate-based centroids are used as ROI's for tracking. dens_thresh : bool Indicates whether a target graph density is to be used as the basis for thresholding. ID : str A subject id or other unique identifier. roi : str File path to binarized/boolean region-of-interest Nifti1Image file. min_span_tree : bool Indicates whether local thresholding from the Minimum Spanning Tree should be used. disp_filt : bool Indicates whether local thresholding using a disparity filter and 'backbone network' should be used. parc : bool Indicates whether to use parcels instead of coordinates as ROI nodes. prune : bool Indicates whether to prune final graph of disconnected nodes/isolates. atlas : str Name of atlas parcellation used. uatlas : str File path to atlas parcellation Nifti1Image in MNI template space. labels : list List of string labels corresponding to graph nodes. coords : list List of (x, y, z) tuples corresponding to a coordinate atlas used or which represent the center-of-mass of each parcellation node. norm : int Indicates method of normalizing resulting graph. binary : bool Indicates whether to binarize resulting graph edges to form an unweighted graph. directget : str The statistical approach to tracking. Options are: det (deterministic), closest (clos), boot (bootstrapped), and prob (probabilistic). warped_fa : str File path to MNI-space warped FA Nifti1Image. min_length : int Minimum fiber length threshold in mm to restrict tracking. error_margin : int Euclidean margin of error for classifying a streamline as a connection to an ROI. Default is 2 voxels. Returns ------- atlas_mni : str File path to atlas parcellation Nifti1Image in T1w-warped MNI space. streams : str File path to streamline array sequence in .trk format. conn_matrix : array Adjacency matrix stored as an m x n array of nodes and edges. track_type : str Tracking algorithm used (e.g. 'local' or 'particle'). target_samples : int Total number of streamline samples specified to generate streams. dir_path : str Path to directory containing subject derivative data for given run. conn_model : str Connectivity reconstruction method (e.g. 'csa', 'tensor', 'csd'). network : str Resting-state network based on Yeo-7 and Yeo-17 naming (e.g. 'Default') used to filter nodes in the study of brain subgraphs. node_size : int Spherical centroid node size in the case that coordinate-based centroids are used as ROI's for tracking. dens_thresh : bool Indicates whether a target graph density is to be used as the basis for thresholding. ID : str A subject id or other unique identifier. roi : str File path to binarized/boolean region-of-interest Nifti1Image file. min_span_tree : bool Indicates whether local thresholding from the Minimum Spanning Tree should be used. disp_filt : bool Indicates whether local thresholding using a disparity filter and 'backbone network' should be used. parc : bool Indicates whether to use parcels instead of coordinates as ROI nodes. prune : bool Indicates whether to prune final graph of disconnected nodes/isolates. atlas : str Name of atlas parcellation used. uatlas : str File path to atlas parcellation Nifti1Image in MNI template space. labels : list List of string labels corresponding to graph nodes. coords : list List of (x, y, z) tuples corresponding to a coordinate atlas used or which represent the center-of-mass of each parcellation node. norm : int Indicates method of normalizing resulting graph. binary : bool Indicates whether to binarize resulting graph edges to form an unweighted graph. directget : str The statistical approach to tracking. Options are: det (deterministic), closest (clos), boot (bootstrapped), and prob (probabilistic). min_length : int Minimum fiber length threshold in mm to restrict tracking. error_margin : int Euclidean margin of error for classifying a streamline as a connection to an ROI. Default is 2 voxels. References ---------- .. [1] Sporns, O., Tononi, G., & Kötter, R. (2005). The human connectome: A structural description of the human brain. PLoS Computational Biology. .. [2] Sotiropoulos, S. N., & Zalesky, A. (2019). Building connectomes using diffusion MRI: why, how and but. NMR in Biomedicine. .. [3] Chung, M. K., Hanson, J. L., Adluru, N., Alexander, A. L., Davidson, R. J., & Pollak, S. D. (2017). Integrative Structural Brain Network Analysis in Diffusion Tensor Imaging. Brain Connectivity. """ import gc import time import pkg_resources import sys import yaml from dipy.tracking.streamline import Streamlines, values_from_volume from dipy.tracking._utils import _mapping_to_voxel, _to_voxel_coordinates import networkx as nx from itertools import combinations from collections import defaultdict from pynets.core import utils, nodemaker from pynets.dmri.dmri_utils import generate_sl from import load_tractogram from import Space, Origin with open(pkg_resources.resource_filename("pynets", "runconfig.yaml"), "r") as stream: hardcoded_params = yaml.load(stream) fa_wei = hardcoded_params["StructuralNetworkWeighting"][ "fa_weighting"][0] fiber_density = hardcoded_params["StructuralNetworkWeighting"][ "fiber_density"][0] overlap_thr = hardcoded_params["StructuralNetworkWeighting"][ "overlap_thr"][0] roi_neighborhood_tol = \ hardcoded_params['tracking']["roi_neighborhood_tol"][0] stream.close() start = time.time() if float(roi_neighborhood_tol) <= float(error_margin): try: raise ValueError('roi_neighborhood_tol preset cannot be less than ' 'the value of the structural connectome error' '_margin parameter.') except ValueError: import sys sys.exit(1) else: print(f"Using fiber-roi intersection tolerance: {error_margin}...") # Load FA fa_img = nib.load(warped_fa) # Load parcellation roi_img = nib.load(atlas_mni) atlas_data = np.around(np.asarray(roi_img.dataobj)) roi_zooms = roi_img.header.get_zooms() roi_shape = roi_img.shape # Read Streamlines streamlines = [ i.astype(np.float32) for i in Streamlines( load_tractogram( streams, fa_img, to_origin=Origin.NIFTI, to_space=Space.VOXMM).streamlines) ] # from fury import actor, window # renderer = window.Renderer() # template_actor = actor.contour_from_roi(roi_img.get_fdata(), # color=(50, 50, 50), opacity=0.05) # renderer.add(template_actor) # lines_actor = actor.streamtube(streamlines,, # linewidth=0.3) # renderer.add(lines_actor) # roi_img.uncache() if fa_wei is True: fa_weights = values_from_volume( np.asarray(fa_img.dataobj, dtype=np.float32), streamlines, np.eye(4)) global_fa_weights = list(utils.flatten(fa_weights)) min_global_fa_wei = min([i for i in global_fa_weights if i > 0]) max_global_fa_wei = max(global_fa_weights) fa_weights_norm = [] # Here we normalize by global FA for val_list in fa_weights: fa_weights_norm.append( np.nanmean((val_list - min_global_fa_wei) / (max_global_fa_wei - min_global_fa_wei))) # Make streamlines into generators to keep memory at a minimum total_streamlines = len(streamlines) sl = [generate_sl(i) for i in streamlines] del streamlines # Instantiate empty networkX graph object & dictionary and create # voxel-affine mapping lin_T, offset = _mapping_to_voxel(np.eye(4)) mx = len(np.unique(atlas_data.astype("uint16"))) - 1 g = nx.Graph(ecount=0, vcount=mx) edge_dict = defaultdict(int) node_dict = dict( zip(np.unique(atlas_data.astype("uint16"))[1:], np.arange(mx) + 1)) # Add empty vertices with label volume attributes for node in range(1, mx + 1): g.add_node(node, roi_volume=np.sum(atlas_data.astype("uint16") == node)) # Build graph pc = 0 bad_idxs = [] fiberlengths = {} fa_weights_dict = {} print(f"Quantifying fiber-ROI intersection for {atlas}:") for ix, s in enumerate(sl): # Percent counter pcN = int(round(100 * float(ix / total_streamlines))) if pcN % 10 == 0 and ix > 0 and pcN > pc: pc = pcN print(f"{pcN}%") # Map the streamlines coordinates to voxel coordinates and get labels # for label_volume vox_coords = _to_voxel_coordinates(Streamlines(s), lin_T, offset) lab_coords = [ nodemaker.get_sphere(coord, error_margin, roi_zooms, roi_shape) for coord in vox_coords ] [i, j, k] = np.vstack(np.array(lab_coords)).T # get labels for label_volume lab_arr = atlas_data[i, j, k] # print(lab_arr) endlabels = [] for jx, lab in enumerate(np.unique(lab_arr).astype("uint32")): if (lab > 0) and (np.sum(lab_arr == lab) >= overlap_thr): try: endlabels.append(node_dict[lab]) except BaseException: bad_idxs.append(jx) print(f"Label {lab} missing from parcellation. Check " f"registration and ensure valid input parcellation " f"file.") edges = combinations(endlabels, 2) for edge in edges: # Get fiber lengths along edge if fiber_density is True: if not (edge[0], edge[1]) in fiberlengths.keys(): fiberlengths[(edge[0], edge[1])] = [len(vox_coords)] else: fiberlengths[(edge[0], edge[1])].append(len(vox_coords)) # Get FA values along edge if fa_wei is True: if not (edge[0], edge[1]) in fa_weights_dict.keys(): fa_weights_dict[(edge[0], edge[1])] = [fa_weights_norm[ix]] else: fa_weights_dict[(edge[0], edge[1])].append(fa_weights_norm[ix]) lst = tuple([int(node) for node in edge]) edge_dict[tuple(sorted(lst))] += 1 edge_list = [(k[0], k[1], count) for k, count in edge_dict.items()] g.add_weighted_edges_from(edge_list) del lab_coords, lab_arr, endlabels, edges, edge_list gc.collect() # Add fiber density attributes for each edge # Adapted from the nnormalized fiber-density estimation routines of # Sebastian Tourbier. if fiber_density is True: print("Weighting edges by fiber density...") # Summarize total fibers and total label volumes total_fibers = 0 total_volume = 0 u_start = -1 for u, v, d in g.edges(data=True): total_fibers += len(d) if u != u_start: total_volume += g.nodes[int(u)]['roi_volume'] u_start = u ix = 0 for u, v, d in g.edges(data=True): if d['weight'] > 0: edge_fiberlength_mean = np.nanmean(fiberlengths[(u, v)]) fiber_density = (float( ((float(d['weight']) / float(total_fibers)) / float(edge_fiberlength_mean)) * ((2.0 * float(total_volume)) / (g.nodes[int(u)]['roi_volume'] + g.nodes[int(v)]['roi_volume'])))) * 1000 else: fiber_density = 0 g.edges[u, v].update({"fiber_density": fiber_density}) ix += 1 if fa_wei is True: print("Weighting edges by FA...") # Add FA attributes for each edge ix = 0 for u, v, d in g.edges(data=True): if d['weight'] > 0: edge_average_fa = np.nanmean(fa_weights_dict[(u, v)]) else: edge_average_fa = np.nan g.edges[u, v].update({"fa_weight": edge_average_fa}) ix += 1 # Summarize weights if fa_wei is True and fiber_density is True: for u, v, d in g.edges(data=True): g.edges[u, v].update( {"final_weight": (d['fa_weight']) * d['fiber_density']}) elif fiber_density is True and fa_wei is False: for u, v, d in g.edges(data=True): g.edges[u, v].update({"final_weight": d['fiber_density']}) elif fa_wei is True and fiber_density is False: for u, v, d in g.edges(data=True): g.edges[u, v].update({"final_weight": d['fa_weight'] * d['weight']}) else: for u, v, d in g.edges(data=True): g.edges[u, v].update({"final_weight": d['weight']}) # Convert weighted graph to numpy matrix conn_matrix_raw = nx.to_numpy_array(g, weight='final_weight') # Enforce symmetry conn_matrix = np.maximum(conn_matrix_raw, conn_matrix_raw.T) print("Structural graph completed:\n", str(time.time() - start)) if len(bad_idxs) > 0: bad_idxs = sorted(list(set(bad_idxs)), reverse=True) for j in bad_idxs: del labels[j], coords[j] coords = np.array(coords) labels = np.array(labels) assert len(coords) == len(labels) == conn_matrix.shape[0] return (atlas_mni, streams, conn_matrix, track_type, target_samples, dir_path, conn_model, network, node_size, dens_thresh, ID, roi, min_span_tree, disp_filt, parc, prune, atlas, uatlas, labels, coords, norm, binary, directget, min_length, error_margin)
def streams2graph(atlas_mni, streams, overlap_thr, dir_path, track_type, target_samples, conn_model, network, node_size, dens_thresh, ID, roi, min_span_tree, disp_filt, parc, prune, atlas, uatlas, labels, coords, norm, binary, directget, warped_fa, error_margin, min_length, fa_wei=True): ''' Use tracked streamlines as a basis for estimating a structural connectome. Parameters ---------- atlas_mni : str File path to atlas parcellation Nifti1Image in T1w-warped MNI space. streams : str File path to streamline array sequence in .trk format. overlap_thr : int Number of voxels for which a given streamline must intersect with an ROI for an edge to be counted. dir_path : str Path to directory containing subject derivative data for a given pynets run. track_type : str Tracking algorithm used (e.g. 'local' or 'particle'). target_samples : int Total number of streamline samples specified to generate streams. conn_model : str Connectivity reconstruction method (e.g. 'csa', 'tensor', 'csd'). network : str Resting-state network based on Yeo-7 and Yeo-17 naming (e.g. 'Default') used to filter nodes in the study of brain subgraphs. node_size : int Spherical centroid node size in the case that coordinate-based centroids are used as ROI's for tracking. dens_thresh : bool Indicates whether a target graph density is to be used as the basis for thresholding. ID : str A subject id or other unique identifier. roi : str File path to binarized/boolean region-of-interest Nifti1Image file. min_span_tree : bool Indicates whether local thresholding from the Minimum Spanning Tree should be used. disp_filt : bool Indicates whether local thresholding using a disparity filter and 'backbone network' should be used. parc : bool Indicates whether to use parcels instead of coordinates as ROI nodes. prune : bool Indicates whether to prune final graph of disconnected nodes/isolates. atlas : str Name of atlas parcellation used. uatlas : str File path to atlas parcellation Nifti1Image in MNI template space. labels : list List of string labels corresponding to graph nodes. coords : list List of (x, y, z) tuples corresponding to a coordinate atlas used or which represent the center-of-mass of each parcellation node. norm : int Indicates method of normalizing resulting graph. binary : bool Indicates whether to binarize resulting graph edges to form an unweighted graph. directget : str The statistical approach to tracking. Options are: det (deterministic), closest (clos), boot (bootstrapped), and prob (probabilistic). warped_fa : str File path to MNI-space warped FA Nifti1Image. error_margin : int Euclidean margin of error for classifying a streamline as a connection to an ROI. Default is 2 voxels. min_length : int Minimum fiber length threshold in mm to restrict tracking. fa_wei : bool Scale streamline count edges by fractional anistropy (FA). Default is False. Returns ------- atlas_mni : str File path to atlas parcellation Nifti1Image in T1w-warped MNI space. streams : str File path to streamline array sequence in .trk format. conn_matrix : array Adjacency matrix stored as an m x n array of nodes and edges. track_type : str Tracking algorithm used (e.g. 'local' or 'particle'). target_samples : int Total number of streamline samples specified to generate streams. dir_path : str Path to directory containing subject derivative data for given run. conn_model : str Connectivity reconstruction method (e.g. 'csa', 'tensor', 'csd'). network : str Resting-state network based on Yeo-7 and Yeo-17 naming (e.g. 'Default') used to filter nodes in the study of brain subgraphs. node_size : int Spherical centroid node size in the case that coordinate-based centroids are used as ROI's for tracking. dens_thresh : bool Indicates whether a target graph density is to be used as the basis for thresholding. ID : str A subject id or other unique identifier. roi : str File path to binarized/boolean region-of-interest Nifti1Image file. min_span_tree : bool Indicates whether local thresholding from the Minimum Spanning Tree should be used. disp_filt : bool Indicates whether local thresholding using a disparity filter and 'backbone network' should be used. parc : bool Indicates whether to use parcels instead of coordinates as ROI nodes. prune : bool Indicates whether to prune final graph of disconnected nodes/isolates. atlas : str Name of atlas parcellation used. uatlas : str File path to atlas parcellation Nifti1Image in MNI template space. labels : list List of string labels corresponding to graph nodes. coords : list List of (x, y, z) tuples corresponding to a coordinate atlas used or which represent the center-of-mass of each parcellation node. norm : int Indicates method of normalizing resulting graph. binary : bool Indicates whether to binarize resulting graph edges to form an unweighted graph. directget : str The statistical approach to tracking. Options are: det (deterministic), closest (clos), boot (bootstrapped), and prob (probabilistic). min_length : int Minimum fiber length threshold in mm to restrict tracking. References ---------- .. [1] Sporns, O., Tononi, G., & Kötter, R. (2005). The human connectome: A structural description of the human brain. PLoS Computational Biology. .. [2] Sotiropoulos, S. N., & Zalesky, A. (2019). Building connectomes using diffusion MRI: why, how and but. NMR in Biomedicine. .. [3] Chung, M. K., Hanson, J. L., Adluru, N., Alexander, A. L., Davidson, R. J., & Pollak, S. D. (2017). Integrative Structural Brain Network Analysis in Diffusion Tensor Imaging. Brain Connectivity. ''' import gc import time from dipy.tracking.streamline import Streamlines, values_from_volume from dipy.tracking._utils import (_mapping_to_voxel, _to_voxel_coordinates) import networkx as nx from itertools import combinations from collections import defaultdict from pynets.core import utils, nodemaker from pynets.dmri.dmri_utils import generate_sl from import load_tractogram from import Space, Origin start = time.time() # Load parcellation roi_img = nib.load(atlas_mni) atlas_data = np.around(np.asarray(roi_img.dataobj)) roi_zooms = roi_img.header.get_zooms() roi_shape = roi_img.shape # Read Streamlines streamlines = [ i.astype(np.float32) for i in Streamlines( load_tractogram(streams, roi_img, to_space=Space.RASMM, to_origin=Origin.TRACKVIS, bbox_valid_check=False).streamlines) ] roi_img.uncache() if fa_wei is True: fa_weights = values_from_volume( np.asarray(nib.load(warped_fa).dataobj), streamlines, np.eye(4)) global_fa_weights = list(utils.flatten(fa_weights)) min_global_fa_wei = min(i for i in global_fa_weights if i > 0) max_global_fa_wei = max(global_fa_weights) fa_weights_norm = [] # Here we normalize by global FA for val_list in fa_weights: fa_weights_norm.append( np.nanmean((val_list - min_global_fa_wei) / (max_global_fa_wei - min_global_fa_wei))) # Make streamlines into generators to keep memory at a minimum sl = [generate_sl(i) for i in streamlines] del streamlines # Instantiate empty networkX graph object & dictionary and create voxel-affine mapping lin_T, offset = _mapping_to_voxel(np.eye(4)) mx = len(np.unique(atlas_data.astype('uint16'))) - 1 g = nx.Graph(ecount=0, vcount=mx) edge_dict = defaultdict(int) node_dict = dict( zip(np.unique(atlas_data.astype('uint16'))[1:], np.arange(mx) + 1)) # Add empty vertices for node in range(1, mx + 1): g.add_node(node) # Build graph ix = 0 bad_idxs = [] for s in sl: # Map the streamlines coordinates to voxel coordinates and get labels for label_volume vox_coords = _to_voxel_coordinates(Streamlines(s), lin_T, offset) lab_coords = [ nodemaker.get_sphere(coord, error_margin, roi_zooms, roi_shape) for coord in vox_coords ] [i, j, k] = np.vstack(np.array(lab_coords)).T # get labels for label_volume lab_arr = atlas_data[i, j, k] endlabels = [] for ix, lab in enumerate(np.unique(lab_arr).astype('uint32')): if (lab > 0) and (np.sum(lab_arr == lab) >= overlap_thr): try: endlabels.append(node_dict[lab]) except: bad_idxs.append(ix) print( f"Label {lab} missing from parcellation. Check registration and ensure valid input " f"parcellation file.") edges = combinations(endlabels, 2) for edge in edges: lst = tuple([int(node) for node in edge]) edge_dict[tuple(sorted(lst))] += 1 edge_list = [(k[0], k[1], v) for k, v in edge_dict.items()] if fa_wei is True: # Add edgelist to g, weighted by average fa of the streamline g.add_weighted_edges_from(edge_list, weight=fa_weights_norm[ix]) else: g.add_weighted_edges_from(edge_list) ix = ix + 1 del lab_coords, lab_arr, endlabels, edges, edge_list gc.collect() if fa_wei is True: # Add average fa weights to streamline counts for u, v in list(g.edges): h = g.get_edge_data(u, v) edge_att_dict = {} for e, w in h.items(): if w not in edge_att_dict.keys(): edge_att_dict[w] = [] else: edge_att_dict[w].append(e) for key in edge_att_dict.keys(): edge_att_dict[key] = np.nanmean(edge_att_dict[key]) vals = [] for e2, w2 in edge_att_dict.items(): vals.append(float(e2) * float(w2)) g.edges[u, v].update({'weight': np.nanmean(vals)}) # Convert to numpy matrix conn_matrix_raw = nx.to_numpy_array(g) # Impose symmetry conn_matrix = np.maximum(conn_matrix_raw, conn_matrix_raw.T) print('Graph Building Complete:\n', str(time.time() - start)) if len(bad_idxs) > 0: bad_idxs = sorted(list(set(bad_idxs)), reverse=True) for j in bad_idxs: del labels[j], coords[j] coords = np.array(coords) labels = np.array(labels) return (atlas_mni, streams, conn_matrix, track_type, target_samples, dir_path, conn_model, network, node_size, dens_thresh, ID, roi, min_span_tree, disp_filt, parc, prune, atlas, uatlas, labels, coords, norm, binary, directget, min_length)