def plot_all(conn_matrix, conn_model, atlas_select, dir_path, ID, network, label_names, mask, coords, edge_threshold, plot_switch): from nilearn import plotting as niplot pruning=True dpi_resolution=1000 if plot_switch == True: import pkg_resources import networkx as nx from pynets import plotting import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pynets.netstats import most_important G_pre=nx.from_numpy_matrix(conn_matrix) if pruning == True: [G, pruned_nodes, pruned_edges] = most_important(G_pre) else: G = G_pre conn_matrix = nx.to_numpy_array(G) pruned_nodes.sort(reverse = True) for j in pruned_nodes: del label_names[label_names.index(label_names[j])] del coords[coords.index(coords[j])] pruned_edges.sort(reverse = True) for j in pruned_edges: del label_names[label_names.index(label_names[j])] del coords[coords.index(coords[j])] ##Plot connectogram if len(conn_matrix) > 20: try: plotting.plot_connectogram(conn_matrix, conn_model, atlas_select, dir_path, ID, network, label_names) except RuntimeError: print('\n\n\nError: Connectogram plotting failed!') else: print('Error: Cannot plot connectogram for graphs smaller than 20 x 20!') ##Plot adj. matrix based on determined inputs plotting.plot_conn_mat(conn_matrix, conn_model, atlas_select, dir_path, ID, network, label_names, mask) ##Plot connectome if mask != None: if network != 'None': out_path_fig=dir_path + '/' + ID + '_' + atlas_select + '_' + str(conn_model) + '_' + str(os.path.basename(mask).split('.')[0]) + '_' + str(network) + '_connectome_viz.png' else: out_path_fig=dir_path + '/' + ID + '_' + atlas_select + '_' + str(conn_model) + '_' + str(os.path.basename(mask).split('.')[0]) + '_connectome_viz.png' else: if network != 'None': out_path_fig=dir_path + '/' + ID + '_' + atlas_select + '_' + str(conn_model) + '_' + str(network) + '_connectome_viz.png' else: out_path_fig=dir_path + '/' + ID + '_' + atlas_select + '_' + str(conn_model) + '_connectome_viz.png' #niplot.plot_connectome(conn_matrix, coords, edge_threshold=edge_threshold, node_size=20, colorbar=True, output_file=out_path_fig) ch2better_loc = pkg_resources.resource_filename("pynets", "templates/ch2better.nii.gz") connectome = niplot.plot_connectome(np.zeros(shape=(1,1)), [(0,0,0)], black_bg=True, node_size=0.0001) connectome.add_overlay(ch2better_loc, alpha=0.4, [z_min, z_max] = -np.abs(conn_matrix).max(), np.abs(conn_matrix).max() connectome.add_graph(conn_matrix, coords, edge_threshold = edge_threshold, edge_cmap = 'Blues', edge_vmax=z_max, edge_vmin=z_min, node_size=4) connectome.savefig(out_path_fig, dpi=dpi_resolution) else: pass return
def test_plot_connectogram(): ##Set example inputs## base_dir = str(Path(__file__).parent/"examples") #base_dir = '/Users/PSYC-dap3463/Applications/PyNets/tests/examples' dir_path= base_dir + '/997' network=None ID = '997' conn_model = 'sps' atlas_select = 'whole_brain_cluster_labels_PCA200' conn_matrix = np.genfromtxt(dir_path + '/whole_brain_cluster_labels_PCA200/997_est_sps_0.94.txt') labels_file_path = dir_path + '/whole_brain_cluster_labels_PCA200/WB_func_labelnames_wb.pkl' labels_file = open(labels_file_path,'rb') label_names = pickle.load(labels_file) plotting.plot_connectogram(conn_matrix, conn_model, atlas_select, dir_path, ID, network, label_names)
def test_plot_connectogram(): # Set example inputs base_dir = str(Path(__file__).parent / "examples") #base_dir = '/Users/rxh180012/PyNets-development/tests/examples' dir_path = base_dir + '/997' network = None ID = '997' conn_model = 'sps' atlas_select = 'whole_brain_cluster_labels_PCA200' conn_matrix = np.genfromtxt( dir_path + '/whole_brain_cluster_labels_PCA200/997_Default_est_sps_0.94.txt') labels_file_path = dir_path + '/whole_brain_cluster_labels_PCA200/Default_func_labelnames_wb.pkl' labels_file = open(labels_file_path, 'rb') label_names = pickle.load(labels_file) start_time = time.time() plotting.plot_connectogram(conn_matrix, conn_model, atlas_select, dir_path, ID, network, label_names) print("%s%s%s" % ('plot_connectogram --> finished: ', str(np.round(time.time() - start_time, 1)), 's'))
def plot_all(conn_matrix, conn_model, atlas_select, dir_path, ID, network, label_names, mask, coords, thr, node_size, edge_threshold, smooth, prune, uatlas_select): import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from nilearn import plotting as niplot import pkg_resources import networkx as nx from pynets import plotting, thresholding from pynets.netstats import most_important, prune_disconnected try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import _pickle as pickle coords = list(coords) label_names = list(label_names) dpi_resolution = 500 if '\'b' in atlas_select: atlas_select = atlas_select.decode('utf-8') if (prune == 1 or prune == 2) and len(coords) == conn_matrix.shape[0]: G_pre = nx.from_numpy_matrix(conn_matrix) if prune == 1: [G, pruned_nodes] = prune_disconnected(G_pre) elif prune == 2: [G, pruned_nodes] = most_important(G_pre) else: G = G_pre pruned_nodes = [] pruned_nodes.sort(reverse=True) print('(Display)') coords_pre = list(coords) label_names_pre = list(label_names) if len(pruned_nodes) > 0: for j in pruned_nodes: label_names_pre.pop(j) coords_pre.pop(j) conn_matrix = nx.to_numpy_array(G) label_names = label_names_pre coords = coords_pre else: print('No nodes to prune for plot...') coords = list(tuple(x) for x in coords) # Plot connectogram if len(conn_matrix) > 20: try: plotting.plot_connectogram(conn_matrix, conn_model, atlas_select, dir_path, ID, network, label_names) except: print('\n\n\nWarning: Connectogram plotting failed!') else: print( 'Warning: Cannot plot connectogram for graphs smaller than 20 x 20!' ) # Plot adj. matrix based on determined inputs if not node_size or node_size == 'None': node_size = 'parc' plotting.plot_conn_mat_func(conn_matrix, conn_model, atlas_select, dir_path, ID, network, label_names, mask, thr, node_size, smooth) # Plot connectome if mask: out_path_fig = "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" % ( dir_path, '/', ID, '_', str(atlas_select), '_', str(conn_model), '_', str(os.path.basename(mask).split('.')[0]), "%s" % ("%s%s%s" % ('_', network, '_') if network else "_"), str(thr), '_', str(node_size), '%s' % ("mm_" if node_size != 'parc' else "_"), "%s" % ("%s%s" % (smooth, 'fwhm_') if float(smooth) > 0 else 'nosm_'), 'func_glass_viz.png') # Save coords to pickle coord_path = "%s%s%s%s" % (dir_path, '/coords_', os.path.basename(mask).split('.')[0], '_plotting.pkl') with open(coord_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(coords, f, protocol=2) # Save labels to pickle labels_path = "%s%s%s%s" % (dir_path, '/labelnames_', os.path.basename(mask).split('.')[0], '_plotting.pkl') with open(labels_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(label_names, f, protocol=2) else: out_path_fig = "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" % ( dir_path, '/', ID, '_', str(atlas_select), '_', str(conn_model), "%s" % ("%s%s%s" % ('_', network, '_') if network else "_"), str(thr), '_', str(node_size), '%s' % ("mm_" if node_size != 'parc' else "_"), "%s" % ("%s%s" % (smooth, 'fwhm_') if float(smooth) > 0 else 'nosm_'), 'func_glass_viz.png') # Save coords to pickle coord_path = "%s%s" % (dir_path, '/coords_plotting.pkl') with open(coord_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(coords, f, protocol=2) # Save labels to pickle labels_path = "%s%s" % (dir_path, '/labelnames_plotting.pkl') with open(labels_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(label_names, f, protocol=2) ch2better_loc = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "pynets", "templates/ch2better.nii.gz") connectome = niplot.plot_connectome(np.zeros(shape=(1, 1)), [(0, 0, 0)], node_size=0.0001, black_bg=True) connectome.add_overlay(ch2better_loc, alpha=0.35, conn_matrix = np.array(np.array(thresholding.autofix(conn_matrix))) [z_min, z_max] = -np.abs(conn_matrix).max(), np.abs(conn_matrix).max() if node_size == 'parc': node_size_plot = int(2) if uatlas_select: connectome.add_contours(uatlas_select, filled=False, alpha=0.3, colors='black') else: node_size_plot = int(node_size) if len(coords) != conn_matrix.shape[0]: raise RuntimeWarning( 'WARNING: Number of coordinates does not match conn_matrix dimensions. If you are using disparity filtering, try relaxing the α threshold.' ) else: connectome.add_graph(conn_matrix, coords, edge_threshold=edge_threshold, edge_cmap='Blues', edge_vmax=float(z_max), edge_vmin=float(z_min), node_size=node_size_plot, node_color='auto') connectome.savefig(out_path_fig, dpi=dpi_resolution) return
def run_struct_mapping(FSLDIR, ID, bedpostx_dir, dir_path, NETWORK, coords_MNI, node_size, atlas_select, atlas_name, label_names, plot_switch): edge_threshold = 0.90 connectome_fdt_thresh = 1000 ####Auto-set INPUTS#### nodif_brain_mask_path = bedpostx_dir + '/nodif_brain_mask.nii.gz' merged_th_samples_path = bedpostx_dir + '/merged_th1samples.nii.gz' merged_f_samples_path = bedpostx_dir + '/merged_f1samples.nii.gz' merged_ph_samples_path = bedpostx_dir + '/merged_ph1samples.nii.gz' input_MNI = FSLDIR + '/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain.nii.gz' probtrackx_output_dir_path = bedpostx_dir + '/probtrackx_' + NETWORK ####Auto-set INPUTS#### ##Delete any existing roi spheres del_files_spheres = glob.glob(bedpostx_dir + '/roi_sphere*diff.nii.gz') try: for i in del_files_spheres: os.remove(i) except: pass ##Create transform matrix between diff and MNI using FLIRT flirt = pe.Node(interface=fsl.FLIRT(cost_func='mutualinfo'), name='coregister') flirt.inputs.reference = merged_f_samples_path flirt.inputs.in_file = input_MNI flirt.inputs.out_matrix_file = bedpostx_dir + '/xfms/MNI2diff.mat' ##Apply transform between diff and MNI using FLIRT flirt = pe.Node(interface=fsl.FLIRT(cost_func='mutualinfo'), name='coregister') flirt.inputs.reference = merged_f_samples_path flirt.inputs.in_file = input_MNI flirt.inputs.apply_xfm = True flirt.inputs.in_matrix_file = bedpostx_dir + '/xfms/MNI2diff.mat' flirt.inputs.out_file = bedpostx_dir + '/xfms/MNI2diff_affine.nii.gz' x_vox = np.diagonal( masking._load_mask_img(nodif_brain_mask_path)[1][:3, 0:3])[0] y_vox = np.diagonal( masking._load_mask_img(nodif_brain_mask_path)[1][:3, 0:3])[1] z_vox = np.diagonal( masking._load_mask_img(nodif_brain_mask_path)[1][:3, 0:3])[2] def mmToVox(mmcoords): voxcoords = ['', '', ''] voxcoords[0] = int((round(int(mmcoords[0]) / x_vox)) + 45) voxcoords[1] = int((round(int(mmcoords[1]) / y_vox)) + 63) voxcoords[2] = int((round(int(mmcoords[2]) / z_vox)) + 36) return voxcoords ##Convert coords back to voxels coords_vox = [] for coord in coords_MNI: coords_vox.append(mmToVox(coord)) coords = list(tuple(x) for x in coords_vox) j = 0 for i in coords: ##Grow spheres at ROI X = coords[j][0] Y = coords[j][1] Z = coords[j][2] out_file1 = bedpostx_dir + '/roi_point_' + str(j) + '.nii.gz' args = '-mul 0 -add 1 -roi ' + str(X) + ' 1 ' + str(Y) + ' 1 ' + str( Z) + ' 1 0 1' maths = fsl.ImageMaths(in_file=input_MNI, op_string=args, out_file=out_file1) os.system(maths.cmdline + ' -odt float') out_file2 = bedpostx_dir + '/roi_sphere_' + str(j) + '.nii.gz' args = '-kernel sphere ' + str(node_size) + ' -fmean -bin' maths = fsl.ImageMaths(in_file=out_file1, op_string=args, out_file=out_file2) os.system(maths.cmdline + ' -odt float') ##Map ROIs from Standard Space to diffusion Space: ##Applying xfm and input matrix to transform ROI's between diff and MNI using FLIRT, flirt = pe.Node(interface=fsl.FLIRT(cost_func='mutualinfo'), name='coregister') flirt.inputs.reference = nodif_brain_mask_path flirt.inputs.in_file = out_file2 out_file_diff = out_file2.split('.nii')[0] + '_diff.nii.gz' flirt.inputs.out_file = out_file_diff flirt.inputs.apply_xfm = True flirt.inputs.in_matrix_file = bedpostx_dir + '/xfms/MNI2diff.mat' j = j + 1 if not os.path.exists(probtrackx_output_dir_path): os.makedirs(probtrackx_output_dir_path) seed_files = glob.glob(bedpostx_dir + '/*diff.nii.gz') seeds_text = probtrackx_output_dir_path + '/masks.txt' try: os.remove(seeds_text) except OSError: pass seeds_file_list = [] for seed_file in seed_files: seeds_file_list.append(seed_file) f = open(seeds_text, 'w') l1 = map(lambda x: x + '\n', seeds_file_list) f.writelines(l1) f.close() del_files_points = glob.glob(bedpostx_dir + '/roi_point*.nii.gz') for i in del_files_points: os.remove(i) del_files_spheres = glob.glob(bedpostx_dir + '/roi_sphere*[!diff].nii.gz') for i in del_files_spheres: os.remove(i) mx_path = dir_path + '/' + str(ID) + '_' + NETWORK + '_structural_mx.txt' probtrackx2 = pe.Node(interface=fsl.ProbTrackX2(), name='probtrackx2') = True probtrackx2.inputs.seed = seeds_text probtrackx2.inputs.onewaycondition = True probtrackx2.inputs.c_thresh = 0.2 probtrackx2.inputs.n_steps = 2000 probtrackx2.inputs.step_length = 0.5 probtrackx2.inputs.n_samples = 5000 probtrackx2.inputs.dist_thresh = 0.0 probtrackx2.inputs.opd = True probtrackx2.inputs.loop_check = True probtrackx2.inputs.omatrix1 = True probtrackx2.overwrite = True probtrackx2.inputs.verbose = True probtrackx2.inputs.mask = nodif_brain_mask_path probtrackx2.inputs.out_dir = probtrackx_output_dir_path probtrackx2.inputs.thsamples = merged_th_samples_path probtrackx2.inputs.fsamples = merged_f_samples_path probtrackx2.inputs.phsamples = merged_ph_samples_path probtrackx2.iterables = ("seed", seed_files) try: probtrackx2.inputs.avoid_mp = vetricular_CSF_mask_path except: pass del (probtrackx2) if os.path.exists(probtrackx_output_dir_path + '/fdt_network_matrix'): mx = np.genfromtxt(probtrackx_output_dir_path + '/fdt_network_matrix') waytotal = np.genfromtxt(probtrackx_output_dir_path + '/waytotal') np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') conn_matrix = np.divide(mx, waytotal) conn_matrix[np.isnan(conn_matrix)] = 0 conn_matrix = np.nan_to_num(conn_matrix) conn_matrix = normalize(conn_matrix) ##Save matrix out_path_mx = dir_path + '/' + str( ID) + '_' + NETWORK + '_structural_mx.txt' np.savetxt(out_path_mx, conn_matrix, delimiter='\t') if plot_switch == True: rois_num = conn_matrix.shape[0] print("Creating plot of dimensions:\n" + str(rois_num) + ' x ' + str(rois_num)) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.imshow(conn_matrix, interpolation="nearest", vmax=1, vmin=-1, ##And display the labels plt.colorbar() plt.title(atlas_select.upper() + ' ' + NETWORK + ' Structural Connectivity') out_path_fig = dir_path + '/' + str( ID) + '_' + NETWORK + '_structural_adj_mat.png' plt.savefig(out_path_fig) plt.close() conn_matrix_symm = np.maximum(conn_matrix, conn_matrix.transpose()) fdt_paths_loc = probtrackx_output_dir_path + '/fdt_paths.nii.gz' ##Plotting with glass brain ##Create transform matrix between diff and MNI using FLIRT flirt = pe.Node(interface=fsl.FLIRT(cost_func='mutualinfo'), name='coregister') flirt.inputs.reference = input_MNI flirt.inputs.in_file = nodif_brain_mask_path flirt.inputs.out_matrix_file = bedpostx_dir + '/xfms/diff2MNI.mat' ##Apply transform between diff and MNI using FLIRT flirt = pe.Node(interface=fsl.FLIRT(cost_func='mutualinfo'), name='coregister') flirt.inputs.reference = input_MNI flirt.inputs.in_file = nodif_brain_mask_path flirt.inputs.apply_xfm = True flirt.inputs.in_matrix_file = bedpostx_dir + '/xfms/diff2MNI.mat' flirt.inputs.out_file = bedpostx_dir + '/xfms/diff2MNI_affine.nii.gz' flirt = pe.Node(interface=fsl.FLIRT(cost_func='mutualinfo'), name='coregister') flirt.inputs.reference = input_MNI flirt.inputs.in_file = fdt_paths_loc out_file_MNI = fdt_paths_loc.split('.nii')[0] + '_MNI.nii.gz' flirt.inputs.out_file = out_file_MNI flirt.inputs.apply_xfm = True flirt.inputs.in_matrix_file = bedpostx_dir + '/xfms/diff2MNI.mat' fdt_paths_MNI_loc = probtrackx_output_dir_path + '/fdt_paths_MNI.nii.gz' if plot_switch == True: norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=-1, vmax=1) clust_pal = sns.color_palette("Blues_r", 4) clust_colors = colors.to_rgba_array(clust_pal) connectome = plotting.plot_connectome( conn_matrix_symm, coords_MNI, edge_threshold=edge_threshold, node_color=clust_colors, connectome.add_overlay(img=fdt_paths_MNI_loc, threshold=connectome_fdt_thresh, out_file_path = dir_path + '/structural_connectome_fig_' + NETWORK + '_' + str( ID) + '.png' plt.savefig(out_file_path) plt.close() from pynets import plotting as pynplot NETWORK = NETWORK + '_structural' pynplot.plot_connectogram(conn_matrix, conn_model, atlas_name, dir_path, ID, NETWORK, label_names) if NETWORK != None: est_path = dir_path + '/' + ID + '_' + NETWORK + '_structural_est.txt' else: est_path = dir_path + '/' + ID + '_structural_est.txt' try: np.savetxt(est_path, conn_matrix_symm, delimiter='\t') except RuntimeError: print('Diffusion network connectome failed!') return (est_path)
def structural_plotting(conn_matrix, conn_matrix_symm, label_names, atlas_select, ID, bedpostx_dir, network, parc, plot_switch, coords): import nipype.interfaces.fsl as fsl import nipype.pipeline.engine as pe import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns from pynets import plotting as pynplot from matplotlib import colors from nilearn import plotting as niplot edge_threshold = 0.90 connectome_fdt_thresh = 1000 ####Auto-set INPUTS#### try: FSLDIR = os.environ['FSLDIR'] except NameError: print('FSLDIR environment variable not set!') nodif_brain_mask_path = bedpostx_dir + '/nodif_brain_mask.nii.gz' input_MNI = FSLDIR + '/data/standard/MNI152_T1_1mm_brain.nii.gz' if network: probtrackx_output_dir_path = bedpostx_dir + '/probtrackx_' + network else: probtrackx_output_dir_path = bedpostx_dir + '/probtrackx_Whole_brain' dir_path = os.path.dirname(bedpostx_dir) ####Auto-set INPUTS#### if plot_switch == True: plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) plt.imshow(conn_matrix, interpolation="nearest", vmax=1, vmin=-1, plt.xticks(range(len(label_names)), label_names, size='xx-small', rotation=90) plt.yticks(range(len(label_names)), label_names, size='xx-small') plt_title = atlas_select + ' Structural Connectivity of: ' + str(ID) plt.title(plt_title) plt.grid(False) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.8) out_path_fig=dir_path + '/structural_adj_mat_' + str(ID) + '.png' plt.savefig(out_path_fig) plt.close() ##Prepare glass brain figure fdt_paths_loc = probtrackx_output_dir_path + '/fdt_paths.nii.gz' ##Create transform matrix between diff and MNI using FLIRT flirt = pe.Node(interface=fsl.FLIRT(cost_func='mutualinfo'),name='coregister') flirt.inputs.reference = input_MNI flirt.inputs.in_file = nodif_brain_mask_path flirt.inputs.out_matrix_file = bedpostx_dir + '/xfms/diff2MNI.mat' ##Apply transform between diff and MNI using FLIRT flirt = pe.Node(interface=fsl.FLIRT(cost_func='mutualinfo'),name='coregister') flirt.inputs.reference = input_MNI flirt.inputs.in_file = nodif_brain_mask_path flirt.inputs.apply_xfm = True flirt.inputs.in_matrix_file = bedpostx_dir + '/xfms/diff2MNI.mat' flirt.inputs.out_file = bedpostx_dir + '/xfms/diff2MNI_affine.nii.gz' flirt = pe.Node(interface=fsl.FLIRT(cost_func='mutualinfo'),name='coregister') flirt.inputs.reference = input_MNI flirt.inputs.in_file = fdt_paths_loc out_file_MNI = fdt_paths_loc.split('.nii')[0] + '_MNI.nii.gz' flirt.inputs.out_file = out_file_MNI flirt.inputs.apply_xfm = True flirt.inputs.in_matrix_file = bedpostx_dir + '/xfms/diff2MNI.mat' fdt_paths_MNI_loc = probtrackx_output_dir_path + '/fdt_paths_MNI.nii.gz' colors.Normalize(vmin=-1, vmax=1) clust_pal = sns.color_palette("Blues_r", 4) clust_colors = colors.to_rgba_array(clust_pal) ##Plotting with glass brain connectome = niplot.plot_connectome(conn_matrix_symm, coords, edge_threshold=edge_threshold, node_color=clust_colors, connectome.add_overlay(img=fdt_paths_MNI_loc, threshold=connectome_fdt_thresh, out_file_path = dir_path + '/structural_connectome_fig_' + network + '_' + str(ID) + '.png' plt.savefig(out_file_path) plt.close() network = network + '_structural' conn_model = 'struct' pynplot.plot_connectogram(conn_matrix, conn_model, atlas_select, dir_path, ID, network, label_names) else: pass return
def wb_connectome_with_us_atlas_coords(input_file, ID, atlas_select, NETWORK, node_size, mask, thr, parlistfile, all_nets, conn_model, dens_thresh, conf, adapt_thresh, plot_switch, bedpostx_dir): nilearn_atlases = [ 'atlas_aal', 'atlas_craddock_2012', 'atlas_destrieux_2009' ] ##Input is nifti file func_file = input_file ##Test if atlas_select is a nilearn atlas if atlas_select in nilearn_atlases: try: parlistfile = getattr(datasets, 'fetch_%s' % atlas_select)().maps try: label_names = getattr(datasets, 'fetch_%s' % atlas_select)().labels except: label_names = None try: networks_list = getattr(datasets, 'fetch_%s' % atlas_select)().networks except: networks_list = None except: print( 'PyNets is not ready for multi-scale atlases like BASC just yet!' ) sys.exit() ##Fetch user-specified atlas coords [coords, atlas_name, par_max] = nodemaker.get_names_and_coords_of_parcels(parlistfile) atlas_select = atlas_name try: label_names except: label_names = np.arange(len(coords) + 1)[np.arange(len(coords) + 1) != 0].tolist() ##Get subject directory path dir_path = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(func_file)) + '/' + atlas_select if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) ##Get coord membership dictionary if all_nets option triggered if all_nets != None: try: networks_list except: networks_list = None [membership, membership_plotting] = nodemaker.get_mem_dict(func_file, coords, networks_list) ##Describe user atlas coords print('\n' + atlas_name + ' comes with {0} '.format(par_max) + 'parcels' + '\n') print('\n' + 'Stacked atlas coordinates in array of shape {0}.'.format( coords.shape) + '\n') ##Mask coordinates if mask is not None: [coords, label_names] = nodemaker.coord_masker(mask, coords, label_names) ##Save coords and label_names to pickles coord_path = dir_path + '/coords_wb_' + str(thr) + '.pkl' with open(coord_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(coords, f) labels_path = dir_path + '/labelnames_wb_' + str(thr) + '.pkl' with open(labels_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(label_names, f) if bedpostx_dir is not None: from pynets.diffconnectometry import run_struct_mapping FSLDIR = os.environ['FSLDIR'] try: FSLDIR except NameError: print('FSLDIR environment variable not set!') est_path2 = run_struct_mapping(FSLDIR, ID, bedpostx_dir, dir_path, NETWORK, coords, node_size) ##extract time series from whole brain parcellaions: parcellation = nib.load(parlistfile) parcel_masker = input_data.NiftiLabelsMasker(labels_img=parcellation, background_label=0, memory='nilearn_cache', memory_level=5, standardize=True) ts_within_parcels = parcel_masker.fit_transform(func_file, confounds=conf) print('\n' + 'Time series has {0} samples'.format(ts_within_parcels.shape[0]) + '\n') ##Save time series as txt file out_path_ts = dir_path + '/' + ID + '_whole_brain_ts_within_parcels.txt' np.savetxt(out_path_ts, ts_within_parcels) ##Fit connectivity model if adapt_thresh is not False: if os.path.isfile(est_path2) == True: [conn_matrix, est_path, edge_threshold, thr] = thresholding.adaptive_thresholding(ts_within_parcels, conn_model, NETWORK, ID, est_path2, dir_path) else: print('No structural mx found! Exiting...') sys.exit(0) elif dens_thresh is None: edge_threshold = str(float(thr) * 100) + '%' [conn_matrix, est_path] = graphestimation.get_conn_matrix(ts_within_parcels, conn_model, NETWORK, ID, dir_path, thr) conn_matrix = thresholding.threshold_proportional( conn_matrix, float(thr), dir_path) conn_matrix = thresholding.normalize(conn_matrix) elif dens_thresh is not None: [conn_matrix, est_path, edge_threshold, thr] = thresholding.density_thresholding(ts_within_parcels, conn_model, NETWORK, ID, dens_thresh, dir_path) if plot_switch == True: ##Plot connectogram plotting.plot_connectogram(conn_matrix, conn_model, atlas_name, dir_path, ID, NETWORK, label_names) ##Plot adj. matrix based on determined inputs atlast_graph_title = plotting.plot_conn_mat(conn_matrix, conn_model, atlas_name, dir_path, ID, NETWORK, label_names, mask) ##Plot connectome viz for all Yeo networks if all_nets != False: plotting.plot_membership(membership_plotting, conn_matrix, conn_model, coords, edge_threshold, atlas_name, dir_path) else: out_path_fig = dir_path + '/' + ID + '_connectome_viz.png' niplot.plot_connectome(conn_matrix, coords, title=atlast_graph_title, edge_threshold=edge_threshold, node_size=20, colorbar=True, output_file=out_path_fig) return est_path, thr
def network_connectome(input_file, ID, atlas_select, NETWORK, node_size, mask, thr, parlistfile, all_nets, conn_model, dens_thresh, conf, adapt_thresh, plot_switch, bedpostx_dir): nilearn_atlases = [ 'atlas_aal', 'atlas_craddock_2012', 'atlas_destrieux_2009' ] ##Input is nifti file func_file = input_file ##Test if atlas_select is a nilearn atlas if atlas_select in nilearn_atlases: atlas = getattr(datasets, 'fetch_%s' % atlas_select)() try: parlistfile = atlas.maps try: label_names = atlas.labels except: label_names = None try: networks_list = atlas.networks except: networks_list = None except RuntimeError: print('Error, atlas fetching failed.') sys.exit() if parlistfile == None and atlas_select not in nilearn_atlases: ##Fetch nilearn atlas coords [coords, atlas_name, networks_list, label_names] = nodemaker.fetch_nilearn_atlas_coords(atlas_select) if atlas_name == 'Power 2011 atlas': ##Reference RSN list import pkgutil import io network_coords_ref = NETWORK + '_coords.csv' atlas_coords = pkgutil.get_data("pynets", "rsnrefs/" + network_coords_ref) df = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(atlas_coords)).ix[:, 0:4] i = 1 net_coords = [] ix_labels = [] for i in range(len(df)): #print("ROI Reference #: " + str(i)) x = int(df.ix[i, 1]) y = int(df.ix[i, 2]) z = int(df.ix[i, 3]) #print("X:" + str(x) + " Y:" + str(y) + " Z:" + str(z)) net_coords.append((x, y, z)) ix_labels.append(i) i = i + 1 #print(net_coords) label_names = ix_labels elif atlas_name == 'Dosenbach 2010 atlas': coords = list(tuple(x) for x in coords) ##Get coord membership dictionary [membership, membership_plotting ] = nodemaker.get_mem_dict(func_file, coords, networks_list) ##Convert to membership dataframe mem_df = membership.to_frame().reset_index() nets_avail = list(set(list(mem_df['index']))) ##Get network name equivalents if NETWORK == 'DMN': NETWORK = 'default' elif NETWORK == 'FPTC': NETWORK = 'fronto-parietal' elif NETWORK == 'CON': NETWORK = 'cingulo-opercular' elif NETWORK not in nets_avail: print('Error: ' + NETWORK + ' not available with this atlas!') sys.exit() ##Get coords for network-of-interest mem_df.loc[mem_df['index'] == NETWORK] net_coords = mem_df.loc[mem_df['index'] == NETWORK][[0]].values[:, 0] net_coords = list(tuple(x) for x in net_coords) ix_labels = mem_df.loc[mem_df['index'] == NETWORK].index.values ####Add code for any special RSN reference lists for the nilearn atlases here##### ##If labels_names are not indices and NETWORK is specified, sub-list label names if label_names != ix_labels: try: label_names = label_names.tolist() except: pass label_names = [label_names[i] for i in ix_labels] ##Get subject directory path dir_path = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(func_file)) + '/' + atlas_select if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) ##If masking, remove those coords that fall outside of the mask if mask != None: [net_coords, label_names] = nodemaker.coord_masker(mask, net_coords, label_names) ##Save coords and label_names to pickles coord_path = dir_path + '/coords_' + NETWORK + '_' + str(thr) + '.pkl' with open(coord_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(net_coords, f) labels_path = dir_path + '/labelnames_' + NETWORK + '_' + str( thr) + '.pkl' with open(labels_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(label_names, f) if bedpostx_dir is not None: from pynets.diffconnectometry import run_struct_mapping FSLDIR = os.environ['FSLDIR'] try: FSLDIR except NameError: print('FSLDIR environment variable not set!') est_path2 = run_struct_mapping(FSLDIR, ID, bedpostx_dir, dir_path, NETWORK, net_coords, node_size) else: ##Fetch user-specified atlas coords [coords_all, atlas_name, par_max] = nodemaker.get_names_and_coords_of_parcels(parlistfile) coords = list(tuple(x) for x in coords_all) ##Get subject directory path dir_path = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(func_file)) + '/' + atlas_name if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) ##Get coord membership dictionary try: networks_list except: networks_list = None [membership, membership_plotting] = nodemaker.get_mem_dict(func_file, coords, networks_list) ##Convert to membership dataframe mem_df = membership.to_frame().reset_index() ##Get coords for network-of-interest mem_df.loc[mem_df['index'] == NETWORK] net_coords = mem_df.loc[mem_df['index'] == NETWORK][[0]].values[:, 0] net_coords = list(tuple(x) for x in net_coords) ix_labels = mem_df.loc[mem_df['index'] == NETWORK].index.values try: label_names = [label_names[i] for i in ix_labels] except: label_names = ix_labels if mask != None: [net_coords, label_names] = nodemaker.coord_masker(mask, net_coords, label_names) ##Save coords and label_names to pickles coord_path = dir_path + '/coords_' + NETWORK + '_' + str(thr) + '.pkl' with open(coord_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(net_coords, f) labels_path = dir_path + '/labelnames_' + NETWORK + '_' + str( thr) + '.pkl' with open(labels_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(label_names, f) if bedpostx_dir is not None: from pynets.diffconnectometry import run_struct_mapping est_path2 = run_struct_mapping(FSLDIR, ID, bedpostx_dir, dir_path, NETWORK, net_coords, node_size) ##Generate network parcels image (through refinement, this could be used ##in place of the 3 lines above) #net_parcels_img_path = gen_network_parcels(parlistfile, NETWORK, labels) #parcellation = nib.load(net_parcels_img_path) #parcel_masker = input_data.NiftiLabelsMasker(labels_img=parcellation, background_label=0, memory='nilearn_cache', memory_level=5, standardize=True) #ts_within_parcels = parcel_masker.fit_transform(func_file) #net_ts = ts_within_parcels ##Grow ROIs masker = input_data.NiftiSpheresMasker(seeds=net_coords, radius=float(node_size), allow_overlap=True, memory_level=5, memory='nilearn_cache', verbose=2, standardize=True) ts_within_spheres = masker.fit_transform(func_file, confounds=conf) net_ts = ts_within_spheres ##Save time series as txt file out_path_ts = dir_path + '/' + ID + '_' + NETWORK + '_net_ts.txt' np.savetxt(out_path_ts, net_ts) ##Fit connectivity model if adapt_thresh is not False: if os.path.isfile(est_path2) == True: [conn_matrix, est_path, edge_threshold, thr] = thresholding.adaptive_thresholding(ts_within_spheres, conn_model, NETWORK, ID, est_path2, dir_path) else: print('No structural mx found! Exiting...') sys.exit(0) elif dens_thresh is None: edge_threshold = str(float(thr) * 100) + '%' [conn_matrix, est_path] = graphestimation.get_conn_matrix(ts_within_spheres, conn_model, NETWORK, ID, dir_path, thr) conn_matrix = thresholding.threshold_proportional( conn_matrix, float(thr), dir_path) conn_matrix = thresholding.normalize(conn_matrix) elif dens_thresh is not None: [conn_matrix, est_path, edge_threshold, thr] = thresholding.density_thresholding(ts_within_spheres, conn_model, NETWORK, ID, dens_thresh, dir_path) if plot_switch == True: ##Plot connectogram plotting.plot_connectogram(conn_matrix, conn_model, atlas_name, dir_path, ID, NETWORK, label_names) ##Plot adj. matrix based on determined inputs plotting.plot_conn_mat(conn_matrix, conn_model, atlas_name, dir_path, ID, NETWORK, label_names, mask) ##Plot network time-series plotting.plot_timeseries(net_ts, NETWORK, ID, dir_path, atlas_name, label_names) ##Plot connectome viz for specific Yeo networks title = "Connectivity Projected on the " + NETWORK out_path_fig = dir_path + '/' + ID + '_' + NETWORK + '_connectome_plot.png' niplot.plot_connectome(conn_matrix, net_coords, edge_threshold=edge_threshold, title=title, display_mode='lyrz', output_file=out_path_fig) return est_path, thr
def wb_connectome_with_nl_atlas_coords(input_file, ID, atlas_select, NETWORK, node_size, mask, thr, all_nets, conn_model, dens_thresh, conf, adapt_thresh, plot_switch, bedpostx_dir): nilearn_atlases = [ 'atlas_aal', 'atlas_craddock_2012', 'atlas_destrieux_2009' ] ##Input is nifti file func_file = input_file ##Fetch nilearn atlas coords [coords, atlas_name, networks_list, label_names] = nodemaker.fetch_nilearn_atlas_coords(atlas_select) ##Get subject directory path dir_path = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(func_file)) + '/' + atlas_select if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) ##Get coord membership dictionary if all_nets option triggered if all_nets != False: try: networks_list except: networks_list = None [membership, membership_plotting] = nodemaker.get_mem_dict(func_file, coords, networks_list) ##Mask coordinates if mask is not None: [coords, label_names] = nodemaker.coord_masker(mask, coords, label_names) ##Save coords and label_names to pickles coord_path = dir_path + '/coords_wb_' + str(thr) + '.pkl' with open(coord_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(coords, f) labels_path = dir_path + '/labelnames_wb_' + str(thr) + '.pkl' with open(labels_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(label_names, f) if bedpostx_dir is not None: from pynets.diffconnectometry import run_struct_mapping FSLDIR = os.environ['FSLDIR'] try: FSLDIR except NameError: print('FSLDIR environment variable not set!') est_path2 = run_struct_mapping(FSLDIR, ID, bedpostx_dir, dir_path, NETWORK, coords, node_size) ##Extract within-spheres time-series from funct file spheres_masker = input_data.NiftiSpheresMasker(seeds=coords, radius=float(node_size), memory='nilearn_cache', memory_level=5, verbose=2, standardize=True) ts_within_spheres = spheres_masker.fit_transform(func_file, confounds=conf) print('\n' + 'Time series has {0} samples'.format(ts_within_spheres.shape[0]) + '\n') ##Save time series as txt file out_path_ts = dir_path + '/' + ID + '_whole_brain_ts_within_spheres.txt' np.savetxt(out_path_ts, ts_within_spheres) ##Fit connectivity model if adapt_thresh is not False: if os.path.isfile(est_path2) == True: [conn_matrix, est_path, edge_threshold, thr] = thresholding.adaptive_thresholding(ts_within_spheres, conn_model, NETWORK, ID, est_path2, dir_path) else: print('No structural mx found! Exiting...') sys.exit(0) elif dens_thresh is None: edge_threshold = str(float(thr) * 100) + '%' [conn_matrix, est_path] = graphestimation.get_conn_matrix(ts_within_spheres, conn_model, NETWORK, ID, dir_path, thr) conn_matrix = thresholding.threshold_proportional( conn_matrix, float(thr), dir_path) conn_matrix = thresholding.normalize(conn_matrix) elif dens_thresh is not None: [conn_matrix, est_path, edge_threshold, thr] = thresholding.density_thresholding(ts_within_spheres, conn_model, NETWORK, ID, dens_thresh, dir_path) if plot_switch == True: ##Plot connectogram plotting.plot_connectogram(conn_matrix, conn_model, atlas_name, dir_path, ID, NETWORK, label_names) ##Plot adj. matrix based on determined inputs plotting.plot_conn_mat(conn_matrix, conn_model, atlas_name, dir_path, ID, NETWORK, label_names, mask) ##Plot connectome viz for all Yeo networks if all_nets != False: plotting.plot_membership(membership_plotting, conn_matrix, conn_model, coords, edge_threshold, atlas_name, dir_path) else: out_path_fig = dir_path + '/' + ID + '_' + atlas_name + '_connectome_viz.png' niplot.plot_connectome(conn_matrix, coords, title=atlas_name, edge_threshold=edge_threshold, node_size=20, colorbar=True, output_file=out_path_fig) return est_path, thr
def plot_all(conn_matrix, conn_model, atlas_select, dir_path, ID, network, label_names, mask, coords, thr, node_size, edge_threshold): import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from nilearn import plotting as niplot import pkg_resources import networkx as nx from pynets import plotting from pynets.netstats import most_important try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import _pickle as pickle pruning = True dpi_resolution = 500 G_pre = nx.from_numpy_matrix(conn_matrix) if pruning == True: [G, pruned_nodes, pruned_edges] = most_important(G_pre) else: G = G_pre conn_matrix = nx.to_numpy_array(G) pruned_nodes.sort(reverse=True) for j in pruned_nodes: del label_names[label_names.index(label_names[j])] del coords[coords.index(coords[j])] pruned_edges.sort(reverse=True) for j in pruned_edges: del label_names[label_names.index(label_names[j])] del coords[coords.index(coords[j])] # Plot connectogram if len(conn_matrix) > 20: try: plotting.plot_connectogram(conn_matrix, conn_model, atlas_select, dir_path, ID, network, label_names) except RuntimeError: print('\n\n\nError: Connectogram plotting failed!') else: print( 'Error: Cannot plot connectogram for graphs smaller than 20 x 20!') # Plot adj. matrix based on determined inputs plotting.plot_conn_mat_func(conn_matrix, conn_model, atlas_select, dir_path, ID, network, label_names, mask, thr, node_size) # Plot connectome if mask: if network: out_path_fig = "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" % ( dir_path, '/', ID, '_', str(atlas_select), '_', str(conn_model), '_', str( os.path.basename(mask).split('.')[0]), '_', str(network), '_', str(thr), '_', str(node_size), '_func_glass_viz.png') else: out_path_fig = "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" % ( dir_path, '/', ID, '_', str(atlas_select), '_', str(conn_model), '_', str( os.path.basename(mask).split('.')[0]), '_', str(thr), '_', str(node_size), '_func_glass_viz.png') # Save coords to pickle coord_path = "%s%s%s%s" % (dir_path, '/coords_', os.path.basename(mask).split('.')[0], '_plotting.pkl') with open(coord_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(coords, f, protocol=2) net_parcels_map_nifti = None # Save labels to pickle labels_path = "%s%s%s%s" % (dir_path, '/labelnames_', os.path.basename(mask).split('.')[0], '_plotting.pkl') with open(labels_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(label_names, f, protocol=2) else: if network: out_path_fig = "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" % ( dir_path, '/', ID, '_', str(atlas_select), '_', str(conn_model), '_', str(network), '_', str(thr), '_', str(node_size), '_func_glass_viz.png') else: out_path_fig = "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" % ( dir_path, '/', ID, '_', str(atlas_select), '_', str(conn_model), '_', str(thr), '_', str(node_size), '_func_glass_viz.png') # Save coords to pickle coord_path = "%s%s" % (dir_path, '/coords_plotting.pkl') with open(coord_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(coords, f, protocol=2) # Save labels to pickle labels_path = "%s%s" % (dir_path, '/labelnames_plotting.pkl') with open(labels_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(label_names, f, protocol=2) #niplot.plot_connectome(conn_matrix, coords, edge_threshold=edge_threshold, node_size=20, colorbar=True, output_file=out_path_fig) ch2better_loc = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "pynets", "templates/ch2better.nii.gz") connectome = niplot.plot_connectome(np.zeros(shape=(1, 1)), [(0, 0, 0)], node_size=0.0001) connectome.add_overlay(ch2better_loc, alpha=0.4, [z_min, z_max] = -np.abs(conn_matrix).max(), np.abs(conn_matrix).max() connectome.add_graph(conn_matrix, coords, edge_threshold=edge_threshold, edge_cmap='Greens', edge_vmax=z_max, edge_vmin=z_min, node_size=4) connectome.savefig(out_path_fig, dpi=dpi_resolution) #connectome.savefig(out_path_fig, dpi=dpi_resolution, facecolor ='k', edgecolor ='k') return