def test_write_bw(): """Test saving a BW image.""" from pyninjotiff.ninjotiff import save from pyninjotiff.tifffile import TiffFile area = FakeArea( { 'ellps': 'WGS84', 'lat_0': '90.0', 'lat_ts': '60.0', 'lon_0': '0.0', 'proj': 'stere' }, (-1000000.0, -4500000.0, 2072000.0, -1428000.0), 1024, 1024) scale = 1.0 / 120 offset = 0.0 attrs = dict([('resolution', 1050), ('polarization', None), ('platform_name', 'NOAA-18'), ('sensor', 'avhrr-3'), ('units', '%'), ('name', '1'), ('level', None), ('modifiers', ()), ('wavelength', (10.3, 10.8, 11.3)), ('calibration', 'brightness_temperature'), ('start_time', TIME - datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)), ('end_time', TIME), ('area', area), ('ancillary_variables', []), ('enhancement_history', [{ 'offset': offset, 'scale': scale }])]) kwargs = { 'ch_min_measurement_unit': np.array([0]), 'ch_max_measurement_unit': np.array([120]), 'compute': True, 'fill_value': None, 'sat_id': 6300014, 'chan_id': 100015, 'data_cat': 'P**N', 'data_source': 'SMHI', 'physic_unit': '%', 'nbits': 8 } data = da.tile(da.repeat(da.arange(4, chunks=1024) / 3.0, 256), 1024).reshape((1, 1024, 1024)) data = xr.DataArray(data, coords={'bands': ['L']}, dims=['bands', 'y', 'x'], attrs=attrs) img = FakeImage(data) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=DELETE_FILES) as tmpfile: filename = if not DELETE_FILES: print(filename) save(img, filename, data_is_scaled_01=True, **kwargs) tif = TiffFile(filename) res = tif[0].asarray() assert (np.allclose(res[0, 0, ::256], np.array([256, 22016, 43520, 65280])))
def test_write_rgba(): """Test saving an RGBA image.""" area = STEREOGRAPHIC_AREA fill_value = np.nan arr = create_hsv_color_disk(fill_value) attrs = dict([('platform_name', 'NOAA-18'), ('resolution', 1050), ('polarization', None), ('start_time', TIME - datetime.timedelta(minutes=55)), ('end_time', TIME - datetime.timedelta(minutes=50)), ('level', None), ('sensor', 'avhrr-3'), ('ancillary_variables', []), ('area', area), ('wavelength', None), ('optional_datasets', []), ('standard_name', 'overview'), ('name', 'overview'), ('prerequisites', [0.6, 0.8, 10.8]), ('optional_prerequisites', []), ('calibration', None), ('modifiers', None), ('mode', 'RGBA'), ('enhancement_history', [{'scale': np.array([1, 1, -1]), 'offset': np.array([0, 0, 1])}, {'scale': np.array([0.0266347, 0.03559078, 0.01329783]), 'offset': np.array([-0.02524969, -0.01996642, 3.8918446])}, {'gamma': 1.6}])]) kwargs = {'compute': True, 'fill_value': None, 'sat_id': 6300014, 'chan_id': 6500015, 'data_cat': 'PPRN', 'data_source': 'SMHI', 'nbits': 8} alpha = np.where(np.isnan(arr[0, :, :]), 0, 1) arr = np.nan_to_num(arr) arr = np.vstack((arr, alpha[np.newaxis, :, :])) data = da.from_array(arr.clip(0, 1), chunks=1024) data = xr.DataArray(data, coords={'bands': ['R', 'G', 'B', 'A']}, dims=[ 'bands', 'y', 'x'], attrs=attrs) img = XRImage(data) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=DELETE_FILES) as tmpfile: filename = if not DELETE_FILES: print(filename) save(img, filename, data_is_scaled_01=True, **kwargs) tif = TiffFile(filename) res = tif[0].asarray() for idx in range(4): np.testing.assert_allclose(res[:, :, idx], np.round( np.nan_to_num(arr[idx, :, :]) * 255).astype(np.uint8)) np.testing.assert_allclose(res[:, :, 3] == 0, alpha == 0)
def test_write_bw_inverted_ir_fill(): """Test saving a BW image with transparency.""" area = STEREOGRAPHIC_AREA scale = 1.0 / 120 offset = 70.0 / 120 attrs = dict([('resolution', 1050), ('polarization', None), ('platform_name', 'NOAA-18'), ('sensor', 'avhrr-3'), ('units', 'K'), ('name', '4'), ('level', None), ('modifiers', ()), ('wavelength', (10.3, 10.8, 11.3)), ('calibration', 'brightness_temperature'), ('start_time', TIME - datetime.timedelta(minutes=35)), ('end_time', TIME - datetime.timedelta(minutes=30)), ('area', area), ('ancillary_variables', []), ('enhancement_history', [{'offset': offset, 'scale': scale}])]) kwargs = {'ch_min_measurement_unit': np.array([-70]), 'ch_max_measurement_unit': np.array([50]), 'compute': True, 'fill_value': None, 'sat_id': 6300014, 'chan_id': 900015, 'data_cat': 'P**N', 'data_source': 'SMHI', 'physic_unit': 'C', 'nbits': 8} data1 = da.tile(da.repeat(da.arange(4, chunks=1024) / 3.0, 256), 256).reshape((1, 256, 1024)) datanan = da.ones((1, 256, 1024), chunks=1024) * np.nan data2 = da.tile(da.repeat(da.arange(4, chunks=1024) / 3.0, 256), 512).reshape((1, 512, 1024)) data = da.concatenate((data1, datanan, data2), axis=1) data = xr.DataArray(data, coords={'bands': ['L']}, dims=[ 'bands', 'y', 'x'], attrs=attrs) img = FakeImage(data) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=DELETE_FILES) as tmpfile: filename = if not DELETE_FILES: print(filename) save(img, filename, data_is_scaled_01=True, **kwargs) tif = TiffFile(filename) page = tif[0] res = page.asarray(colormapped=False).squeeze() colormap = page.tags['color_map'].value for i in range(3): assert(np.all(np.array(colormap[i * 256:(i + 1) * 256]) == np.arange(255, -1, -1) * 256)) assert(np.all(res[0, ::256] == np.array([1, 86, 170, 255]))) assert(np.all(res[256, :] == 0))
def test_write_bw(): """Test saving a BW image. Reflectances. """ area = STEREOGRAPHIC_AREA scale = 1.0 / 120 offset = 0.0 attrs = dict([('resolution', 1050), ('polarization', None), ('platform_name', 'NOAA-18'), ('sensor', 'avhrr-3'), ('units', '%'), ('name', '1'), ('level', None), ('modifiers', ()), ('wavelength', (0.5, 0.6, 0.7)), ('calibration', 'reflectance'), ('start_time', TIME - datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)), ('end_time', TIME), ('area', area), ('ancillary_variables', []), ('enhancement_history', [{'offset': offset, 'scale': scale}])]) kwargs = {'ch_min_measurement_unit': xr.DataArray(0), 'ch_max_measurement_unit': xr.DataArray(120), 'compute': True, 'fill_value': None, 'sat_id': 6300014, 'chan_id': 100015, 'data_cat': 'P**N', 'data_source': 'SMHI', 'physic_unit': '%', 'nbits': 8} data = da.tile(da.repeat(da.arange(4, chunks=1024) / 3.0, 256), 1024).reshape((1, 1024, 1024)) data = xr.DataArray(data, coords={'bands': ['L']}, dims=[ 'bands', 'y', 'x'], attrs=attrs) img = FakeImage(data) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=DELETE_FILES) as tmpfile: filename = if not DELETE_FILES: print(filename) save(img, filename, data_is_scaled_01=True, **kwargs) tif = TiffFile(filename) page = tif[0] res = page.asarray(colormapped=False).squeeze() colormap = page.tags['color_map'].value for i in range(3): assert(np.all(np.array(colormap[i * 256:(i + 1) * 256]) == np.arange(256) * 256)) assert(np.all(res[0, ::256] == np.array([1, 86, 170, 255])))
def test_write_rgb_classified(): """Test saving a transparent RGB.""" area = STEREOGRAPHIC_AREA x_size, y_size = 1024, 1024 arr = np.zeros((3, y_size, x_size)) attrs = dict([('platform_name', 'NOAA-18'), ('resolution', 1050), ('polarization', None), ('start_time', TIME - datetime.timedelta(minutes=65)), ('end_time', TIME - datetime.timedelta(minutes=60)), ('level', None), ('sensor', 'avhrr-3'), ('ancillary_variables', []), ('area', area), ('wavelength', None), ('optional_datasets', []), ('standard_name', 'overview'), ('name', 'overview'), ('prerequisites', [0.6, 0.8, 10.8]), ('optional_prerequisites', []), ('calibration', None), ('modifiers', None), ('mode', 'P')]) kwargs = {'compute': True, 'fill_value': None, 'sat_id': 6300014, 'chan_id': 1700015, 'data_cat': 'PPRN', 'data_source': 'SMHI', 'nbits': 8} data1 = da.tile(da.repeat(da.arange(4, chunks=1024), 256), 256).reshape((1, 256, 1024)) datanan = da.ones((1, 256, 1024), chunks=1024) * 4 data2 = da.tile(da.repeat(da.arange(4, chunks=1024), 256), 512).reshape((1, 512, 1024)) data = da.concatenate((data1, datanan, data2), axis=1) data = xr.DataArray(data, coords={'bands': ['P']}, dims=['bands', 'y', 'x'], attrs=attrs) img = XRImage(data) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=DELETE_FILES) as tmpfile: filename = if not DELETE_FILES: print(filename) save(img, filename, data_is_scaled_01=True, **kwargs) tif = TiffFile(filename) res = tif[0].asarray() for idx in range(3): np.testing.assert_allclose(res[:, :, idx], np.round( np.nan_to_num(arr[idx, :, :]) * 255).astype(np.uint8)) np.testing.assert_allclose(res[:, :, 3] == 0, np.isnan(arr[0, :, :]))
def test_write_rgb_with_a(): """Test saving a transparent RGB.""" from pyninjotiff.ninjotiff import save from pyninjotiff.tifffile import TiffFile area = FakeArea( { 'ellps': 'WGS84', 'lat_0': '90.0', 'lat_ts': '60.0', 'lon_0': '0.0', 'proj': 'stere' }, (-1000000.0, -4500000.0, 2072000.0, -1428000.0), 1024, 1024) x_size, y_size = 1024, 1024 arr = np.zeros((3, y_size, x_size)) radius = min(x_size, y_size) / 2.0 centre = x_size / 2, y_size / 2 for x in range(x_size): for y in range(y_size): rx = x - centre[0] ry = y - centre[1] s = ((x - centre[0])**2.0 + (y - centre[1])**2.0)**0.5 / radius if s <= 1.0: h = ((np.arctan2(ry, rx) / np.pi) + 1.0) / 2.0 rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, 1.0) arr[:, y, x] = np.array(rgb) else: arr[:, y, x] = np.nan attrs = dict([('platform_name', 'NOAA-18'), ('resolution', 1050), ('polarization', None), ('start_time', TIME - datetime.timedelta(minutes=55)), ('end_time', TIME - datetime.timedelta(minutes=50)), ('level', None), ('sensor', 'avhrr-3'), ('ancillary_variables', []), ('area', area), ('wavelength', None), ('optional_datasets', []), ('standard_name', 'overview'), ('name', 'overview'), ('prerequisites', [0.6, 0.8, 10.8]), ('optional_prerequisites', []), ('calibration', None), ('modifiers', None), ('mode', 'RGB'), ('enhancement_history', [{ 'scale': np.array([1, 1, -1]), 'offset': np.array([0, 0, 1]) }, { 'scale': np.array([0.0266347, 0.03559078, 0.01329783]), 'offset': np.array([-0.02524969, -0.01996642, 3.8918446]) }, { 'gamma': 1.6 }])]) kwargs = { 'compute': True, 'fill_value': None, 'sat_id': 6300014, 'chan_id': 6500015, 'data_cat': 'PPRN', 'data_source': 'SMHI', 'nbits': 8 } data = da.from_array(arr.clip(0, 1), chunks=1024) data = xr.DataArray(data, coords={'bands': ['R', 'G', 'B']}, dims=['bands', 'y', 'x'], attrs=attrs) from trollimage.xrimage import XRImage img = XRImage(data) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=DELETE_FILES) as tmpfile: filename = if not DELETE_FILES: print(filename) save(img, filename, data_is_scaled_01=True, **kwargs) tif = TiffFile(filename) res = tif[0].asarray() for idx in range(3): np.testing.assert_allclose( res[:, :, idx], np.round(np.nan_to_num(arr[idx, :, :]) * 255).astype(np.uint8)) np.testing.assert_allclose(res[:, :, 3] == 0, np.isnan(arr[0, :, :]))
def test_write_ir_colormap(): """Test saving a IR image with a colormap. IR with a colormap. Temperatures are -70, -40.24, -10, 20.24, 50. """ from pyninjotiff.ninjotiff import save from pyninjotiff.tifffile import TiffFile area = FakeArea( { 'ellps': 'WGS84', 'lat_0': 90.0, 'lat_ts': 60.0, 'lon_0': 0.0, 'proj': 'stere' }, (-1000000.0, -4500000.0, 2072000.0, -1428000.0), 1024, 1024) scale = 1.0 / 120 offset = 70.0 / 120 attrs = dict([('resolution', 1050), ('polarization', None), ('platform_name', 'NOAA-18'), ('sensor', 'avhrr-3'), ('units', 'K'), ('name', '4'), ('level', None), ('modifiers', ()), ('wavelength', (10.3, 10.8, 11.3)), ('calibration', 'brightness_temperature'), ('start_time', TIME - datetime.timedelta(minutes=85)), ('end_time', TIME - datetime.timedelta(minutes=80)), ('area', area), ('ancillary_variables', []), ('enhancement_history', [{ 'offset': offset, 'scale': scale }])]) ir_map = [ 255, 1535, 2559, 3327, 4095, 4863, 5375, 5887, 6399, 6911, 7423, 7935, 8447, 8959, 9471, 9983, 10239, 10751, 11263, 11519, 12031, 12287, 12799, 13055, 13567, 13823, 14335, 14591, 14847, 15359, 15615, 16127, 16383, 16639, 17151, 17407, 17663, 17919, 18431, 18687, 18943, 19199, 19711, 19967, 20223, 20479, 20735, 21247, 21503, 21759, 22015, 22271, 22527, 22783, 23295, 23551, 23807, 24063, 24319, 24575, 24831, 25087, 25343, 25599, 25855, 26367, 26623, 26879, 27135, 27391, 27647, 27903, 28159, 28415, 28671, 28927, 29183, 29439, 29695, 29951, 30207, 30463, 30719, 30975, 31231, 31487, 31743, 31999, 31999, 32255, 32511, 32767, 33023, 33279, 33535, 33791, 34047, 34303, 34559, 34815, 35071, 35327, 35327, 35583, 35839, 36095, 36351, 36607, 36863, 37119, 37375, 37375, 37631, 37887, 38143, 38399, 38655, 38911, 39167, 39167, 39423, 39679, 39935, 40191, 40447, 40703, 40703, 40959, 41215, 41471, 41727, 41983, 41983, 42239, 42495, 42751, 43007, 43263, 43263, 43519, 43775, 44031, 44287, 44287, 44543, 44799, 45055, 45311, 45311, 45567, 45823, 46079, 46335, 46335, 46591, 46847, 47103, 47359, 47359, 47615, 47871, 48127, 48127, 48383, 48639, 48895, 49151, 49151, 49407, 49663, 49919, 49919, 50175, 50431, 50687, 50687, 50943, 51199, 51455, 51455, 51711, 51967, 52223, 52223, 52479, 52735, 52991, 52991, 53247, 53503, 53759, 53759, 54015, 54271, 54527, 54527, 54783, 55039, 55039, 55295, 55551, 55807, 55807, 56063, 56319, 56319, 56575, 56831, 57087, 57087, 57343, 57599, 57599, 57855, 58111, 58367, 58367, 58623, 58879, 58879, 59135, 59391, 59391, 59647, 59903, 60159, 60159, 60415, 60671, 60671, 60927, 61183, 61183, 61439, 61695, 61695, 61951, 62207, 62463, 62463, 62719, 62975, 62975, 63231, 63487, 63487, 63743, 63999, 63999, 64255, 64511, 64511, 64767, 65023, 65023, 65279 ] kwargs = { 'ch_min_measurement_unit': np.array([-70]), 'ch_max_measurement_unit': np.array([50]), 'compute': True, 'fill_value': None, 'sat_id': 6300014, 'chan_id': 900015, 'data_cat': 'P**N', 'data_source': 'SMHI', 'physic_unit': 'C', 'nbits': 8, 'cmap': [ir_map] * 3 } data = da.tile(da.repeat(da.arange(5, chunks=1024) / 4.0, 205)[:-1], 1024).reshape((1, 1024, 1024))[:, :1024] data = xr.DataArray(data, coords={'bands': ['L']}, dims=['bands', 'y', 'x'], attrs=attrs) img = FakeImage(data) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=DELETE_FILES) as tmpfile: filename = if not DELETE_FILES: print(filename) save(img, filename, data_is_scaled_01=True, **kwargs) tif = TiffFile(filename) page = tif[0] res = page.asarray(colormapped=False).squeeze() colormap = page.tags['color_map'].value assert (len(colormap) == 768) assert (np.allclose(colormap[:256], ir_map)) assert (np.allclose(colormap[256:512], ir_map)) assert (np.allclose(colormap[512:], ir_map)) assert (np.allclose(res[0, ::205], np.array([1, 64, 128, 192, 255])))
def test_write_rgb_tb(): """Test saving a non-trasparent RGB with thumbnails.""" from pyninjotiff.ninjotiff import save from pyninjotiff.tifffile import TiffFile area = FakeArea( { 'ellps': 'WGS84', 'lat_0': 90.0, 'lat_ts': 60.0, 'lon_0': 0.0, 'proj': 'stere' }, (-1000000.0, -4500000.0, 2072000.0, -1428000.0), 1024, 1024) x_size, y_size = 1024, 1024 arr = np.zeros((3, y_size, x_size)) radius = min(x_size, y_size) / 2.0 centre = x_size / 2, y_size / 2 for x in range(x_size): for y in range(y_size): rx = x - centre[0] ry = y - centre[1] s = ((x - centre[0])**2.0 + (y - centre[1])**2.0)**0.5 / radius if s <= 1.0: h = ((np.arctan2(ry, rx) / np.pi) + 1.0) / 2.0 rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, 1.0) arr[:, y, x] = np.array(rgb) attrs = dict([('platform_name', 'NOAA-18'), ('resolution', 1050), ('polarization', None), ('level', None), ('sensor', 'avhrr-3'), ('ancillary_variables', []), ('area', area), ('start_time', TIME - datetime.timedelta(minutes=45)), ('end_time', TIME - datetime.timedelta(minutes=40)), ('wavelength', None), ('optional_datasets', []), ('standard_name', 'overview'), ('name', 'overview'), ('prerequisites', [0.6, 0.8, 10.8]), ('optional_prerequisites', []), ('calibration', None), ('modifiers', None), ('mode', 'RGB'), ('enhancement_history', [{ 'scale': np.array([1, 1, -1]), 'offset': np.array([0, 0, 1]) }, { 'scale': np.array([0.0266347, 0.03559078, 0.01329783]), 'offset': np.array([-0.02524969, -0.01996642, 3.8918446]) }, { 'gamma': 1.6 }])]) kwargs = { 'compute': True, 'fill_value': None, 'sat_id': 6300014, 'chan_id': 6500015, 'data_cat': 'PPRN', 'data_source': 'SMHI', 'nbits': 8, 'tile_length': 256, 'tile_width': 256 } data = da.from_array(arr.clip(0, 1), chunks=1024) data = xr.DataArray(data, coords={'bands': ['R', 'G', 'B']}, dims=['bands', 'y', 'x'], attrs=attrs) from trollimage.xrimage import XRImage img = XRImage(data) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=DELETE_FILES) as tmpfile: filename = if not DELETE_FILES: print(filename) save(img, filename, data_is_scaled_01=False, **kwargs) tif = TiffFile(filename) res = tif[0].asarray() assert (tif.pages[0].tags['tile_length'].value == 256) assert (tif.pages[1].tags['tile_length'].value == 128) assert (tif.pages[0].tags['tile_width'].value == 256) assert (tif.pages[1].tags['tile_width'].value == 128) assert (len(tif.pages) == 2) assert (tif.pages[0].shape == (1024, 1024, 4)) assert (tif.pages[1].shape == (512, 512, 4)) for idx in range(3): np.testing.assert_allclose( res[:, :, idx], np.round(arr[idx, :, :] * 255).astype(np.uint8)) tags = { 'new_subfile_type': 0, 'image_width': 1024, 'image_length': 1024, 'bits_per_sample': (8, 8, 8, 8), 'compression': 32946, 'photometric': 2, 'orientation': 1, 'samples_per_pixel': 4, 'planar_configuration': 1, 'software': b'tifffile/pytroll', 'datetime': b'2020:01:17 14:17:23', 'tile_width': 256, 'tile_length': 256, 'tile_offsets': (951, 24414, 77352, 126135, 141546, 206260, 272951, 318709, 349650, 413166, 475735, 519168, 547960, 570326, 615924, 666705), 'tile_byte_counts': (23463, 52938, 48783, 15411, 64714, 66691, 45758, 30941, 63516, 62569, 43433, 28792, 22366, 45598, 50781, 13371), 'extra_samples': 2, 'sample_format': (1, 1, 1, 1), 'model_pixel_scale': (0.026949458523585643, 0.027040118922685666, 0.0), 'model_tie_point': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -35.00279008179894, 73.3850622630575, 0.0), '40000': b'NINJO', '40001': 6300014, '40002': 1579264321, '40003': 1579267043, '40004': 6500015, '40005': 2, '40006': b'/tmp/tmpb4kn93qt', '40007': b'PPRN', '40008': b'', '40009': 24, '40010': b'SMHI', '40011': 1, '40012': 1024, '40013': 1, '40014': 1024, '40015': b'NPOL', '40016': -35.00278854370117, '40017': 24.72344398498535, '40018': 6378137.0, '40019': 6356752.5, '40021': 60.0, '40022': 0.0, '40023': 0.0, '40024': b'None', '40025': b'None', '40026': 0, '40027': 255, '40028': 1.0, '40029': 0.0, '40040': 0, '40041': 0, '40042': 1, '40043': 0, '50000': 0, 'fill_order': 1, 'rows_per_strip': 4294967295, 'resolution_unit': 2, 'predictor': 1, 'ycbcr_subsampling': 1, 'ycbcr_positioning': 1 } read_tags = tif.pages[0].tags assert (read_tags.keys() == tags.keys()) for key, val in tags.items(): if key in ['datetime', '40002', '40003', '40006']: continue assert (val == read_tags[key].value)
def test_write_bw_fill(): """Test saving a BW image with transparency.""" from pyninjotiff.ninjotiff import save from pyninjotiff.tifffile import TiffFile area = FakeArea( { 'ellps': 'WGS84', 'lat_0': 90.0, 'lat_ts': 60.0, 'lon_0': 0.0, 'proj': 'stere' }, (-1000000.0, -4500000.0, 2072000.0, -1428000.0), 1024, 1024) scale = 1.0 / 120 offset = 0.0 attrs = dict([('resolution', 1050), ('polarization', None), ('platform_name', 'NOAA-18'), ('sensor', 'avhrr-3'), ('units', '%'), ('name', '1'), ('level', None), ('modifiers', ()), ('wavelength', (0.5, 0.6, 0.7)), ('calibration', 'reflectance'), ('start_time', TIME - datetime.timedelta(minutes=25)), ('end_time', TIME - datetime.timedelta(minutes=20)), ('area', area), ('ancillary_variables', []), ('enhancement_history', [{ 'offset': offset, 'scale': scale }])]) kwargs = { 'ch_min_measurement_unit': np.array([0]), 'ch_max_measurement_unit': np.array([120]), 'compute': True, 'fill_value': None, 'sat_id': 6300014, 'chan_id': 100015, 'data_cat': 'P**N', 'data_source': 'SMHI', 'physic_unit': '%', 'nbits': 8 } data1 = da.tile(da.repeat(da.arange(4, chunks=1024) / 3.0, 256), 256).reshape((1, 256, 1024)) datanan = da.ones((1, 256, 1024), chunks=1024) * np.nan data2 = da.tile(da.repeat(da.arange(4, chunks=1024) / 3.0, 256), 512).reshape((1, 512, 1024)) data = da.concatenate((data1, datanan, data2), axis=1) data = xr.DataArray(data, coords={'bands': ['L']}, dims=['bands', 'y', 'x'], attrs=attrs) img = FakeImage(data) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=DELETE_FILES) as tmpfile: filename = if not DELETE_FILES: print(filename) save(img, filename, data_is_scaled_01=True, **kwargs) tif = TiffFile(filename) page = tif[0] res = page.asarray(colormapped=False).squeeze() colormap = page.tags['color_map'].value for i in range(3): assert (np.all( np.array(colormap[i * 256:(i + 1) * 256]) == np.arange(256) * 256)) assert (np.all(res[0, ::256] == np.array([1, 86, 170, 255]))) assert (np.all(res[256, :] == 0))
def _load_file_values_with_colormap(filename): tif = TiffFile(filename) page = tif[0] res = page.asarray(colormapped=False).squeeze() colormap = page.tags['color_map'].value return colormap, res