def test_empty_list(self): result = merge_lists(original=[], new_changes=[]) assert result == [], "Empty list is the same."
def test_merge_longer(self): result = merge_lists(original=["123", "456"], new_changes=["abc", "def", "ghi"]) assert result == ["abc", "def", "ghi"], "Merging longer tail should keep the new tail, " \ "replacing any values in the middle"
def test_merge_shorter(self): result = merge_lists(original=["abc", "def", "ghi"], new_changes=["123", "456"]) assert result == ["123", "456", "ghi"], "If merging a shorter list with a longer one " \ "should keep the tail of original"
def test_empty_merge(self): result = merge_lists(original=[None, "def"], new_changes=["abc", "def"]) assert result == ["abc", "def"], "A merge should fill the empty spot from original, " \ "the rest should stay the same."
def test_single_change(self): result = merge_lists(original=["abc", "def"], new_changes=["abc", "123"]) assert result == [ "abc", "123" ], "Changes should have been overwritten, the same has stayed."
def test_same_list(self): result = merge_lists(original=["abc", "def"], new_changes=["abc", "def"]) assert result == ["abc", "def"], "Single list is the same."