コード例 #1
ファイル: test_pynsett.py プロジェクト: amandalmia14/pynsett
 def test_copula(self):
     drs = Drs.create_from_natural_language('this is a test')
     expected_drs = Drs.create_from_predicates_string(
         "{'word': 'is', 'compound': 'is', 'tag': 'v', 'entity': ''}(v1), {'word': 'this', 'compound': 'this', 'tag': 'DT', 'entity': ''}(v0), {'word': 'test', 'compound': 'test', 'tag': 'n', 'entity': ''}(v3), {'type': 'AGENT'}(v1,v0), {'type': 'ATTR'}(v1,v3)")
     lst = drs.apply(DrsMatcher(expected_drs, metric))
     is_match = len(lst) > 1
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_pynsett.py プロジェクト: amandalmia14/pynsett
 def test_passive(self):
     drs = Drs.create_from_natural_language('the rabbit is eaten by me')
     expected_drs = Drs.create_from_predicates_string(
         "{'entity': '', 'compound': 'rabbit', 'word': 'rabbit', 'tag': 'n'}(v1), {'entity': '', 'compound': 'eaten', 'word': 'eaten', 'tag': 'v'}(v3), {'entity': '', 'compound': 'me', 'word': 'me', 'tag': 'PRP'}(v5), {'type': 'PATIENT'}(v3,v1), {'type': 'AGENT'}(v3,v5)")
     lst = drs.apply(DrsMatcher(expected_drs, metric))
     is_match = len(lst) > 1
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_pynsett.py プロジェクト: amandalmia14/pynsett
 def test_modal(self):
     data_drs = Drs.create_from_natural_language('alberto can dance')
     expected_drs = Drs.create_from_predicates_string(
         '{"tag": "MD", "word": "can"}(2), {"type": "MODAL"}(3,2), {"tag": "v"}(3)')
     lst = data_drs.apply(DrsMatcher(expected_drs, metric))
     is_match = len(lst) > 0
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_pynsett.py プロジェクト: amandalmia14/pynsett
 def test_creation_from_drt_with_preposition(self):
     drs = Drs.create_from_predicates_string(
         "{'word': 'ideas', 'entity': '', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'ideas'}(v0), {'word': 'Jim', 'entity': '', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'Jim'}(v2), {'type': 'of'}(v0,v2)")
     expected_drs = Drs.create_from_predicates_string(
         "{'word': 'ideas', 'entity': '', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'ideas'}(v0), {'word': 'Jim', 'entity': '', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'Jim'}(v2), {'type': 'of'}(v0,v2)")
     lst = drs.apply(DrsMatcher(expected_drs, metric))
     is_match = len(lst) > 1
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_pynsett.py プロジェクト: amandalmia14/pynsett
 def test_coreference_is_joined_in_graph(self):
     text = "John is ginger. He is a carpenter. test. Jane is blond. She is a carpenter. "
     discourse = Discourse(text)
     expected_drs = Drs.create_from_predicates_string(
         "{}(a), {}(b), {'type': 'REFERS_TO'}(a,b)")
     lst = discourse._discourse.apply(DrsMatcher(expected_drs, metric))
     is_match = len(lst) > 1
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_pynsett.py プロジェクト: amandalmia14/pynsett
 def test_compound_nouns_gender_guess(self):
     text = "Jane Smith is an engineer"
     drs = Drs.create_from_natural_language(text)
     expected_drs = Drs.create_from_predicates_string(
         "{'compound': 'Jane Smith', 'gender_guess': 'f'}(a)")
     lst = drs.apply(DrsMatcher(expected_drs, metric))
     is_match = len(lst) > 1
コード例 #7
    def test_snippet_2(self):
        Mostly to check conjunction rules.

        text = "Jon is a carpenter and an engineer"
        drs = Drs.create_from_natural_language(text)
        expected_drs = Drs.create_from_predicates_string("""
        {'word': 'is', 'tag': 'v', 'compound': 'is', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'be', 'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': True, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false'}(v1), {'word': 'Jon', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'Jon', 'entity': 'PERSON', 'lemma': 'Jon', 'gender_guess': 'm', 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false'}(v0), {'word': 'carpenter', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'carpenter', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'carpenter', 'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false'}(v3), {'word': 'engineer', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'engineer', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'engineer', 'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false'}(v6), {'type': 'AGENT'}(v1,v0), {'type': 'ATTR'}(v1,v6), {'type': 'ATTR'}(v1,v3), {'type': 'ATTR'}(v1,v6)
        lst = drs.apply(DrsMatcher(expected_drs, metric))
        is_match = len(lst) > 1
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_pynsett.py プロジェクト: amandalmia14/pynsett
 def test_relation_rules(self):
     data_drs = Drs.create_from_natural_language('Jim works at Microsoft')
     knowledge = Knowledge(metric)
     knowledge.add_rules(open(os.path.join(_path, '../rules/generic_relations.rules')).read())
     inference = ForwardInference(data_drs, knowledge)
     end_drs = inference.compute()
     expected_drs = Drs.create_from_predicates_string('{}(1), {"text": "WORKS_AT"}(1,2), {}(2)')
     is_match = False
     for drs in end_drs:
         lst = drs[0].apply(DrsMatcher(expected_drs, metric))
         if len(lst) > 0:
             is_match = True
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_pynsett.py プロジェクト: amandalmia14/pynsett
    def test_asimov_wiki(self):
        text = open(os.path.join(_path, '../data/wiki_asimov.txt')).read()
        discourse = Discourse(text)
        extractor = Extractor(discourse, _knowledge)
        triplets = extractor.extract()
        expected_triplets = [('Isaac_Asimov_0|Asimov_0', 'JOB_TITLE', 'writer'),
                             ('Isaac_Asimov_0|Asimov_0', 'OWNS', 'works'),
                             ('Isaac_Asimov_0|Asimov_0', 'OWNS', 'books')]
        self.assertTrue(triplets, expected_triplets)

        expected_drs = Drs.create_from_predicates_string(
            "{}(a), {'word': 'Boston_University'}(b), {'type': 'at'}(a,b)")
        lst = discourse._discourse.apply(DrsMatcher(expected_drs, metric))
        is_match = len(lst) > 1
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_pynsett.py プロジェクト: amandalmia14/pynsett
 def test_single_clause(self):
     data_drs = Drs.create_from_natural_language('Jim works at Microsoft')
     rule = """
     MATCH "{PERSON}#1 works at {ORG}#2"
     CREATE {}(1), {"type": "WORKS_AT"}(1,2), {}(2)
     knowledge = Knowledge(metric)
     inference = ForwardInference(data_drs, knowledge)
     end_drs = inference.compute()
     expected_drs = Drs.create_from_predicates_string('{}(1), {"type": "WORKS_AT"}(1,2), {}(2)')
     is_match = False
     for drs in end_drs:
         lst = drs[0].apply(DrsMatcher(expected_drs, metric))
         if len(lst) > 0:
             is_match = True
コード例 #11
    def test_snippet_1(self):
        Mostly to check conjunction rules.

        text = "Asimov also wrote mysteries and fantasy, as well as much nonfiction. Most of his popular science books explain concepts in a historical way, going as far back as possible to a time when the science in question was at its simplest stage. Examples include Guide to Science, the three-volume set Understanding Physics, and Asimov's Chronology of Science and Discovery. He wrote on numerous other scientific and non-scientific topics, such as chemistry, astronomy, mathematics, history, biblical exegesis, and literary criticism."
        drs = Drs.create_from_natural_language(text)
        expected_drs = Drs.create_from_predicates_string("""
            {'word': 'wrote', 'tag': 'v', 'compound': 'wrote', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'write', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': True, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v2),
            {'word': 'Asimov', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'Asimov', 'entity': 'PERSON', 'lemma': 'Asimov',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v0),
            {'word': 'also', 'tag': 'RB', 'compound': 'also', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'also', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v1),
            {'word': 'mysteries', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'mysteries', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'mystery',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v3),
            {'word': 'fantasy', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'fantasy', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'fantasy',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v5),
            {'word': 'nonfiction', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'nonfiction', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'nonfiction',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v11),
            {'word': 'as', 'tag': 'RB', 'compound': 'as', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'as', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v7),
            {'word': 'well', 'tag': 'RB', 'compound': 'well', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'well', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v8),
            {'word': 'much', 'tag': 'j', 'compound': 'much', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'much', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v10),
            {'word': 'Most', 'tag': 'j', 'compound': 'Most', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'Most', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v13),
            {'word': 'books', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'books', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'book', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v18),
            {'word': 'he', 'tag': 'PRP$', 'compound': 'he', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'he', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v15),
            {'word': 'popular', 'tag': 'j', 'compound': 'popular', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'popular',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v16),
            {'word': 'science', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'science', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'science',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v17),
            {'word': 'explain', 'tag': 'v', 'compound': 'explain', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'explain',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v19),
            {'word': 'concepts', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'concepts', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'concept',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v20),
            {'word': 'going', 'tag': 'v', 'compound': 'going', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'go', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v26),
            {'word': 'way', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'way', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'way', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v24),
            {'word': 'historical', 'tag': 'j', 'compound': 'historical', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'historical',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v23),
            {'word': 'back', 'tag': 'RB', 'compound': 'back', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'back', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v29),
            {'word': 'to', 'tag': 'IN', 'compound': 'to', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'to', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': 'to'}(v32),
            {'word': 'far', 'tag': 'RB', 'compound': 'far', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'far', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v28),
            {'word': 'as', 'tag': 'RB', 'compound': 'as', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'as', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v27),
            {'word': 'as', 'tag': 'IN', 'compound': 'as', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'as', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': 'as'}(v30),
            {'word': 'possible', 'tag': 'j', 'compound': 'possible', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'possible',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v31),
            {'word': 'time', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'time', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'time', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v34),
            {'word': 'was', 'tag': 'v', 'compound': 'was', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'be', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v40),
            {'word': 'science', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'science', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'science',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v37),
            {'word': 'in', 'tag': 'IN', 'compound': 'in', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'in', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': 'in'}(v38),
            {'word': 'question', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'question', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'question',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v39),
            {'word': 'when', 'tag': 'WRB', 'compound': 'when', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'when', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v35),
            {'word': 'at', 'tag': 'IN', 'compound': 'at', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'at', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': 'at'}(v41),
            {'word': 'stage', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'stage', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'stage', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v44),
            {'word': 'its', 'tag': 'PRP$', 'compound': 'its', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'its', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v42),
            {'word': 'simplest', 'tag': 'j', 'compound': 'simplest', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'simple',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v43),
            {'word': 'include', 'tag': 'v', 'compound': 'include', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'include',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v47),
            {'word': 'Examples', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'Examples', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'example',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v46),
            {'word': 'Guide', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'Guide', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'Guide', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v48),
            {'word': '.', 'tag': '.', 'compound': '.', 'entity': '', 'lemma': '.', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v68),
            {'word': 'to', 'tag': 'IN', 'compound': 'to', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'to', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v49),
            {'word': ',', 'tag': ',', 'compound': ',', 'entity': '', 'lemma': ',', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': 'and'}(v51),
            {'word': 'set', 'tag': 'v', 'compound': 'set', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'set', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v56),
            {'word': 'Science', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'Science', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'Science',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v50),
            {'word': 'volume', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'volume', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'volume', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v55),
            {'word': 'three', 'tag': 'CD', 'compound': 'three', 'entity': 'CARDINAL', 'lemma': 'three',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v53),
            {'word': '-', 'tag': 'HYPH', 'compound': '-', 'entity': '', 'lemma': '-', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v54),
            {'word': 'Physics', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'Understanding_Physics', 'entity': 'ORG', 'lemma': 'Physics',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v58),
            {'word': ',', 'tag': ',', 'compound': ',', 'entity': '', 'lemma': ',', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v59),
            {'word': 'and', 'tag': 'CC', 'compound': 'and', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'and', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': 'and'}(v60),
            {'word': 'Chronology', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'Chronology', 'entity': 'WORK_OF_ART', 'lemma': 'Chronology',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v63),
            {'word': 'Asimov', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'Asimov', 'entity': 'PERSON', 'lemma': 'Asimov',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v61),
            {'word': 'of', 'tag': 'IN', 'compound': 'of', 'entity': 'WORK_OF_ART', 'lemma': 'of', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v64),
            {'word': 'Science', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'Science', 'entity': 'WORK_OF_ART', 'lemma': 'Science',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v65),
            {'word': 'and', 'tag': 'CC', 'compound': 'and', 'entity': 'WORK_OF_ART', 'lemma': 'and',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': 'and'}(v66),
            {'word': 'Discovery', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'Discovery', 'entity': 'WORK_OF_ART', 'lemma': 'Discovery',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v67),
            {'word': 'wrote', 'tag': 'v', 'compound': 'wrote', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'write', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v70),
            {'word': 'He', 'tag': 'PRP', 'compound': 'He', 'entity': 'PERSON', 'lemma': 'he', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v69),
            {'word': 'on', 'tag': 'IN', 'compound': 'on', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'on', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v71),
            {'word': '.', 'tag': '.', 'compound': '.', 'entity': '', 'lemma': '.', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v97),
            {'word': 'topics', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'topics', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'topic', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v79),
            {'word': 'scientific', 'tag': 'j', 'compound': 'scientific', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'scientific',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v74),
            {'word': '-', 'tag': 'j', 'compound': '-', 'entity': '', 'lemma': '-', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v77),
            {'word': 'non', 'tag': 'j', 'compound': 'non', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'non', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v76),
            {'word': 'scientific', 'tag': 'j', 'compound': 'scientific', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'scientific',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v78),
            {'word': 'numerous', 'tag': 'j', 'compound': 'numerous', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'numerous',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v72),
            {'word': 'other', 'tag': 'j', 'compound': 'other', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'other', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v73),
            {'word': ',', 'tag': ',', 'compound': ',', 'entity': '', 'lemma': ',', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v80),
            {'word': 'as', 'tag': 'IN', 'compound': 'as', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'as', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': 'as'}(v82),
            {'word': 'such', 'tag': 'j', 'compound': 'such', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'such', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v81),
            {'word': 'chemistry', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'chemistry', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'chemistry',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v83),
            {'word': ',', 'tag': ',', 'compound': ',', 'entity': '', 'lemma': ',', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': 'and'}(v84),
            {'word': 'astronomy', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'astronomy', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'astronomy',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v85),
            {'word': ',', 'tag': ',', 'compound': ',', 'entity': '', 'lemma': ',', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v86),
            {'word': 'mathematics', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'mathematics', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'mathematic',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v87),
            {'word': ',', 'tag': ',', 'compound': ',', 'entity': '', 'lemma': ',', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v88),
            {'word': 'history', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'history', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'history',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v89),
            {'word': ',', 'tag': ',', 'compound': ',', 'entity': '', 'lemma': ',', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v90),
            {'word': 'exegesis', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'exegesis', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'exegesis',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v92),
            {'word': 'biblical', 'tag': 'j', 'compound': 'biblical', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'biblical',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v91),
            {'word': ',', 'tag': ',', 'compound': ',', 'entity': '', 'lemma': ',', 'gender_guess': None,
             'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v93),
            {'word': 'criticism', 'tag': 'n', 'compound': 'criticism', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'criticism',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v96),
            {'word': 'literary', 'tag': 'j', 'compound': 'literary', 'entity': '', 'lemma': 'literary',
             'gender_guess': None, 'is_head_token': False, 'refers_to': None, 'negated': 'false', 'type': None}(v95),
            {'type': 'AMOD'}(v24, v23), {'type': 'ADVMOD'}(v26, v29), {'type': 'ADVMOD'}(v28, v27),
            {'type': 'ADVMOD'}(v29, v28), {'type': 'NSUBJ'}(v40, v37), {'type': 'POSS'}(v44, v42),
            {'type': 'AMOD'}(v44, v43), {'type': 'NSUBJ'}(v47, v46), {'type': 'DOBJ'}(v47, v48),
            {'type': 'PUNCT'}(v47, v68), {'type': 'PREP'}(v48, v49), {'type': 'POBJ'}(v49, v50),
            {'type': 'PUNCT'}(v55, v54), {'type': 'NPADVMOD'}(v56, v55), {'type': 'DOBJ'}(v56, v58),
            {'type': 'PUNCT'}(v56, v59), {'type': 'POSS'}(v63, v61), {'type': 'PREP'}(v63, v64),
            {'type': 'POBJ'}(v64, v65), {'type': 'NSUBJ'}(v70, v69), {'type': 'PREP'}(v70, v71),
            {'type': 'PUNCT'}(v70, v97), {'type': 'POBJ'}(v71, v79), {'type': 'SUBTOK'}(v77, v76),
            {'type': 'SUBTOK'}(v78, v77), {'type': 'AMOD'}(v79, v72), {'type': 'AMOD'}(v79, v73),
            {'type': 'AMOD'}(v79, v74), {'type': 'AMOD'}(v79, v78), {'type': 'PUNCT'}(v79, v80),
            {'type': 'POBJ'}(v82, v83), {'type': 'PUNCT'}(v85, v86), {'type': 'CONJ'}(v85, v87),
            {'type': 'PUNCT'}(v87, v88), {'type': 'CONJ'}(v87, v89), {'type': 'PUNCT'}(v89, v90),
            {'type': 'CONJ'}(v89, v92), {'type': 'AMOD'}(v92, v91), {'type': 'PUNCT'}(v92, v93),
            {'type': 'CONJ'}(v92, v96), {'type': 'AMOD'}(v96, v95), {'type': 'AGENT'}(v2, v0),
            {'type': 'ADVOCATIVE_CLAUSE'}(v19, v26), {'type': 'when'}(v34, v40), {'type': 'of'}(v13, v18),
            {'type': 'AGENT'}(v19, v13), {'type': 'PATIENT'}(v19, v20), {'type': 'in'}(v19, v24),
            {'type': 'NUMBER'}(v55, v53), {'type': 'OWNS'}(v61, v63), {'type': 'OWNS'}(v15, v18),
            {'type': 'PATIENT'}(v2, v5), {'type': 'and'}(v56, v63), {'type': 'and'}(v48, v56),
            {'type': 'and'}(v65, v67), {'type': 'and'}(v83, v85), {'type': 'in'}(v37, v39), {'type': 'to'}(v26, v34),
            {'type': 'as'}(v29, v31), {'type': 'at'}(v40, v44), {'type': 'as'}(v79, v81), {'type': 'of'}(v18, v17),
            {'type': 'ADJECTIVE'}(v11, v10), {'type': 'ADVERB'}(v2, v1), {'type': 'ADJECTIVE'}(v18, v16),
            {'type': 'as'}(v2, v3), {'type': 'as'}(v2, v5)""")
        lst = drs.apply(DrsMatcher(expected_drs, metric))
        is_match = len(lst) > 1
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_pynsett.py プロジェクト: amandalmia14/pynsett
 def test_sub_isomorphism(self):
     large_drs = Drs.create_from_natural_language('The ideas#1 of Jim#2 are silly')
     small_drs = Drs.create_from_natural_language('ideas#3 of Jim#4')
     lst = large_drs.apply(DrsMatcher(small_drs, metric))
     is_match = len(lst) > 0
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_pynsett.py プロジェクト: amandalmia14/pynsett
 def test_negation_matches(self):
     drs = Drs.create_from_natural_language('John Smith is not blond')
     expected_drs = Drs.create_from_natural_language('John Smith is not blond')
     lst = drs.apply(DrsMatcher(expected_drs, metric))
     is_not_match = len(lst) > 0
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_pynsett.py プロジェクト: amandalmia14/pynsett
 def test_entity_parsing(self):
     data_drs = Drs.create_from_natural_language('{PERSON} is in {GPE}')
     expected_drs = Drs.create_from_natural_language('John is in London')
     lst = data_drs.apply(DrsMatcher(expected_drs, metric))
     is_match = len(lst) > 0
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_pynsett.py プロジェクト: amandalmia14/pynsett
 def test_if_rule(self):
     data_drs = Drs.create_from_natural_language('If I breathe I am alive')
     expected_drs = Drs.create_from_predicates_string('{}(a), {"type": "CONDITION"}(a,b), {}(b)')
     lst = data_drs.apply(DrsMatcher(expected_drs, metric))
     is_match = len(lst) > 0