def _hl_text(nvim: Nvim, text: str) -> None: nvim.funcs.setreg("/", _magic_escape(text)) def cont() -> None: nvim.options["hlsearch"] = True go(nvim, aw=async_call(nvim, cont))
async def c0(s: State, manual: bool) -> None: with with_suppress(), timeit("**OVERALL**"): if lock.locked(): log.warn("%s", "SHOULD NOT BE LOCKED <><> OODA") async with lock: ctx = await async_call( nvim, lambda: context( nvim, db=stack.bdb, options=stack.settings.match, state=s, manual=manual, ), ) should = _should_cont(s, prev=s.context, cur=ctx) if ctx else False _, col = ctx.position if should: state(context=ctx) await stack.supervisor.interrupt() metrics, _ = await gather( stack.supervisor.collect(ctx), async_call( nvim, lambda: complete( nvim, stack=stack, col=col, comps=()), ) if stack.settings.display.pum.fast_close else sleep(0), ) s = state() if s.change_id == ctx.change_id: vim_comps = tuple( trans( stack, pum_width=s.pum_width, context=ctx, metrics=metrics, )) await async_call( nvim, lambda: complete(nvim, stack=stack, col=col, comps=vim_comps), ) else: await async_call( nvim, lambda: complete( nvim, stack=stack, col=col, comps=())) state(inserted_pos=(-1, -1))
def _when_idle(nvim: Nvim, stack: Stack) -> None: global _HANDLE if _HANDLE: _HANDLE.cancel() def cont() -> None: buf = cur_buf(nvim) buf_type: str = buf_get_option(nvim, buf=buf, key="buftype") if buf_type == "terminal": nvim.api.buf_detach(buf) state(nono_bufs={buf.number}) _insert_enter(nvim, stack=stack) stack.supervisor.notify_idle() get_running_loop().call_later( stack.settings.limits.idle_timeout, lambda: go(nvim, aw=async_call(nvim, cont)), )
async def _run(nvim: Nvim, ctx: BufContext, attrs: Iterable[FmtAttrs], cwd: str) -> None: body = linesep.join(ctx.lines).encode() path = Path(ctx.filename) with make_temp(path) as temp: temp.write_bytes(body) errs = [ err async for err in aiterify( _fmt_output(attr, ctx=ctx, cwd=cwd, temp=temp) for attr in attrs) if err ] errors = (linesep * 2).join(errs) if errors: await gather( awrite(nvim, LANG("prettier failed")), set_preview_content(nvim, text=errors), ) else: def cont() -> None: def it() -> Iterator[Tuple[Window, Tuple[int, int]]]: wins = list_wins(nvim) for win in wins: buf = win_get_buf(nvim, win=win) if buf == ctx.buf: row, col = win_get_cursor(nvim, win) yield win, (row, col) saved = {win: pos for win, pos in it()} lines = temp.read_text().splitlines() buf_set_lines(nvim, buf=ctx.buf, lo=0, hi=-1, lines=lines) for win, (row, col) in saved.items(): new_row = min(row, len(lines) - 1) win_set_cursor(nvim, win=win, row=new_row, col=col) prettiers = LANG("step join sep").join(attr.bin for attr in attrs) nice = LANG("prettier succeeded", prettiers=prettiers) await gather(awrite(nvim, nice), async_call(nvim, cont))
def cont() -> None: go(async_call(nvim, nvim.command, "silent! wa!"))
async def cont() -> None: async for _ in aticker(3, immediately=False): go(async_call(nvim, check))
def _op_rg(nvim: Nvim, visual: VisualTypes) -> None: text = _hl_selected(nvim, visual=visual) escaped = escape(text).replace(r"\ ", " ") cont = lambda: nvim.command(f"Rg {escaped}") go(nvim, aw=async_call(nvim, cont))
def _op_fzf(nvim: Nvim, visual: VisualTypes) -> None: text = _hl_selected(nvim, visual=visual) cont = lambda: nvim.command(f"BLines {text}") go(nvim, aw=async_call(nvim, cont))
def _op_rg(nvim: Nvim, visual: VisualTypes = None) -> None: text = _hl_selected(nvim, visual=visual) cont = lambda: nvim.command(f"Rg {text}") go(async_call(nvim, cont))
def cont() -> None: new_col = col + len(lhs.encode()) nvim.api.set_vvar("char", lhs + cast(str, rhs)) set_cur = lambda: win_set_cursor( nvim, win=win, row=row, col=new_col) go(async_call(nvim, set_cur))
async def _slurp(nvim: Nvim, stack: Stack, warn: AbstractSet[SnippetWarnings]) -> None: with timeit("LOAD SNIPS"): ( cwd, bundled, (user_compiled, user_compiled_mtimes), (_, user_snips_mtimes), mtimes, ) = await gather( async_call(nvim, get_cwd, nvim), _bundled_mtimes(nvim), _load_user_compiled(stack.supervisor.vars_dir), user_mtimes(nvim, user_path=stack.settings.clients.snippets.user_path), stack.sdb.mtimes(), ) stale = mtimes.keys() - (bundled.keys() | user_compiled.keys()) compiled = { path: mtime for path, mtime in chain(bundled.items(), user_compiled.items()) if mtime > mtimes.get(path, -inf) } new_user_snips = { fmt_path(cwd, path=path, is_dir=False): ( datetime.fromtimestamp(mtime).strftime( stack.settings.display.time_fmt), datetime.fromtimestamp(prev).strftime( stack.settings.display.time_fmt) if (prev := user_compiled_mtimes.get(path)) else "??", ) for path, mtime in user_snips_mtimes.items() if mtime > user_compiled_mtimes.get(path, -inf) } await stack.sdb.clean(stale) if SnippetWarnings.missing in warn and not (bundled or user_compiled): await sleep(0) await awrite(nvim, LANG("fs snip load empty")) for fut in as_completed( tuple( _load_compiled(path, mtime) for path, mtime in compiled.items())): try: path, mtime, loaded = await fut except (OSError, JSONDecodeError, DecodeError) as e: tpl = """ Failed to load compiled snips ${e} """.rstrip() log.warn("%s", Template(dedent(tpl)).substitute(e=type(e))) else: await stack.sdb.populate(path, mtime=mtime, loaded=loaded) await awrite( nvim, LANG( "fs snip load succ", path=fmt_path(cwd, path=path, is_dir=False), ), ) if SnippetWarnings.outdated in warn and new_user_snips: paths = linesep.join(f"{path} -- {prev} -> {cur}" for path, (cur, prev) in new_user_snips.items()) await awrite(nvim, LANG("fs snip needs compile", paths=paths)) @rpc(blocking=True) def _load_snips(nvim: Nvim, stack: Stack) -> None: go(nvim, aw=_slurp(nvim, stack=stack, warn=stack.settings.clients.snippets.warn)) atomic.exec_lua(f"{NAMESPACE}.{}()", ()) def compile_one( stack: Stack, grammar: SnippetGrammar, path: PurePath, info: ParseInfo, lines: Iterable[Tuple[int, str]], ) -> Compiled: filetype, exts, snips = load_neosnippet(grammar, path=path, lines=lines) parsed = tuple( _trans( stack.settings.match.unifying_chars,, info=info, snips=snips, )) compiled = Compiled( path=path, filetype=filetype, exts=exts, parsed=parsed, ) return compiled async def compile_user_snippets(nvim: Nvim, stack: Stack) -> None: with timeit("COMPILE SNIPS"): info = ParseInfo(visual="", clipboard="", comment_str=("", "")) _, mtimes = await user_mtimes( nvim, user_path=stack.settings.clients.snippets.user_path) loaded = await to_thread(lambda: load_direct( False, lsp=(), neosnippet=mtimes, ultisnip=(), neosnippet_grammar=SnippetGrammar.lsp, )) _ = tuple( _trans( stack.settings.match.unifying_chars,, info=info, snips=loaded.snippets.values(), )) try: await _dump_compiled(stack.supervisor.vars_dir, mtimes=mtimes, loaded=loaded) except OSError as e: await awrite(nvim, e) else: await _slurp(nvim, stack=stack, warn={SnippetWarnings.missing})