コード例 #1
def _entity_type_to_schema(entity_type: EntityType) -> str:
    res = f"CREATE TABLE odata.{to_pg_name(entity_type.name)} (\n  "
    res += ",\n  ".join(
        [_property_to_schema(p) for p in entity_type.proprties()]) + ","
    res += f"\n  {key_to_schema(entity_type.key_proprties)}"
    res += "\n);"
    return res
コード例 #2
def test_complex_serializer(schema):
    """Test de/serializer of complex edm types"""

    # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name

    # encode without edm type information
    with pytest.raises(PyODataException) as e_info:
        EdmStructTypeSerializer().to_literal(None, 'something')
    assert str(e_info.value).startswith('Cannot encode value something')

    # decode without edm type information
    with pytest.raises(PyODataException) as e_info:
        EdmStructTypeSerializer().from_json(None, 'something')
    assert str(e_info.value).startswith('Cannot decode value something')

    # entity without properties
    entity_type = EntityType('Box', 'Box', False)
    srl = EdmStructTypeSerializer()
    assert srl.to_literal(entity_type, 'something') == {}
    assert srl.from_json(entity_type, 'something') == {}

    # entity with properties of ODATA primitive types
    entity_type = schema.entity_type('TemperatureMeasurement')
    assert srl.to_literal(entity_type, {
        'ignored-key': 'ignored-value',
        'Sensor': 'x'
    }) == {
        'Sensor': "'x'"
    assert srl.from_json(entity_type, {
        'ignored-key': 'ignored-value',
        'Sensor': "'x'"
    }) == {
        'Sensor': 'x'
コード例 #3
def get_entity_type_property_names(entity_type: EntityType) -> List[str]:
    """Name of all properties for a given entity type"""
    return [p.name for p in entity_type.proprties()]