def test_index_genome_alig(self, mock_open): """Do a full round trip test for a simple whole-genome alignment.""" in_strm = StringIO.StringIO(self.ga_maf1) idx_strm = StringIO.StringIO() # replace open with mock def open_side_effect(*args, **kwargs): if not isinstance(args[0], basestring): raise TypeError() if args[0] == "one.maf": return in_strm elif args[0] == "one.idx": return idx_strm raise IOError("No such file") mock_open.side_effect = open_side_effect main(["build", "-o", "one.idx", "one.maf"]) ga = build_genome_alignment_from_file("one.maf", "hg19", "one.idx") b1_res = ga.get_blocks("chr22", 1711, 1720)[0] b2_res = ga.get_blocks("chr22", 1770, 1780)[0] self.assertEqual(b1_res["hg19.chr22"], self.b1_hg19) self.assertEqual(b2_res["hg19.chr22"], self.b2_hg19)
def main(args, prog_name): """Process the command line arguments of this script and dispatch.""" # get options and arguments ui = getUI(prog_name, args) if ui.optionIsSet("test"): # just run unit tests unittest.main(argv=[sys.argv[0]]) elif ui.optionIsSet("help"): # just show help ui.usage() else: verbose = (ui.optionIsSet("verbose") is True) or DEFAULT_VERBOSITY # get output handle out_fh = sys.stdout if ui.optionIsSet("output"): out_fh = open(ui.getValue("output"), "w") # get window size... window_size = DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE if ui.optionIsSet("window"): window_size = ui.getValue("window") # get the window anchoring location windowCentre = DEFAULT_WINDOW_CENTRE if ui.optionIsSet("centre"): windowCentre = ui.getValue("centre") if windowCentre not in WINDOW_CENTRE_OPTIONS: sys.stderr.write("un-recognised window anchor position: " + str(windowCentre) + "\n") sys.exit(1) args = ui.getAllArguments() assert(len(args) == 3 or len(args) == 4) region_fn = ui.getArgument(0) ga_path = ui.getArgument(1) index_fn = None if len(args) == 3: spec = ui.getArgument(2) else: index_fn = ui.getArgument(2) spec = ui.getArgument(3) extensions = (ui.getValue("extensions").strip().split(",") if ui.optionIsSet("extensions") else None) index_extensions = (ui.getValue("index-extensions").strip().split(",") if ui.optionIsSet("index-extensions") else None) fail_no_index = ui.optionIsSet("fail-no-index") mi_seqs = (MissingSequenceHandler[ui.getValue("missing")] if ui.optionIsSet("missing") else MissingSequenceHandler.TREAT_AS_ALL_GAPS) species = ([x.strip() for x in ui.getValue("species").split(",")] if ui.optionIsSet("species") else None) # build the genome alignment alig = (load_just_in_time_genome_alignment(ga_path, spec, extensions, index_extensions, fail_no_index, verbose) if os.path.isdir(ga_path) else build_genome_alignment_from_file(ga_path, spec, index_fn, verbose)) # get the profile and write it to the output stream profile = processBED(open(region_fn), alig, window_size, CENTRE, mi_seqs, species, verbose) out_fh.write("\n\n" + ", ".join(str(x) for x in profile) + "\n")
def main(args, prog_name): """Process the command line arguments of this script and dispatch.""" # get options and arguments ui = getUI(prog_name, args) if ui.optionIsSet("test"): # just run unit tests unittest.main(argv=[sys.argv[0]]) elif ui.optionIsSet("help"): # just show help ui.usage() else: verbose = (ui.optionIsSet("verbose") is True) or DEFAULT_VERBOSITY # get output handle out_fh = sys.stdout if ui.optionIsSet("output"): out_fh = open(ui.getValue("output"), "w") # get window size... window_size = DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE if ui.optionIsSet("window"): window_size = ui.getValue("window") # get the window anchoring location windowCentre = DEFAULT_WINDOW_CENTRE if ui.optionIsSet("centre"): windowCentre = ui.getValue("centre") if windowCentre not in WINDOW_CENTRE_OPTIONS: sys.stderr.write("un-recognised window anchor position: " + str(windowCentre) + "\n") sys.exit(1) args = ui.getAllArguments() assert (len(args) == 3 or len(args) == 4) region_fn = ui.getArgument(0) ga_path = ui.getArgument(1) index_fn = None if len(args) == 3: spec = ui.getArgument(2) else: index_fn = ui.getArgument(2) spec = ui.getArgument(3) extensions = (ui.getValue("extensions").strip().split(",") if ui.optionIsSet("extensions") else None) index_extensions = (ui.getValue("index-extensions").strip().split(",") if ui.optionIsSet("index-extensions") else None) fail_no_index = ui.optionIsSet("fail-no-index") mi_seqs = (MissingSequenceHandler[ui.getValue("missing")] if ui.optionIsSet("missing") else MissingSequenceHandler.TREAT_AS_ALL_GAPS) species = ([x.strip() for x in ui.getValue("species").split(",")] if ui.optionIsSet("species") else None) # build the genome alignment alig = (load_just_in_time_genome_alignment( ga_path, spec, extensions, index_extensions, fail_no_index, verbose) if os.path.isdir(ga_path) else build_genome_alignment_from_file( ga_path, spec, index_fn, verbose)) # get the profile and write it to the output stream profile = processBED(open(region_fn), alig, window_size, CENTRE, mi_seqs, species, verbose) out_fh.write("\n\n" + ", ".join(str(x) for x in profile) + "\n")