def reset(self, ph): self.incumbent = None self.rho = None self.x_deviation = None self.lastConvergenceMetric = None self.feasibility_cuts = [] self.incumbent_cuts = [] self.lastRun = 0 self.average_solution = None self.converger = NormalizedTermDiffConvergence() self.unique_scenario_solutions = []
def reset(self, ph): self.incumbent = None self.rho = None self.x_deviation = None self.lastConvergenceMetric = None self.feasibility_cuts = [] self.incumbent_cuts = [] self.lastRun = 0 self.average_solution = None self.converger = NormalizedTermDiffConvergence()
class InterScenarioPlugin(SingletonPlugin): implements(phextension.IPHExtension) def __init__(self): self.enableRhoUpdates = True self.enableFeasibilityCuts = True self.enableIncumbentCuts = True self.epsilon = 1e-7 self.cut_scale = 0#1e-4 self.allow_variable_slack = False # Force this plugin to run every N iterations self.iterationInterval = 100 # Alternative methods to trigger the plugin: # # If the convergence metric degrades by either a relative or # absolute amount self.convergenceRelativeDegredation = 10.33 self.convergenceAbsoluteDegredation = 10.001 # If at least recutThreshold fraction of all-to-all scenario # tests produced feasibility cuts self.recutThreshold = 0.33 # If at least this fraction of unique solutions are preserved # from one iteration to the next self.repeated_solution_threshhold = 0.90 # multiplier on computed rho values self.rhoScale = 0.75 # How quickly rho moves to new values [0..1] # 0: no damping (jump to calculated rho) # 1: complete damping (do not change current value of rho) self.rhoDamping = 0.1 # Minimum difference in objective to include a cut, and minimum # difference in variable values to include that term in a cut self.cutThreshold_minDiff = 0.0001 # Fraction of the cut library to use for cross-scenario # (all-to-all) cuts self.cutThreshold_crossCut = 0 # Force the InterScenario plugin to re-run while the improvement # in the Lagrangean bound is at least this much: self.iteration0RecutBoundImprovement = 0.0025 def reset(self, ph): self.incumbent = None self.rho = None self.x_deviation = None self.lastConvergenceMetric = None self.feasibility_cuts = [] self.incumbent_cuts = [] self.lastRun = 0 self.average_solution = None self.converger = NormalizedTermDiffConvergence() self.unique_scenario_solutions = [] def pre_ph_initialization(self,ph): self.reset(ph) pass def post_instance_creation(self,ph): if self.enableRhoUpdates: rootNode = ph._scenario_tree.findRootNode() for v in rootNode._xbars: ph.setRhoAllScenarios(rootNode, v, 0) pass def post_ph_initialization(self, ph): if len(ph._scenario_tree._stages) > 2: raise RuntimeError( "InterScenario plugin only works with 2-stage problems" ) self._sense_to_min = 1 if ph._objective_sense == minimize else -1 # We are going to manage RHO here. So, we want to turn it off # until we finish the initial round of interscenario feasibility # cuts. if self.enableRhoUpdates: rootNode = ph._scenario_tree.findRootNode() for v in rootNode._xbars: ph.setRhoAllScenarios(rootNode, v, 0) #self.rho = dict((v,ph._rho) for v in ph._scenario_tree.findRootNode()._xbars) def post_iteration_0_solves(self, ph): self._collect_unique_scenario_solutions(ph) self._interscenario_plugin(ph) count = 0 while self.rho is None and self.feasibility_cuts: count += 1 toc( "InterScenario plugin: PH iteration 0 re-solve pass %s" % (count,) ) _stale_scenarios = [] for _id, _soln in enumerate(self.unique_scenario_solutions): _was_cut = sum( 1 for c in self.feasibility_cuts if type(c[_id]) is tuple) if _was_cut: _stale_scenarios.extend(_soln[1]) self._distribute_cuts(ph, True) toc("InterScenario plugin: distributed cuts to scenarios") self._collect_unique_scenario_solutions(ph) self._interscenario_plugin(ph) self.lastRun = 0 def post_iteration_0(self, ph): self.converger.update( ph._current_iteration, ph, ph._scenario_tree, ph._instances ) self.lastConvergenceMetric = self.converger.lastMetric() pass def pre_iteration_k_solves(self, ph): if self.feasibility_cuts or self.incumbent_cuts: self._distribute_cuts(ph) pass def post_iteration_k_solves(self, ph): self.converger.update( ph._current_iteration, ph, ph._scenario_tree, ph._instances ) curr = self.converger.lastMetric() last = self.lastConvergenceMetric delta = curr - last #print("InterScenario convergence:", last, curr, delta) run = False if ( self._collect_unique_scenario_solutions(ph) >= self.repeated_solution_threshhold ): print("InterScenario plugin: triggered by no change in " "scenario solutions") run = True if ( delta > last * self.convergenceRelativeDegredation and delta > self.convergenceAbsoluteDegredation ): print( "InterScenario plugin: triggered by convergence degredation " "(%0.4f; %+0.4f)" % (curr, delta) ) run = True if ph._current_iteration-self.lastRun >= self.iterationInterval: print("InterScenario plugin: triggered by iteration limit") run = True if self.rho is None: print( "InterScenario plugin: triggered to initialize rho") run = True elif self.enableRhoUpdates: rootNode = ph._scenario_tree.findRootNode() for _id, rho in iteritems(self.rho): _max = rootNode._maximums[_id] _min = rootNode._minimums[_id] if rho < self.epsilon and _max - _min > self.epsilon: print( "InterScenario plugin: triggered by variable " "divergence with rho==0 (%s: %s; [%s, %s])" % (_id, rho, _max, _min)) run = True break if run: self.lastRun = ph._current_iteration self._interscenario_plugin(ph) self.lastConvergenceMetric = curr pass def post_iteration_k(self, ph): pass def post_ph_execution(self, ph): self._collect_unique_scenario_solutions(ph) self._interscenario_plugin(ph) pass def _interscenario_plugin(self,ph): toc("InterScenario plugin: analyzing scenario dual information") # (1) Collect all scenario (first) stage variables #self._collect_unique_scenario_solutions(ph) # (2) Filter them to find a set we want to distribute pass # (3) Distribute (some) of the variable sets out to the # scenarios, fix, and resolve; Collect and return the # objectives, duals, and any cuts partial_obj_values, dual_values, cuts, probability \ = self._solve_interscenario_solutions( ph ) # Compute the non-anticipative objective values for each # scenario solution self.feasible_objectives = self._compute_objective( partial_obj_values, probability ) for _id, soln in enumerate(self.unique_scenario_solutions): _scenarios = [ph._scenario_tree.get_scenario(x) for x in soln[1]] print( " Solution %2d: generated %2d cuts, " "cut by %2d other scenarios; objective %10s, " "scenario cost [%s], cut obj [%s] [generated by %s]" % ( _id, sum(1 for c in cuts[_id] if type(c) is tuple), sum(1 for c in cuts if type(c[_id]) is tuple), "None" if self.feasible_objectives[_id] is None else "%10.2f" % self.feasible_objectives[_id], ", ".join("%10.2f" % x._cost for x in _scenarios), " ".join("%5.2f" % x[0] if type(x) is tuple else "%5s" % x for x in cuts[_id]), ','.join(soln[1]) )) scenarioCosts = [ ph._scenario_tree.get_scenario(x)._cost for s in self.unique_scenario_solutions for x in s[1] ] scenarioProb = [ ph._scenario_tree.get_scenario(x)._probability for s in self.unique_scenario_solutions for x in s[1] ] _avg = sum( scenarioProb[i]*c for i,c in enumerate(scenarioCosts) ) _max = max( scenarioCosts ) _min = min( scenarioCosts ) if self.average_solution is None: _del_avg = None _del_avg_str = "-----%" else: _prev = self.average_solution _del_avg = (_avg-_prev) / max(abs(_avg),abs(_prev)) _del_avg_str = "%+.2f%%" % ( 100*_del_avg, ) self.average_solution = _avg print(" Average scenario cost: %f (%s) Max-min: %f (%0.2f%%)" % ( _avg, _del_avg_str, _max-_min, abs(100.*(_max-_min)/_avg) )) # (4) save any cuts for distribution before the next solve #self.feasibility_cuts = [] #for c in cuts: # self.feasibility_cuts.extend( # x for x in c if type(x) is tuple and x[0] > self.cutThreshold ) #cutCount = len(self.feasibility_cuts) if self.enableFeasibilityCuts: self.feasibility_cuts = cuts cutCount = sum( sum( 1 for x in c if type(x) is tuple and x[0]>self.cutThreshold_minDiff ) for c in cuts ) subProblemCount = sum(len(c) for c in cuts) # (5) compute and publish the new incumbent self._update_incumbent(ph) # (6a) If this is iteration 0, and we have feasibility cuts, and # they are (sufficiently) helping the Lagrangean bound, then # skip setting rho and do another round oc cuts if ph._current_iteration == 0: # Tell ph that we may have a good opter bound ph._update_reported_bounds(outer=self.average_solution) if ( cutCount > self.recutThreshold*(subProblemCount-len(cuts)) and ( _del_avg is None or _del_avg > self.iteration0RecutBoundImprovement )): # Bypass RHO updates and check for more cuts #self.lastRun = ph._current_iteration - self.iterationInterval return # (6b) compute updated rho estimates new_rho, loginfo = self._process_dual_information( ph, dual_values, probability ) _scale = self.rhoScale if self.rho is None: print("InterScenario plugin: initializing rho") self.rho = {} for v,r in iteritems(new_rho): self.rho[v] = _scale*r else: _damping = self.rhoDamping for v,r in iteritems(new_rho): if self.rho[v]: self.rho[v] += (1-_damping)*(_scale*r - self.rho[v]) #self.rho[v] = max(_scale*r, self.rho[v]) - \ # _damping*abs(_scale*r - self.rho[v]) else: self.rho[v] = _scale*r for v,l in sorted(iteritems(loginfo)): if v is None: print(l) else: print(l % (self.rho[v],)) #print("SETTING SELF.RHO", self.rho) rootNode = ph._scenario_tree.findRootNode() if self.enableRhoUpdates: for v, r in iteritems(self.rho): ph.setRhoAllScenarios(rootNode, v, r) def _collect_unique_scenario_solutions(self, ph): # list of (varmap, scenario_list) tuples _old_unique_scenario_solutions = self.unique_scenario_solutions self.unique_scenario_solutions = [] # See for a multistage version... rootNode = ph._scenario_tree.findRootNode() for scenario in rootNode._scenarios: _this_sol = dict(scenario._x[rootNode._name]) for _id, _val in iteritems(scenario._x[rootNode._name]): #if rootNode.is_variable_fixed(_id): # continue if rootNode.is_variable_binary(_id) or \ rootNode.is_variable_integer(_id): _this_sol[_id] = int(round(_val)) found = False # Note: because we are looking for unique variable values, # then if the user is bundling, this will implicitly re-form # the bundles for _sol in self.unique_scenario_solutions: if _this_sol == _sol[0]: _sol[1].append(scenario._name) found = True break if not found: self.unique_scenario_solutions.append( ( _this_sol, [scenario._name] ) ) _unchanged = 0 for _old_soln, _old_scen in _old_unique_scenario_solutions: for _soln, _scen in self.unique_scenario_solutions: if _old_soln == _soln: _unchanged += 1 break print( "Interscenario plugin: %s unchanged scenario solutions " "(out of %s)" % ( _unchanged, len(self.unique_scenario_solutions) )) return float(_unchanged) / len(self.unique_scenario_solutions) def _solve_interscenario_solutions(self, ph): results = ([],[],[],) probability = [] #cutlist = [] distributed = isinstance( ph._solver_manager, SolverManager_PHPyro ) action_handles = [] if ph._scenario_tree.contains_bundles(): subproblems = ph._scenario_tree._scenario_bundles else: subproblems = ph._scenario_tree._scenarios for problem in subproblems: probability.append(problem._probability) options=( self.unique_scenario_solutions, ) kwd_options = { 'epsilon': self.epsilon, 'cut_scale': self.cut_scale, 'allow_slack': self.allow_variable_slack, 'enable_rho': self.enableRhoUpdates, 'enable_cuts': self.enableFeasibilityCuts } if distributed: action_handles.append( ph._solver_manager.queue( action="invoke_external_function", name=problem._name, queue_name=ph._phpyro_job_worker_map[problem._name], invocation_type=InvocationType.SingleInvocation.key, generateResponse=True, module_name='pyomo.pysp.plugins.interscenario', function_name='solve_fixed_scenario_solutions', function_kwds=kwd_options, function_args=options, ) ) else: _tmp = solve_fixed_scenario_solutions( ph, ph._scenario_tree, problem, *options, **kwd_options ) for i,r in enumerate(results): r.append(_tmp[i]) #cutlist.extend(_tmp[-1]) if distributed: num_results_so_far = 0 num_results = len(action_handles) for r in results: r.extend([None]*num_results) while (num_results_so_far < num_results): _ah = ph._solver_manager.wait_any() _ah_id = action_handles.index(_ah) _tmp = ph._solver_manager.get_results(_ah) for i,r in enumerate(results): r[_ah_id] = _tmp[i] #cutlist.extend(_tmp[-1]) num_results_so_far += 1 return results + (probability,) # + (cutlist,) def _distribute_cuts(self, ph, resolve=False): totalCuts = 0 cutObj = sorted( c[0] for x in self.feasibility_cuts for c in x if type(c) is tuple and c[0] > self.cutThreshold_minDiff ) if cutObj: allCutThreshold = cutObj[ min( int((1-self.cutThreshold_crossCut)*len(cutObj)), len(cutObj)-1 ) ] else: allCutThreshold = 1 distributed = isinstance( ph._solver_manager, SolverManager_PHPyro ) if ph._scenario_tree.contains_bundles(): subproblems = ph._scenario_tree._scenario_bundles get_scenarios = lambda x: x._scenario_names else: subproblems = ph._scenario_tree._scenarios get_scenarios = lambda x: [x] resolves = [] for problem in subproblems: cuts = [] for id, (x, s) in enumerate(self.unique_scenario_solutions): found = False for scenario in get_scenarios(problem): if scenario._name in s: found = True break if found: cuts.extend( c[id] for c in self.feasibility_cuts if type(c[id]) is tuple and c[id][0] > self.cutThreshold_minDiff ) elif self.feasible_objectives[id] is None: # We only add cuts generated by other scenarios to # scenarios that are not currently feasible (as # these are feassibility cuts, they should not # impact feasible scenarios) cuts.extend( c[id] for c in self.feasibility_cuts if type(c[id]) is tuple and c[id][0] > allCutThreshold ) if not cuts and not self.incumbent_cuts: resolves.append(None) continue totalCuts += len(cuts) if distributed: resolves.append( ph._solver_manager.queue( action="invoke_external_function", name=problem._name, queue_name=ph._phpyro_job_worker_map[problem._name], invocation_type=InvocationType.SingleInvocation.key, generateResponse=True, module_name='pyomo.pysp.plugins.interscenario', function_name='add_new_cuts', function_kwds=None, function_args=( cuts, self.incumbent_cuts, resolve ), ) ) else: ans = add_new_cuts( ph, ph._scenario_tree, problem, cuts, self.incumbent_cuts, resolve ) resolves.append(ans) toc("distributed cuts to scenario %s%s" % ( problem._name, ' and resolved scenario' if resolve else '' )) toc( "InterScenario plugin: added %d feasibility cuts from a " "library of %s cuts" % (totalCuts, len(cutObj)) ) self.feasibility_cuts = [] if self.incumbent_cuts: print( "InterScenario plugin: added %d incumbent cuts" % (len(self.incumbent_cuts), ) ) self.incumbent_cuts = [] if distributed: num_results_so_far = sum(1 for x in resolves if x is None) num_results = len(resolves) while (num_results_so_far < num_results): _ah = ph._solver_manager.wait_any() _ah_idx = resolves.index(_ah) resolves[_ah_idx] = ph._solver_manager.get_results(_ah) num_results_so_far += 1 if resolve: # Transfer the first stage values and cost back to PH and # recompute xbar rootNode = ph._scenario_tree.findRootNode() for _id, problem in enumerate(subproblems): ans = resolves[_id] if ans is None: continue for scenario in get_scenarios(problem): scenario._cost = ans[1] assert( sorted(ans[0]) == sorted(scenario._x[rootNode._name]) ) scenario._x[rootNode._name] = ans[0] #[_vid] = _vval ph.update_variable_statistics() def _compute_objective(self, partial_obj_values, probability): obj_values = [] for soln_id in xrange(len( self.unique_scenario_solutions )): obj = 0. for scen_or_bundle_id, p in enumerate(probability): if partial_obj_values[scen_or_bundle_id][soln_id] is None: obj = None break obj += p * partial_obj_values[scen_or_bundle_id][soln_id] obj_values.append(obj) return obj_values def _update_incumbent(self, ph): feasible_obj = [ o for o in enumerate(self.feasible_objectives) if o[1] is not None ] if not feasible_obj: print( "InterScenario plugin: No scenario solutions are " "globally feasible" ) return print( "InterScenario plugin: Feasible objectives: %s" % ( sorted(o[1] for o in feasible_obj), ) ) best_id, best_obj = min( ((x[0], self._sense_to_min*x[1]) for x in feasible_obj), key=operator.itemgetter(1) ) binary_vars = [] integer_vars = [] continuous_vars = [] rootNode = ph._scenario_tree.findRootNode() for _id in rootNode._scenarios[0]._x[rootNode._name]: if rootNode.is_variable_fixed(_id): continue if rootNode.is_variable_binary(_id): binary_vars.append(_id) elif rootNode.is_variable_integer(_id): integer_vars.append(_id) elif rootNode.is_variable_semicontinuous(_id): assert False, "FIXME" else: # we can not add incumbent cuts for continuous domains continuous_vars.append(_id) if self.incumbent is None or \ self.incumbent[0] * self._sense_to_min > best_obj + self.epsilon: # Cut the old incumbent if self.enableIncumbentCuts and self.incumbent and not continuous_vars: _x = self.incumbent[1][0] self.incumbent_cuts.append( ( dict((vid, round(_x[vid])) for vid in binary_vars), dict((vid, round(_x[vid])) for vid in integer_vars), ) ) # New incumbent! self.incumbent = ( best_obj*self._sense_to_min, self.unique_scenario_solutions[best_id], best_id ) # Tell PH (that we have a good inner bound) ph._update_reported_bounds(inner=best_obj) msg = "InterScenario plugin: NEW incumbent: %s = %s, %s" \ % self.incumbent print(msg) elif self.incumbent[0]*self._sense_to_min < best_obj - self.epsilon: # Keep existing incumbent... so the best thing here can be cut msg = "InterScenario plugin: incumbent: %s = %s, %s" \ % self.incumbent print(msg) best_id = -1 if continuous_vars or not self.enableIncumbentCuts: return for _id, obj in feasible_obj: if _id == best_id: continue _x = self.unique_scenario_solutions[_id][0] self.incumbent_cuts.append( ( dict((vid, round(_x[vid])) for vid in binary_vars), dict((vid, round(_x[vid])) for vid in integer_vars), ) ) def _process_dual_information(self, ph, dual_values, probability): # Notes: # dual_values: [ [ { var_id: dual } ] ] # - list of list of maps of variable id to dual value. The # outer list is returned by each subproblem (corresponds to # a bundle or scenario). The order in this list matches # the order in the probability list. The inner list holds # the dual values for each solution the scenario/bundle was # asked to evaluate. This inner list is in the same order # as the solutions list. # probability: [ scenario/bundle probility ] # - list of the scenario or bundle probability for the # submodel that returned the corresponding objective/dual # values # unique_scenario_solutions: [ {var_id:var_value}, [ scenario_names ] ] # - list of candidate solutions holding the 1st stage # variable values (in a map) and the list of scenarios # that had that solution as the optimal solution in this # iteration # soln_prob: the total probability of all scenarios that have # this solution as their locally-optimal solution soln_prob = [0.] * len(self.unique_scenario_solutions) for soln_id, soln_info in enumerate(self.unique_scenario_solutions): for src_scen_name in soln_info[1]: src_scen = ph._scenario_tree.get_scenario(src_scen_name) soln_prob[soln_id] += src_scen._probability total_soln_prob = sum(soln_prob) # xbar: { var_id : xbar } # - this has the average first stage variable values. We # should really get this from the scenario tree, as we # cannot guarantee that we will see all the current values # here (they can be filtered) #xbar = dict( ( # k, # sum(v*soln_prob[i] for i,v in enumerate(vv))/total_soln_prob ) # for k, vv in iteritems(var_info) ) xbar = ph._scenario_tree.findRootNode()._xbars if self.x_deviation is None: self.x_deviation = dict( ( v, max(s[0][v] for s in self.unique_scenario_solutions) - min(s[0][v] for s in self.unique_scenario_solutions) ) for v in xbar ) max_dual = dict((v,0.) for v in xbar) weighted_rho = dict((v,0.) for v in xbar) for soln_id, soln_p in enumerate(soln_prob): x = self.unique_scenario_solutions[soln_id][0] avg_dual = dict((v,0.) for v in xbar) p_total = 0. for scen_id, p in enumerate(probability): if dual_values[scen_id][soln_id] is None: continue for v,d in iteritems(dual_values[scen_id][soln_id]): avg_dual[v] += math.copysign(d, xbar[v]-x[v]) * p max_dual[v] = max(max_dual[v], abs(d)) p_total += p if p_total: for v in avg_dual: avg_dual[v] /= p_total #x_deviation = dict( (v, abs(xbar[v]-self.unique_scenario_solutions[soln_id][0][v])) # for v in xbar ) for v,x_dev in iteritems(self.x_deviation): weighted_rho[v] += soln_prob[soln_id]*avg_dual[v]/(x_dev+1.) if False: # MAX dual (not average) for v,x_dev in iteritems(self.x_deviation): weighted_rho[v] += max_dual[v]/(x_dev+1.) # var_info: { var_id : [ scenario values ] } # - this has the list of all values for a single 1st stage # variable, in the same order as the solutions list (and the # soln_prob list) var_info = {} for soln_id, soln_info in enumerate(self.unique_scenario_solutions): for k,v in iteritems(soln_info[0]): try: var_info[k].append(v) except: var_info[k] = [v] dual_info = {} for sid, scenario_results in enumerate(dual_values): for solution in scenario_results: if solution is None: continue for k,v in iteritems(solution): try: dual_info[k].append(v) except: dual_info[k] = [v] # (optionally) scale the weighted rho #for v in xbar: # weighted_rho[v] = weighted_rho[v] / total_soln_prob # Check for rho == 0 _min_rho = min(_rho for _rho in weighted_rho if _rho > 0) for v in xbar: if weighted_rho[v] <= 0: # If there is variable disagreement, but no objective # pressure to price the disagreement, the best thing we # can do is guess and let later iterations sort it out. # #if max(var_info[v]) - min(var_info[v]) > 0: # weighted_rho[v] = 1. # # Actually, we will just set all 0 rho values to the # smallest non-zero dual weighted_rho[v] = _min_rho loginfo = { None: "%4s: %6s [%7s, %7s] %7s; " "%6s [%6s, %6s] %6s; RHO %7s : %7s" % ( '---', 'Dual', 'min', 'max', 'stdev', 'Var', 'min', 'max', 'stdev', 'computed', 'final' ) } for k, duals in iteritems(dual_info): # DISABLE! #break d_min = min(duals) d_max = max(duals) _sum = sum(abs(x) for x in duals) _sumsq = sum(x**2 for x in duals) n = float(len(duals)) d_avg = _sum/n d_stdev = math.sqrt(abs(_sumsq/n - d_avg**2)) x_min = min(var_info[k]) x_max = max(var_info[k]) _sum = sum(abs(x) for x in var_info[k]) _sumsq = sum(x**2 for x in var_info[k]) n = float(len(var_info[k])) x_avg = _sum/n x_stdev = math.sqrt(abs(_sumsq/n - x_avg**2 + 1e-6)) loginfo[k] = \ "%4d: %6.1f [%7.1f, %7.1f] %7.1f; " \ "%6.1f [%6.1f, %6.1f] %6.1f; RHO %7.2f : %%7.2f" % ( k, d_avg, d_min, d_max, d_stdev, x_avg, x_min, x_max, x_stdev, weighted_rho[k] ) return weighted_rho, loginfo
class InterScenarioPlugin(SingletonPlugin): implements(phextension.IPHExtension) def __init__(self): self.enableRhoUpdates = True self.enableFeasibilityCuts = True self.enableIncumbentCuts = True self.epsilon = 1e-7 self.cut_scale = 0 #1e-4 self.allow_variable_slack = False # Force this plugin to run every N iterations self.iterationInterval = 100 # Alternative methods to trigger the plugin: # # If the convergence metric degrades by either a relative or # absolute amount self.convergenceRelativeDegredation = 10.33 self.convergenceAbsoluteDegredation = 10.001 # If at least recutThreshold fraction of all-to-all scenario # tests produced feasibility cuts self.recutThreshold = 0.33 # If at least this fraction of unique solutions are preserved # from one iteration to the next self.repeated_solution_threshhold = 0.90 # multiplier on computed rho values self.rhoScale = 0.75 # How quickly rho moves to new values [0..1] # 0: no damping (jump to calculated rho) # 1: complete damping (do not change current value of rho) self.rhoDamping = 0.1 # Minimum difference in objective to include a cut, and minimum # difference in variable values to include that term in a cut self.cutThreshold_minDiff = 0.0001 # Fraction of the cut library to use for cross-scenario # (all-to-all) cuts self.cutThreshold_crossCut = 0 # Force the InterScenario plugin to re-run while the improvement # in the Lagrangean bound is at least this much: self.iteration0RecutBoundImprovement = 0.0025 def reset(self, ph): self.incumbent = None self.rho = None self.x_deviation = None self.lastConvergenceMetric = None self.feasibility_cuts = [] self.incumbent_cuts = [] self.lastRun = 0 self.average_solution = None self.converger = NormalizedTermDiffConvergence() self.unique_scenario_solutions = [] def pre_ph_initialization(self, ph): self.reset(ph) pass def post_instance_creation(self, ph): if self.enableRhoUpdates: rootNode = ph._scenario_tree.findRootNode() for v in rootNode._xbars: ph.setRhoAllScenarios(rootNode, v, 0) pass def post_ph_initialization(self, ph): if len(ph._scenario_tree._stages) > 2: raise RuntimeError( "InterScenario plugin only works with 2-stage problems") self._sense_to_min = 1 if ph._objective_sense == minimize else -1 # We are going to manage RHO here. So, we want to turn it off # until we finish the initial round of interscenario feasibility # cuts. if self.enableRhoUpdates: rootNode = ph._scenario_tree.findRootNode() for v in rootNode._xbars: ph.setRhoAllScenarios(rootNode, v, 0) #self.rho = dict((v,ph._rho) for v in ph._scenario_tree.findRootNode()._xbars) def post_iteration_0_solves(self, ph): self._collect_unique_scenario_solutions(ph) self._interscenario_plugin(ph) count = 0 while self.rho is None and self.feasibility_cuts: count += 1 toc("InterScenario plugin: PH iteration 0 re-solve pass %s" % (count, )) _stale_scenarios = [] for _id, _soln in enumerate(self.unique_scenario_solutions): _was_cut = sum(1 for c in self.feasibility_cuts if type(c[_id]) is tuple) if _was_cut: _stale_scenarios.extend(_soln[1]) self._distribute_cuts(ph, True) toc("InterScenario plugin: distributed cuts to scenarios") self._collect_unique_scenario_solutions(ph) self._interscenario_plugin(ph) self.lastRun = 0 def post_iteration_0(self, ph): self.converger.update(ph._current_iteration, ph, ph._scenario_tree, ph._instances) self.lastConvergenceMetric = self.converger.lastMetric() pass def pre_iteration_k_solves(self, ph): if self.feasibility_cuts or self.incumbent_cuts: self._distribute_cuts(ph) pass def post_iteration_k_solves(self, ph): self.converger.update(ph._current_iteration, ph, ph._scenario_tree, ph._instances) curr = self.converger.lastMetric() last = self.lastConvergenceMetric delta = curr - last #print("InterScenario convergence:", last, curr, delta) run = False if (self._collect_unique_scenario_solutions(ph) >= self.repeated_solution_threshhold): print("InterScenario plugin: triggered by no change in " "scenario solutions") run = True if (delta > last * self.convergenceRelativeDegredation and delta > self.convergenceAbsoluteDegredation): print("InterScenario plugin: triggered by convergence degredation " "(%0.4f; %+0.4f)" % (curr, delta)) run = True if ph._current_iteration - self.lastRun >= self.iterationInterval: print("InterScenario plugin: triggered by iteration limit") run = True if self.rho is None: print("InterScenario plugin: triggered to initialize rho") run = True elif self.enableRhoUpdates: rootNode = ph._scenario_tree.findRootNode() for _id, rho in iteritems(self.rho): _max = rootNode._maximums[_id] _min = rootNode._minimums[_id] if rho < self.epsilon and _max - _min > self.epsilon: print("InterScenario plugin: triggered by variable " "divergence with rho==0 (%s: %s; [%s, %s])" % (_id, rho, _max, _min)) run = True break if run: self.lastRun = ph._current_iteration self._interscenario_plugin(ph) self.lastConvergenceMetric = curr pass def post_iteration_k(self, ph): pass def post_ph_execution(self, ph): self._collect_unique_scenario_solutions(ph) self._interscenario_plugin(ph) pass def _interscenario_plugin(self, ph): toc("InterScenario plugin: analyzing scenario dual information") # (1) Collect all scenario (first) stage variables #self._collect_unique_scenario_solutions(ph) # (2) Filter them to find a set we want to distribute pass # (3) Distribute (some) of the variable sets out to the # scenarios, fix, and resolve; Collect and return the # objectives, duals, and any cuts partial_obj_values, dual_values, cuts, probability \ = self._solve_interscenario_solutions( ph ) # Compute the non-anticipative objective values for each # scenario solution self.feasible_objectives = self._compute_objective( partial_obj_values, probability) for _id, soln in enumerate(self.unique_scenario_solutions): _scenarios = [ph._scenario_tree.get_scenario(x) for x in soln[1]] print( " Solution %2d: generated %2d cuts, " "cut by %2d other scenarios; objective %10s, " "scenario cost [%s], cut obj [%s] [generated by %s]" % (_id, sum(1 for c in cuts[_id] if type(c) is tuple), sum(1 for c in cuts if type(c[_id]) is tuple), "None" if self.feasible_objectives[_id] is None else "%10.2f" % self.feasible_objectives[_id], ", ".join("%10.2f" % x._cost for x in _scenarios), " ".join("%5.2f" % x[0] if type(x) is tuple else "%5s" % x for x in cuts[_id]), ','.join(soln[1]))) scenarioCosts = [ ph._scenario_tree.get_scenario(x)._cost for s in self.unique_scenario_solutions for x in s[1] ] scenarioProb = [ ph._scenario_tree.get_scenario(x)._probability for s in self.unique_scenario_solutions for x in s[1] ] _avg = sum(scenarioProb[i] * c for i, c in enumerate(scenarioCosts)) _max = max(scenarioCosts) _min = min(scenarioCosts) if self.average_solution is None: _del_avg = None _del_avg_str = "-----%" else: _prev = self.average_solution _del_avg = (_avg - _prev) / max(abs(_avg), abs(_prev)) _del_avg_str = "%+.2f%%" % (100 * _del_avg, ) self.average_solution = _avg print(" Average scenario cost: %f (%s) Max-min: %f (%0.2f%%)" % (_avg, _del_avg_str, _max - _min, abs(100. * (_max - _min) / _avg))) # (4) save any cuts for distribution before the next solve #self.feasibility_cuts = [] #for c in cuts: # self.feasibility_cuts.extend( # x for x in c if type(x) is tuple and x[0] > self.cutThreshold ) #cutCount = len(self.feasibility_cuts) if self.enableFeasibilityCuts: self.feasibility_cuts = cuts cutCount = sum( sum(1 for x in c if type(x) is tuple and x[0] > self.cutThreshold_minDiff) for c in cuts) subProblemCount = sum(len(c) for c in cuts) # (5) compute and publish the new incumbent self._update_incumbent(ph) # (6a) If this is iteration 0, and we have feasibility cuts, and # they are (sufficiently) helping the Lagrangean bound, then # skip setting rho and do another round oc cuts if ph._current_iteration == 0: # Tell ph that we may have a good opter bound ph._update_reported_bounds(outer=self.average_solution) if (cutCount > self.recutThreshold * (subProblemCount - len(cuts)) and (_del_avg is None or _del_avg > self.iteration0RecutBoundImprovement)): # Bypass RHO updates and check for more cuts #self.lastRun = ph._current_iteration - self.iterationInterval return # (6b) compute updated rho estimates new_rho, loginfo = self._process_dual_information( ph, dual_values, probability) _scale = self.rhoScale if self.rho is None: print("InterScenario plugin: initializing rho") self.rho = {} for v, r in iteritems(new_rho): self.rho[v] = _scale * r else: _damping = self.rhoDamping for v, r in iteritems(new_rho): if self.rho[v]: self.rho[v] += (1 - _damping) * (_scale * r - self.rho[v]) #self.rho[v] = max(_scale*r, self.rho[v]) - \ # _damping*abs(_scale*r - self.rho[v]) else: self.rho[v] = _scale * r for v, l in sorted(iteritems(loginfo)): if v is None: print(l) else: print(l % (self.rho[v], )) #print("SETTING SELF.RHO", self.rho) rootNode = ph._scenario_tree.findRootNode() if self.enableRhoUpdates: for v, r in iteritems(self.rho): ph.setRhoAllScenarios(rootNode, v, r) def _collect_unique_scenario_solutions(self, ph): # list of (varmap, scenario_list) tuples _old_unique_scenario_solutions = self.unique_scenario_solutions self.unique_scenario_solutions = [] # See for a multistage version... rootNode = ph._scenario_tree.findRootNode() for scenario in rootNode._scenarios: _this_sol = dict(scenario._x[rootNode._name]) for _id, _val in iteritems(scenario._x[rootNode._name]): #if rootNode.is_variable_fixed(_id): # continue if rootNode.is_variable_binary(_id) or \ rootNode.is_variable_integer(_id): _this_sol[_id] = int(round(_val)) found = False # Note: because we are looking for unique variable values, # then if the user is bundling, this will implicitly re-form # the bundles for _sol in self.unique_scenario_solutions: if _this_sol == _sol[0]: _sol[1].append(scenario._name) found = True break if not found: self.unique_scenario_solutions.append( (_this_sol, [scenario._name])) _unchanged = 0 for _old_soln, _old_scen in _old_unique_scenario_solutions: for _soln, _scen in self.unique_scenario_solutions: if _old_soln == _soln: _unchanged += 1 break print("Interscenario plugin: %s unchanged scenario solutions " "(out of %s)" % (_unchanged, len(self.unique_scenario_solutions))) return float(_unchanged) / len(self.unique_scenario_solutions) def _solve_interscenario_solutions(self, ph): results = ( [], [], [], ) probability = [] #cutlist = [] distributed = isinstance(ph._solver_manager, SolverManager_PHPyro) action_handles = [] if ph._scenario_tree.contains_bundles(): subproblems = ph._scenario_tree._scenario_bundles else: subproblems = ph._scenario_tree._scenarios for problem in subproblems: probability.append(problem._probability) options = (self.unique_scenario_solutions, ) kwd_options = { 'epsilon': self.epsilon, 'cut_scale': self.cut_scale, 'allow_slack': self.allow_variable_slack, 'enable_rho': self.enableRhoUpdates, 'enable_cuts': self.enableFeasibilityCuts } if distributed: action_handles.append( ph._solver_manager.queue( action="invoke_external_function", name=problem._name, queue_name=ph._phpyro_job_worker_map[problem._name], invocation_type=InvocationType.SingleInvocation.key, generateResponse=True, module_name='pyomo.pysp.plugins.interscenario', function_name='solve_fixed_scenario_solutions', function_kwds=kwd_options, function_args=options, )) else: _tmp = solve_fixed_scenario_solutions(ph, ph._scenario_tree, problem, *options, **kwd_options) for i, r in enumerate(results): r.append(_tmp[i]) #cutlist.extend(_tmp[-1]) if distributed: num_results_so_far = 0 num_results = len(action_handles) for r in results: r.extend([None] * num_results) while (num_results_so_far < num_results): _ah = ph._solver_manager.wait_any() _ah_id = action_handles.index(_ah) _tmp = ph._solver_manager.get_results(_ah) for i, r in enumerate(results): r[_ah_id] = _tmp[i] #cutlist.extend(_tmp[-1]) num_results_so_far += 1 return results + (probability, ) # + (cutlist,) def _distribute_cuts(self, ph, resolve=False): totalCuts = 0 cutObj = sorted( c[0] for x in self.feasibility_cuts for c in x if type(c) is tuple and c[0] > self.cutThreshold_minDiff) if cutObj: allCutThreshold = cutObj[min( int((1 - self.cutThreshold_crossCut) * len(cutObj)), len(cutObj) - 1)] else: allCutThreshold = 1 distributed = isinstance(ph._solver_manager, SolverManager_PHPyro) if ph._scenario_tree.contains_bundles(): subproblems = ph._scenario_tree._scenario_bundles get_scenarios = lambda x: x._scenario_names else: subproblems = ph._scenario_tree._scenarios get_scenarios = lambda x: [x] resolves = [] for problem in subproblems: cuts = [] for id, (x, s) in enumerate(self.unique_scenario_solutions): found = False for scenario in get_scenarios(problem): if scenario._name in s: found = True break if found: cuts.extend(c[id] for c in self.feasibility_cuts if type(c[id]) is tuple and c[id][0] > self.cutThreshold_minDiff) elif self.feasible_objectives[id] is None: # We only add cuts generated by other scenarios to # scenarios that are not currently feasible (as # these are feassibility cuts, they should not # impact feasible scenarios) cuts.extend( c[id] for c in self.feasibility_cuts if type(c[id]) is tuple and c[id][0] > allCutThreshold) if not cuts and not self.incumbent_cuts: resolves.append(None) continue totalCuts += len(cuts) if distributed: resolves.append( ph._solver_manager.queue( action="invoke_external_function", name=problem._name, queue_name=ph._phpyro_job_worker_map[problem._name], invocation_type=InvocationType.SingleInvocation.key, generateResponse=True, module_name='pyomo.pysp.plugins.interscenario', function_name='add_new_cuts', function_kwds=None, function_args=(cuts, self.incumbent_cuts, resolve), )) else: ans = add_new_cuts(ph, ph._scenario_tree, problem, cuts, self.incumbent_cuts, resolve) resolves.append(ans) toc("distributed cuts to scenario %s%s" % (problem._name, ' and resolved scenario' if resolve else '')) toc("InterScenario plugin: added %d feasibility cuts from a " "library of %s cuts" % (totalCuts, len(cutObj))) self.feasibility_cuts = [] if self.incumbent_cuts: print("InterScenario plugin: added %d incumbent cuts" % (len(self.incumbent_cuts), )) self.incumbent_cuts = [] if distributed: num_results_so_far = sum(1 for x in resolves if x is None) num_results = len(resolves) while (num_results_so_far < num_results): _ah = ph._solver_manager.wait_any() _ah_idx = resolves.index(_ah) resolves[_ah_idx] = ph._solver_manager.get_results(_ah) num_results_so_far += 1 if resolve: # Transfer the first stage values and cost back to PH and # recompute xbar rootNode = ph._scenario_tree.findRootNode() for _id, problem in enumerate(subproblems): ans = resolves[_id] if ans is None: continue for scenario in get_scenarios(problem): scenario._cost = ans[1] assert (sorted(ans[0]) == sorted( scenario._x[rootNode._name])) scenario._x[rootNode._name] = ans[0] #[_vid] = _vval ph.update_variable_statistics() def _compute_objective(self, partial_obj_values, probability): obj_values = [] for soln_id in xrange(len(self.unique_scenario_solutions)): obj = 0. for scen_or_bundle_id, p in enumerate(probability): if partial_obj_values[scen_or_bundle_id][soln_id] is None: obj = None break obj += p * partial_obj_values[scen_or_bundle_id][soln_id] obj_values.append(obj) return obj_values def _update_incumbent(self, ph): feasible_obj = [ o for o in enumerate(self.feasible_objectives) if o[1] is not None ] if not feasible_obj: print("InterScenario plugin: No scenario solutions are " "globally feasible") return print("InterScenario plugin: Feasible objectives: %s" % (sorted(o[1] for o in feasible_obj), )) best_id, best_obj = min( ((x[0], self._sense_to_min * x[1]) for x in feasible_obj), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) binary_vars = [] integer_vars = [] continuous_vars = [] rootNode = ph._scenario_tree.findRootNode() for _id in rootNode._scenarios[0]._x[rootNode._name]: if rootNode.is_variable_fixed(_id): continue if rootNode.is_variable_binary(_id): binary_vars.append(_id) elif rootNode.is_variable_integer(_id): integer_vars.append(_id) elif rootNode.is_variable_semicontinuous(_id): assert False, "FIXME" else: # we can not add incumbent cuts for continuous domains continuous_vars.append(_id) if self.incumbent is None or \ self.incumbent[0] * self._sense_to_min > best_obj + self.epsilon: # Cut the old incumbent if self.enableIncumbentCuts and self.incumbent and not continuous_vars: _x = self.incumbent[1][0] self.incumbent_cuts.append(( dict((vid, round(_x[vid])) for vid in binary_vars), dict((vid, round(_x[vid])) for vid in integer_vars), )) # New incumbent! self.incumbent = (best_obj * self._sense_to_min, self.unique_scenario_solutions[best_id], best_id) # Tell PH (that we have a good inner bound) ph._update_reported_bounds(inner=best_obj) msg = "InterScenario plugin: NEW incumbent: %s = %s, %s" \ % self.incumbent print(msg) elif self.incumbent[0] * self._sense_to_min < best_obj - self.epsilon: # Keep existing incumbent... so the best thing here can be cut msg = "InterScenario plugin: incumbent: %s = %s, %s" \ % self.incumbent print(msg) best_id = -1 if continuous_vars or not self.enableIncumbentCuts: return for _id, obj in feasible_obj: if _id == best_id: continue _x = self.unique_scenario_solutions[_id][0] self.incumbent_cuts.append(( dict((vid, round(_x[vid])) for vid in binary_vars), dict((vid, round(_x[vid])) for vid in integer_vars), )) def _process_dual_information(self, ph, dual_values, probability): # Notes: # dual_values: [ [ { var_id: dual } ] ] # - list of list of maps of variable id to dual value. The # outer list is returned by each subproblem (corresponds to # a bundle or scenario). The order in this list matches # the order in the probability list. The inner list holds # the dual values for each solution the scenario/bundle was # asked to evaluate. This inner list is in the same order # as the solutions list. # probability: [ scenario/bundle probility ] # - list of the scenario or bundle probability for the # submodel that returned the corresponding objective/dual # values # unique_scenario_solutions: [ {var_id:var_value}, [ scenario_names ] ] # - list of candidate solutions holding the 1st stage # variable values (in a map) and the list of scenarios # that had that solution as the optimal solution in this # iteration # soln_prob: the total probability of all scenarios that have # this solution as their locally-optimal solution soln_prob = [0.] * len(self.unique_scenario_solutions) for soln_id, soln_info in enumerate(self.unique_scenario_solutions): for src_scen_name in soln_info[1]: src_scen = ph._scenario_tree.get_scenario(src_scen_name) soln_prob[soln_id] += src_scen._probability total_soln_prob = sum(soln_prob) # xbar: { var_id : xbar } # - this has the average first stage variable values. We # should really get this from the scenario tree, as we # cannot guarantee that we will see all the current values # here (they can be filtered) #xbar = dict( ( # k, # sum(v*soln_prob[i] for i,v in enumerate(vv))/total_soln_prob ) # for k, vv in iteritems(var_info) ) xbar = ph._scenario_tree.findRootNode()._xbars if self.x_deviation is None: self.x_deviation = dict( (v, max(s[0][v] for s in self.unique_scenario_solutions) - min(s[0][v] for s in self.unique_scenario_solutions)) for v in xbar) max_dual = dict((v, 0.) for v in xbar) weighted_rho = dict((v, 0.) for v in xbar) for soln_id, soln_p in enumerate(soln_prob): x = self.unique_scenario_solutions[soln_id][0] avg_dual = dict((v, 0.) for v in xbar) p_total = 0. for scen_id, p in enumerate(probability): if dual_values[scen_id][soln_id] is None: continue for v, d in iteritems(dual_values[scen_id][soln_id]): avg_dual[v] += math.copysign(d, xbar[v] - x[v]) * p max_dual[v] = max(max_dual[v], abs(d)) p_total += p if p_total: for v in avg_dual: avg_dual[v] /= p_total #x_deviation = dict( (v, abs(xbar[v]-self.unique_scenario_solutions[soln_id][0][v])) # for v in xbar ) for v, x_dev in iteritems(self.x_deviation): weighted_rho[v] += soln_prob[soln_id] * avg_dual[v] / (x_dev + 1.) if False: # MAX dual (not average) for v, x_dev in iteritems(self.x_deviation): weighted_rho[v] += max_dual[v] / (x_dev + 1.) # var_info: { var_id : [ scenario values ] } # - this has the list of all values for a single 1st stage # variable, in the same order as the solutions list (and the # soln_prob list) var_info = {} for soln_id, soln_info in enumerate(self.unique_scenario_solutions): for k, v in iteritems(soln_info[0]): try: var_info[k].append(v) except: var_info[k] = [v] dual_info = {} for sid, scenario_results in enumerate(dual_values): for solution in scenario_results: if solution is None: continue for k, v in iteritems(solution): try: dual_info[k].append(v) except: dual_info[k] = [v] # (optionally) scale the weighted rho #for v in xbar: # weighted_rho[v] = weighted_rho[v] / total_soln_prob # Check for rho == 0 _min_rho = min(_rho for _rho in weighted_rho if _rho > 0) for v in xbar: if weighted_rho[v] <= 0: # If there is variable disagreement, but no objective # pressure to price the disagreement, the best thing we # can do is guess and let later iterations sort it out. # #if max(var_info[v]) - min(var_info[v]) > 0: # weighted_rho[v] = 1. # # Actually, we will just set all 0 rho values to the # smallest non-zero dual weighted_rho[v] = _min_rho loginfo = { None: "%4s: %6s [%7s, %7s] %7s; " "%6s [%6s, %6s] %6s; RHO %7s : %7s" % ('---', 'Dual', 'min', 'max', 'stdev', 'Var', 'min', 'max', 'stdev', 'computed', 'final') } for k, duals in iteritems(dual_info): # DISABLE! #break d_min = min(duals) d_max = max(duals) _sum = sum(abs(x) for x in duals) _sumsq = sum(x**2 for x in duals) n = float(len(duals)) d_avg = _sum / n d_stdev = math.sqrt(abs(_sumsq / n - d_avg**2)) x_min = min(var_info[k]) x_max = max(var_info[k]) _sum = sum(abs(x) for x in var_info[k]) _sumsq = sum(x**2 for x in var_info[k]) n = float(len(var_info[k])) x_avg = _sum / n x_stdev = math.sqrt(abs(_sumsq / n - x_avg**2 + 1e-6)) loginfo[k] = \ "%4d: %6.1f [%7.1f, %7.1f] %7.1f; " \ "%6.1f [%6.1f, %6.1f] %6.1f; RHO %7.2f : %%7.2f" % ( k, d_avg, d_min, d_max, d_stdev, x_avg, x_min, x_max, x_stdev, weighted_rho[k] ) return weighted_rho, loginfo
class InterScenarioPlugin(SingletonPlugin): implements(phextension.IPHExtension) def __init__(self): self.enableRhoUpdates = True self.enableFeasibilityCuts = True self.enableIncumbentCuts = True self.epsilon = 1e-7 self.cut_scale = 0#1e-4 self.allow_variable_slack = False self.convergenceRelativeDegredation = 0.33 self.convergenceAbsoluteDegredation = 0.001 # Force this plugin to run every N iterations self.iterationInterval = 1 # multiplier on computed rho values self.rhoScale = 0.75 # How quickly rho moves to new values [0..1] # 0: no damping (jump to calculated rho) # 1: complete damping (do not change current value of rho) self.rhoDamping = 0.1 # Minimum difference in objective to include a cut, and minimum # difference in variable values to include that term in a cut self.cutThreshold_minDiff = 0.0001 # Fraction of the cut library to use for cross-scenario # (all-to-all) cuts self.cutThreshold_crossCut = 0 # Force the InterScenario plugin to re-run the next iteration if # at least recutThreshold fraction of all-to-all scenario tests # produced feasibility cuts self.recutThreshold = 0.33 # Force the InterScenario plugin to re-run while the improvement # in the Lagrangean bound is at least this much: self.recutBoundImprovement = 0.0025 def reset(self, ph): self.incumbent = None self.rho = None self.x_deviation = None self.lastConvergenceMetric = None self.feasibility_cuts = [] self.incumbent_cuts = [] self.lastRun = 0 self.average_solution = None self.converger = NormalizedTermDiffConvergence() def pre_ph_initialization(self,ph): self.reset(ph) pass def post_instance_creation(self,ph): if self.enableRhoUpdates: rootNode = ph._scenario_tree.findRootNode() for v in rootNode._xbars: ph.setRhoAllScenarios(rootNode, v, 0) pass def post_ph_initialization(self, ph): if len(ph._scenario_tree._stages) > 2: raise RuntimeError( "InterScenario plugin only works with 2-stage problems" ) self._sense_to_min = 1 if ph._objective_sense == minimize else -1 # We are going to manage RHO here. So, we want to turn it off # until we finish the initial round of interscenario feasibility # cuts. if self.enableRhoUpdates: rootNode = ph._scenario_tree.findRootNode() for v in rootNode._xbars: ph.setRhoAllScenarios(rootNode, v, 0) #self.rho = dict((v,ph._rho) for v in ph._scenario_tree.findRootNode()._xbars) def post_iteration_0_solves(self, ph): self._interscenario_plugin(ph) count = 0 while self.rho is None and self.feasibility_cuts: count += 1 toc( "InterScenario plugin: PH iteration 0 re-solve pass %s" % (count,) ) _stale_scenarios = [] for _id, _soln in enumerate(self.unique_scenario_solutions): _was_cut = sum( 1 for c in self.feasibility_cuts if type(c[_id]) is tuple) if _was_cut: _stale_scenarios.extend(_soln[1]) self._distribute_cuts(ph, True) toc("InterScenario: distributed cuts to scenarios") self._interscenario_plugin(ph) self.lastRun = 0 def post_iteration_0(self, ph): self.converger.update( ph._current_iteration, ph, ph._scenario_tree, ph._instances ) self.lastConvergenceMetric = self.converger.lastMetric() pass def pre_iteration_k_solves(self, ph): if self.feasibility_cuts or self.incumbent_cuts: self._distribute_cuts(ph) pass def post_iteration_k_solves(self, ph): self.converger.update( ph._current_iteration, ph, ph._scenario_tree, ph._instances ) curr = self.converger.lastMetric() last = self.lastConvergenceMetric delta = curr - last #print("InterScenario convergence:", last, curr, delta) run = False if ( delta > last * self.convergenceRelativeDegredation and delta > self.convergenceAbsoluteDegredation ): print( "InterScenario plugin: triggered by convergence degredation " "(%0.4f; %+0.4f)" % (curr, delta) ) run = True if ph._current_iteration-self.lastRun >= self.iterationInterval: print("InterScenario plugin: triggered by iteration limit") run = True if self.rho is None: print( "InterScenario plugin: triggered to initialize rho") run = True elif self.enableRhoUpdates: rootNode = ph._scenario_tree.findRootNode() for _id, rho in iteritems(self.rho): _max = rootNode._maximums[_id] _min = rootNode._minimums[_id] if rho < self.epsilon and _max - _min > self.epsilon: print( "InterScenario plugin: triggered by variable " "divergence with rho==0 (%s: %s; [%s, %s])" % (_id, rho, _max, _min)) run = True break if run: self.lastRun = ph._current_iteration self._interscenario_plugin(ph) self.lastConvergenceMetric = curr pass def post_iteration_k(self, ph): pass def post_ph_execution(self, ph): self._interscenario_plugin(ph) pass def _interscenario_plugin(self,ph): toc("InterScenario plugin: analyzing scenario dual information") # (1) Collect all scenario (first) stage variables self._collect_unique_scenario_solutions(ph) # (2) Filter them to find a set we want to distribute pass # (3) Distribute (some) of the variable sets out to the # scenarios, fix, and resolve; Collect and return the # objectives, duals, and any cuts partial_obj_values, dual_values, cuts, probability \ = self._solve_interscenario_solutions( ph ) # Compute the non-anticipative objective values for each # scenario solution self.feasible_objectives = self._compute_objective( partial_obj_values, probability ) for _id, soln in enumerate(self.unique_scenario_solutions): _scenarios = [ph._scenario_tree.get_scenario(x) for x in soln[1]] print( " Solution %2d: generated %2d cuts, " "cut by %2d other scenarios; objective %10s, " "scenario cost [%s], cut obj [%s] [generated by %s]" % ( _id, sum(1 for c in cuts[_id] if type(c) is tuple), sum(1 for c in cuts if type(c[_id]) is tuple), "None" if self.feasible_objectives[_id] is None else "%10.2f" % self.feasible_objectives[_id], ", ".join("%10.2f" % x._cost for x in _scenarios), " ".join("%5.2f" % x[0] if type(x) is tuple else "%5s" % x for x in cuts[_id]), ','.join(soln[1]) )) ) scenarioCosts = [ ph._scenario_tree.get_scenario(x)._cost for s in self.unique_scenario_solutions for x in s[1] ] scenarioProb = [ ph._scenario_tree.get_scenario(x)._probability for s in self.unique_scenario_solutions for x in s[1] ] _avg = sum( scenarioProb[i]*c for i,c in enumerate(scenarioCosts) ) _max = max( scenarioCosts ) _min = min( scenarioCosts ) if self.average_solution is None: _del_avg = None _del_avg_str = "-----%" else: _prev = self.average_solution _del_avg = (_avg-_prev) / max(abs(_avg),abs(_prev)) _del_avg_str = "%+.2f%%" % ( 100*_del_avg, ) self.average_solution = _avg print(" Average scenario cost: %f (%s) Max-min: %f (%0.2f%%)" % ( _avg, _del_avg_str, _max-_min, abs(100.*(_max-_min)/_avg) )) # (4) save any cuts for distribution before the next solve #self.feasibility_cuts = [] #for c in cuts: # self.feasibility_cuts.extend( # x for x in c if type(x) is tuple and x[0] > self.cutThreshold ) #cutCount = len(self.feasibility_cuts) if self.enableFeasibilityCuts: self.feasibility_cuts = cuts cutCount = sum( sum( 1 for x in c if type(x) is tuple and x[0]>self.cutThreshold_minDiff ) for c in cuts ) subProblemCount = sum(len(c) for c in cuts) # (5) compute and publish the new incumbent self._update_incumbent(ph) # (6) set the new rho values if ph._current_iteration == 0 and \ cutCount > self.recutThreshold*(subProblemCount-len(cuts)) and\ ( _del_avg is None or _del_avg > self.recutBoundImprovement ): # Bypass RHO updates and check for more cuts #self.lastRun = ph._current_iteration - self.iterationInterval return # (7) compute updated rho estimates new_rho, loginfo = self._process_dual_information( ph, dual_values, probability )