コード例 #1
class ObjectTest(IonIntegrationTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # TODO: Change the hacky hardcoded path once we have path management
        self.registry = IonObjectRegistry()
#        path = os.path.join('obj', 'data', 'sample.yml')
#        defs_yaml = open(path, 'r').read()
#        self.registry.register_yaml(defs_yaml)

    def test_new(self):
        obj = self.registry.new('SampleObject')
        self.assertEqual(obj.name, '')
        self.assertEqual(obj.time, "2011-07-27T02:59:43.1Z")

    def test_validate(self):
        obj = self.registry.new('SampleObject')
        self.name = 'monkey'
        self.int = 1

        obj.name = 3
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.name = 'monkey'
        assignment_failed = False
            obj.extra_field = 5
        except AttributeError:
            assignment_failed = True

    def test_bootstrap(self):
        """ Use the factory and singleton from bootstrap.py/public.py """
        obj = IonObject('SampleObject')
        self.assertEqual(obj.name, '')
コード例 #2
class ObjectTest(IonIntegrationTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.patch_cfg('pyon.core.bootstrap.CFG', {'container': {'objects': {'validate': {'setattr': True}}}})
        self.registry = IonObjectRegistry()

    def test_new(self):
        obj = self.registry.new('SampleObject')

        self.assertEqual(obj.name, '')
        self.assertEqual(obj.time, "1341269890404")

    def test_validate(self):
        obj = self.registry.new('SampleObject')
        self.name = 'monkey'
        self.int = 1

        obj.name = 3
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        # TEST: setattr validation
        obj.name = 'monkey'
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            obj.extra_field = 5

        # TEST: Validate of object inheritance
        taskable_resource = self.registry.new('TaskableResource')
        taskable_resource.name = "Fooy"
        obj.abstract_val = taskable_resource
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)
        exec_res = self.registry.new('ExecutableResource')
        exec_res.name = "Fooy"
        obj.abstract_val = exec_res

        # TEST: Validate of object inheritance in message objects
        from interface.messages import resource_registry_create_in
        msg_obj = resource_registry_create_in()
        msg_obj.object = IonObject("Resource", name="foo")

        msg_obj.object = IonObject("InformationResource", name="foo")

        msg_obj.object = IonObject("TestInstrument", name="foo")

        msg_obj.object = IonObject("Association")
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, msg_obj._validate)

    def test_bootstrap(self):
        """ Use the factory and singleton from bootstrap.py/public.py """
        obj = IonObject('SampleObject')
        self.assertEqual(obj.name, '')
コード例 #3
def bootstrap_pyon(logging_config_override=None, pyon_cfg=None):
    This function initializes the core elements of the Pyon framework in a controlled way.
    It does not initialize the ION container or the ION system.
    @param logging_config_override  A dict to initialize the Python logging subsystem (None loads default files)
    @param pyon_cfg   A DotDict with the fully loaded pyon configuration to merge into CFG (None loads default files)
    log.info("pyon.bootstrap (bootstrap_pyon) executing...")

    # Make sure Pyon is only initialized only once
    global pyon_initialized
    if pyon_initialized:
        log.warn("WARNING -- bootstrap_pyon() called again!")

    # ENVIRONMENT. Check we are called in an expected environment (files, directories, etc)

    # LOGGING. Initialize logging from config
    if not logutil.is_logging_configured():

    # YAML patch: OrderedDicts instead of dicts
    from pyon.util.yaml_ordered_dict import apply_yaml_patch

    # CONFIG. Initialize pyon global configuration from local files
    log.debug("CFG set to %s", CFG)

    # OBJECTS. Object and message definitions.
    from pyon.core.registry import IonObjectRegistry
    global _obj_registry
    _obj_registry = IonObjectRegistry()

    # SERVICES. Service definitions
    # TODO: change the following to read service definitions from directory and import selectively
    from pyon.ion.service import IonServiceRegistry
    import interface.services
    global _service_registry
    _service_registry = IonServiceRegistry()

    # RESOURCES. Load and initialize definitions
    from pyon.ion import resource

    # Fix a weird bug on Ubuntu that resets time.sleep to un-monkey patched version on import threading
    from gevent import monkey

    # Set initialized flag
    pyon_initialized = True
    log.debug("Pyon initialized OK")
コード例 #4
def bootstrap_pyon(logging_config_override=None, pyon_cfg=None):
    This function initializes the core elements of the Pyon framework in a controlled way.
    It does not initialize the ION container or the ION system.
    @param logging_config_override  A dict to initialize the Python logging subsystem (None loads default files)
    @param pyon_cfg   A DotDict with the fully loaded pyon configuration to set as CFG (None loads default files)
    print "pyon: pyon.bootstrap (bootstrap_pyon) executing..."

    # Make sure Pyon is only initialized only once
    global pyon_initialized
    if pyon_initialized:
        print "pyon: WARNING -- bootstrap_pyon() called again!"

    # ENVIRONMENT. Check we are called in an expected environment (files, directories, etc)

    # LOGGING. Initialize logging from config

    # YAML patch: OrderedDicts instead of dicts
    from pyon.util.yaml_ordered_dict import apply_yaml_patch

    # CONFIG. Initialize pyon global configuration from local files

    # OBJECTS. Object and message definitions.
    from pyon.core.registry import IonObjectRegistry
    global _obj_registry
    _obj_registry = IonObjectRegistry()

    # SERVICES. Service definitions
    from pyon.service.service import IonServiceRegistry
    global _service_registry
    _service_registry = IonServiceRegistry()

    # TODO: Is
    from pyon.net.endpoint import instantiate_interceptors

    # RESOURCES. Load and initialize definitions
    from pyon.ion import resource

    # Set initialized flag
    pyon_initialized = True
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_object.py プロジェクト: j2project/pyon
 def setUp(self):
     self.patch_cfg('pyon.core.bootstrap.CFG', {'container':{'objects':{'validate':{'setattr': True}}}})
     self.registry = IonObjectRegistry()
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_object.py プロジェクト: j2project/pyon
class ObjectTest(IonIntegrationTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.patch_cfg('pyon.core.bootstrap.CFG', {'container':{'objects':{'validate':{'setattr': True}}}})
        self.registry = IonObjectRegistry()

    def test_new(self):
        obj = self.registry.new('SampleObject')

        self.assertEqual(obj.name, '')
        self.assertEqual(obj.time, "1341269890404")

    def test_validate(self):

        obj = self.registry.new('SampleObject')
        self.name = 'monkey'
        self.int = 1

        obj.name = 3
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.name = 'monkey'
        assignment_failed = False
            obj.extra_field = 5
        except AttributeError:
            assignment_failed = True
        taskable_resource = self.registry.new('TaskableResource')
        taskable_resource.name = "Fooy"
        obj.abstract_val = taskable_resource
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)
        user_info = self.registry.new('UserInfo')
        user_info.contact.first_name = "Fooy"
        obj.abstract_val = user_info

    def test_persisted_version(self):

        # create an initial version of SampleResource
        io_serializer = IonObjectSerializer()
        obj = IonObject('SampleResource', {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value'})
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 1)
        # verify that the simulated previous version does not have new_attribute
        self.assertEquals('new_attribute' in obj_dict, False)

        # simulate version increment to SampleResource that adds new_attribute
        obj_dict['type_'] = 'SampleResource_V2'
        # simulate reading the previous version after version increment
        io_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())
        obj = io_deserializer.deserialize(obj_dict)
        # verify that “new_attribute” is added and initialized with default value
        self.assertEquals(obj.new_attribute['key'], 'value')
        # verify that old attributes are still there and retain values
        self.assertEquals(obj.num, 9)
        # verify that old attributes are still there and retain values
        self.assertEquals(obj.other_field, 'test value')
        # verify that persisted_version is not updated at read
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 1)

        # simulate update
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        # verify that version is updated
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 2)

    def test_version_del_attrib(self):

        io_serializer = IonObjectSerializer()

        # verify that extraneous fields given while creating an IonObject raises an error.
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            IonObject('SampleResource_V2', {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value','more_new_attribute': {'key':'value'}})
        # simulate creating a version 2 of SampleResource that has "new_attribute"
        obj = IonObject('SampleResource_V2', {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value','new_attribute': {'key':'value'}})
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        # verify that version is 2
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 2)
        # verify that the simulated version 2 data does have new_attribute
        self.assertEquals('new_attribute' in obj_dict, True)

        # simulate incrementing to version 3 that does not have "new_attribute"
        obj_dict['type_'] = 'SampleResource_V3'

        # simulate reading after version increment to 3
        io_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())
        obj = io_deserializer.deserialize(obj_dict)

        # verify that new attribute is deleted
        self.assertFalse('new_attribute' in obj)
        # verify that the simulated next version data does have more_new_attribute
        self.assertEquals(obj.another_new_attribute['key'], 'new_value')

        # verify that old attributes are still there and retain their data
        self.assertEquals(obj.num, 9)
        # verify that old attributes are still there and retain their data
        self.assertEquals(obj.other_field, 'test value')
        # verify that persisted_version is not yet updated i.e. it is still 2
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 2)

        # simulate update
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        # verify that version is updated
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 3)

    def test_event_version(self):

        io_serializer = IonObjectSerializer()
        obj = IonObject('SampleEvent', {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value'})
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 1)
        # simulate a previous version data of SampleEvent_V2
        obj_dict['type_'] = 'SampleEvent_V2'

        # verify that the simulated previous version data does not have new_attribute
        self.assertEquals('new_attribute' in obj_dict, False)
        # simulate reading the previous version that does not have new_attribute
        io_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())
        obj = io_deserializer.deserialize(obj_dict)
        # verify that new attribute is added and initialized with default value
        self.assertEquals(obj.new_attribute['key'], 'value')
        # verify that old attributes are still there
        self.assertEquals(obj.num, 9)
        # verify that old attributes are still there
        self.assertEquals(obj.other_field, 'test value')
        # verify that on read version is not yet updated
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 1)

        # simulate create/update
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        # verify that version is updated
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 2)

    def test_event_version_del_attrib(self):

        io_serializer = IonObjectSerializer()

        # verify that extraneous fields given while creating an IonObject raises an error.
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            IonObject('SampleEvent_V2', {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value','more_new_attribute': {'key':'value'}})

        obj = IonObject('SampleEvent_V2', {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value','new_attribute': {'key':'value'}})
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 2)
        # simulate a next version data of SampleEvent_V2
        obj_dict['type_'] = 'SampleEvent_V3'

        # verify that the simulated previous version data does have new_attribute
        self.assertEquals('new_attribute' in obj_dict, True)
        # simulate reading the next version that does not have new_attribute
        io_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())
        obj = io_deserializer.deserialize(obj_dict)

        # verify that new attribute is deleted
        self.assertFalse('new_attribute' in obj)
        # verify that the simulated next version data does have more_new_attribute
        self.assertEquals(obj.another_new_attribute['key'], 'new_value')

        # verify that old attributes are still there
        self.assertEquals(obj.num, 9)
        # verify that old attributes are still there
        self.assertEquals(obj.other_field, 'test value')
        # verify that on read version is not yet updated
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 2)

        # simulate create/update
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        # verify that version is updated
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 3)

    def test_complex_version(self):

        io_serializer = IonObjectSerializer()
        obj = IonObject('SampleComplexEvent', {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value'})
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 1)
        # simulate a previous version data of SampleComplexEvent_V2
        obj_dict['type_'] = 'SampleComplexEvent_V2'

        # verify that the simulated previous version data has resource
        self.assertEquals('resource' in obj_dict, True)
        # verify that the simulated previous version data does not have new_attribute
        self.assertEquals('new_resource' in obj_dict, False)
        # simulate reading the previous version that does not have new_attribute
        io_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())
        obj = io_deserializer.deserialize(obj_dict)
        # verify that new attribute is added and initialized with default value
        self.assertEquals(obj.new_resource.new_attribute['key'], 'value')
        # verify that old attributes are still there
        self.assertEquals(obj.num, 9)
        # verify that old attributes are still there
        self.assertEquals(obj.other_field, 'test value')
        # verify that on read version is not yet updated
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 1)

        # simulate create/update
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        # verify that version is updated
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 2)

    # test cases when an attribute in a resource (not the resource itself)
    # undergoes a type change. For example new_resource has changed its type
    # from SampleResource_V2 to SampleResource_V3
    # (note: here SampleResource versions are used as different types not different versions)
    @unittest.skip("type safety is not accounted for anymore")
    def test_complex_version_del_attrib(self):

        io_serializer = IonObjectSerializer()
        # verify that extraneous fields given while creating an IonObject raises an error.
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            IonObject('SampleComplexEvent_V2', {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value','more_new_resource': {'key':'value'}})

        obj = IonObject('SampleComplexEvent_V2', {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value','new_resource': {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value','new_attribute':{'key':'value'}}})
        # create simulated saved data
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 2)
        # simulate a next version data of SampleComplexEvent_V2
        obj_dict['type_'] = 'SampleComplexEvent_V3'

        # verify that the simulated previous version data does have new_resource
        self.assertEquals('new_resource' in obj_dict, True)
        # note the schema version of new_resource
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['new_resource']['persisted_version'], 2)

        # simulate reading the next version that has a new type of new_resource
        io_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())
        obj = io_deserializer.deserialize(obj_dict)

        # verify that new_resource exists
        self.assertTrue('new_resource' in obj)
        # however, verify that new_resource does not have new_attribute since type of new_resource has changed
        self.assertFalse('new_attribute' in obj.new_resource)
        # verify that the new type of new_resource has another_new_attribute that is initialized to default data
        self.assertEquals(obj.new_resource.another_new_attribute['key'], 'new_value')
        # verify on read that the schema version of new_resource replaces the old persisted_version
        self.assertEquals(obj.new_resource.persisted_version, 3)

        # verify that old attributes values of new_resource have been thrown away
        self.assertNotEquals(obj.new_resource.num, 9)
        # verify that attributes values of new_resource have been initialized to default values
        self.assertEquals(obj.new_resource.num, 0)

        # However, verify that old attributes of the resource (SampleComplexEvent) are still there
        self.assertEquals(obj.num, 9)
        # verify that old attributes are still there
        self.assertEquals(obj.other_field, 'test value')
        # verify that on read, version is not yet updated
        self.assertEquals(obj.persisted_version, 2)

        # simulate create/update
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        # verify that version is updated
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 3)
        # verify that version is updated fo the subsumed object
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['new_resource']['persisted_version'], 3)

    # test cases when an attribute in a resource (not the resource itself)
    # undergoes a version change. For example new_resource's version has changed not its type
    def test_attribute_version(self):

        io_serializer = IonObjectSerializer()

        # verify that extraneous fields given while creating an IonObject raises an error.
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            IonObject('SampleComplexEvent_V2', {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value','more_new_resource':

        obj = IonObject('SampleComplexEvent_V2', {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value','new_resource':
            {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value','new_attribute':{'key':'value'}}})
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 2)

        # verify that the simulated previous version data does have new_resource
        self.assertEquals('new_resource' in obj_dict, True)
        # verify that the new_resource has type SampleResource_V2

        # set type to SampleComplexEvent_V3
        # set new_resource's type to SampleResource_V3
        # so we pretend that version, not the type, of the attribute has been changed

        # simulate reading SampleComplexEvent_V3 after a new version of new_resource has been introduced
        io_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())
        obj = io_deserializer.deserialize(obj_dict)

        # verify that new resource is not deleted
        self.assertTrue('new_resource' in obj)
        # verify that new resource does not have new_attribute
        self.assertFalse('new_attribute' in obj.new_resource)
        # verify that the next version of new_resource has default data in the another_new_attribute
        self.assertEquals(obj.new_resource.another_new_attribute['key'], 'new_value')
        # verify that old attributes values of new_resource have not been thrown away
        self.assertEquals(obj.new_resource.num, 9)
        # verify that values from old attributes of SampleComplexEvent_V2 are still there
        self.assertEquals(obj.num, 9)
        self.assertEquals(obj.other_field, 'test value')

        # verify that on read version is not yet updated for the subsumed object
        self.assertEquals(obj.new_resource.persisted_version, 2)

        # simulate create/update
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        # verify that versions are unchanged
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 3)
        # verify that versions are updated in the subsumed object
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['new_resource']['persisted_version'], 3)

    def test_decorator_validation(self):
        # Test required values
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": [1], "list2": ["One element"], "dict1": {"key1": 1}, "dict2": {"key1": 1}, "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"})
        # Should fail because required value not provided
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.an_important_value = {"key": "value"}

        # Should work now that we have set a value for the required field

        # Test collection content types validation
        # List
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": ["Should be a numeric type"], "list2": ["One element"], "dict1": {"key1": 1}, "dict2": {"key1": 1}, "an_important_value": "good value", "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"})
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.list1 = [1, 2]

        # Should work now that list content has been corrected
        # Dict
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": [1], "list2": ["One element"], "dict1": {"key1": "Should be a numeric type"}, "dict2": {"key1": 1}, "an_important_value": "good value", "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"})
        # Should fail because dict value contains non-numeric value
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.dict1 = {"key1": 1}

        # Should work now that dict value content has been corrected
        # Test collection length
        # List
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": [1,2], "list2": [], "dict1": {"key1": 1}, "dict2": {"key1": 1}, "an_important_value": "good value", "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"})
        # Should fail since list has zero length
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.list2 = ["Item 1", "Item 2"]

        # Should work new that item length of list has been corrected
        # Dict
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": [1,2], "list2": [1,2], "dict1": {"key1": 1}, "dict2": {}, "an_important_value": "good value", "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"})
        # Should fail since dict has zero length
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.dict2 = {"key1": 1}

        # Should work new that item length of dict has been corrected

        # Test numeric value range
        # int
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": [1,2], "list2": ["One element"], "dict1": {"key1": 1}, "dict2": {"key1": 1}, "unsigned_short_int": -1, "an_important_value": "good value", "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"})
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.unsigned_short_int = 256

        # Should work

        # float
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": [1,2], "list2": ["One element"], "dict1": {"key1": 1}, "dict2": {"key1": 1}, "a_float": 10.11, "an_important_value": "good value", "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"})
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.a_float = 1.234

        # Should work

        # Test string pattern matching
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": [1,2], "list2": ["One element"], "dict1": {"key1": 1}, "dict2": {"key1": 1}, "an_important_value": "good value", "us_phone_number": "5555555555"})
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.us_phone_number = "555-555-5555"

        # Should work

    @unittest.skip("no more recursive encoding on set")
    def test_recursive_encoding(self):
        obj = self.registry.new('SampleObject')
        a_dict = {'1':u"♣ Temporal Domain ♥",
                  u'2Ĕ':u"A test data product Ĕ ∆",
                  3:{'1':u"♣ Temporal Domain ♥", u'2Ĕ':u"A test data product Ĕ ∆",
                        4:[u"♣ Temporal Domain ♥", {u'2Ĕ':u'one', 1:u"A test data product Ĕ ∆"}]},
                  'Four': u'४',
                  u'४': 'Four',
                  6:{u'1':'Temporal Domain', u'2Ĕ':u"A test data product Ĕ ∆",
                        4:[u"♣ Temporal Domain ♥", {u'४':'one', 1:'A test data product'}]}}

        type_str = type('a string')
        type_inner_element = type(a_dict[3][4][1][1])
        type_another_element = type(a_dict[6][4][1][1])
        top_level_element = a_dict['Four']
        type_top_level_element = type(top_level_element)

        # check that the type of the innermost element is not string originally
        self.assertNotEqual(type_inner_element, type_str)
        # check that the type of the innermost element is originally str
        self.assertEqual(type('a string'), type_another_element)
        # check that the type of the innermost element is not string originally
        self.assertNotEqual(type_top_level_element, type_str)
        # check that a unicode element isn't utf-8 encoded

        # apply recursive encoding
        obj.a_dict = a_dict

        # check types of the innermost elements
        type_inner_element = type(obj.a_dict[3][4][1][1])
        type_remains_str = type(obj.a_dict[6][4][1][1])

        # check that the type of the first innermost element is now type str
        self.assertEqual(type_inner_element, type_str)
        # check that the type of the other innermost element remains str
        self.assertEqual(type_another_element, type_remains_str)

        # check that a unicode element did get utf-8 encoded

    def test_bootstrap(self):
        """ Use the factory and singleton from bootstrap.py/public.py """
        obj = IonObject('SampleObject')
        self.assertEqual(obj.name, '')
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_object.py プロジェクト: ateranishi/pyon
 def setUp(self):
     # TODO: Change the hacky hardcoded path once we have path management
     self.registry = IonObjectRegistry()
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_object.py プロジェクト: ateranishi/pyon
class ObjectTest(IonIntegrationTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # TODO: Change the hacky hardcoded path once we have path management
        self.registry = IonObjectRegistry()
#        path = os.path.join('obj', 'data', 'sample.yml')
#        defs_yaml = open(path, 'r').read()
#        self.registry.register_yaml(defs_yaml)

    def test_new(self):
        obj = self.registry.new('SampleObject')

        self.assertEqual(obj.name, '')
        self.assertEqual(obj.time, "1341269890404")

    def test_validate(self):
        obj = self.registry.new('SampleObject')
        self.name = 'monkey'
        self.int = 1

        obj.name = 3
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.name = 'monkey'
        assignment_failed = False
            obj.extra_field = 5
        except AttributeError:
            assignment_failed = True
        taskable_resource = self.registry.new('TaskableResource')
        taskable_resource.name = "Fooy"
        obj.abstract_val = taskable_resource
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)
        user_info = self.registry.new('UserInfo')
        user_info.contact.first_name = "Fooy"
        obj.abstract_val = user_info

    def test_decorator_validation(self):
        # Test required values
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": [1], "list2": ["One element"], "dict1": {"key1": 1}, "dict2": {"key1": 1}, "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"})
        # Should fail because required value not provided
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.an_important_value = {"key": "value"}

        # Should work now that we have set a value for the required field

        # Test collection content types validation
        # List
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": ["Should be a numeric type"], "list2": ["One element"], "dict1": {"key1": 1}, "dict2": {"key1": 1}, "an_important_value": "good value", "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"})
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.list1 = [1, 2]

        # Should work now that list content has been corrected
        # Dict
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": [1], "list2": ["One element"], "dict1": {"key1": "Should be a numeric type"}, "dict2": {"key1": 1}, "an_important_value": "good value", "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"})
        # Should fail because dict value contains non-numeric value
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.dict1 = {"key1": 1}

        # Should work now that dict value content has been corrected
        # Test collection length
        # List
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": [1,2], "list2": [], "dict1": {"key1": 1}, "dict2": {"key1": 1}, "an_important_value": "good value", "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"})
        # Should fail since list has zero length
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.list2 = ["Item 1", "Item 2"]

        # Should work new that item length of list has been corrected
        # Dict
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": [1,2], "list2": [1,2], "dict1": {"key1": 1}, "dict2": {}, "an_important_value": "good value", "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"})
        # Should fail since dict has zero length
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.dict2 = {"key1": 1}

        # Should work new that item length of dict has been corrected

        # Test numeric value range
        # int
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": [1,2], "list2": ["One element"], "dict1": {"key1": 1}, "dict2": {"key1": 1}, "unsigned_short_int": -1, "an_important_value": "good value", "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"})
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.unsigned_short_int = 256

        # Should work

        # float
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": [1,2], "list2": ["One element"], "dict1": {"key1": 1}, "dict2": {"key1": 1}, "a_float": 10.11, "an_important_value": "good value", "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"})
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.a_float = 1.234

        # Should work

        # Test string pattern matching
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": [1,2], "list2": ["One element"], "dict1": {"key1": 1}, "dict2": {"key1": 1}, "an_important_value": "good value", "us_phone_number": "5555555555"})
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.us_phone_number = "555-555-5555"

        # Should work

    def test_recursive_encoding(self):
        obj = self.registry.new('SampleObject')
        a_dict = {'1':u"♣ Temporal Domain ♥",
                  u'2Ĕ':u"A test data product Ĕ ∆",
                  3:{'1':u"♣ Temporal Domain ♥", u'2Ĕ':u"A test data product Ĕ ∆",
                        4:[u"♣ Temporal Domain ♥", {u'2Ĕ':u'one', 1:u"A test data product Ĕ ∆"}]},
                  'Four': u'४',
                  u'४': 'Four',
                  6:{u'1':'Temporal Domain', u'2Ĕ':u"A test data product Ĕ ∆",
                        4:[u"♣ Temporal Domain ♥", {u'४':'one', 1:'A test data product'}]}}

        type_str = type('a string')
        type_inner_element = type(a_dict[3][4][1][1])
        type_another_element = type(a_dict[6][4][1][1])
        top_level_element = a_dict['Four']
        type_top_level_element = type(top_level_element)

        # check that the type of the innermost element is not string originally
        self.assertNotEqual(type_inner_element, type_str)
        # check that the type of the innermost element is originally str
        self.assertEqual(type('a string'), type_another_element)
        # check that the type of the innermost element is not string originally
        self.assertNotEqual(type_top_level_element, type_str)
        # check that a unicode element isn't utf-8 encoded

        # apply recursive encoding
        obj.a_dict = a_dict

        # check types of the innermost elements
        type_inner_element = type(obj.a_dict[3][4][1][1])
        type_remains_str = type(obj.a_dict[6][4][1][1])

        # check that the type of the first innermost element is now type str
        self.assertEqual(type_inner_element, type_str)
        # check that the type of the other innermost element remains str
        self.assertEqual(type_another_element, type_remains_str)

        # check that a unicode element did get utf-8 encoded

    def test_bootstrap(self):
        """ Use the factory and singleton from bootstrap.py/public.py """
        obj = IonObject('SampleObject')
        self.assertEqual(obj.name, '')
コード例 #9
 def setUp(self):
     # TODO: Change the hacky hardcoded path once we have path management
     self.registry = IonObjectRegistry()
コード例 #10
 def setUp(self):
     self.patch_cfg('pyon.core.bootstrap.CFG', {'container': {'objects': {'validate': {'setattr': True}}}})
     self.registry = IonObjectRegistry()
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_object.py プロジェクト: daf/pyon
class ObjectTest(IonIntegrationTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # TODO: Change the hacky hardcoded path once we have path management
        self.registry = IonObjectRegistry()
#        path = os.path.join('obj', 'data', 'sample.yml')
#        defs_yaml = open(path, 'r').read()
#        self.registry.register_yaml(defs_yaml)

    def test_new(self):
        obj = self.registry.new('SampleObject')
        self.assertEqual(obj.name, '')
        self.assertEqual(obj.time, "1341269890404")

    def test_validate(self):
        obj = self.registry.new('SampleObject')
        self.name = 'monkey'
        self.int = 1

        obj.name = 3
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.name = 'monkey'
        assignment_failed = False
            obj.extra_field = 5
        except AttributeError:
            assignment_failed = True
        taskable_resource = self.registry.new('TaskableResource')
        taskable_resource.name = "Fooy"
        obj.abstract_val = taskable_resource
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)
        user_info = self.registry.new('UserInfo')
        user_info.contact.first_name = "Fooy"
        obj.abstract_val = user_info

    def test_decorator_validation(self):
        # Test required values
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": [1], "list2": ["One element"], "dict1": {"key1": 1}, "dict2": {"key1": 1}, "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"})
        # Should fail because required value not provided
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.an_important_value = {"key": "value"}

        # Should work now that we have set a value for the required field

        # Test collection content types validation
        # List
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": ["Should be a numeric type"], "list2": ["One element"], "dict1": {"key1": 1}, "dict2": {"key1": 1}, "an_important_value": "good value", "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"})
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.list1 = [1, 2]

        # Should work now that list content has been corrected
        # Dict
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": [1], "list2": ["One element"], "dict1": {"key1": "Should be a numeric type"}, "dict2": {"key1": 1}, "an_important_value": "good value", "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"})
        # Should fail because dict value contains non-numeric value
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.dict1 = {"key1": 1}

        # Should work now that dict value content has been corrected
        # Test collection length
        # List
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": [1,2], "list2": [], "dict1": {"key1": 1}, "dict2": {"key1": 1}, "an_important_value": "good value", "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"})
        # Should fail since list has zero length
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.list2 = ["Item 1", "Item 2"]

        # Should work new that item length of list has been corrected
        # Dict
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": [1,2], "list2": [1,2], "dict1": {"key1": 1}, "dict2": {}, "an_important_value": "good value", "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"})
        # Should fail since dict has zero length
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.dict2 = {"key1": 1}

        # Should work new that item length of dict has been corrected

        # Test numeric value range
        # int
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": [1,2], "list2": ["One element"], "dict1": {"key1": 1}, "dict2": {"key1": 1}, "unsigned_short_int": -1, "an_important_value": "good value", "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"})
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.unsigned_short_int = 256

        # Should work

        # float
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": [1,2], "list2": ["One element"], "dict1": {"key1": 1}, "dict2": {"key1": 1}, "a_float": 10.11, "an_important_value": "good value", "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"})
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.a_float = 1.234

        # Should work

        # Test string pattern matching
        obj = IonObject('Deco_Example', {"list1": [1,2], "list2": ["One element"], "dict1": {"key1": 1}, "dict2": {"key1": 1}, "an_important_value": "good value", "us_phone_number": "5555555555"})
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.us_phone_number = "555-555-5555"

        # Should work

    def test_bootstrap(self):
        """ Use the factory and singleton from bootstrap.py/public.py """
        obj = IonObject('SampleObject')
        self.assertEqual(obj.name, '')
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_object.py プロジェクト: caseybryant/pyon
 def setUp(self):
     self.registry = IonObjectRegistry()
コード例 #13
class ObjectTest(IonIntegrationTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # TODO: Change the hacky hardcoded path once we have path management
        self.registry = IonObjectRegistry()
#        path = os.path.join('obj', 'data', 'sample.yml')
#        defs_yaml = open(path, 'r').read()
#        self.registry.register_yaml(defs_yaml)

    def test_new(self):
        obj = self.registry.new('SampleObject')

        self.assertEqual(obj.name, '')
        self.assertEqual(obj.time, "1341269890404")

    def test_validate(self):
        obj = self.registry.new('SampleObject')
        self.name = 'monkey'
        self.int = 1

        obj.name = 3
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.name = 'monkey'
        assignment_failed = False
            obj.extra_field = 5
        except AttributeError:
            assignment_failed = True

        taskable_resource = self.registry.new('TaskableResource')
        taskable_resource.name = "Fooy"
        obj.abstract_val = taskable_resource
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        user_info = self.registry.new('UserInfo')
        user_info.contact.first_name = "Fooy"
        obj.abstract_val = user_info

    def test_decorator_validation(self):
        # Test required values
        obj = IonObject(
            'Deco_Example', {
                "list1": [1],
                "list2": ["One element"],
                "dict1": {
                    "key1": 1
                "dict2": {
                    "key1": 1
                "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"
        # Should fail because required value not provided
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.an_important_value = {"key": "value"}

        # Should work now that we have set a value for the required field

        # Test collection content types validation
        # List
        obj = IonObject(
            'Deco_Example', {
                "list1": ["Should be a numeric type"],
                "list2": ["One element"],
                "dict1": {
                    "key1": 1
                "dict2": {
                    "key1": 1
                "an_important_value": "good value",
                "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.list1 = [1, 2]

        # Should work now that list content has been corrected

        # Dict
        obj = IonObject(
            'Deco_Example', {
                "list1": [1],
                "list2": ["One element"],
                "dict1": {
                    "key1": "Should be a numeric type"
                "dict2": {
                    "key1": 1
                "an_important_value": "good value",
                "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"
        # Should fail because dict value contains non-numeric value
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.dict1 = {"key1": 1}

        # Should work now that dict value content has been corrected

        # Test collection length
        # List
        obj = IonObject(
            'Deco_Example', {
                "list1": [1, 2],
                "list2": [],
                "dict1": {
                    "key1": 1
                "dict2": {
                    "key1": 1
                "an_important_value": "good value",
                "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"
        # Should fail since list has zero length
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.list2 = ["Item 1", "Item 2"]

        # Should work new that item length of list has been corrected

        # Dict
        obj = IonObject(
            'Deco_Example', {
                "list1": [1, 2],
                "list2": [1, 2],
                "dict1": {
                    "key1": 1
                "dict2": {},
                "an_important_value": "good value",
                "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"
        # Should fail since dict has zero length
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.dict2 = {"key1": 1}

        # Should work new that item length of dict has been corrected

        # Test numeric value range
        # int
        obj = IonObject(
            'Deco_Example', {
                "list1": [1, 2],
                "list2": ["One element"],
                "dict1": {
                    "key1": 1
                "dict2": {
                    "key1": 1
                "unsigned_short_int": -1,
                "an_important_value": "good value",
                "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.unsigned_short_int = 256

        # Should work

        # float
        obj = IonObject(
            'Deco_Example', {
                "list1": [1, 2],
                "list2": ["One element"],
                "dict1": {
                    "key1": 1
                "dict2": {
                    "key1": 1
                "a_float": 10.11,
                "an_important_value": "good value",
                "us_phone_number": "555-555-5555"
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.a_float = 1.234

        # Should work

        # Test string pattern matching
        obj = IonObject(
            'Deco_Example', {
                "list1": [1, 2],
                "list2": ["One element"],
                "dict1": {
                    "key1": 1
                "dict2": {
                    "key1": 1
                "an_important_value": "good value",
                "us_phone_number": "5555555555"
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, obj._validate)

        obj.us_phone_number = "555-555-5555"

        # Should work

    def test_bootstrap(self):
        """ Use the factory and singleton from bootstrap.py/public.py """
        obj = IonObject('SampleObject')
        self.assertEqual(obj.name, '')
コード例 #14
@file ion/services/dm/utility/granule/taxonomy.py
@author David Stuebe
@author Don Brittain
@author Tim Giguere
@brief https://confluence.oceanobservatories.org/display/CIDev/R2+Construction+Data+Model

import yaml
from pyon.core.object import ion_serializer, IonObjectDeserializer
from pyon.core.registry import IonObjectRegistry

from interface.objects import Taxonomy
from pyon.util.log import log

# Create an IonObjectDeserializer used in the prototype loads method...
ior = IonObjectRegistry()
ion_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=ior)

class TaxyTool(object):
    @brief Wraps up a Taxonomy (IONObject) in a class which uses that information
    Definition of the Taxonomy Ion Resource:
    Taxonomy: !Extends_InformationResource
      map: {}

    The map is a dictionary which contains handles as keys and name sets as values.

    A name set is a set of objects which can be hashed for inverse lookup and should be serializable for transport and persistence

    In practice they are strings for nicknames and Taxonomy Description objects for complex definitions