コード例 #1
ファイル: pycc.py プロジェクト: edwardhunter/scioncc
    def prepare_container():
        Walks through pyon initialization in a deterministic way and initializes Container.
        In particular make sure configuration is loaded in correct order and
        pycc startup arguments are considered.
        # SIDE EFFECT: The import triggers static initializers: Gevent monkey patching, setting pyon defaults
        import pyon

        import threading
        threading.current_thread().name = "CC-Main"

        import logging
        global log
        log = logging.getLogger('pycc')

        from pyon.core import bootstrap, config
        from pyon.util.containers import get_safe, dict_merge

        # Set global testing flag to False. We are running as capability container, because
        # we started through the pycc program.
        bootstrap.testing = False

        # Set sysname if provided in startup argument
        if opts.sysname:
        # Trigger any initializing default logic in get_sys_name

        command_line_config = kwargs

        # This holds the minimal configuration used to bootstrap pycc and pyon and connect to datastores.
        bootstrap_config = None

        # This holds the new CFG object for pyon. Build it up in proper sequence and conditions.
        pyon_config = config.read_standard_configuration()      # Initial pyon.yml + pyon.local.yml

        # Load config override if provided. Supports variants literal and list of paths
        config_override = None
        if opts.config:
            if '{' in opts.config:
                # Variant 1: Dict of config values
                    eval_value = ast.literal_eval(opts.config)
                    config_override = eval_value
                except ValueError:
                    raise Exception("Value error in config arg '%s'" % opts.config)
                # Variant 2: List of paths
                from pyon.util.config import Config
                config_override = Config([opts.config]).data

        # Determine bootstrap_config
        if opts.config_from_directory:
            # Load minimal bootstrap config if option "config_from_directory"
            bootstrap_config = config.read_local_configuration(['res/config/pyon_min_boot.yml'])
            config.apply_local_configuration(bootstrap_config, pyon.DEFAULT_LOCAL_CONFIG_PATHS)
            config.apply_configuration(bootstrap_config, config_override)
            config.apply_configuration(bootstrap_config, command_line_config)
            log.info("config_from_directory=True. Minimal bootstrap configuration: %s", bootstrap_config)
            # Otherwise: Set to standard set of local config files plus command line overrides
            bootstrap_config = deepcopy(pyon_config)
            config.apply_configuration(bootstrap_config, config_override)
            config.apply_configuration(bootstrap_config, command_line_config)

        # Override sysname from config file or command line
        if not opts.sysname and bootstrap_config.get_safe("system.name", None):
            new_sysname = bootstrap_config.get_safe("system.name")

        # Force_clean - deletes sysname datastores
        if opts.force_clean:
            from pyon.datastore import clear_db_util
            log.info("force_clean=True. DROP DATASTORES for sysname=%s", bootstrap.get_sys_name())
            clear_db_util.clear_db(bootstrap_config, prefix=bootstrap.get_sys_name(), sysname=bootstrap.get_sys_name())

        from pyon.core.interfaces.interfaces import InterfaceAdmin
        iadm = InterfaceAdmin(bootstrap.get_sys_name(), config=bootstrap_config)

        # If auto_store_interfaces: ensure that all datastores exist and directory is prepared, with config
        # WARNING: If multiple containers start concurrently, this may fail
        if get_safe(bootstrap_config, "bootstrap.auto_store_interfaces") is True:
            stored_config = deepcopy(pyon_config)
            config.apply_configuration(stored_config, config_override)
            config.apply_configuration(stored_config, command_line_config)

        # Determine the final pyon_config:
        # - Start from standard config already set (pyon.yml + local YML files)
        # - Optionally load config from directory
        if opts.config_from_directory:
            config.apply_remote_config(bootstrap_cfg=bootstrap_config, system_cfg=pyon_config)
        # - Apply container profile specific config
        config.apply_profile_configuration(pyon_config, bootstrap_config)
        # - Reapply pyon.local.yml here again for good measure
        config.apply_local_configuration(pyon_config, pyon.DEFAULT_LOCAL_CONFIG_PATHS)
        # - Last apply any separate command line config overrides
        config.apply_configuration(pyon_config, config_override)
        config.apply_configuration(pyon_config, command_line_config)

        # Set the immediate flag when command line override specified
        if opts.immediate:
            dict_merge(pyon_config, {"system": {"immediate": True}}, inplace=True)

        # Determine system bootmode for bootstrapping actions (unless explicitly specified)
        if not pyon_config.get_safe("bootmode"):
            set_bootmode = get_safe(pyon_config, "bootstrap.set_bootmode")
            if set_bootmode == "auto":
                if iadm.system_data_exists():
                    dict_merge(pyon_config, {"bootmode": "restart"}, inplace=True)
                log.info("System bootmode auto-detection is ON. Determined bootmode=%s", pyon_config.get_safe("bootmode", "initial"))
            elif set_bootmode == "secondary":
                dict_merge(pyon_config, {"bootmode": "secondary"}, inplace=True)
                log.info("System bootmode override. Set to bootmode=%s", pyon_config.get_safe("bootmode", ""))
        log.info("System in bootmode=%s", pyon_config.get_safe("bootmode", "initial"))

        # Bootstrap the pyon framework's core. Load configuration etc.

        # Delete any queues/exchanges owned by sysname if option "broker_clean" is set
        if opts.broker_clean:
            log.info("broker_clean=True, sysname: %s", bootstrap.get_sys_name())

            from putil.rabbitmq.rabbit_util import RabbitManagementUtil
            rabbit_util = RabbitManagementUtil(pyon_config, sysname=bootstrap.get_sys_name())
            deleted_exchanges, deleted_queues = rabbit_util.clean_by_sysname()
            log.info("Exchanges deleted (%s): %s" % (len(deleted_exchanges), ", ".join(deleted_exchanges)))
            log.info("Queues deleted (%s): %s" % (len(deleted_queues), ", ".join(deleted_queues)))

        if opts.force_clean:
            from pyon.util.file_sys import FileSystem

        # If auto_store_interfaces (cont'd): Store interfaces if not yet existing; set up messaging
        if get_safe(bootstrap_config, "bootstrap.auto_store_interfaces") is True:


        if opts.no_container:
            log.info("no_container=True. Stopping here.")
            return None

        # Create the container instance
        from pyon.container.cc import Container
        container = Container(*args, **command_line_config)
        container.version = version

        return container
コード例 #2
ファイル: store_interfaces.py プロジェクト: mkl-/scioncc
def main():
    Store configuration and interfaces into the datastore
    How to run this from command line:
        bin/store_interfaces  -s system name [ -of filename | -sf filename | -fc true|false]
        -of Load object definition file
        -sf Load service definition file
        -fc Force clean the database

        Load all object and service definitions
        bin/python bin/store_interfaces  -s mysysname

        Load all object and service definitions with force clean the database
        bin/python bin/store_interfaces  -s mysysname -fc

        Load object definition from a file
        bin/python bin/store_interfaces  -s mysysname -of obj/data/core/org.yml

        Load service definition from a file
        bin/python bin/store_interfaces  -s mysysname -sf obj/services/core/datastore_service.yml

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', type=str, help='Additional config files to load or dict config content.', default=[])
    parser.add_argument('-fc', '--force_clean', action='store_true', help='Force clean.')
    parser.add_argument("-of", "--object", dest="fobject", help="Load object definition from a file")
    parser.add_argument("-s", "--sysname", dest="sysname", help="System name")
    parser.add_argument("-sf", "--service", dest="fservice", help="Load service definition from a file")

    options, extra = parser.parse_known_args()
    args, command_line_config = parse_args(extra)

    print "store_interfaces: Storing SciON config and interfaces, with options:" , str(options)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Store config and interfaces

    # Set global testing flag to False. We are running as standalone script. This is NO TEST.
    bootstrap.testing = False

    # Set sysname if provided in startup argument
    if options.sysname:

    # Load config override if provided. Supports variants literal and list of paths
    config_override = None
    if options.config:
        if '{' in options.config:
            # Variant 1: Dict of config values
                eval_value = ast.literal_eval(options.config)
                config_override = eval_value
            except ValueError:
                raise Exception("Value error in config arg '%s'" % options.config)
            # Variant 2: List of paths
            from pyon.util.config import Config
            config_override = Config([options.config]).data

    # bootstrap_config - Used for running this store_interfaces script
    bootstrap_config = config.read_local_configuration(['res/config/pyon_min_boot.yml'])
    config.apply_local_configuration(bootstrap_config, pyon.DEFAULT_LOCAL_CONFIG_PATHS)
    if config_override:
        config.apply_configuration(bootstrap_config, config_override)
    config.apply_configuration(bootstrap_config, command_line_config)

    # Override sysname from config file or command line
    if not options.sysname and bootstrap_config.get_safe("system.name", None):
        new_sysname = bootstrap_config.get_safe("system.name")

    # Delete sysname datastores if option "force_clean" is set
    if options.force_clean:
        from pyon.datastore import clear_db_util
        from pyon.util.file_sys import FileSystem
        print "store_interfaces: force_clean=True. DROP DATASTORES for sysname=%s" % bootstrap.get_sys_name()
        pyon_config = config.read_standard_configuration()      # Initial pyon.yml + pyon.local.yml
        clear_db_util.clear_db(bootstrap_config, prefix=bootstrap.get_sys_name(), sysname=bootstrap.get_sys_name())

    # ion_config - Holds the new CFG object for the system (independent of this tool's config)
    ion_config = config.read_standard_configuration()
    if config_override:
        config.apply_configuration(ion_config, config_override)
    config.apply_configuration(ion_config, command_line_config)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Store config and interfaces

    iadm = InterfaceAdmin(bootstrap.get_sys_name(), config=bootstrap_config)

    # Make sure core datastores exist

    # Store system CFG properties

    # Store system interfaces
    iadm.store_interfaces(options.fobject, options.fservice)

コード例 #3
def main():
    Store configuration and interfaces into the datastore
    How to run this from command line:
        bin/store_interfaces  -s system name [ -of filename | -sf filename | -fc true|false]
        -of Load object definition file
        -sf Load service definition file
        -fc Force clean the database

        Load all object and service definitions
        bin/python bin/store_interfaces  -s mysysname

        Load all object and service definitions with force clean the database
        bin/python bin/store_interfaces  -s mysysname -fc

        Load object definition from a file
        bin/python bin/store_interfaces  -s mysysname -of obj/data/core/org.yml

        Load service definition from a file
        bin/python bin/store_interfaces  -s mysysname -sf obj/services/core/datastore_service.yml

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        help='Additional config files to load or dict config content.',
                        help='Force clean.')
                        help="Load object definition from a file")
    parser.add_argument("-s", "--sysname", dest="sysname", help="System name")
                        help="Load service definition from a file")

    options, extra = parser.parse_known_args()
    args, command_line_config = parse_args(extra)

    log.info("Storing SciON config and interfaces, with options: %s",

    from pyon.core import log as logutil

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Store config and interfaces

    # Set global testing flag to False. We are running as standalone script. This is NO TEST.
    bootstrap.testing = False

    # Set sysname if provided in startup argument
    if options.sysname:

    # Load config override if provided. Supports variants literal and list of paths
    config_override = None
    if options.config:
        if '{' in options.config:
            # Variant 1: Dict of config values
                eval_value = ast.literal_eval(options.config)
                config_override = eval_value
            except ValueError:
                raise Exception("Value error in config arg '%s'" %
            # Variant 2: List of paths
            from pyon.util.config import Config
            config_override = Config([options.config]).data

    # bootstrap_config - Used for running this store_interfaces script
    bootstrap_config = config.read_local_configuration(
    if config_override:
        config.apply_configuration(bootstrap_config, config_override)
    config.apply_configuration(bootstrap_config, command_line_config)

    # Override sysname from config file or command line
    if not options.sysname and bootstrap_config.get_safe("system.name", None):
        new_sysname = bootstrap_config.get_safe("system.name")

    # Delete sysname datastores if option "force_clean" is set
    if options.force_clean:
        from pyon.datastore import clear_db_util
        from pyon.util.file_sys import FileSystem
        log.info("force_clean=True. DROP DATASTORES for sysname=%s" %
        pyon_config = config.read_standard_configuration(
        )  # Initial pyon.yml + pyon.local.yml

    # ion_config - Holds the new CFG object for the system (independent of this tool's config)
    ion_config = config.read_standard_configuration()
    if config_override:
        config.apply_configuration(ion_config, config_override)
    config.apply_configuration(ion_config, command_line_config)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Store config and interfaces

    iadm = InterfaceAdmin(bootstrap.get_sys_name(), config=bootstrap_config)

    # Make sure core datastores exist

    # Store system CFG properties

    # Store system interfaces
    iadm.store_interfaces(options.fobject, options.fservice)

コード例 #4
ファイル: pycc.py プロジェクト: klawande-cci/scioncc
    def prepare_container():
        Walks through pyon initialization in a deterministic way and initializes Container.
        In particular make sure configuration is loaded in correct order and
        pycc startup arguments are considered.
        # SIDE EFFECT: The import triggers static initializers: Gevent monkey patching, setting pyon defaults
        import pyon

        import threading
        threading.current_thread().name = "CC-Main"

        import logging
        global log
        log = logging.getLogger('pycc')

        from pyon.core import bootstrap, config
        from pyon.util.containers import get_safe, dict_merge

        # Set global testing flag to False. We are running as capability container, because
        # we started through the pycc program.
        bootstrap.testing = False

        # Set sysname if provided in startup argument
        if opts.sysname:
        # Trigger any initializing default logic in get_sys_name

        command_line_config = kwargs

        # This holds the minimal configuration used to bootstrap pycc and pyon and connect to datastores.
        bootstrap_config = None

        # This holds the new CFG object for pyon. Build it up in proper sequence and conditions.
        pyon_config = config.read_standard_configuration(
        )  # Initial pyon.yml + pyon.local.yml

        # Load config override if provided. Supports variants literal and list of paths
        config_override = None
        if opts.config:
            if '{' in opts.config:
                # Variant 1: Dict of config values
                    eval_value = ast.literal_eval(opts.config)
                    config_override = eval_value
                except ValueError:
                    raise Exception("Value error in config arg '%s'" %
                # Variant 2: List of paths
                from pyon.util.config import Config
                config_override = Config([opts.config]).data

        # Determine bootstrap_config
        if opts.config_from_directory:
            # Load minimal bootstrap config if option "config_from_directory"
            bootstrap_config = config.read_local_configuration(
            config.apply_configuration(bootstrap_config, config_override)
            config.apply_configuration(bootstrap_config, command_line_config)
                "config_from_directory=True. Minimal bootstrap configuration: %s",
            # Otherwise: Set to standard set of local config files plus command line overrides
            bootstrap_config = deepcopy(pyon_config)
            config.apply_configuration(bootstrap_config, config_override)
            config.apply_configuration(bootstrap_config, command_line_config)

        # Override sysname from config file or command line
        if not opts.sysname and bootstrap_config.get_safe("system.name", None):
            new_sysname = bootstrap_config.get_safe("system.name")

        # Force_clean - deletes sysname datastores
        if opts.force_clean:
            from pyon.datastore import clear_db_util
            log.info("force_clean=True. DROP DATASTORES for sysname=%s",

        from pyon.core.interfaces.interfaces import InterfaceAdmin
        iadm = InterfaceAdmin(bootstrap.get_sys_name(),

        # If auto_store_interfaces: ensure that all datastores exist and directory is prepared, with config
        # WARNING: If multiple containers start concurrently, this may fail
        if get_safe(bootstrap_config,
                    "bootstrap.auto_store_interfaces") is True:
            stored_config = deepcopy(pyon_config)
            config.apply_configuration(stored_config, config_override)
            config.apply_configuration(stored_config, command_line_config)

        # Determine the final pyon_config:
        # - Start from standard config already set (pyon.yml + local YML files)
        # - Optionally load config from directory
        if opts.config_from_directory:
        # - Apply container profile specific config
        config.apply_profile_configuration(pyon_config, bootstrap_config)
        # - Reapply pyon.local.yml here again for good measure
        # - Last apply any separate command line config overrides
        config.apply_configuration(pyon_config, config_override)
        config.apply_configuration(pyon_config, command_line_config)

        # Set the immediate flag when command line override specified
        if opts.immediate:
            dict_merge(pyon_config, {"system": {
                "immediate": True

        # Determine system bootmode for bootstrapping actions (unless explicitly specified)
        if not pyon_config.get_safe("bootmode"):
            set_bootmode = get_safe(pyon_config, "bootstrap.set_bootmode")
            if set_bootmode == "auto":
                if iadm.system_data_exists():
                    dict_merge(pyon_config, {"bootmode": "restart"},
                    "System bootmode auto-detection is ON. Determined bootmode=%s",
                    pyon_config.get_safe("bootmode", "initial"))
            elif set_bootmode == "secondary":
                dict_merge(pyon_config, {"bootmode": "secondary"},
                log.info("System bootmode override. Set to bootmode=%s",
                         pyon_config.get_safe("bootmode", ""))
        log.info("System in bootmode=%s",
                 pyon_config.get_safe("bootmode", "initial"))

        # Bootstrap the pyon framework's core. Load configuration etc.

        # Delete any queues/exchanges owned by sysname if option "broker_clean" is set
        if opts.broker_clean:
            log.info("broker_clean=True, sysname: %s",

            from putil.rabbitmq.rabbit_util import RabbitManagementUtil
            rabbit_util = RabbitManagementUtil(
                pyon_config, sysname=bootstrap.get_sys_name())
            deleted_exchanges, deleted_queues = rabbit_util.clean_by_sysname()
            log.info("Exchanges deleted (%s): %s" %
                     (len(deleted_exchanges), ", ".join(deleted_exchanges)))
            log.info("Queues deleted (%s): %s" %
                     (len(deleted_queues), ", ".join(deleted_queues)))

        if opts.force_clean:
            from pyon.util.file_sys import FileSystem

        # If auto_store_interfaces (cont'd): Store interfaces if not yet existing; set up messaging
        if get_safe(bootstrap_config,
                    "bootstrap.auto_store_interfaces") is True:


        if opts.no_container:
            log.info("no_container=True. Stopping here.")
            return None

        # Create the container instance
        from pyon.container.cc import Container
        container = Container(*args, **command_line_config)
        container.version = version

        return container
コード例 #5
ファイル: pycc.py プロジェクト: crchemist/scioncc
    def prepare_container():
        Walks through pyon initialization in a deterministic way and initializes Container.
        In particular make sure configuration is loaded in correct order and
        pycc startup arguments are considered.
        # SIDE EFFECT: The import triggers static initializers: Monkey patching, setting pyon defaults
        import pyon

        import threading
        threading.current_thread().name = "CC-Main"

        from pyon.core import bootstrap, config

        # Set global testing flag to False. We are running as capability container, because
        # we started through the pycc program.
        bootstrap.testing = False

        # Set sysname if provided in startup argument
        if opts.sysname:
        # Trigger any initializing default logic in get_sys_name

        command_line_config = kwargs

        # This holds the minimal configuration used to bootstrap pycc and pyon and connect to datastores.
        bootstrap_config = None

        # This holds the new CFG object for pyon. Build it up in proper sequence and conditions.
        pyon_config = config.read_standard_configuration()      # Initial pyon.yml + pyon.local.yml

        # Load config override if provided. Supports variants literal and list of paths
        config_override = None
        if opts.config:
            if '{' in opts.config:
                # Variant 1: Dict of config values
                    eval_value = ast.literal_eval(opts.config)
                    config_override = eval_value
                except ValueError:
                    raise Exception("Value error in config arg '%s'" % opts.config)
                # Variant 2: List of paths
                from pyon.util.config import Config
                config_override = Config([opts.config]).data

        # Determine bootstrap_config
        if opts.config_from_directory:
            # Load minimal bootstrap config if option "config_from_directory"
            bootstrap_config = config.read_local_configuration(['res/config/pyon_min_boot.yml'])
            config.apply_local_configuration(bootstrap_config, pyon.DEFAULT_LOCAL_CONFIG_PATHS)
            config.apply_configuration(bootstrap_config, config_override)
            config.apply_configuration(bootstrap_config, command_line_config)
            print "pycc: config_from_directory=True. Minimal bootstrap configuration:", bootstrap_config
            # Otherwise: Set to standard set of local config files plus command line overrides
            bootstrap_config = deepcopy(pyon_config)
            config.apply_configuration(bootstrap_config, config_override)
            config.apply_configuration(bootstrap_config, command_line_config)

        # Override sysname from config file or command line
        if not opts.sysname and bootstrap_config.get_safe("system.name", None):
            new_sysname = bootstrap_config.get_safe("system.name")

        # Delete sysname datastores if option "force_clean" is set
        if opts.force_clean:
            from pyon.datastore import clear_db_util
            print "pycc: force_clean=True. DROP DATASTORES for sysname=%s" % bootstrap.get_sys_name()
            clear_db_util.clear_db(bootstrap_config, prefix=bootstrap.get_sys_name(), sysname=bootstrap.get_sys_name())

        from pyon.core.interfaces.interfaces import InterfaceAdmin
        iadm = InterfaceAdmin(bootstrap.get_sys_name(), config=bootstrap_config)

        # If auto_bootstrap, load config and interfaces into directory
        # Note: this is idempotent and will not alter anything if this is not the first container to run
        if bootstrap_config.system.auto_bootstrap:
            print "pycc: auto_bootstrap=True."
            stored_config = deepcopy(pyon_config)
            config.apply_configuration(stored_config, config_override)
            config.apply_configuration(stored_config, command_line_config)

        # Determine the final pyon_config
        # - Start from standard config already set (pyon.yml + local YML files)
        # - Optionally load config from directory
        if opts.config_from_directory:
            config.apply_remote_config(bootstrap_cfg=bootstrap_config, system_cfg=pyon_config)
        # - Apply container profile specific config
        config.apply_profile_configuration(pyon_config, bootstrap_config)
        # - Reapply pyon.local.yml here again for good measure
        config.apply_local_configuration(pyon_config, pyon.DEFAULT_LOCAL_CONFIG_PATHS)
        # - Last apply any separate command line config overrides
        config.apply_configuration(pyon_config, config_override)
        config.apply_configuration(pyon_config, command_line_config)

        # Also set the immediate flag, but only if specified - it is an override
        if opts.immediate:
            from pyon.util.containers import dict_merge
            dict_merge(pyon_config, {'system':{'immediate':True}}, True)

        # Bootstrap pyon's core. Load configuration etc.

        # Delete any queues/exchanges owned by sysname if option "broker_clean" is set
        if opts.broker_clean:
            print "pycc: broker_clean=True, sysname:", bootstrap.get_sys_name()

            # build connect str
            from pyon.util.containers import get_safe
            mgmt_cfg_key = pyon_config.get_safe("container.messaging.management.server", "rabbit_manage")
            mgmt_cfg = pyon_config.get_safe("server." + mgmt_cfg_key)
            mgmt_port = get_safe(mgmt_cfg, "port") or "15672"
            username = get_safe(mgmt_cfg, "username") or "guest"
            password = get_safe(mgmt_cfg, "password") or "guest"

            connect_str = "-q -H %s -P %s -u %s -p %s -V %s" % (pyon_config.get_safe('server.amqp_priv.host', pyon_config.get_safe('server.amqp.host', 'localhost')),
                                                                mgmt_port, username, password, '/')

            from putil.rabbithelper import clean_by_sysname
            deleted_exchanges, deleted_queues = clean_by_sysname(connect_str, bootstrap.get_sys_name())
            print "      exchanges deleted (%s): %s" % (len(deleted_exchanges), ", ".join(deleted_exchanges))
            print "         queues deleted (%s): %s" % (len(deleted_queues), ", ".join(deleted_queues))

        if opts.force_clean:
            path = os.path.join(pyon_config.get_safe('container.filesystem.root', '/tmp/scion'), bootstrap.get_sys_name())
            print "force_clean: Removing", path

        # Auto-bootstrap interfaces
        if bootstrap_config.system.auto_bootstrap:


        if opts.no_container:
            print "pycc: no_container=True. Stopping here."
            return None

        # Create the container instance
        from pyon.container.cc import Container
        container = Container(*args, **command_line_config)

        return container