コード例 #1
    def get_realtime_visualization_data(self, query_token=''):
        """This operation returns a block of visualization data for displaying data product in real time. This operation requires a
        user specific token which was provided from a previous request to the init_realtime_visualization operation.

        @param query_token    str
        @retval datatable    str
        @throws NotFound    Throws if specified query_token or its visualization product does not exist
        log.debug( "get_realtime_visualization_data Vis worker: %s", self.id)

        ret_val = []
        if not query_token:
            raise BadRequest("The query_token parameter is missing")

        #Taking advantage of idempotency
        xq = self.container.ex_manager.create_xn_queue(query_token)

        subscriber = Subscriber(from_name=xq)

        msgs = subscriber.get_all_msgs(timeout=2)
        for x in range(len(msgs)):

        # Different messages should get processed differently. Ret val will be decided by the viz product type
        ret_val = self._process_visualization_message(msgs)

        #TODO - replace as need be to return valid GDT data
        #return {'viz_data': ret_val}

        return ret_val
コード例 #2
    def get_realtime_visualization_data(self, query_token='', callback='', tqx=""):
        """This operation returns a block of visualization data for displaying data product in real time. This operation requires a
        user specific token which was provided from a previous request to the init_realtime_visualization operation.

        @param query_token    str
        @retval datatable    str
        @throws NotFound    Throws if specified query_token or its visualization product does not exist

        print " >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> QUERY TOKEN : ", query_token
        print " >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> callback : ", callback
        print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  TQX : ", tqx

        reqId = 0
        # If a reqId was passed in tqx, extract it
        if tqx:
            tqx_param_list = tqx.split(";")
            for param in tqx_param_list:
                key, value = param.split(":")
                if key == 'reqId':
                    reqId = value

        ret_val = []
        if not query_token:
            raise BadRequest("The query_token parameter is missing")


        #Taking advantage of idempotency
        xq = self.container.ex_manager.create_xn_queue(query_token)

        subscriber = Subscriber(from_name=xq)

        msgs = subscriber.get_all_msgs(timeout=2)
        for x in range(len(msgs)):

        # Different messages should get processed differently. Ret val will be decided by the viz product type
        ret_val = self._process_visualization_message(msgs, callback, reqId)

        #except Exception, e:
        #    raise e

        #    subscriber.close()

        #TODO - replace as need be to return valid GDT data
        #return {'viz_data': ret_val}

        return ret_val
コード例 #3
    def get_realtime_visualization_data(self, query_token='', callback='', tqx=""):
        """This operation returns a block of visualization data for displaying data product in real time. This operation requires a
        user specific token which was provided from a previous request to the init_realtime_visualization operation.

        @param query_token    str
        @retval datatable    str
        @throws NotFound    Throws if specified query_token or its visualization product does not exist

        log.debug("Query token : " + query_token + " CB : " + callback + "TQX : " + tqx)

        reqId = 0
        # If a reqId was passed in tqx, extract it
        if tqx:
            tqx_param_list = tqx.split(";")
            for param in tqx_param_list:
                key, value = param.split(":")
                if key == 'reqId':
                    reqId = value

        ret_val = []
        if not query_token:
            raise BadRequest("The query_token parameter is missing")


        #Taking advantage of idempotency
        xq = self.container.ex_manager.create_xn_queue(query_token)

        subscriber = Subscriber(from_name=xq)

        msgs = subscriber.get_all_msgs(timeout=2)
        for x in range(len(msgs)):

        # Different messages should get processed differently. Ret val will be decided by the viz product type
        ret_val = self._process_visualization_message(msgs, callback, reqId)

        #except Exception, e:
        #    raise e

        #    subscriber.close()

        #TODO - replace as need be to return valid GDT data
        #return {'viz_data': ret_val}

        return ret_val
コード例 #4
    def get_realtime_visualization_data(self, query_token=''):
        """This operation returns a block of visualization data for displaying data product in real time. This operation requires a
        user specific token which was provided from a previous request to the init_realtime_visualization operation.

        @param query_token    str
        @retval datatable    str
        @throws NotFound    Throws if specified query_token or its visualization product does not exist
        log.debug("get_realtime_visualization_data Vis worker: %s", self.id)

        ret_val = []
        if not query_token:
            raise BadRequest("The query_token parameter is missing")

            #Taking advantage of idempotency
            queue_name = '-'.join([USER_VISUALIZATION_QUEUE, query_token])
            xq = self.container.ex_manager.create_xn_queue(queue_name)

            subscriber = Subscriber(from_name=xq)

            # Close the subscriber if it exists
            if subscriber:

            raise BadRequest("Could not subscribe to the real-time queue")

        msgs = subscriber.get_all_msgs(timeout=2)
        for x in range(len(msgs)):


        # Different messages should get processed differently. Ret val will be decided by the viz product type
        ret_val = self._process_visualization_message(msgs)

        return ret_val
コード例 #5
    def get_realtime_visualization_data(self, query_token=''):
        """This operation returns a block of visualization data for displaying data product in real time. This operation requires a
        user specific token which was provided from a previous request to the init_realtime_visualization operation.

        @param query_token    str
        @retval datatable    str
        @throws NotFound    Throws if specified query_token or its visualization product does not exist
        log.debug( "get_realtime_visualization_data Vis worker: %s", self.id)

        ret_val = []
        if not query_token:
            raise BadRequest("The query_token parameter is missing")

            #Taking advantage of idempotency
            queue_name = '-'.join([USER_VISUALIZATION_QUEUE, query_token])
            xq = self.container.ex_manager.create_xn_queue(queue_name)

            subscriber = Subscriber(from_name=xq)

            # Close the subscriber if it exists
            if subscriber:

            raise BadRequest("Could not subscribe to the real-time queue")

        msgs = subscriber.get_all_msgs(timeout=2)
        for x in range(len(msgs)):


        # Different messages should get processed differently. Ret val will be decided by the viz product type
        ret_val = self._process_visualization_message(msgs)

        return ret_val
コード例 #6
    def get_realtime_visualization_data(self, query_token=''):
        """This operation returns a block of visualization data for displaying data product in real time. This operation requires a
        user specific token which was provided from a previsou request to the init_realtime_visualization operation.

        @param query_token    str
        @retval datatable    str
        @throws NotFound    Throws if specified query_token or its visualization product does not exist

        if not query_token:
            raise BadRequest("The query_token parameter is missing")


            #Taking advantage of idempotency
            xq = self.container.ex_manager.create_xn_queue(query_token)

            subscriber = Subscriber(from_name=xq)

            msg_count,_ = subscriber.get_stats()
            log.info('Messages in user queue 1: %s ' % msg_count)

            ret_val = []
            msgs = subscriber.get_all_msgs(timeout=2)
            for x in range(len(msgs)):

            # Different messages should get processed differently. Ret val will be decided by the viz product type
            ret_val = self._process_visualization_message(msgs)

            msg_count,_ = subscriber.get_stats()
            log.info('Messages in user queue 2: %s ' % msg_count)

        except Exception, e:
            raise e
コード例 #7
    def test_visualization_queue(self):

        #The list of data product streams to monitor
        data_product_stream_ids = list()

        #Create the input data product
        ctd_stream_id, ctd_parsed_data_product_id = self.create_ctd_input_stream_and_data_product()

        user_queue_name = USER_VISUALIZATION_QUEUE

        xq = self.container.ex_manager.create_xn_queue(user_queue_name)

        salinity_subscription_id = self.pubsubclient.create_subscription(
            exchange_name = user_queue_name,
            name = "user visualization queue"

        subscriber = Subscriber(from_name=xq)

        # after the queue has been created it is safe to activate the subscription

        #Start the output stream listener to monitor and collect messages
        #results = self.start_output_stream_and_listen(None, data_product_stream_ids)

        #Not sure why this is needed - but it is

        ctd_sim_pid = self.start_simple_input_stream_process(ctd_stream_id)
        gevent.sleep(10.0)  # Send some messages - don't care how many

        msg_count,_ = xq.get_stats()
        log.info('Messages in user queue 1: %s ' % msg_count)

        #Validate the data from each of the messages along the way

#        for x in range(msg_count):
#            mo = subscriber.get_one_msg(timeout=1)
#            print mo.body
#            mo.ack()

        msgs = subscriber.get_all_msgs(timeout=2)
        for x in range(len(msgs)):
           # print msgs[x].body

        #Should be zero after pulling all of the messages.
        msg_count,_ = xq.get_stats()
        log.info('Messages in user queue 2: %s ' % msg_count)

        #Trying to continue to receive messages in the queue
        gevent.sleep(5.0)  # Send some messages - don't care how many

        #Turning off after everything - since it is more representative of an always on stream of data!
        self.process_dispatcher.cancel_process(ctd_sim_pid) # kill the ctd simulator process - that is enough data

        #Should see more messages in the queue
        msg_count,_ = xq.get_stats()
        log.info('Messages in user queue 3: %s ' % msg_count)

        msgs = subscriber.get_all_msgs(timeout=2)
        for x in range(len(msgs)):

        #Should be zero after pulling all of the messages.
        msg_count,_ = xq.get_stats()
        log.info('Messages in user queue 4: %s ' % msg_count)

コード例 #8
    def test_visualization_queue(self):

        #The list of data product streams to monitor
        data_product_stream_ids = list()

        #Create the input data product
        ctd_stream_id, ctd_parsed_data_product_id = self.create_ctd_input_stream_and_data_product()

        user_queue_name = USER_VISUALIZATION_QUEUE

        xq = self.container.ex_manager.create_xn_queue(user_queue_name)

        salinity_subscription_id = self.pubsubclient.create_subscription(
            exchange_name = user_queue_name,
            name = "user visualization queue"

        subscriber = Subscriber(from_name=xq)

        # after the queue has been created it is safe to activate the subscription

        #Start the output stream listener to monitor and collect messages
        #results = self.start_output_stream_and_listen(None, data_product_stream_ids)

        #Not sure why this is needed - but it is

        ctd_sim_pid = self.start_simple_input_stream_process(ctd_stream_id)
        gevent.sleep(10.0)  # Send some messages - don't care how many

        msg_count,_ = xq.get_stats()
        log.info('Messages in user queue 1: %s ' % msg_count)

        #Validate the data from each of the messages along the way

#        for x in range(msg_count):
#            mo = subscriber.get_one_msg(timeout=1)
#            print mo.body
#            mo.ack()

        msgs = subscriber.get_all_msgs(timeout=2)
        for x in range(len(msgs)):
           # print msgs[x].body

        #Should be zero after pulling all of the messages.
        msg_count,_ = xq.get_stats()
        log.info('Messages in user queue 2: %s ' % msg_count)

        #Trying to continue to receive messages in the queue
        gevent.sleep(5.0)  # Send some messages - don't care how many

        #Turning off after everything - since it is more representative of an always on stream of data!
        self.process_dispatcher.cancel_process(ctd_sim_pid) # kill the ctd simulator process - that is enough data

        #Should see more messages in the queue
        msg_count,_ = xq.get_stats()
        log.info('Messages in user queue 3: %s ' % msg_count)

        msgs = subscriber.get_all_msgs(timeout=2)
        for x in range(len(msgs)):

        #Should be zero after pulling all of the messages.
        msg_count,_ = xq.get_stats()
        log.info('Messages in user queue 4: %s ' % msg_count)

コード例 #9
    def test_multiple_visualization_queue(self):

        # set up a workflow with the salinity transform and the doubler. We will direct the original stream and the doubled stream to queues
        # and test to make sure the subscription to the queues is working correctly
        assertions = self.assertTrue

        # Build the workflow definition
        workflow_def_obj = IonObject(RT.WorkflowDefinition, name='Viz_Test_Workflow',description='A workflow to test collection of multiple data products in queues')

        workflow_data_product_name = 'TEST-Workflow_Output_Product' #Set a specific output product name
        #Add a transformation process definition for salinity

        ctd_L2_salinity_dprocdef_id = self.create_salinity_data_process_definition()
        workflow_step_obj = IonObject('DataProcessWorkflowStep', data_process_definition_id=ctd_L2_salinity_dprocdef_id, persist_process_output_data=False)  #Don't persist the intermediate data product
        configuration = {'stream_name' : 'salinity'}
        workflow_step_obj.configuration = configuration

        #Create it in the resource registry
        workflow_def_id = self.workflowclient.create_workflow_definition(workflow_def_obj)

        aids = self.rrclient.find_associations(workflow_def_id, PRED.hasDataProcessDefinition)
        assertions(len(aids) == 1 )

        #The list of data product streams to monitor
        data_product_stream_ids = list()

        #Create the input data product
        ctd_stream_id, ctd_parsed_data_product_id = self.create_ctd_input_stream_and_data_product()

        #Create and start the workflow
        workflow_id, workflow_product_id = self.workflowclient.create_data_process_workflow(workflow_def_id, ctd_parsed_data_product_id, timeout=30)

        workflow_output_ids,_ = self.rrclient.find_subjects(RT.Workflow, PRED.hasOutputProduct, workflow_product_id, True)
        assertions(len(workflow_output_ids) == 1 )

        #Walk the associations to find the appropriate output data streams to validate the messages
        workflow_dp_ids,_ = self.rrclient.find_objects(workflow_id, PRED.hasDataProduct, RT.DataProduct, True)
        assertions(len(workflow_dp_ids) == 1 )

        for dp_id in workflow_dp_ids:
            stream_ids, _ = self.rrclient.find_objects(dp_id, PRED.hasStream, None, True)
            assertions(len(stream_ids) == 1 )

        # Now for each of the data_product_stream_ids create a queue and pipe their data to the queue

        user_queue_name1 = USER_VISUALIZATION_QUEUE + '1'
        user_queue_name2 = USER_VISUALIZATION_QUEUE + '2'

        # use idempotency to create queues
        xq1 = self.container.ex_manager.create_xn_queue(user_queue_name1)
        xq2 = self.container.ex_manager.create_xn_queue(user_queue_name2)

        # the create_subscription call takes a list of stream_ids so create temp ones

        dp_stream_id1 = list()
        dp_stream_id2 = list()

        salinity_subscription_id1 = self.pubsubclient.create_subscription( stream_ids=dp_stream_id1,
            exchange_name = user_queue_name1, name = "user visualization queue1")

        salinity_subscription_id2 = self.pubsubclient.create_subscription( stream_ids=dp_stream_id2,
            exchange_name = user_queue_name2, name = "user visualization queue2")

        # Create subscribers for the output of the queue
        subscriber1 = Subscriber(from_name=xq1)
        subscriber2 = Subscriber(from_name=xq2)

        # after the queue has been created it is safe to activate the subscription

        # Start input stream and wait for some time
        ctd_sim_pid = self.start_simple_input_stream_process(ctd_stream_id)
        gevent.sleep(5.0)  # Send some messages - don't care how many

        msg_count,_ = xq1.get_stats()
        log.info('Messages in user queue 1: %s ' % msg_count)
        msg_count,_ = xq2.get_stats()
        log.info('Messages in user queue 2: %s ' % msg_count)

        msgs1 = subscriber1.get_all_msgs(timeout=2)
        msgs2 = subscriber2.get_all_msgs(timeout=2)

        for x in range(min(len(msgs1), len(msgs2))):
            self.validate_multiple_vis_queue_messages(msgs1[x].body, msgs2[x].body)

        # kill the ctd simulator process - that is enough data

        # close the subscription and queues
