コード例 #1
def compile_transcription_factors(base_dir, version):
    # use transcription_factor.xml as it is more complete and only missing from 6.0
    if version == (6, 0):
        LOGGER.error("no transcription_factor.xml file for this version")
    LOGGER.info("Compiling transcription factors...")
    t_factors = regdb.read_transcription_factors( os.path.join(base_dir,
            "transcription_factor.xml"), VERSION)
    norm = len(t_factors)
    LOGGER.info("Found {0:d}".format(norm))
    if norm == 0:
        LOGGER.error("Failed to compile transcription factors.")
        return t_factors
    regdb.update_synonyms(os.path.join(base_dir, "object_synonym.xml"),
            pyreg.TranscriptionFactor, VERSION)
    regdb.update_external(os.path.join(base_dir, "object_external_db_link.xml"),
            pyreg.TranscriptionFactor, VERSION)
    norm = float(norm)
    num = sum(1 for tf in t_factors if tf.name)
    LOGGER.info("Found {0:d} transcription factors with a name ({1:.2%})".format(num, num / norm))
    num = sum(1 for tf in t_factors if tf.synonyms)
    LOGGER.info("Found {0:d} transcription factors with synonyms ({1:.2%})".format(num, num / norm))
            "product_tf_link.xml"), VERSION)
    return t_factors
コード例 #2
def compile_products(base_dir):
    LOGGER.info("Compiling products...")
    products = regdb.read_products(os.path.join(base_dir, "product.xml"), VERSION)
    norm = len(products)
    LOGGER.info("Found {0:d}".format(norm))
    if norm == 0:
        LOGGER.error("Failed to compile products.")
        return products
    LOGGER.info("Compiling additional information...")
    regdb.update_synonyms(os.path.join(base_dir, "object_synonym.xml"),
            pyreg.Product, VERSION)
    regdb.update_external(os.path.join(base_dir, "object_external_db_link.xml"),
            pyreg.Product, VERSION)
    norm = float(norm)
    num = sum(1 for prod in products if prod.name)
    LOGGER.info("Found {0:d} products with names ({1:.2%})".format(num, num / norm))
    num = sum(1 for prod in products if prod.synonyms)
    LOGGER.info("Found {0:d} products with synonyms ({1:.2%})".format(num, num / norm))
    num = sum(1 for prod in products if prod.go)
    LOGGER.info("Found {0:d} products with GO ID ({1:.2%})".format(num, num / norm))
    return products