コード例 #1
class ActiveAuthentication(Logger):
    This class implement the Active Authentication protocol.
    The main method is I{executeAA} that return True is the verification is ok or False.
    def __init__(self, iso7816, openssl=None):
        @param iso7816: a valid iso7816 object
        @type iso7816: doc9303  
        Logger.__init__(self, "AA")
        self._iso7816 = iso7816
        if not openssl:
            self._openssl = OpenSSL()
            self._openssl = openssl

        self.RND_IFD = None
        self.F = None
        self.T = None
        self.decryptedSignature = None
        self.D = None
        self.D_ = None
        self.M1 = None
        self.M_ = None

        self._dg15 = None

    def executeAA(self, dg15):
        Perform the Active Authentication protocol.
        Work only with RSA, modulus length of 1024 and with SHA1.
        @param dg15: A initialized dataGroup15 object
        @type dg15: dataGroup15 
        @return: True if the authentication succeed, else False.
        @rtype: Boolean
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: If the Active Authentication is not supported (The DG15 is not found or the hash algo is not supported). 
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: If the parameter is not set or invalid.
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: If OpenSSL is not installed.
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: If the public key cannot be recovered from the DG15.
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: If the DG15 is invalid and the signature cannot be verified.
        self._dg15 = dg15

        self.RND_IFD = self._genRandom(8)
        self.signature = self._getSignature(self.RND_IFD)
        self.F = self._decryptSignature(dg15.body, self.signature)

        (hash, hashSize, offset) = self._getHashAlgo(self.F)
        self.D = self._extractDigest(self.F, hashSize, offset)
        self.M1 = self._extractM1(self.F, hashSize, offset)

        self.M_ = self.M1 + self.RND_IFD

        self.log("Concatenate M1 with known M2")
        self.log("\tM*: " + binToHexRep(self.M_))

        self.D_ = self._hash(hash, self.M_)

        self.log("Compare D and D*")
        self.log("\t" + str(self.D == self.D_))

        return self.D == self.D_

    def _genRandom(self, size):
        rnd_ifd = os.urandom(size)
        self.log("Generate an 8 byte random")
        self.log("\tRND.IFD: " + binToHexRep(rnd_ifd))
        return rnd_ifd

    def _getSignature(self, rnd_ifd):
        return self._iso7816.internalAuthentication(rnd_ifd)

    def getPubKey(self, dg15):
        Retrieve the public key in PEM format from the dataGroup15
        @return: A PEM reprensation of the public key
        @rtype: A string
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: I{The parameter type is not valid, must be a dataGroup15 object}: The parameter dg15 is not set or invalid.
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: I{The public key could not be recovered from the DG15}: Is open SSL installed?

        if type(dg15) != type(datagroup.DataGroup15(None)):
            raise ActiveAuthenticationException(
                "The parameter type is not valid, must be a dataGroup15 object"

        return self._openssl.retrieveRsaPubKey(dg15.body)

    def _decryptSignature(self, pubK, signature):
        data = self._openssl.retrieveSignedData(pubK, signature)
        self.log("Decrypt the signature with the public key")
        self.log("\tF: " + binToHexRep(data))

        return data

    def _hash(self, hash, data):
        digest = hash(data).digest()

        self.log("Calculate digest of M*")
        self.log("\tD*: " + binToHexRep(digest))

        return digest

    def _getHashAlgo(self, sig):
        hash = None
        offset = None
        hashSize = None

        if sig[-1] == hexRepToBin("BC"):
            self.T = sig[-1]
            hash = sha1
            offset = -1
        elif sig[-1] == hexRepToBin("CC"):
            self.T = sig[-2]
            #hash = The algorithm corresponding to the algo designed by T
            offset = -2
            raise ActiveAuthenticationException("Unknow hash algorithm")

        self.log("Determine hash algorithm by trailer T*")
        self.log("\tT: " + binToHexRep(self.T))

        #Find out the hash size
        hashSize = len(hash("test").digest())

        return (hash, hashSize, offset)

    def _extractDigest(self, sig, hashSize, offset):
        digest = sig[offset - hashSize:offset]

        self.log("Extract digest:")
        self.log("\tD: " + binToHexRep(digest))

        return digest

    def _extractM1(self, sig, hashSize, offset):
        M1 = sig[1:offset - hashSize]

        self.log("Extract M1:")
        self.log("\tM1: " + binToHexRep(M1))

        return M1

    def __str__(self):
        spec = self._asn1Parse()
        return spec.prettyPrint()

    def algorithm(self, dg15):
        Return the algorithm name used to store the signature
        @return: A string from the OID dictionnary.
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: I{Unsupported algorithm}: The algorithm does not exist in the OID enumeration.
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: I{The parameter type is not valid, must be a dataGroup15 object}: The parameter dg15 is not set or invalid.
        if type(dg15) != type(datagroup.DataGroup15(None)):
            raise ActiveAuthenticationException(
                "The parameter type is not valid, must be a dataGroup15 object"
        algo = ""
            spec = self._asn1Parse()
            algo = spec.getComponentByName('algorithm').getComponentByName(
            return OID[algo]
        except KeyError:
            raise ActiveAuthenticationException("Unsupported algorithm: " +
        except Exception, msg:
            raise ActiveAuthenticationException(
                "Active Authentication not supported: ", msg)
コード例 #2
class ActiveAuthentication(Logger):
    This class implement the Active Authentication protocol.
    The main method is I{executeAA} that return True is the verification is ok or False.
    def __init__(self, iso7816, openssl=None):
        @param iso7816: a valid iso7816 object
        @type iso7816: doc9303  
        Logger.__init__(self, "AA")
        self._iso7816 = iso7816
        if not openssl:
            self._openssl = OpenSSL()
            self._openssl = openssl
        self.RND_IFD = None
        self.F = None
        self.T = None
        self.decryptedSignature = None
        self.D = None
        self.D_ = None
        self.M1 = None
        self.M_ = None

        self._dg15 = None

    def executeAA(self, dg15, EC=False, hash=sha256):
        Perform the Active Authentication protocol.
        Work only with RSA, modulus length of 1024 and with SHA1.
        @param dg15: A initialized dataGroup15 object
        @type dg15: dataGroup15 
        @param EC: True if ECDSA is used y the passport
        @param hash: hash function (default: sha256)
        @return: True if the authentication succeed, else False.
        @rtype: Boolean
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: If the Active Authentication is not supported (The DG15 is not found or the hash algo is not supported). 
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: If the parameter is not set or invalid.
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: If OpenSSL is not installed.
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: If the public key cannot be recovered from the DG15.
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: If the DG15 is invalid and the signature cannot be verified.
        self._dg15 = dg15

        self.RND_IFD = self._genRandom(8)
        self.signature = self._getSignature(self.RND_IFD)
        if EC:
            return self._verifyECSignature(dg15.body, self.signature,
                                           self.RND_IFD, hash)
        self.F = self._decryptSignature(dg15.body, self.signature)
        (hash, hashSize, offset) = self._getHashAlgo(self.F)
        self.D = self._extractDigest(self.F, hashSize, offset)
        self.M1 = self._extractM1(self.F, hashSize, offset)

        self.M_ = self.M1 + self.RND_IFD

        self.log("Concatenate M1 with known M2")
        self.log("\tM*: " + binToHexRep(self.M_))

        self.D_ = self._hash(hash, self.M_)

        self.log("Compare D and D*")
        self.log("\t" + str(self.D == self.D_))

        return self.D == self.D_

    def _genRandom(self, size):
        rnd_ifd = os.urandom(size)
        self.log("Generate an 8 byte random")
        self.log("\tRND.IFD: " + binToHexRep(rnd_ifd))
        return rnd_ifd

    def _getSignature(self, rnd_ifd):
        return self._iso7816.internalAuthentication(rnd_ifd)

    def getPubKey(self, dg15):
        Retrieve the public key in PEM format from the dataGroup15
        @return: A PEM reprensation of the public key
        @rtype: A string
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: I{The parameter type is not valid, must be a dataGroup15 object}: The parameter dg15 is not set or invalid.
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: I{The public key could not be recovered from the DG15}: Is open SSL installed?

        if type(dg15) != type(datagroup.DataGroup15(None)):
            raise ActiveAuthenticationException(
                "The parameter type is not valid, must be a dataGroup15 object"

            return self._openssl.retrieveRsaPubKey(dg15.body)
        except OpenSSLException:
            return self._openssl.retrieveECPubKey(dg15.body)

    def _verifyECSignature(self, pubK, signature, challenge, hash):

        # Generate hash of the challenge
        challenge = sha256(challenge).digest()

        # Signature is returned in plain format by the card (big endian)
        # It must be converted to ASN.1 to be usable by OpenSSL
        # See https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/57731/ecdsa-signature-rs-to-asn1-der-encoding-question
        sig_rec = ECSignatureRecord()
        l = int(len(signature) / 2)
        sig_rec['r'] = int.from_bytes(signature[:l], 'big')
        sig_rec['s'] = int.from_bytes(signature[-l:], 'big')
        sig_der = encoder.encode(sig_rec)

        status = self._openssl.verifyECSignature(pubK, sig_der, challenge)
        self.log("Verify the EC signature with the public key")
        self.log("\tStatus: " + str(status))
        return status

    def _decryptSignature(self, pubK, signature):

        data = self._openssl.retrieveSignedData(pubK, signature)
        self.log("Decrypt the signature with the public key")
        self.log("\tF: " + binToHexRep(data))

        return data

    def _hash(self, hash, data):
        digest = hash(data).digest()

        self.log("Calculate digest of M*")
        self.log("\tD*: " + binToHexRep(digest))

        return digest

    def _getHashAlgo(self, sig):
        hash = None
        offset = None
        hashSize = None

        if sig[-1] == 0xBC:
            self.T = sig[-1]
            hash = sha1
            offset = -1
        elif sig[-1] == 0xCC:
            self.T = sig[-2]
            #hash = The algorithm corresponding to the algo designed by T
            offset = -2
            raise ActiveAuthenticationException("Unknow hash algorithm")

        self.log("Determine hash algorithm by trailer T*")
        self.log("\tT: " + binToHexRep(self.T))

        #Find out the hash size
        hashSize = len(hash(b"test").digest())

        return (hash, hashSize, offset)

    def _extractDigest(self, sig, hashSize, offset):
        digest = sig[offset - hashSize:offset]

        self.log("Extract digest:")
        self.log("\tD: " + binToHexRep(digest))

        return digest

    def _extractM1(self, sig, hashSize, offset):
        M1 = sig[1:offset - hashSize]

        self.log("Extract M1:")
        self.log("\tM1: " + binToHexRep(M1))

        return M1

    def __str__(self):
        spec = self._asn1Parse()
        return spec.prettyPrint()

    def algorithm(self, dg15):
        Return the algorithm name used to store the signature
        @return: A string from the OID dictionnary.
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: I{Unsupported algorithm}: The algorithm does not exist in the OID enumeration.
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: I{The parameter type is not valid, must be a dataGroup15 object}: The parameter dg15 is not set or invalid.
        if type(dg15) != type(datagroup.DataGroup15(None)):
            raise ActiveAuthenticationException(
                "The parameter type is not valid, must be a dataGroup15 object"
        algo = ""
            spec = self._asn1Parse()
            algo = spec.getComponentByName('algorithm').getComponentByName(
            return OID[algo]
        except KeyError:
            raise ActiveAuthenticationException("Unsupported algorithm: " +
        except Exception as msg:
            raise ActiveAuthenticationException(
                "Active Authentication not supported: ", msg)

    def _asn1Parse(self):
        if self._dg15 != None:
            certType = SubjectPublicKeyInfo()
            return decoder.decode(self._dg15.body, asn1Spec=certType)[0]
        return ""
コード例 #3
class ActiveAuthentication(Logger):
    This class implements the Active Authentication protocol.
    The main method is I{executeAA} that returns True if the verification is ok or False.
    def __init__(self, iso7816, openssl=None):
        @param iso7816: a valid iso7816 object
        @type iso7816: doc9303
        Logger.__init__(self, "AA")
        self._iso7816 = iso7816
        if not openssl:
            self._openssl = OpenSSL()
            self._openssl = openssl

        self.RND_IFD = None
        self.F = None
        self.T = None
        self.decryptedSignature = None
        self.D = None
        self.D_ = None
        self.M1 = None
        self.M_ = None

        self._dg15 = None

    def executeAA(self, dg15):
        Perform the Active Authentication protocol.
        Work only with RSA, modulus length of 1024 and with SHA1.

        @param dg15: An initialized dataGroup15 object
        @type dg15: dataGroup15
        @return: True if the authentication succeeded, else False.
        @rtype: Boolean
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: If the Active Authentication is not supported (The DG15 is not found or the hash algo is not supported).
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: If the parameter is not set or is invalid.
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: If OpenSSL is not installed.
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: If the public key cannot be recovered from the DG15.
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: If the DG15 is invalid and the signature cannot be verified.
        self._dg15 = dg15

        self.RND_IFD = self._genRandom(8)
        self.signature = self._getSignature(self.RND_IFD)
        self.F = self._decryptSignature(dg15.body, self.signature)

        (hash, hashSize, offset) = self._getHashAlgo(self.F)
        self.D = self._extractDigest(self.F, hashSize, offset)
        self.M1 = self._extractM1(self.F, hashSize, offset)

        self.M_ = self.M1 + self.RND_IFD

        self.log("Concatenate M1 with known M2")
        self.log("\tM*: " + binToHexRep(self.M_))

        self.D_ = self._hash(hash, self.M_)

        self.log("Compare D and D*")
        self.log("\t" + str(self.D == self.D_))

        return self.D == self.D_

    def _genRandom(self, size):
        rnd_ifd = os.urandom(size)
        self.log("Generate an 8 byte random")
        self.log("\tRND.IFD: " + binToHexRep(rnd_ifd))
        return rnd_ifd

    def _getSignature(self, rnd_ifd):
        return self._iso7816.internalAuthentication(rnd_ifd)

    def getPubKey(self, dg15):
        Retrieve the public key in PEM format from the dataGroup15

        @return: A PEM representation of the public key
        @rtype: A string
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: I{The parameter type is not valid, must be a dataGroup15 object}: The parameter dg15 is not set or is invalid.
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: I{The public key could not be recovered from the DG15}: Is open SSL installed?

        if type(dg15) != type(datagroup.DataGroup15(None)):
            raise ActiveAuthenticationException("The parameter type is not valid, must be a dataGroup15 object")

        return self._openssl.retrieveRsaPubKey(dg15.body)

    def _decryptSignature(self, pubK, signature):
        data = self._openssl.retrieveSignedData(pubK, signature)
        self.log("Decrypt the signature with the public key")
        self.log("\tF: " + binToHexRep(data))

        return data

    def _hash(self, hash, data):
        digest = hash(data).digest()

        self.log("Calculate digest of M*")
        self.log("\tD*: " + binToHexRep(digest))

        return digest

    def _getHashAlgo(self, sig):
        hash = None
        offset = None
        hashSize = None

        if sig[-1] == hexRepToBin("BC"):
            self.T = sig[-1]
            hash = sha1
            offset = -1
        elif sig[-1] == hexRepToBin("CC"):
            self.T = sig[-2]
            #hash = The algorithm corresponding to the algo designed by T
            offset = -2
            raise ActiveAuthenticationException("Unknow hash algorithm")

        self.log("Determine hash algorithm by trailer T*")
        self.log("\tT: " + binToHexRep(self.T))

        #Find out the hash size
        hashSize = len(hash("test").digest())

        return (hash, hashSize, offset)

    def _extractDigest(self, sig, hashSize, offset):
        digest = sig[offset - hashSize:offset]

        self.log("Extract digest:")
        self.log("\tD: " + binToHexRep(digest))

        return digest

    def _extractM1(self, sig, hashSize, offset):
        M1 = sig[1:offset - hashSize]

        self.log("Extract M1:")
        self.log("\tM1: " + binToHexRep(M1))

        return M1

    def __str__(self):
        spec = self._asn1Parse()
        return spec.prettyPrint()

    def algorithm(self, dg15):
        Return the algorithm name used to store the signature
        @return: A string from the OID dictionary.
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: I{Unsupported algorithm}: The algorithm does not exist in the OID enumeration.
        @raise ActiveAuthenticationException: I{The parameter type is not valid, must be a dataGroup15 object}: The parameter dg15 is not set or is invalid.
        if type(dg15) != type(datagroup.DataGroup15(None)):
            raise ActiveAuthenticationException("The parameter type is not valid, must be a dataGroup15 object")
        algo = ""
            spec = self._asn1Parse()
            algo = spec.getComponentByName('algorithm').getComponentByName('algorithm').prettyPrint()
            return OID[algo]
        except KeyError:
            raise ActiveAuthenticationException("Unsupported algorithm: " + algo)
        except Exception, msg:
            raise ActiveAuthenticationException("Active Authentication not supported: ", msg)