def apdgid(partid): partid = str(partid) if pypdt.get(partid) != None: return pypdt.get(partid) else: if partid[0] == '-': return pypdt.get(partid[1:]) else: return ValueError("Id not found")
def __init__(self, init_conds=None, bounds=None, particle_id=11, B_func=lambda p_vec: np.array([0., 0., 1.]), E_func=lambda p_vec: np.array([0., 0., 0.]), zevents=None): ''' Default particle_id is for electron B_func should take in 3D numpy array of position, but defaults to a 1 Tesla field in the z direction. ''' self.init_conds = init_conds self.bounds = bounds # dummy termination (no termination) if no bounds if bounds is None: self.terminate = lambda t, x: 1 else: self.terminate = get_terminate(bounds) if particle_id < 0: sign = -1 else: sign = +1 particle_id = abs(particle_id) self.particle = pypdt.get(particle_id) self.particle.mass_kg = self.particle.mass * one_gev_c2_to_kg self.particle.charge_true = self.particle.charge * sign self.B_func = B_func self.E_func = E_func self.zevents = zevents
def massPDG(pdgid): """Gaussian mass distribution with mass and width of a chosen particle. Accept the Particle Data Group ID as the only argument.""" return gauss( pypdt.get(pdgid).mass, pypdt.get(pdgid).width / (2 * _sqrt(2 * _log(2))))
import math import numbers import numpy as np import pandas as pd import lmfit as lm from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation import scipy.optimize as optimize import pypdt from .conversions import one_gev_c2_to_kg, one_kgm_s_to_mev_c, q_factor from scipy.constants import c cbar = c / 1.e9 cmmns = c / 1.e6 m_e = pypdt.get(11).mass*1000. q_e = -1 # fitting routine def fit_helix(track_data, B_data, m=m_e, q=q_e, rot=True): ''' track_data is 4 by N np.array, B_data is 3 by N where each row is track_data: [t, x, y, z] with units [s, m, m, m] B_data: [Bx, By, Bz] with units [T, T, T] (to work out of the box with emtracks.particle) ''' track_data = track_data.copy() # to not change track_data information track_data[0] = track_data[0]*1e9 # convert to ns track_data[1:] = track_data[1:]*1e3 # convert to mm # x0, y0 = track_data[1:3,0] # for phi0 estimate # translations: translate_vec = track_data[:,0].reshape(1, 4)
#!/usr/bin/env python import ROOT from math import sqrt ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(00000) infile=ROOT.TFile("run_0.root") outfile=ROOT.TFile("cocktail.root","RECREATE") hBreakup=ROOT.TH1F("hBreakup","neutron (breakup) escapes",300,0,300) hNeutron=ROOT.TH1F("hNeutron","neutron (other) escapes",300,0,300) hGamma=ROOT.TH1F("hGamma","#gamma escapes",300,0,300) hOther=ROOT.TH1F("hOther","other",300,0,300) hAbsorbed=ROOT.TH1F("hAbsorbed","no particle escape",300,0,300) hDeuteronExit=ROOT.TH1F("deuteronExit","deuteron escapes",300,0,300) import pypdt neutron_mass=pypdt.get(2112).mass proton_mass=pypdt.get(2212).mass deuteron4=ROOT.TLorentzVector(0,0,sqrt(.270*(.270+2*1.875)),1.875+.270) mothermass=ROOT.TH1F("mother","mother mass",1000,0,5) missingmass=ROOT.TH1F("missing","missing mass",1000,0,5) iev=0 edepMap={} particleMap={} for event in infile.sim: if iev % (0.05*infile.sim.GetEntries())==0: print str(int(float(100.*iev/infile.sim.GetEntries())))+"% done" deuteronExit=False breakup=False other=False gamma=False neutron=False tracks=[]