def main(args): if args.file is None: msgs.error('You must input a coadd3d file') else: spectrograph_name, config_lines, spec2d_files \ = io.read_spec2d_file(args.file, filetype="coadd3d") spectrograph = load_spectrograph(spectrograph_name) # Parameters spectrograph_def_par = spectrograph.default_pypeit_par() parset = par.PypeItPar.from_cfg_lines( cfg_lines=spectrograph_def_par.to_config(), merge_with=config_lines) # If detector was passed as an argument override whatever was in the coadd3d file if args.det is not None:"Restricting to detector={}".format(args.det)) parset['rdx']['detnum'] = int(args.det) # Coadd the files tstart = time.time() coadd_cube(spec2d_files, parset=parset, overwrite=args.overwrite) - tstart))
def main(args): tstart = time.time() # Read in the spectrograph, config the parset spectrograph = load_spectrograph('keck_mosfire') spectrograph_def_par = spectrograph.default_pypeit_par() parset = par.PypeItPar.from_cfg_lines( cfg_lines=spectrograph_def_par.to_config(), merge_with=config_lines(args)) science_path = os.path.join(parset['rdx']['redux_path'], parset['rdx']['scidir']) # Parse the files sort by MJD files = np.array( [os.path.join(args.full_rawpath, file) for file in args.files]) nfiles = len(files) target = spectrograph.get_meta_value(files[0], 'target') mjds = np.zeros(nfiles) for ifile, file in enumerate(files): mjds[ifile] = spectrograph.get_meta_value(file, 'mjd', ignore_bad_header=True, no_fussing=True) files = files[np.argsort(mjds)] # Calibration Master directory master_dir = os.path.join(, 'QL_MASTERS') \ if args.master_dir is None else args.master_dir if not os.path.isdir(master_dir): msgs.error( f'{master_dir} does not exist! You must install the QL_MASTERS ' 'directory; download the data from the PypeIt dev-suite Google Drive and ' 'either define a QL_MASTERS environmental variable or use the ' 'pypeit_install_ql_masters script.') # Define some hard wired master files here to be later parsed out of the directory mosfire_filter = spectrograph.get_meta_value(files[0], 'filter1') mosfire_masters = os.path.join(master_dir, 'MOSFIRE_MASTERS', mosfire_filter) slit_masterframe_name \ = utils.find_single_file(os.path.join(mosfire_masters, "MasterSlits*")) tilts_masterframe_name \ = utils.find_single_file(os.path.join(mosfire_masters, "MasterTilts*")) wvcalib_masterframe_name \ = utils.find_single_file(os.path.join(mosfire_masters, 'MasterWaveCalib*')) std_spec1d_file = utils.find_single_file( os.path.join(mosfire_masters, 'spec1d_*')) sensfunc_masterframe_name = utils.find_single_file( os.path.join(mosfire_masters, 'sens_*')) if (slit_masterframe_name is None or not os.path.isfile(slit_masterframe_name)) or \ (tilts_masterframe_name is None or not os.path.isfile(tilts_masterframe_name)) or \ (sensfunc_masterframe_name is None or not os.path.isfile(sensfunc_masterframe_name)) or \ (std_spec1d_file is None or not os.path.isfile(std_spec1d_file)): msgs.error( 'Master frames not found. Check that environment variable QL_MASTERS ' 'points at the Master Calibs') # Get detector (there's only one) det = 1 # MOSFIRE has a single detector detector = spectrograph.get_detector_par(det) detname = # We need the platescale platescale = detector['platescale'] # Parse the offset information out of the headers. TODO in the future # get this out of fitstable dither_pattern, dither_id, offset_arcsec = spectrograph.parse_dither_pattern( files) if len(np.unique(dither_pattern)) > 1: msgs.error( 'Script only supported for a single type of dither pattern.') A_files = files[dither_id == 'A'] B_files = files[dither_id == 'B'] nA = len(A_files) nB = len(B_files) # Print out a report on the offsets msg_string = msgs.newline( ) + '*******************************************************' msg_string += msgs.newline( ) + ' Summary of offsets for target {:s} with dither pattern: {:s}'.format( target, dither_pattern[0]) msg_string += msgs.newline( ) + '*******************************************************' msg_string += msgs.newline( ) + 'filename Position arcsec pixels ' msg_string += msgs.newline( ) + '----------------------------------------------------' for iexp, file in enumerate(files): msg_string += msgs.newline( ) + ' {:s} {:s} {:6.2f} {:6.2f}'.format( os.path.basename(file), dither_id[iexp], offset_arcsec[iexp], offset_arcsec[iexp] / platescale) msg_string += msgs.newline( ) + '********************************************************' #offset_dith_pix = offset_dith_pix = offset_arcsec_A[0]/sciImg.detector.platescale ## Read in the master frames that we need ## if std_spec1d_file is not None: # Get the standard trace if need be sobjs = specobjs.SpecObjs.from_fitsfile(std_spec1d_file, chk_version=False) this_det = sobjs.DET == detname if np.any(this_det): sobjs_det = sobjs[this_det] sobjs_std = sobjs_det.get_std() std_trace = None if sobjs_std is None else sobjs_std.TRACE_SPAT.flatten( ) else: std_trace = None else: std_trace = None # Read in the msbpm msbpm = spectrograph.bpm(A_files[0], det) # Read in the slits slits = slittrace.SlitTraceSet.from_file(slit_masterframe_name) # Reset the bitmask slits.mask = slits.mask_init.copy() # Read in the wv_calib wv_calib = wavecalib.WaveCalib.from_file(wvcalib_masterframe_name) #wv_calib.is_synced(slits) slits.mask_wvcalib(wv_calib) # Read in the tilts tilts_obj = wavetilts.WaveTilts.from_file(tilts_masterframe_name) tilts_obj.is_synced(slits) slits.mask_wavetilts(tilts_obj) # Build the Calibrate object caliBrate = calibrations.Calibrations(None, parset['calibrations'], spectrograph, None) caliBrate.det = det caliBrate.slits = slits caliBrate.msbpm = msbpm caliBrate.wavetilts = tilts_obj caliBrate.wv_calib = wv_calib caliBrate.binning = f'{slits.binspec},{slits.binspat}' # Find the unique throw absolute value, which defines each MASK_NOD seqeunce #uniq_offsets, _ = np.unique(offset_arcsec, return_inverse=True) spec2d_list = [] offset_ref = offset_arcsec[0] offsets_dith_pix = [] # Generalize to a multiple slits, doing one slit at a time? islit = 0 # Loop over the unique throws and create a spec2d_A and spec2D_B for # each, which are then fed into coadd2d with the correct offsets # TODO Rework the logic here so that we can print out a unified report # on what was actually reduced. uniq_throws, uni_indx = np.unique(np.abs(offset_arcsec), return_inverse=True) # uniq_throws = uniq values of the dither throw # uni_indx = indices into the uniq_throws array needed to reconstruct the original array nuniq = uniq_throws.size for iuniq in range(nuniq): A_ind = (uni_indx == iuniq) & (dither_id == 'A') B_ind = (uni_indx == iuniq) & (dither_id == 'B') A_files_uni = files[A_ind] A_dither_id_uni = dither_id[A_ind] B_dither_id_uni = dither_id[B_ind] B_files_uni = files[B_ind] A_offset = offset_arcsec[A_ind] B_offset = offset_arcsec[B_ind] throw = np.abs(A_offset[0])'Reducing A-B pairs for throw = {:}'.format(throw)) if (len(A_files_uni) > 0) & (len(B_files_uni) > 0): spec2DObj_A, spec2DObj_B = reduce_IR(A_files_uni, B_files_uni, caliBrate, spectrograph, det, parset,, std_trace=std_trace) spec2d_list += [spec2DObj_A, spec2DObj_B] offsets_dith_pix += [ (np.mean(A_offset) - offset_ref) / platescale, (np.mean(B_offset) - offset_ref) / platescale ] else: msgs.warn( 'Skpping files that do not have an A-B match with the same throw:' ) for iexp in range(len(A_files_uni)): msg_string += msgs.newline( ) + ' {:s} {:s} {:6.2f} {:6.2f}'.format( os.path.basename( A_files_uni[iexp]), A_dither_id_uni[iexp], A_offset[iexp], A_offset[iexp] / platescale) for iexp in range(len(B_files_uni)): msg_string += msgs.newline( ) + ' {:s} {:s} {:6.2f} {:6.2f}'.format( os.path.basename( B_files_uni[iexp]), B_dither_id_uni[iexp], B_offset[iexp], B_offset[iexp] / platescale) offsets_dith_pix = np.array(offsets_dith_pix) #else: # msgs.error('Unrecognized mode') if args.offset is not None: offsets_pixels = np.array([0.0, args.offset])'Using user specified offsets instead: {:5.2f}'.format( args.offset)) else: offsets_pixels = offsets_dith_pix # Instantiate Coadd2d coadd = coadd2d.CoAdd2D.get_instance( spec2d_list, spectrograph, parset, det=det, offsets=offsets_pixels, weights='uniform', spec_samp_fact=args.spec_samp_fact, spat_samp_fact=args.spat_samp_fact, bkg_redux=True, # Coadd the slits # TODO implement only_slits later coadd_dict_list = coadd.coadd(only_slits=None, interp_dspat=False) # Create the pseudo images pseudo_dict = coadd.create_pseudo_image(coadd_dict_list) # Multiply in a sensitivity function to flux the 2d image if args.flux: # Load the sensitivity function # wave_sens, sfunc, _, _, _ = sensfunc.SensFunc.load(sensfunc_masterframe_name) sens = sensfunc.SensFunc.from_file(sensfunc_masterframe_name) # Interpolate the sensitivity function onto the wavelength grid of # the data. Since the image is rectified this is trivial and we # don't need to do a 2d interpolation exptime = spectrograph.get_meta_value(files[0], 'exptime') sens_factor = flux_calib.get_sensfunc_factor( pseudo_dict['wave_mid'][:, islit], sens.wave.flatten(), sens.zeropoint.flatten(), exptime, extrap_sens=True) #parset['fluxcalib']['extrap_sens']) # Compute the median sensitivity and set the sensitivity to zero at # locations 100 times the median. This prevents the 2d image from # blowing up where the sens_factor explodes because there is no # throughput sens_gpm = sens_factor < 100.0 * np.median(sens_factor) sens_factor_masked = sens_factor * sens_gpm sens_factor_img = np.repeat(sens_factor_masked[:, np.newaxis], pseudo_dict['nspat'], axis=1) imgminsky = sens_factor_img * pseudo_dict['imgminsky'] imgminsky_gpm = sens_gpm[:, np.newaxis] & pseudo_dict['inmask'] else: imgminsky = pseudo_dict['imgminsky'] imgminsky_gpm = pseudo_dict['inmask'] ########################## # Now display the images # ########################## if not args.no_gui: display.connect_to_ginga(raise_err=True, allow_new=True) # TODO: Bug in ginga prevents me from using cuts here for some # reason mean, med, sigma = sigma_clipped_stats(imgminsky[imgminsky_gpm], sigma_lower=3.0, sigma_upper=3.0) chname_skysub = f'fluxed-skysub-{detname.lower()}' \ if args.flux else f'skysub-{detname.lower()}' cuts_skysub = (med - 3.0 * sigma, med + 3.0 * sigma) cuts_resid = (-5.0, 5.0) #fits.writeto('/Users/joe/ginga_test.fits',imgminsky, overwrite=True) #fits.writeto('/Users/joe/ginga_mask.fits',imgminsky_gpm.astype(float), overwrite=True) #embed() # Clear all channels at the beginning # TODO: JFH For some reason Ginga crashes when I try to put cuts in here. viewer, ch_skysub = display.show_image( imgminsky, chname=chname_skysub, waveimg=pseudo_dict['waveimg'], clear=True, cuts=cuts_skysub) slit_left, slit_righ, _ = pseudo_dict['slits'].select_edges() slit_id = slits.slitord_id[0] display.show_slits(viewer, ch_skysub, slit_left, slit_righ, slit_ids=slit_id) # SKRESIDS chname_skyresids = f'sky_resid-{detname.lower()}' # sky residual map image = pseudo_dict['imgminsky'] * np.sqrt( pseudo_dict['sciivar']) * pseudo_dict['inmask'] viewer, ch_skyresids = display.show_image( image, chname_skyresids, waveimg=pseudo_dict['waveimg'], cuts=cuts_resid) display.show_slits(viewer, ch_skyresids, slit_left, slit_righ, slit_ids=slits.slitord_id[0]) shell = out = shell.start_global_plugin('WCSMatch') out = shell.call_global_plugin_method('WCSMatch', 'set_reference_channel', [chname_skysub], {}) # TODO extract along a spatial position if args.writefits: head0 = fits.getheader(files[0]) # TODO use meta tools for the object name in the future. outfile = target + '_specXspat_{:3.2f}X{:3.2f}.fits'.format( args.spec_samp_fact, args.spat_samp_fact) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(imgminsky, header=head0) hdu_resid = fits.ImageHDU(pseudo_dict['imgminsky'] \ * np.sqrt(pseudo_dict['sciivar'])*pseudo_dict['inmask']) hdu_wave = fits.ImageHDU(pseudo_dict['waveimg']) hdul = fits.HDUList([hdu, hdu_resid, hdu_wave])'Writing sky subtracted image to {:s}'.format(outfile)) hdul.writeto(outfile, overwrite=True) - tstart)) if args.embed: embed() return 0
def print_end_time(self): """ Print the elapsed time """ # Capture the end time and print it to user - self.tstart))
def main(args): tstart = time.time() # Parse the files sort by MJD files = np.array([os.path.join(args.full_rawpath, file) for file in args.files]) nfiles = len(files) # Read in the spectrograph, config the parset spectrograph = load_spectrograph('vlt_fors2') #spectrograph_def_par = spectrograph.default_pypeit_par() spectrograph_cfg_lines = spectrograph.config_specific_par(files[0]).to_config() parset = par.PypeItPar.from_cfg_lines(cfg_lines=spectrograph_cfg_lines, merge_with=config_lines(args)) science_path = os.path.join(parset['rdx']['redux_path'], parset['rdx']['scidir']) target = spectrograph.get_meta_value(files[0], 'target') mjds = np.zeros(nfiles) for ifile, file in enumerate(files): mjds[ifile] = spectrograph.get_meta_value(file, 'mjd', ignore_bad_header=True, no_fussing=True) files = files[np.argsort(mjds)] # Calibration Master directory #TODO hardwired for now master_dir ='./' #master_dir = resource_filename('pypeit', 'data/QL_MASTERS') \ # if args.master_dir is None else args.master_dir if not os.path.isdir(master_dir): msgs.error(f'{master_dir} does not exist! You must install the QL_MASTERS ' 'directory; download the data from the PypeIt dev-suite Google Drive and ' 'either define a QL_MASTERS environmental variable or use the ' 'pypeit_install_ql_masters script.') # Define some hard wired master files here to be later parsed out of the directory fors2_grism = spectrograph.get_meta_value(files[0], 'dispname') fors2_masters = os.path.join(master_dir, 'FORS2_MASTERS', fors2_grism) bias_masterframe_name = \ utils.find_single_file(os.path.join(fors2_masters, "MasterBias*")) slit_masterframe_name \ = utils.find_single_file(os.path.join(fors2_masters, "MasterSlits*")) tilts_masterframe_name \ = utils.find_single_file(os.path.join(fors2_masters, "MasterTilts*")) wvcalib_masterframe_name \ = utils.find_single_file(os.path.join(fors2_masters, 'MasterWaveCalib*')) std_spec1d_file = utils.find_single_file(os.path.join(fors2_masters, 'spec1d_*')) sensfunc_masterframe_name = utils.find_single_file(os.path.join(fors2_masters, 'sens_*')) # TODO make and impelement sensfunc if (bias_masterframe_name is None or not os.path.isfile(bias_masterframe_name)) or \ (slit_masterframe_name is None or not os.path.isfile(slit_masterframe_name)) or \ (tilts_masterframe_name is None or not os.path.isfile(tilts_masterframe_name)) or \ (std_spec1d_file is None or not os.path.isfile(std_spec1d_file)): # or (sensfunc_masterframe_name is None or not os.path.isfile(sensfunc_masterframe_name)): msgs.error('Master frames not found. Check that environment variable QL_MASTERS ' 'points at the Master Calibs') # We need the platescale # Get detector (there's only one) #det = 1 # MOSFIRE has a single detector #detector = spectrograph.get_detector_par(det) #detname = # We need the platescale det_container = spectrograph.get_detector_par(1,[0])) binspectral, binspatial = parse_binning(det_container['binning']) platescale = det_container['platescale']*binspatial # Parse the offset information out of the headers. _, _, offset_arcsec = spectrograph.parse_dither_pattern(files) # Print out a report on the offsets msg_string = msgs.newline() + '*******************************************************' msg_string += msgs.newline() + ' Summary of offsets for target {:s}: ' msg_string += msgs.newline() + '*******************************************************' msg_string += msgs.newline() + ' filename arcsec pixels ' msg_string += msgs.newline() + '----------------------------------------------------' for iexp, file in enumerate(files): msg_string += msgs.newline() + ' {:s} {:6.2f} {:6.2f}'.format( os.path.basename(file), offset_arcsec[iexp], offset_arcsec[iexp] / platescale) msg_string += msgs.newline() + '********************************************************' ## Read in the master frames that we need ## det = 1 # Currently CHIP1 is supported if std_spec1d_file is not None: # Get the standard trace if need be sobjs = specobjs.SpecObjs.from_fitsfile(std_spec1d_file) this_det = sobjs.DET == det if np.any(this_det): sobjs_det = sobjs[this_det] sobjs_std = sobjs_det.get_std() std_trace = None if sobjs_std is None else sobjs_std.TRACE_SPAT.flatten() else: std_trace = None else: std_trace = None # Read in the bias msbias = buildimage.BiasImage.from_file(bias_masterframe_name) # Read in the msbpm sdet = get_dnum(det, prefix=False) msbpm = spectrograph.bpm(files[0], det) # Read in the slits slits = slittrace.SlitTraceSet.from_file(slit_masterframe_name) # Reset the bitmask slits.mask = slits.mask_init.copy() # Read in the wv_calib wv_calib = wavecalib.WaveCalib.from_file(wvcalib_masterframe_name) # wv_calib.is_synced(slits) slits.mask_wvcalib(wv_calib) # Read in the tilts tilts_obj = wavetilts.WaveTilts.from_file(tilts_masterframe_name) tilts_obj.is_synced(slits) slits.mask_wavetilts(tilts_obj) # Build the Calibrate object caliBrate = calibrations.Calibrations(None, parset['calibrations'], spectrograph, None) caliBrate.msbias = msbias caliBrate.msbpm = msbpm caliBrate.slits = slits caliBrate.wavetilts = tilts_obj caliBrate.wv_calib = wv_calib # Find the unique offsets. This is a bit of a kludge, i.e. we are considering offsets within # 0.1 arcsec of each other to be the same throw, but I should like to be able to specify a tolerance here, # but then I need a version of unique that accepts a tolerance uniq_offsets, uni_indx = np.unique(np.around(offset_arcsec), return_inverse=True) nuniq = uniq_offsets.size spec2d_list = [] offset_ref = offset_arcsec[0] offsets_dith_pix = [] # Generalize to a multiple slits, doing one slit at a time? islit = 0 # Loop over the unique throws and create a spec2d_A and spec2D_B for # each, which are then fed into coadd2d with the correct offsets # TODO Rework the logic here so that we can print out a unified report # on what was actually reduced. for iuniq in range(nuniq): indx = uni_indx == iuniq files_uni = files[indx] offsets = offset_arcsec[indx]'Reducing images for offset = {:}'.format(offsets[0])) spec2DObj = run(files_uni, caliBrate, spectrograph, det, parset,, std_trace=std_trace) spec2d_list += [spec2DObj] offsets_dith_pix += [np.mean(offsets)/platescale] offsets_dith_pix = np.array(offsets_dith_pix) if args.offset is not None: offsets_pixels = np.array([0.0, args.offset])'Using user specified offsets instead: {:5.2f}'.format(args.offset)) else: offsets_pixels = offsets_dith_pix # Instantiate Coadd2d coadd = coadd2d.CoAdd2D.get_instance(spec2d_list, spectrograph, parset, det=det, offsets=offsets_pixels, weights='uniform', spec_samp_fact=args.spec_samp_fact, spat_samp_fact=args.spat_samp_fact, ir_redux=True, # Coadd the slits # TODO implement only_slits later coadd_dict_list = coadd.coadd(only_slits=None, interp_dspat=False) # Create the pseudo images pseudo_dict = coadd.create_pseudo_image(coadd_dict_list) # Multiply in a sensitivity function to flux the 2d image if args.flux: # Load the sensitivity function # wave_sens, sfunc, _, _, _ = sensfunc.SensFunc.load(sensfunc_masterframe_name) sens = sensfunc.SensFunc.from_file(sensfunc_masterframe_name) # Interpolate the sensitivity function onto the wavelength grid of # the data. Since the image is rectified this is trivial and we # don't need to do a 2d interpolation exptime = spectrograph.get_meta_value(files[0], 'exptime') sens_factor = flux_calib.get_sensfunc_factor(pseudo_dict['wave_mid'][:, islit], sens.wave, sens.zeropoint, exptime, extrap_sens=parset['fluxcalib']['extrap_sens']) # Compute the median sensitivity and set the sensitivity to zero at # locations 100 times the median. This prevents the 2d image from # blowing up where the sens_factor explodes because there is no # throughput sens_gpm = sens_factor < 100.0 * np.median(sens_factor) sens_factor_masked = sens_factor * sens_gpm sens_factor_img = np.repeat(sens_factor_masked[:, np.newaxis], pseudo_dict['nspat'], axis=1) imgminsky = sens_factor_img * pseudo_dict['imgminsky'] imgminsky_gpm = sens_gpm[:, np.newaxis] & pseudo_dict['inmask'] else: imgminsky = pseudo_dict['imgminsky'] imgminsky_gpm = pseudo_dict['inmask'] ########################## # Now display the images # ########################## if not args.no_gui: display.connect_to_ginga(raise_err=True, allow_new=True) # TODO: Bug in ginga prevents me from using cuts here for some # reason mean, med, sigma = sigma_clipped_stats(imgminsky[imgminsky_gpm], sigma_lower=3.0, sigma_upper=3.0) chname_skysub = 'fluxed-skysub-det{:s}'.format(sdet) \ if args.flux else 'skysub-det{:s}'.format(sdet) cuts_skysub = (med - 3.0 * sigma, med + 3.0 * sigma) cuts_resid = (-5.0, 5.0) # fits.writeto('/Users/joe/ginga_test.fits',imgminsky, overwrite=True) # fits.writeto('/Users/joe/ginga_mask.fits',imgminsky_gpm.astype(float), overwrite=True) # embed() # Clear all channels at the beginning # TODO: JFH For some reason Ginga crashes when I try to put cuts in here. viewer, ch_skysub = display.show_image(imgminsky, chname=chname_skysub, waveimg=pseudo_dict['waveimg'], clear=True, cuts=cuts_skysub) slit_left, slit_righ, _ = pseudo_dict['slits'].select_edges() slit_id = slits.slitord_id[0] display.show_slits(viewer, ch_skysub, slit_left, slit_righ, slit_ids=slit_id) # SKRESIDS chname_skyresids = 'sky_resid-det{:s}'.format(sdet) # sky residual map image = pseudo_dict['imgminsky'] * np.sqrt(pseudo_dict['sciivar']) * pseudo_dict['inmask'] viewer, ch_skyresids = display.show_image(image, chname_skyresids, waveimg=pseudo_dict['waveimg'], cuts=cuts_resid) display.show_slits(viewer, ch_skyresids, slit_left, slit_righ, slit_ids=slits.slitord_id[0]) shell = out = shell.start_global_plugin('WCSMatch') out = shell.call_global_plugin_method('WCSMatch', 'set_reference_channel', [chname_skysub], {}) # TODO extract along a spatial position if args.writefits: head0 = fits.getheader(files[0]) # TODO use meta tools for the object name in the future. outfile = target + '_specXspat_{:3.2f}X{:3.2f}.fits'.format(args.spec_samp_fact, args.spat_samp_fact) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(imgminsky, header=head0) hdu_resid = fits.ImageHDU(pseudo_dict['imgminsky'] \ * np.sqrt(pseudo_dict['sciivar']) * pseudo_dict['inmask']) hdu_wave = fits.ImageHDU(pseudo_dict['waveimg']) hdul = fits.HDUList([hdu, hdu_resid, hdu_wave])'Writing sky subtracted image to {:s}'.format(outfile)) hdul.writeto(outfile, overwrite=True) if args.embed: embed() return 0