def pick_catalog(): """Process observed traces in catalog.""" ws = Workspace() ws.rm('picked') obs = getpath('obs') syn = getpath('syn') if obs and syn: obsdir = ws.subdir(obs) syndir = ws.subdir(syn) for trace in event = trace.split('.')[0] ws.mkdir(f'picked/{event}') ws.add( asdf_task((obsdir.abs(trace), syndir.abs('{event}.*')[0])), None, partial(pick, event), input_type='stream', accessor=True, name=event)) return ws
def bracket(self, ws: Workspace): # update misfit value step = len(self.misfits) self.misfits.append(read_misfit(ws.abs())) d.write(f'step {step}: {self.steps[-1]:.4e} {self.misfits[-1]:.4e}\n', 'misfit.log', 'a') x, f = self.get_history() alpha = None if self.check_bracket(x, f): if self.good_enough(x, f): step = x[f.argmin()] for j, s in enumerate(self.steps): if np.isclose(step, s): d.write(f'new model: step {j}\n\n', 'misfit.log', 'a') self.ln(f'step_{j-1:02d}/model_gll.bp', '../model_new.bp') self.parent['search_step'] = s return alpha = self.polyfit(x,f) elif len(self.steps) - 1 < self.nsteps: if all(f <= f[0]): alpha = 1.618034 * x[-1] else: alpha = x[1] / 1.618034 if alpha: self.steps.append(alpha) self.add_step() else: raise RuntimeError('line search failed', self.steps, self.misfits)
def add_step(self): step = len(self.misfits) - 1 self.add(ws := Workspace(f'step_{step:02d}')) ws.add(ws.mkdir) # update model model = self.abs('../model_init.bp') if step == 0: mesh = self.abs('../kernel/solver_synthetic/DATABASES_MPI/solver_data.bp') else: mesh = self.abs(f'step_{step-1:02d}/kernel_misfit/solver_synthetic/DATABASES_MPI/solver_data.bp') cmd = f'{self.abs("../../adios/xupdate_model")} {self.steps[-1]} {model} {mesh} {self.abs("../direction.bp")} .' ws.add(partial(ws.mpiexec, cmd, nprocs=getsize())) # compute misfit ws.add(kernel := create_kernel('kernel_misfit', { 'misfit_only': True, 'path_model': ws.abs('model_gll.bp'), 'path_encoded': self.abs('../kernel/observed.ft.h5') })) # compute next step ws.add(partial(self.bracket, kernel))
def setup(self): # link adios binaries self.ln(getpath('adios', 'bin'), 'adios') for i in range(self.niters): # workspace for the i-th iteration self.add(ws := Workspace(f'iter_{i:02d}', {'iteration': i})) # link initial model path_model = getpath('model_init') if i == 0 else self.abs( f'iter_{i-1:02d}/model_new.bp') ws.add(partial(ws.ln, path_model, 'model_init.bp'), 'link_models') # compute kernels ws.add( create_kernel('kernel', {'path_model': ws.abs('model_init.bp')})) ws.add(partial(ws.ln, ws.abs('kernel/kernels.bp'), 'kernels.bp'), 'link_kernels') # compute direction ws.add(partial(self.compute_direction, ws, i)) # line search ws.add(create_search('search'))
def _compute_weightings(ws: Workspace, target: str, percentage: float): from obspy.geodetics import locations2degrees locations = ws.load(f'locations/{target}.pickle') npts = len(locations) dists = np.zeros([npts, npts]) # compute weight in current rank for i, l1 in enumerate(locations.values()): for j, l2 in enumerate(locations.values()): if i != j: dists[i, j] = dists[j, i] = locations2degrees(l1[0], l1[1], l2[0], l2[1]) # search for optimal condition number ref_dists = np.linspace(1, 100, 100) conds = [] arrs = [] for ref_dist in ref_dists: dists_exp = np.exp(-(dists / ref_dist) ** 2) arr = 1 / np.sum(dists_exp, axis=1) arr /= np.sum(arr) / len(arr) conds.append(cond := arr.max() / arr.min()) arrs.append(arr) if cond <= 0.8 * max(conds): break for i in range(len(conds)): if conds[i] >= percentage * max(conds): print(target, conds[i], min(arrs[i]), max(arrs[i])) weightings = {} for j, station in enumerate(locations.keys()): weightings[station] = arrs[i][j] ws.dump(weightings, f'weightings/{target}.pickle') return raise RuntimeError(f'failed to obtain condition number for {target} {conds}')
def compute_weightings(event_weighting: Optional[float], station_weighting: Optional[float], dst: str): """Compute geographical weightings.""" ws = Workspace('compute_weightings') # save location ws.add(partial(_save_locations, ws)) # compute event weightings if event_weighting: func = partial(_compute_weightings, ws, 'event', event_weighting) ws.add(partial(ws.mpiexec, func, walltime='compute_weightings'), 'event_weightings') # compute station weightings ws.add(subws := Workspace('station_weightings', concurrent=True)) for event in get_events(): func = partial(_compute_weightings, ws, f'station.{event}', station_weighting) subws.add(partial(ws.mpiexec, func, walltime='compute_weightings'), event) # move results to catalog director ws.add(partial(, 'weightings', dst), 'export_result') return ws
def setup(self): self.clear() # add steps to compute and process adjoint sources self.add(self._prepare_frequencies) # create super source self.add(self._encode_events) # compute weighting if self.event_weighting or self.station_weighting: if not catalogdir.has(self.ampstr): self.add(compute_weightings(self.event_weighting, self.station_weighting, catalogdir.abs(self.ampstr))) self.add(self._load_weightings) if self.path_encoded: self.add(partial(self.ln, self.path_encoded, 'observed.ft.h5'), 'link_observed') elif self.test_encoding == 1: # generate observed traces self.add(solver := create_solver('solver_observed', { 'path_event': self.abs('SUPERSOURCE'), 'path_stations': self.abs('SUPERSTATION'), 'path_model': getpath('model_true'), 'monochromatic_source': True, 'save_forward': False, 'process_traces': { 'dst': self.abs('observed.ft.h5'), 'func': partial(self._ft, None), 'input_type': 'stream', 'output_tag': 'FT', 'accessor': True } })) else: # prepare observed data and save to catalog directory ws = Workspace('prepare_observed', concurrent=True) for event in get_events(): # location of processed traces if catalogdir.has(fname := f'{self.freqstr}/{event}.ft.h5'): continue
def _save_locations(ws: Workspace): """Save the locations of events and stations for weight computation.""" event_loc = locate_events() station_loc = locate_stations() ws.dump(event_loc, 'locations/event.pickle') for event in get_events(): loc = {} for station in get_stations(event): loc[station] = station_loc[station] ws.dump(loc, f'locations/station.{event}.pickle') ws.mkdir('weightings')
def download_catalog(): ws = Workspace() ws.mkdir('mseed') ws.mkdir('xml') ws.mkdir('stations') ws.mkdir('raw_obs') ws.mkdir('tmp') ws.add(ws1 := Workspace('download')) ws.add(ws2 := Workspace('convert')) for event in'events'): ws1.add(partial(download_event, event), event) ws2.add(partial(convert, event), event) return ws