コード例 #1
ファイル: midi.py プロジェクト: csv/beatlounge
 def __call__(self):
     # START and TIMINGCLOCK are added to globals during module
     # initialization - see a() defined and deleted above.
     if not self._started:
         self.midiOut.Write([[[START], pypm.Time()]])
         self._started = True
     self.midiOut.Write([[[TIMINGCLOCK], pypm.Time()]])
コード例 #2
 def clear(self, col=None, row=None):
     '''Clears the value of a light in the MIDI device's grid.'''
     if col is None and row is None:
         t = pypm.Time()
         self.write_queue += [[[144, index, 0, 0], t]
                              for index in range(8 * 16)]
         index = self.map_ui_to_midi(col, row)
         self.write_queue.append([[144, index, 0, 0], pypm.Time()])
コード例 #3
 def play(self):
     next_time = pypm.Time()
     step = -1
     while True:
         if pypm.Time() >= next_time:
             step = (step + 1) % 16
             self.trigger_step(step, next_time)
             if pypm.Time() - next_time > LATENCY:
                 print 'WARNING: Inaccurate timing. Increase LATENCY.'
             next_time += self._step_time
コード例 #4
def GameOfLife(MidiOut, MidiIn):
    led_array = [
        1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0,
        0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0
    #    led_array = [1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,
    #                 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,
    #                 0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,
    #                 0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0]
    #    led_array = [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
    #                 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,
    #                 0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,
    #                 0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0]
    last_cycle_time = 0
    i = 0
    while True:
        while MidiIn.Poll():  # invert LEDs where touched
            MidiData = MidiIn.Read(1)
            if MidiData[0][0][0] == 0xB0:
                if MidiData[0][0][1] == 20:
                    pos = MidiData[0][0][2]
                    index_pos = int(float(pos) / 127.0 * 37.0)
                    #                    print "index pos: ", index_pos
                    if led_array[index_pos] == 1:
                        led_array[index_pos] = 0
                        led_array[index_pos] = 1
        if pypm.Time() - last_cycle_time > 100:
            last_cycle_time = pypm.Time()
            index_array = range(2, 35)
            new_array = list(led_array)
            # copy over 4 edge LEDs since they don't have 4 neighbors.
            new_array[0] = led_array[0]
            new_array[1] = led_array[1]
            new_array[36] = led_array[36]
            new_array[37] = led_array[37]
            for i in index_array:
                sum = led_array[i - 2] + led_array[i - 1] + led_array[
                    i + 1] + led_array[i + 2]
                if led_array[i] == 1:  # live cell
                    if sum < 1:
                        new_array[i] = 0  # under population
                    elif sum < 3:
                        new_array[i] = 1  # just right
                        new_array[i] = 0  # overcrowding
                else:  # dead cell
                    if sum == 2 or sum == 3:
                        new_array[i] = 1
                        new_array[i] = 0

            led_array = list(new_array)
            SendArray(led_array, MidiOut)
コード例 #5
def ChaseDemo(MidiOut):
    x = 1
    while True:
        MidiTime = pypm.Time()
        MidiOut.WriteShort(0xAD, x, x)
        MidiOut.WriteShort(0xAE, x, x)
        MidiOut.WriteShort(0xAF, x, x)
        x = x * 2
        if x == 128:
            x = 1
        while pypm.Time() < MidiTime + 100:
コード例 #6
def PlayChord(chord, bpm):
    ChordList = []
    MidiTime = pypm.Time()
    wait = 60.0 / bpm * 1000
    print wait
    for i in range(len(chord)):
        ChordList.append([[0x90, chord[i], 100], MidiTime + wait * i])
    while pypm.Time() < MidiTime + wait + len(chord) * wait:
    ChordList = []
    # seems a little odd that they don't update MidiTime here...
    for i in range(len(chord)):
        ChordList.append([[0x90, chord[i], 0], MidiTime + wait * i])
コード例 #7
 def set_threshold(self, threshold):
     # send CC
     #  channel = sensor_index (1...)
     #  number = threshold
     #  value = 0:disable,1:enable,2:nada
     #self.O.Write([[[189, sensor_index, threshold, 2],0]])#pypm.Time()]])
     self.O.Write([[[176, threshold, 2], pypm.Time()]])  # for sensor 1
コード例 #8
 def __init__(self, client, verbose=0):
     self.verbose = verbose
     #Init var
     self.midi_device_list = []
     self.midi_device = None
     self.midi_in = None
     #setting looping task
     self.releaser = task.LoopingCall(self._get_input)
     #Launching RTP Client to call after midi time start in order to sync TS
     self.client = client
     self.nbNotes = 0
     self.fps_note = 0
     #flag ( 1 == syncronyse with remote peer )
     self.sync = 0
     self.end_flag = True
     #check activity
     self.last_activity = 0
     self.in_activity = False
     #value to set
     #in s (increase it when note frequency is high in order to reduce packet number)
     self.polling_interval = 0.015
     #in ms
     #Time out must be > to polling
     self.time_out = 5
     #Init time is for timestamp in RTP
     self.init_time = pypm.Time()
コード例 #9
def ChaseDemo2():
    #    led_array = [1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,
    #                 1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,
    #                 1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,
    #                 1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0]
    #    led_array_deque = deque(led_array)
    SendArray(led_array_deque, MidiOut)
    timer_marker = pypm.Time()
    while True:
        timer_marker = pypm.Time()
        while pypm.Time() < timer_marker + 500:

        SendArray(led_array_deque, MidiOut)
コード例 #10
 def send_note_off(self):
     """send Note Off all pitches and all channels
     midi_time = pypm.Time()
     #127 note off and 16 channels
     #TODO check problem: portMidi found host error (link to zynadd?)
     for i in range(NUM_MIDI_CHANS):
         for j in range(MIDI_MAX):
             self.midi_out.Write([[[NOTE_OFF + i, j, 0], 0]])
コード例 #11
def test():
    latency = 200  #latency is in ms, 0 means ignore timestamps
    dev = 0
    MidiOut = pypm.Output(dev, latency)

    tempo = 100
    dur = 60.0 / tempo / 2
    notes = [60, 63, 67]
    n = 0
    t = pypm.Time()  #current time in ms
    while n < 10:
        t += 2 * dur * 1000
        playChord(MidiOut, [notes[0] - 12], 1, 127, dur, t)
        playChord(MidiOut, notes, 0, 60, dur, t)
        n += 1
    while pypm.Time() < t + 2 * dur * 1000:
    del MidiOut
コード例 #12
def BinaryCounter(MidiOut):
    last_cycle_time = 0
    counter = 0
    led_array = [
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

    while True:
        if pypm.Time() - last_cycle_time > 30:
            ##            print "cycle"
            last_cycle_time = pypm.Time()
            temp_counter = counter
            counter = counter + 1
            for i in range(20):
                led_array[i] = 0x01 & temp_counter
                temp_counter = temp_counter >> 1

            SendArray(led_array, MidiOut)
コード例 #13
ファイル: checker.py プロジェクト: j3hyde/midiplayground
 def set_pattern(self, on):
     t = pypm.Time()
     data = []
     for r in range(0, 113, 16):
         even = 127 if bool(on) else 0
         odd = 0 if bool(on) else 127
         on = not on
         for n in range(r, r + 8, 2):
             data.append([[144, n, even, 0], t])
             data.append([[144, n + 1, odd, 0], t])
コード例 #14
 def _get_input(self):
     Get input from selected device
     current_time = pypm.Time()
     #Reading Midi Input
     midi_data = self.midi_in.Read(1024)
     if self.verbose:
         print midi_data
     if len(midi_data) > 0:
         reactor.callFromThread(self.client.send_midi_data, midi_data,
コード例 #15
 def __init__(self,
     #Init mother class
     RTPSession.__init__(self, peer_address, sport, rport, PAYLOAD,
                         jitter_buffer_size, TOOL_NAME)
     self.verbose = verbose
     if verbose:
         print("Your configuration:")
         print("  Latency:", latency, "ms")
         print("  Jitter Buffer Time:", jitter_buffer_size, "ms")
     #init midi
     if self.sport > 0:
         self.midi_in = MidiIn(self, verbose)
     #1 == Permisive mode (make this configurable)
     if self.rport > 0:
         self.midi_out = MidiOut(0, latency, safe_keyboard, verbose)
     #history of the feed
     self.packets_received_list = PacketCirc(HISTORY_SIZE)
     #Recovery utils
     self.recovery = 0
     self.recovery_journal_system = None
     if recovery:
         self.recovery = 1
         self.recovery_journal_system = RecoveryJournal(follow_standard)
         if verbose:
             print("  Recovery journal is running")
             if follow_standard:
                 print("  Recovery is following standard")
     self.init_timestamp = None
     self.sending_data = 0
     self.receiving_data = 0
     #Timestamp story
     self.last_midi_time_sent = pypm.Time()
     self.timeouterLoop = None
コード例 #16
def TestOutput():
    latency = int(raw_input("Type latency: "))
    dev = int(raw_input("Type output number: "))
    MidiOut = pypm.Output(dev, latency)
    print "Midi Output opened with ", latency, " latency"
    dummy = raw_input("ready to send program 1 change... (type RETURN):")
    MidiOut.Write([[[0xc0, 0, 0], pypm.Time()]])
    dummy = raw_input("ready to note-on... (type RETURN):")
    MidiOut.Write([[[0x90, 60, 100], pypm.Time()]])
    dummy = raw_input("read to note-off... (type RETURN):")
    MidiOut.Write([[[0x90, 60, 0], pypm.Time()]])
    dummy = raw_input("ready to note-on (short form)... (type RETURN):")
    MidiOut.WriteShort(0x90, 60, 100)
    dummy = raw_input("ready to note-off (short form)... (type RETURN):")
    MidiOut.WriteShort(0x90, 60, 0)
    print "chord will arpeggiate if latency > 0"
    dummy = raw_input("ready to chord-on/chord-off... (type RETURN):")
    chord = [60, 67, 76, 83, 90]
    ChordList = []
    MidiTime = pypm.Time()
    for i in range(len(chord)):
        ChordList.append([[0x90, chord[i], 100], MidiTime + 1000 * i])
    while pypm.Time() < MidiTime + 1000 + len(chord) * 1000:
    ChordList = []
    # seems a little odd that they don't update MidiTime here...
    for i in range(len(chord)):
        ChordList.append([[0x90, chord[i], 0], MidiTime + 1000 * i])
    print("Sending SysEx messages...")
    # sending with timestamp = 0 should be the same as sending with
    # timestamp = pypm.Time()
    dummy = raw_input(
        "ready to send a SysEx string with timestamp = 0 ... (type RETURN):")
        0, '\xF0\x7D\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1A\xF7')
    dummy = raw_input(
        "ready to send a SysEx list with timestamp = pypm.Time() ... (type RETURN):"
    MidiOut.WriteSysEx(pypm.Time(), [0xF0, 0x7D, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0xF7])
    dummy = raw_input("ready to close and terminate... (type RETURN):")
    del MidiOut
コード例 #17
    def publish_midi_notes(self):
        """Polling function for midi out"""
        def_p = defer.Deferred()
        # put in local scope to improve performance
        midi_cmd_list = self.midi_cmd_list
        play_midi_note = self.play_midi_note

        while self.publish_flag:
            """ if there are notes in the shared buffer
            Put the in the playing buffer """
            while True:
                    cur_data = midi_cmd_list.get_nowait()
                    if VERBOSE:
                        print cur_data
                except Queue.Empty:

            if self.playing_buffer.len() > 0:
                current_time = pypm.Time()
                #if the first is in time
                #12 correspond to the polling interval on the
                #test machine and the jitter of thread
                #switching ( to test on others computers with
                #diff set up)
                #The problem is that scheduler taking time to
                #switch between process
                if ((self.playing_buffer.buffer[0][1] + self.latency -
                     self.tolerance) <= current_time):
                    #time.sleep(0.001)  # this probably used to be the sleep below

            # don't hog the cpu

        return def_p
コード例 #18
 def disable(self, threshold):
     self.O.Write([[[176, threshold, 0], pypm.Time()]])
コード例 #19
def ChaseDemoWithSpeedInput(MidiOut, MidiIn):
    x = 1
    speed = 500
    last_time = 0
    last_speed_calc_time = 0
    prev_pos = 0
    pos = 0
    prev_last_input_time = 0
    last_input_time = 0
    speed = 0.0
    new_speed = 0.0
    pos_array = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    pos_array = deque(pos_array)
    time_array = deque([0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    print_time = 0
    led_shift_time = 0
    touch_state = 0
    brake_time = 0

    led_deque = deque([
        1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    SendArray(led_deque, MidiOut)

    while True:
        while MidiIn.Poll():  # throw out all but the latest input
            MidiData = MidiIn.Read(1)
            if MidiData[0][0][0] == 0xB0:
                if MidiData[0][0][1] == 20:
                    pos = MidiData[0][0][2]
                    #                    pos_array.pop()
                    last_input_time = MidiData[0][1]
#                    time_array.pop()
#                    print(last_input_time)
                elif MidiData[0][0][
                        1] == 17:  # on / off output. 127 is touch, 0 is release
                    if MidiData[0][0][2] == 127:
                        #                        print "touch"
                        touch_state = 1
                        #                        print "release"
                        touch_state = 0

        if last_input_time > last_speed_calc_time:  # calc speed
            last_speed_calc_time = pypm.Time()
            pos_delta = pos_array[0] - pos_array[4]
            time_delta = time_array[0] - time_array[4]
            if time_delta > 0:
                new_speed = float(pos_delta) / float(time_delta)

            speed = adjust_speed(new_speed, speed)

        # handle case where VMeter is being touched, but position isn't moving
        if touch_state == 1 and pypm.Time() - last_input_time > 100:
            # reduce speed to 0
            if pypm.Time() - brake_time > 17:
                brake_time = pypm.Time()
                #                print "braking"
                speed = adjust_speed(0.0, speed)

        if pypm.Time() - print_time > 150:
            print_time = pypm.Time()
            #            if abs(speed) > .01:
            #                print "speed: ", speed, ", per: ", 1.0 / speed
            if pypm.Time() - last_input_time > 100:
                # friction braking
                speed = adjust_speed(0.0, speed)

        if abs(speed) > .001 and pypm.Time() - led_shift_time > int(
                2.5 / abs(speed)):
            led_shift_time = pypm.Time()
            if speed > 0.0:
            SendArray(led_deque, MidiOut)
コード例 #20
def BinaryClock(MidiOut):
    from datetime import datetime
    last_cycle_time = 0
    led_array = [
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    update_time = 0
    while True:
        if pypm.Time() - last_cycle_time > 500:
            last_cycle_time = pypm.Time()
                11] = update_time  # marker for minutes, just blinks with seconds
                16] = update_time  # marker for minutes, just blinks with seconds
                26] = update_time  # marker for hours, just blinks with seconds
                31] = update_time  # marker for hours, just blinks with seconds

            if update_time == 0:
                update_time = 1

                update_time = 0
                ##            print "cycle"
                seconds = datetime.now().strftime('%S')
                seconds_first_digit = int(seconds[0])
                seconds_second_digit = int(seconds[1])

                minutes = datetime.now().strftime('%M')
                minutes_first_digit = int(minutes[0])
                minutes_second_digit = int(minutes[1])

                hours = datetime.now().strftime('%H')
                hours_first_digit = int(hours[0])
                hours_seconds_digit = int(hours[1])

                temp_counter = seconds_second_digit
                for i in range(4):
                    led_array[i] = 0x01 & temp_counter
                    temp_counter = temp_counter >> 1

                temp_counter = seconds_first_digit
                for i in range(4):
                    led_array[i + 4] = 0x01 & temp_counter
                    temp_counter = temp_counter >> 1

                temp_counter = minutes_second_digit
                for i in range(4):
                    led_array[i + 12] = 0x01 & temp_counter
                    temp_counter = temp_counter >> 1

                temp_counter = minutes_first_digit
                for i in range(4):
                    led_array[i + 17] = 0x01 & temp_counter
                    temp_counter = temp_counter >> 1

                temp_counter = hours_seconds_digit
                for i in range(4):
                    led_array[i + 27] = 0x01 & temp_counter
                    temp_counter = temp_counter >> 1

                temp_counter = hours_first_digit
                for i in range(4):
                    led_array[i + 32] = 0x01 & temp_counter
                    temp_counter = temp_counter >> 1

                print hours, minutes, seconds
            SendArray(led_array, MidiOut)
コード例 #21
 def get_module_time(self):
     return pyportmidi.Time()
コード例 #22
def ProgramChange(prog):
    MidiOut.Write([[[0xc0, 0, 0], pypm.Time()]])
コード例 #23
def clear(out_device):
    for i in range(9 * 16):
        out_device.Write([[[144, i, 0, 0], pypm.Time()]])
コード例 #24
ファイル: checker.py プロジェクト: j3hyde/midiplayground
 def set_all(self, value):
     t = pypm.Time()
     data = []
     for n in range(0, 136):
         data.append([[144, n, value, 0], t])
コード例 #25
 def set(self, col, row, velocity=127):
     '''Sets the value of a light in the MIDI device's grid.'''
     index = self.map_ui_to_midi(col, row)
     self.write_queue.append([[144, index, velocity, 0], pypm.Time()])
コード例 #26
 def get_midi_time(self):
     return pypm.Time()
コード例 #27
    def play_midi_note(self):
        """PlayMidi Note
           Separate midi infos to choose the good function for
           the good action
        #getting time
        midi_time = pypm.Time()

        #getting notes
        midi_notes = self.playing_buffer.get_data(midi_time - self.latency,

        self.nb_notes += len(midi_notes)

        if self.safe_k:
            midi_notes = self.safe_keyboard.check(midi_notes)

            if self.permissif:
                #Building list of lates notes in order to log it
                new_list = [
                    midi_notes[i][1] for i in range(len(midi_notes))
                    if (midi_time > (midi_notes[i][1] + self.latency))

                if (len(new_list) > 0):
                    self.nb_xrun += 1

            if VERBOSE:
                line = "OUTPUT: time=" + str(midi_time)
                line += "ms  can't play in time , "
                line += str(len(midi_notes))
                line += " notes - late of "
                calc = (midi_time - (self.latency + new_list[0]))
                line += str(calc) + " ms"
                print line

            note_filtered = midi_notes

            # filter note off program change for notes that are late
            # if mode non permissif is on skip late notes except
            # note off, notes with velocitiy 0 or program change
            note_filtered = [
                midi_notes[i] for i in range(len(midi_notes))
                if midi_notes[i][1] + self.latency >= midi_time or (
                    midi_notes[i][0][0] == PROGRAM_CHANGE or midi_notes[i][0]
                    [2] == 0 or midi_notes[i][0][0] == NOTE_OFF)

            if (len(note_filtered) < len(midi_notes)):
                if VERBOSE:
                    line = "OUTPUT: time=" + str(pypm.Time())
                    line += "ms can't play in time,  "
                    line += str(len(midi_notes) - len(note_filtered))
                    line += " note(s) skipped, late of: "
                    calc = (midi_time - (self.latency + midi_notes[0][1]))
                    line += str(calc) + " ms"
                    print line

        #Playing note on the midi device
コード例 #28
 def enable(self, threshold):
     self.O.Write([[[176, threshold, 1], pypm.Time()]])
コード例 #29
 def set_init_time(self):
     """Sync set the difference between local midi time and
     remote midi time in order to apply it to the notes
     self.init_time = pypm.Time()